IVJX Friendship. Is "friendship" but nn empty name, A charm that lulls to sloop, A wish that follows wealth ami lame, Ami leaves the wretch td*wecpV There*to'londshlp of u.bctteivkind, Ami not from Intf r.eHt,springing, But from a pure and noble mind. To worth and goodness clinging. It binds us by attachments strong. Is pure and virtuous ever: It would not place us in the wrong. And cast reproaches never. " True friendship never wears disguise, Its face is never don bio, j And with a friend can sympathize, When he id-found in trouble. When on thnrmul to wealth and fame, It ready is to cheer me; When huilieo does' assail my name. it donSihOt turn, to jeer me; ? Jly faults it does not magnify; Nor pomp"odsIy parading Them in,view of stranger's eyes, - That thity may seem degrading; But rather show them to my face, That they may be corrected? Presents tbeht In the proper place, That 1 might be protected. ? Stich friendship, then, a value bears; From scliishiicss 'tis free; Robes of deceit it. never wears; Such friendship is mine for thee. ~~TSl^ortsT~ According to Richard Grant White "hug" is a woid that embraces n great deal. "Everything good in man leans upon something higher." So does everything1 bad in him for that mat ter, ns witness bis relianceon a lamp post v?hen his '.cgs prove faithless. A South II? 11 debating club is wrestling with, "Can a community exiBt without women?" We think it might exist, for a while, but then it wouldn't know what was going on. The election is over, and Hie turmoil and bitterness and enmity we hope will be laid aside for the next two years, nnd we heartily wish it was.for six. Then we could prosper in the inter val. A Texas man said lie preferred to light a duel rather than act as judge of a baby show. He saw a chance to dodge a bullet, but how could he es cape from thirty nine indignant moth ers? Siree the ladies have begnn ' wear their dresses so tighl about tlx ir j forms, man has surrendered the ex- j elusive monopoly of having the hesl j place on which to strike a lueifcr matsb. An rilinois man sold his wife for S10, and now he wants to return hall the money to ease his conscience. Hi says he wouldn't hesitate to cheat a man in a hor.se trade, but this is Ion rough on a puiciraser'. A hoy who won't take as big a bite ns he can from another hoy's apple is disguising his real feelings and should be narrowly, watched, lest be might make a sudden giab and run off with the whole. A North Caiolina man planned to frighted his wife by a sham attempt at suicide. He was to very gently hang himself, and a friend was to cut him down ; bots the friend w?s not prompt, and the [dotier was choked to death, .j; ; ... . A coloied couple were married in Gainesville, Ga., a few dajs ago. The groom was 110 years of age and Abe hlu6hing bride 40. They were ?inmates oi the poor house at the time, TUe division of properly caused no trouble. People sn^y they shell pens whin they unshctl them ; husk corn whin they unhusk it; dust furniture when they hhdust it; skin n calf whin they unskin it; scale nahes when they unreale i them ; weed their gur dtns .when ihpy uuweed them. She yawned, and fold him she wish ed he was a tire. He wanted to Itptow why, and she said : "Gh, Ores go out late in the nit lit." The:! lie looked at her, and she looked at him, and he said he hud to be at the stoto early lo morrow, nnd guessed he wftuul oo. Henry Herbert Crane lived child less at Giafton, Ohio, until he was f).'i. Then Jiis young wife gave birth to twins. Tbejoyful lather hired n bund of music, and marched through the villuge bearing a banner on which was inscribed i he word "Vic tory," A married man at Portage, Wis., eloped with a widow an 1 her two daughters. A for traveling a short lime he look the prettiest daughlei and left the others in the lurch. That aeenis to be something new in the wuj ot elopements, where a man sorb them out alter he gels on the road, A backwood preacher once eluci dated ns follows in connection with the parable of the virgins ; "In ancient times, my beloved hearers, it vvae the custom, after a couple hud been innr ried, for t? n viigins to go out with lighted lumps and nice) 'em on the way home, five of these viigins being ninlefl and live females." Haloid St. Clair At hob on send ua n love of a poem heginiog, "Sweetly, the roses bloom on my breast." li.,c old, thoii eh hi of gupius, change you I' Shin and lake a bath this minute. Iwxt tt.ing Sou know you will just Im covered ?\ lib plantains and dog loiuicl orsoniu man will come along nnd plap you down in cabbage, CONFECTIONER AN Dl CANDY MANUFACTURER, OFFERS FOR SAI/E THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE Fiuo Candies, -wholesale and retail, at bottom prices. JTIfclJITS A.3V 13 NUTs. of all descriptions always on* hand. The only place where you can always got FRESH RAISINS. CURRANTS, CITRONS, DATES. FIGS. CRACKERS AND CAKES, DESSICATED COCONUTS and FANCY GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. SPECIALTIES IN SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Largest assortment of such goods ill town. Also. FINE CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES, Cokes ornamented for Weddings in the most exquisite style. Cake Steep es and Ornaments made to order. Call and examine before buying elsewhere at BRIG OMAN'S OLD STAND. Orangeburg, S. C, Sept. 3-tf P. G. CANNON Griiii and Locksmith, and dealer in GKinSi Pistols nncl G-eneral Hardwarei ORANGEBURG, S. C. KEETS constantly on hand a full and complete stock of Guns and Pistols o every description, Pocket Knives, Table Knives and Forks. Spoons, Scissors, and in fact almost anything In the Hardware lino. 1 make a specialty of Carpen ters' Tools. Farming Implements, Cooking Utensils, Fishing Tackle, Sportsmcns' Goods, such as Shot, Powder. Gun wads, etc., etc., also THE LIGHT RUNNING REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE, The best and cheapest Machine manufactured. The public are cordially invited to examine my stock before purchasing as I am determined not to bo undersold. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and dipateb. P. G. CANNON. Orangeburg, S. C, Jan. 30. 1SS0?ly WHY THE LJCHT-RUWNIWC ''DOMESTIC" IS THE MOST Popular Machine in Market. mm This great popularity is duo fo its plan of construction and a superiority in fts material and workmanship. The result of these advantages is a UNI FORMLY SU<)< ESSFUL PERFORM am E in sewing, the value of which cannot be fully appreciated except by experts in mechanism. Ji possesses, however, numerous oth ei peculiarities that cannot fail to nt trael the notice ami excite the ndmira* lion oj all who investigate Its merits, Prominent among them is the absence friction, making It the LIGHTEST RUNNING MA< IHNE in the world, . and sa\ing the strength and often the % health of the operator. Its wonderful Sr. simplicity renders its on re the most Sis trille of labor; while it ^ uread size gives it a capacity tor the largest garments. P* as well as lor the .-mallest article. Its L,? strength will resist any strain to which \*~x?^?''Cj?EZ^r:'f.J it-can bo subjected, and withstand the loughest ot usage, or the .most con '^A'''iM^sJ^^^-^^^eMf^sls'' tlnuoitS wear without any repair. Recent improvements have greatly enhanced its qualities, and its success ill the past, is but an indication of its future. And now made, with its Adjustable Conical bearings, the Combination Fly-Wheel, the Self-Threading Shuttle, the Improved Tension and Take-Up, the Enlarged Bobbin, the Self-Setting Needle, and the bean dful and durable built-up and bent-wood Cabinet Work it has a distinction and rank far above the ordinary sewing machine of the dap. THE'^DOMESTIC" IS WARRANTED To be made of tin; best material and in the mosl thorough manner; to do any and all kinds of work that can ho done on any machine; to be complete ill every re peet. and to be perfect ill every part. ^?Sixteen years in use and not a single one can be found that is worn enough to unlit it lor use. For sale bv THEODORE KOKM. PERFECTLY SAFE IN THE MOST INEXPERIENCED HANDS1 For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholora, AND ALL THOGE NUMEROUS TROUBLES OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS SO PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON, No r.emcrty known to tho Medical ProfenMon tins been in uro B? lout; niul with auch uniformly .satisfactory results us Tt hflfl t:t>cn tisod with pueli wonderful success lu all parts of the world In tho treatment of theso dilllcultles, that it lias como to be considered AH UWAILIN3 G?RE FOR ALL &3JMft!ER QQmmMYS and such It really la when taken in tlmo mid according to tlio very plain directions Inclosing each bottle. In kuiJi diseases, the attack I? tminlly Hidden and frequently very acute; but with ?. estfb rciurdy at liantl lor Immediate use, there Is (seldom dun;-, r of the luliil resiUS which so often follows n few days' neglect The Inclination to watt and see IT the morrow does not hrlnfr a better feeling, not infrequently occasions a vast amount of liceiUeaa i uffi-rliii?, nnd Mtnirtlmed co>ia n life. a timely d06Q of Pain Killer will almost lnvn'lably n.-?ve both, and with them the attendant doctor's fee. It ha? Storni th?9 teet ot forty years' constant use in all countries and ellitates, and Is perfectly safe In nny person's hands. ** *a rcr?mm??d??i )iy MiyBlelAna Kurse? In Hospelts, and persons of all clyso* ami nrofeesioui who have had opportunity for observing the wonderful results which have always (allowed iu use. THE BEST EVJDENCE: l!c*an.FEIlliY DAVIS A SON: I taiow )ron need no testimonial to ctntinco .xon I have ltmffitMvl tho nwHeine hnnwrt n? CEl'llY DAVIS* Vk6 eta m.k PAJN KIMjRR In my family and would nut on any ?,-, .unit bowllltout it. When Coolor.? wm last entoomlo hen1, I uaod no medicine Of any ?ort hut tho l\slii Kil'.or, and ultl.r.i. myulf end ?ncnd mbmbeM i>f mv tumliy wore aUaobod Huvcrt'ly, I am hnpny to nny that Uie Pain Kiltorwaa iM.ri, and iriii uo( bo without it. roelinK |iiyn.i!f nndur niurli ubllKatioii to you, hiumny timi-.i beinri rvltevnd from tain. 1 am very tnly yoorn, U tf. MOOIUS, Kaiuj4ll, OutobOM On.Hew York, news No fnndly can aflbnl io bo without it, and Its j.rlco brings it within the reach ct" all 'i'liu use of one bottle will so further to con Vinco you of iu laorltd than coluuiBS ?d' paper OUVertMng. Try It, and you will never do wlUiuut It. Jt'deo r?e. ?Ucaml 81.00 per bottle. You CAU Obtain tt at nny drug-fitoro or .Viru PERRY DAVIS & st)N, Propriotora, Providence, R. I. JAS. F. IZLAK? Attorney uucl Coun&elloi11 At Law, OKANGKUOHQ, S. 0. Office eovnor Cnurl llruisc Square und Cliurch tUriiul. I lit: ftaiuc latul.v owmd aiul 3- all Jewelers, Ask for Il lustrated Catalogue, and to see warrant. March 12. 1SS0?ly CALL HWtt CALL. At the People's Bakery* ESTABLISH ED IN 1871, BY THE PRESENT PROPRIETOR Who Is still ready and willing to FILL OHD1CKS AND C .A. K E S . of all descriptions. G U N Cr E R S by the barrel or box. ? a i.so BREAD FOR CAMP-MEETINGS, on Any other meetings at short notice. TUST RECEIVED FRESH C?NFEC tf 'li ON AK YS. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, which will be sold as low as any that can be bought in Orungcburg. Thankful for the past patronage of my friends and the public i still solicit a con tinuance of their custom. T. W. ALBERGOTTI, RUSSELL STREET, Next door to Mr. J. P. llarley. Orangeburg, Sept 13,187S ly TAKE A CERTIFICATE in the Mutual Endowment Assess ment Association O F 11 A L T I M O R E. rBMIIS scheme of Lifo Insurance is got _L ten up by the best business men of Baltimore as a mutual protection auiouir its members. It is based upon purely business principles an*' is perfectly relia ble, affording the safest and cheapest plan on which life risks can he taken. Mr. ?I. Is. Alhugotti represents the company for this count)-and will issue certificates. He invites examination ami will he pleased to givu all information needed. April 2nd, 1SS0.?Urn Cotton Gins 1 Presses E still have the Agency for the W Old Ecliablc Winship Gin, Which we are prepared to furnish, either with or without the Self-Feeder and Con denser, Also tho Winship Patent Cotton Press all of w hich are THE REST IN THE MARKET and need no recommendation from us. H e urn felling them under the guarantee of tin manufacturers, and at their prices and lei ins; parlies In need o'f Gins or Presses will llnd it to their Interest lo nail and see us. or send for our Circular and prices before placing their orders else where. BULL & SOO VILL, ORANGEBURG, S, C. June 'J?tli, 1880?Gm 1880. fall of 1880. The following additions I was compelled] to make to my general STOCK OF MERCHANDISE in order to meet the Increasing demands J of my many customers: CROCKERYWARE? uil of the best Iron Stone Chinn at 15 per cent, lower than its real worth. GLASSWARE?! Tumblers, Goblets. Syrups, Butter dishes, &c., &c, all of best Hint glass at prices that will astonish the closest pur chaser. TINWARE!! From half pint cup to a four gallon dish pan all guaranteed to be made of the best tin and sold below its real value. FOTWARE!! Of all sizes and prices. A call will convince you of the above facts. I am also In receipt of a large and well assorted stock of CLOTHING AND SHOES of every grade. I will not pretend to ofTer them below cost, but. will adhere to my motto to make "Quick sales and small protltB." Remember that all the Goods bought are subject to exchange or money refunded, if not satisfactory at J. I. SORENTRUE'S, Proprietor of the California Store. SHERIDAN'S CLASSICAL SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. nphls School opens on the First Monday JL in September annually and continues uninterruptedly until the last Friday in I June. teums per month. First Grade, advanced English.$3 00 Second Grade, Grammar pupils. 2.50 (Third Grade, beginners. 2.00 Latin und Greek, each extra. no Students may enter at any time during the term, and are charged only from date of entrance. Assistance will be employ ed If necessary. Board may be. had with the Principal at twelve dollars per mouth, including lights and washing; or at eight dollars when the student goes home on Friday and returns oil .Monday of each week. Other good families will tnkj boarders i on same terms. Students are prepared for the Sopho more class of any college. No intercourse allowed between boys and girls. This is positive, HUGO G. SHERIDAN. Principal. RKMOVAL. " JAMES CANNON, TAILOR, Respectfully informs the public that he has removed his Tailor Shop from the Public Square to Middlcton Street oppo site Mr. Strauss' residence, where all work in his line will be neatly and promp tly executed as heretofore. All new work guaranteed. 3mo. DO you sutler with headache? O you feel dull and languid? Does your appetite fail you? Is your Liver out of order? Have you a metalio taste In your mouth? Have you dyspepsia or indigestion? If so, take OR. LIVER CURE, And get immediate relief. It never fails, as hundreds will testify who have used it and have been benefltted. It Is entirely vegetable, certain in it? effects, and abso lutely harmless. One trial will convince you. DOWIEAMOISE, Sole Proprietors. Charleston, S. C. For Sale by Dr. J. G. Wannamrker, Onmgeburg S. C. April 23?0?; is. A "rYTTtTXT CNrn/*\-n-ri A jNLw OIUIoXj. F. A. SCHXFETjEY, RUSSELL STREET, (One door above Dr. Patrick's.) J HEREBY INFORM MY FRIENDS that I have on my own account, com menced a Grocery Business?will keep only the best goods, and sell cheap for Cash, and any patronage bestowed will be appreciated. Respectfully, f. a. s0hiffley, ORANGEBURG, S. C. May 14, 1S80 ihn. SAMUEL DIBBLE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law (Cor. Church & St. Paul's Street.) ORANGEBURG, S. C. Dec ia-tf J. DEE ANDREWS WOULD respect fully inform the cltf zens of Orangeburg that he has i i charge Ute stock and lixtitres of Z:.J;' King, at Wallace Cannon's old stand. Main street, where he will be glad toaei ye his friends and the public with any till. Iff in Iiis line of trade. Everything fr sh and pure and guaranteed to give satin ac tion. A full lino of goods kept constantly on band . Horn and raised In Urn ige burg, I hope to receive a liberal slmre of the patronage of my fellow citizen*. J. DEE ANDREWS. BLACKBERRY BRANDY" at Wallace Cannon's old stand. Pure COHN and RYE Wh inkles for sale at Wallace Cannon's old :-laud. For pure Chfimpuigno Lager Beer sro to Wallace Camion's old stand. Faudl Jon supplied by the dozen?goods delivered free of charge; Seltzev Water, for dia: rrnngement of the bowels and kidneys, for sale bw at ? Wallace Cannon's old sta;d." -T_-? The ''Cotton Boll,"' the ilncst 1? 11 cent Cigar in town, for sale at Walla*. Can non's old stand. Don't foi ;et it. Soda Water, fresh, by t ic bottle, at Wal luce Cannon's old stanu. May 2S, 1S8??ly VIRGINIA HOUSE, (Formerly McDowell House) HENDERSON V1LLE, N. O. HAVING purchased the McDowell House, the undersigned begs leave to inform the traveling public that he hau furnished it throughout in modem style, and will endeavop to keep a tlrst class house. The. proprietor will give his per sonal attention to the house, and do nil in Ids power to make guests comfortable. The table will be supplied with the best the market allbrds. Polite and attentive servants. Terms moderate. A. J. DODAMEAD. Proprietor. (Formerly of the Virginia Bouse, Colum bia, ?. C: J. II. TiiACKAM, Clerk. (Late of the Columbia Hotel. Colutn bia, S. C._April 2d, 1880 IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD I Never Gets Hard. Can be Mask any Stukmutii UEamsD. Last Twice as Lo.ng. Diseases Cured without Dragging tho Sri tern. cures Chills and Fever, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Rheumatism, Costivenesg, Female Weakness, Sick k Nervon9 Headache, ? mm Thwc Pads Cure all Diseases by AbsorpUon. No Noxious Plll3,OHs,or Polsonou*.Medicines arc taken into the Stomach. The Tails ore worn over tho Pit of the Stomach, covering tho Great Nerve Centres, also tho Liver and Stomach. A gentlo VeRetablo Tonic is absorbed Into thcclrculatlon of the lllood and I Jver, purify Inff the niood, stimulating the j.ivcrand Kidneys to healthy acUon. and strengthening tho Btomnch to digest food. Price of Pads It and *3 kacu. Sold bt all Druggists, or sent by Mail or Kxpress. Manufactured at 80 & 41 North Lissbtt 8t* Baltimore, Mu. For Sale by 8. A. BEEVES. Jan. 30,1SS0?ly NEW SAMPLES FOR NEW STYLES OF 5 FALL CLOTPIIN v-J-1880. Ihave received a full line ol fall and winter samples of Clothing trorn the tailoring house of Jacob Reed's Sons, PHILADELPHIA, PA. The measures are taken hero and a lit guaranteed or no sale. Business, d-ess and military suits made in the latest cut. THE MATCHLESS Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, No. 8 IMPROVED. And all attachments always on band. For speed, ntrengjth, noiseless, perfec tion of si itch and beauty of operation ihero is no equal. James A, Hamilton, At the atore of John A, Hamilton. Feb 13,1SS0. b?y?k&c?: DEALERS IN PLANTATION GOODS, DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. St. Matthews S. 0. We respectfully call tho attention o the farmers to our general stoc of GOODS anil solicit a call whenev"> bey visit St.Matthews, A full and fresh Kloek constantly hi siore._' Wemtotl r*C\C\ Anfl pounds of SEED OUU,UUVJ COTTON, for which I will pay one-third of the market value of lint cotton and return *eed. Aug 27 GEO. II. CORNELSON.