A. Paper i\>x* tl*o feople, OlUNGEUUItU, S. C, OCT. 15. 1880. Democracy?tho people rulo ; and their voice, whether mirrored in Con vention or thunder at the polls, can not be laid aside. Some one wants to know if Geergo Boliver is a carpet-bagger or scalla wag. He is a pretty bad cross be tween the two, with a little sprinkling of nigger. It took sis drinks of mean whiskey backed by tho news from Indiana, to raise enough "hail Columbia" feeling in one idiotic fiecdman to make him sing out hurrah for Gai field ! Do you see anything significant in the little clumps of Radicals standing around conversing in low whispers: They have not been out of their holes before, some of them, since '7G. Mr, W. M. Sain is building a fine dwelling on his lot, corner of Railroad Avenue and Five Notch Road. Con tractor Tucker has the job and is making rapid headway already. Prof. W. XV, Duncan will preach at White House and Bethel at 11 o'clock A. M. and half-past 3 P. M. on the fourth Sunday in November instead of tho fourth Sunday in this month as announced. The Sunday School Missionary So ciety of St. Paul's Church will hold its monthly meeting in the Methodist Church on next Sunday afternoon at half-past 4 o'clock. The public are invited to attend. If Sidney Smith, whose genial na ture was a well-spring of pleasure to his friends, had suffered with an in active liver he would have used Port aline, or Table 1**8 Vegetable Liver Powder. Price 50c. For sale by Dr. J. G. Wannamakcr. 2 The news from Ohio and Indiana has had a most happy effect on Dr. Webster. It has completely cured him of the "dry grins," fiom which lie hud been suffering since the Maine election. You will have then; worst than ever after the 3d of November, Doctor. Democrats of Orangehurg ! Fix ', your minds on 1,000 majority for the I clean, straight Democratic ticket in I your county, and work squarely ujj to it. Remember that South Carolina must follow, the foot steps of her; sister States, ami increase her Demo cratic majorities under Democratic; rule. Oun thanks arc due the committee I of ladies of the Baptist church at Gra-i hams for an invitation to attend an entertainment given on the 18th in stant. We regret not receiving the card in time to contribute something toward the success of the entertain mcnt, at least by giving it the aid of our local column. An enraged colored woman poured out bottles of wrath, in the shape of frantic jestures and vulgar anathemas on tho heads of the colored Democrats in the procession on Tuesday. The faroo continued until she saw thei Middle Pen club numbering some fif ty colored men in red jackets, when she left in disgust. Several people have asked us what Lathrop was politically. Wo think lie j is a pure, unadulterated Radical. If! he believes in that side its nobody's] business, but let him come out like | a man and show his hand, instead of] tryiug to make people believe he is a Democrat in daytime, and at night sneak around and hobnob with ne groes. It does seem to us that every Dem oorat in the county can inflenue one J Republican vote. Spot your man, show him by kind and gentle argu ment the benefits of Democratic rule and the evils of Republican govern j mcnt. Do this and the prosperity of J ourselves, our families our children, our county, our Mate and our Nation is safe. Principles and nob men. But n moment's reflection, and every man, good and true, in Orangeburg county and the Stute will put bis foot on poi aonal bickering, and throw his whole soul, strength and influence for our National State and County Ticket. Wo can win, wo must win nod we 'will win. Lot cvory Democrat in the county and Stale and Nation form this conclusion, and victory on the 2nd of November is certain. Re member Principles and not Men arc at stake. We understand that the Fdisto, Rowcsville, Qranchvillo and Cow Cas tle Democratic clubs will have o grand rally and barbecue at some central point on the last Saturday of tho pres ent month which will be Ilm ??lh in stant. Bpeu nr.. Will be. present and the occasion is expect lo be one ol great interest to the Democratic voters of our county. Let there bo a turnout that will do credit lo the communities and honor to the county. White and colored citizens arc invited to attend. Dots.?Who said Indiana was go ing Democratic. Boys, wo feel badly about this Iudi ana business. If you want to get fresh crackers of any sort always call at Jos. Eros. * Somebody chalked 329 on the post olUce and other places on Tuesday morning. For a really good sogar or segar holder, pipes, smokers' articles call at Jos. Eros. * For fresh canned goods, potted meats, jellies, raisons, currants, cit rous, dateu go to Jos. Eros. * Ihe fronts of the stores of Messrs. Henry and Theodore Kohn were ap propriately decorated on llagood's Day. The horse of Mr. A. M. Salley ran away with his little son on Tuesday but fortunately did no harm to the child. Cigars and tobacco of all qualities and prices by the box or by small quantities for Bale low down at J. I. Sorreutrue. * Mr. T. W. Albcrgotti, the baker, had his store appropriately decorated on last Tuesday in honor of the meet ing of the Democracy. Genuine gosben butter at 30cents per pound, and choice hams at 10 cents per pound at J. I. .Sorreutrue. Give him a call. * Where else can you gel nicer ap ples, oranges, nuts of all sorts, cab bages, onions, potatoes than at Jos. Eros' fruit store. * Henry Smith, a staunch and fearless colored Democrat, rode at tho head of tbo columu on Tuesday, carrying tbo banner of the Democracy. The committee who have in charge the Young America Fair are request ed to meet at the store of Mr. Henry Kohn this afternoon at four o'clock. Webster denies putting a pistol in our postoffjeo box. Our devil says he did, and knowing the two, as well as wo do, we aro compelled to believe our devil. Dr. Webs'.or feels so good over the Indiana eleclion that it is doubtful if be ever I rat lee horses with another negro as long as he lives. We con gratulate the liegr08. Boliver, Webstor, Lathrop & Co. held a caucus in the poslolliee on Wednesday night when important matters rolative to the forthcoming tickot wore discussed. The election came oil In Georgia last week, Colquitt's majority over ! Norwood in something over 11 fly ! thousand votes. There will be no cf-! fort to break that election. Ready for inspection at Jos. Eros' the largest and most varied assort ment of Hue candies, put up in 1-4, 1-2, and 1 pound boxes. The only place to get candies always fresh, pure and at bottom prices. " On Tuesday night last a group of colored men at DeMar's corner were discussing the evonts of the day when j William llrown, Edward Darlington j and Primus Berwick indulged in the most abusive and incendiary language against tbo whito people of our town. They oursed Senators Hampton and i Butler in no unmeasured terms, stig matized the Edisto Rifles as a set of I damn cowards, who had signals to j regulate their action?three taps of the church bell to meet, four taps to to stand and live taps to run away. When some bystander romarked that the citizens could obtain help in case of trouble, they replied that before bolp could arrive, Orangeburg would be made so hot from the flames that help could not come inside the town. It wus asserted that the colored peo ple had gnus as well as tbo Edisto Rifles and oould use them, hut the brick bats on tbo Courthouse Square were enough to whip them with. The most bitter words wcro otnploycd to express their hatred of the while peo j plo and the moAl violent threats made against the peace and safety of our citizens. This is but the outcropping of Boliver and Webster's teaching to the colored people and it is the duly of every good citizen, wiiite and col ored, to rebuke this inflammatory spirit wherever it may manifest it self. Such colored men us Ihcse should be made lo understand that lungungo of this sort cannot be in dulged in with impunity, and if any thing Imppem; to the citizens or town of Qrangeburg, Boliver, Webster and Straker should be held to a strict ac count. The above facts are vouched for by several gentlemen who heard the conversation. Compound Extract Bucuu, com posed of huchu leaves, dandelion root, acotate potash, juniper berries, praeiau brava, and oalinsonia root. All of which are highly valued diur etic , kidney stimulants and dopur [ ants. The failure of the act'ona of ; the kidneys ia a source of many dis ? tressing diseases. T!;is medicine produces a hearty action ol the j kidneys, removes from the blood the urea and uric acid, which if allowed to remain and accumulate would in duce rheumatism, gooty affections pains in back and loins. This valua bio medicine is for sale by Dr. J. G Wannamnkcr. Price 75 cents per hot tic. In order that our colored peop'.o might know what manner of man Geo. Boliver is, who suffers no opportuni ty to pass unimproved which might secure him a vote, wo give them tho following piece of information obtain ed from one who wno p witness of tkc occurrence. In one of his speeches at Brunehvillo during tho campaign of 1S7G or 1878 when ho had several while listeners, Mr. Boliver spoke with so littlo regard to truth and pil ed up falsehood upon falsehood with such brazen all'rontery that a number of while gentlemen approached him when alone, and no colored person being near, and asked what made him tell the negroes so many lies when he know he was lying all the timo? Mr. Boliver very naively replied, "Why I'm obliged to lie to the d?in rac cals or they wont vole for me." Our colored citizens can think of this from now until the election, and determine whether they will support a man for any office whatever who believos them to be such "d?m ras cals" that it is necessary to lie in or der to secure their votes. National Surgical Institute.? One of the Surgeons of this old and notable Institute will visit Orange burg, S. C. Nov. 1, and 2 inst 1880 stopping at the Meroncy House. The object of this visit is to give the nfliic ted an opportunity for examination at or neartheii homes, thus saving hope less cases the expense ol a tlip to At lanta. A careful examination will be made, and pationts can learn if their cases are curable or can be bcnelitted, and whether it will be necessary for them to visit the. Institute. In such cases as can be cured, or treatment begun at home, arrangements can be made with our visiting Surgeon, and treatment commenced at once. Cases of Deformities and Chronic Diseases will be examined, such as Club Feet, Diseases uT tlio Hip, Spine and .Joints, Paralysis, Piles, Fistula, Catarrh, Female ami Private Discuses, and Diseases of the Eye, Ear, etc. Come! early, as the visit is limited to the time staled. For circulars and full par licnlars, address. National Surgical Institute, Atlanta, Ga. 8t We regret to announce the death: of Margaret Ellen Rhond, little daughter of Meld red S. and J. D. Rhond, which occurred at Branch villc S. C. on Wednesday morning. Oct. 0, 1880. of congestion. We knew this dear littjo girl and no sweeter (lower was ever plucked from its mother's heart or dearer cord to hind a father's love severed than lit* tie Maggie. After a short illness ol only a day and half, and in her ninth year, ninth mouth and ninth day, she was taken from the sorrows of earth to the joys of heaven to be an angel spirit ever hovering atound the dear ones of her eaithly home. We ten der our warmest sympathy to the be-1 reeved parents who feel the blow j more keenly because of their absence j from home during their Childs sick- j ness. We clij) the following from a letter recent published in the NcUii und Courier : "We have one very peculiar establishment in this town. It is different from any other in the coun try. Mr. C. D. Kortjohn keeps a cheap cash store. Nothing goes out of his store without tho money down. Mr. K. has agents in Charles ton, Baltimore aud New York, who make purchases for him, for cash, whenever bargains arc offered. This enablcbbim to soli at remarkably low figures. Mr. Kortjohn sells enor mous quantities of goods at very low figures. In fact the most of his goods are sold for less money than they can be manufactured. These are facts, aud we know what we are saying can not be controverted." One of prettiest banners, we notic ed in the precession on Tuesday, was that of the Ed is to Rifles bearing or. one side the significant words: '?Ila gootl, our Colonel in 1861. Hagood, our General in 18G3. Hagood, our Commandcr-in-Chicf in 1881 ;" and on the other, "Kdislo Hilles, 1854." Tho most laughable, and at the same time significant, was that of the Bull Swamp club with the picture of a powerful bull in pursuit of a carpet bagger aud about to lift that animal into the air. The motto, ?'Time to leave," was very suggestive. Sena tor Butler objected to it becatiso the carpetbagger was represented as about to leave bin hat. He would rather sec him leave, hat and all. After the speaking on Tuesday la?t in which the courso of Mr. Geo. Boliver was severely criticised by Senator Butler and his noblo utteran ces were yet ringing in the cars of our people, six young Democrats were invited by Boliver to dunk ?villi him at DcMars' Bar. Five consented and would have, comprom ; ised their Democratic manhood had I it not been for the timely rebuke 'given by the sixth. How can we over expect to break the inlluenco of Radical leaders if our young men, and old ones as well, continue to re gard them as companions and not as enemies to our manhood and the civi lization of our race? Pay your subscription to tho Dem Ninety-Six, S. C, April 14,1879.-? Dr.* L. T. Hill.?I have been Buffer ing from indigestion and dyspepsia for some time ; bad no appetite, aud was very restless at night. I pur chased a bottle of your Hepatic Pan acea,, and was surprised bow rapidly I improved after taking a few doses. I used one bottle, and now I rest well at nigbt and have a good appe tite. B. J. Spratt. For sale by S. A. Reeves. All over the eastern and western cities and towns, pavcrreuts and walls arc chalked and painted ovor with the mystic number '?329." It was thought at first that it was a reference to the estimated uge of Susan B. An thony, but the real significance lies in the fad that it is the number of dot lars "borrowed" by Garfield of Oakcs Ames. TnnuiuLu Attack*?No more deadly toe can possibly uttack human beings than Bilious Fever. This is caused by b:le not being properly dis tributed and carried otfiu consequence of a deranged stato of liver. To cure and prevent those attacks take .no medicine, but use Dr Flagg's improv ed Liver and Stomach Pad. Oft in the stilly night the sufferer with piles wondered where he could obtain relief until he 30ught and found it in Tabler'8 Buckeye Pile Ointment, certainly the best remedy for piles. Price 50c. For snlo by Dr. J. G. Wanuamaker. 2 Notioe. A meeting of the Orangeburg C. II. Democratic Club is called for Tues day evening, Oct. 19, 1880. A full attendance is requested. B. F. SLATER, President. L. H. Wanna maukn, Secretary." W. B. twillII Corner oi Unwell Strei. aud it.-.r Obers to lire pub ic a well selected .-tue., of ?RV'GOODS. NOTIONS, HARDWARE, GltOCEIilES, &c, &c. He guarantees satisfaction to all who will favor him with a call. W. B. THOMPSON, ORANGEBURG, S. C. June 11, ISSO-tf JEWELRY AND Silver Plate GOODS Just arrived in the latest styles. BLACK GOODS, HAT and SHAWL PINS, and every tiling elso hi my lino. Fresh supply or LANDRETII'S TURNIP SEED Will be In July 1st. Wm IT, J Sol > ill mo 11, Watchmaker and Jeweller, Russell Street, Orangeburg, S. C. Jan. Hi, ly L. S. WOLFE, D. D. S., Graduate of Baltimore Denial College. Olllet over I). Louis' Store, Offers his professional services to tin: citi zens of Orangeburg and adjoining coun ties. Teeth extracted without pain by the use ol Nitrous Oxide Gas, toe safest an :csth? ie known to science. Satlslnctioil guaranteed. Jan. tfl), 18.^0?ly H. SP AHR, W ATCIIMAK E11 AND JEW ELER, Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Spectacles, Musical Instrument?, ?&c, &c. il'c. AH those in need of a good pair of Speeluelos can be perfectly suited. All repairs carefully ami neatly execu ted* Prices reasonable. Oct 8 At My otaLies. HUGHES celebrated, young Stallion, ARABIAN will bo found, for the Season, at, my stables on Russell Street. A tew .Ski.nor MAKK3 will be roeelvcd. Terms Moderate. W. M. Sain. Livery & Sale Stables. Henry Kohn. FALL CAMPAIGN NOW READY AND OPEN FOR INSPECTION AN IM MENSE STOCK OF O T> y Or O o d S , SL0TS?N8 SHOES, HATS, &o. THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN ALL LINES. BUTTERICICS Metropolitan Fashions NOW READY. WHITE Sewing Machines. UN PARA LELLED SUCCESS. Cafl your favors In early anil ?lten, nod Obligo Yours trulj , njEJOlY KOHX. OFFICE OF GEO. H. 00RNELS0N, OBANGEBURG, 8. C. I nra now receiving and opening the largest stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. HARDWARE, TINWARE, CROCKERY. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, &c, &c., Ac., I have nlso fitted up a separate room for CLOTHING. In which the largest Stock ever exhib ited is displayed, which will be sold very low. Also. SADDLES AND HARNESS, in large variety and at lowest prices I would also call special attention to a largo STOCK OF FURNITURE, Very pretty suits in Walnut, suoh as Dressmg Case Suits, Parlor Suits, &c A car load of new one,*two and three horse WAGONS will arrive In a few days. All of which is exhibited and sold at low down prices. GEORGE H. CORNELSON. Cotton Gins I Presses. YlfjS still have the Agency for the Old Reliable Winahip Ginr Which we are prepared to furnish, either with or without the Self-Feeder and Con denser, Also the Wmsliip Patent Cotton Press nil of which are . THE BEST IN THE MARKET and need no recommendation from us. We are selling them under the guurantee of tlfj manufacturers, und at their prices and terms; parties in need of Gins or Presses will find it .to their Interest to call and see us. or send for oiir Circular and prices before placing their orders else where. BULL & SCOVILL,? ORANGEBURG, S. C. June 25th, 18S0?(Jm 188? FALL OF 1880. The following additions I was compelled to make to my general STOCK OF MERCHANDISE In order to meet the increasing demands of my many customers: CROCKERY WARE!! all of the best Iron Stono China at 15 per cent, lower than its real worth. GLASSWARE?! Tumblers, Goblets. Syrups, Butter dishes, tic., &o., all of best flint glass at prices that will astonish the.closest pur chaser. TINWARE! t5"" From half pint cup to a four gallon dish pan all guaranteed to bo made of the best tin and sold below its real value. POT WARE!! Of all sizes and prices. A call wIR convince you of the above facta: 1 am also In receipt of :j large and well assorted stock of CLOTHING AND SHOES of every grade. I will not pretend to oner them below cost, but will adhere to my motto to make "Quick soles and small profits." Remember that all the GoodsWought nre subject to exchange or money refunded, if not satisfactory at ? . i J. I. SORENTKOT/S, Proprietor of tho California 8tore. SHERIDAN'S CLASSICAL SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. nnhis School opens on the First Monday J. in September annually and continues uninterruptedly until the last Friday in dune. TERMS PKK MONTH. First Grade, advanced English.$?.00 Second Grade, Grammar pupil?. 2.f.G Third Grade, beginners. 2 00 Latin and Greek, each extra. ftO Students may enter at any time during tho term, and arc eharged only from date of entrance. Assistance will be employ ed if necessary. Board may he had with the Principal at twelve dollars per mouth, including lights and washing; or nt eight dollars whon the student goes home on Friday and returns on Monday of euoh week. Other good families will Ink's boarders on same terms. Students nre prepared for the Sopho more class of any college. No Intercourse allowed between boys and girls. This Is positive. HUGO G. SIIE1U D A .<,Principal. 1?,10]>?OV>V1L.. j JAMES CANNON,TAILOR, Respectfully informs the public that ho J has removed his Tailor Shop from the j Public Square to Middle-ton Street oppo site Mr. Str u-j;>' PCsldouoe. where all work in bis line will bo neatly and pi emo tiv executed ns heretofore. All new work guaranteed. . 3mo?