The Darlington herald. (Darlington, S.C.) 1890-1895, July 21, 1893, Image 3

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(BBHIK1L FARLEY 8I0WS HIM VF IS HIS TRUE LIUHT. 'm. ■ m V jl; HtBMicf4 as a Bally, Bra^a rl aa4 BaH«4 the H'haaijpioa Liar af tie State.” Adjutant Ucncrul II. L. Farley has given to the public the following letter denouncing Senator Irby and exposing his underhanded trickery: Various articles in reference lu politics and the “blacklisting'’ which is going on have apjicared in ilu ucwspa|ters of this State, and uiv name has been frequently used lit connection therewith, but I have paid very little attention to them, re garding them as merely sensational, in most cases, or as the petty malice of designing parties who only wanted to create more bitterness and division in the Reform ranks, to which I did not wish to contribute. Later developments, however, have convinced me that there is a settled, malicious and determined purpose, CUT the part of certain panics, not only to blacklist bnt to misrepresent MM Malign Me andothers, which has found expression m such a way as to cause my friends to ask me the reasOn for it. The first intimation I had of it was in the appearance of the fol Chronicle, signed "Craddock,” which appeared immediately after, the in- atigMel of President Cleveland, and was copied by varions paiiers in this Btatei "The leaders of the South Carolina Reform movement that assembled in Washington ditring the inauguration seemed to have more important bust- ness than eight-seeing. The rank and file of the Reform movement in the State have, to ail appearances, been •atMed with the leadership of Tillman and Irby, bnt not so with - MM of the Heutenants. One of the State officials announced to a sup. posed enemy of Governor Tillman and Senator Irby that the following Oombination bad been agreed upon: Congwsman tJhell, who signed the firtp£wdinanlfeito in two, and who, nil at dflolt tetthtlf became so dis* oliticians Had Himself Interviewed, an- 1-Tillman candidate ing as a healing He aai fbtgotehiorj _ blaster between Hie two factions. Senator Butler is to be their candi date fbr re-election. General Farley ia to snoceed Shell in Congress. Mr. Talbert is to have no opposition from the Conservative faction for Congress and {$ receive the Conservative yw adJwtanU [to have been offered J« H. Tillman, but it Is likely Inr wilt not accept.” Latm* an article appeared in the Lanrinsville Herald, in which the charge is made that I attended a Donaldson canons at Spartanburg, in whiahwisws aagtAn Mcntfoaed for it, and in short, to inquire who is the real author of "Craddock.” I will simply state that I have the evidence, in writing, in my pos session, which shows wifh other facts that 1 uni in possession of, that one Senator John fstureus Manning Irby dictated the article lo his private secretary and hud it sent to the Chronicle under the name of "Craddock,” the.-regular corree|M«n- dent, with the knowledge or consent, and that the outrage would have been exposed then (as it will be now) but for Ihe peculiar circumstances and relations existing at that time. I stand ready to give ray authority and evidence on denial or demand. There is the “milk in tue cocoanut’’ and the cause of the dicseiision ami confusion in our ranks. This great "political accident” and "political misfortune,” who represents the greatest mistake of .the Reform movement, is at the bottom of it all. No wonder that we have discord and division in our' ranks, when a United States Senator descedns to snch dirty methods of injuring his former personal and political friends and allies, who have rendered far f reater service than be to the lie- orm party. Now, the object and animus of Senator Irby is perfectly clear. Af ter proving himself a political fail ure in Washington and realizing that his political hold and dictato rial power is about dead in South Carolina—after losing all his pat ronage and Influence In Washington by his foolish course there where he rashly declared, although the State chairman of the Whole Democracy, that he did not want any reconcilia tion among the Democrats of South Carolina—after, in short, making an ass of and subjecting himself to the scorn and ridicule of the country— he tnrns, in his envy, malice and disappointment, Upon Congressman Shell and denounce him, and to blacken and "blaoklist” every man who thinks he cannot be made a tool of and will not submit lo his dicta tion. Knowing that he has no real power or influence of his own, he tries in every way to drag Governor Tillman into the quarrels, to attach himself to him like a Siamese twin, hoping to lave himself) and utider the cry of “The leaderihlp Of Till man and Irby” to brood the rest, who do noi approve Of hil foolish and unprincipled methods) as trai tors to Hie Kefdrni movement us sharpening their "Brutus daggers” for Ben Tillman. Hlspniposets td bully and keep down every other political leader in South Catjaiina Who belongs to the Reform party and will net do his bidding, by nsiog Governor Till man’s name and influence in connec tion with his own, to create suspi cion and distrust, and then, with bis former cry of hate and discord, to raise old Cain and keep hell a-brewing until he ean get back into the Senate. The simple truth is that the Re form movement is a permanent sue principles he presents and for the good of the State, and not in obe dience to the dragooning of any men or set of men. Snch things may do for slaves and cowards, bnt not for free ineti who call the uselvcs Re former*. We did not light for ten long years to secure imlejieiMleiiee of thought and action and lo free ourselves from mi mdoent!ic ring in order lo establish a new one of a more dangerous and nrbilrary char neti-r. I want it understood also that I will not follow or be gov- erenetl by such men as Irby, who, if allowed to have bis way. would not only blacklist us all, but drag the State into bloodshed and rctual rev olution, in order lo accomp’ish his sellisli purposes mid to gratify his malice and unibi i m. Me repre sents and personlies this idea and policy, while I do not believe that it is wise, statesmanlike or patriotic, much less Christian like, to lay to continue and to increase, us he evi dently desires, the present bitterness and discord in the Democratic par ty. It can only lead to disorder, riot, bloodshed and ruin, I um sorry that I feel compelled to make this exposure, bnt I cannot and will not submit to the long continued private as well as anonymous abuse and misrepre sentation of this loud-mouthed, vul gar-mannered bully and 'braggart, who has already disgraced us in Washington, and is now bringing discord Into out own ranks by play ing the part of a dictator and a ty rant. He has no good record, and has done nothing for the State, party or reform movement worthy of distinction, nnless it be for strut ting around Washington, as toy old friend Cash would say, "like a big buck nigger on emancipation dtty, while hJ is trying to make our inno cent and unsuspecting people be lieve that the bray of a jackass is the roar of a lion. I am very re- spectfnlly, H. L. Farley. "I was bilious complaint, Southwurth, of Bath, Me. "After vainly trying a number of reme dies, I Was dually Induced to take Ayer’s Rills. I liad scarcely taken two bclxM when I was Completely cured.” KARt/iTblDVfiFROOT will purify ybur Blood; clear your Com- plectioh, regulate ybur Bowels and make ybur Head clear as a bell. 25b. afad 50c; BROWN 1 S IRON BITTERS cures Dyspepsia, In digestion* Debility . Bncklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever tore*, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It isguarant eesdtoglvc perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 39 cents per bottle. For sale at Wilcox’s drag store. cess, and in no danger, exi t from id onl m lor Ben Tollman, and like expressions. Row, I would have been content to M these things go by, without digmljnjtlieii by denial, relying noon my record and character as a ,teU the source from Ht k&rdevelop- oonvinced me that it is to say, in mj own behalf, as well as the oMmws ddMed, that there is not Me particle of trnth in the alleged "Combination” laid to have been agreed upon in Waitajngtor, and that the whole thing sprfcng from the malioe and imagination of one who evidently aspires trt>e the wchampiou liar” of the State. This is not only a simple denial, bid a challenge to the real author or fhe "Craddock” article, who I shall name, to produce any credible evidence to support his statement If necessary, ( will ap-. peal to all the- parti'* named—to Butler. Shell, Talbert and J. H. Tillman—as to whether there has on or inti- it such a scheme) alrumftdr,it may be Wolf also to state, by way of show ing bow lies are manufactured, that BO Farley either previously knew of, t* famed to or attended the so- called Donaldson caucus, at which tfaf “Brutus daggers” were sharpen- fiai Indeed, I am yet to be informed Whether the qaneus of Alliuncemeu at Spartanburg had any pbHtioal significance, and the first Intimation that I attended it Went from Hou. Stanyarne Wilson to Columbia, and later the Lanrinsville Herald, which possibly got its information from the •anw sou roe. The parties who at- tended Senator Donaldson’s Alliance oaoens can easily tell who were ex to the object. This, however, is matter of little importance. As the “blacklisting” and the aOMfeir Mtiole eWging a pbHtioal combination commenced in prostrated with a severe 1 writes Brastus for Infants and Children. Manufactured by -R. C. Burt & Co., Brew. Selby *t Co., William*. Hoyt & (:<». "CftMovifatsfKi wall adapted to children that (recommend it aa r.tpcrior to any prescription tnown to me.” 11. A. Auciii r, M. D., •U So. Oxford,St., Brooklyn, N. T. I Cik*forla ciirwt Colic, Constipation, Sour tttotnuch, JUti rhoRi i.nieiation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and proifiotw di pest ion, Without injurious medication. Tub Cbmtaux Company, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. RXiiniinc our (Hove Kilting Rood Year Welt Shoe for Men. An elcfrnnt line of all styles mid prices. We carry the best line Haml-Scwcd floods ever brought to Durlihgton. BIG CLEARANCE SALE. MOST GO KGIRDLESS OF COST. Call and l^xamiiie our NtoeU. BLACKWELL BROS Immense Stock of‘ ‘ 1 For Ladies, Misses and Children; widths B toE. Wo have them in the newest lasts and colors. Trunks, Valises, Traveling Bags, Etc. We have on hand a complete stock of the above goods at astonishing prices. DARLINGTON SHOE STORE, WOODS & MILLING, Proprietors. GIBSON & WOODS and bos been fol- varlons articles .7 ’ divert it from its trne purpose and prostitute it to their own base and ambitious aims and ends, and Gov, Tillman will be safe if he will be trne to the State, the Reform move- meat and tq himself, and may well say: "Front such friends and ad visers as Senator Irby, good Lord deliver me.” As for Congressman Shell, know that he is trying to do fats dnty to his God, his State, the poo- 6 1e and the Reform movement, and he treatment be has received at the hands of Senator Irby marks the basest ingratitude I have ever known even among politicians. He fonne a frozen viper, fook it to his bosom, warmed it into life, and is now be ing repaid in denunciation and anonymous thrusts. I will not say anything of in gratitude to myself, as to our for mer personal (and as I thought friendly) relations, for I have long since found that I would have U, class all my connections with him as a part of my criminal practice as a iawyer, xor which I am possibly being justly repaid. I only know, so far as the Reform movement is concerned, that I*was present at ka coaosption and birth under Gen. W. M. Gary, lu J87T-89; I stood spdnsef at Its christening lu- the March convention lu 1890, when Governor Tillman was nominated: and, as one of its principal nurses and defenders, I have seen it grow into strength, manhood and success i but now, if it is to be turued over to the tender mercies of such a stepfather os J- L. M. Irby, I am afraid it is dr. ied to defeat an untimely death. When Governor Tillman first started his work as a new-found leader of the movement, he sought my aid and assistance. The whole State knows how I stood by his side in the hours and days of ditli- oulty aud danger. He had my cor dial support and assistance iu his administration, and none but culm and ' dispmskrnnte counsel, which could make no enemy and injure no cause. When I disagreed with him I frankly and kindly told him so, and as a member of his Administra tion, I have kept silent. So long as he is true to what I consider the beet interest of the State and Re- Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no scial mention. All who have used ectric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist and It is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver aud Eidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, bait Rheum and other affections caused by Impure blood, —will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure alt Malarial fevers. —For cure of Headache, constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters- Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded,—Price 50 cts. and $1,Ob per bottle at wlllcox’s Drugstore. 5 SHILO’S CCRK is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient Con sumption. It is the best Cough Cttre. Only one cent a dose. 25 cts, 50 cts., nud $1.00. Wbed Baby waa tick, w© gate he* CaBtorUk When sliG was a Child, she cried for CastorifL Then the became Bliss, she dung Ui CastbiiA fbiB d>© had Children, djag»T©tt»emCastoiifa. SHI LG’S CURE, the great Cough and Croup Care, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty five doses only 25c. Children love it. Bold by Druggists. Life, Health aafi Streigth, - Apalachicola, Flo., Feb. 17,1887, Messrs, Lippmau Bros., Savannah, Go. t Dear Birs—I wilt Write to inform you that I was afflicted with blood disease. I tried otic bottle * * * and it gave me no relief. I was in bed seven month?; I tried prom inent physicians, and they could not do me auy good. I saw your ad vertisement of P. P. P. in the Apalachicola Times, and thought I would try it. The bottle I got to night makes seven or eight, and, oh, how good I feel. I nave been up ever since and at my business, umber inspector. You may pub- ish this if yon desire. I have in formed my frieuds that P. P. P. is life, health and strength. M. P. Boldest. Sold by all druggists and general stores. Lipkast Bros., Proprietors and Druggists, Savannah, Go. D leant, Miss., Dec. 12,1890. Office of J. S. Rosamond, Messrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Go. i Gentlemen—While in San Anto nio, Texas last spring 1 saw your advertisement of P. P. P. (Prickly Asb, Poke Root and Potassium) in the paper for the cure of rheuma tism, and I (.bought I would try a bottle, finding such great relief from it, on my return home I had my druggist, Afr. John MeClellan, to order me a supply. After taking, I think, ton kittles, I have not had a pain or ache since, previous to that l suffered twenty-five (25) years, aud Could not get the least benefit until I tried P. P. P., and therefore take a pleasure in recommending it to all. Yours truly, J. S. Rosamond. Straw hats at cost for cash at Blackwell Bros. Light coats and vests for the summer weather selling very low at Blackwell Bros. W. L DOUGLAS •3 SHOE boyiMwilr them? WtaS next In used by « s«ih Seat IA the world* 01 lit' nausea #2.00 *1.78 FOR S0YI ♦ L75 I UI0& nude In (He liteit . try m/t3| 93.50,14.00 or > M equal to eaitom made and leek and If yes want sDm NOI ityiw, don't pay 16 to (S, by my 15 Shot, Taw tt oqnai to eaito wear u well, Ryes with to ecomnilio In your foetwetr, do to by perchaalM W. L. Doughs Shoes. Name and price stamped en the bottom, took for It when you buy W,Xm DODQLAS, Braektwa, SSaoe. Sold by A. i. Breoa, Darllngtei, 8. ( . Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. 19E md interviews in the papers, charg ; fafEscy End alluding to jnimn as "traitors,” etc., to rsaacntr thus causing confusion aud Bas is threatening, con- ■ amn ef it, who is Japanese Pile Cure is an unfailing cure for every kind and stage of the disease, Guaranteed by Dr. J, A Boyd, If you fesl weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS It 8I1011I1! Belli Every House. J, 1$. Wilson, (lit Cltty 8t„HlmrpabUrg, Pa., says he will not bo without Dr. Kinjr’e New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Cold*, that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia after an attack of “La Grippe,” when various other remedies and several phyal- ciana had done her no good- Robert Bur lier, of Cooksport, Pr., claims Dr King's New Discovery his done him more good than anything he ever used for Lung Trouble. Nothing like It. Try It. Free Trial Bottle* nt Wlllcox’s Drug Store 150 ‘saiiioqaLargc. and II .00. 5 Printed envelopes from $2 toi per thousand at The Hehald office. Children Crv for Pitcher’s Castoria. PEP. CURES ALL SKiN AND BL00DDI5EA5E5. ETsfitSlT —nila sllo?r itUcZfaf Um wret of aJl M I I T> || Mil i P T3 TD ’ > sL, • JL Lures scrofula. HyrWlliT 8TT*IHtW Ilhwuniutlam, M —_ Sum* Vlodular Bw-Hings, UlirumaUw*. Malaria, old Chrool«Uiw*tJ«tlhrrejTiU^ Take pleasure in announcing that they arc now pepared to istue fin ui lilt luittui Policies, and cun place all busi ness entrusted to them in some of the best companies in the United States. They have such companies as The Home, of New York, and The Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., two of the largest and best managed companies iu the country. Wbcu Baby was skik, ws gave Her Castoria When »he was a CMM, the cried for Csstoria, Wbsn she beoame Mss, she slmg to CasMik, WtM sha h^d CkiUrea, shs gave them CastOfi* They invite examination into the plans of the New York Mutual, offering, as they do, very favora ble terms to those who wish to insure. Brokir&gt a&d Gum They also conduct a general j Brokerage and Commission bus iness, and solicit a share of the patronage. DARLINGTON, S. C, THE f P.P.RBIoh eUBHBF Cures rheumatism r U-w a form movement, he is entitled to the same eoujideration, because there lute never been the slightest disturbanneo When by reason of a cold or from of our personal, official or polilioal other cause, the stomneh, liver relations. Isay this much in jus-;and kidneys become disordered, no tics to him and myself. But I want time should be lost in itunulating it diltinotly underttood loth, /ww and hereafter, if i am to support him or any other man it must M of «| «*» INI tiUi bnwufa tbs uzr* them to action. Ayer’s Pills act quickly, safely and surely. Sold it 11 druggists nod dealers w nwdf- IMS. |> P 'p •p Cures ryspepsiA GUARANTEE.—tie warrant all of mu hlcvrle*; to "«• fre* f««m >»'1m ae , *i,s minu- factnre, and agree to make goad, al any time within onr year after pi - •« 'hem »«.< caused by misuse or neglect,—GORWIXLI A .ILEFERV, thiragn. ftl. * * SOLD TQ-R, OASH: OR OTtf EASY INSTADILaV. ' • S .>•■' ; ' v. j. m. AKoozi.s]zo zxrr, jLm&xxt tofr cotmi j. x>. Tm.wvJkTmjkar t otanefmi. jLm*x*t* wiwi