■ '■3f a % '■, . mmWi 'fc Mr +‘ ~ 4A.r I ‘ • '-; .} ' . P- G®. > *> 1 Tffl ISLINGTON iRiLO PUBLISHED EVKUV FRIDAY. WALTER D. WOODS, Editor. 8triracnt!*TIO!« IW AOVAXCK: One Dollar a Year. Your Gin Huum 1 IriMiireii iu FIRST GLASS COMPANIES At Lowest Rates. Either for the Ginning Season For terms call on or ! h! square for flint insertion, and 50 per square for each subsequent ii. serttou Business Notices It) cents per line for eheh insertion. Obituaries exceeding six lines charged for at the rate of transient advertising. ' Liberal Discount made on contract or standing advertisements. DARLINGTON, 8. 0. Friday, September 22,1893. Fflffi E. IDBMEII. NORTII MBBLISJ COLLEGE, MOUNT PLEASANT, N. 0, Session Opens Septkmbku 7th. Mp W. H. Wallace, editor of the Newbeiry Observer, who some lime ago accepted a professorship in (he Oolnmbia Female College, bids his readers farewell in this weeks issue of his paper. His retirement is viewed with general regret, and is a great loss to the press. Our kindest wishes go with him to his new field of labor. 1 ceive the money forhis cotton and . see that he gets the fijll amount of its price. The whole thing is not only paternal in its character bnt a a clog to business and does not give ths slightest protection to anyone. We are satisfied that if the intelli gent members of the Alliance will reflect they will see that their posi tion is rftyeuable. ' I Dye te Live. -1 have Jremored my shop to the Alexander building, on Grove street, upstairs over the beef market of Ed Sanders, where 1 am prepared to clean and dye clothes at the lowest prices. Give me a call. I guaran tee satisfaction both as to work and price. J. J. Sawyer. 8-25-tf. For catalogue address J. I). SmuEY, A. M., President. ■A»»^. aw*ak'r> for Infanta and ChHtiren. ' Carf cv/ia j*j so wc-U adapted to ckil'*ren t hat I f reconiit as ‘luperioi; to any prescription ; mown to me.” IT. A. Archer, M. D., Ul So. Oxford St,, Brooklyn, H. Y. CfLwforla ctirofl Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, liianboca. Eructation, Kills Wornia, gives sleep, and proitootca di g geslion, 2 Without injurious medication. Tn* Ccntaur Coxpant, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. Grand Spring Opening. iTl EXPRESS IT TO i, If the Editor of 'the Abbeville Press and Banner will inquire into the matter he will fiud that there are a good many boys at Clemson that do not pay tuition while those who are financially able are required to pay. It is just the same at the South Carolsna College. We nil) notice Brother Wilson's aotiele in aur next iMiu*. Hr has some original and visionary ideas on the subject ot education to which we propose mak ing emphal ic objection, ' If rumor* are correct we will have an almost eutire change iu the J ed ge* whose terms expire and whose successors are to he elected by the next Legislature. Whatever doubt moy exwt iu regard to the others it 'Miiilt a foregone couclusion that she two brightest ornaments of th« ctir- cuit bench Judges Wallace and Hud- sou, arc toJje left out for the sole reason that they are too fearless and upright to construe the constitution and the laws to'suit the political prejudices of those who now cgutroJ the destinies of the -State, Nothing would more plainly show the folly and insanity of political prejudice than an act of this jthai- acter, but there i» some consolation in the fact that it-will help to dig the graves of those who i>erpetrate Ih _ FOR SALE. MY RESIDKNGK ON PEARI. street, for sale cheap on cany terms: Appiy u» W. G. DICKifON, Cotton Mill. , \0THE. ALBERT WILKES- Mb. W. K. DARGAN’S .eeletirolecl stallion, will stand the season atinv stable's: terms, *15, ‘ I>. K .Mu( TLLOl'GH Sept, fr-tr, ^ ■ TO LET, FROM FIRST (JO-' SEPTEMBER, JSS3, the Enterprise Hotel. Darling ton, S C. . For full particulars, apply to J. J. AVAllD. WANTED RECRUITS FOR THE THIRD Artillery, United States Artny/sta- tioued at Fort Pbemon, Atlanta, Ga., j K-huble Goods, and Fort Uarraneas and Key West Barracks. Florida ; able ’bodied white men oi good character and habits, un married, between the ages of twenty: one and thirty, good pay, rations,, clothing and medical aiteudanec. Ap- i pJisanbi must be prepared to furiiUh satisfactory cvldeuco as to age. ctaara-,- jer and hubits. For further informa- tfon call atllemlesvous, 1st Lieutenant C. W. FOHTKR, 8d Artillery, Enter- prist; Hotel, Darlington, S. C., untij October 15, 1898. 285 King St., Charleston, S. C M And have it put in thorough order. Fine Watch Work a Specialty and Warranted One Tear. Chief Inspectors of Watches for Atlantic Coast Line, South Carolina ! Railway, Plant System Railways. Headquarters for WEOOIHG PIESENIS, • i 111$, JEM, ; 1IGUES, FINE LiPS, STERLING SILVER1RE. Orders from the Country receive prompt altention. , A. Reasonable Prices, •A large stock always on hand, Tirst irffires and Improvements Riders of Victor Pneumatics carry an extra inner tube to be used in case of accident. By simply removing a punc tured inner tube through a hole in the rim, repair is effected in five minutes by replacing with a new one. If youare going to ride why not ride thebest? BOSTON, OVERMAN WASHINGTON, » WHEEL > DENVER, GO. BAN KRANOISOO, NEW SHOES, Manufactured by K. 0. Burt & Co., • Drew, Selby A Co., Williams, lluyt & Co. Examine our $3 Glove Fitting Good Year Welt Shoe for Men. FIRE! Whe nyor are in Darlington, leave your week at MASON’S New Jewelry Store, ON PEARL STREET. THE WEIGH).Yt. QlESTfOY. Tl« CouMty Alliance «ad T«wn CbiicII (aBH«t Agree. For some time tbe County Alliance has been negotiating with the Town OounciUith a view of having two l#om cotton weighers and a regul s , cotton yard. Tbe committee appoint ed to confer with the Council report ed that tbe town authorities were willing to have-two weighers, one se- lected by the Council, and the other by the Alliance. This proposition Was accepted and anew committee ceusisting of Messrs J, T. Kerven’ W. 0. Gandy, J. W. Woodham, J w! Waff and P.R. McJctosh, was ap- poiatad to continue the negotiations with the Council. On Monday this committee met tbe council. The oounbil selected Mr. A. A. Gandy as the weigher, to represent the Alh- Mice and Mr. J, W. Wallace reprt- ■ent the town. The Alliance com- mittee then asked tbe council to pass an erdioanceprobibiting cotton from being weigjied by aify one besides sworn weighers, and also forbidding Miy one from storing cotton anr BTimre but m the cotton vard. The oonfetesev then adjourned until Wednesday moriiing, In answer to tde»e requests the council stated that the/had no authority to pass such ordinances a* it'would <*stablish a monopoly. As the Alliance commit-f * t« Would not retwic from its request' ? an ^ , ‘ r tbe conference came to naughL Mr J. W. Warr stated that the Alliance had made arrangements to shipl- its cotton elsewhere ami receive ad- i Tahees on it. Without in the least reflecting on the good Intentions of the Alliance and being in through sympathy with tbe members of it in their desire to do the best they can for themselves WMinhesitatiugly Piiflitiu the council and cannot sec wherein they could hare gone any further. ’To have passed llieee ordinances would have been so manifestly unjust that it is SOUTH CM COLLEGE, COLOMBIA, S. C. I roprewai Tw elve of the most reliable Fire Insurance Companies In the world— amen? them, the Liverpool and London and Globe, of England, the * largest Are company in the world) and '.he .Kina, of Hartford, the largest of all American Ore companies, Prompt aUcctiou to business and satis, faction guaranteed, . Session begin* September 23th Four i courses; (Hassical, Literary, Scientilk- j and Law ; with elective studies in ; higher classes New Oyuiliaalum. I Well appointed Laboratories, Chemi cal, Physical, Biological, etc. Neces-' aary expenses from *145 to *210, For further informatioii addres* tbe | President, i JAMES WOODROW.; MTfilCN HIM INSTITUTE. | AgYdloyoia, m. o. j A Military Boarding bcliool., Ses sion epens Heptember I2tb. Healthy locaflbu. Bocial, moral and religious privileges good. Full corps of expe- rienosd teachers- Enforced applica tion. Rates reasonable. Appiy for catalogue to Col. John B. Patrick, Superintendent, F. E. AORMEMT, DARLINGTON, 8. C. BICYCLES. The Rambler. Excels in every point—Ii fnsir.t, F,a«iesi riding, most durahle. Finish unsurpassed. TO THE AFFLICTED. m: m sosie mm fob DR.IM’RAES CrREJFOR ORtAMf STRICTURE AXD KID.YEV (OMFLAIYTS. Au elegant line of all styles and prices. YVe carry the bes line Hund-S ewe Goods ever bro ugh to Darlington, * Stock of Oxfords For Ladies, Misses and Children; widths B to E. We have them in the newest lasts and colors.- Trunks, Vaiisss, Traveling Bags, Etc. We have on hand a complete stock of the above goods at astonishing prices. DARLINGTON SHOE STORE, WOODS & MILLING, Proprietors. To*the Ladies of Darlington: You are cordially invited to attend our Grand Spring Opening, on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 28 and 29. Our line of Dress Goods and Trimmings for the present season is a wonderful collection of elegant designs and fabrics of the latest and most popular fashions. The present season marks the appearance of a series of new and beautiful de signs in Wash Goods that eclipse the previous efforts of the manufacturers. It is needless to say that we have them in all the newest patterns and colorings. In Laces, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves and Ribbons, we are exhibiting one of the largest and finest collections ever shown in Darlington. Respectfully, ■woor>s o pain 1 Soieuilflcailv liune ihr ’' in Sidney coifcplaint unless there are i , . , - IeSSESS ftnd im ' lt0 Rn mspectl0U of sulue ’ Rambler Dearings. Accurately constructed „ la na urine in tbe form of a sediment or flne powdflr.J 1 have numbers ofletter* from people best tool steel o-asinabl,^ 0 ^,": j^ ia 1 C Tgu a amntre at^Han v one wld' ” Rambler Sprorktl. take two bottles of thi* Medicine, and _ 0ui ' new st00k of SI "' ing and summer thpi -r... mEkcf MVptKS. i0 be obtained 'im*. A ’. difficult to tee l»ow the Alliance cow* 1 mittee could have insisted on them. In addition to this it would iuvol vet-, the council in a vexatious and costly Uwsttit which. »hey would merely lew andiu tbe meantime the busi- •sesof both farmer and merchant We fail entirely to see look out for * m Rambler Valves. Simple, j by ordering direct from me. It will be I sent by mail on receipt of price, *3.00, , ' 10 any part of North ('arolina, Bomb , . f or ,t ^S?,i /.f,”?,* 1 * ^‘’".'iGarollua, Georgia and Alabama, In \ftnient tor xapid inflation, fmd, ordering fB^v whother for RtrlotDmnr wken desired,,.pill deflation. The, kUlney?ll2&e f ° r 8tH,,tUre 01! tthoelmmirt delight. j ju-terences n. to my responsibility: “f, A J.” iprrngatod Tire. , The Dank of Ham well, Barnwell, 8. C. Ivnc nml i.v If xirlll Krv P-• j ^ The origmai and oU eJ , de.aeUhle: ( n itlr, ’ l "'; i Ka,lk ^ Barnwell, | 11US ,U 1U ,llia ^ It Will 1)6 lOUlld SUltS pneumatic tire. Words fail to de-: Pi ar .w . K®’u „ u ,, 1 ” " ' ' .cribs it, yea must see it to know ! ai er ^