? SHERIDAN & SIMS, Proprietor*. SUDSORIPTIONc One Tear..??,..81 .Cd Blx Months.~..1.00 Ministem of the Gospel.1.00 ADyEBYI8KHENT8. INrst Instertl?h.?1.00 Each Subsequent Insortlon.60 Liberal cootraets aiado for 3 month and over. > JOB OFFICES .. ? . . ???! ?: ?' Al 10 rREPABED TO DO ALL KItfDs6*; ? \ Job T^riritiixgl l Jl in mm toow. HOW 8J8E FOOLED AN OLD DEACON AND -THEN MAK3IED JUS SON. It 1$ universally conceded that wid ows?and especially young widows? are lire most artful creatures in the world. They seein to. know all man's weaknesses, and to play upon them remorselessly. Somo ladies a few days'since were discussing a little in cident that recently occurred, in which this peculiarity was conspicu ously, displayed. A wealthy young widow had won the affection of a cer tain youth, and there was every indi cation of a speedy marriage, when the old gentleman?the young man's fatherr?unexpectedly interposed a ?decided negative. Ho was a staid old deacon and himself a widower. His objections in themselves were trivial. He had disliked the widow's father, and the feud of a long time ago hp cought to revive for the bene fit of the descendants, who, perhaps had fiever heard of it. Still, the old gentleman was implacable, and there was nothing left but to yield an ap parent obedience to bis commands. But he reckoned without his host when he thought to circumvent that pretty little widow. The young peo ple laid their heads together, and the result was a plan of co-operation which could the old deacon have known the true inwardness of it, would have given him additional rea son Cpr believing in the total depravi ty of human nature. The dutiful son censed his attentions and went about gloomy and dissatisfied, while the widow bloomed out into a radient pic ture of lovline8S. When she met the old deacon, which was often, she lav ished upon him her sweetest and most bewitching smiles. He came to re gard her attentively, and his eyes were always sure to encounter a ten der, pensive face, which ere long be gan to play wild work with the old deacon's sober affections. She threw herself in Jjis . way and won upon Iiis heart fast' and "irresistibly. It was only a few weeks before the old gen ?tfcranfa "was compelled to acknowl edge that he was head over cars in ? love with that charming relict. The ?scruples which he entertained for his son never occurred to him as being of sufficient importance to influence his ownconduct. And so bo propos ed. " "Oh, Deacon, I never thought any su".h thing," protested the beautiful womah. "But you must have thought of it. You have surely seen that I was lov ing yon." "But I thought you objected to my family. You said that none of my father's children should ever come into your family." "Who? me? Why I never thought of such a thing. It would be the proudeBt hour of my life to see you one of my family." "Now, Deacon, is that really so?" "It is indeed." "And you would have uo objection to a marriage which should make mo a member of your family?*' inquired the artful woman, looking tenderly at the old man, while delicious thrills of joy rippled over the deacon's heart. "Objeat 1 Why I tell you it is the hope I cherish most in life?" "WhyX am so glad 1" and thereup on the widow threw ber arms around the old man's neck and smacked his lips with a kiss that fairly took his breath -away. If there ever was a man on earth who felt that he was ptanding on the threshold of the sev en heavens, the deacon was that man. He was none of jour bashful Carpet Knight wooers, and he gave tho wi dow as good as she sent. When she thought he was wrought up to a pitch of fondness equal to the announce ment, she murmured?"I am so glad. Will and I had begun to think you never would consent to our getting married, and we loved each other eo ? dearly,*' and again the widow's soft white arms were clasped around the old deacon's scrawny neck, and her little rosebud lips fluttered against bis lip;}. "Hey 1" exclaimed tho deacon, starting back in overwhelming sur prise. "What is that you say? Will and you?bleaa. ray soul, what do you mean ?" "Why, that Will, and I have loved each other a long time, and I'm glad that you will now consent to our get ing married," murmured tho demure lady. However muph. in love, the deacon f?as no fool, ijp saw that bo had been artfully entrapped,.und lji$ /sense of the ludricrous, enabled him to ap preciate the joke. "I reckon I've made a little mis, take here," ho soliloquized, rather sadly. "But it's all right. You and Will had bett er getter married a| soon as possible," and the old man left the widow's presence with an overwhelm ing sense of defeat, but with the very highest possible appreciation of the artful devices of widows,, and of this widow in particular, and whenever he thought of it afterward, that old deacon's rugged countenance rippled all over with smiles. Connubial Love. Save her husband, she really cared for no created being. She was good enough to her children, and even fond enough of them; but she would chop them all up into little peices to please him. In her intercourse with all around her she'????'Was * perfectly kind, gracious and natural; but friends may die, daughters may de part, she will be as perfectly kind and gracious to the next set. If the king wants her, she will smile upon him, be she ever so sad; and walk with him, be she ever so weary ; and laugh at his brutal jokes, be' she in ever so much pain of body or heart. Caro line's devotion to her husband is a prodigy to read of. What charm had the little man? What was there in wonderful letters of thirty pages long, which he wrote to her when he'was ndsent, and to bis mistresses at Han-, over, when he was in London with his wife? Why did Caroline, (he most lovely and accomplished prin C28S of Germany, take a little, red faced, staring princeling for a bus band, and refuse an emperor ? Why, to her last honr, did she lovo him so? She killed herself because she loved him so. She had the gout, and: would plunge her feet in cold water in order to walk with him. With the film of death over her eyes, writhing in in tolerable ppin the ,j*et" kftrT ? tt-Vvfid smile and a gontle word for her mas tcr. .., A Cheerful Heart. A merry or cheerful countenance was one of the things which Jeremy Taylor said his enemies and persecu tors could not take away from him. There are some persons who spend their lives in this world as they would spend their lives if shut up in a dun geon. Everything is made gloomy and forbidding. They go mourning and complaining from" day to day that they have so little, and are con stantly anxious lest what little they have should escape out of their hands. They look always upon the dark side, and can never enjoy the good that is present for the evil that Is to come. This is not religion. Religion makes the heart cheerful; and when its large and benevolent Principles are exercised, men will be happy in spite of themselves. The industrious bee does not complain that thoie are so many poisonous flowers and thorny branches in his road, but buzzes on, selecting the honey where he can find it, and pass ing quietly by the place where it is not. There is enough in this world to complain about and find fault with, if men have the disposition. We of ten travel on a hard and uneven road ; but with a cheerful spirit, we may walk therein with comfort, and come to the end of our journey in peace. Personal Attention to Business. Nothing but ultimate ruin stares that farmer in the face who does not pay personal attention to the minute details of his farm. There are a thou sand small leaks about the manage ment of an ordinary farm, that if not closely attended to, will surely bring the most hard working farmer to ruin and bankruptcy. A large por tion of the farmers can attribute their present condition to no other course than a lack of close attention to the small details of the farm. Close su pervision of the machinery, tools, stock and their feed, a place for eve rything and everything in its place. No hired help is as much interested in attending to these duties as the fariner himself?-?such a course, would in a few months or years at most, en able many formers who are now on a down hill grade to again begin to as.' eond, and if pcrscv u cnl in will surejy makp headway against what would otherwise l.qok. doubtful. Try it once I friends. ,, ' Ca If loun. ? . - ? ?..?.{. .'? _ ? Tho editor of the Columbia Regis ter very recently retorted bravely upon the New York Herald for mak ing ?njusV'alldsi?bs to John C. Cal houn, and more particularly for sncer ingly alluding to the great Carolina statesman as "a balf-forgotten politi cian." It is safe to prediot that Mr. I Calhoun's fame will endure with this republic and beyond it. It will grow more and more bright the more he and Iiis work are understood and properly appreciated. lie was that rare thing in political life, an incor ruptible man, privately and publicly. Amid the the vices of these days be shines like the sun itself, and such qualities as ho possessed are imper ishable, as much no as the sobriety of Phocion or the wisdom of Arislidcs. The man who accuses Mr. Calhoun of being anything but a patriot in the loftiest sense is either an ignoramus, a knave or. au unscrupulous Bohemi an. Wo wonder that ttic editor of the Register should, however, have taken, seriously the strictures of the Herald; When one of its many writers attacked Mr. Calhoun it was simply an "off day" with a sheet that boasts of being consistent in nothing; We dare say over and over, again Mr. Calhoun has been treated with ample justice in the same columns. The recent thrust in that direction probably came from one of the staff recently imported from Eu rope or just out of college. He had most likp,ly never read one word of Mr. Calhoun'B writings, and knew nothing positive of his marvelous ca reer. Wo are the more inclined to believe this when proof is not want ing that a majority of the men sent to Congress, in the House and Sonate, never read the constitution of their country and are -sublimely ignorant of its early history, especially that portion of it which refers to the for mation of tho Union. Ignorance keeps the country distracted to-day. If so much ignorance is in the very [scat of wisdom, how shall the Regis ter look for knowledgo of home affairs an the "foreign office" of the Herald? ?Augusia Chronicle, and Sentinel. Th;e"Chine8elri California. The new State constitution of Cali fornia, which is to be submitted to popular vote for approval or le jection on the first Wednesday in ti?y, contains provisions directly aimed at tho Chinese. It provides that no corporation now existicg or hereafter formed uuder tho laws of California shall employ, directly or indirectly, in any capacity, any Chi nese or Mongolian ; that no Chinese shall be employed on any State, coun ty, municipal or other public work, except in punisment tor crime. It declares that tho presence of foreign ers ineligible to become citizens of the United States is dangerous to the well-being ot the State, and thut the Legislature shall discourage their im migration by all means iu its power. Asiatic coolieism is forever prohibit ed in the State, and all contracts for coolie labor are declared null and void. The Lcgislalure is directed to provide the necessary legislation to prohibit the introduction of Chinese; into California after the adoption of i tho constitution. Dennis Kearney, the "sand-lot" orator, has publisher an address approving the neyv consti tution, although it doea not go quite far enough for him, and will stump the State for its adoption. The Situation in Washington. The Philadelphia Times summa rizes the outlook at Washington, now upon the eve of the meeting of the extra session of Congress, 83 follows, and, judging from the tone of the press, it seems to voice the public sentiment of the country : ? The Democrats will pass bills re pealing the test oath, abolishing Fed eral supervisors and keeping the troops from the polls. The Presi dent's backers?he has many of them, headed by Stanley Matthews and Zach Chandler?say that he will veto the bills. Then the Democrats will tack them on to the appropriations ' and a second veto will follow. Then the Democrats will cut off all supplies and appeal to the country to sustain them. Tho President will appeal in just the same way, and it then be cornea a question of which can do the most appealing. This is tho pro gramme luid ont. If it isn't broken by the first of Juno there won't bo any money to run tho government. THE BLACK DEATH. tekri0le detail8 ok russia*! visita tion? whole towns j^aid waste, A privato letter from St.' Peters burg, received in New York, gives the following graphic detail; of the terrible plaguo which is raging in many districts of Russia: "I have a sad story to tell. You have probably heard some-reports about the epidemic prevailing in Rus sia. It is a most fearful disease, brought hero by the soldiers iVom the East. It has spread in the southern provinces of Russia at a rapid rate. Thousands upon thousands have died within the last live days. The vic tims when taken live only about two hours, and turn black all over. All the physicians ordered to the earo of the sick have died within twenty-four hours after their arrival. Tue corpses are burned, and so are the houses in which the people die. Whole towns have been laid waste during the last few days. The government has placed a cordon of soldiers around the infected provinces so that the people cannot get out and spread the disease. Any who attempt to leave or break through the cordon are shot dead on the spot. The people are beginning to feel uneasy all over the empire. The government, of course, does not allow the news to get out. All reports are suppressed, but the worst of all Is that nobody can get out of the em pire. The Austrian and German governments have placed a double cordon of soldiers along all the fron tiers, preventing all persons from en tering their territory from Russia. All persons from Russia by railroad are stopped at the frontier and de tained twenty days iu quarantine, their baggage and clothing disinfected and if they prove ail right after the lapse of twenty days, thjsy ore per mitted to cross the border. Oaring the twenty days' quarantine !;people are housed in large sheds and barns, without any accommodations or com forts. Of course, a knowledge of this fact keeps people from H-aVeling. There is no possibility of slipping out anywhere. May God grant that the disease? '.'black pest," as the." call it here? may in some way be checked. I be lieve the government is doing all in its power to prevent the disease from spreading; but if it is not stayed suon then the victims may fall by the thousands daily. It is much worse than the yellow fever was in the South last summer. It was brought by a Tartar soldier a month ago, who, on leaving the Tuikish territo ry, pulled off from a dead Turk on i i,? i,.., i l.. r... i i - 1,_-1_-in. -i-1 I lUC uuLbiCuciu a uauuouiiju oun. auom, | which he tied around his body. On arriving in his native town he pre sented the shawl to his sweetheart, a girl of nineteen years. She lied il around her body and danced about, for joy in a room in which were some twenty-five people. In two hours she died, and five hours after the intro duction of the shawl into the room the whole pariy of twenty-live had died. Ail turned black. Iu three days the whole town, containing 1,100 people, had died, with the exception of forty-three persons, who had lied in time. Ftotn this town the pest began spreading all over tho coun try." _._ Persecution Renewed. The Columbia:* Register says that Messrs. Frank Sims and C. W. Su ber were brought before Commissioner Eaton yesterday on a warrant served by Charles Barnum and based on an affidavit made by T. J. Gregory, charging them with a violation of Section 5,515 of the revised statutes of the United Stales, alledged to have been committed at Treuholm's box, in this county. Mr. Eaton post poned the bearing till Monday on ac count of the absence of other accused parties who had not yet been arrest ed. The South is wailing most anxi ously to see some intelligent colored man elected to an office of honor and trust by the Republicans of any Northern State. Surely there can be no prejudice against tho negroes at the. North?and yet there is some thing suspicious in the fact that no negro has been made Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or sent to Con gress by tho Northern Republicans. The colored men of tho South may put put this in their pipes and smoke it along with tho fragrant facts con nected with Iba. frecdraqn's bank swindle. Long and Short Sleepers. Seamen and soldiers, from habit, can sleep when they will and wake when they will. Captain Barclay, when performing his wondrful feat of walking 1,000 miles in as many con secutive hours, obtained such a mas tery over himself that bo fell asleep , the romuto he lay down. Tho faculty of remaining asleep for a great length of time is possessed by some individ uals*. Such was the case with Quin, the celebrated player, who ? would slumber for twenty-four hours succes sively ; with Elizabeth Orviu,'who slept three-fourths of her life; with Elizabeth Perkins, who slept for a week at a time ; with Mary Lyell, who did the sumo for successive weeks ; and with many other, more or less remarkable. A phenomenon of an opposite char acter is sometimes observed, for there are other individuals who can subsist on a surprisingly small por tion of sleep. The celebrated Genera^ Elliott was an instance of this kind ; he never slept more than four hours out of the twenty-four. In all other respects he was strikingly abstinent, his food Consisting wholly of bread, water and vegetables. In a letter communicated to Sir John Sinclair by John Gordon, Esq., of Swine, mention is made of a person named John Mackav, of Skerry, who died in Stralhnave, in the year 1797, aged ninety-one ; he only slept on an aver age lour hours in the twenty four, and was a remarkably robust and healthy man. Frederick the Greet, of Prus sia, and the illustrious surgeon, John Hunter, only slept five hours during the same period. The celebrated French general, Pichegro, informed Sir Gilbert Blame that during a whole year's campaign he had not al lowed himself above one bout's sleep in the twenty-four. ! -:tHf,- -, j_L. -; 1 '.. How Fast Light Travels. It takes the sun's light about eight minutes and a quarter to reach the earth, and we do not tee the sun until about eight minutes after, it. has arisen,while we seeit apparently above the horizon for the same time after sunset. If we imagine ourselves transported to Neptune, the most dis tant planet of the system, we shall Qnd that it takes light four hours and ten minutes to travelse tho space in tervening between the sun and this planet. Therefore this long period must elapse between the real and ap parent sunrise on this far-away mem ber of the family. As the bud on j the boundary of this domain only , gives out a thousandth part of the! heat and light we enjoy, it is not 1 ' "robabls that the rush oi cm'gvanl? I to Neptune will be very great, at' least of brings constituted like those living on this planet. But it gives at j idea of the amazing extent of the | solar system, when it is known thai; it takes light, moving with a velocity ol o\or 185,000 miles per second, more than four hours to reach its ex treme verge. This, ..to* is but half the breadth of planetary space as known at present, and light would requite over eight hours to reach the orbit of Neptune. Tho Parable of the Rats. The rats once called a meeting to decide en some means of getting the i 1 bait out of a small steel trap which \ was set iu a neighboring cellar, and j which hud caught several of their uif-nds and relations already. After a good many speeches, one old rat stood erect on his hind legs, and said: '?In my opinior, if we keep down the spring with one paw, we can very safely take the bait with the other." All the rats squealed and slapped their tails in applause. The meeting broke up, and they retired to their homes and families; but as the trap continued to carry off their friends, a second meeting was soon called. The speaker had hardly commenc ed when all were startled by a faint voice, and a poor rat with only three legs, limping into tho assembly, tried to speak. All listened in silence, as, stretch ing out the remains of his leg, he moaned rather than said : "My friends, I havo tried the plan we decided on. You see the result. Let me suggest tho only way to escape the trap?don't touch it." Somebody has counted tho news papers of America, daily and weekly, and they number 11,000 and odd, ^ Statistics for Girls. A young English statistician who was paying court to a young lady thought to surprise her with his im mense erudition. Producing his note book,sho thought he was about to indite a love sonnet, but was slightly taken aback by the following ques tion: "How many meal do you eat every day?" g "Why, three, of course; but of all the oddest questions?" ?'Never mind, dear; Pll tell you all about it in a moment." His pencil was rapidly at work. At last, fondly clasping her slender waist, he said : ?'Now, my darling, Pvegot it; and if you wish to know how rauch has passed through that' adorable little mouth in the last seventeen years, I can give you the exact figures." "Goodness gracious! What can you mean?" "Now, just listen," eaid he, "and your will hear exactly what you have been obliged to obsorb to maintain those charms which are to make the happiness of my life." "But I don't want to hear." "Ah, you are surprised, no doubt; but statistics are wonderful things. Just Usten : You arc now seventeen years old, so that in fifteen yeais you have obsorbed?oxen or calves, 5 ; sheep and lambs, 14 ; chickens, 327 ; ducks, 201; geesse, 12 ; turkeys, 100 ; game of various kinds, 824; Qshco 1G0; eggs, 3,120:J vegetables 700 bunches; fruit 603 baskets; cheese 103 ; bread, cake, etc., (in sacks of flour,) 4.0; wine, 11 barrels; water, 3,000 gallons. At this the mniden revolted, and, jumping up, exclaimed: "I think you are very impertinent, and dit gusiing beside, and I will not slay to listen to you I", upon which She flew into the house. He, gazed after her with an ab stracted mi*,.and left, saying to him self: ; "If.she kept talking at that rate 12 hours out of 2 i, her jaws would in 20.years travel a distance'of 1,332, 124 miles. The maiden, within two months, married a well-to-do green grocer, who was no statistician. Narrow Escape from Drowning. On Monday last, Mr. II. H. Hart, of this place, and Mi&>3 Annie Ander | son, who resides near here, together with a daughter of Mr. William Hart.j got into a batlcau on Mr. Dave Hait's mill pond for the purpose of | taking a ride. When about seventy five yards from the dam the batteau icd^ccl on ?* oi??up and overtuned, throwing its occupan.s into the water, which was about eight feet deep. They ali went under, but coon rose I to the surface again. Mr. Hart sup j ported the chiid, while Miss Ander I eon kept herself afloat by holding on 'to him. Partly by treading water and holding on to the oveiturned balieau he managed to keep them from drowning until another boat was brought to their assistance by Mr. Youngblood. He bad started home, and was neatly half a mile away wheu he he aid the cries for assistance. Immediately retracing his steps, be jumped into a bateau which was moored some distancs up the pond, and went to their assistanca. He ar rived none too coon. Mr. Hurt was nearly exhausted, having been in the water some fifteen minutes bsfore help came. Mr. William Hurt was near by wheu the accident occurred, but was unable to get the boat. He tore a plank from the pier-head, and swam out with it to ti c sjcue of the accident, where he arrived a few mo ments before Mr. Youngblood. The whole pnrty were then taken ashore. ?Barinve I People. Peculiar People. The man who does not like to hear himself talk. Women who can walk gracefully with small heels. I Young lady with pretty teeth who doesn't like laughing. A man who can "eraile and smile" and not be a villian. The man who takes out & paper of tine-cut iu a crowd. Young lady with a mole on her arm who likes short sleeves. Tho man who never drinks any thing stronger than buttermilk. A young man of twenty who does not know moro than a man of forty. Young married man who doesn't cringo when ho wheels out his first baby, FOB YOUNG; MEN. ' ' SOME FKACTICAT, ADVICE FOU TOtf^a/1'! GENTLEMEN. 'Uu' M ""* Dou't expect to earn your' living* * without labor of hand or head. 'Voif'^u( must eat your own bread or :on>r body else's. . - .11 \ Don't think it degrading. to.^ofkj'j*^ Only the fool thinks oo. Don't think you can lounge y^wM' time away and bo of any^seryk^jq,^ ? the world you live in. Only ,.?Umi> i"^,S"" i^niji.iq Don't thiuk that the vices of grpjdi/,^ men are to be imitated;.:.')(You^Ijjjji^ have vices enough of your own, tp pc^,i-0 wind can take a million of the seeds I of a thistle and do a work of mischief I w hich the husband man must labor hard and long to undo, tho floating particles being too One-to be see u and too light to be stopped. Such uro the seeds of slander* so easily sown, Bodifllcult to bo gathered up, aud yet . so pc.-iicious are Us fruits. They know that many a wind will catch up the plague and become poisoned by their insinuation:.', without seeking the antidote. No reputation can re?*,, fulo a sneer, nor any human skill prevent mischief. ??'.>? .. ?? f ?n Imi - 1