^Vyajte.^p More, Atul leave to Gorl t he rest. Whether.*.**, wake und weep, Or wake ho More be best. Why vex oue-sonls witli cure? The grave Is cool und low, ' Have we found lllofio fair ui That .u;e should fear tu go? We've kissed love's sweet red lips, And left them sweet mid red, .The rose fho wild beb^ips Blooms ou .when he j8 dond. Some faithful,friends we've found; But tlx.se wo Iovh the Dent, lWhe?> we uro' under the ground, Will hiugh on with the rest. No task we have begun But other hands eau take; ?r i'Nri work beneath the sun For which we need to wake. Then hold fast, aweot Death, ' If r-o It scemeth best To Uhn who buvo |is breath, " * ' That we shohld go to rest. We lay us down to sleep, ' bio Our weary eyes to close; Whether to wake and weep, ... , . Or w?ko no more. He knows. All Sorts. Butler did stoaPthosc spoons, or so the Republicans say. ""'Contact with n high minded wo ?nan is good for the life of any man. 1 'ho -last time Smythekins went to . see his girl ho took some oranges, lie called it suck-it court. . A woman is slumping California for the Democracy, and one is slump tug New Yutk for the Republicans. The Republican leaders arc trying to Ibid the party who contracted with AVeav.'i* to carry Alabama and Arkan sas. A flirt is like a dipper attached to n> hydrant; every one is ut.bbmiy to drink from it, but no one desires to carry it away. The highest paid newspaper woman in the United Sta'es is Miss Booth, editor of Harper's Bazaar. Her sal ary ?5,000 per annum. An Indiana editor says : "Coal-o:l rubbed on the neck and head will cure hog Cholera; we have tried it." Who can dispute testimony like that? An Old maid suggests that when men break their hearts, it is all the Bittno as when a lobster breaks his claws?-another sprouts immediately and grows in its place. Since Garfield's man, Jewell, has wasted the Republican campaign fund, it has been found necessary to supplant him with an original Grant man, in order to secure uid from that wing. . ReaflV for inspection at Jos. Eros' the largest, and most varied assort ment of line candies, put up in 1-1, 1*2, and 1 pound boxes. The only :pluco to gct: candies always fresh, pure and at bottom prices. * We don't love Ben Butler, but it is entcttaining to be a looker on, and see ' In in pour hotshot, into the enemy's camp. He bus. Jived there, you see, and knows exactly just how to "put it whore it will do most good." A neWslj'lc of convention has been inaugurated in Kentucky. Congress man Albert S. Willis, und Judge W. B. Holte, threw heads and tails to determine which should be the camli dote in the 5th district. Willis won. ClCar. had his Bruins, Chailes the Fll'St his Cromwell, and ev'ory cough und cold in this country will find a conqueror in Cotisseus' Honey of Tar, the unrivalled coughinedieine. Price 50c. i For sulc by Dr. J, G. Wanna maker. ,. 1 Perhaps we cannot practice a bel ter discipline than by hriddling or gaiuniug control over our tongues. ]f any one bus a doubt an to the im ""portorme of this discipline, let him ie'ftd what St. James says about it in ti e tlijrd chapter of this epistle. Sallis Hpriggina, one of our rural sisters, had her picture taken the Olher.day, and the likelcss was won derful to behold, but no remedy like Portalinc, o.i Tubler's Vegetable Liv er Powder has ever been prepared. It will cure you. Price 50c. For salo by Dr. J. G Wannatnaker. 1 Mr. Hayes, the de I'aolo Picsideut, find Neal Dow, the would-bu Presi dent, have noses so rubicund as to suggest deep portations, and yet both pie temperance men. It is a singu lar inscriileoility of Providence that |W<) such eminent apostles should keep up the liquor signs when the bar is of nil descriptions always on band. Tbc only place where von can always get FRESH RAISINS. CIJKItANTS, CITRONS, DATES. FIGS. CRACKERS AND OAK ES, DBSSICATKI) COCONUTS tuid FANVY GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. SPECIALTIES IN SMOKERS,' ARTICLES. Largest assort meet of such goods in town . Also. FINE CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES, Cekcs ornamented for Weddings in the most exquisite style. Cake Steep l Carpen ters* Tools. Fanning Implements, Cooking Utensils. Fishing Tackle, Sportsmciis' Goods, such as Shot, Powder, Gun wad-, etc., etc., also THE LIGHT RUNNING REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE, The Lost and cheapest Machine manufactured. Tho public are cordially invited t<> examine my stock before purchasing as I am determined not to I? i undersold. Repairing <>f all kinds done with neatness and dipatch. P. U. CANNON. Orang-burg. S. C, dan. ?05 1880?ly WHY THE LIGHT-RUNiMSMC 'cDOrV3EST!C" JS THE SVSOST Popular" Machine in Market This great popularity i< due to its plan ol construction and a superiority in its iiiattM'ial ami workmanship. The result of those advantages is a t'XI FOKMLYSIKH KSSKI I. PKHFOKM ANCK hi sowing, the value of which eannol lie lully appreciated except by experts in mechanism, it possesses, however, numerous oth er peculiarities that camml fail to ut Irael the notice and excite the admira tion of all who investigate its merits. I'romiocul among I hem Is I lit* absence of friesion. niakimr It the I.Kill I'KST JiUXXIXC MA< IIIXi: in the world, and saving I ho strength ami often the health of the operator. Its wonderful simplicity renders hs care the most trill** of labor; while its greal size gives it a capacity lor the largest garments. ? MW1, . ^ sis well us for Ihe-mallcst article. Iii ^: ? J. strength 'Ail! re* in any strain to whlel '' .. * *" I-.- ?? t ii eau bu subjected, and withstand tin ?V-^.'*. ?*?'-" \ " ?? < *? . "f; roughest ol usage, or the mo.?l con " - ~ :s^-\?? ? ?? tinuotis wear without any repair; Recent improvements have greatly enhanced its qualities, and it* success in the past is but an indication .it Its future. And now made, wish iis Ailjuslahle Conical Hearings', the Combination Fly-Wheel, tho Self-Threading Shuttle, the Improved Tension und Take-Up, Ilm Enlarged bobbin, the Self Setting Needle, and the beau tiful and durable built-up and hunt-wood Cabinet Work it has a distinction and rank far above the ordinary sewing machine of the dap. tiib ^DOMESTIC'1 is wakhanted To he made Of the best man-rial and in the most thorough manner; to do any and all kinds of work that call be done on any machine; to be complete in every re spect, and to be perfect ill every part. K^TSixtcon years in use and not a single one can ho found that is worn enough IO unlit it lor use. For sale by THEODORE KOHN. PERFECTLY SAFE IH THE MOST INEXPERIENCED H?NDSI For Diarrhoen, Dysentery, Crumps, Cholera, AND ALL THOSE NUMEROUS TROUCLE3 OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS SO PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON, Ko Remedy known to the Mcdtenl Profession bus been in um> louy und villi such uniformly satisfactory results us VEGETABLE It hns boon used with such wonderful success in all parts of tho world In tho treatment of these dillicnltici. Hint it has coma to bo considered AM ?NFAILINS CL-RE FOR ALL SUMMER CO^.PLAl^TS nnd finch it really i.s when taken in time und according to tho very iiluin diree?ons inclosing euch bottle. In such discuses, the attack is usually midden nnd frequently very ncutc; hut with i? nafo veiucUy tit liuml tor immediate use, Utero it !,< iUom dimmer of tin fsml >i-?ult which 80 often follows it few days' iicxlcct. The inclination to wait und sei- if the morrow does not brine; a better feeling, net InfrcqucnUy occasions a vnal uuiouut of iiccdlcsf suffering, und sometimes <-c?-t.-? n life. A timely do.-c of Pain Killer will nimmt iuvarlably Bavo hoili, nnd wlUi them the attondnut doctor's fco. it hau r.taiHl tUv ivitt of forty ycurn* eoustnut ut.o in nil countries and climates, and is perfectly sate in any person's hand*. it I? rt3coininvmlr.it by Physicians. Kurses in ITi>.?pUnK und pontons of nil classes ami professions who have had opportunity for observing the wonderful results winch buvo always followed it? use. THE BEST EVIDENCE: I hnvo Ions twoA ?im medicine known an PERRY j Momw. PEURY DAVIS & KOX: PAVIH'VKGJSXABbIS PAIN KlhhlOltiiimytsmily I know yon need iMitiMiincn.nl to convince yoit and would not on any account Ihi without it. Wln-n ! Una jv.ir m.-dic'ur.i ull Ui.it >mi t l.iiiii tor it, but I Obolera *v(n*tnst.opidomla horo, I iih? yearn nhl) with in-rfi-i t R'lCCCte^ ci|iml to hvory otntiTgenry. 1 oonnidor I nltoidd not It roKUlatni tlioir howola, and rioo., ;.!! diarrhva. h? dninn niyduty to Urn cniiiniunity dill 1 not, my Myxelf nml wife n-iort to it in nit rnsei, botll for tliii much. If I wero attnekod by the Oliotura j Inlemal nml extamal nse. Pvenrod it in my family toali-.y. Pain Kllli-r KCVd ho Ute only ttlllHxly 1 ? for tivu jf^o-. Mid irffl not hit witlioul it. i'm-linx hli'-ulil ose. I hnvo thonninlily lu?to,t it, mid know ; myt-.-lf innli-r miirh ohiicntion to you, in miiiiy thuivi lw u bo mlit-d on. honiif rvliovrd from piiin, I ant very truly SOUTH, V. i:. IIBRUINSBND, Onions, llllnola. 1^ V. MOORK, llauitali, OntcltuM Co.,Kow York. No finally run Qfl'onl to be without it, find its price brines it within Ihe reach of all. Tho u.-o of one bottle will no further to convince- yon of iLs merits ihiui columns of news jiiiper Advertising; Try it, und you uill ne^er do without it. l'rico Wie, OOp. and SI.00 |>er bottle. You em obtain it at any drm;-stnro or from PERRY DAVIS So Proprietors, Providonco, R. i. I JAS. F. I2L?K. jAtloi'iiey ixnd Ooiinsolloi* i At Law, i | OHAXGER17IIO, S. C. ! _ i ; ClTle? covner Conn [Initsc; Square an<1 Cl'iircli streH. the Sil hi (! luloly owiit-U :itnl nCCItpicii !?v Win. M Unison, Esq. June II. 1880?If I ANDREW 0, DIBBLE, ' Attornoy ; ncl Coun?Ollor ut Law, | Corner St. Paul ami Chinch Sts. OilANGEUUKG, S. (.:. April ?$?Mino.?-. IM ot i<^i!anM bidder, at tin- bridge*, on tin1 I I I ib day of October. 1880. Plans :.i!.l specifications made known I on said day. The right to reject any und all bids i> j resei vod. The contracting party will bo required to enter into a bond with sufii rind surety to insure the peilornmnceof the contract. The citizen's of the vicinity art request ed to meet the Una id of County Com missioner.- on (ha> dny to consult in re ference to said bridges. By order of the Hoard. I.- U. WAN NAM A K EB, Sept 17?It C. B. C C. L). C. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILItOAD. Passkno er Depa irra ent. On nml after May 1 Olli. 1880.Passen ger Trains on this road will run as fol lows : (till further orders.) GREEN VILLE EXPRESS TR AIN. OOlN<} kast. Leave Columbia.*4 15 p m k' .12 LI p m Arrive ntCamden.7 15 p in Leave Orangeburg .0 0"> p in .%4 15 p in Arrive at Charleston.*0 fjO p m .;7 ad p m -Daily except Sundays. (Sundays only. ooino west. Leave Charleston at.5 15 a in Leave Orangeburg at..S 40 a III Leave ('uiiidcn at.7 00 a ui Arrive lit Columbia.1U .'JO a in Way Freight and Passenger Trains. going east. * Leave; Coin in I ia.5 10 a in Arrive at Caiud. n.12 00 in Leave Or:Mi?jebt rg.10 US a m Arrive at Charleston.2 00 p in k< Augusta..'? 25 p m ooino ^r.st. * i cave Chnrleston.0 00 a in Leave Augusta.8 00 a in Arrive at Columbia.5 .'17 p in * Passengers leaving Columbia or Charleston ou these trains have to change ears at Branchvillc to reach Charleston at 2 00 p m or Columbia at 5 .'17 p lli. Night Express Train'. Going east. Leave Columbia.*0 30 p in Leave Orangeburg. 12 82a in Arrive at. Augusta. 7 50.1 III Arrive at Charleston.0 20 it m ?Passengers taking this train will have to change ears at Uranchvilic to reach Charleston (!.-20 a. in., if not hi sleep er. Regular Accommodation train will arrive at S 00 a in. ooikg west. Leave Charleston.'.) On p*tu Leave Augusta.7 40 p 111 Leave Orangeburg.2 45 a in Arrive at Columbia.? 10 a in New Voik Express. ooino kast. Leave Orangeburg.5 17 a in ooino west. Arrive at Ornngelmrg......0 57 i? m The Greenville Express and Night Ex press will run daily. All other trains run daily except Sundays. Sleeping Cars are attaehed to Night Express, berths only ?1 50 to Charleston or Au gusta. These trains make connections at Charleston with New York and Brilti more Steamers on Wednesdays and Sat urdays, idso with Florida Steamers on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The Night Express make connections with 7 a m train on S ?V, C Railroad fnrSnvuunh and Florida points. Connections made by other trains at Aligns til with train- from and to Unit point, also with all trains from and to Charleston. The train leaving Columbia at 0 :io p in and arriving at 11 10 a in makes close connections at Khigsville with the New York Dxpress Trains, to which is at | inched a Pullman Sleeping Car, running through between Augusta and New York without change. On Saturday and Sundays, round trip tickets arc sold to and from all stations at r ue first-class far*: for the round trip good till Monday noon to return D. C. ALLEN. Gen. Pass, and T. Agt. John r. Peck, ?Jeu. Siipt. .1. (I. PoSTKi.l., Agt Orangeburg. DO you sutler with headache? O yon feel dull and languid? Does your appetite fail Von? Is your Liver out of older? Have you a liietalio ta>te in your mouth? Have you dyspepsia or indigestion? 'If so, take OR. LIVER CURE, Ami get immediate relief. It never fails, as bund reds will testify who have used it and have, been bcnellttcd. Jt is entirely vegetable, certain ill its effects, and abso lutely harmless. One trial will convince you." HOWIE & MOISE. Sole Proprietors. Charleston, S. C. For Sale by Dr. J. G. Wannanir ker. Orongeburg C April 2:7? (??i is. A NEW STORE. F. A. SCniFFLEY^ RUSSELL STREET, (Olio door above Dr. Patrick's.) ? HEREBY INFORM MY FRIENDS that 1 have on my own account, com menced a Grocery Business?will keep only the best goods, and sell cheap for Cash, ami any patronage bestowed will be appreciated. Respectfully, F, A. SOHIFFLET, orAngeburg, S. C. May 1 !. 1880 Kill. SAMUEL DIJ3ELE, Attorney arid Ccnnscllor at Law (Cor. Church ^ St. Paul's Street.) orangeburg, S. C. Dec l.Ltf IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD I Nnvtr. Or.Tfi KAiin. Cax bk Mads any Btbbkotu Desired. I?abt twick ab JjU.NU. Diseases Cure a -cithj-t Srag^ag the Systcn. CUlt eh Chill? ami Fever, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Rheumatism, Coslivencss, Female Weakness, Sick ft Nervous* Headache. Tlide T*iis,or Polionon*Mctliclncsaru takrd. Into tlx- Stomach. The Pad* nrc worn over the Tit of Uie Stomach, covcrinK the Groat Nervo Centn-?, slso the Liver udt Stomach. A ijentlc ycffotabla I Tonic 1? nl*orbcd Intothcclrcutatlonsf the fciooddnd I 1 ivii-.iiurirylnjtU.elllcfKl.?UnHilniJr.Kthe J-Ivurand Kidneys to healthy action, nod strengtlienlnfc tho Btonutch to digest food. i'niCB of I'adk $i akq i'j ? rack. Sold by all DnuooiBTS, or sent by Mai! ' or Kvproi. ; Manufactured at S'J k 41 No'bth 'Liberty St, i ?ALTIMORKi mb. Kor Sale }>y S. A. REEVES; Jan. an, 1SS0? ly , j T~DEE ANDREWS WOULD respectfully inform the citi zens of OrnngcLurg that lie lias in [charge the stock ami fixtures of Z.'J. j King, at Wallace Cannon's old stand. ; Mailt street, where lie will be glad to serve : Iiis friends and the public with anything ill his line of trade. Everything fresh j and pure and guaranteed to Jtive satisfac tion. A full line of good- kept constantly on hand. Bom and raised In,Orange? i burg. I hope to receive a liberal share of ' the patronage of my fellow citizens. " J. DEE ANDREWS. BLACKBERRY BRANDY at Wallace Cannon's old stand. Pure CORN and RYE Whiskies for sale at Wallace Call lion's old stand. For pure Champagne linger Peer ?ro to Wallace Cannon's old stand. Families supplied by the dozen?goods delivered free of charge. Seltzer Water, for disarran/cmcht of the bowels alltl kidmys. for 'ale l>w at Wallace Cannon's, old stand. The "Cotton P.oil." the finest t Cigar in town, for sale at Walla non's old stand. Don't forget it Soda Water, fresh, hy the bottle, at Wallace ( annoii's obi stand. May 2S, I?SO?ly 7S1;w~sTm p leIT FOR NEW STYLES 01? FATjIj CliOTl IING J SSO, Jbave rcoeivi d a lull line of fall and winter samples of Clothing from the tailoring house ol Jacob Reed's Sons, PHILADELPHIA. PA. The ineasuieS arc taken here and a lit I guaranteed or no sale. Business, dress I and military suits made in the la"est cut. !; i cent Can THE MATCHLESS Wheeler & Wilson Serwing Machines, . No. 8 IMPROVED. And all attachments always on hand. For speed, strength, noiseless, perfec tion of stitch ami beauty of operation ihere is no (qunl. James A, Hamilton, At the. store of John A. Hamilton. Feh PL 1S30. TiimiM^ (Formerly McDowell House) IIEXDERSONYII'LE, U- V HAVING purchased the McDowell House, the undersigned begs le.avo to inform the traveling public that he has liifnisnoil it throughout in modern style, and will endeavor to keep a Hrst c]ass house. Tlie proprietor wilt give 1:1s per sonal attention to tlie house, and do all in his power to make guests comfortable. The table will be supplied with the best the market affords. Polite ami attentive servants. Terms moderate. A..L DODAMEAD. Proprietor. (Formerly of the Virginia Rouse, Colum bia, s. C. J. R. Til a etc am, Clerk, (hate of the-Columbia Hotel. Colum bia, S. C. _ April '2d, 1880 TAKE A CERTIFICATE in the Mutual Endowment Assess ment Association O K B A L T I M O R E. rriIIIS scheme ol Life Insurance Is got- J .a. ten tip by the USSt biVsiUcss men of | Haltimore at? a mutual protection among its members; It is based upon , purely ImsimiSS prjiioiples am' is perfectly relia ble, affording tho safest and cheapest plan on which life risks can be taken. Mr. .T. S. Alhorgntti represents the company for this county ami will issue certificates. He invites examination and will be pleased to give all information needed. April 2nd', 1SS0.?Cm Wanted 600,000 COTTON,, for which I will pay one-third of the market value of lint cotton and return seed. Aug 27 GEO. II. COR NELSON. Ague Cure I? a puroly vegetable bitter and powerful tonic, and is warranted a speedy and cer tain euro for Fever and Ague, Chills -"-'.id Fever. Intermittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague. Periodical or Bilious Fever, and all , Innlurlal disorders. In miasmatic dis- | trictu, the rapid : pulse., coated tongue, tlilrst, lassitude, loss of appetite, pain In the back and loins, and coldness of the spine and extremities, are-* only premoni tions of severer symptoms which termin ate in tho ague paroxysm, succeeded by high fever and profuse perspiration. It la a stirtUng.fact. that'quinine, ar senic, and other poisonous minerals form tho basis of - most of tho " Fevor and Aguo Prep^tiona,'' )' Specifics," ??Syrups," and " Tonics," in tho market. Tho prep arations made from these mineral poisons, although they aro. palatable, and mav break the chill, do not cure, hut leave tho malarial and their own drug poison in the system, producing quinism, dizziness, ringing in the eara, headache, vertigo, and other disorders more formidable than tho disease they were intended to cure. Ayeu'b Ague Cure thoroughly eradicates those noxious poisons from the system, and always cures the'severest cases. It contains no quinine, mineral, or any thing that could injure tho. most delicate pa tiont; and its crowning excellence, abovo its certainty to cure, is that It leaves tho system as Ireo from disease as before tho attack. For Liver Complaints, Ayeb's Ague Cuiik, by direct action on the liver and biliary apparatus, drives out tho poisons which produce these complaints, and stimulates tho system to a vigorous, healthy condition. . ? We warrant it when token according to directions. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical ChcinjBts, Lowell, Mass. SOLD DT ALT, dhcqui9t8 KVI"HYr.'IIEliE. October Si 1ST'.)?1 v \' ; How Watches are Made. IT will he apparent to any one who will examine a **oi.U> Goi.o Watch, that ! aside from the hccVss'ary thickness for : engraving ami polishing, n large prnpor 11toll of the precious metal used, is need ed only to stiffen ami 1 old the engraved portions in place, and .-upply the neces sary solidity and strength. The surplus gbh'l i< actually needless so far as UTli.I ! TV : ml bVaulv nie cnicerncd. In .JAM ES j l o.-.v PATEN I'XJOI.P WVATCU CASES I this waste 01 preimMtf metal i- overcome, ami the sa.mi-. soi.hmtv and stkkkoth ? piodu'ct-d :u from one-tliirtl to one-half j o! i Im- usual eo?i of solid ?*n-es. The pro ecs.? is ol lite iiiti?l rjimplo nature, as lol i lows: a plate of niekle composition met al, specially atlapted to tlit* purpose, has two i tales of solid <;oi.n soldered out? oil each side. ' The three are then passed j between pol'-hcd steel rollers, and the I result i.- a strip of heavy plated composi tion, from w hich the case? hacks, cen tres, bezels, tfce.. are cut ami shaped by suitable dies and formers. The gold in these eases is sutlioh-ntly thiek to admit of all kinds oi ehu*dng. engraving ami enamelling; thu ..engraved ca?es have been carried until worn perfectly smooth by lime and use without remov ing the gdld. 'I'llIS IS THE ONLY CASE MADE WITH TWO PLATES OF SOLID GOLD AM) WARRANTED BY SPECIAL CEET1 FICATE. For sale by all Jewelers Ask for Il lustrated Catalogue, and to see warrant. March 12. 1880?Jy CALL P?|pl CALL At the People's Bakery* ESTABLISHED IN 1871, BY THE PRESENT PROPRIETOR Who is still ready and willing to FILL ORDERS BREAD.ROLLS.P.ES j AND . CAKES of all descriptions. G UN G- E R S by the barrel or box. AIiSO BREAD FOR CAMP-MEETINGS, jpti '. I > .mi' ,?P11 I } in Any other meetings at short notice. JUST RECEIVED FRESH CONFEC TION ARYS. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, which will bcsold as low as any that can be bought in Orangeburg. Thankful for the past patronage of my friends and the public I still solicit a con tinuance of their custom. T, W, Ait^EBGOTTI, RUSSELL STREET. Next door to Mr. J. P. Hurley. Orangebnrg, Sept 13,3S78 ly IMCK&CO DEALERS IN PLANTATION GOODS, DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, St. Matthews S, 0. \\rc respectfully 'Ciill the attention of tV tite farmers ro^ur general stock of GOODS and J solicit. a call whenever they visit St. Matthews, ; A full and -fresh ,?tock constantly in stoire. .fivmlli. hi