The Darlington herald. (Darlington, S.C.) 1890-1895, September 08, 1893, Image 3

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* . mm NELLIE’S LOVER. THE ENDING OF A TUIP LONG URANiU. TO N* Nn-d uf llie Duttoii-iiol)* Ala- ckiae -The New Partner—TIm? “I 1 ciiulO to the gh'irr,’' sai»l N<- !y (ilien, softly. ^I|e>sat. iaelu j.a!e thuflmv | ^i^ Lidjieinxir. i.« Llj.(.yiJoIiit".i'louliib ot tiie Mad-lia tim'nvnieh M»riun hml twimil hack aed fm Hi over the tenement house "imlow, her iyes fixed on the fine bit of blue sky which was -kib ble between factory walls and clus tering chimney pots. “To the seashore'," said Aunt iVnclope. grimly. “.Marian, them vests ain't pressed yet, and they Ye to be culled for at noon, you know.” “But •the seashore!” went on ’ u ‘Will,‘A* if she had not heard the prabbed old woman’s words. “The f H^eut.'COol waves, full of green and ’ and violet lights; the wet, crinkly samjai Ute sweet wind and. the fringetrof White foam! Oh Marian, I should be better if I could go to ^ V ; 5frplKe Orccii had be^u the flower of the family—the beauty, the ‘ ’youngest, tlie ;iet. lint when Nellie fell sick and was obliged to give up ,. jj0hpb\~twhen she continued to droop day hy day. Aunt Penelope began to -“'on the justice of Providence, Han had listened wistfully to her sister’s piteous words. She diamond studs and the Panama hat. “Oh,” cried Nell, instinctively, haw glad I alii to see you! But wTio would have expected to meet you here!” Kenting out bathing suits at fifty and twenty-five cents an hour,” said the young man, with a mischievous sparkle in his dark eyes. “Which sea-! ? I!i *' I have the pleasure of select ing for you, ma’am ?” to Miss Cyn- THE WORLD’S FAIR TUB €. II. A 1). AND MONON BAIL- ROAD THE FINEST KOI TE. qui looked at Aunt Penelope. 3 r '“Abfat Ued,” said she, “there’s thatmioney I have bmi saving fora btatwldhefe machine; it would just take its all to the seuenore for just a Mtj i'biil yi)iii»g;*ianfy drew her self up. “The nicest vou have,” said she. “Marian,” she added afterward, these diamonds arc California and nothing d.-.e. And the hat jj most likely horrowul. And you really ought to fcitoh that little sister of yours some of the ways of the wifrld. Mies making :|S ni.ufji of •that }(i v i"e ti'iin us-if he' Was It gei - tlcman,' 1 And Miss Culpepper gave the dark eyed offender r the ctit direct, when she met him strolling on the beach, when bath jiotifs were over, and the sunset breeze comes freshest “Are yon strong enough to walk far ns yonder stranded sloop?” said he to Nell. “I think yon would eujoy the sight. And with m\ arm—” “I should like it so much,” said Nellie. But Miss Cynthia could not en dure this. “Young man,*’ said she loftily, “I don’t think your employer would like this.” “My employer!” “The gentleman that owns the bathing snitsi” 1 "But .I have nothing to do with the bathing suij.s nor their owner,” said he with an amused look. “Indeed!” said Culpepper, with scorn. “Then may I usk you want you were doing there this morning ?” “Oh, certainly,” answered the stranger. “I found, when I got down to the liathiug grounds, that 1 had left the key of my room in thi door; so I just stepped in for u moment while the man mu up to get it for me.” Miss Cynthia Culpepper opened her milt! blue eyes very wide. All of it sudden the diamonds assumed their ariglmil glitter; the mem of the suspected vendor of bnthinp suits became aristocratic, uud l*)tC Byronish again. How. then, in th< names of r Uuy. Livingstone, Sii Charles Grand Ison and ail the other heroes of modern and ancient io- luapcc, had she made such a mis take? But if he wasn’t the hotel employe t who was he? .$he wwk-atitong Branch glided nwajyubd.wben they were seated in the steamer, on their homeward wav, Nell whispered to Marian. ,nd a yard of checks “Dear Marian, is it wrong to be' engaged to him after only a week’s acquaintance ?” . wrong ? sJXo,. dear,”- Ma riao ah* sweredi “for I* think he loves you dearly.” • , q ! i? tw fliiiJ. ta W ’what’s to become of the ! .ole machine ?” said Aunt rling her jaws in unison “Ant button Peh,’ *i^rling her ia With,the motion of the scissors with rineAvas cutting several layers white Marseilles. ‘Wejmtst do without,’ said Marion, ^Nofdear, no P’ «uid Nelly, look* log up with a faint smile. “I am not yet selfish enough to allow such k sacrifice as that. You have been saving up for a button-hole machine kibble year -fcH could work a 'aster With it. fT . her ..sister tod said; l!|. But next evening when her vest factory, she held np three slips of paper. . • ’ i “Tickets for Long Branch!” said she. “Get ready, Nell and Aunt We are to go on ThMi* , for a week.” "Goodness gracious me!” ejacu lated Aunt Pen; “And me without ad: don! , “You can make up the dress-cap to-higbt.” said Marian, “and as for the raffling, we must do without it mmmi . “But the button-hole machine, said Nell, drawing her sister’s face • ' ■ «^h, f Mariaa- Mar would make button-holes by hand ill my life to see the color back in your cheeks.” Mijfl'MdAi felt that she Was .in deed Tewameu when Nellie’s cheeks ie#vng of the old her eyes as the Brandi boat steamed past the 1 UKKh« cook salt breete Mattered her veil and lifted the little S eq hair from her an and Aunt Pen, l-worn block alpaca, sat 1 UdiMiSs Cynthia <Cul- ttepper, who boarded in the same hoqafc^afiwasfti salulady out for hef two weeks’ vacation, was oppo site in a dress hat, imitation gold bracelets and pea green kid gloves, a taH, diun’ ru rvwiuuvu wucu Presently man. who sat on the the boat, rose a*di oppmohed the party. “I beg your patdou, ’ siiid be courteously to ^Marian, “but I see that young* huty is an invalid’. Would she not prefer u seat on the shady side ? Mine is quite at her disposal.” “Thank yon,’" said Marian, grate fully. “It would pleasanter.” And then began a pleasant little pee,. which was 1 Die handsome -bags t» the traiulfor them. “Which hotel are you for?” he kind When the train came to a i the depot. Jb,' 'ild hotel,” said the frank XeHte. “Wtf have engaged board at nffmate-WhsA' A boy will meel lit We ara very much obliged for "$&»t a fool yon arc, Nellie Green I” cried Cynthia Culwpper. “Don’t you lee he’s bound for the West End? You could easily have pretonned you were going to one of the hotels, too.” “Bat it wouldn’t have been true.” “True ?” echoed Miss Cynthia. “Pva no rmtumnp with. you! You’ll k nal Panama hat! Who knows what wo Id have come of it?” “Please give me the cheapest batWogiAuit ypu have,” said Nsl)i,e. uWeit'ttorriing, when the three t down tq take thijr seu >(]/? - * ■ * 'v) .' here yon are agqln l” grumbled % “Must you advertise I your poverty all through Branch ? I’d never . come you If—” d here, stSrtled by Nel- “IVho do yoq tjiiok he jd—” de- inc, “k 4»’Ri>diidCwiibi» Ctt]Ptpper, bonne- V banc, ing Into the room when* the time, sat at their vest making—“Mr. New ton, I mean!” t file » Mr. Newton-”, said Nellie. “Ho is the new partner in our firm!” gasped Cynthia. “I saw him looking over the cashierY books this morning.” “Marian,” said Nellie, turning to her sister, “the first present I make yep afterJL am married shall be n button-hole machine: for all this happiness has come of your sweet, generous self-denial.” 8. H. Clifford, New Caesels, Wisi, .was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,. hig^’stomach was dis- orderced, his liver was affected to an @laruiing degree, appetite fell away, and lie was. terr'Udy reduced in llesb and strength.' Three bottles of Elec tric Biiters Qiiryd him. , lYlwanl Snephi-rd, Harrisburg, 111., hud a running sore on his leg of eight years’ standing. Used threi bottles of Electric Bitters and seven ..hoses of linckten's Arnica Salve and his leg is sound enu v.ell. John Speaker, Catawba, ()., bad five large fevor sores on his leg, doctors said he was intfurabla. One bottle Electric Sifters and one' box Buck- leu’s Arnica Salve currd him en tirely. IVilcoi A Co, <ieoitie.young other side of Pullman Safely Veslibuled tars Ilunuing Every Day and “Sun day Too.” If so, see Unit your ticket roads via Cincinnati and the 0. II. &. I). and Monon—the acknowledged World’s Fair Route.” The ofily line out of Cincinnati^ connecting with the E. T. V. & G.| and Q. & C. train No. 2, arriving nti Cincinnati 10:30 p. m. A solid train i carrying through sleepers from 1 .lacksonville, Savanimh. Birming- iiimi, Atlanta, Cliartanoi'ga. Mucon and New Orleans via K. T. \'. u G. e, C., f. 11, w D. and Monon Route to Chicago. You can stop over in. Cincinnati if your ticket reads via the C. H. & i D. and Monon Route, by deijositingj same with tho Merchant*’ and Man- J nfucturcrs’ Association, Chamber of j Commerce Building, corner of Fourth and Vins strecis, one block from Fountain S piarc (the C. II. & D. ticket office in the same build- ing)J This enables yon to visit tho picturesque “Queen City” at no ad ditional cost, and special efforts .will be made to entertain strangers hos pitably and reasonably. The universal verdict of the trav eling public is that the Pullman Safety Vestibuled. trains, running every day, “and Sunday too,” via the C. II. & D. and Monon, between Cincinuoti, Indianapolis and Chicago are without doubt “the finest on earth.” These trains were especially built by the Pullman Company for this service, and embrace every im provement. Their magnificent coaches, luxurious smoking cars, superb sleepers, observation cars and unexcelled dining car service, afford “all the comforts of home.” Leaving Cincinnati you pass through the beautiful Miami Valley, and for twenty-five miles Hie double tracks run through the very front doc? yards of the finest suburban homes in thecotmtvy, Beyond Ham ilton ami uptu ludianapnlii. the lim is noted for iU swnic beaut,yi A stopover «t Jmllnriapous, the capital of Indiana, may bo obtained by depositing yob* ticket With the Secretary o£ the Uoimncreiul Club. This vitjsril moro worthy of n visit than al inqsi any other ol* its size in the West, and offers tho greatest In ducements to traveler and tourist. Between lucUtmnpolis and Chicago tho line travel fee the very best agri cultural aud comuierciftl tetri lory, and the ride I* n.n-' ,of unparaBed •comfoi i and beauty* ' Beat’ in infnd that the C,,TL d I). ana Monon Route trains all mo via) Burnside Crossing, from which point the Illinois Central suburban trains run direct to the World’s Fair Fair grounds every moment. At Englewood connection is made with the electric cars, which run every fite minutes to the grounds, but we recommend all persona to go dWct- !y. into tho Pyiivbou Station, which! is located iff the"heart of the city; and from which all street car lines} converge, then go directly by oar or, cab to your bote) or bohrding place, j First locate yourself•; know where and how you are- to live while in Chicago. Chit tho locality, firmly fixed in Vpur.mihd, befoye going to the World’s Fair by any of the nu merous convenient ways; the cable cars, electric roads, elevated railroad, Illinois Central K. U., suburban trains and the sltaml'bats afford am ple accommodations for all possible visitors, and is but five minutes ride from the business portion of the city to the grounds. Take your breakfrst down totv'n, buy your lunch at the grounds ami take yonr supper down town. If yoi.i follow, these suggestions you will save money. The facilities for serving lunch at the World’s Fair Grounds are extra ordinary and the prices are cheaper than at your own home, but breakfast and supper should lie taken down town, or at vonr L’be World’s Fair SSHOT Mild! S!!? I* l ?:*£«*• ‘tU SO REOMBLESS OF COST, < all ICxusiiiiie om* BLACKWELL BROS- wg'M>J[:aoi8 o. The .following Magazines can be bud from the BOOK STORE* Harper’s, Lippiocott’s, Arena, Scribner’s, (Yntnry, North Amtrican Uetiew, Bedford, Frank Leslie's Popoiar Monthly, Review of Reviews. Bine sod Gray—Confederate War Journal, Forma, Gody’s, Romance, Columbia, tluting, Storiettes, Frank Leslie’s Budget, Saint Nicholas, Southern States, Cosbto- politan, BtooU and Toy Oompaily. Manufactured by E. C. Burt & Co., Drew, Selby & Co., Williams, Hoyt & Co. Examine our >t Clove Fitting Good Year Well Shoe for Men. i An elegant line-ot m nil .-tyle? :.u,i j I .,, -. i We earn |j.,- n .-i 1 lilli Il.ilul-Seweil i (io*ii!e\ i r l-i-oi • In to leu in gi'iii. A Immsose Stoi of Oxfords For litulies, Iviis-scri nml * ‘itiidirii: v.'itU’s B to E. We Intro tlioiii in tiio nou(*:>t lasts mid colors. Tmniis, Valises, Tra^iii lap, Etc, 5 We, }iave on iiand « comhlcto stock of the ahoye goods fit astonishing pHet ..i . » • •' » J .- 1 *•-• 5P-, sj v >V . "C-i- ^ . • ' 'V; ! t I v * " ' * • ' ^ DARUKQTOSt SHOE STORE. WOODS & MltLIKC, I’rtipticitoi's. —ifr- r—--^r— First. Fifth. Sixth. Abhotl’s East .•8 all Co: cures Indiud Cora paint, cortis, warts «iul bunion*- most astounding ■ipectacl? ever people, and a day’s more delight and nan be possibly any or by the e>eiu:.v. I’o-r boarding Jiouse. ia already the and slupendons attempted hy any viifit will afford initmelion than o’ U.’- .d in any other 'c cxiK'Doitnre of That Columbia has a first- class Music House. Second. That everything in shape of a Musical Instrument can he obtained from this House. Third. That this House represents the builders and knocks out the middle men. Fourth. That the generous public is paturenizing this Home Enterprise liberally. That you can obtain the very best Piano mode and for the least money from this House. That the leading Female Col leges in this Gtate are using and endorsing the Pianos sold by this Institution. Seventh, That the best Professors of Music in South Caro lina are using and endors ing Instruments procured from this House. Eighth. Will find the best Organ* at this Institution on tin market. Ninth. The “Symphony Self-Play- ing'' O.’gnn,” the marvel of tho age, is represented by thin Enterprise. Tenth. Orders for Sheet Music will have prompt attention by this Music House. Eleventh. You con havz an old EXPRESS IT TO 285 King St., Charleston, S. C., And have it y ut in thorough order J Fine Waith Work a Specialty and Wamhltd One \«r. Chief Inspectors of Watches for Atlantic Coast Liuc. South Carolina Railway, Plant System Railways, Headquarters for " WEDDUG-PRESENTS, OIMDS, JEKELRT, ITCHES, E1NE UPS, STEALINC SILVEHllE. Orders from the (ouniry receive prompt attention. Reliable Goods. Reasonable Prices. A large stock always on hand, Tqe Prlntea wus etyhEr drlJth|oI86ri$- zY wijCii ho set til is ad. But iie fact remains the same that satisfactory work in being done at Mason’s Jewelry Store on Watches, Jewelry and clocks. GIBSON & WOODS Ifti- in announcing that they itie now perared to iiriio & m Uk Iwit Policiis. ud. i»ii pi act all h 1 ncse eutrhsted to them in toum of the best conipatiic-i in tin* . United States. Is Fits kziwz .They have such i.ompunk-s The Hume, <if New York, and Tire Hartford, cf .1 i«r t fo r d, Conn., two of (he lurgesl and ■ befit maiuw'i’d eompHoios R» the country. !s LKs Inswaps They invite examination into the plans of the "New York Mutual,, offering, as th‘ey do, very favora ble terms to those who wish to insure. They also conduct a general Brokerage and Commission bus iness,-and solicit a share of the patronage. DARL9P3GTOI C. ICAGO ,tlier descr; pfl SHILO’S CURE* is sold on a guarantee. It cures .incipient Con- soKiptipn. It is the l>est Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 cts, 50 cts., and 5>1.00. * KARL’S CLOVER ROOT will purify your Blood, clear your Com- plegation, regulate your Bowels mid make your Head char as a bell, 25c. and 50c. Many people, not aware of tho dangers of constipation, neglect the piipcr remedy till tho habit becomes chronic, or iuHammation or stoppage results. A dose of two of Ayers Pills in the beginning would have prevented all this. particulars, millets, rate', etc., uUlres-t , !• A. Ho *vbh ( •len-'ru! Ad*'f ftlsipa Agent C, H. A I), li. U,, Nc. ?»'•*» W, F.rorth fit, Cincin'inti, O'uo, Distress In digestion, Sick llcadncl iftcr Eating, ie, And Dyspepsia Arc cured bv V. P. P. ’ifekTy A-h, Poke Root and Pota;'- si uni A A RouschoM Trea'ute. ]). W. Fill lev, of Couajohorie, N, Y., says that'he always keeits Dr. King’s New Discovery in the house and h*s family has always found the very best results follow that he would not be wilh- ilsuse; that he would not be SHILO’S CURE, the great Cough I out it, if procurable. G. A. Dyi:e- and Croup _ Cure, is in great | imui, Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. ''King’s New Discovery is demand. Pocket size contains twenty five doses only 25c. Children love mgs undoubtedly tnc best cough remedy; that he has used it iu his family for Piano, Organ or any Musical Instrument pm iii first-class order at thk- Estahlishment. Twelfth. Y r on enu get your Pianos tuned on short notice hi the best tuner South, b\ ‘ addivseing this House. Thirteenth. Wo refer the public to I/)iin and Exchange Bank of Columbia, a? to responsibility. CURE ^ THAT Coughs WITH LOHS CURE V-* 1 £ .* ’■*. v ieA Chat UXMGTOlt; OB , UHliSVltU CtiiSAtia. u4i MJXVlULg 3 EVHiC Fourteenth. If you desire any fur ther information, ad- dres the proprietors of this Music House. centflitas. Bla frawriSicafl Cn; .ore idTotliaw talU.Coi ifost, He*rMa»»», whc_, Ahma. For CeeauwpUoa i* NntOPLtAJta ANTA acoa JUOiViUiH The yui.-.v * . ttsncN i- Koi-tk utToMs the MUieke-l Scoedunt, thi; Yxnt-et tquiiimeu,, (h«r: , : . *• .•> ' QJfLY THROUGH CAR LINE TO CHICAGO. Ii. S. R. Ii., Louisville an«l tho I'enna, Lines io Chicago without change. Another ctr mrs from AshevlHo taSinrtnnktl. Both can RUkfcc close coRucctida with nil Chicngo lines. -Axk ior your tickets via . GUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE. An? tho K. (b D.. E. T. V s Q: «r Queen * Creacorb wiit gin you infonaatlon as* to' rentes, ratss, fiehedulen. «:tr, 1 bftop-uvora sUtoired mt Cln«isai*ti, LavMf vtllc or 1n<iisuttir>«;]l«. ‘J Kfl, KCW’.ttiw, ci1*'aV v ciscnmAT^e; ban eurcit thcnahnda, takaolntimc. Bold by grogfitla jm a i j)HlM>d S BaLLADONHA PLASTBi LOH’sApATARRH REMEDY. eiir^wf ^ vleS’ta MiJalone^Bro. COLUMBIA, S. C. JOHNSON'S MAGNETIC OIL! Instant Killer of Pal*. MttAMTB InetADtly. Cholora Mor- * in«, riTHp.Dlptnaria, Sors Throat, HKADACUK, m if by liiagic. FAST TIME IsWiuOTWfc Asheville, R 0. to Chicago, Ills, Through Pullman Car* CONSUMPTION In Its early etagoa can bs ourod by the prompt use of reason of bad drainage and nnwhole-ivested. Trial bottles fres at Wilcox some orders, »uffej\f*qm •inuUf did- ' A Co.’ ease*. AVer’s Ague Cufie is Warran-j50 cent 1* 01 *! s dm cents and Regular Our*and ! thh JOHNSON' . - . jludlonMauSTolluC ThuiGm* i L*(lio* wi.t hurt it tho BU'fii Toufi 8o*» <-11 iy Riftrim. it it sbaeiutaly aur*. ll»k«« ill, jm aoft and •p-l rMtnrM tfe* 1^*1 oom« - ■ *™r laran Do y?u tiiVe tliirpajK-r' itiflar. Cart nd hl*M» pH iiUabiwu .. . jfnaoft and valvaty •pd natnraa WIWiK-'V® 8 in It soothes tho Inftained tissues, aids expectoration, and hantons - rfoovoty. -. ♦<•« Dr. jl. O. Ayer 3* Co. * heWfcUi Mass, ' Lv. Ashsvjiib, Lv, KhuxSiu*, Af, HARkIMAN, Ar. I .HXlVotoN, Ar, Loc!svill«, Lv, Louisvil.ut, (R .V n R. H t (E T- V . d;U. Ky.) (It, T, V. kr G Ry.) (CL&C. R, R) (Lou. So.) (V, nn R. R ) Ar. InmAnapoMs, (Psan. R. R ) Ar. Chicago, (Penn. K. R ) d:ofi I’m, ^ , VIA t- £ yfo Rtfh t fi C ' U l l DapniH’i 9 jo i*,m. fa — ■ - 4 jn a. n. j fnsf Tunnottcn, Vi.yinitl A 7 5*7 A- d <f> ftt'orgia : Queen < Crntient and Pannsj/h/ania Railroade. N.OTE THE S:ij a.v. II ,0 A.M. P vdsi-M. # A through Chicago Sleeper via CincinrR^; secured • it Harriman arrives at Chicago by Big Four Route at 5:15 p.m. Stop-overs allowed at Cincinnati, Loir -- vilie and Indianapolis. ■ — ... • CA.T*£* 03ST O^. XT^nK.I'TEI ‘ Johv L. Miiam: Tr»v. FW. Ajt., ^.jC. W.Mt’W’Jiv, Ticket KMOXV1LLK, Tbkm. ' % ^ AsHitvyy,*, N C. . •y* 1 H'e. 1 • ■b ,’, Vk 'SSKWfttA* Ptv.-Pa«w Agt, ' B. W^vwmM, 0 P. II'X At, *. j* «*».*■** voir--Twar*. • ' ‘ • ... -- - - ' -."X •Wi