The Orangeburg democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1879-1881, September 03, 1880, Image 5

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You ulnuie inothatl onnujjt lp?g| gi^ 'As you can love,'my friend; Yon call niu heartless?light of faith, 1 do nol sriy'lt I? i ottrur; 1 On?ui^v?iir w.o da are vbihr.t; ??? Mut ycAYjwfldtiavBdJtiin'iIi wliuUtjniuli,' n ? " Which gains most in ttie light V why, if you \v*-i-?? si eking love, Should y?ni In?v?; turned to me? 1, who'of all who meetyour g?Zej Have sworn ineonstaney ? (Jo further yet, pour heart and search For one who si ill. nun give; Dr. if your sorrow prove loo strong; CXusv uu*? ,n?y tjiunuVuud live., Ves! onee ! tmrsed?And lived. ' Ahm* "I'Ih neiter fur to die. Hands meekly clasped and prayerful eyes ?Upturned toward the sky. \ loved loo well?hp yOu. my frieed, Are loving me thi> hour. Such loves illchard.are cursed, we know. With overwhelming power. My love went out. as yours will do? Hut after ninny yearn. And in those years 1 was not glad, And hiiter wereiny tears. My love was like your love, my friend, It tuet wilh no rriurn. In s|4le ol pas^iouale aopvaK > Jn sjdtO^I Wtrtdslhui buni. lUit you won love, it Mit 1 who uiiigh. May part at least in peace; .Some day you'd thank nie for my words. wSiniie i^uy your pain, will veitse. .t , , Bric-a Brae,'1* * ?Despairing old maids look ion .guishing even on rain-bows. ?A recent discovery is a telephone talked to dealh by a barbel. ?The bailies of the union?Fhzhl ?ing between husband and wile. ?In Philadelphia a hoy. who ties a Liu pun to a -dog's tail is fined 810. ?A irmnp called ids shoes "cor poral ions," became (hey hud no soles. ?The way to make a large hole in jour pocket is to incur a latgcrelit. ?There is n grent dcuToflnek in a horseshoe when thrown?if it doesn't hit you. ?Ducks nre fond of flies. There is j-ist where they differ from buhl-head ohl men. ? An KnglTsh scientist attributes our eold-waves to Venus and our hot waves fo Jupiter. ?Authors aie spoken of as dwel ling in attics, luvcause so few of ihem ?fc able to live on their first story. ?The man who fi ll out of his bunk on the steiimboat explained that his blackened e\e was u berth mntk. ?A hud little Philadelphia boy Hindu ids mother's ludr liseWie other (day. lie stole hei switch lor kite bobs. ? A hoy will dig over a square rod of gulden giom d loi II ?h bait, and yol lie could not Jui bin dxlo wo)k on a six IihjI Olli??II lied. ? ig?.% </??,*?..? r" *>.?*???' * d- ? ? - ? A Iii He ?irl in church, .after thf <?>ml t diiilii n pla'c been passed. i oinpl:n-?Millv Miiii' nudihly ?tiid i ill paid tor lour. uni?was that righl ?" --Texas society is agitated . ovei the (pn's'ion w bother<n'njuJ/fJli? crooni :it a wedding should trvaivhia ie\olvor hell on'sideoi inside Iiis di.e>s-eoat. ?The reason inoic liiuhivllas than uatenii^lpn? are slohu ,is tly?u^hL to he because Iii?; thitd.d'WiMi'l have to plug I lie uinlnelia. li is always lipo |??r the harvest. .,, .1? M'HMP ? 'f>i "U.'4"ll ? I he iiian v\ho grasped an oppor tunity tried the same selietue with a I it in I d'< -h\ e. lie. abandoned his last enleiin it>t qiitkei'o he did the first \ I k ? I one. ^^W>-*A : ?? tmt* ? The average pel son ??peak* 'about 120 woiils a iiniMiit'. This estimate is considerably hIioi I of thai required when the speaker his a t runk bd lull on h'm head whilo he is hunting (or a iileeve-.bntton. ?A Nebraska Indian contrived id swallow a lot ofdynnmiia and now lie! can stand around Mm cornet and t all a white man anything be chooses . without being kicked l?r hp* inso lence. They're shy or jarring him, even.: ?An old lady from New Beeford1 visiied BoaLou recent"), lot iie Ii t time, and, wlulu. \ ie wing the alt mo tions of the publ.c gifrden was point-! ed out the bronze s.taiuc of .Chai U s Suraner. '.'Well, I denVe,"ihu old lady remarked, "I no\or k iew Sum ner was a colored nlan" ?The Sioux hold their unnnal ao'n dance in Dekota recent'y and the usual scenes , of cruelty ,w0i ej'enacieil One youug warrior .held out for 11: i \ ? six hours and then fainted. ;Jh< was hanging all that time by a s ie'< run through the flesb.of the bark. He fainted before the flesh gave ?ne He was so grieved over his la in o that he tried to Mil himself. - VIRGINIA HOUSE, I TIF 1 Vr ( Formerly McDowell House) UENDERSONVILiVE, N. C. HAVING purcimsed the McDowell House, the undersigned begs leave to inform the traveling public tlint he has 1 lurutfthed h throughout in intulcrn stvle, mill will endeavor to keep a first c)ass house.' The proprietor, will give his per sonal altt'iilion to tlie bouse, und do ull hi his power lo nuike quests cnmrorfnble. The table will be supplied with the best Lite- market affords. Polite and attentive nervaritft. Terms moderate? A. J. POD A MEAD. Proprietor. (.Formerly of ffie virerinin Hoimo, Cnlum hla, S. C. ?T. R. TllACKAM, Clerk. (I.:ite of the Columbia Hotel. Colum bia, Si C. April 2d, 1880 J. DEE ANDREWS WOULD respectfully inform the citi zens of Orangeburg that he has in charge the stock and fixtures of Z. J King, at Wall nee Camion's old stand. Main street, where he will he <rhul toHerve his friends and the public with anything in his line of trade. Everything fresh and pure and guaranteed to give satisfac tion. A full line ol*goods kept constant^' on hand . Horn and raised in Orange burgJ I hope to receive a libernl share of the pulHunige of my follow citizens. .1. DICK ANDREWS. BLACKBERRY BRANDY ittWiUl?co .Cannon's old stand. Pure: CORN and RYE Whiskies for sale at'Wallace Cannon's pld stand. For pure Chnmpiiigno Lager Beer e;o to Wallace Cannon's old stand. Families supplied by the dozen?goods delivered free of charge. Seltzer Water, for disarrangement of the ho weis ami kldue3'fl. for sale t?w ai Wallace Cannon's old stand. Tlie k,Couou Boll,*' thu tiiicst t': icent Cigar in town, for sale at Walla ? Can non's old stand. Don't, forget it .Soda Water, fresh, by the lot lie, at Wallace Cannon's oid stand. 1 May 28. 1SS0?ly ^?XiA.G-G-^S IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD! Nkvkk Gets Hard. CAS bk M \dk any KtUK.VGTU DkIIRKD. LaST Twicb as Loso. Eliouu Cured without JJrusjtog th? Sjtitm* ' - CO RIM Cliilli and Fever, Liver Comptaint, Dyspepsia, NcHralgia, Nervousness, ilhenmalism, Costiveness, Female Weakness, Rick k Nervous Headache, TheM Pad* Cure nil Dfseaiej hy AlworpUon. No N oxiousi Pllla, (Us, or i'oUonou* MeiUdnei are taken Into Uu>; Stomach. Tlio I'ikIr me worn over tho Fit or Um btomiich, covering t!m Ureut Nerve Centres, n'TiiV" V,v,'ir I'!'1. b/J'ra?wh. A gentle Vegetable* Tonic Is nlisorDed inbitlieclrrttlntlnnortliellliMHlniiil rp-or,purlfyinRUielUeotl.sUmulaUnKtlMlJy?ranll kiilneys to healthy action, nml strengthening tlm BtatDaabtoatgatfDM. Ptttctt ov 1'ad? gl ?vj bach. Sold uy all Duuooihtb, or sent by Mail or Kxpress. " ? ? ?e? r~i * . ?-? Mnnurnctuml nt 89 & 41 North Liberty Bt, va.LTI.MOUK, M V. For Sale bv 8. A. REEVES. Jan. :I0,1.S80? ly rfV.Al^oJi tin Ivsaiuiai od Ulw ! H?UT& j??^6tlNAT? All JIO A j>. PasseKger DkI'aotm bmst> wj.jvs:! On and after May 10th, 1880, Paesen f;or Trains on this road will run as fol owh: (till further orders ) . j , , GRKENVILLE EXPKKSS Tit MX. Leave Coluuibl*^.rftw--;u^&ji 1,1 " ?'.,.}2 16 i) in Arrive ar.'Canideh..X,.l.?\..?..V.*!.*..^'*|h p rn Leave Ornngeburg .-0 0n[ p-tti ,k ' .+ 1 1T> p in Arrive at Charleston.....*!) of* P ni ??'1 .:.rj7 ;i? p ni ?Dally except Sundays. ' JSimdays only. goiko west.1** Lenve Charleston at.f> 45 a m i Leave Orangeburg at.S -to u in Leave Cainden at...7 00 a ni Arrive at Columbia.10 80 a in Way Freight and Passenger Trains. going rast. * Leave Columbia.B -10 a m Arrive at Camden.:,12 00 m Leave Orrngebiirg.10 08 a m Arrive at Charleston;!.:?dfv/;2 pp p in k' Augusta........ijoi!,3 2.") p ni . goIng West?Vi ?o ? Leave Charleston .0 00 a ill Leave Augusta.S 00 a m Arrive at Columbia ....."> 87 p m ? Passengers leaving' Columbia or Charleston on'tliosu trains have to otmnge ears nt Branehvllle to reach Charleston at 2 00 i> in or Columbia at 5 117 p in. Night Express Train. p . Goin<? hast. Leave Columbia.*0, 30 p hi Leave Orniigeburg....v. 12 32a ni Arrive n't Aogiisfa.p..<..'?/;.. 7 ROa m Arrive at Charleston......!...!.0 20 a in ?Passengers taking-this train will have to cbangu cars MM tirnnchvllle t?? maub Charleston. 0.20 a. in r if not in sleep er. Kcgulnr-Accommodation- train will arrive, ?t S 00 a tu. (lOINO WKST. Leave Charleston.0 05 p in Lt ave Augusta.7 40 p m Luav(i Orungeburg...?.2-15 a m Arrive at Columbia.)..;......(! 10 a in Now Yoik Express. OOINO EAST. Leave Orangeburg.............5 47 a in uoino wkst. '.Arrive nt Orangobul'g.0 .">7 p in The Creonville Express and Night Ex press will run ilaily. All oilier" (rains run daily except Sundays. Sleeping Cars ii're alliielieu to Nl?;ht Express. IJerths only ?1 00 to Charleston or.\u-| iguata. These I rains make . connections ( at Charleston wjth New York and IfciUP more Si earner's till Wednesdays and Sat urdays. nl*o with Florida .steamers on Tliesdtiy* and Saturdays. 'I'he Night Express in ike eimneciioiis wilh.7 a in mihi mi S ?v t; Kidlioml l??rSavpiiiah and Florida points. Connections made by other I rains at Au?u>tn -with trains from ami to that- point, ul>o with all Mains i'roiii and to Charleston. TJuji Irani leaving Columbia nt 0 30 p iii and arriving at 0 10 a in makes close pouiieethmR at Kingsvllle-wltli the New York Dxpress 't rains, to. which is ut luelud a Pullman Sleeping Cur. running Ihroiigji between Augiirtu und New York without change. Cu Saturday und bumlays, round trip tickets are sold to and from all stations at one tlrst-elass fare for the round trip jjuod lill Monday uuon tu return ..D.C.ALLEN, (Jen. Pass, and T. Agt. .John U. Pkck, Cen. Supl. J. G. Postkm.. Agt Orniigeburg. CONFECTIONER AND CANDY MANUFACTURER, i , ; - ? t'FFERH FOR SALE TUE LAUGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINK Yil*'? HI ,*'WW? ? I Fine Candies, wholesale and retail, ?I bottom prices. 1 .? ? ?: litl^l ?< ?-**tti *'<? ? FRUITS ^VTVI> NUTs. uf all descriptions always on hand. Fli $"1 :? 01 ? /? .fr.l / c?k. Cull -Or Tbc ?inlv |?lnn? where; you nun always get S51 RAISINS. CU Kit A NTS, CITRON*. HA TES. FIGS. CRACKERS AN'I) HAKES. OKSSllJA 1MSP qOCONU TS and FANCY GROCERIES OF ALL KINfK1 ?1 SPEC IALTIKS IN SMOKERS' ARTICLES* - Largest assort menl of such goods in touu.v Als??. FIN E CIGARS, TOBACCOS, IMF KS, aioenled for Woihllni!- ill tilt) most exquisite atyle. p es and Ornaments made lo urder. ' i ?xaudne belor., bnving elsewhere at IU{l?GMAX S;OLp ?TAND . .< burg. S. i.V. Sept. .S if .tu/.-.r JtTO??JX W )M s ?>m ? Sie? and i angel PERFECTLY SAFE IN THE MOST ^EXPERIENCED HANDSl For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera, AND ALL TH08K NUMEROUS TROUBLES OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS SO PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON, No Remedy known to tlio Medical Profession lias been In me m> lcmi; v '. > luJSjjtJh uniformly t&ttafactory results aa P?1Y DAVI VEGETABLE PAIN Tt him been rised with such wonderful success In all parta of tho world in tlio treatment of the; i difficulties, the t it has eomo to be considered 'KlBt?'jft^jffilBE 1 | AN UNFAILING CURE FOR ALL SUMMER G(jl#lAlNTS and suchet really is when taken In Umo and according ?o ?ho?*vy nl&tn cM5PrM"'W ^fwhytnjj In euch diseases, tho attack is utu&lly sui'dcn and frequently viflty ftcUto; *vu* with ?t enfo remedy at hand for immedltrto mo, there Is seldom danger ofthe fatal resulft which so often follows a few days' ncKicct. Tho inclination to watt and bco If tho morrow does not bring a better feeling, not Infrequently occasions a vast amount of needless suffering, and sometime* costs a life. A timeiy doso of Pain Killer will almost invariably savo boUi. and with them tho attendant doctor's foe. ? It has stood the- test of forty years' constant use in all countries and climates, and Is perfectly safe in any person's hands. It Is recommended by Physicians. Nurses In Hospitals, and persons'of nil classes and professions who have- hod opportunity fur observing tho wonderful,lemilts which huvo always followed Its use. ? ? ? ? THE BEST EVIDENCE: * i pi vo Inn ft nscd tho rnodlolnn Vr.own as PERRY I have lotiR i DAVIS" VK?ETABL1C PA IN K IUjEH In my family nnd would not on any acconnt bo without it. When CJuolora was last opldoniio horo, I nsod nomediclnn of any sort but tho Pain Killor, and although mynolf and several members of my family wcro attacked severely, I amTiappy to ?<ay that tho Pain Killer wan txinal to every omorgency. I conaidor I should net bo doing my duty to tho community did I not say tli! i much. If I won attaokod by tho Oholera, to-day. Pain Killor wosld be the only remedy I lO-'ukl use. I havo thoroughly tentod ft, and know i 'l bo relied on. P. V.. BHROINSKNO, Oalena, UllnoK Messrs. PERRY DAVIS A SON: I know you no. d no testimonial to convince jron that your modiclno la ail that you claim for it, but 1 cannot restrain tho imnu'so to communicate lo jrow pio fact that in my family It has truly done wonders* I administer^ it to my children (one eighteen months, and tho other three yearn old) WHO perfect saoccss. It regulates their bowels, sSd tifniw ml diarriioss. My reif and wife rosort to it in ail cases, both for Internal nnd external nso. Pro nsed It In my family for flvo yuara, and uill nof be wiUiout It. Jfeellng myself under much obligation to you, in many tlmos buing JMM from join. I am vsry trulz yours, h. F. MOORE, Uaugall, put^hepi O^/New York. i No family can afford to lie without It, and Its prico brlnijs It within tho reach of all ?? Tho uso of ono bottlo will go further to convince you of its merits Uian columns, af paper advertising. Try it, and you will never do without it. . , ryj ^*y\ l'rleo JWc. OOo. and Sl.OO per bottlo. You can obtain it at any dmg-storo or from IUI. I _-stoiro or from PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Provldotico. R. I. M v 11 l v o <; , 1 '? I d?> i .11 c I. i. yJ.- i4~ 1 i!i 'A" \ ''\n'I I' ? IV^ttooi?*' it Ul : VJ: - iAJ - AzH'' XJ 1\. *l?l?t? Mi ? * vir?;*'* 3! ^ jflasftt il i trdtBuIoO tMv ri^4i*w ,** Gtiii and. X-iOCliBmitlii, I .A ; rftrtM ,id* f&a?iJl D V/ ; erisJrwWyJaal v*fna2*8 ?*> fi*H MljpC , ? iaM tt<Apd clenldrjlri ; fctftbitef'J s^wJo uw amvaui. t?fT j ?itak/i .Ii .A?.?QthNjt Umi ; W T fioi . ^wtno*1' .TjiatJfc ti-pst l j ? .hwni? ) ,M|MU wjii n*kt?^I??i> 1o Uoi ?dt j .ORANGEB?RG, S. C. J?? Ji ,**>ai:*nq '0 , ? ,ii3 *! ",. -.'rt>*?iM}<.> j .3rt sofW! ??}4i]f>I'4> 1o ow KEEP? constantly on hand a full ami complete Stock oft annsnnd-'FietoljvOc every description, Pocket Knives, Table Knives fpaj. Forks,;tjpoons, $eis8qr8,? and in fart almost ters* Tools. Farm Goods, such ns'Sli ?;.A **.n>jt,, ! u'1 +*?Ma*p*\,ri.bum t&Ai&fts- ?a*i i vTHE LIGHT RUNN/NG REMINGTON SEWING'MACHIlSEr ? ' . I *??> it > iVifrd od* ,oi*CJ .1 H .r.nlifi'* The best and cheapest MAcldnevutatM^tnrcuV? < 9/ir t<i.tij j*. 1 nost anything in the Hardware line. I make a specialty ol Cnrpen-j rmlng Implements, Cooking IJtensllR, Fishing Tackle, Sportsmen^1 Shot, Powder, Gnu wads, etc., ete.'/Ttls? *v ' ???* orf?) The public are cordially Invited to examine my stock before purchaPing.ns *. ajn det er mined not to bo undersold. Ilepairlng of all kinds done with neatness and dipatch. P.O. CANNON. Orangeburg, S. C, Jan. 30,1880?lj' ' ' '* FRESH ARRLVA'LS^"? Sew and. Desirable Goods ?it ? 'l .<4 A ,-m?tl .* ?atsjedfifo t?V*** oil yeiU r>-itf beb ??*??? -:< .'* i W im .t-. .vATna?.oj 4 ^?o leasi? tauu**?** y Sil a ,n ? (*lRi Ii joais itasoJ *-n>? w; Lsd Ui? bebtaiu Hw?,' S. P?ir?.'!??!!*? ' ' \ja , ??"'*??*? --riSM:} ? Hi vi* ff* At ff biu !it*???.?ii ?t:-:>Jli75ji a*a? oJ 1.^ri<*.**Ji ?? MY STOCK ?OAlPIMSKif ?o ^ aridlud IDry Goods ancl..Grrocexie.? i.-fO .???.-?in??H --viT-^Srnb Jjr;f '7 r?Isifj aaoin IN CTURAT VAlllIfiTY.j^/j^ y etJlJ dd ? 'A -* ? -1 ? = ? ? \ ' > *Jj rjoilolM WKrit>?l?B l?f1 The Gry Goods embrace Ladies rtiul Mohs'Drcss ;On0tK W.hite and Colored.,.. Cotton Goods, Prints, Men's und Boys' Clothing,Hut* nnd Caps, : - Ii ? ":>h?w 1-j M?SB ItMrtOO A jj .?ijpirjiifl .vl >5 t?OiJtt ...INKkni^Ar _ ;;,f jrj.,?i*l f A !(I ,ia To suit ali classes. Also mil lines of GROCERIES AND TOBACCOS. -V Ii i OA ? ?l *>in I* .xctnanrif?? .?-,i-?fy,i?H .V/ .T,.:r ? And Iii fact everything' to-lie found in a Hi st class store. - ? - Imia u.i'l#'?i?iiJ? hi on -.'??>- V-r r..o;_ , ? Thanking the public for their generous piitronnge in the p:i? t, ! v?,ppeclfullty solicit a continuance of the ennie. prondoiug lo sell everything ul t.he lowV'I. possi ble price. The highest uiarkot price paid for . t - Cotton, Corn, Peas, Rice, &c. And all other Country Produce. A eall'stlieilcd. ' No'troidde tri( show goods. ; JOHN C. PIKE, Orangehnrg, S. C, M:ir ?8-tf Corner (Tburcli and lJU?se11 Rlreels. I!! 1!!! 177i ~H j", TTYll T Y\ H 111! 1! 11 III ^^DVKIM'l.SK u large and yaried stock of Goods,' con>i*liug pi part of j Sugnr. Ten, Sonfi. Tinwnre, T.einons', Putter Nuts, ? <?oflee. Kpleo. ' Siipolin; Stoneware.- Oruuge.-* Cocoa Nuts^ Ustenu, Ginger. \Viishhig Soda. Glassware. Apples. .. Peeiuia, Flour, l'eppi r, J^ye. Ctockery ware. Cnhhages. Ahnoe.ds, I.aid. Nuf'.nefrH, Pntash, \y?(nde"n" ware. Ciinreetlonery, Currants, HiiIlls, ('oppera.-,'" Stareli. ' sitters. ' Cinidy, Prunes. In fuel the hnges and host variety of Fancy and Staple Groeeries kepr in Orange burg, at prices Ten toTwo'uly per cunt less ibaii 11113* Itotue In town! <X V r .'? .r:f1 l-r* ' VHt*".? v'*:i'?''' '^fC' ?,?? I ineau just what I say. I'll eeli for less tlian any one. .? ? Or give my g?odd awnv. -?? ? \ -?? ?? 4m^vi?tti??. ']<H)fli tu A.- 13. wATKLls Orangebiirg. Apiii 4. 1879. Tx-adev of l.n\v Prices. LIGHTNING SE WER A* Shuttle triV> J'. SEWING MACHINE la wondorfyl In Its conception, urn procedontod for doing a lanzo rango of sowing In textile fabrics and Teathor. Its motions are continuous; adnrlittinii of an ^.xtraardlnSrv rata of sneed. #ltfi*? bv steam .or foot power* Every motion ef the.. troadlo n.altor six stitches, thus produc ing nbout ono-thlrd more work In a day thnii other Sewing Machines. It has no stop motioivs, and tightens the stitch with tho r.oodio out of the fabric. St uses the well-known W!l3on Compound Feed on both sides of the needle. K has two-thirds loss partr, than any other first-class Sewing Machine. Its nrm L. fully oi-ht and one-half inches long and five and one-half inches high, and tho whole Machine Is very compactiy and sclssr tlflcally constructed in proportions, elegance, design anal '*4*?**r? _ ttneo. Its simple, powerful and perfect mechanism places it as far , in advance of all other Sewing rViachir.oa ns the telephone' is superior to tho ti.. speaking tubo. Tiio WILSON MENOINQ ATTACHMENT, ' for rop.-.iring nil Kinds of textile fabrics WITHOUT PATCHING, fur* ' nlphed PR?E with ail WILSON SEWING MACHINES, together With -? 1 -clor. RufTlor, Cnrri^r. Sot of Kommers. Binder,ato. <? .a#.iasJ }'%**>? '? - i "u HU* a Aim jkht't #'sW i*U ftw .hi** kl M ,ns<s '.vHStfT These Machines are on' exhibition and for sale by KOHN, , AG Elvi" FOU , V . Orangebiirg County. Ornngehurjr. S. C. Nov. Tin, l^O.-tf , JAS. F. IZLAR. Attorney nnd Coiin^ell?r At Ltnr, ' OPiANtiKBbKO, S. OJtf M j j'irSill.-i- couu-r ''i-urt f|ini-i' S<|ii:?r?.**nnVf" (,' lili'h ?IhVK ihr" ?iilln- InfoU* owili ?1 ?i..! .? .m...? iJ Wv U'iu.'M Tlm^'ii. K>qj ? .hiim- II. ISHUrWll i . .r? i - ' - ' i L. S. WOLFE, D. D. S., GMiliinto of Bnlthiioro Denthl College. tftmt -N-l" ? v-o'a * f.vm{ !>na Uhi.i Office over U. T.ouUV Stove,l. .fl ?l)Vra)ils profe.afltonnl servier rtvt'iccitl 7.0Ws of? Orrtnjreuiirg nml adjoining c?un Tenth extracted without pain by the ose of NIlfMf* OSWiWrtsi'nin Ahfest (in ie?n|i.,Ie kurmhi to ?&ut&t?rnhiMfttfttott ^ll:0-liJift?'(J. ,liili. ?0. ISSO-ly j , , c?l)10fj] _ ? tic T? kl L? m?9 Diseases of tlio pulmonary organs ura so nrovalent and ,, fatal, that a safe and K WOBTk. T* reliable remedy for tfiem is invaluable' tooveryconromnity. fUlliml TTmfitc Ay k k 1 ? Cheuky <. z\* 'ma&j I'KCTOitAL is such a *Wromed7, and no ?' >????w?.?*w?^l other so eminently ^:CHE!RRr' nierlta the conff r - . ^ dence of the public. "g^J^B?ifi^,.^^ It Ifl a scientific corn 's f^Sf ij|J|J^blnatlonof themedk """ l,*'^*y/JM//.curBtlve virtues of |J- J?E'the finest drugs, ?'? PFCT?RAL chemically united, WKA?^\fntkMd. to Ingun/the great cat possible efficiency and uniformity of re Bults, which enables physicians as well as lnvnlitlfj to ?8e it with confidence. Ii in the most reliable remedy, for diaeaaes of ,{?^ ?'the throat and lungs that science has pro |. ducod. It strikes at the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt ' and certain rellof, and is adapted to pa tieuta of any age or either sex. Befog <very palatablo, the youngest children taTco it wlthoitt difficulty. In the treat ment of ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat. Bronchitis, Influence. Clery gyman's Sore Tb rout. Asthma, Croup, and Catarrh, the effects of A yen's ChebbyPectobai. are magical, and multl- ? tudos aro annually preserved from serious 'illness by its timely and faithful use. ? It ohould be kept at hand In every house hold, for the protection it affords, in sud don attacks. In Whooping-cough and Consumption there Is no other remedy bo efficacious, soothingrand helpful.. The marvellous cures which Am'?,!A , Chbbby Pectobai, has effected over , the'world are a sufficient guaranty that it will continue to produce the best result*. An impartial trial will convince the most sceptical of its wonderful curativeixjwers, aa woll as of its superiority over all other preparations for pulmonary complaints. ' 'Eminent physicians in all parts of the ? country, knowing its composition,recom rnohd Ayeb's Chruby Pectobax, to inva lids, and prescribe'it In their practice. < The tent of half a century has proved" its,-. absolute certainty to cure all pulmonary '? complaints not already beyond'the reach of human aid. * . if*.'i*??e b iia W A ) t' Prepared by Dr. I. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and -Analytical Chemists, ' "'Lowe?,Mass?'woltqmL^i j , bold ?y all navaaiSTS btbhtw'uk?#. n- t ' ?ot. ber iiJ 1870*? \y '? s-&d ivoisi* ?_c-? :-,... ,..... How Watches -are ?Moder ?? i TT will he apparent to any one who will JL examine n> Watch, that rt^Ido Ironi the necc??nry thickness for engraving and polishing, a large propor* lion of tho precious nietal us<;tlv is need- ?? ed only to sjiflen and I pit) tho engraved portions iu place, and supply the neces sary solidity and strength: The surplus''' K<dd1s actually needless so far as i:tiU- > tv and hcautv ore concerned. In JAMES BOSS* PATEN I'GOLD WATCH CASES thjs Waste ol prcciou-* uieial is overcom?\ Itlld . t be .SAM K SOl.llUT.Y asm STUKNOTII' produced itr froui one-third to one-half ol t he usual cost "|" solid cases;:. >Th'u pTi?> ! cess is of the UMMt >bnplo nature, ns fol lows: a plate of nickle composition met al, specially adapted to the purpose, has two-plate* of Sol.fb <*<>l.l> soldered one' oo each sldv. The titvee are then passi-d ? between polished steel rollers, and the result Is a strip of heavy plated couipo.-,jT tlbn. from which the cu-e* . hacks, ecu- , ti'cs. bezels.* l&c. are cut and shaped fry suitable dies and' formers/ ? in these cases Is sufficient'}' thick toutdiuif. . of all kinds of chafing., engraving ? eiuiuiellhig ; ; t he i'iigi uyed ;*eufe* Suptii . been carried until worn ' 3?pr^ecrlJ^;, smooth by time and use without-rehiov- ? | ifigJhc gold. THE ONLY CASE MADE 1 For stdtf by nil .few elerisP '^?efc 'ttlr. II histruled <'iifnlnguc.<uod to l"ee wamyitV;* March li. ISSOV-Jy^ju pftV? t'? 1>Ur,- ? pAiL'TJ SCSM* At the People's ' Bakery; '? V "? ^*'*"' ^?B?i*U.'i?|? lit *?wtr?l*^r, I^STAU^IIIP^S^,,^., BY* rilE ' PliESENT PROlMtIETOlI m <\* 'fwwr> Xi ti.J* X ,tK-*ir Who Is still ready-and wllliurf t?j ,(, ,U ' * ? ~jiv$lt .IS A .txtoitn ?n BREAD, R0LL8? PIES ? m t Tjjfrni ?3j ?Ji? ilm-m t>*al r ' c a'SM'lS"; of all ?lphW nvjw 1 by tue barrel or box. V. H.St iloJl . itfff' BO!*t'*j*? riaUfOki W?>rsi a ^ I1UEAD FOM CAMF-MEBllNGS, > A n| other meetings at^rt^y^e^ fv ,, T.cJST RECEIVED PRESIf CONFEC V TfONARY?. FANCVvGOODS ANB^ NOTION'S, which will be sold as any that can bo bought in Orangeburg. Thankful forthepust patronhgo-af my ^ IVirnd and the public I still SO?Qit a con- , T, W: AliBBBGOTTI, t* oJ /AW 4t-Al 34! I ?llJaeMi V> -* ( BUSSED, IJ STR?ET^ ?t a. / Next door to Mr. J,. V. Karle) Om^fnrgysejpt V^lSTf <? , , BT(^1 Aw i a-V!f?h ' I?7??v??s ??ti loicHiixw . BMita? jiDEALERS- ,-*ju<rf|.|rt f>. [ --Oj ^iO :o8 biB^ti ?dJ uui)U9fj>n 2?PLAHTATION.fi00Q$,.1tl DRY GjO0D?^AJ^1?R??t:^t^E$^ j( Ik o*c*;<| \\rtw^>ww(nir *?? ^nonn^'?f j i^F ? "?IhcfURrttibr^ t? oar general j stock. * o of GOODS and sollelt ?n call ? vvbr.-,r?:?r they vlMt>iStt!t MBltf^ft^ ^ffelU' t*D(> li -fresh tHtik coti?!Riil|{r 4|) JKnrfl.n f ' oliy1 .'{i*f>Mi9*<a ooU^Io