A. Paper lor tlio People, oranobbuhg, S. C. SEPTEMUKRSG, 1!S7!I. Marrying a woman for beauty is liko eating a bird for its singing. The wooils were burning in the neighborhood of Mr. Adam Stroman on Friday lsst. Mr. W. W. Culler was painfully Injured last week by bis horse falling iu a hole while deer hunting. Two houses in Charleston doing a large business are reported as having suspended last week in consequence of the Adgcr failure. Mu. Joseph A. Minickeu fell from the gin house of Mr. D. J. Knotts one day last week and was painfully, if not seriously, injured. Mr. John G. McKewn last week fell from his hand car while running and was soriously injured. We hope he may soon be able to enter upon his duties again. Dr. Ileury M. Bruns, the Nestor of education and science, is here on a vacation, slopping with the Rev. T. II. Legare. The Doctor looks well, though past bis three score and ten. We learn that the wife of Mr. T. B. Jackson, near Four IIolo Bridge, died on Wednesday morning leaving a little babe. We lender our sympa thies to the bereaved husband and motherless little one. Before the recent rains set in, the red oaks and pines were dying in large numbers. Between the places of Messrs. Paul Stroman and Z. Stro man there are over one bundled dead oaks, caused by the recent drought. The man who shoots another sim ply because of adiHbrenco of political opinion, should be made to stretch hemp so fast that lightning couldu't : keep track of him. So says an ex change, and so say we. .Our readers will lake notice that j Mr. Z. J. King bus moved his bar to the stand recently occupied by Mr. W. M. Sain, where he will continue to serve his customers with the pur est and best liqaors to bo found in town, Gov. Wni, Clallin, of Boston, has presented to the Friedman's Aid So-1 ciety of the Methodist Episcopal j Church, by Dr. Rust, the deed of the j Lcgare properly, adjoining Clailin University, consisting of thirty-one acres and buildings, valued at $8,000. Mr. J. 11. Tucker has repaired and remodeled his residence on Railroad Avenue, adding greatly to ila com fjrt,a8 well as making it an ornament to that locality. The work was done during the drought without n drop ot rain while tho repairs were being made. Mu. David Salley and others in company with him have caught al ready since the hunting season bc gau leu foxes?two of them were ta ken up within one hundred yards of the spot of jumping. ISo guns are carried by these gentlemen, but the animal is allowed a fair chancii to save his life. We learn from different sect ions of the county that nine-tenths of the cotton crop will have been gathered before the middle of October, if pick era can bo procured. The crop will fall short of the calculation made at tli3 beginning of the season because of the disastrous effects of Ute late drought. Our thanks are due Capt. j. L. Moor er and Mr. A. Fischer for a fine lot of excellent turnips. This is early in j the season for-this vegetable and the j fine samples sent u3 bear witness to the skill of the producers. In the market they command an excellent price, and will continue to do so un til the full crop is matured. Special attention is invited to the ! splcnelid lot of jewelry just received by Mr. W. F. Robinson, and for sale at his store. This lot is superior to anything of the kind ever brought to Orangeburg, and will be sold remark ably low. Bring your watches and dooks to be repaired and made just as good as uew. Mr. Robinsou guar antees satisfaction. To the Ladies.?'1 he ladies who havo so kindly consented to aid the Comraitteo of Arrangements in get-j ting up a Fair for the benefit of the ' Edisto Hilles, are respectfully re quested to meet with said Committee at the Young America Fire Engine Hall, on tho afternoon of the 30th instatlt, at four o'clock prompt, when tho manner of conducting the Fair will be arranged. It is said that Eastern capitalists have recently bought tlio Main mot b Cave of Kentucky for ?200,000, and will build a railroad to it and improve the property. Tub Missionary Society of St. foul's Methodist .Sunday School will meet next Sunday at half-past three I o'clock. The public are cordially in j vltctl to attend. The Executive Committee ol the Teacher's Institute will meet at this ' ofllce to-morrow morning, 27th in stant, at ten o'clock. Members are requested to be punctual in attend ing. L.\ i)i i:s, JJuttcrick's Fall Styles Patterns havo arrived ; known to be the best lining patterns sold, us eve ry pattern is perfect, no allowance being necessary for Beams. Call and procure at cataloguo from Henry Kohn. Tub pioper caper at Newport just now 13 for tho young ladies who be long to the "collage families" to play at butter making hi the dairies, and for the young men who make a living by sucking the head-; of their canes to look on admiringly. A private circular received here last week brings the startling and regretted Buspension of tho house of James Adger & Co. An honored and solid landmark of Charleston is crushed, and many are compelled to sudcr, as the business of this house was vast. Mit. Virgil C. Dibble, of Charles ton, was in town <>n Wednesday on a short stop from his trip to the moun tains, looking well and greatly im proved. He returned to Charleston yesterday where he will enter upon his duties as Principal of tho High School, on the first of October noxl. A corn doctor was in town on Sat urday last teaching every group of listeners ho could get, the anatomy of tho too, the wonderful skill of him self, the ignorance of every other corn doctor, and the certain :> i well as permanent 'relief to be expected from his operations. We saw him skin out a com from a friend's toe, and might have done as well oursclf. Since our last issue the long and disastrous drought has ended and gentle, continued roina have fallen throughout: our comity. The rice crop in t ome sections may be bene Htted, while in others it in a complete 1 failure. The pea crop will bo im pioved ; likewise potatoes, wherever the vines lived through the dry sea son. The top fruit of cotton will also be bcnefltlcd by the recent rains. Pomona Giianqb.?The ncxt*\)uar leily meeting cd* Pomona Grange will be held at White Cane Grange on Saturday, October 1th, 1879. A large attendance is earnestly requested, as the meeting will be an important one to the order. Masters and secrola lies will [dense have (heir reports ready. Hour of meeting 11 o'clock,' A. M. . Kiinc Robinson. Secfy P. G. No. 17, Fou Till? TlitiTll.?Many of the powders and pastes now in the mar ket contain ingredients like pumice stone, charcoal, &c, which ought never to be used for the purpose. The Saponaceous Tooth Powder is warranted to contain nothing in the least injurious, and has no equal fol ds purpose, as its flavor is pleasant, i< perfectly soluble in the mouth, and contains nothing gritty or rough for the teeth. For sale by Dr. J. G. \Ya nnauakf.lt. Few eveuts impress a community moro deeply than the death of a good and aged citizen, while the heart of a family is completely broken up by the death of a little innocent child. For this reason we are. pained to learn of tho death of the little child of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Brunson, which occurred on last Wednesday night. Our deepest sympathies arc with the bereaved parents, and we point thein to the only source of com fort?the love of Him who gives and takes away. Glass ball shooting has becemie epdlo a source of amusement to the sport men of our town. A number of our "crack".shots had a friendly trial of skill (jii last Tuesday afternoon. All diil pretty well, hut Messrs. P* G. Cannon and .Julian A. Sallcy carried Ottilie honota by breaking every ball i hey shot at?the former twelve and (he latter six. Next in order came Mr. T. I). Wolfe, who broke seven out e>f a possible eleven. Messrs. A. M. I'/Anv and F. S. DcTrevillc each secured four balls. The tirst out of a possible ten, and the latter out ol a possible eleven. A uolhcr match came oll on Wednesday afternoon, at which we understand Mr. Normau II. Hull j came off victor. Tu.? attention of our readers in Brancbvillo und adjoining communi ties is invited to the advertisement of Mr. A. F. II. Dukes in this i-sue of tlio Democckat. True to llun spirit of enterprise und the demands of an increasing trnelc, Mr. Dukes lias en larged his store and now oilers for sale at reduced prices I'vj largest stock of general merchandise over brought to the Brancbvillo market. Everything that a single individual or a family may need can be purchas ed here without leaving the store, with the perfect assurance of getting tho beat as well as the cheapest goods. Fair dealing and reliable gooils have won for Mr. Dukes the character of a thorough business man, while politeness und courtesy, on the part of both proprietor nnd assist ants, hove made his store the resort ol bujers from all tho communities about Branchville. Give him a call before going elsewhere and you will not regret it. TUB heart of man throws aside cv cry resentful feeling when the object which excites it has paid nature s last debt and the Icy hand of death has si lenced forever the voice of him who was a hater of our race ; to in the death of Joe Larkin wo entertain for him Ihc kindliest feeling, although il there ever was a colored man who hated a while man because he was a while man, that man was Joe Larkin. On his death bed conversation on re ligion, fanning, household matters or his family's wellV.ro effected him but little, I :il bo was perfectly cn Lhusins'.ic on politics, and would talk incessantly. lie sacrificed everything for this delusion?credit, fortune, comfort and perhaps his eternal well being. Somebody is certainly respon sible for tiiis sirange. effect upon the mind of a once good man. In the death of Joe Larkin an ancient land mark of Radicalism is lust, and in his grave is buried n thousand disap-j pointed hopes and a blighted ambi tion. To speak of perfection in mechan ism is always pleasing, and the sight uf n piece of machinery, perfected for its purpose, is always appreciated. Such a piece of workmanship is the While Shu! tie Sewing Machine. To say that, the: White is perfection itself is telling tho truth in its plainest, simplest form, as it embodied all the superior points and advantages of ail /.her machines, airanged in a man ner to give them the greatest range of work, sewing with equal ease and accuracy the finest nainsoi k ami the heaviest cloth. It is made heavy und strong enough to perform with ease till the ordinary work at manufactur ing, while it does the work named, und, villi this object, is made larger' than the ordinary, though in every j way neat and comely as any of its] competitors. It is worth the while it- ' ol buyers to look into Lh< merits of the White Sewing Machine, and we arc convinced if they use il once they will have no other. They can be seen and tested at Henry Ivohn's. Tuk Euisto Riri.r.s Faul?As mcnlioncd in this paper a short time ago liic ICdisto Rilles will hohl a Fancy Fair about the middle of nexl mouth to assist them in procuring a| uniform. We are pleased to report progress in iho completion of the ar rangements for this entertainment, and would urge upon the people of our town and county to lend their aid in contributing to the Fancy Table, or sending in such articles as will be necessary for the supper table and cake and ice cream department. To make this effort a success it needs! the co-operation of our people, with whom we know the mention of Edis to Rilles is sufficient to secure their aid. This wo feel assured will be given and both company and patrons will enjoy a pleasant and pro lit able lime on the evenings of October IGth and J7th. Contributions may be handed in lo any member of the com pany or lo cither of the following gentlemen, who compose the Com-] mitten ot Arrangements: Messrs. V. S. Dibble, W. B. Thompson, J. S. Sorrciilrue, G. A. Neuffcr, L. II. Waunuimtker and J. M. Branson. A general advance along the whole j line of groceries, dry goods, &C, soj the merchants tell us. But Kortjohn j is selling his goods as cheap ua ever regardless of the advance. Large consignments are received daily from tho largest houses in iho United Slates with orders lo sell. Gent's sails at four dollars, hats Dfty cents, undershirts 30 cents, buggy whips 20 cents and upward, shoes jt) cents and upwatds, dress goods at prices never before known and tinware cheaper than ever. In fact you can buy a new collec pot, bucket or dish pan for less money than tho linnci will charge you to slop a leak in an old one. Where this advance in goods will lead no ouo can tell, but ^?.j'. jKij-mg.-u'i^T > ?rjjiX^*Tci.-^^;a.,ii:.'3^_vt5e<^jai?<: Kortjohn is prepared to light against it, having a large slock on hand. It dues very well for rieh "und powerful" nun to hold their goods and demand higher prices, but thero are many persons pushed to the wall and must make sales, and it is from this eh.ss that Korljobn receive.! his goods with orders to sell regardless of price as they must have money to pay the maturing note. * SiiAnp Fhacticu.?A colored man on Thursday of last week bought some goods from one of our mer chants, paid for them and went awny with his goods. Being bewil dered with the size of Orangeburg, or under the delightful effects of XXXX, he left his bundle at another store. lie returned to tho place where he made his purchase and re presented to tho clork (in tho mer chant's absence) that thoso goods (pointing to two or Ihren pieces) were his, and he hail paid for them. The clerk told him it was strange, but as the fellow seemed willing to sit until the merchant came in, the elcik put up the goods, and the man decamped. On the. merchant's returu the fraud was discovered and the man was brought bau!:. The marsh al put him inj dl, he asserting all the while that lie hail not receive'! the goods he lir.st bought from lhu store. However the second lot were found in his wagon and the merchant, not desiiing to appear in court against the man, let him go. lib; smypa thetic friends, especially tho female j pari, who are fond ol u howl, said " 'tis a injeslis ; do man pay he inon ey? g? lo de jalc, and loss de goods, tu?), my lor." Later in tho day another merchant ( next vluot) learn ing of the affair produced the bundle that the fellow had left there, and he can get it it' he comes for it. The fact is like tiie night chicken thief who was asked by his pal, ;'cf it waru't wrong to take what was not his," this man had no lime for moral philosophy. lie paid his money and was determined to get something fo: it. As to his losing the goods he first bought that ho hail nothing to j dt> with. When nrrcs'.cd ho shrewd-j I3* said, "mind, I did not steal the goods. Your eleik gave them to me." lie was under steam at, the time, but being !?.n oi l eouiihouse frequenter did not care who lost as long as be was ail right. rcr.-.-ij.^. tsusaaSE ; KSK 1 ?rn^tcv? ran Tin -a^-T^j V Market Report-. Couui ci un Wkkjcly by .1. CPFikk. cu rrotf. Middling. i) 11 I ,ow .Middliu*;. 8 3-4 Ordinary to Good. S 11 COUNTHY I'KOIUJOE. Corn.71) I'eas.;,0 I! ice, rough.61 20 Fodder.??7? Out?, per cwt.00 Potatoes, sweei.50 Unit er, country .*J.r? Kggs. b] Poultry.}'>(??; 2a A. V,. K::o\v 1.1 on. . A. liATHKOr KNOWLTON & LATHROP, Attorneys and Counsellors, OUAXGLTIUTIG, .S. URO, S. C. Pec 13-tf HOME ENTE KPRISE. KV. S. T. IIA I.I.MAX is prepared t.. ?? i kamm I'll TURKS ?>i al! sizes in the neatest style ofihe art, and at tower rales, !"!? cash, than can be done else where in the county. Picture Hangings also furnished on the most liberal terms. All patties desiring work done in the above lino would tlo well to give him a call at his house In Lynn's Township, or at Dr. S. A. lteeves. Satisfaction guar anteed. April 3?Minos To the Public7 rjPUK undersigned respectfully an JL iiounee that they have purchased the exclusive right to msII the justly eelebra teil ?'New Virginia l'Yeil Cutter" in the Counties of Orungebtirg and barn well. In this ( utter, cheapness ol construction minimum ol power and rapidity of exe cution have been lolly attained, The. convmeiiil.ilioii.i of lhu many who an using this Cutter render it unnecessary lor us to say anything relative to its merits. We only ask a trial and feel fully confident (hat satisfaction will he given. For .-ale at the store of Mr. J. C Pike, Orungehurg. .s. ('. KDWAKDS & THOMPSON. .June bl-.'hno 'w. p. -:<5?ibi St. Matthowa S. 0. ?o ? DI3ALKK IN DI.'Y GOODS, HOOTS ?fcSMORS. HATS CAPS lie. ?o? I buy iny goods from first bauds and iy.i them at Charleston pi kes ?it? i.-igliest CASH price paid for cotton and country produce. ?o? Put and General Stock always on band. 1. P. CAIN. St. Matthews, Near the DEPOT. (>Ci Ms OFFICE OF QEO. H. GORNELSON, ORANGEBURG, S. C. I w ould respectfully Inform the public that I have just received and now open lor inspection one of the largest, cheap est and host .'?elected stoclcs of FATjIj an? winter of all varieties, aud tLat the fame wid;be olfered at prices which will defy all com petition, and I would especially call the attention of all closo CASH JXUYIUIiS to this fact. A full Block of V IT K N*I T U Pv E always on hand to which e.pectul attou tiou is invited. Respectfully Yours, GEORGE II. COUNELSON. Sept. 1!?, 1871). CHEER UP! good news! At the Fashionable resort of THEODORE KOIIN, THEODORE KOIIN, T11EODORK KOIIN, THEODORE KOIIN, THEODORE KOIIN'. I woufd call the attention ol my friends and patrons to iny largo and wed select ed stock of fall and winter goods, which I am receiving by every Steamer from Northern Markets, consisting of Clothing, Dry Goods, Knots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, baskets, Casshneres and Jeans, Dress Goods, Long Cloths, Cashmeres, Sheeting, Table Damask, Ladles and Gents' underwear, Ticking, Homespun, Cornets, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Napkins, ItibboilS, I.aces, Hosiery, Ruchiuga, Hamburg F?gings, tie. itc. AU I ask is a call, feeling confident that you can save 23 per cent, on every dollars worth of goods bought of tna. Our assortment Is larger $?d more com plete than It has ever been before. Our prices are marked down with a view to disposing quickly of our slock. Call early to secure bargains and be con vinced as to the truth of my assertions. TIHSODOllXl KOIIN. WHOLESALE COMMISSION HOUSE. M. DRAKE & SON, 138 Meeting St. Opposite Pavilion Hotel. ROOTS ANT) SHOES, Cheapest Rouse In the South. X\l F have a large and well assorted 'I STOCK, and receive large invoices by every -learner direct from the facto ries in Massachusetts. Visit us when you come to the city. We can sell yon anything in the ROOT and SHOE line, as (?heap as you can buy in RostOll. Our goods the same as sold by any other I wholesale house in the city, and our prices are from 10 to 2(1 per cent, lower. Liberal time to parlies giving city accep tance. April 18?2mos Notice to 1?en.cli.ei*?. 'SMIF last examination of Public School JL Teachers will he held at Sheridan's j School Room. Amelia Street, on Satur day, September 27th, 1S7'J, commencing at 1') o'clock A. M. No further opportu nity will be Afforded until the summer of i 1SS0; aud to ibis rule no exception will bo made; and all certificates granted prior to August 22, 1S7U, will be revoked on the Ii ist day of Oerober, 1871?. By or der of Hoard of School Examiners. D. L. CONNOR, School Commissioner. Oraiigeburg, S. C, Aug. g&, I87l)-5c LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP ! ! ! Examine. Before Buying Elsewhere, at JOSEPH E E O S:, At Captain Brlggmau'a Old Stand. Fancy Baker and Candy Manufacturer. Korps positively the finest and largest assortment of'Coufectioncry. at-UuVlowest Wholesale and Retail prices. A fresh stock of Groceries and Canned Goods of all kinds, Hold at a small advance on the cost price. The best brands of Flour, tbo choicest Cigars and Tobaccos. . fruit i FB?rrn fbuitmi FBurrmi .Orders for Wedding Cakes and supplies for Cakes a epeclalty. JOSEPH EROS, Ornngebnrg, S. C, Sept. 20-tf dTUST ?FEMED at the corner of Russell Street and Railroad Avenue BY J. W. MOSELEYi a;full stock of Q-eiaei?al Me??ch.aiiGlize5 which will be sold cheap for cash. ah my Old Friends and*as many New Ones as will favor me with a call are re ectfully Invited to examine my GOODS and PRICES. April 16 ^JTyEDDING GIFTS AT ALLAN'S. ?o? FINE WATCHES, American and Swiss, . Latest flfylce. RICH JEWELRY ? Of New and Elegant Designs, and Ex quisite workmanship. -o DIAMONDS, PEARLS, CAMEOS, As well as less costly sets, in great varPy -o STERLING SILVER WARE, (n Fresh and Beautiful Patterns, espe cially adapted for. Wedding Presents. -o SILVER PLATED WARE Tea Sets, Waiters, lee Pitchers, liuttei Dishes, Cups, Goblets, &c. -o CHOICE FANCY GOODS, French Clocks, Bronzes, Fine Table Cut. lery, Opera Glasses, Fine Glassware. The Rest Goods at the Lowest Prices JAMES A LEAN. 3*i 307 Kim; STUEET. PRICES CU11REJYT~ From D. W. MUSTARD, LATE of lewisvli.h, s. c. Dealer in Country Produce, 398 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, FOWLS, per doz.3.25?3.70 Chickens, per doz.2.00a2.55 Ducks (Eng'h) per doz.4.00 Ducks (MVy) per doz.5.00 Geese per doz.G.00 Turkeys per doz.12.00a 15.00 EGGS, per doz.11 PEANUTS, per bushel.75al.l0 POTATOES, Sweet.1.25a 1.50 PEAS, clay, per bushel.G5a70 Mixed ?* .C0a05 RICIC, (Rough) per bushel.. 1.1 Oal.20 DEES WAX, per lb.a22 HONEY, ? .10 HIDES, Flint, per lb.10 " Dry Salted, '? .8 SKINS, Otter, apiece.25a2.50 " Coon, ,k .5a 15 " Fox, " .lOa-10 " Deer, per lb.15 " Goat, 11.8 Highest, market prices oblaiued for al goods consigned tome. Returns ntad promptly. Consignments solicited. 1$ J. A. BARDIN & BR0. PINCKNEY'S LANDING, on SANTEE, NEAR VANCES FERRY DEALER'S IN G1 EN ERA L M ERC! I AND I S E?OF T FERS lor sale a full and complete stock of Groceries, Hani wine, Ready Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, lints, Oitps, and Trunks, and a line line of Dry Good." of ail descriptions for Ladies' use and s .-ar ?also? A full i of Foreign and Domestic Wines and J *?rs, Segars at* ? ??'??seco, &c., ?fcc. m sept, o, .o. SHERIDAN'S SCHOOL. A CLASSICAL SCHOOL ' FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. ? ? Corps of Teachers. HUGO G. SHERIDAN.Principal, Wm. L. GLAZE.1st Assistant, In charge of 2nd Grade Room. MISS E. .1. MAGKAY.2nd Assistant, III charge of 1st Grade Room and Girls. f jPhis School opens on the First Monday A in September annually, and contin ues uninterruptedly until the last of June. TKUUSJ*?U month. First Grade, beginners..$2.00 Second Grade, Grammar pupils. 2.50 t hird (Jrade, advanced .English. 3.00 Lathi. G-eek, and German each, extra.~. 50 ?ol'icsk ok study. First Grade.?Alphabet. Spelling, Rud imentary Arithmetic, Writing and First Steps in Geography. Second Grade, Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Second Steps lu' Geography, Grammar, Written Compo sition, Latin, Greek and German. Third Grade. Spelling, Reading, Writ ing, Arithmetic completed, Geography completed, Grammar completed, Compo sition, History, Philosophy, K bet?rte. Logic. Book-keeping, Algebra, Geome try. Chemistry. Latin, Greek, German and Written Composition. Elocution is taught in each grade. Miss Maekay has charge of the girls. Students may enter at any time during the term, and are charged only from date of entrance. A liberal deduction made when throo or more children attend from the same family. Boys and girls ore prepared for the Sophomore Class In any College or far a successful business lite. Neatnoss of person, polite maonera and a high sonse of h?ito? are considered of no less importance than the branches taught, and are thereloro inculcated with unremitting assiduity. Board may be had in good families near the school ut ten and twelve dollur? per mouth, including washing and light". Roys and girls are kept separate and no intercourse ullowed. A liberal share of public patronage is re? pect fully solicited. QALL OX For your Family Supplies 1st t!? v FRESH GROCERIES, ? FIXE LIQUORS, TOBACCO and SE ARS, FRESH LAGER always on draught. GOOD FAT POULTRY and FRESH EGGS always on hand. Country Produce bought at the highest market price. JAMES VAX*TASSEL, Agt., I At Midler's Old Stand.