A. Papel? ibr tlio Poople, Church Directly. Mkthooist.?Rcv. O. A. Darby. Pas tor. Services every Sunday mornl?g at ' hair-past 1? o'clock and at night at hair-, past 7 o'clock. Prayer Meeting every ' Wednesday cvenlug at half-past 7 o'clock. Sabbath School every Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. Children's meeting every third Suuday. PRK8BYTRRIAN.?Rev. J. A. D. Brown, .Pastor. Services every Sunday morning *nt half-past 10 o'clock, and in the after noon at half-jp*st4 o'clock. Prayer meet -uig .eyeiy Thursday afternoon at half Ipast i o'clock. Sabbath School every Sunday morning at hair-past 8 o'clock. ,Bavtist.?Itev. T. W. Melllchnmp, Pastor. Services every third and fourth Sunday morning at half-past 10 o'clock and at night half-past 8 o'clock Sab bath School every Suuday morning at half-past 8 o'clock. SuNdy School Mis sionary Meeting every fourth Sunday. f jutukrak.?Rev. J. P. Riser, I'astor. fiejwieee every Sunday morning at 10 1-2 o'.cloek. Sabbath School every Sunday morjiing at9 o'clock. Oranqeuu&g, 6. c. August 15, 1S70. A car load of the best Horses and Mules ever brought to this market bavo just been received by Mr. B. Frank Slater. Give him nn early call. Mr. W. J. Murray, formerly a merchant of our town, hut now of George's Station, was in town last Sunday on a flying visit to his old friends. Teachers will remember that Fri day, August 22, is appointed as the day for the examination of female and Saturday following for male teachers. Mr. B. Frank Slater has just re ceived a car load of A No. 1 Hoises and Mules. Those in need of such animals should give him a call at once. We are glad to see Capt. John A. Hamilton on the streets giving his usual attention to business, and hope his trip to the mountains will make a lasting improvement in his health. We are informed that Mr. William Clark, of St. Matthews, is complet ing his new store, and will soon he ready for the fall and winter trade with a large stook of general mer chandize. TjjR two pine trees which stood Very nearly in the centre of Railroad Avenue and was a dangerous ob ctruction to vehicles by night, have been removed by Alderman Alber golti. Mr. F. J. Buyck, of Lewisville, gave us a pop call Yesterday morn ing. Mr. Buyck is a rising mer chant in our sister town, am] will al ways, h? a, wclpqqic visitor tp pu,r sanctum. Mr. Henry Xohn has a bonanza Printing Press which is a stubborn opposition to the Hoc or even the Bullock Presses. Competition is the the life of business especially in sucli big affairs. Rust has made its appearance pret ty generally throughout the Fork ajid other sections of our county. Leaves are shedding, bolls dropping off' and the cotton, in some places, will soon be bare. The revival at the Methodist Church is still progressing finely and doing a noble work for the church in qur town. The interest seems to be unflagging and it is expected to con tinue for several nights yet. The Lodge of Knights of Honor at this place, No. 14G2, has voluntarily voted 60 cents per member to remove the members of their order from Mem phis. Other lodges throughout the connection bavo taken similar action. We lenrn with regret of the death of the little son, aged three years, of Mr. J. D. Betchman, of St. Matthews, which happened on the 12th instant. Tho family have our deepest sympa thies iu this season of their distress. Cotton is beginning to open and if the weather continues favorable the farmers will commence picking in eight or ten days in earnest, and will he kept busily employed until Christ inas. We hear of a few who have al ready picked a little scattering cot ton. We have received quito a number of cotnmtinicalions from differont par ties in answer to cs and pies go to that prince of bakers, Mr. T. W. AlbcrgotU, who is always ready to supply your wants whether for wedding, oamp-mecting or other occasjops. Fresh confection ery, fancy goods and notions in end 1c8h variety and of the best quality at low prices, await thp pceds of his numerous patrons* Go to T. W- Al bergotli'p, next door to Hurley's, and see. I Mr. Robert Riley, whose mill near Jamison blew up some three weeks ago, has bought a twelve horse pow er engine, and will soon be prepared to do all the grinding and ginning for the neighborhood. We admire such pluck and spirit of enterprise. Mr. Riley deserves success and wili get it, if an indomitable energy and industry counts fyr any thing in the great struggle for material prosperi ty- _ Quite a fashionable wedding took place at Lewisville on the 12th in stant. The contracting parlies were Mr. S. Llocsser, of Louisville, N. C, and Miss Fannie Redlick, niece of Capt. L. Rich, of Lewisville, S. C. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Henry Steele, of Columbia, S. C, in the Masonic Hall, and the banquet, which was a superb affair, was serv ed up at the residence of Capt. Rich. I We extend our congratulations to the I happy couple. Ouit thanks are due the Rev. S. T. Hallman for "A Form of Service for Opening and Closing Sunday Schools, suited to all Kvangelicnl Churches." Tho pamphlet containing this form of service is well gotten up, and the service itself is an admirable produc tion and will meet a demand long felt in our churches. The opening service contains but a few ideas, inti mately connected and, adapted to the child's understanding. The author, Rev. S. T. Hallman, belongs to our county and deserves not on.ly credit for his work, but the. thanks of the church. We hope the service will bo adopted wherever it may bo. needed. They are sold, very cheap by the doz en or gross. . ? Principal, by cm ploying a full corps of teachers, will make an effort to meet every demand of the public. Each pupil, however small will receive a full share of at tention. Ample time will be allowed for instruction in every branch. The blackboard, as heretofore, will be used for illustrating and explaining the principles of the languages and sciences. Indeed, every appliance, within the reach of tho Principal, will be employed to make the acquirement of knowlcdgo easy, interesting and successful. Qerman is added to the list of languages taught, see adver tisement. A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. Ani.Engulry^. Bhanchviluk, Aug. 12th, 187}). Editor Orangebxung Democrat: Regarding your paper as the organ proper, of the Democratic parly, I beg for a ?mall Bpacc in its columns, especiuMy as the subject which I pro pose to discuss is one in which the editor is deeply interested. To begin : No one would imagine that there could be found one man in Orange burg County who would place himsolt in opposition to a system which has received the sanction of our best minds. I have reference to our Free School system. Ignorance has been such a banc in the past that it was thought all would be in favor of edu cating the masses. Who would daro place himself in opposition to the plans of our accom pjj*i?'jd Superintendent and his able assistants? Who would try to stille learning, and keep in ignorance the young minds of our land, by making it prnclioable for them to get a house in which to learn their A, B, C'8? Alas I for Branchville, it was lefo for her to answer this question. Recently it was ascertained that there was a small amount of money in Hie treasury coming to this township for free-school purposes. Being without a school house, a number of our best citizens sought to procure a building in which to put a teacher. Where can we get it? the answer came quick ly, the "Town Hall," of course, it is idle, besides it is public property. But to what better or noblor use could it be put, than lo-dcvole it to the instruction of the youug? Appli cation was made to the honorable Town Council lor the use of the build ing ; with one exception the reply was, "You can have It for three dollars per month." Now the money com ing to this township, or this school in particular, is too small an. amount to pay* teacher and rent both, so we are forced to bo without a school, simply because, by accident, men governed by prejudice, have under their control property which belongs to the public. But this is not all, about this time ap plication was also made for this hall for "terpsichorean" purposes. The Councilmen rented it at. onco to the applicants, at two dollars per month, and daily and nightly, note*, can be iieard the violin and the stentorian voice of a burly darkey?yclept dancing master?ringing through tho circumnmbiant air. Instead of many budding minds, catching objects yet p?w to them, in this public edifice-, *he&..is a strange negro leaching our so/iiie young men how to dance, and leaching tbera the graces of the gentleman. Shade of Chesterfield, of Martin and all the couitly knights of politeness gone before, whither ! Oh ! whither are we drifting 1 We arc without a free-school, Mr. Editor, and as our people are anxious to get one, 1 have been approached to invoke your advice in the matter. Can you make any suggestions? Vidi. It is the duty of the Trustess to provide a school room when they have funds in hands to do so.?Eoi Ton Democrat. Notes from Fori Motte. Fout Motte, August 10, 1S79. Editor Orangeburg Democrat; Thinking you would like to hear from this section once iu a while, I have concluded to give you a few "jottings." Our crop prospect is very poor. Corn, that staff bo many lean upon, is almost a total failure. The wheat yield was very meagre. There was a splendid crop of oats harvested which will help tha farmers a great deal, and remind them that they must seed in a good acreage again to help out the scanty corn crib next senson. The cottou crop is fair, compared with other seasons. There will be two-thirds of a o op made. These are, I think, tho finest cotton lands in the State without doubt. We havo some extensive planters too, among them I will mention Mr. Fc tcrkin, who owns the McCord planta tion, known ajg ^Lang Syne." He plants about three hundred acres in cotton, corn, oats, &c, in proportion. Estate of De Yeaux. (True Blue,) un [der the supervision of Mr. Wienges, ships several hundred bales of cotton. Maj. W. C. Hano, J. K. Haue, Col. Goodwyn, the Messrs. Bryan, ClarToy, Trezevant and others who are practi cal farmers. Mr. J. C. Harmon has recently purchased the Belleville farm and is putting extensive improvements there on, and will soon bo one of our most enterprising farmers, n Qf our little Fort I can't say much, We are still under Radical rule-. Our Intendant, a ginger-bread darkey, claims to be a minister of tho Gospel, professor and teacher, whoso igno rance astonishes the natives who placed him in bis high office. The council wrangle and. twist each other until the whole incorporation has the ??pr of "ole^cheese. Elect and resign seen) to bo the order of the day here. By the time this sees the light of day in your columns this town will have spent $24 for elections since the Olli day of May. This way not seem ex travagant until you learn the popula tion of our "city," which stated in round numbers reaches the enormous sum of twenty inhabitants, mostly white and black. But for all tins our < metropolis improves. Mr. D. J.Car roll, who lost his fine mill, gin, &c, last winter by fire, nothing daunted, has just completed a finer one, and is awaiting the arrival of the fleecy sta ple to commence the music. Other improvements, such as building stores, dwellings, &c, have gone on aud upon the whole,the place does well enough. We have about eigltteen Republicans to convert to* the folds of the Democ racy, then we will have a good gov ernment. I see in.your issue of a few weeks back a notice of the Dixie Combina tion Hoe, Rake, cfcc, invented by our worthy Section-iuastei, Mr. Ilowell. It is without doubt one of the most complete arrangement that could be thought of and surpassess auy of the late inventions I have seen. A child can arrange it, and from the way the inventor is taking orders for them we premise it will pay him well. I un derstand that he has orders for about live hundred sets, and applications for the rights of several counties. He should let the people know of its merits through your columns. Wo are now having good Reasons, but the weather is very cool for Au gust. Wishing the Democrat a glo rious future, I am yours, &c, Trkvrlltn. A LYSTE of ye SoNGES and TUNES at YE OLDE FOLKES' CONCERTE, at ye Court House, On * Friday Evening, August ye XV, 1879, BeneGtte of YE EDISTO RIFLES. Head Singer.Obidiah Primrose. Organer,.Robin Gray. Pianistc.Expei ience Spriggins. Ye First Parte. Java Marche, Alle yo players. 1 Ye Pinafore Chorus; Alle ye men and women singers. 2 One-parte Songe ; Katrina Van Ronsalacr. 8 ''Olde folkes at homeMarga ret Anderson and Choristers. 4 One parte Songe; Mrs. Jeremiah Wiggans. 5 "Sister Ruth Miranda Jonsing and Obidiah Primrose. G "Annie Laurie;" Mehitable Sprague. 7 Yo Schuleraastcr; Alle ye lads and lasses. Ye Secokde Parte. Gen. Smith's Marehe; Alle ye Singers. 1 Rcnndo. "Brother Jacob ;" Aile yo singers, lads and lasses. 2 "What are ye Wilde Waves say ing;" Patience Howe aud Katrina Van Rensalaer. 3 "Ohle Blackc JoeSquire Grimes and foure others. 4 "John Anderson, my Jo John Miranda Cleopatra .lousing. 5"Jaunita;" Deborah Dorothy Jenkins and Obidiah Primrose. G "Thou art so fairePatience Howe. 7 Two parte Songe; Mrs. Jeremiah Wiggans and Moses Hardcastlo. 8 "Cousin Jedediah;" Mrs. Corpo ral Prodkins, Deacon Hardscrabble, and alle ye singers. "Auld Lang Syne Allo ye singers and ye good-trained people in ye au dience. Market Report? Corrected Weekly uy J. C. Pike. cotton. Middling.11? 11 1-4 Low Middling.10? 10 1-2 Ordinary to Good.10? 10 1-4 country produce. Corn.G3 l*eas.;.?0 Rice, rough.$1 45 Fodder.75 Outs, per cwt.,.GO Potatoes, sweet.50 Butter, country .15 Eggs. 8 10 Poultry.?16? 20 WANTED, B)Y A LADY of several years' experl {*) ence, a situation as teacher of the English branches in a school or family. The best references given and satisfac tion guaranteed. For further particulars address Tun Oranoeruro Democret. April 4 ?tto Sontag, DYER AND SCOURER, No. 34 Wentwortti street, near the Old Artesian Well. CHARLESTON, S. C. Gents' Coats Vests and Pants nicely Cleaned, D3*cd and Pressed. Faded and Moulded Clothing Renewed w?h the greatest dispatch. IBrick ! ! Brick! Briok! 1 ?x1 AAA firs t-class or. lcJijAJUl/ anoeburg brick for sale at the Orangeburg Rrlok Yard. For particulars enqulro of a. M> Izlar at the Vardor jas. c. bell May 2.'i?2mos. CLEARJ NC OUT SALI FOtt ? A*1}* OF ALL , SUMMER GOOD S AT GREAT REDUCTION AT HENRY EOHN'S. QALL ON JAMES VAN TASSEL For your Family-Supplier* tu ilia ?*?jr w FRESH GROCERIES, FINE LIQUORS, TOBACCO nndSE ARS, FRESH LACIER always on draught. GOOD FAT POULTRY and FRESH EGGS always on band. Country Produce bought, at *tbe highest market price. JAMES VAN.TASSEL, Agt, At Midler's Old Stand. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES!! At the CALIFORNIA STORE. Stock consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHOES, SEGARS & TOBACCO To be sold at REDUCED RATES. TRY "IBACHS DELICLHF' Chewing Tobacco, and you will use no other, for cheapness and its lasting qualities can't bo sur passed. For sale only by 80RENTRUE & LORYEA, Russell Street, Orangeburg, S. C. June 27-tf ?DEDDING GIFTS AT ALLAN'S FINE WATCHES, American and Swiss, Latest Styles. RICH JEWELRY Of New and Elegant Designs, and Ex quisite workmanship. DIAMONDS, PEARLS, CAMEOS,fi As well as less costly sett, in great varl'jj o?? STERLING SILVER 1? AiUt. In Fresh and Beautiful Patterns, espo* daily adapted for Weddlug Present*. SILVER PLATED WARfc. Tea Sets, Waiters, Ice Pitchers, Buttes Dishes, (hips, Goblets, &c CHOICE FANCY GOODS, French Clocks, Bronzes, Fine Table Cut lery, Opera Glasses, Fine Glassware. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prle*4. JAMES ALLAN. 3 m 307 Kino Stbkkt. PRICES CURRENT ? From D. W. MUSTARD, late of u?w!syllk> s. 0. Dealer in Country Produce, 398 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, FOWLS, per doz.3.25a?.70> Chickens, per doz.3.00*2.55 Ducks (Eng'h) per doz.4.09 Ducks (MVy) per doz.5.00 Geese per doz.6.00 Turkeys per doz.I2.00al5.00 EGGS, per doz.14 PEANUTS, per bunhel.75al.l0 POTATOES, Sweet.1.25al?50? PEAS, clay, per bushel..65a70? " Mixed *? .60a65> RICE, (Rough) per bushel..1.10al.20 BEESWAX, per lb.?22 HONEY, ? .10 HIDES, Flint, per lb.10> " Dry Salted,".8 SKINS, Otter, apiece..25a2.60 ** Coon, ?? .5sl5 " Fox, " .10a40> " Deer, per lb.15 " Goat, ?? .6 ! Highest market prices obtained for sll goods consigned to mo. Returns njad* I promptly. Consignments solicited. ' lj I W. A. ME RONE Y, ORANGEBURG, 8. C. Offers bis services to the publlo as General Auctioneer and Colleetor. Charges moderate, and all business promptly attended to. Feh H week In your own town,. 4?r. ^outfit free. No rl?k. Redder fit you want a business s& which persona of cHhan sex, lean make great pay al! tits time they work, write particular 1 to, lb HfMUKTT