The Orangeburg democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1879-1881, May 21, 1880, Image 3

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A. l??i>ox* ibr tlio People, Open from half-past 8 to 10 o'clock A. <M.. and from balf-past 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Columbia mall closes at 10 A, M. and the Charleston mail at halft past 5 P.M. On Tuesdays and Fridays a mall lor Folderville, Vnhces Ferry and Holly Hill closes at half-past 7 A. M. On .Fridays a mall for Knott's MUhq Witt'? ?Mills and ltishcs' Store closes a,' hall-past 2 V. M. Or?noeuukg, s. C May 21. 1ss0. Notice.' Wo havo made arrange ments with the proprietors of the lYctvs and Courier to club their mam moth-Weekly with the Democuat at ?3 per annum, for both papers, cash In advance. Correspondent Wanted.?The Co '.lumbia Register wishes to obtain a regular correspondent at this place. Anyone desiring to net will please communicate with that paper. Cure Youuself. Take Mall's Hepatic Panacea for Dyspepsia, indi gestion, Sick and Nervous Headache, sand ali diseases arising from a torpid Liver. ? It is purely vegetable, and .satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Price 50 ots, per bottle. Foraalc by 8. A. Reeves. A New Game.?The game of from i 25 to 40 will puzzle the census-taker more than the little game of 13-14-15. He will be awfully pnzz'ded when a maiden lady with cork-screw curls and false teeth tells hiit that she was 4'born in 18G0, and ltc tan count it up himself." He'll be ready to swear that she has jumped the "15" from the lower left hand corner. A Tough One.-*--An exchange says an aligator twelve feet long was shot au<^ killed near Jacksonville. Fla., and in its stomach "a well-preserved brickbat" was found. Since the lad has been established that. Whit laker cut bis own cars, wc are prepared to believe almost anything, but thu? ali gator story is too tongb, and wc will accept it only under protest. Lorenz's Blush Face Powder.? A harmless promoter of beauty, im parting to harsh, pallid, ami bronzed complexions the fresh bloom of health and vigor. Being an ar iclo of such delicate fineness its skillfull applica tion produces a rich exquisite blush so true to nature that its use ecapes detection b}' the closest observer. Price 25et per box. For sale t?3- Dr. J. G. Wann.imnker. * Right ok Wrong.?Polly: Well Pat, what is it now? Would you lath er look a bigger fool than ye are, or be a bigger fool than yo look? Pat: Sure now, my daiiint, and I'll bo both till J lind which side of the ar gitucnt ynH-on ycrseif, w hin, by jabers, I'll join ye, right or wrong. The above pretty tully defines tin* position of the average politician. They'll be anything for olllce, right or wrong. SoMKTliixr. N i:\y.-r- The ladies of; the Lutheran Church propose having' a moonlight picnic next Tuesday eve ning at the fair grounds for the bene fit of that church. This is something new in Orangehurg, and ltd doubt will be enjoyed by our young people. Ad mission ten cents, children five cents. Ice cream and oilier refreshments will be sold by the ladies during the evening. We trust the entertaiumem will be a grand success. Nominations.? 1 he lollowing gen tlemen have been nominated through our advertising column-, lor positions on the Democratic ticket of this county : Messrr. Robert. Copes and Ilarpin Ri?gs, for Clerk of Court, Mr. C. B. Glover, Judge of Probate, and Hon. J. W. Moseloy, foi Sheriff. These gentlemen are eminently quali fied and Sited for the duties ol the offices to which they have been nomi nated and the county wih stiller noth ing at their hands it elect*.d. Fair.?It is determined by the St. Paul's Methodist .Sunday School to hold a Fair early i' June, the pro ceeds of which will be appropriated to the purchase of an ogan for the school and for other necessary pur poses. The committee of ladies and gentlemen of arrangements will mem in the church this afternoon at ? o'clock. Any friend c f the Sunday School cause who desire to give us a helping hand will please apply to Rev. O. A. Darby, pastor, or 11. G. Sheirdan, Superintendent. Maimed Soldiers.?Any citizen of the State who lost an arm or leg while in the service of the Sta'e dur ing the Confederate war. and who has not previously received an artifi cial lim'b from other States, or the United States, is entitled to the bene fit of the act passed by the late regu lar session of the Legislature, and should send his name to \V. E. ?Stono\, Secretary of the Board to contraci for and furnish artificial limbs, Co lumbia. S. C, on or before the llrsi of July, and suitable blanks will he forwarded. Hill's Hepatic Panacea. The Liv er is the king imperial organ of tue whole human system, as it controls the life, health and happiness of man. When it is disturbed i;i ii6 proper action all kinds of ailments are the natural results. The digestion of the food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and nervous system, are all immediately connected with the workings of i he liver. To keep tho liver in a healthy condition take Hill's llapatio Pan acea. Only 50 cents per bottle. For sale by S.A. Reeves. Brevities.?Knights of Honor will j nicot Monday night. Tho manufacture of oleomargarine has made soap grease a scarce article. Mrs. James-Stokes :will pleaso no cept our thanks lor a lot ol line vege tables. A dangerous $100 counterfeit.note is in circulation. We are on the look out lor it. Wo have not heard of a candidate for County Commissioner. Why is this thusly ? Unhappy is the man for whom his own mother had .ot made all other mothers venerable. Orangeburg Division,'S. of T., is increasing in numbers, and the mem bers are encouraged. Dull times makes light work for our uioichants and politics nie I cing ful'y discussed in the stores. An Indiana girl who was sud lenly kissed at a party has suddenly be come insane. What a foolish girl ! At the request of clerks the mer chants of Union have decided to close their stoics at G o'clock in .the even ing, except Saturdays. We are glad to report that Rev. R. J. Edwards has recovered from his illness sulliciently to be out, and Mrs. Edwarde is improving slowly. The vanity of loving line clothes and new Insliious, and valuing our selves by them is one of the most childish pieces of folly that can be. Never ask the edito:s*br printers who wrote the Communications ap pealing in the paper. The chances are that it is none of your business. The dwelling of Mr. J. N. Hook,, of this county, was destroyed by lire on Wednesday night, last. The cause of the Joe is supposed to be acciden tal. Madame Demorcst's Fashions fur the snmmcr just out, call or send (or Catalogues to Theiodore Kohn. Be stire and don't lurget as they are beautiful. When Brutus and Cassius were boys the girls used to say that Brute was such a nice fellow, bui they pre ferred Dash. The girls haven't changed one bit. We regret to learn of the extrcn e illness of Mrs. T. C. llubhcll, and hope the means employed for her res toration to health may lie blessed with the best results. When tue affectionate father of five grown daughleiS calls tit the hard ware stout for tin extra stout pair of gale hinges, it means the summer campaign baa opened. The .Sunday School of St. Paul's Methodist Church contemplate hold ing a fair soon for the purpose ol I raising funds to purchase an organ j for the school. Joe McBcth desires it to be known fu'r and wide that be considers him self the champion bootblack of the county, and when it comes to hiding "redeye" be 'aint far belrnd the cham pion. We have received an invitation to go on an excursion down the Hudson from L\>Ui>h'-ecpsie to New York. Thai does pretty well, bui how in the blazes ate we to get to Poughkcepsic? is the question. Twinkle, twinkle little star, and light ihe way of yonder pedestrian to the drug store of Dr. .J. Q. Wanna maker to buy a bottle of Coussens Lightning Liniment to cure his rheu matism, lame back. Price 50 cents. I Quito a number of pretty jonng ladies from Chui los ton and other places are visiting Orangeburg at the present tune. We hope theii slay in our midst will be as pleasant to them as theii visit is gittlifying lb their] n ictids. It. is a notable fact, that anything from abroad is of gieater value than I thai w hich we have at home. Some I people would go to Charleston to buy a paper of pins, if it did not ncccssi late an outjay beyond their visible means. You may not believe it, but try ii and yon will be eon vi tied that Porta line, or Tablet's Vegetable Liver Powder is the best medicine in the. world to regulate the stomach and liver. Price 50 cents. For sale by Dr. J. G. Wan atnnket. 1 Mr. Jos. Eros requests us to state that parties wishing ice on Sunday can procure it two hoti-s before and two hours alter church. Also, parties wishing ice cream on Sunday must leave their orders with him by ten o'clock Saturday evening. There is no excuse lor those who drag iheirwcary an.I disordered bodies tnlo our company, when a lew doses of Aver's Saisapai ilia would cleans their murky blood and restore their health and vigor. Ye muddy victims ol bilious disease, have some regard for your neighbors, if not for your selves. Rev. T. B. Boyd.?On last Sunday evening the Methodist pulpit of our town was occupied by Rev. T. B. Boyd, formcly a cilizeu and merchant ol the town. Mr. Boyd has recently entered the ministry and already gives promise ol great usefulness to the chinch of bis choice. Iiis Ser mon on Sunday night was full of fer vent zeal, well delivered and indicat ed a degree of ability which few voung (ncaches are able to bring to the service of the church. Iis effect upon the large congregation in at-' attendance was very maikcd and I especialy So upon who were his associates in former days. Well educated, possessed of more than or dinary tnleni ami of u winning ad diess, Mr. Boyd bids fair 10 be an ornament to the church and a faithful laborer in the vingard of khis Master. We bid him Cod speed. Shooting Match.?Tho Columbia Yeoman says the Columbia Gun Club propose to have a glass ball shooting match during tho week of the Demo cratic Convention, and to this end have extended.invitations to like or ganizations of Charleston, Augusta, Nu wherry., Winnsboro, Greenville and Charlotte, requesting them to enter beams for lue contest. Why was Orangeburg slighted? Perhaps our Columbia friends have heard ol the skill of our boys and arc afraid of them. EsOAPKD.?On Tuesday morning last Mr. Peel-, the jailor, brought two prisoners down to get water. One of them, Cherry Butler, was allowed to ?o to the well ami the other kept in the house While gelling the water Butler dodged around the well and run. Mr. Peel IIred at him twice, ev idently with effect as the prisoner fi-ll and seemed unable lo go furlhci. Tho prisonor, kept in the bouse, was returned to his room and afterward search was made for Cherry Butler but to no purpose. Ho made good his escape and is now at huge. CiUTicistKa Newspapeus.?It is a very, easy .mutter to criticise a news paper, but to publish one, so as to in terest, amuse and instruct the public, is no small undertaking. Those who arc so prone to find fault with every little item which docs not puit their critical and exalted ideas, should buy type, ink and paper and publish an organ of their own. Lei them try it for three months only, and if it don't give them some new ideas of the newspaper business, then we are no judge of human nature. The conceit would be taken out of such individu als so ?quickly that they would hardly know what was the matter with them or whether they stood on their bands or their Ject. Tub Methodist Distinct Coxfeb enoe.?The Orangohnrg District Con ferenuj of the M. E* Church, South, convened at St. Matthews on Wed nesday evening, the 12ib instant. The opening sermon was preached in the Methodist Church by Rev. John A. Moo t, and on Thursday morning, at ten o'clock, the Presiding Elder, Kev. Manning Brown, Cfcllcd tile Conference to order. The organiza tion was completed by .he election of Mr. John fo. W annatnakcr as Secreta ry, and the Conference entered at once upon the business before it. . Reports from tho various points in the District represented the several interests of the church in a flourish ing condition. Bishop W. M. Wight man arrived on Friday, and entered at mice upou his duties as presiding oflicer of the Conference. Iiis gentle manners won the alfcctions and his timely advice guided the members sal |y and wisely through the remain ing business of the Conference. The following gentlemen were elec ted delegates to the Annual Confer ence l<> meet in Marion rext winter: Rev. B. A. MeKibben, Dr. J. W. Sumuers, Mr. Jas. Stokes and Rev. John Inabinet ; alternates. Messrs. J. E. Wannumukcr and P. V. Dibble. The matter of building a district parsonage on the church lot in Or ungeburg was thoroughly discussed by the mcmbcts, and it was decided to build the parsonage as soon as twelve hundred dollars were collected and in baud ; and in ibis connection it was very distinctly stated that the building should not be commenced until that amount wjls actually in baud. The discussion upon the different plans for raising funds for the vari ous purposes of the church resulted in favor of assessments by the stew ards as the most successful and satis factory in iis results. Blackville was selected as the place where tho next Conference shall be held. Aller the usual resolutions of thanks to the citizens H St. Matthews, the railroad an i the Baptist congregation Abe Con lerence adjourned with Ike benedic tion. < >n Saturday evening Rev. W. \V. Duncan, ol Wofford College, made a in iSt excellent speech on religions education, in which lie took sufficient latitude to administer u timely rebuke to politicians and to make some se vere but deserved criticisms upon the limes, political, criminal and social. Prof. Duncan was unusually forcible as well as felicitous in his remarks on l"ul phase of character based upon a religions education which he believed to be the only hope of the country. Kev. Wm. Martin preached on Sal unlay night, when he took occasion to present the Washington Street Chuech, Columbia, to the congrega tion. Bishop Wighlinan preached one of his characteristic sermons on Sunday morning at11 o'clock before the lar gest congregation, perhaps, ever as sembled in St. Matthews. Feeble as the good Bishop appeared to be, he bebl the close attention of that large audience for more than an hour. Dr. T. Ruysor preached a most cx eel lent sermon in the Baptist Church at the same hour to a full bouse. In deed, we heard some of ids hearers as sert that the Doctor 'neat the Bishop. A mass meeting of the children was held in the afternoon at half-past three o'clock when Pud. Duncan, Mr. L. B. Hayncs and Rev. O. A. Darby made addresses. At eight o'clock in the evening Prof. Duncan preached a missionary sermon before the Ladies' Missionary Society. This ended a scries of meetings, the influence of which we hope may bo felt and seen lor years among the good people of St. Mat thews. Rev. Sidi IL Browne visited the Conference on Saturday, lie looku well and seems strong enough to cur ry bis little Neighbor triumphantly through many years, and by dint of many a hard battle to conquer peace at last. p ? i ii iiimiiimiTinm?-rii? i 1 i I ?11 1 *? Floral Fair.?The most criminal indifTcornco wo have over witnessed in regard to any enterprise was that which manifested Itself in the want of patronage to the recent Floral Fair intended to he held by the Orange burg Agricultural and Mechanical Association at their building on Fri day last. Wo are sure it was no lack of interest on the part of our people in the success of the fair, since the) have ever been active in the promo tion of all undertakings that have foi their object the prosperity of the com munity ; nor was it due to the scarci ty of llowers or garden products, for this is the season when these abound in their greatest profusion ; the only sal is lac lory theory to be found is that I spirit of indifference which waits,for another to do what is every one's duly, ll is criminal in as much as it leaves a duty unperformed and an important interest uncared for. The directors bail gone to some ex pense repairing the building for the occasion and making the necessary arrangements foi the success of the exhibition, with the reasonable hope of realizing enough at least to defray these expenses. The failure to do so was a severe" 'disappointment and threw such a damper over the spi its of the directors us will, in all proba bility, prove the death of Floral Fairs lor years to come. Jn this much the community ol Orangehurg is the loser. Not knowing ihe extent of the disap pointment we proceeded to tho Fair Building Friday morning about 11 o'clock and Ibucd only a handful ol ladies and gentlemen discussing the propriety of abandoning the enter prise and returning the articles on ex hibition to their owners. The pros pect was indeed gloomy and perhaps the heller wisdom prevailed when it was decided o close. In examining lite articles we were peculiarly struck with their merit without a single cx tiou. The largest collection of How era was furnished by Mrs. W, N. Kcci ville, embracing choice varieties ol Geraniums, and beautiful specimens of the Cigar plant, Begonia, Lantnna, Fuchia and other Oooicu varieties ol our hot-house plants!. Mrs. .J. L. llcidtmnn was equally fortunate in her selection of Geraniums, Cactus, Fuehias and a rare specimen of the Wax plant. A Calla Lily, Cactus and verities of the Geranium furnished by Mrs. Kirk Robinson would have won the general praise of visitors ; so likewise the specimen of Arabian Jassamine and Wax plant of Miss Leah Robinson. Of the vegetables Mrs. K. R. Barton had the most extensive assortment in cluding Beels, Cabbage, Onions, Cu cumbers, etc., all of the present sea- ? son's growth. Mrs. Euianucl Rickcn j baker contributed largely in Cabbage. Turnips, Peas, Beans, etc. Her col j lection embraced about twenty live I varieties?all choice and well ma I lured. Mrs. James .Stokes had on exhibition the finest Turnips we have ! ye! seen besides a splendid contribu : tioii of Beels, Onions, etc. A basket of beautiful cut llowers waa furnished liy?fllrs. l>r. Sail y; j also a vase of wild llowers by Mr. W. T. M?ller." The largest, and IInest specimen of Hollyhock we have seen I was the contribution of Mis? Beltie I Harlcy. It has seldom been our good I lortuue to sec so line an exhibition of artistic taste and skill as we witness ed n a curiously wrought Lyre and Harp by Miss Annie Culler. These were made by extensive cuttings of I wild and gatdco llowers, beautifully j mingled. ! Dr. W. F. Barton and Messrs. J. : L. Moorer, John Howe and 0. W. , Culler furnished most cxccllcn'. sam ples of their Wheat and Oat crops I w hich were perfectly free from rust, j well matured and indicated a heavy \ iehl of these grains. Insurance.?The .Mutual Endow ment Assessment Association of lsal i I:more, Md., represented in our com munily by Mr. J. 8. Albergotli, is ?nie of the best societies in existence, j managed by the best financial bnsi ! ness men of Baltimore. Careful in its risks, not allowing policies in Charleston, New Orleans, Mobile. Memphis, or anv epidemic region. Though started two years ago, by Ibis great care and strict medical ex amination its members have not been ? assesseed to pay one death. Like j the Knights of Honor, there is no nd I vancc in its rales. For instance, if i you start between the ages of 21 and : 45 years, you are assessed one dol lar, and il remains tlio same If you live to be a hundred years old. Wo like the plan and have in vested. Call on Mr. Albergotli, at. the popul?r house of C. 1). Kortjohn, and get all the information you want. .T.V^llCiS VAN TASWICL is agent for the Sale of the celebrated BALI) MOUNTAIN OOKN WHISKEY, the purest brand in the known world CALL! CALL!! CALL!!! and sample for once In your lives a pure MOUNTAIN WHISKEY. It has no equal. Also on hand the cheap est brands of SMOKING and CHEWING TOBACCO in the market. A full Hue of Staple and Fancy UK0CE1HKS, Cheaper than the Cheapest, Give me a call and bpoonvincod that this advertisement is no humbug. .1AMKS VAN TASSEL, Al Midler's Old Stand. L. S. WOLFE, JD. D. S., Graduate of BaltimoreDental -Cot; 1 ege Olllec ovon D. Louis'.Store, OD'erH Iii? professional services to the citi zens of Orangeburg und adjoining coun ties. Teeth extracted without pain by the use ot Nitrous Oxide Gus, the safest an test he ie ?known to science. Satisfaction guaranteed. dan. :i0, ISSO?ly GOOD NEWS1 GREAT NEWS! GLORIOUS NEWS ! ! AT THEODORE KOHN'S FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS' EMPOEIIFM. GREAT TUMBLE irsr GOODS. Calicoes at Six and a Quarter Cents. Calicoes at Six and a Quarter Cents. Calicoes at Six and a Quarter Cents. Calicoes at Six and a Quarter Cents. Calicoes at Six and a Quarter Cents. New and Fashionable Goods received every week. Ladies' Linen Spits, Linen UJstcrs, 'White Lawn Basques, Neatly trimmed from 81.25 up. G R EAT ASSORTM EXT Of Embroideries, Laces, Ribbons, Gloves, Parasols. Buchings, Neck Ties in all the late styles and very low in prices. We invite .particular at tention to our immense stock ?f DRESS GOODS Latest Novelties being constantly added. MATTING, MATTING, MATTING, Selling out and Cheap. Remember we have the finest, best ami lowest priced GENTS" CLOTHING, HATS, Sil HITS, SHOES, and NECK WEAR, And don't forget to cul at THEODORE KOHM'S FASHIONABLE D K Y GOODS' E M P O R I U M. Orangeburg, S. C, Oct. 10,1S79. How Watches are Made, IT will Ke apparent to any one wdio will examine a Soi.ii? Goi.D Watch, that aside from the necessary thickness for engraving and polishing, a large propor tion of the precious metal used, is need ed only to stiffen and hold the engraved perilous in place, and supply the neces sary solidity and strength. The surplus gold is actually needless so far as utii.i tv and beauty are concerned. In JAM ICS liOjjS1 PATEN I'COLD WATCH CASIOS this waste ol precious metal is overcome, and the SAMK solidity AN? stuknoth produced at from one-third to one-halt' ol the usual cost of Solid cases. The pro cess is of the niojt simple nature, as fol lows: a plate of uicklc composition met al, specially adapted to the purpose, has two plates of (iOI.II soldered one Oil each side. The three are then passed between polished steel rollers, and the result is a .-iri^i ol*heavy plated composi tion, from winch the cases, backs, cen tres, bezels. &c are cut and shaped by suitable dies and formers. The gold In Hie-e eases is suMcicully thick to admit ol all kinds ofchnaiug, engraving and enamelling; the engraved ca*es have been curried until worn perfectly smooth by time and usp without remov ing the gold. THIS IS THE ONLY CASE MADE WITH TWO PLATES OF SOLID GOLD AND WARRANTED BY SPECIAL CEll riFICATE. For sale l>y all Jewelers, Ask for Il lustrated Catalogue, and to see warrant. March 12. ISSO?ly Tax Notice. Office ok County Tueasureu, } OitAXtiEUUKa County. ? OllAXGEUUUn, S. C, March 81, ISSO. > NO IKK is hereby given that 1 by my self or Deputy, will he lit the follow iug named places on the days specified for the purpose of collecting Taxes for the llscal year commencing November 1st, 187J). Ofllce hours from 0 A. M. to 2 P.M. My oiilce will be open at the Comity Scat during the entire mouth of .May thereby giving the Taxpayers a double opportunity to pay w ithout penal tic.?no extension of time will be asked for. ftranchvillc. Saturday, May 1st. ISSO. Lewisville, Monday, ?? 3rd, " Fort Motte, Tuesday, 4th, " Connor's Store, Wednesday, May nth. Avers' Shop. Thursday, May Oth, ISSO. Howesville, Friday * " 7tb " Cedar Grove. Saturday " Stb, ?? .1. 11. Felder, Monday" ?? ]0tll, " S. P. Wells. Tuesday, ? 11th, " Avinger's, Wednesday, " 12th, *? W. J. Solders, Thursday11 13th, " Dr. 'Tom K. Keller, Friday, May 14th. Pine Grove Academy, Saturday. May loth. LSSO. Wui F. Phillips', Monday, May 17tb. R. S Gleafcous', Tuesday. May 1 Stb. Coonsboro, Wednesday, May 10th. \\ likes Sawyer's^ritiirsday, May 20th. Col. Daniel Livingston's, Friday, May 21st. ISSO. Gregory's Old Store, Saturday, May 22ml. ISSO. Easterlln's Mill's. Monday. May 24th. Joseph D. Smoke's Miils, Tuesday, May 251 h, ISSO Zoigier's More, Wednesday, May 20th, Ivuotts Mill. Thursday, May '27lb, 1SS0. ROBERT COPES, April 2d, 1880. 'Treasurer O. C. DOWN Tl?iY TUMBLE! DRY GOODS HAVE DECLINED AT XX E H R Y IX ? XX N? S. The protracted inactivity of trade hn? induced manufacturers of Dry Goods to work a?'their immense locks on hand by a general reduction of prices. H. JE IsT I t Y K O JESC 1ST Taking advantngo of tlio opportunity now oilers ?OO PIECKS CALICO .000 PIECES CALICO AT SEVEN CENTS.. ATSEVEN CENTS. These Prints are all new and choice, Standard makes and fast colors. AH other goods have been marked down in proportion. 'SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS. AU kind* of ?Black auk Fancy Dress Goods from 0 It cents per yard to the llnest goods imported, selling rapidly at our low popular prices. WHITE DRESS GOODS Includ'.ng Figured and Dotted Swiss Lace striped and ohceJied Cambrics, Nain sooks, Piques, Marseilles, etc. HOSIERY and GLOVES. The best English. German and French niaken in Gloves and Stockings hi plain and fancy colors. Lisle Thread, Balbriggan and Silk for Misses, Ladies nnd/Gen deinen's wear. BOY'S and MEN'S CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING. In this line J am tho acknowledged leader as regards styles and low prices. Goods are better made, better ttbomed, and cut ill better style than can beibtiuU.ln any uiher Clothing Houses. LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTLEMEN'S SHOES. Our reputation in keeping in the beet assortment and the very best qualities for the least money is sllll maintained. Ask fur the celebrated hand made stock, every pair warranted. The King of all Sewing Machines Tlio "White" Shuttle Sewiag irVJiteHiK&e, Late improvements a^ata pccf<jeled-*~TermH and prices to suit. Also I3i~itterick:9s 3Pattei?ils For Spring and Summer wear?if you cannot come for a Fashion paper, send for free of charge. We particular invite our Friends and Patrons to call early to secure tho Bargains before they arc all gone. Respectfully HENR Y K O II N. Steamer! Steamer! 1 WHAT P LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS of every variety, warranted FRESH AND GENUINE, and No W.ater NEEDED TO BRING THEM UP. Try a few BEANS, CORN. CUCUMBERS, and tail this time, X RY AG AI INT. Watches and Clocks tillendec! to. NO BOOM IN PLAIN RINGS. *W. JB\ Iiol>iiifrson, Watchmaker and Jeweller. ? Russell Street, Orangehurg, S. C. j Jan. 1G. !*30?iy OFFICE OF <JE0. H CORNELSON, ORANGE BURG, S. C, The undersigned would respectfully tn j form the public that he is every day re. ; celving large additions to his already llar<xe stock in all the different branches : and that the same will be disposed of at j his old motto, ?'Large sales and BU)al I profits." j I am also receiving now and hnve in j store the following popular brunds ol 1 Manures : Etiwan Dissolved I'one. Etlwan Guano. Atlantic Fertilizer. Atlantic Acid. Kaiilit or Potash Salt. Which will be sold at lowest prices, I have also been .appointed agent for b, F, Avery & Sons, Louisville, Ky., (The largest Plow and Wagon Manufac tory in the work?.) and have received a lot of their One. Two and Three Horse Wagons, also Plows this week. Give me a call and sec for \ yourselves. Respectfully Yours, GEORGE II. CORNELSON. Sept. 11?, 1870. _andrew 0. dibble, Attorney end Counsellor at Law, Corner St. Paul and Church Sts. ORANGEHURG, S. C. April 23?Snios. ^tjeiTdibbli;"" Attorney and Counsellor at Law (Cor. Church & St. Paul's Street.) ORANGEBURG, S. C. Dee 1.1-ff HIDES And BEES W A X. 1 will pay the 1iC9t pi ice-: for Wool in any quantity. Also fur Dry- Flint and Salted }).\<}<i?, if not damaged. John A. Hamilton. Oet 11, 1S79. IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD! Nbvee Gets Hard. Ca? be Made ant Stbknutu Desired. Lasy Twice as Diieiiea Corel without Drugging tha Sratao, cures Chills and Fever, Liter Complaint, Dyspepsia, Ncnralpa, Nervonsness, Rheumatism, CostiTcne&s, Female Weakness, Sick & Xenons Dttuacke. Thcee Pads Cum ?11 Diseases by Absorption. No Noxious Pills. Oils,or Potsonoiu Medicine* arctakest Into the Sjomacto. Tim Pads ?r? worn over Ojo Pit of tlir Stomach, covering the Orcat Nervo Centre*, also the Liver anil Stomach- A pent!* Vegetable Toni? is alworbed intothccin-ulationof tho Illoodand i iver. purifying thcUlopd.stimulatingtheLlrerand Kidneys to healthy action, and strengthening the Stomach to digest food. Price op Pads *l an? *?> each. Sols dt all Dbcoouts, or sent by Mail or Kxpre*s. Manufactured at S9 It 41 North Libkrty St, VaI.TIMUUK, Mu. For Sale by S. A. I JEEVES. Jan. 30, ISSO?ly Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine?, J^o, s IMPROVED. Easiest to barn, easiest to manage, Tbc lightest running, the most durable, Awarded the only Grand Prize at the Paris Exposition in 1S7S. Over eighty competitors. Terms easy. For sale by James A, Hamilton. At the Htoro of JobVi A, fta pilton. Jacot? Reed's Sons, PHILADELPHIA, FA. The oldest and mont reliable Clothing Bouse in the United Slates. Mbiiaiy Goods a specialty. A fresh line Spring Samples just received and orders taken by James A, Hamilton*, At John A. Hamilton's storr\ Feb in. ISSO.