The Orangeburg democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1879-1881, January 02, 1880, Image 3

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A. Paper jf"ox* tlio People. Opto from half-past 8 tp 10 o'clock A. Mm nnd from ^Kill-past' 10 A. M. to 1 1?. M. ? ? ' " Columbia mall closes at 10 A, M. ami the Charlcston'mall at half?past5 P. M. Ou Tuesdays and Fridays a mail for Feldervllle, Vances Ferry und Holly?11111 j closes at half-past 7 A. Mv* ,v' ? 1 ) -On Fridays a mall for Knott's Mills, j "WittV Mills and ltishcs' S.toro -closes at "half-past 2 P. M. ' ' ? : ?>rangebukg, S- C, januakv 2, 1880.; The DEMocnAT giccts all of its friends and patrons with a bappy New ' YeaK- "" ? , , The exercises of Miss Annie A. Albergotti's School will be resumed 'on 'M?nday, January 5th, 1880. Mrs. W. B. Macli, an esteemed cit izen'ofLewisvillo died of Typhoid Fever on Tuesday evening last aflcr ' pr?t'sacte'd illness. Master Willie Thompson, a son of Mr. B. F. Thompson, was thrown 'from a wagon ^ by n run-away horse ' and suffered a dislocation of his left elbow joint. We loaru that the mulc3 of Mr. ^Uigust Fischer, while carrying"a load 'of furniture to liip home in upper St. Matthews took fright' and ran away seriously damaging both wagon and load. SoiiE crusty, rusty, fusty, musty, djlStyi guisly, cormudgcon of a man gave the following tost at a celebra tion : "Our fire engines?may Ihey he like our old maids?every ready, but not wanted." The horse of Dr. W. F. Barton on his return home Monday evening be came frightened by a negro woman 'sitting1 on l?'o roadside, up-set the migg3, auel tlie family narrowly es caped a very serious accident. We cnjl the attention of our readers tp'thp fresh lot of horses and mules j 'just received by Mr. B. Frank Slater j and advertised for sale in to-ilay's paper. Persons in need had bctlcr \ 'call at o'nee'a good selection. We are glad TO meet our esteemed fri'eriU, 'MrJ'J. S. Albergotii, at his usual place, of business again after a protracted Illness of several weeks. '.TT?' 'frust by care and prudence he may s'ojjh,.{jbe restored to hie usual rength. fcr. Judge T. H. Cook called at our [ JiIlcV ?:j "Monday lact looking well notwithstanding the active season through which he has just passed at Columbia. He is on a visit lo his old friends and will spend a few days of rest |n our town. Another lot of new Buggies are just being received by Mr. B. Frank ?'Slater which he oilers for sale on the j "most liberal terms. I? any of our j 'readers desire a hew and durable bug- J gy let them call on Mr.' Slater at fouce. Strive to be perfect, but do not be come downhearted so long as you arc approaching nearer and nearer to the 'high standard at which you aim. 'tle'by- little, fortunes are nccumula 'ted - little by little, knowledge is gain ed; little by ljttle, character and rep 'utatiori are achieved. A son of Mr. Marshall A maker on Christinas day stepped into a store for the' iJu'rpose of buying some powder and shot,"leaning his gun against the 'door; and on his return, taking the gun up carelessly, the hammer caught TigainBt'soine object and fired the gun 'off killing the young man instantly. ? ._,_ We regret to hear of the death of Mr. J. C.Tricher which occurred at the place of OoJ. Paul S. Felder, on Tuesday molding last after a painful illness'?f several weeks. Mr. Fric'her was a"y?uhg man' of 23 years and poasessetl many excellent traits of character. Ho leaves a yoi;ng wife, "to whom he had been married only one, year to mourn his loss. While playing together on Christ mas m'oriiin'g, little Shcllic Scoville nccidently shot Clifford1 Olivcros in the knee inflicting a painful but not a kerious wound. This is another warn ing to boys, not to handle fire arms carelessly. Fislols arc not toys or playthings citlior for men or boys. ?We arc glael the wound is no worse than it' is: i; 1 11 We learn from a gentleman who has just returned from ? visit lo'Barnweli County that ai} nnnsually largo sow ing of small grain is bein'g made, and that portion of the crop which is up Is growing finely. Orangclnirg is not behind her sister county in this very material crop ; her farmers arc fully alive to its importance and are mak ing every effort to secure an abundant yipld Ihe nest season. The Christmas Treo at thq Luther an Sunduyseho'olj on Christmas] ni^ht was a decided success. The children were all tnado happy by appropriate presents, and the occasion was enjoy ed alike by young and old." A man is in town with a new ma chine for boring wells, arid oilers to sink one on the Court House Squan for a mere trjilo by way of ad vert,is ir.q his machine. We suggest to the Commissioners the propriety of giv ing him the job.'" The Congarce is reported to be full and running over its banks from the recent rains in the up-country. The'citizens arc enjoying the luxury of wild turkeys which arc driven from the swainps by the water rising and spreading over the bottoms. Curb Youkskli'. Take .Hall's Hepatic Panacea for Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Sick and Nervous Headache, and ali diseases arisiug from a torpid Liver. It is purely vegetable, and satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Price 50 cts, per bottle.! For sale by S. A. Reeves. Pomona Grange will hold its next quarterly meeting with Orangcbtirg Grange in this town at 11 o'clock A. M. on Saturday) January 3d, 1880. This being the annual meeting offi cers will be elected to setve' for the ensuing year." A full meeting is re quested. Secrctaiies will please have their reports ready. Kiuic Rojjixson, Secretary. Printing paper is sharing the fate I of other manufactured articles at the very decided boom. A continuance of the rise in price which has been going on for a few months past will seriously contract the 'profit of pub lishers, unless invent ion shall come to their rescue In '.he meantime with cheapur methods ol' production and new fields for capital. Mrs. Jane Grey Swissuelm has as certained from Ruckle, a good att thority, thai for every twenty girls there are twenty-one boys born ; and, consequently, she infers that every woman ought to have a husband, and every twenty families a good common stock old bachelor uncle who will buy drums for the boys, dolls for the girls and take the young ladies to the op era. To Olk Patrons.? Wo would ask our friends to come forward at Ups time of the year when they are re ceiving cash a d pretty good prices 'jor their cotton and pay their sub scription to the Democrat. We liaye refused no indulgence and we arc sure that those who owe us for hard work, laborious toil, will respond to our call. We need the "sinews of war"? the "cash" lo run our ofiico" success fully und give you a,Il a* good paper. Seymour, tub Patriot.?Horatio Seymour is the only man in the Lin ted Slates who can be elected Presi dent who cares nothing for the cilice. It is said by designing, insincere pol iticians that Grant is the greatest living American. He is not. Hora tio Seymour is entitled to that glory. The honor of the Presidency is tend ered him, and he declines it. It is not offered Grant, and he seeks it. That is the difference between the two men.?pubnque Herald. For the Tbetii.?Many of the powders hud pastes now in the mar ket contain ingredients like pumice stone, charcoaly &'c., which1 ought never to bo used for'the purpose.' The Saponaceous Teeth Powder is warranted to contain nothing in the least injurious, and has no equal for its purpose, as its flavor is pleasant, is perfectly soluble In the mouljl, 'and contains nothing gritty or rough for the teeth. For sale by Dr. J. G. Waknamaker. The hanging of the mistletoe at Christmas tide is a cause of much frolic and laughter in the house. It is tho rule that whoever ;s passing under the mistletoe bough must sub mit tobe Irissed then and there by whoever chooses to take that liberty. As a bough usually hangs from the centre of the ceiling, spreading over a large space, it follows that there must be much dodging or much kiss ing ; I am inclined to think that there arc both. The election, held at the Presbyte rian Fair gavo the following results according to the Returning Board: The line silver trumpet was voted to' the Elliott Hook and Ladder Compa ny, netting $107; tho clergyman's: chair, to Rev. J. F. Kiser, netting $103; the dressing gown to Dr. M. G. Srtiley as the 'most popular profes sional 'man, netted 811 ; the 1 fancy cakp' to Mrs. J. C. Pike as the most popular married lady ; and the lady's hat to Miss Fannie Norris as the most popular single lady, netted t?19. An infallible remedy for fever and d2u0 is Aycr's ?guo Cure. Wholly vegetable unit containing no quinine, it is harmless and sure. A Leap Year Sociable, for some night early in January, would be something unique and novel in the society of our town. Stir it up, young men, or if you arc afraid of not being invited or being wall-llowers, suggest it to the young ladies, and it will cer tainly go through und bo a success. On the morning of the 26th Decem ber last, about 1 o'clock, the cook room of Mr. J. M. Bruuson near the Depot was found on lire and in a few minute was consumed. Tho conduc tor on the down train first gave tho alarm and the bunds of the train and a few others from the neigh uorhoodrendcred every possible nssis tence. Mr. Brunson's lost will amount to at least ?75.00. The old year ic gone. Its last moments marked another mile stone on life's journey. It lias brought sighs and joys to every one. For some it will record events upon which depend the groat issues of life. From ils experience let us all gather ficsh courage and hope for the New Year. ''lting out the old , Hing in ihe new, Hing out the false, King in the true." Miss Addio Vogt died of typhoid fever on Wednesday last at the resi dence of Mr. Samuel P. Wells in lower St. Matthews and was buried at San tec, Baptist church on Th?rs? at 11 o'clock. Miss Vogt was just in the prime of life possessed a most amiable disposition. In her was hap pily blended the sweetness of human virtue and chiisiiau Charity. SJic leaver a long of relative and friond to morn ther lost. Iliix's Hepatic Panacea. The Liv er is tlio king imperial organ of the whole human system, as it controls the life, health and happiness of man. When it is disturbed in its proper action all kinds of ailments are the natural results. The digestion ol the food, tiio movements of the heat I and blood, the action of the brain and ncivous system, arc all immediately connected with tho workings of the liver. To keep the liver in a healthy condition take Hill's Hapatic Pan acea. Only 50 cents per bottle. For sale by S. A. Reeves. In the course ol human events this Republic may be changed into a mon archy. And .Grant, the great gift taker, may bo dubbed king, and bis iron will may prompt him to regard the Southern portion of his kingdom with bitter hatred, and he may make us subjects of all kinds of tortures ; but as ihe saying is, it never pays to meet trouble half way, and wc there fore advise our friends to keep on in the even tenor of their way. If they desire anything in the way of mcr chandisc, let thctn calj on C. 1). Ivort john, who undoubtedly undersells every merchant in this Burg. And while his auctions continue, why need any one fret because of hard limes. One dollar will get all you want. * Axdekson McMichael, a drunken colored man, was riding his horse up and down the street on Saturday evening, cursing and otherwise dis turbing'the peace of the town, when a policeman arrested him and at tempted lo lake him to jail. A fierce resistance was offered by the man and considerable demonstration mado by others in'the crowd'. Wade Edwards drew his his knife and cried, "Let us have war !" which was no sooner said than he was grabbed by two gentle men and marched oil' to the lcck-up. Fmaline Moss threw a brick at the police and used o.'I'ensivc language to enrage the crowd. All parties were lodged in jail to await trial. The Mayor fined McMichael $2 ; Emnlin'c Moss $5, and. Wade Ed wards $5. Lucas & Richardson.?The Sun day Times pays ihe followihg hand some tribute to the energy and onter piisc of two of our young Oharloslon friends, and \l n.'Iords us muoh pleas ure to note their success: '?One of the best evidences of the prosperity of a city is to bo found in tho pros perity of its business men. The gen tlemen who compose tho firm of Lu cas & Richardson, printers, stationers and binders of No. CG East Bay, are fair specimens of the energetic and pushing yor.rig men of Charleston. Three years ago they commenced business on a very limited .^cale. Sinco then they have gradually en larged their business and tb-day they have one of the largest and most complete establishments in the city. They won their oucooss by pure en jtcrprise, industry nnd attention to business. Success must attend them. =_^JS_ggBB^gBHSBg. ? Tim hotel in our town, of which Mr. W. A. was proprietor, changed. hands yesterday, the 1st instant, Mr. G. W. Baxter assuming the proprietorship. This change was. introduced by Mr. Baxter with a splendid New Years dinner yesterday, of which several . friends, including tke Democrat, were invited to par lake. The hotel under, the new,man agement will be conducted in the most modern and improved style of the art. The rooms are .well furnish ed with a view to the comfort of( the guest, and the culinary _depart ment will be supplied cach(day with the best the market alfords. ^jlr. Baxter and his excellent lady have determined to spare no mean or ef fort that may conduce to the comfort and give entire satisfaction to the public; and therefore solicits the patronage of those who may visit the town of Orangeburg cither for busi ness or pleasure. The rates at Bax ter's Hotel will be low and tvery convenience of a lirst-chiss house guaranteed. Tub Fair given by the todies of our town at Addcn'fl Hall, commenc ing on Monday and ending on Wed nesday'evening, was quite a success and also afforded life and excellent j amusement for the Christinas holi days. Indeed it might be said that Christinas this year opened on Mon day ami closed on Saturday, so gene ral wa's the enjoyment of our citizens during the entire week. The articles on exhibition, consisting largely ol Christmas presents, were useful and ornamental mid worth something to the owner eve:: after the occasion ol their purchase had passed. Many ol them were contributions from a dis tance. New York, Boston, Charles ton, Columbia and other points being noticeably represented in the large collection. Universal suffrage seems; to have constituted the ballot-box an important feature of every enter piise, whether it be to oelcct an oflicer to discharge important state duties or a gentleman or lady as the most popular member of society. Ballot boxusj haunted one at every turn?meeting him at the entrance and remaining his shadow throughout 'he Fair?indeed there was no get ting rid of the thing. It matured,! not how many ten cents voles you put in, the shadow followed still, growing in dimensions as the bottom of the nurse was reached. We never saw the power of pcrsislenc}' and pcrscyerc'r.ce belter illustrated than on this occasion?verily, they con quer all filings, putting to flight the most stubborn opposition. It was amusing to sco the victims shrink away in corners in the vain hope of avoiding the ii cvitablo ballot' box. But it was no use. Vote they must, and vote they did. On Wednesday evening Old Santa Claus, contrary to his custom of visiting in the dead of night, unseen of any, because charity vaunleth not itself, came boldly up the stairway, loaded with trinkets, his kind face smiling sweetly beneath his mossy beard, and his great-coat covered with large Hakes of snow. With a whoop of delight the little boy8 cliargdI upon their friend, and the little girls clung, in their timidity to mamma until candy and trinkets began to fall like hail stones upon the floor, and fllhen such a scramble. The dear old fellow marched up to the express ollice and, from a big trunk, distributed Iiis gifts with an unstinted hand to the crowd, and w ill r out loitering bowed graciously to tho little ones and departed. Upon the whole, the Fair was well gotten up and excellently managed in all ils departments which speaks well for the ladies who controlled, not only the Fair but the managers of the dif ferent tallies. We learn that the net prccectl.t amounted to the hand some of $800.59!' " Market Report* Corrected Weekly jsv j. C. Pike. cotton. Middling.11 a 11 1-2 bow Middling.10 1-2 alt) 3-1 Ordinary to Good. 0 a 0 1-2 counthy produce. Corn.70 Peas.?.50 Rice, rough. $1 10 Fodder.75 Oats, per cwt.,.7-5 Potatoes, .sweet.75 Butter, country.25 Ugg*. 1"> Poultry.15? ?>:> < Kstuto Stile? i r|MlH lands of the late W. M. Ilutson Jl can he treated fofnt private sale on j a liberal credit. They consist of the OFFICE LOT, ! which will be sold as a whole or in par cels to suit purchaser. THE RESIDENCE, on Russell Street, with out-buildings. TWO Lots on same side of Amelia Street and fronting It. 1,1 ONE Lot Oil oppo.-ite side of Amelia Street. Rev. ?L I). A. Brown, at the residence I and W. F. Ilutson, at the Office lot. will give every in'oi'ination in relation there-] |t). M. M. 11UTSON, Sept. 'JO-tf Executrix. SHERIDAFS^?HOOL A CLASSICAL SCHOOL , FOR HOYS AND GIRLS. t Corps of Teachers. EIUCs9;P. SHERIDAN.principal, VjJm. L{ . G-LA#E. . 1st Assistant,* In charge of Slid, Crude Room. MISS E. J .MACK AY......2nd Assistant, In chargo of. 1st Crude Room and Girls. r|"Mds School opens on the First Monday JL in September annually, and contin iicSjUidiacrr'llpteVliy'un'ii'- tlie hut pf June. ( TKttUS l?KIl jfjP&TU. First Grade, beginners.82.00 Second Grade, Craminar pupils. 2.50 Third Grade, advanced English. 3.00 Latin.'Greek, gad CeidiaireajJ? extra.'..'..'.. fiO COUItSH OK STUDY. First Grade.?Alphabet. Spelling, Hud ItneiTtary Arithmetic, Writing and First Slope in Geography. Second Grade, Spelling. Reading. Writing", Arithmetic. Second Steps in Geography,'(jriltninai\ Written Conipoj sltion, Latin, (Jj'eek and German, ' Third Grade. Spelling, Reading, Writ ing, Arithmetic 'completed,. Geography completed, Grammar1 completed. Compo sition, History, Philosophy, Rhetoric. Logic. Hook-keephi'g, Aigobr.Y, Geomei try. Chemistry. Latin, Creel:,'German aiid Written Composition. " "' Elocution is taught hi each grade. ' Miss ?Mackay has charge o{ the girls, j Students may enter at any time (luting the tej-.n, and ^'.re charged oidy from date ol im trance. ; A liberal deduct ion made when three or more children attend 1 rom t l|C same 1 family. '. Hoys and girls are prepared for the Sophomore Class iii any College or for a successful business life. Neatness of person, polite .manners and a high sense ot honor arc considered o|' no less importance than the branches taught, and are Iherelore inculcate* with unremitting assiduity. Hoard may he had hi good familid near the school at ten and twelve dollar* per mouth, including washing nnd lights. IJoys and girls are kept separate and no intercourse allowed. A liberal share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. OFFICE OF G-E0. H. C0RNELS0N, (ORANGEBUHG. S. C. I would respectfully inform the public. that vc just received and now open for inspection one of the largest, cheap-, est and bust selected stocks of FALL am. WINTER of all varieties, und that the same will be | offered at prices which will de,fy all coin-s petition, and I would especialI3 call the attention of all close OASII pTJYER-3 . to th:s fact. A ,ful,l stqcd: , F U R N I T U K # ! 1 always on hand to which special attcn 1 ? 1 tion is invited. I Respectfully Yours, , GEORGE H. COl.NELSQX. Sept. 19, 1S71). Tl7s?RENTR?E Lato of the lirin of Sorrcntruc ifc I.Cr ryea. thanks the public for their liberal patronage oj" the past while connected with' 'the late linn ; and having now bong)}! out the entire -toek will continue the i.'isiness at the Saiiie place. I|e in vit's the public to call and exandue Ids stock of ' " " " DRY GOODS ! ! NOTIONS ! 1 Staple and Fancy GROCERIES!! of every quality and price. SEGARS ai$ TOBACCO, which he will sell at Ihe lowest prices possible. All goo'ds subject to exchange or money refunded if not satisfactory. ? ' ' J. I. S0RE3STR?E, Proprietor of the ; 1 ?' CALIFORNIA STORE, N. B.?Mr. Bcnj. B. Ialar and Mr, A. L. Slroman,' who'urc now in my estab lishmcnt,'will bo pleased to servo their many friends and customois. Orangeburg, S. C, Oct. 31, JSTO-^f THEODQBP J^OHFS j ^FASHIONABLE DRY aOODS' EMPQEHJM!! Grand Invitatio?jj ! We pre opcnfng every day New, .Goods. .,Jiist in Benutifu) Caslinicri.\s in Black und in all Ilio New nntVFashionable .Shades, Ta/ feltas, Silk?, Satins, Diagonals in all the leading, colors, Novelties InvNeck Wear by every steamer. The 'atest styles and patterns in ,alf goods. You can secure more elegance aijd excellence and yet practice more economy titan ever before. Beautiful Dress Goods at. 12 1-2 ctB. Notwithstanding tlio heavy advances in Linens aiul LoiigClotbS wc are selling our Cosmopolitan Shirts at the old low figures. (.C L,9 T II I 1ST O Por old aiuLymtug at the most reasona ble figures; ? Jn larj.e".'a}:e(y..end low prices. Come and take a look at the WILSON Lj^tolnj jewing Machine, The cheapest and one of the best Sewing Machines in t,ke market*' THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE also always for sale, also Needles, PI al ters Attachments, Oils. &c., at Factor}' prices. MADAME DE MO BEST'S Reliable Patterns for Fajl and Winter, received and far sale. I invite all to call and examine my Immense stock and low prices, no fault will be found if you do not buy. RE M EM BE It THEODORE KOHN'S Emporium. Orangeburg, S. C-, Oct. 10,1S79. "ftffiE OOFNTBY ban not been favored with propitious sea sons it is true, hill there will nevertheless be sulllcieiit'nitVdo'fo produce peace and comparative 'contentment in our laud, and also alloy/ pur good matrons a mar gin for pocket change! "Iii viuw vf this fact I recently Inuf my already eapaeipus store renovated and enlarged, and am now receiving the L A ,11 ,G Sff S T <Q C K cve,r offered for sale in BranchviUc(in the "line of DRY GOODS I hirvc aapomp)ctc assortment of Ladies 'Dress Conds. Alpacas,' Worsteds, Calicos Homespuns, Bleachhigs, Linens, llaud kerchiels. Hosiery, Shawls, Collars. Laces, Ribbons?in a word, every thing that tue most scrupulous taste'could ex 'act, 'or t,kc most inquisitive mind con ceive of. IiiTYieXSonu1 Department, my supply is at once superb ami complete, 'consisting as it docs of the most iborough selection* of the kind ever BROUGHT to BRANCIiyiLLE! Such aa.C0.at8, (L'a.nts,,Vests. Hats, Caps, Boots anil Slices of all styles and prices. In addition to the articles already enu merated, I have ever}' kind of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, C?0,C?- | ERY AND TINWARE to b,p Uio.u.ght.of. Also Lamps, Shades, chimneys, ""Ve. In the Grqc'e'ry line, I am determined not to be surpassed, and am offering .unprecedented bargains In .j FLOUR,COFFEE,SUGAR, LARD, niTJTER, IIA MS, SIDES, SHOULDERS, CHEESE, MOLASSES, &C, Ac. I keep also constantly on hand harness. Saddles, Bridles, Girths, etc. ' 'But it would take a column to mention all I have for my customers. Comp one and all and see for yourselves. Don't spend live ecu is until you examine my stock. No trouble to answer questions or to show goods. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Paid For COTTON and PRjODUCE! Thanking my frjemjs for past favors, I shall continue to strive to inej it a contin tiuuuncc of the same. L F. H. DUKES, B RANCH VI LLE, S. C. Sept 20-2ni HOME ENTI^liPRISE. D EV. S. T. HALLMAN is prepared to HQ' FRAME PICTURES pT all sizes in the neatest style oftlfp" art,'anil at" lower rates, for cash, than' can be" done else where in the county. ' Pictiffc''Hangings also furnis|ied o'n the most liberal terms. All part|es" desiring Work done In the above" Vine wbidd up well' to give him a call at bis house in Lyon's Township, or at Dr. S. A. Reeves. Satisfaction guar anteed. 1 Aprira?3mos The Weekly Hews, I88O -w 188? A MAMMOTH NEWSPAPER. With tlio first issue in January, 1880, T H 13 W E E 1^ I' Y N E W S, CHARLESTON, S. C, will uk Enlarged by two additional'pngps. It will then be a CHEAT SIX PAGE WEEKLY. Xiuc long columns on each page I The .length and width of the columns, and the style oftype, give i.TIIE WEEKLY NEWS A larger quantity, of reading matter than any other paper ever pubjiy.keil South Carolina. v-NO INCREASE, IN THE PRIOJB* . v- A YEAR. . ? PRIZI^STORIES, Hy Southern Author,?. CHESS CHRONICLE, Editud by I. E. Orchard, Esq., The Chess Champion of the South. AGRICULTURAL Ij)E I'Alt I'M Ii NT, Selected from the best Agricultural Periodicals in the United States. >. LATE ST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Children's Stqrics, Written expresjdy by Southern Authors for Southern Roys^and Girls. CHARLESTON CITY NEWS. A lb cord of the daily life of the City of Charleston, such an no other Paper tan g?vc. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE NEWS. ONLY ?2 A YEAR. . Rates: R Subscribers 1 year at 31 83 $ 9 25 10 Subscriber*! year at $1 73 17 50 in Subscribers lvyc:ir at 81 G5 24;75 2,3 Subscribers 1 year at 81 50 37 50 RfQftDAN & DAWSON, PUBLISH ERS, CHARLESTON, S. C. FHT OES C?E11EJVT . From D. W. MUSTARD, LATE OF LEWISVLLE, S. C. Dealer in Country Produce, ?303 -KING STREET, CHARLESTON, FOWLS, per doz.3.25a3.70 Chickens, per doz.2.00n2.55 Ducks (Eng'h) per doz.......... Ducks (M'c'y) per doz.?5-0? ' Geese per doz...6.0? Turkeys per doz.12.00alo.00 EGGS, per doz...14 PEANUTS, per bushel.75al.l0 POTATOES, Sweet.1.25al.5p PEAS, clay, per bushel.,G5a70 " Mixed..G.OuOp RICJO, (Rough) per bushel..1.10al.20 REES WAX, per lb...,.a22 HONEY, >? .10 HIDES, Flint, per lb.10 . ? Dry Salted, " .....8 SKINS, Otter, apiece.2oa2.50 ?? Coon, 14 ..5al'5 ? Fox, " .10a40 " Deer, per lb.1& " Goat, 14 ...6 Highest market prices obtained for all goods consigned tome. Returns niado promptly. Consignments solicited, ly JAMES VAN TASSEL is agent for the sale of the celebrated BALD MOUN l'AIN CORN WHISKEY, the purest brand, hi the known world.' ' CALL! CALLI1 CALL!!! and sample for once in your lives a.purjQ MOUNTAIN WHISKEY. It has no equal. Also on hand the cheap est brands of SMOKING and CHEWING TOBACCO jin.thc market. !V? \dirt:..'t ay A fulbiinc of Staple andFapoy c.iui. GROCERIES, ' 'A Cheaper than tho Chcapcat. Give mo a .poll and be convinced that this advertisement is no humbug. ? JAMES VAN RASSEL, At Midler's Old S:and. Otto S?ntag? DYER AND SCOURER, No. 84 Wcntworth street, near the 'Old Artesian Well. CHARLESTON, S. C. Gents' Coats Vests and Pants nicely Cleaned., Dyed and Pressed. Faded and Moulded Clothing Renewed with the greatest dispatch. BUYCK&CO. DEALERS IN PL4NT4TK3N GO(ODS, DRV GQODS AND GROCERIES, St. Matthews S. 0. We respectfully call the attention of the fanners to our general stock of GOODS and solicit a call uhe:ic' ?u? tboy visit St. Matthews, A full and fresh stock constantly In store. Oct 3 mo AUCTIONKER. JAMES A. HAMILTON offers his ser vices to auction Stock, Merchandise, &C., on SulesNhiy*. or to attend sales any where hi the County.' Orders left at Ilm store of John A. Hamilton will be at tended to. JAS. A. HAMILTON. Aug 22?3mbs ' " ? * '