The Orangeburg democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1879-1881, August 08, 1879, Image 3

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A. I*?,i>oi* ioxv-tl*? .}Peoj>l?. CliiiVcli iMi/eoitoiry.' Methodist.?Itev. O. A. Darby, Fos>: tor. Services every Sunday morning nt ha It-past 10 o'clock and at night at hull past 7 o'clock. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday eveniugat half-past 7 o'clock. Sabbath School overy Sunday morning, at 0 o'clock. Children's meeting every third Sunday. ' PresryteriAn.?l?ev. J. A. D. Brown, Pastor. Services overy Sunday morning at half-past 10 o'clock, and In the after noon at half-nusM o'clock. Prayer meet ing every Thursday afternoon at half past .4 o'clock. Sabbath School every Sunday morning at half-past 8 o'clock. Baptist.?Itev. T, W. McllicJ.iamp, .Pastor. Services ev.cry third and fourth Sunday mornjng at, half-pact 10 o'clock ?nnd at night half-past 8 o'clock Sab bath : School cvciy Sunday morning at iialf-past.8 o'clock. SuNdy School Mis sionary Meeting every fourth Sunday. i.utheran.-hicv. j. F- Kiser, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning at 10 1-2 o'clock. Sabbath School every Sunday morning fit 9 o'clock. ORAKGEBURG,S. C. AUGUST8, 187U. Samuel Dukes is completing quite a neat cottage residence on ^lic lot in rear of Mr. James Dukes.' Mr. W. II. (Jhampy is putting up a blacksmith shop on Broughton street pn the lot owned by Mr. Bobt. Jones. Mr. Schiflicy has op ened his lent in Orangeburg and is prepared for work; again?-another good opportuni ty/ _I_ Persons who left their School Claims with the Investigating Com mittee to ascertain the county indebt-j cdnoss can get. them by applying to Mr. W. P. Hutson. Y. M. C. A.-^-The Sunday after npon service or this Association will be held at the rooms on R?ssel I street on Sunday afternoon at six o'ejock. AH interested arc invited tp attend. Our worthy School Commissioner, Mr. D. L. Connor, is on a visiting toijr through the county to inspect tho the different schools. Wc hope good will result from these visits of our school .official. Office hours on Sunday at Dr. "Wannnmaker's Drug Store are from 8 to 10 A. M., and from 0 1-2 to 8 J-2 P. M. In cases of emergency ac cess can be had to the Drug Store any time during the day or night. The Board of Health met on Wed nesday evening and reported the rc ruUs of their investigation and ad ?jnTtgcit^Scmic places to be nuisances. Our citizens would do well to give heed to the recommendations of this body. The Rev. Dr. Thos. Raysor, of the Branchcvillc circuit, preached a most acceptable and eloquent sermon in the Methodist Church on Sunday night last. We hope to hear from him again before this revival season js, ended. We had the pleasure of greeting in our ollicc one clay last weck C. G. Dantzler, Esq., a prosperous young farmer pf St. Matthews. The Demo crat is always pleasod to form the acquaintance of such a sterling citi zen as Mr. Dan'.zler, and would be glad to have hiui call again. An exchange says : "The girl who passes you wine would not make you a good wife. Taste this in your hat young man." And the young man who has not tho nervo to resist the temptation, would not make a good husband. Paste this on your looking glass young lady. Attention, Orange Light Dra goons 1?You are hereby ordered to meet on the company's parade ground on Saturday, the lGth of Au gust, at 10 o'clock A. M., for drill. Members are requested to turn out promptly. By order of N. N. IIAYDEN, Captain. Our friend Mr. Ilarpin Riggs, in addition to his successful tannery, has recently established a grist mill and pinning machine on his premises in town. We know of no man whose indomitable courage and energy de serve greater success than Mr, Riggs, and hope he may meet with abundant success in every enterprise. The storo house, law oflice, &c, of Representative B. G. Frederick, in G.oodlnnd Township, was entirely consumed by fire on Friday night last; also plantation supplies of corn, bacon, flour, Tho loss at this time i? a serious one, and Especially so when there was no insurance upon the property. One of the finest fields of cotton we have seen thin season is that of Mr. Ilarpin Riggs in tho suburbs of town. The weed is growing vigor ously and full of fruit without throw ing off any from the recent rains. Mr. Riggs is good for 500 pounds of lint per acre if no disaster befalls the field before picking. Quite an interesting prolrael$fl meeting was closed last woek at the Bull Swamp Baptist Church. The Rev. Mr. Galphin, a missionary work er, and Dr. I. D. Durham preached' some most excellent sermons greatly to the edification of tho hearers and benefit of the church. Thus tho good work goes on and wo hope it will con tinue until every section is awakened. We would dii.cct the attention of our town renders to the noUec of Mr. J. W. Mosclcy, calling a meeting of tlie resident members of tho Court House Democratic Club at the En gine Hall on next Wednesday night at eight o'clock precisely. A full and punctual attendance is greatly desired as the business is important and should interest every true Demo crat. No matter how smooth the sea of life may seem to tho young marino who has just launched his frail bark on iis untried waters, there are shoals, hidden rocks, and quick sands in the shape of gambling dens, bad company, &c, which will gobble him up with as much alacrity as a country editor scoops in a subscription to his paper. Boys, keep clear of all such places At a meeting of the County Com missioners held on Monday last Mr. Warren A. Brickie was appointed a commissioner to appraise the land in behalf of the county over anil through which the road from Bam berg to Orangcburg passes; Messrs. C. W. Culler and James M. Bell were appointed road overseers for Orange Township and Elisha Hughes as road overseer for Zion Township. Commissioner llayden will get over it in a week or two. 'Tis said that "a bail of the same dog will cure the bite." Well the commissioner's own road was so rough that it tumbled him olT from his wagon. He was rolled in the mud, his thump sprain ed, his face bruised, his back torn, his wagon rolled over him. Opodel doc is scarce. Thai road will be fix ed, sure. "Minni.Ei'KN Pike" and "Uncle Tom" will gracefully yield to Mr. Emauucl Jones and party who white on a frolic in Santco swamp last week, muddied a hole and t'aughi sixty-throe cottiers, measuring from four to ten inches across, and a lot of cat and other fish out of one hollow log. h[y. Jones says the supply of cottiers was not exhausted?quite a number being left in the log. 0N last Monday when Mrs. S. J. Shuler, going home from town, reach ed Darilzler's Mill 12 miles distant her horse took fright from a sudden blow of the whistle and ran toward Four Hole bridge. Mrs. Shuler wrapped the lines around her arms to stop the horse, but was unfortunately thrown from the buggy and dragged some distance and seriously injured before she could get loose. The bug gy is a wreck. Two or three weeks ago wo pub lished a paragraph stating that the Newa (aid Courier charged Dr. Web ster with swindling and that they claimed they could prove it. A few days since the same paper published a paragraph slating that their reporter had been misinformed in reference to the matter, as Dr. Webster was not guilty of Iho charge. Wc make this correction in justice lo all parties concerned. We have been grieved to hear of the almost sudden death of Mrs. E. Prothro, a daughter of Mr. Joseph Fclkcl, of Middle St. Matthews, which occurred on last Friday night. "We I knew her when a school girl under lour tuition and few girls possessed more amiable qualities of heart or endeared teacher and friends more closely lo her than Mrs. Prothro. Our sympathies are extended to the bereaved husband and kindred. Our readers are reminded that Messrs. D. E. Smoak & Co. is still the place where they may purchase their family supplies of groceries, &c, at the lowest possible prices In this market. Their liquors aro of the best brands, pure and fully up to the standard. It will pay to call here before purchasing elsewhere, es pecially since everything needed may bo had, thus saving lime as well as money. Tins excessively hot weather very naturally suggests a cool place, and where can wc lind one better calcula ted lo meet the demand than the ice cream saloon of Mr. Joseph Eros. Ladies and children as well as gentle men may there pud, a convenient and neatly furnished room where they can enjoy the luxuries of this establish ment without fear of rude disturb ance. Mr. Kros also proposes to open in the near future a fancy gro cery. . ^The crop reports from different! sections of the county are moro fav orable than >vc expected. Cotton is recovering from the effects cd* .the drought rapidly and will make very nearly an average crop. Corn, though short, will make in a few localities a satisfactory yield, but in many places this crop is a hopeless failure, the loss of which can only bo supplied by a largo sowing of cxits/^is full. Let the farmers attend to this matter and save buying corn. ?We learn with pleasure that our young townsman, Lawton II. Wanna maker Esq., has been appointed Dc?r uty Grand Dictator for the Sixth Dis trict, embracing the counties of Or angeburg, Collclon and Clarendon. Mr. Wunnamakcr is a member of the Orangeburg Lodge Knights of Honor, and from our personal knowledge of him we do not hesitate to pronounce his appointment a good one. lie is em ncntly filled for the duties of the ofllec, and now that ho is rapidly gaining the vigor lost during a pro tracted illness?we are assured that the lodges within his jurisdiction will feel the influence of his activity and good judgment. We notice i mprnvcmenls going on in the store of Mr. Korljohti. His place had to be made larger in order to keep up with his increasing trade. His store is full no.v from bottom to lop, and yet like Oliver Twist, Dick cries for more, and will leave for the North next week in order to induce shipments to this place, and we are informed that in two or three weeks will open up a large slock of Grocer ies, Dry Goods, Notions, Hoots and Shoes, Tinware, Crockery, in fact anything and everything, which will be thrown upon the market at prices which defy competition from those buying in the old time way and from regular dealers. This establishment; of Mr. Korljohn the people sccin to look upon as a part of themselves and all seem to lake slock in it. It certainly is to the farmers' interest to give this their hearty support, as it Ins helped them and will continue to do so. Come up then this fall and support them freely and fully, not with your well-wishes and God-speed you alone but with the great and powerful lover, money. At a meeting of the physicians of Orangeburg County held in the court room, August, 4th 1870, Dr. A. S. Salloy was called to the chair and Dr. M. .T. D. Daiitzler appointed Sec retary. After slating the object of the meeting the President requested the physicians present lo sign the roll and organize themselves inio a Medical Association. The following gent.einen signed : Thos. A. Elliott, A. S. Sallcy, T. J. Pou, C. 11. Tabor, A. J. Ilorger, J. A. J. llildcbrand, I). E. Connor, J. C. Arant, W. W. Wolle, J. G. Wanuamaker, J. D. Clccklcy, T. K. Keller, 1). L. llildc brand, M. J. D. Dnnlzlcr, M. G. Sal lcy, A. S. Hydrick', Win, Pou, T. ,1. Goodwin', V. J. Geiger, T. A. Jones, T. K. Malonc, M. J. Grissclt, and II. W. Kennedy. At the organization the following officers were elected : Dr. T. A. Elliott, President j Dr, A. S. Hydrick, Vice-President; and Dr. J. G. Wanuamaker, Secretary. The following gentlemen were ap pointed a committee of throe to draft a Constitution and By-Laws : Drs. A. S. Sallcy, A. S. Hydrick and Charles Tabor. The next meeting will take place at the olllcc of Dr. J. G. Wan nnmaker, on first Saturday in Sep tember next at 11 o'clock A. M. In the report of the Board of Health submitted to the Cily Council on Wednesday afternoon were the following points of interest to the community: That rigid requirements of cleanliness would bo enforced ; that disinfectants were placed at the several drug stores for gratuitous distribution ; that it is suggested to Council to take such steps as will au thorize the board to enforce its re j qnircmenla ; that r> sufficient street force be placed at the disposal of Ihe B,oar,it as will assure an abatement of nuisances, jand, when such labor is re quired on private property, the cost of same be taxed against the owner; that our drains, generally good, arc deficient especially in their grades; that obstructions be removed from the branch with its connecting ditches running in rear of Fair Building; that the Council provide some plau by which contends of privy vaults may be removed from the city; that pig pens bo prohibited during the -summer months ; that our per centum of deaths, ? to every 1,000 of popu lation, for the last seven months, is far below that presented by the most healthy localities in the country ; and that wo have only to use such pre cautionary measures as are prescrib ed f?r cleanliness lo keep our town as healthy as any in the land. GREATE CQjyCERTE ov Goodlyc Times anil World lye Sohgcs to bo attended at yc 11 oust; of Asscicbh'c yclept yo Courthouse, in yc Townc of Ornngebiirgb on Frydayo nightc, yo l?tb dayo of yo month of Auguste instante, MDCCCLXXIX, I Yc musick will be given by ye fol lowing singers und Mayers, who have kindlye volunteered for yo Concerto'': Ilend Singer?Ohidiah Primrose, Songe Teacher. Oiganer?Robin Grayi Ilarpsichorders and Fiddlers, Squire Grimes, Ilczekiah Perkins, Zekial Slimmins, Mnlachi Kimbnll, Caleb Knapp, Moses llardcastlc. Womkn Singicns?Mrs. Jeremiah Wiggans, Katrina Van Ronsalaer, Deborah Dorothy Jenkins; Experi ence Spriggans, Mehitable Spraguc, (sho that was a Humpas) Aunt Susan Ann Warder, Sister Patience Howe, Mrs. Corporal Prodkins, Margaret Anderson, Cousin Miranda Cleopatra Jonsing. Men Singers?Azariah Poolo, Dea con Hartscrabblc, Elder Jenkins, Anthony Dockott, Josiah Vanderpool. Lads and Lasses?Jemima, Pru dence, Mahala, Conscience, Dorothye, Charityc, Mehitable, Sophia, Martha Ann, and Caleb, Ilczekiah, Jonathan, Matthias, Jcdcdiah, Harabas and Timothy c. N. B.?All yo moneyc which shall be payed for this onlcrLainmente is for yo bcncfilto of ye Volunteer Coin pnnye yclept yc Ed is to Hilles. N. U. 2d.?After yc first parte, and while yc singers and plays arc rest ing, Aunt Jcmmima Fuders and Goodwyfo Experience Anderson will servo ye goode people who may wish to paye for ym, fresh doughnuts, putrpkiu pics, ice cream and lemon sugars, at thy re kitchen in ye pprcho. is'. H. Jd.?Yc price?f admittance, twenty-live pennies, and selected scales ten pennies besides. Lads and lasses under ten yearcs oltlc, fifteen pennies. Babycs under one ycare old may not be admitted at enny price without thy re mothers. Tickets for yc select soalcs may bo had at ye Apothecary Shops of yc Doctors Wannamaker and Dukes. N. B. 4th.?Yc doors will bo open ed at candle lylc, and yo cnlcrtain mculc will beginne an half hour later. Yc gbodo people need not to bring thyro candles or lanterns, since ye selectmen will furnish all yc lytcs. One cf the neatest and best ap pointed establishments in our young thriving city is the drug store of Dr. J. G. Wannamaker, on Russell-, street. Drugs of every conceivable kind?fresh and pure?may be ob tained licrb as cheap as disestablish ments in our larger cities ; toilet and fancy articles in the utmost profusion, at remarkably low prices for the times ; and the purest and most re-, freshing soda water in town at a mere trifie. Dr. Wannamaker and his assistant, Mr. Augustus Ncufter,. a graduate in pharmacy, by an agree able mannerism peculiarly their own, make it delightful to spend a few moments here while purchasing drugs for our dear sick ones at home. We call the attention of the public j to the change advertised in Mr. Shcr I idan's Classical School in Ibis issue. Mr. Sheridan with a view to meeting the demands of the public for a high order of education will open his pop ular school on the first Monday in September next with a full corps of experienced teachers and with such branches added as arc thought ncees sary for a school of so high a grade. Mr. W. L. Glaze, a former pupil <>?? Mr. Sheridan, and a graduate Ol Wollbrd College, with three years experience as teacher, is in every way fully competent to teach in a school of the highest grade in our Staid unu wo feei assured will give perfect satisfaction to the patrons of the school. Miss E. J. Mackey scarcely needs a word from us by way of recommen dation. Her connection with the school last year, Ihe entire sati factory examination of her classes in June, and her known integrity of character arc sufficient to assure the patrons ol her continued interest in the educa tion of their children. Wo trust the patronage of Ihe school will be greatly increased and the advancement of the children will be such as lo prompt the building of a school room during the year that will be a credit to our community. Market. Report. I Corrected Weekly uy J. C Pike. cotton. Middling.H? 11 1-1 Low Middling..10? 10 1--2 Ordinary to Good.10? 10 1?1 COUNTRY i'ltyUUCK fJorn.cji Peas.50 Hlce, rough.?1 15 Fodder .75 Oats, per ewt.,.CO Potatoes, sweet.50 Butter, country ..15 Eggs...1. 8 10 Poultry.V?@ 20 WANTED, j B}Y A LADY of several years' experi 11*) ence, a situation as teacher of the I English branches in a school or family. The best references given and satisfac I tion guaranteed. For further particulars address Tin; OltANGEUUttd DeMoQRET. I Abrll i v* 5g JVa><1c?o ol* J>iwiiiiHwi?l. 1 NOTICE Is hereby given that woMwil| on the day of August next after; Unto lljo our Mnai account with thu 11? ?n oruhlc the Judge of Probate for Ornngc liurg County, mid lisk for letters of dlsr missal us administrators of the Estate of Dr. Lewis Dant/.ler, deceased. J<\ W. DANTZLER, I. II. DANTZLEK, Jujy 25, 1S71?-It Administrators. Contract Work! IRespectfully inform my friends and tin' public thai I 'im prepared to con tract to tlo ''arpenler'rf Work of any Kind cheaper than other contractors in Orangehurg County. Work solicited, ami satisfaction guaranteed. March 7-3mos. J. It. TUCKER, JNotioe. D. A. Mclvcr. AdmY of Henry E. Smoke, Plalutill", Vs. Elizabeth S. Speig U?r, et al.?In Common Pleas. By order of Hon. T. B. Eraser, pre siding- Judge, the creditors of Henry E. Smoke, late deceased, arc hereby notilied to present and prove their claims against the Intestate H. 10. Smoke before,lhu un dersigned on or before the loth day of September IS?!), or else be debarred payment. Wm. M. 11UTSON, July lS-it Master. To the Public. rpiIE undersigned respectfully nn X noiiiice that they have purchased the exclusive tight to sell the justly celebra ted "New Virginia Peed gutter" jn the Counties of Orangehurg and Barnwcil. In this Cutter, cheapness of construction minimum ol power and rapidity of exe cutioil have been fully attained. The commendations of the many who are using this (.'utter render it unnecessary for us to say anything relative to its merits. We only auk a trial and feel fully confident that satisfaction will bo given For sale at the store of Mr. J.C. Pike, Orangehurg. tt. C. EDWARDS & THOMPSON. , JunelU-.'hno The State of South Carolina, OR A NC F.BUKG CO U NTT. By C. B. (Jlover, Esq., Probate .ludgc. WlhREREAS J. Eihort Steadinan, (if _[/ Barnwoll County, hath made suit tome, to grant him Letters of Adminis tration of the I'state and eflects of Baft let Tyler, deceased. Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and .singular the kindred and Creditors of the said Jiartlet Tyler, late of Orangehurg County, de ceased, that they bo and appear, before me, in the Court of Prohat?!, to he held at Orangeburg Court House, on the 15th of August, next, alter publication hereof, at. 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to sJiew cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not he granted. Given linder my Hand, this 31st day of .July. Anno Domini 1S7U. O. B. GLOVER, Aug l-2t. Judge of Probate O. C. The State of South Carolina. ORANGEBURG COUTV. By C. B. Gi.ovku, Esq., Probate Judge. j tAf/IIEItHAS, I). J. ZEAOLER AND W W. A. Pogle have made suit to me to grant them Letters of Administration of the Estate and ellects of David P. Fo glc, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said David P. Fogle, late of Orungehurg County, deceased, that they bo and ap pear before me. in the Court of Probate, to he held at Orangehurg C. IL, on the 13th of August next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be grain ed. Given under my hand this 29th day of July, Anno Domini 1S79. C. B. CLOVER, Aug 1-2 Judge of Probate O, C. BEEF BEEF BEEF IBeg leave to state that having rented the store formerly occupied by Mr. Dcmars next to Dr. S. A. Reeves Drug Store, I have renovated and reflttcd the the same in Urst class style, and will kill 3 beeves, or more a week, which 1 will guarantee to be fatter and better than any sold on the wagons. AH meats sold warranted to give satisfaction, at prices to suit the times. Beef delivered to any part of Orangeburg free of charge. The public i-> cordially invited to visit my ! new market. .My motto will be TO i I'LL ASK. \. r..- The highest price paid for Poultry. S. L. MORGAN, July 25-tf Practical Butcher. ATTENTION!! " tflf/E AUE NOW CLOSING OUT OUR stock ot Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, etc., to make room for fall goods. We guarantee all the above goods, al^o our whole stock of Grooe? i:s, Crockery, Tinware, Hardware. To bacco, Cigars, Whiskey, Imported French Brandy and Holland Gin, Do mestic Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wines, etc , lower for Cash than ?hc same articles can be bought for in any house in town. Whiskies and Tobaccos we make a specialty, and it shall ever be our aim to give you the worth of 3'our money. Wc have just received a line lot of Canned Sausage, put in 5 lb. cans, full weight, at 12 1-2 cents per pound. OUR NEW BEER REFRIGERATOR Is now completed and, you can get a large Ice Cold glass of Beer for B cents. . An examination of our stock is respect fully solicited. D. E. SMOAK ?fc CO. Orangehurg, S. C. Juno 27 tf CLEARING OUT SALE FOB i?r WEXT THIRTy PAYS QALij on JAMES VAN TASSEL For your Family Supplies in tha wny o FRESH GROCERIES, FINE LIQUORS, TOBACCO nndSE ARS? FRESH LAGER always on draught. GOOD FAT POULTRY and FRESH EGGS always on hand. Country Produce -bought at "the highest market price. JAMES VAN TASSEL, Agt., At Midler's Old Stand. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES!! At the CALIFORNIA STORE. Stock consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHOES, SEGARS & TOBACCO To be sold at REDUCED RATES. TRY "LEACH'S DBUQET11 Chewing Tobacco, and you. wUl use no other, for cheapness and its lasting qualities can't, bo sur passed. For sale only by SOUENTRUE & LORYEA, Russell Street, Orangeburg, S. C. Juno 27-tf EDD1NG GIFTS AT ALLAN'S. ?o? FINE WATCHES, Air.::rj(::vji and Swiss, Latest Styles. -o RICH JEWELRY Of New and Elegant Designs, and Err-: , qulsite workmanship. DIAMONDS, PEARLS, CAMEOS.g As well as le?s costly sets, in great varl'y STERLING SILVER WARE, In Fresh and Beautiful Patterns, espe cially adapted for Wedding Presents. SILVER PLATED WARE Tea Sets, Walters, Ice Pitohera, Butte? Pishes, Cups, Goblets, &c CHOICE FANCY GOODS* French Clocks, Bronzes, Fino Table Cut lery, Opera Glauses, Flue Glassware. ? The liest Cood6 at the Lowost Prices. JAMES ALLAN. 3m 307 Kino Street. PRICES CURRENT I From D. W. MUSTARD, LATE OF LEWISVLLE, 8. C. Dealer in Country Produce, 3;t3 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, FOWLS, per doz.....S.25ao\70 Chickens, per doz.....2.00a2.55 Dueks (Kng'h) per doz.4.00 Ducks J&lVy), per doz.5.00? Geese per doz.U.t.OO Turkeys per doz.I2.00alo.00. EGGSV per doz..14 I PEANUTS, per bushel.75aL10 POTATOES, Sweet.1.25al.50 PEAS, clay, per bushel.C5a70 " Mixed " ........60a65 RICE, (Rough) porbushel..l.l0al.2Q BEESWAX, per lb.a$3 HONEY, ? . HIDES, Flint, per #'.'.-'."."..?....10 ? Dry Sa\te4, i4 ,'.....w.8 SKINS', Otter, apiece.,....!.25a2.50 >? Coon* ' .5al5 Fox, *? .10a40 **. Veer, per lb.15 Goat, ?? .6 y igbcst market prices obtained for all goods consigned to mo. Returns made promptly. Consignments solicited. 1 y IK a. MEROjYEY, 0>RANGEBURG, S. C. Offers his services to the pnbllo as General Auctioneer and Collcqtor. Charges mo'Jerntp, and aU, bus^nQSS promptly nttonded to. |*e^i4 ?V* /"* /~}a week in your own town. $5 ^Lt^vl-Aout tit free. Np risk,. Reader ? [lillJLf j'ou want a buslncis at >^ VAvldch persons of ?lthpr sex can make great pay all the lime they work, wrtto particulars 'to II. H4>|.ETT