?. Paper for tlio People, l^ostoillco Hourfs? Oppn from hulf-pnBt 8 to 10 o'clock A. M., tfnd from hidf-nast 10 A. ?L to 4 P. Columbia mull closes at 10 A, M. and tbe Charleston mall at half.past'Q P. ?J.' Ou Tuesdays and Fridays a mall for Feldervllle, Vanees Ferry and Holly Hill closes at half-past 7 A. M. On Fridays a mail for Knott's Mills} Witt's Willis and ltlsbes' Store closes a, half-past 2 P. M. ? ItAIJ.RfrAp^'lMV: TABLE. The trains arrlvp aj; prapgeburg as fol .l?w's": from charleston. No. 1; Pay.......9 ?S A. M. No. 13, Day......1 17 P. M. No. 5, Night.2 48 A. M. from coi.umiua. .No. 0, Night.1 20 A. M. No. 14. Day.10 17 A. M. No. 5?, Evening.? 15 P. M. In addition to tbe above trains there Is n through Northern Express Train which nnss$8,.?rangebprg as follows: Going North, 10 P. M.jgqing South, G A. M. T. O. DXwsoN, Local Agpnt. OitAKO?nuaG, s. c, Maiicii 19.1SS0. Notice.?We have made arrange ments with the proprietors of the Ncios and Courier to club their mam moth Weekly with the Dj-jiocuat at 83 per annum, for both papers, cash In advance. Town Talk.?Steamer ! Steamer 1 ! Steamer 1 ! ! The Knights of Honor meet next Monday evening. Just arrived a nice lot of spring I plothing at Henry Kolpi. "We hear of quite a number ofj Easter 'picnics in prospect. Another lot of White Sewing Ma Chines just received at Henry Kohn's. There's one leap year iu every four, brtj&jjhcs there a man who'd ask for more. A fine mt of ladies and gents hand made shoes just received at 'jlenry Kohn's. * In all tbe guilty train of human vice3 there is no crime of deeper dye jjian that of hypocrisy. If subscribers do not get their pa pers regularly they will oblige us by ^}v]ng notice of the fact. Ten dollars reward for a lost Mule, ?ec advertisement of Mr. Rich, of St. Matthews, in another column. The pet name of the new steamer is to be "Uncle Joe," in honor of the veteran old fireman, J. P. Hurley, Esq. ?' V Tbc sudden changes of weather from dry to wet and from liot to coM have made .colds and sore throats prevalent. . . Arriving every day at Henry Kohn's one of the linest assortments of /dress goods, notions, &c, ever offer In this raatket. * Corn planting is progressing sat isfactorily through out the county. 'Farmers have an eye to the provision prop as well us tbe cotton. Where did you buy those beautiful . }ow' quartered buttoned shoes? At Kortjohn's, and they are the cheap est and best I ever bought. * Abrothor editor calls bis night shirt "loose change.'' An editor with a night-shirt 1 Whew ! Pride, where is ^hy* sting? O wealth where is thy vic tory ? The "Salvtaion Army" is prepar ing to invade the strong holds of sa "?an in New England. It will find work enough to last it all the Sum mer. The demand for logwood, madder and eggs is increasing as the Easter sctfson - approaches. Our youngsters are evidently preparing lor a nice time. The members of Elliott Hook and Ladder Company are earnestly re quested to meet at their hall this eve ning at half past seven o'clock for parade. Wednesday, St. Patrick's Day, wa3 celebrated by the Charleston Ir jfebMn a manner becoming the suffer ing and distress of their kindred in the old country. A second band billiard table can be purchased very cheap upon appli cation to the Finance Committee of the Young America Steam Fire En gine Company. The Episcopal Church will be open for divine service on next Sunday, morning and afternoon, at the usual hours. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Guerry, will officiate. ;' A little daughter of Rev. Lemuel Author, colored, had her leg broken pn Tuesday morning last by the up setting of a wagon body about which the children were playing. Full many a rose is born to blush unsoen, and* waste its fragrance on the desert air ; full many a nip is ta ken behind the screen, and cloves and coffee, too, are eaten there. Shad fishing affords excellent sport now to those who have time to in dulge in it. Quite a number of white shad arc being caught and sell for a dollar apiece on the streets. ?HMSH5S555HSHC8H -J1 ?SC Charles Henry don't pome home without tjiat Town Talk Baking Pow der. If you do, you won't have good bread to cat. Be sure to get it at Kortiobn's, ns it is the best when in cans. * We ca]\ tho attention of our lady readers to the advertisement of Mrs. L. M. Smoak in another column. Her long experience at the business and pasl success arc a guarantee of tho futme. Mr. J. C. P.icrp lias closed up for a few days and gone to Charleston on a trip of business and pleasure. A long season of close attention to business will doubtless increase his enjoyment. The Wilmington Review, says: '?We've got a rifle, aad wo arc going to get a howitzer, then let some de mon come at us with ids 13, 14, 15. We will work in the interest of the coroner." Clothing, red, white and blue flan nels, cambric drawers, white and col ored shirts, pants, consigned by par tics needing the money at once, and will be sold regardless of cost by Kortjohn. * "We are prepared for action, as eve ry editor should be at this season of the year, as the spring poetry fiend may pounce down''upon the fraternity atony t}ruc with something on spring, beautiful spring. .An editor in Iowa has been fined $250 for hugging a girl in meeting. "Cheap enough," says another of the fraternity, "we once hugged a girl in meeting, and it has cost us a thops and dollars a year ever since. The Young America Steam Fire Engine Company is enjoying a boom just at this lime. The membership was augmented at the last meeting by the accession of eight active and twenty-two contributing members. Take that buckeye put of yon pock et, and make an application of 'Lab ler's Buckeye Pile Ointment, if you arc suffering with piles. You will certainly be cured. Price 50e. For sale by Dr. J. G. Wannamaker. 1 Tbc Chcraw ift wz has ceased to exist and in its stead the Carolina Sun is published. The Sun's proprie tor! Mr* ^* Begucs ma)' con gratulate himself on the splendid r.p pearance of the first issue of bis pa per. While printing paper has gone up in price sonic fifty per cent., will our delinquent subscribers please paste tins in their hats, dream about it ati night, and then tell us if they can longer read the news without paying for it. Oi:n friends of upper St." Matthews proposes to have an caster picnic at Mrs. Wolfe's old mill on Good Fri da)*. We know the people, and can vouch for the picnic. A splendid day is in awaiting for those who expect to attend. Cakany thing be better? I can't think so, r.s Co?sscn' Honey of Tar is the best cough remedy I bave been able' to get. One dose alone is woi tb 50c.. but you can buy a whole bottle at that price. For sale by Dr. J. G. Wannamaker. 1 The recent rains have filled the branches, creeks and rivers with wa ter. The Congaree, Santee and Kdl sto are full and in places out of their banks. Considerable loss in slock and prepared planting lands is ex pected if tho rain continues. The Missionary Society of St. Paul's Methodist Church Sunday School will hold its regular monthly meeting on next Sunday afternoon at half past three o'clock. Prof. W. II. Lawrence will address tho society. The public are earnestly' invited to attend. The New York Sun oilers to bet 010,000 it has so large a circulation, and the New York Star oflers to wager ?50,000 that it hasn't. The Norristown Herald adds, "and what puzzles outsiders is to understand how they can borrow so much mon ey." Quick Wohk.?Col. Dan. Livings ton* mills was burned during the lat ter part of February. The loss was adjusted, and check to cover same re ceived for him by the 15th of March. He was insured in the Western As surance of Canada, Captain Hamil ton's agency. Why nre you po sad and low spirit ed ? I hayc reason to be. I have j bought goods at exorbitant prices on credit and given a lien and mortgage which I am unable to meet. It would have been different had I heeded tho advice of my filends and bought for cash from lyortjohu. * ' Hall's Vogctablo Sicilian Hair I Rencwcr is tho best preparation for the hair in the market, anil always gives satisfaction. Do not bo put oir by unprincipled dealers with others on which they make more profit. Curb Yourself. Toko IIall's Hepatic Panacea for Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Sick and Nervous Headache, I and ali diseases arising from a torpid Liver. It is purely vegetable, and satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Price 50 cts, per bottle. For sale by S. A. Reeves. The occuRation of the planet Mars by tbe Moon, which occurred at G.30 O'clock P. M. Wednesday, was quite a disappointment to Star-gazers of our Burg. Tho clouds were so thick that the moon shone but dimly and Mars coujd not be seen at all, The occultalion of both Mars and the moon was at time complete. There will be an entertainment consisting of Charades, Tableau:-; and refreshments, at Trinity Grange Hall on Faster Saturday, for tho benefit of Antioch Baptist Church. The price of admission is only 15 cents for grown persons, and 10 cents for chil dren. The public gene: ally are invi ted. What is it which you buy to give away, and you arc rcpayed a hundred fold in the happiness it brings you by its acceptance? A pound of .Joseph Eros' pure Con fectionery taken along when you go to sec your sweetheart. Don't forget the place where to got the Confection ery from. * The Oliveros residence is under going needed repairs and thorough renovation. This is a valuable piece of properly and is capable of being made an ornament to the town asj well as a delightful residence. Wc \ arc glad to learn that its present owner, Hon. Samuel Dibble, pro poses to make it his home in the near future. Dennis Kearney the political agita tor and trouble breeder ol* California has been tried before the police court and sentenced by Judge Rix to six j months imprisonment anil lo pay a] fine of 1.000. Kearney of course ex presses a holy horror and unbecom ing indignation over the severity of this sentence and has taken tbe mot to the Supreme Court. The delegation of merchants ap pointed by Mayor Courlenay to rep resent the commercial iutcrest of Charleston at Cincinnati on the oc casion of the celebration of the opcu ing of the Cincinnati Southern Rail road left Charleston on Monday night last. The entire state has an interest in this visit and it is expected that good will result from it. TnE fifth annual convention of the Young Men's Christian Association vill convene in the Presbyterian Church, of our town, on Thursday \ evening, April 1st, and continue to meet in session until Saturday, with closing exercises Sunday night, tin 4ih instant. Our citizens, we fool as sured, will extend a warm and gener ous welcome to the delegates Lorenz's Blush Fact. Powder.? A harmless promoter of beauty, im-1 patting to harsh, pallid, and bronzed! complexions the fresh bloom of health J and vigor. Being an ar'icle of such delicate fineness its skillfull applica tion produces a rich exquisite blush so true lo nature that its use ecapes detection by the closest observer. Price 25ot per box. For sale by Dr. J. G. Wnnnamaker. * Jury Law?By tbe amendments to the Jury law at tho bite extra ses sion, persons within live miles of the court house, who have been ex empt except when dtawn from the vicinage box in cases of exhaustion of the regular panel, are made sub ject to jury duty. It is tdso amend ed so that a juryman is only to serve one week of the term ; to take effect after June 1st, next. Says an Exchange: Wc cannot but smile, "when a man tolls us bo cannot lake bis local paper, because he wants a New York paper. He j might as well say that ho cannot af ford bread, he intends having sponge cake. Meanwhile he has to ask his j neighbor about the local news and I notices, and the locai paper goes on building up bis place and business, and serving hie convenience without I his support. Our colored friends of the A. M. E. Church propose giving a literary 1 and musical entertainment for Ihe benefit of Ihe church on Monday evening, the 22d instant, to bo follow- '? cd on Tuesday evening, the 23d in stant by a grand vocal and musical concert and tableaux. These enter tainments are given for a praisewor thy object and we hope they will he liberally patronized. Admission 10 and 15 cents. Tin: members of Orungcburg Di vision, Sons of Temperance, bad a pleasant reunion last Monday eve ning. The occasion was celebrated by a line collation and an address bv Prof. W. JI. Lawrence. Itis needless for us to say that the event was en joyed very much by all who had the good fortune to participate in it. We are glad to learn that the order is looking up, several new members' having been received on the night re-. t'erred to. A very intelligent colored man of our town was asked the other day by a gentleman why lie did not employ help about his place, to which he re plied : "No, sir I I will have pone of these 'hirelings' around my premises. Not that I object to the pecuniary consideration, but to thp wear a:x mm says' our first falsehood is more dilllcult to manage than our first baby." You shouldn't have made- your falsehood so big. Thepe little while round lies, that lly out of the mouth like a pill you are attempting to swallow, are the best to commence with. The seventeen cornered pieces, with sharp ragged edges, stick in the throat, harrow up the conscience, and make a man feel mean enough to be ft politician. But a newspaper man has no occasion to tell falsehoods. At least that has been our experience. The second of a series of lectures before the Young Men's Christian Association was delivered on Monday evening last by Rev> 0. A. Darby at thejr rooms on Church Street. Quite an encouraging audience of both ladi es and gentlemen was -in attendance and the subject, "Hynins, tlieir Au thors and influence," was made by the speaker to yield a largo fund of in struction and atcuseracn-. There are man)' gems of poetic compositions in the hymuals of the prescht day whose influence for good wlil go down through all the ages of the future Church. These we have been taught lirst to admire, them enjoy and love without ever dreaming that the beau ties we prize so much wore unknown to the early proles.ant Christians. Here the church has abundant cause to be thankful for the advantages she enjoys and should love the memory of those gifted saints whose struggles in life were the occasion of her prrs cut advancement. Dukino the morning of Thursday j last, the 11th ins ant, Mr. J. A. Bar din, a merchant in lower St. Mat thews, near Sanlec River, walked into the room of Mr. W. I). Kirkland, his clerk, a young man from Camdcn, S. C, and found him standing on the floor stirring a glass of some liquid, which, he supposed, was brandy tod dy. Being requested by young Kirk land to sign a manuscript to which he pointed on?tbo table und which he called his will, Mr. Bardip seated | himself to do so, when young lyirk hind drank the contents of the glass and then asked Mr. Bardin to send him to Fort Motte. The promise was given and Mr. K. stated further that lie had just taken a half ounce ol morphine for the purpose of ending his life, and if this dose did not do the work, powder and lead would. Mr. Bardin became alarmed and im mediately sent for a physician and i endeavored to pursuadc the unfortu nate young man to lake an emetic. This ho positively refused to do f;r some lime and only consent ed to take n little mustard after much j time had been wasted in talking and j walking about. Kirkland then lay on the bed and was soon asleep and insensible. Wheat the doctor arrived it was too laic to administer an anti dote, and the young man died about 9 o'clock the same evening. Disap pointment in a ma'rimonial engage ment v.'ilh a young lady of Williams burg (Jaunty, is said to be the cause of the rash act. a. r>. Kkowl'j'on. a. Latiikoi" i KNOWLTON & LATHROP, Attorneys and Counsellors, ORANGBU?RG, S. C Dee-1.Ml ]V?ax*k?t Ropoi'tr CoiutECTKp Weekly uyJ. C. Pike. COTTON. Middling., 12 n 12 1-21 Low Middling.11 3-4 a 121 Ordinary to Good...:..10 3-1 a 11 I I COUNTItY I'KODUCK. <'orn.'.80 Pctts.75 Uicfe", rough.. 91 30 Fonder.'.75 Oats, per cwl.,.7-3 Potatoes, gwce!.7"; \ Better, country .25 j Eggs. 15 ! Poultry.15? 25 1880 St, Valentino, 1880 VALICNTIN GS VA LKN TJ N KS VALENTINES V A LENT IN ES VALENTINES Just received at THEODORE KOHN'S FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS' EMP ?IIITJM] A large und well selected lot of VALENTINES Comprising the "Littest'' in Sentimental ami Comic styles. Now is the time to get bargains In Whiter Goods?closing out the small lots left ? yon will never get them as cheap as now Woolen Goods are continually on the rise?lay in your supplies now If you want to save money. DAILY ARRIVALS of new goods comprising all the Novel-j ti s of the season. Dress Shirts, Collars and Culls have advanced 25 per cent, but having a good stock on hand, as long as the Mock lasts will sell at old prices. Don't neglect the golden opportunity. TIG: LiqHT RUNNING DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE Still holds its ptBUlonof supremacy; in fact, il its .sales continue to increase as they have done dining Ihe last few months it \? evident that they will soon he equal to the sides of all other ma chines put together. Valuable itnj roveiuents have been made in it from time to time. The latest improvement in "The Domestic" Is the new Treadle, which runs on scale pivots and the pitman connects with a balance wheel with a ball joint thus se curing lightness in running with absolute stillness, Needles for all the various machines Attachments, Shuttles. Oil. ite., always on baud and for sale nt tho lowest prices. THEODORE KOHN'S D R Y GOODS AGENCY FOR Madame Demorest's - R E L I A Ii L K P A T T K R N S. Orangeburg. S. C, Oft. 10.1870. IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD I Never Oetii Kau?. Can nr. Mauk any Stuksoth I'ksihkd. Last twice as l,o.\g. Di:5i:es Cotsi witioa*. Drugqtae tho Cysten. cubes Chills and Fever, liter Complaint, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Kenonsness, lUii'timtism, Costivfccss, Female Weakness, Siek 4 Xervons Headache. These Pads Cure all Diseases bv Absorpt{oD. No Noxious Tills, Oils, or Poisonous Medicines are token Into the Stomach. -The Pods uro worn over the Pit of Die Stomach, coviTinK tin- Urvat Nerve Centres, nlso tlie I.ivvr mid Stomach. A Kenlle. Vefjotnblo Tunic I? absorbed intothccirculatinnorthc la.I.| I iver, purify inj? the Blood, lUmuUtlna; the l.lverand Kidneys to healthy notion, mid Btn-iiKtltt-nlitK tlio Stomach to digest food. Prick of Tau? $i and fi each. Solo uy all DnuoctsTs,or sent by .Mail or Kxpress. Manufactured nt 39 J: 11 XjliTil J.ibeiitt St., ?ai.t1moiie. AI l". For Sale by S. A. BEEVES. Jan. 30,18S0?ly 10? VAN 'X'A-tSHl?l] is agent for the Sale of Ihe celebrated I BALD MOUNTAIN C/OUN WHISKEY, j the purest brand in the known world call: call:: callhi and sample for once in jour lives a pure MOUNTAIN WHISKEY. It has no equal. Also qji hand the cheap est brands of SMOKING and CHEWING TOBACCO in the market. A full line of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, Cheaper than the Cheapest. Give me a call and be convinced that this advertisement is no humbug. JAMES van TASSEL, At Midler's Old Stand. OFFICIO OF (xEO. H. CORNELSON. ORANGKUUKG, S. C. The undersigned would respectfully in form th'.' public Unit be is every day re ceiving large additions to hi- already large stock in all the different bntnebes and (bat the same will be disposed of at Iiis old motto, "Large sales and small profits.'' I am also receiving now and liave in store the following popular brands of Manures: Ktiwan Dissolved Bono. Etiwan Guano. Atlantic Fertiliser. Atlantic Acid. Kainit or Potash Salt Which will be sold at lowest prices. I have also been appointed agent for B, F, Avery & Sons, Louisville, Ivy., (The largest Plow and Wagon Manufac tory in the world.) and hayo received a lot of their One, Two and Three Horse Wagons, also Plows this week. Ciye ino a call and see for yourselves. Respectfully Yours, GEORGE IT. COKNELSON. Sejit. 1!), 1ST!). ' 1880 Edison's Electric Light, Stock worth ICQ pet share now selling from .'1,000 to 5.0G0. I am still selling Lambeth's New Gar don Seeds for 5 cents a paper, although some 011? who sells Kerry's Commission Seed has been so kind as to tell the peo j pie that I sell old seeds; but my numer ous customers ?p0W Landroth's Seed bc j cause they havd tested them, and I will 1 be pleased to supply thein now, in any I quantity. Also order any variety tint on hand. Also, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry for sa'o low down, to close out my fall stoek. REPAIRING done on Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, &c., at reasonable price.", j Don't forget to examine our large collec tion of STEEL PLOWS. J ust repived by TV. U\ X?ol>i?fsoift, Watchmaker and Jeweller. Russell Street, Oratigcburg, S. C. Jan. 10, 1-S^O?ly SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. i Commening November 30th, 1S70, Trains will run as follows: COLUMBIA DIVISION. (Daily Except Sundays.) Leave; Charleston.7 00 a in 1) 00 p m Arrive at Coiuinhia . 11 15 a in 0 50 a in Leave Col inn bin.t 15 p 111 ?30 i> in Arrive at Cluil le.vti...:o 3U p in 7 22 a in AUGUSTA DIVISION. (Dally.) Leave Charleston.U 00 a in 10 '."1 p nt I Arrive at Augt.Stu.:> 10 p in 8 '!?"> a in I Leave August?.S no a m 7 id p m ? Arrive at (_ hat le.-'n...2 l? p in 5 50 a in CAMl'KN DIVISION. (Daily, Except Sunday.) ? Leave Charleston.7 00 a 111 Arrive at Cainden.1 20 p in 1 Leave Catndi 11.2 1 ?"> p in Arrive al < harlestou.1)30 pin Trains leaving Charleston a' 7 a m and Coiuinhia I Iii p in make (dose connection with Greenville and Coiuinhia Railroad to and from Walhalla Greenville, Ander son, Spartaiiburg. Kbit Rock ami Hen derson ville and I.aureus on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Trains leaving Columbia at i 15 p 10. make clo.se con nection witli trains of Charlotte. Colum bia ami Augusta Railroad, from Char lotte. Itmbniond, Washington ami all Eitsteru cities. 't rains leaving Charleston at 0 00 a m and K) 15 p in and Augusta at S 00 a ni and 7 10 p in make conn eel ions daily with Trains ol Central Railroail of Georgia, and iif tin* Georgia Railroad lor Macon, Atlanta and all points west and southwest John IJ. PKCK, (Jen. Supt. I). C. Af.LKN, Gen. PiU-t. Ilijd T. Agt. HOME ENTE UPRISE BEV. S. T. IIALLMAN ic prepared to _j ERA M E PK TP MKS of id! sizes in Hit! neatest style ofihu art, and at lower rates, tor cash, than Can lie done else where in the county. Picture Hangings ? also furnished on the ino>t liberal terms. All parties desiring work done in the ! above line would do well to give htm a I call at his house in Lyon's Township, or jut Dr.''S. A. Reeves. Satisfaction guar ^ tinteed. April 8?3mos iBUYCK&CU DEALERS IN PLANTATION GOODS, DR). G0OpS AND GROCERIES, St. Matthews S. 0. We rcHpectfully call the attention* ol the fanners to our general stock I of GOODS am! solicit a call wheuo'T they visit St. Matthews, A full and ' fresh stocktconstautly in More, j Get 3 mo II ? It S E S. ' RECEIVED ^o^nesday, March 10th4 ONE CAR LOAD EE o x* s es, I will also keep constantly on hand du ring the season, a well selected stock of HORSES AND MULES at prices to suit the times. Those need ing stock will do Wei* to call at my Sta hles before purchasing elsewhere. Another lot of CINCINNATI BUGGIES will be received in a few days. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. B. Frank Slater. Orangeburg. S. C, Nov. 28,1879-3m Something |ew! In addition to the large and, ejegantjy assorted stock of l>ry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, &C., &c., af?G"* Groceries of the best quality, cheaper than can be bought any where else. The llnest and best stock of Whiskies. Brandies. Wines. Gin. Rum. &c. j The prices of which have just been re duced 2.> to ">0 cents per gallon. D. E. S&IOAK & CO. Have littted up their up-stnlrs, and laid j in " a stock $5,000 of the finest, best and cheapest assortment of CLOTHING to be found between Columbia and Cbaclestqu. If you are in need of a sitit at any prjee, Pants, t;oat or Vest, don't fail to see theill before buying. Just re ceived, 150 barrels of FLOUE, Which will be sold cheaper than tlie same quality can he bought in Charles ton, make room lor QOO Cartels to be in by, the first of November. The liest RUST PROOF WHEAT & OATS on hand. D. E. SMOAK & CO Drangeburg, S. C. Juno 27 tf The Weekly News* 1S?Q " ~oT~ " 18SO A MAMMOTH NEWSPAPER. With the lirst issue in January, 1SS0, T U k W E E K L V N E W S, CHARLESTON, s. C, ft., WILL UB Enlarged, by two additional pages. It will then be a GHEAT SIX PAGE WEEKLY/. Nine long columns on each pa,g?! Tbe length and width of tbe columns, and the style of type, give Till-: WEEKLY NEWS A larger quantity of reading matter than any other paper ever published in South Carolina. NO INCREASE IN THE PRICE; $2 A YEA It. -0 PRIZE STORIES, By Southern Authors. CRESS CHRONICLE, Edited by I. E. Orchard, Esq., The Chess Champion of the South. AG RICU LTURA L DE I'A RTM EXT, Selected from tbe best Agricultural Periodicals in the United States. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Children's Stories, j Written expressly by Southern Authors for Southern Roys ami Girls. ( HAIH.ESTON CITY NEWS. A lUcord of the daily life of tbe City of Charleston, such as no other Paper can give. SOUTH CAROLINA STATENESS. CjNLY $2 a YEAR. CLUU rates ; 5 Sub=cribers 1 year at $1 85 8 9 35 10 Subscribers 1 year at 81 7.*? 17 50 13 Subscribers I year at 81 05 124 75 25 Subscribers 1 "year at 81 50 37 50 RIORDaN & DAWSON, PUBLISHERS, CHARLESTON, s. C. FlU'CEiS CVIUIE.YX From D. W. MUSTARD, ? ? i LATE Or LEWISVLLE, S. O. Dealer in Country Produce, 398 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, FOWLS, per do/..3.2?a3.7() Chickens, per do/..2.00a2.55 Ducks (Eng'b) per doz.4.01) Ducks (M'o'y) per doz.5.00 Gee.io per do/.....,.'..p.00 Turkeys per dbz......... w.UOa 15.00 EGGS, per do/.J.'.'.Li FEA'NUTS, per bushel.75al.i? 1 POTATOES, Sweet.....1.25a 1.50 UK AS, cbiy, per bushel.G?aTO 44' Alixed .G?aO? RICE, (Rough) per bushel..1.10al.2O : BEESWAX, per lb.n22 HpNBYi 11 .io I HIDES, Flint, per lb. 10 Dry Salted, " .8 SKINS, Otter, apiece.2?a2.?0 Coon, *4 .oula 44 Fox, 41 .10a 10 44 Deer, per lb.15 44 Goat, 44 .6 Highest market prices obtained for all good* consigned tome. Returns iniulo promptly. Conslginneuts solicited, 1$