* Forget-Me Not. There grew in some neglected spot A tiny bine Forget? roe not, .So lone and fair. 1 eiill'd t lie flower wflh piulc caress More tii lor imgel-hand io press, And in my pure It bloomed awhile, nmj gave me joy, The pure, and fair-eyed lender to,>? Then aluinhered deep. To trail within the Master's hat d My tender flower s)mll still expand, And I will keep Within my heart of hearts for aye 'j lie nnme, und bul a name to-day. "Which here I press. Clippings. i?Every map throws on to bio sur roundings the sunshine or the shadow that exists in his own nojiil. ?Don't remark that there's notic ing uow under the sun. There are sixty new styles of bonnets. ?A recent poet nays: "As she sighed he sighed." If they were sit-! jt/ng side by side, it might have been a great sighed wuise. ?Emma: the only point of resem blance between flowers and women, that wo are aware of, isthat they both shut up when they sleep. ?Worldly friendship is like our phadows: while we walk in sunshine it sticks close to tis, but the moment yvo enter the shade it deserts us. ?Baton Rouge has lately increas ed her police force to three men and a dog. The flog is depended on lo pland over the ofliccrs while they sleep. ?Oh, fashion !?It was about 11 a. I in., and she was plowing an old one horned ox. .She was barefooted and )>areheaded; but had on a "pin-back" dress. ?It is said that a coon cmi be caught by leaving whiskey in its vi cinity, but Hie average hunter would rather drink the whiskey and take chances on the coon. t ... ?The Democratic otalc Conven tion of Man-land did not instruct its delegates to Cincinnati, but express ed confidence in the distinguished ability ol'Thos. F. Bayard. ?Hasty words rankle a wound, soil ones dress-. Forgiveness cures it, and IbrgclfulncSs removes the scar. It is more noble lo avoid an injury by silence than to overcome it by argu meet. . ?A young Western lady, who is partly deaf, is in ihe habit of answer? ing "yes" to everything when a gen tic man is talking to her, for feaj he might propose to her and she not hear it.' ?When you sec a man take off hi? hai to you it is a sign that he respects j you. But when he is seen divesting I himself of Iiis coat you can make up j your mind thai he intends 'thai you shall respect h'iio. ?At a recent Philadelphia picnic, when it was discovered that the cro quet at cues had been forgotten, a wicked gitl suggested supplying their places with the two bow-legged 3 oung men present. ?Tastes differ. Some men would like nothing better than logo to .war, become heroes and return home a colonel, while the ambition of others is lo sit on a dry goods box circus day, chewing ginger-bread while thei parade passes. ?The latest yarn about, fast lime is to the effect that on a certain road i a youngstpr put his head out of ihe : c?'r window tp kiss his gitl good bye when the train pulled out so rapidly that he kissed an old African female ul the nex! station. ?The Northern Methodist Gene ral Conference refused pointedly to elect a colored man bishop, notwith standing the body was strongly im portuned to do so by Hip colored! tncmhcie of the church, on the ground j thai one of their race could more j heartily sympathize with them. ? An item of the Herald's Chicago! correspondence reads thus: "It is, something novel and rather refreshing i to sec coal black negroes in hotels smoking, drinking and swinging canes. They arc here en masse, und j drive about the streets in open car-! \Vages "happy as the day is long." ; ? What is friendship good for that only blossoms in sunshine, ainl shuts] lip at night and in stormy days? What is a friendship good for that . stands in stead when yon do not want or need it? 1 hen, when a man i would bo ribbed up in strength, is the j time when friendship will show itself. ?Arizona sends a walling cry to the East for l?,i)O? women, but wo can't spare thorn. If all our women arc to bo dragged West, we'd like lo know what provision is going tobe made for the s;ip;>oil of the men who nit on the grocery counters and tell what tremendous men Iheir grand fathers were. ?The Rochester Democrat says:I ?An ordinance could be introduced in the Common Council making it a misdemeanor for a young man to drive a horse in the evening with one hand. This one arm business en dangers the life ami limb of other j c lizci.s who have outgrown that sort; of nonsense." I ?To classical student?Yon ask, "If Alias supported tlie world, what: siippov cd Atlas?" The question, nir,! has often been asked, but never, so far as we arc aware, satisfactorily an swered. We have olwnys h'een of the opinion that Atlas must have married a rich wife, and got his sup* port from her father. SrnscitiitK for tho Okanoeuhrg jj)r MOCIIAT. A. F. II. DUKES, BRANCHVILLE, S. C., OflVrs d large and varied stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE at the Lowest. Cash prices to make room for a large SPRING STOCK. J have also on hand a lot ol the best T^ei'tilize rs, At the lowest possible figures. Don't tail to come and examine my stock i bcfoiu buying elsewhere. L F. H. DUKES, BRANCHVILLE, S. C. Feb. (J.18S0?7n: B?YCK&CO. DEALERS IN PLANTATION GOODS, DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, St. Matthews S, 0. \\l e respect fully call t be attention ol Vt the farmers to our general stock ol GOODS and solicit a call whenc"*?? they visit St. Matthews, A full ami fresh stock constantly in store. Ort Buy! Buy! Buy! AT THE CALIFORNIA STORE OF J? I, SORENTKTJE, before all are sold at the prices named below: Best French Sardines lficts per box, Fine Bofllcd Pickles 15 cents, Fresh Toniatocu, 3 lb cans. 20 cents, Largo Fat Mackerel 8 (or 25 cents, Best quality Codfish 3 lbs for?5 ccnt6, Leaf Lard 11 lbs for ?1, Rio Coffee (best) 5 lbs for .$1, Mustard and Pepper 1-4 lb boxes 10c -o A full line of DRV GOODS, SHOES, GROCERIES, and TOBACCOS, Always on hand at the lowest prices. Good. Plug Tobacco at 10 cts per lb at J. I. SORENTRUE. VEGETABLE mum A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For Internal and Kxtornal Uuo, Is a SURE CURE for all tho Diseases for which It Is rocoinmended, and is ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE in tho hands of even tho most Inexperienced persons. It in a ?uro nnd ?miete remedy for COUGHS, SORB THROAT, CUILLS, ami similar trouble*; nfror.is instant teiief in the most malignant forms ot DIPHTHERIA, ami in tint beat known remedy for RHEUMATISM and NEUKAEJjIA. THE OLDEST, BEST, ?ND MOST WIDELY KNOWN FAMILY MEDICINEJN THE WORLD. It bus been used with Much wonderful aucecan in all jnrtf of the ?rorM for CHAMPS, CHOIjBRA, I>IARR1HEA, DYSENTERY, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, that u U considered an unfailing cur? for these diseases. HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 40 YEARS' CONSTANT USE IN ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. Tt is RECOMMENDED by Phyniclnnn, Missionaries, III ini.it er*, MnnoKery of Plnntntlous, Work-Shopa, and Enctorien, Nuraea in IIo.Mi>ltaIn ?In short, by Everybody everywhere who has ever given It a trial. IT IS WITHOUfXRiyAL^A LINIMENT. It Kbould always bo uacd for Pnin In tUO. Back nnd Side, nnd brir.-js tpttdy and permanent relief in all ciwOH Of Bruiaca, C'utN, Hprnina, Severe Rnrna, Sralda, oto. NO FAMILY CAN SAFELY DE WITHOUT IT. It will annually MVC many timer, Its co*t in doctora' bills, and Itn'prico bring? It within the roaeh of all. It is sold at 2?c. 00c.and Sl.OO u bottle, aud can bo obtained from all dnimfints. FERRY DAVBS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors May 14. 18S0?6m DOWN THEY TUMBLE! DRY GOODS HAVE DECLINED AT H E N R Y K O H N ' S. The protracted inactivity of trade lias induced manufacturers pf Dry Goods to work oft* their iinincn.se ? locks on hand by a general reduction oi prices. IT 111 IST E Y KOHN Taking advantage of the opportunity now oilers 500 PIECKS CALICO f>00 P!EC-Ed CALICO AT SEVEN CENTS. AT SEVEN CENTS. These Prints are all new and choice, Standard makes and fast colors. All other goods have been marked down in proportion. SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS. AH kinds of Mack auk Fancy Dress Goods from (J 1 1 cents per yard to the finest goods imported, selling rapidly at our low popular prices. WHITE DRESS GOODS Including Figured and Doited Swiss Lnce striped and chocked Cambrics, Nain sooks, Piques, .Marseilles, etc. HOSIERY and GLOVES. The best English. German and French makes In Qloves and Stockings In plain and ran05' colors. Lisle Thread, Ralbriggan und Silk for Misses, Ladies and Gen tlemen's wear. ROY'S and MEN'S CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING. In this line 1 am the acknowledged leader as regards styles and low prices. Goods arc hi tler made, better trimmed, and cut ill better style than can be found in any other Clothing Houses. LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTLEMEN'S SHOES. Our reputation in keeping in the best assortment and the very best qualities for the least money is still maintained. Ask for the celebrated band made stock, every pair warranted. The King of all Sewing Machine* Tlio "Wlilte" Shuttle Sewing Machine, Late Improvements a^ain perfected?Terms and prices to suit. Also IBiitterick's Patterns For Sju ing and Summer wear?if you cannot come for a Fashion paper, Bepd for [rec of charge. We particular invite our Friends and Patrons to call early to secure the Bargains before they arc all gone. Respectfully H E N R Y K O H N> P. G. CANNON, Gruri and Jlipcl^smith, and dealer in Gruus. 3?;stols and. General I-Iardvyarot , ORANGEBURG, S. C. KEEPS constantly on hand a full and complete stock of Guns and Pistols of every description, Pocket K'dvos. Table Knives and Forks. SpooiiK. Scissors, and in tact almost anything in the Hardware line. I make a specialty of Carpen ters'Tools. Farming Implements, Cooking Utensils, Fishing Tackle, Sportsmcns' Goods, such a? Shot, Powder, Gun wads, etc., etc., also .THE LIGHT RUNNING REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE, The best and cbenpest Machine manufactured. Thp public are cordially invited to examine my stock belorc purchasing as I am determined not to bo undersold. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and dipatch. " P. G. CANNON. Qrangopurg, S. C, Jan. .'10. 18S0?Jy J, CPU UBESBt ARRIVALS MY STOCK COMPRISES Dry ^Q-oodLs arid Grrocei?iee IN GREAT VARIETY. The Dry Good? embrace Ladies and Mens Dress Good*, '?Vinte and Colored Cotton Goods, Prints, $fe}i's and Roys' Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Slioess To suit all elasses. Also full lines of GROCERIES AND TOBACCOS, And in fact everything to be found In a first class store. Thanking the public for their generous patronage In the past, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, promising to sell everything at the lowsct possi ble price. The Ingbert market price paid for Cotton, Corn, Peas, Rice, &c. And all other Country Produce. A call solicited. No trouble to sjiovy goods. JOHN C, PIKE, Orangeburg, S. C, Mar 2S-tf Corner Church and Russell Strei t?. ICE CREAM ICE CREAM GOOD NEWS! Be-opening of Joseph Eroes' Ice Cream AND Stop and refresh yourself, having done so, carry some home in a neat little patent Ice Cream Rag [for which no charge] for your wives, sisters, cousins, aunts and sweetheart 8. Ice for sale In any quantity, send rope or bag to save expenses. I dm also still keeping the finest assortment of CONFECTIONERY, Oranges, Lemons, and Nuts of all descriptions, cheaper than any w here. SOMETHING NEW AND DELICIOUS In housekeeping Shepp's Dessicated Cocoa Nut, also fresh Raisins. Currants, Citron, Canned goods. FINE CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES and smokers articles. Call once and you will call again. JOSEPH EROS, Orangcbnrg, S. C, Sept. 2C-tf Hl IM! I!!! I!!! 111! I!!l I!!! I?! 11? ADVERTISE a largo and varied stock of Goods., consisting in part of Sugar, Tea, Soap, Tinware, Lemons, Butter Nuts, Cotfce, Spice, Snpolio, Stone ware, Oranges Cocoa Nuts, Bacon, Ginger, Washing Soda, Glassware, Apples, Pecans, Flour, Pepper, Lye, Crockery ware. Cabbages, Almonds, Lard, Nutmegs, Potash, Wooden ware, Confectionery, Currants, Hams, Copperas, Starch, Sitters, Candy, Prunes. In fact thp largest and best variety of Fancy and Staplo Groceries kept in Orange burg, at prices Ten to Twenty percent less than any house in town. I mean just what I say, I'll seh for less than any one, Or give my goods away. A, B. WALKER, Orangcbnrg, April 4, 1870. Loader of Low Prices. LICHT WING SEWER THE NEW WILSON ating Shuttle SEWING MACHIHE la wonderful in Its conception, un precedented for doing a largo range of sewing in textile fabrics and leather. Its motions aro continuous, admitting of an extraordinary roto of speed, either by steam or foot power. Every motion of the treadle makes six stitches, thus produo* Ing about one-third more work in a day than other Sowing Machines. It has no stop motions, and tightens the stitch with the needle out of tho fabric. It uses the well-known Wilson Compound Food on both sidos of tho needle. It has two-thirds less parts than any other first-class Sowing Machine* Its arm Is fully eight and ono-half inches long and five and one-half inches high, and tho whole Machine is vory compactly and scien tifically constructed in proportions, clegancQ, design and appear* anco. its simplo, powerful and perfect mechanism places it as far In advance of all etiler Sewing Machines as the telephone is superior to tho tin spooking tufco. Tho WILSON MEKDING ATTACHMENT, for repairing all kinds of textile fabrics WITHOUT PATCHING, fur nished FREE with ail W2LSOH SEWING MACHINES, together with a Tucker, Rufflcr, Coirrior. Sat of Kommers. Binder, otti. These Machines are on exhibition and for sale by THEODORE KOHTST, AGENT FOR Orangeburg County. Orangobursr, S. C. Nov 7th, 1870.?tf The Improved Water Elevator and. Purifier. ORANGE 13TJJR.Gr? S. C . IF you would enjoy pood health you must use pure water. To the citizens of Orangeburg, Alken, Edgefield, llanipton. and Uarnwel conn tics: Raving purchased the exclusive right of said (?(?unties for the Improved Water Elevator and Purifier, we offer tho Fame for Pule. Thin Elevator has no superior, (t is simple, cheap and durable, havlujr no wooden tubing to decay and pollute the water. No iron tubing to rust or corrode. No flanges or valves to wear outer to get out of order. R quire-* no attachment below the platform and will last Three Times as long as any pump. Will make had water good, and mod water better. A thorough investigation Is all that is necessary to convince you of its merits. ? MERONEY & BAXTER. ?f HE WHITE ii Sewing Machine THE ?EST OE AH. Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim OT DCina TH? VERY BEST OPERATllSG QUICKEST BELLING, y HANDSOMEST, AM? I Kost Perfect Sewing MacMno IN THE WORLD. The great popularity of IhoWhitols the most ccn- I Vtnclnn tribute to its excellence and superiority over other machines, and in submitlinu. it to tho trade we put it upon Its merits, and in no Instanco has it ever yet failed to satisfy any recommendation In its favor. The demand fortho White has Increased to such an extent that wo are now compelled to turn out ovory ?tliroo mlK.utco la tiio <5.zx~r to BWppiy Every machine Is warranted for 3 years, and said for c-sh at Hbcral discounts,or upnn easy ; payments, to suit the convenience of customers. ! ?S-A0EHS3 V7A1*T?D lit UltOCCSFISB Jt22irOE7 WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. Ns 353 Euclid Ave.. Cleveland. Ohio. For Sale by Heiii?y K?lln. call call At the People's Bakeryi EST A B LISII ED IX 1871, RV t'HE PRESENT PROPRIETOR Who is still ready and willing to FILL OR DER ? BREAD,ROLLS,PIES AND C A. K E S ? of all descriptions. ft ? N 6 E Ii S 1)3' the barrel or box. ALSO BREAD FOR CAMP-MEETINGS, '>:; Any other meetings at short notice. JUST RECEIVED FRESH CONFEC TION AR YS. FANCY GOOD!- AND NOTIONS, which will he sold as low a.? any (hat can be bought in Oi'au?reburg. Thankful for the past patronage of my friends and the public I still solicit a con tinuance of their custom. T. W, ALBERGOTTI, RUSSELL STREET, Next door to Mr. J. P. Hurley. Orangcbiirg, Sept 13, 1S7S ly Is a compound of the virtues of Bjvrsapa* rilla, stilliupia, mandrake, yellow dock, iwith the iodide of potash and iron, alLpow erful blood-making, blood-cleansing, and life-sustaining elements. It is the purest, safest, and in every way the most effectual alterative medicine known or available to the public. The sciences of medicine and chemistry have never produced so valua ble a remedy, nor one so potent to cure all diseases resulting from impure blood. It cures Scrofula, and all Bcrofulous, diseases, Kryaipelns, Rose, or St. An thony's Fire, Pimples and, Fnce grubs, Pustules, Blotches, Dolls, Tu? mors, Tetter. Humors, Salt Rheum, Scnld-hend, Ringworm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Mercurial Diseose,Neu ralgla, Fcmalo Weaknesses and Ir regularities, Jaundice, Affections of. the Liver, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, and General Debility. By its searching and cleansing qualities it purges out the foul corruptions which contaminate the blood, and cause de rangement ami decay. It stimulates and enlivens the vital fimctions. It promotes, energy and strength. It restores and pre serves health- It infuses now life and vigor throughout the whole system. No sufferer from any disease whicharises front impurity of the blood need despair, who will givo Aykh's SAUSACAitiia.A a. loir trial. Remember, the earlier the trial, the speedier the cure. Its recipe has been furnished to physi cians everywhere; and they, recognizing its superior qualities, administer it in their practice. For nearly forty years Aver'a Sak SAVARILla has been widely used, and it now possesses the confidence of millions of people who have experienced benefits from its marvellous curativo virtues. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer $, Co., Practical and Analytical Chemist*, Lowell, Mass. GOLD BT ALL DRUOaiST8 ETZRYWUERE. Octob sr 3. 1S79?ly VIRGINIA HOUSE* (Formerly McDowell House) HENDERSONVILLE, N. p. IT AYING purchased the McDowell JL House, the undersigned begs leave to inform the traveling public that he has. furnished it throughout In modern styler and will endeavor to keep a first class bouse. The proprietor will give bis per sonal attention to the bouse, and do all in bis power to make quests comfortable. The table will be supplied with the bestj the market affords. Polite and attentive servants. Tcruis moderate. A. J. DODAMEAD, Proprietor. (Formerly of the Y'bglnia House, Colum, bla, S. C. J. R. Tu a ck am, Clerk. (Late of the Columbia Hotel. Colum bia. S. C. April 2d, 1880 TAKE A CERTIFICATE in thq Mutual Endowment Assess-, ment Association OF BALTIMORE. npiIIS scheme of Life Insurance is got X ten up by the best business men of Baltimore as a mutual protection among its members. It is based upon purely business principles an?' is perfectly relia ble, affording the safest and cheapost plan on which life, risks can be taken. Mr. J. S. Albargotti repre?euta the company for. this county ami will Issue certificates, llu invites examination nnd will be pleased to give nil Information needed. April 2nd, 1880.?Cm