MvIrEWW .PUBLIC SCHOOLS.- ' Item It In. —rram It In, CkMren** I leads am hollow; fUamJt In. Jam It In. Mtfn here's moro to follow; H>ftMW ami history, Aatnmonilc mystery, AlKebra, hlstoluKy, laitin, etymology, botany, geometry, Greek and trigonometry! Ram it in, cram It in, CUIdren'i heads are hollow. Rap R In. tap It In; What are teachers paid fori Bang It In, slam It In; What are children mads fort Ancient archaeology, Aryan philology, Pamndy, aonlogy, Physics, climatology. Calculus and mathematics, ■ Rhetoric and hydrostatics; Hoax It in, cams It In, Chlldrsn'a heads are hollow. V Scold it In, mold It In. All Hint they can swallow; Void It In, hold It in, 8dll there's more to follow. Faces pinched, sad and pale. Tell I lie sa mo unvarying tale. Tell of moments robbed from sleep, Meals untested, studies deep; Tlmsc who've passed the furnace through With aching brow will tell to you— How the teacher crammed It In. Rammed It In, Jammed It in. Crunched it In, punched it In, Rubbed It In. clubbed it In, Pressed It nnd caressed It in. Rapped It In and slapped It In, When their heads were hollow. —Arthur's Home Magazine. HIRIHIQUA. "VIr* ti adelaotor The ehoot of welcome homage echoed through the city of Santiago da Cuba (rinoe known aa Havana) whan on the last Saturday in' Mag. IMS. the gallant Hernando de Soto landed with hli princely retinne. Great preparation! bad been made by the loyal inhabitant* for an impoeing reception, and the street* wen filled With a enriona crowd eager to behold their new rnier. At length the discharge Of ordnance announced that the proces* •ion had left the waterside, nor was it long before the numerous retinne defiled before the applauding Cubans. A band of pikemen led the way, wear ing iron coifekte ad bearing long pikes withateel bead* glittering in the *nn. They were followed by abend of arch er* with trail filled qnivers, and than eatna a small band of th* newly organ, (gad halberdier*, equipped in 0B*qii« and plate »rwor, The trtimpeten cstnencxi, wearing thcUf gorgwtu »taw uniform* find blowing fanfare* upon their clari on*, which were ornamented with lilken bannerols. After th* trumpeter* name •neagnire, bearing a banner on Which waa embroidered De Soto'* arm* and attended by 13 yeomen carrying mace*. And now load (heat* announced the ad vent of the “adelanto." The conqueror of Pwn was then in the nstmeof life and rode with chivalrous Waring upon the richly caparisoned charier just presented to him. He wore a full suit of polished steel armor richly inlaid WHh gold, while about hie neck «w the gorgeous collar of the order M tbe Golden fleece, a gift from Ida monarch. By Mb dde mounted on an iniklliig mow waa. Donna Iwbull*, hi* noble bride, and following them came a ! window plnlfprin, ‘.‘Do yiWnot "dipr.iU Cisliln-; armor. tlic.Te rjiWtetl, hor cs. t!i<‘. •• v.-nvt:ig iKiaaera. i’.KKutliriglit amlix ■ or ilii'IV Oh. yin. y'uar.’.iiri. yo-.i BiRst 111!.'it I:'umld think llmt l!i;-cc’.iimi;; ■ in, i .if i H'm trniuiM't.. woul l niubi* , yoiirl.liMsi i.ur;R* tlirmigl; your vciu.i like : a uu'.t lslrotu.' indit'd. 1 Unvo devilled to join this expedition if Do Soto will accept my poor sword.' "Whitt r oxelfiimed Douua Inez, with a look of nneuuiness, "you go to the wars again! Oh. for the sake of the Blessed Virgin do not go." "Nay, nay. my fair ward, were yon not just admiring the scene?" "Aye. but lids is not thu picture pre sented at the close of a hard fought bat tle. when brave knights lie suffering in agony or die in despair." Then after a short pause and an evident struggle in order to keep from bursting into tears she added, "It was there my father breathed his last." “True, but Ibis expedition is not simi lar to a European campaign. Tiiese hi dalgos go in quest of adventure, 1 admit, but they expect to find great wealth and little if any opposition." "But is the gold there, guardian? Will it not be like Ponce do Leon's voyage in quest of the 'Fountain of Youth?' ” "1 shonld like to find that fountain. "And what good would it do yon?" asked Inez, the color mounting to her :heeks. “Ah,” replied the knight, with a deep sigh, “it might not avail me anght. Seriously, though, my fair ward, I feel that honor calls mo to join tho expedi tion. The lady of the brave DeSoto will remain here, and I feci confident that she will far ecllpee my poor serv ices. So I now kiss your hand, as 1 must wake tho necessary arrangement* for the management of my estate* dur ing my absence, and should I fall, Inez, remember that everything I poesesa will be your dower. Adios'' "My dower," exclaim'd Inez, taming from tho window and speaking hurried ly to herself. “I shall bo a bride of the church, then, or earth will have no ob ject that 1 can love.” When she reached her chamber, she bolted tho door; then, throwing herself upon her couch, wept long and bitterly. For several weeks tho city of Santiago wain scene of jubilee. In the daytime the cavaliers Indulged In that nation al yet cruel aaroiement—bullfighting. Mounted on the choicest steeds and clad In brilliant armor, the gallant knights contested for prizes of gold or for choice eutlifoidefy presented by the fair ones, WhOM bright eye* graceil their list*. At night there Were bnilbahd inaiqlieJwdei, where th« future intadeh o# t’lWida mingled {n the maxes of the (untie. Do Soto, while ho encouraged their di versions, which served to train his cavaliers in tho Use of arras and horse manship, WO* not a participant in the sports. Anxiously awaiting the return of a idiot whom he had sent to discover a safe harbor for disembarkation! ho oc cupied himself in perfecting every ar rangement, nor had he a more efficient ally than Don Vasco, whose martial spirit appeared rekindled with fiery zeal. Equipping a well armed retiune of men from the vicinity of his estate, he loon had them the pride of the whole expedi tion. The excellence of their armature and equipments, the superiority of breed and good grooming of their horses, and "adeUnto." Along column of knight* IB TO® BalllSBBTf TwCtf pfmtOttf ®Ou i Booting in the air, and their An- u chaigeri curveting aiotif a* if | for the contest, Kever hadiuch 1 been seen in Santiago a* retinue which escorted fie Soto to the cathedral, tvheraakigb tnaas waa to be offered np fbi their safe arrival from old Spain. "Hedy mother, but it is a glorious ' \ N Mukdraod • young girl, Who had ta a large window in the Cane de Kio, gazing through the ornamented i work at the glittering host aa it do- past Her could sbs but feel fiat- #t the homage paid her by the # M they pawed—many of them in their steed* to gaze at her arm Hor waa this to be wondered , for her beauty was of that old Anda- Jtteian stamp, ta which not even the gen- "'tew of the fairer sex can quite eon- I tho latent fire of tpe aouL Masses fravm hair lay lightly upon her brow; “ f hnt#i*ted silk upon white trivet. I wMf gathered toother by a large , Which al*d secured a rich lace tML 1 limpid WerabUdi as j«tj het up* pouiiiijrly Invited kisses, and W her rounded chin Wju. d dimple wherein Cupid could, have fasted With delight Bit flexible form moved to and fro as it' , bw tbs. eputh wind’s breath ji .tiny root occasionally peeped bpeath the didpltt skirt* pf het White tpualin robe, beating time to the inspiring peals of the tnynpet*. . Heed «r» add that she carried a magnificent torm. whteb she handled with exquisite ^ at your jftet, .Maoriti,” said a (sSipt easier, approaching the win- v and ^oprteou* ■gMaareLsa'i/s o," A long column of knights ihat every battle must find them victori- de l hair,! ♦how i ere he crossed feeA,tlai (ng the spoils of Ms tafef, he chaseq o. valuable estate dear gy season he r*‘ I of all his ^os*e*' cations, noth' lie, anxiety a* ! described u, and VQid re salntatidH , rather eotiis ami li ft not ■ notd* rightr "Tea, tar my faith. It is," replied Don Vasco. Then, entering the court, be soon occupied a plite in the window. We have said that' ha ,iad seen much service and that hie ha'.r was turning gray, yet be had not seen GO harvest ■mom, n*r Was there » more graceful cavalier sit the adeianto’s balk Tall, compactly buUt, Win, an electric black •T* BBd a whaling anile, he was the envy of many younger hidalgos, While We brood acres made him the more at tractive to autchmaldng donnas. At honorable as he waa honest, and aa faith- Mae he waa brave, Ids dying comrade, Don Antonio Gonzales,’hod felt great Joy whra ha entnurtedhis daughter into the bond* of #o true * gentleman. And Don Vasco, wgnrtjtng the last wish of sew aotemn duty, had ever Itan to rear the Donna hfeBve brought up Wa iMwitr ou* or slain. But, to the gnat sorrow of Don Vasco Doom lues was never on tho plaza to witness his troops at their dally guard mounting, their floating plumes, polish ed armor and glossy chargers now ex tending into line, then at the sound of the trumpet closing intosqnure. Their pennon was a scarf worked by the fair lady for lier guardian, but she had re tired to a convent in punnnnce. she said, of a vow. Nay, sho even refused to wo Don Vasco when the expedition was ready to mil, althongh she tent through her confessor a most pathetic entreaty. This conduct, considering that the was In truth the cause of her guardian’s re turn to military Ufa, was rather Sadden ing, bat ho consoled himself with the thought that perhaps she was praying for his safety. The fact was, Don Vasco had fallen desperately In love with his ward, al though lie dared not nrgo bis sait, lest sho should think that ho had attempted to take advantage of his position, and her high spirit should rebtl. She per sisted in refusing to see him, but on tbs eve of bis departure his page brought in a package, “from the Donna Inez." Tearing it open, the delighted cavalier found a silken pennon, on which was elaborately embroidered his armorial bearings, with tho Italian motto, "Che saw, sara," which may be Interpreted. “Whatever will be. will be." • ••••» Florida! It was on the last day of May, 1530, that De Soto and his chivalric band landed at whut is now called Tam pa bay and hoisted the Spanish flag os they took posaesaion of the country in tho name of Charles V. The scene was one of surpassing loveliness. A luxuri ous mass of laurels covered the ground beyond th* narrow sandy beach, while beyond them towered the mastlike palm, the stately Uv* oak. and the gorgeon* magnolia. A long distance from tho sea groves of lemon and Orange tree* gave to tho landscape the nppeatance of a flow ery wilderness, hero And there divided by quiet lagoons. Huge Vines elamliered from tree to tree, and a profusion of wild flower* bloomed on every hand. Bnt tlio aboriginal inhabitants of this torrential paradise were hot disjiosed to yield it without n struggle, and ut length a horde o them with deafening yells set apos a rty o£ Bpaijartk The Euro peans, un ted to inch warfare, retreated to tlM boats, when Don Vasco had just lurried, Hastily forming a section of his boromen, be boldly attacked the Indi ans and soon drove them into the Inte rior, shouting ns ho nrged on his char gor. • -Che sara, earn f \Vhen the enemy was rooted, be returned to tho lont* ju bilant over his Miceose, bnt iru lie dis mounted Ins steed staggered, then fell dead. An arrow had ju-ssed through the saddle and buried itself deeply in the animal, inflicting a mortal wound, “Hever mind,'' exclaimed the don, “I have been the first to raise the luncc against the infidels and have lost the first horse. ’Che sara, sara f " On reviewing his troop* that after noon Don Vasco was somewhat annoyed to find that one of his most trusty men at arms had brought a stripling son to •haw the perils of the expedition. • "May it plea-o your grace," said tho "I wish to train of arm*.’’ v-4 u* l to the pursuit Ming fer BROKEN DOW i Out Restored vu PERFECT HEAL By the I Ayer’s Sarsaparilla “For right years, I was, most of the time, a great sufferer from con stipation, kidney trouble, mid indi gestion, so Hint ‘my constitution seemed to be completely broken down. I was induced to try AY Kit’S Barsaparilhi, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results I that my stomach, bowels, and kid- , neys are in jierfect condition ami, in all their functions, as regular ns clock - work. At tho time I began taking AYER’S Sarsaparilla, my weight was only 120 pounds; I now can brag of 150 pounds, and was never in so good health. If you could have seen me lieforc and again after using yon would want me for a traveling advertisement. 1 swear by AYF.R’S and believe this preparation, to lie the best in the market to-day.”—S. P. .Smith, SIX Poplar st., Towanda, Pa. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla " Prsparod by Dr. J. 0. Ayer A Co., LsRrsll, Mass. Has cured others, will cure you 1 Professional Cards. ■TJftle now, I admit. Bui ha knows how to dress a wound and take core of a sick comrade, and he is os true as steel." “Well, well," replied Don Vasco, who was pleased with the youth's appearance, "you are a worthy fellow, Pedro, and 1 will take the boy as my page." The delighted youth uttered an ex clamation of joy, and that day ha occu pied a tent used for baggage and near that of his master. It was noticed by Some that Pedro accompanied his son to his new quarters and relieved him from all menial duties, hut indulgent parents are too common to excite tnncli atten tion. Never was such a page seen as Jose, nnd soon, for Want bf abetter con fidant, Don Vasco told him of hialoVC. almost hopeless as it was, for his ward. Meanwhile De goto found himself op posed by a cacique, who remained im placably hostile, nnd he was about to send a captain with a troop to conquer him when the honor was claimed by Don Vasco, Mustering hi* band, be W- lected a picked detachment, fcnd at the earaest entreaty of hi* page the ytrtrih tree of the party, They left in jtfeit pmnpi trith trumpet* Caunf dierithed banner Waving id i Don Vo; ly dech imp BIRTH • • • * ' • MADE EASY! " Motwsi* Psimb " , Ki'ntffc. *lly Ptcpatcd hiniititnt, every Ingr*. flitm M tccOglilzeJ value and In toUsilht Use by the medical pro* fi'Mlen. These Ingtedlehtj ate Mm- i.'inSd l« S Hiaflilei liiilletio Uhkitown “MOTHERS’ • FRIEND” • WILL DO *11 that is claimed for it AND MORE; It Shortens Labor, LssssniPaln, Dlmlntshsi Danger io Lift of Mother rod Child. Book io " MotHtss" nulled FREE, con- isining valuable Information and vslUMwy ktiimonw* TO THE AFFLICTED. ism m m uuuu FOE- DR. M’RAES ms rta easMie mumsz IRS KIDHEV CSMFLAHm. This Medicine I* taken internally— on ly two doses every twenty-four hours -»and Is au absolute cure for organic stricture and all kidney diseases. It cures stricture Without pain, incon venience or the loss of one moment’s tvhil* Dod Voart) Vatu , _ T that hb Would "bring HirthionU back either as d friend of as it taptiVfi. 'GHU giro, ^ As the Spaniards hdvuhted inessehgbt after messenger catee from tUrihiqUa, warning him not to proceed, but the het headed Don Vasco judged that this WM evidence of the cowardice of his foe, Spurring ou he at lost came to a tangled hammock, in which was a dismal look ing moral* shaded by cypresses. Thi* his men knew it Would be Impossible to cross, laden os they were with heavy ar mor, bat Don Vasco woe Hot so easily daunted. Putting apnn to hi* hone he tntoad the xsuma, Put hi* steed soon floundered and fell. It wse Impossible for him to extricate himself, and bo was In danger of sinking Into the quagmire. But hi* page managed to go to the res cue by throwing piece* of bark before him that supported hi* light weight and thu* enabled Mm to carry a rope to Don Vasco. Pulled out, all besmeared with tn'ud, tho crestfallen cavalier felt that the martial fire so suddenly rekindled was os suddenly extinct, and he ordered a retreat to the camp, humbled by the potent Hirikiqna, who had encountered him with friendly warnings and had im prisoned him in a mudbole to bo rescued by a page. Just as the troop was preparing to retire, a vicioue hone reared, and strik ing out with his fore feet kicked the page with such force that ho fell from the saddle, Then it Wo* that Pedro dis closed bis secret, and Don Vasco dis covered that the page was his devoted ward, Donna Inez, Clasping her to his boston, he vowed that henceforth no earthly power should separate them. “Not even Hirihiqnar inquired the senorita, with a mile despite her suffer ing. " Bang Hirihiqua and *11 tho other quas I 1! you will be mine, I will leave all this soldiering to younger bands, nnd we will return to tub*. What say you, tnywardl" , , "Must 1 not follow my guardian's *d- yice? Nay, if I had not loved you os d civilian, what Would pave made me fol low yon .here when you put on yonr ar mor?" A kiss sealed the contract. ,. The next day as De Soto sat before his triit chatting with bis confessor, n caval cade approached. It was Don Vssco. with soiled attire, walking by the side of a litter, upon which lay his page, while his troop followed in picturesque disorder. “I have a boon to ask/' paid the knight. “Let my lieutenant, (Join**, take Com mand of tpy troops ana tetaiu all my munitions qf War, hut I only ask the blessing of th|*, holy fathef upon my fair ward her* th tflesquefade and leave to , "Yon shall bat* sit yon osk,' f replied S < Roto, “although 1 fegret to lose you. ht bb lot* mode yon enlist loVc shall procure yottf discharge," Theirs Wa* a long and happy life, and among the ornaments of their psiatlnf residence, yet stajuling hp Havana, is n painting procured V;-* Bpaniard, who, more fortunate :h*n Don Vasco, wa- hot enticed into a swamp,—Ben; Perle> Poore. time from any employment. No pain In kidney complaint unices there are complications. It cure* gravel or atone, by softening It and passing It out In the urine in the form of * wdlment or line powder, I have numbers ofletten from people In Barnwell county who have been cured and are being cund; I guarantee * cure, if any one will take tWo bottle* of thll Medicine, and he or she are not sufficiently behetttted to induce theni to odmlnue its use, 1 will teftind tbtiir money. This Medicine tglli only bb obtained by draering.direbt frothitie, ft Will be sent by mall on.receipt Of bribe, 18.00, to aby part of North Carolina, South Carolina) Georgia and Alabama, In ordering say whether for stricture or kidney disease, References aa to my responsibility! The Bank of Barn well, Barnwell, B. C. Cltlaem’ Savings Bank of Barnwell, Barnwell, 8. C, Clerk of Court, Barnwell, 8. C. Sheriff Barnwell county, Barnwell A. E. Gonsatee, Columbia, 8. C. C. K. RYAN, UMifon. BAR>WKLL,q.C, Tqe Prlntej w*s ei)hErdrUin|oRcri! zY wqen he set tHis ad* But the fact remain* the same that satisfactory work is being done at Mason’s Jewelry Store on Watches, Jewelry and clock*. TI TIE PfHK. When you. are in tbe city don’t fail to call at the Enterprise Hotel Barber Shop. It is ’.he only first class shop In the city. Fashionable hair cuts, first class shaves and the Great Arabian Sgg Shampoo. Four polite barber* always on hand to wait on you. MIXON A RARLEE, Proprietors, (JOHNSON’S "ttSKiag" twramul *rtrt txternal. EXPRESS IT TO Jibs Ml &Co„ Jewelers, 28S King St,, Charleston, S. C., And have it put in thorough order. Fiae Watch Work ■ Specialty and Warranted One Year. Chief Inspectors of Walt hes for Atlantic Coast Line, South Carolina Railway, Plant System Railways. Headquarters for «G PRESENTS, . MLR!, ITCHES, FINE IMS, STEIIIIC HME. Men frsffi the I’sutry receive prenpt atteitlen. Reliable Goods. Reasonable Prices. A large stock always on hand, DAKIN GTON uv-ms. W. F D AUG AX, Attorney - nt - Law, DARLINGTON, S. O. Office over Blackwell Brothers’ Store. E. KEITH DAliGAN, Attorney at Law, DARLINGTON, S. 0. Nettles & Nettles, ATTORNEYS • AT - LAW, Darlington C. H., 8. C Will practice in nil Stale funl Federal Courts. Careful attention will he given to all business entrusted to us #-fi—8m. «**«• fir File by »r< J« A. R«rd, flirliagtAR, r. c. SAWMILLS 4$!B0.00 TO «900.00ji ENGINES&BOIL&RS T0 8UIT. 100 IN STOCK. LOMBARD * CO., August*, (M CONSUMPTION In its Mriy fitago* can be curad by thw prompt um of AyertChuryPactoml It ooothoa tho inflamed tlfauoe, ftide expootoretton, •W battont recovery. > Or. tl. 0. Ayar A QoS. fctRtHf Maaii f.'iTth.'t'-W- ■? % ■ ' -All klhtls of- Marble Mofatihifehtsj tabibtii ahd tthakfe Stone* fsrniahed uit *hdh hdilfcb,. ilhd as cheap oa can bfe puftnfisfcd elsewhere. HP Designs ahd prices furnished on appllbstloh. Al, work delivered Free on line of C. A D. Railroad. ‘ “. Mirlle Works, DARLINGTON, B, 0. PETEK BOWLES DOES FIRST CLASS L-HmaBHSinMng;-: Paper Hanging. Kalsomlne Work a Speolalty. He golicits the patronage of Darlington. mu l SIITH, Real Estate Agnet, FLORENCE SC BARMflCTON, 8. C. Special attention paid to the bay ing and idling of real estate, collec lion of rents, Ac. The Birictoet attention will be paid to all buiines* entrusted to nip. LilHIEH • LUMBER. We take pleaeure in announcing that we ere prepared to deliver first class lumber, of any dimensions, to any part of the town. The trees have never been boxed, which makes the lumber better and more easily worked. 8eml orders through (ho tn.allor leave them at (lie IlEt'Ai.n office MALLPAHrt A COLVIN. E. W. SOTTOM 1* prepared to make Photographs Of your babin, Don’t delay; you may live to regret n Studio In Hewitt Block JM-W-rtm Atlantic Coast Line. C. & D. and C. & S. Railroads. In Effect May 14, 19)8. 601x0 HORTn. OOIKO SOl'TII J\ M. 1) 00 he, 013 »2i) It 81 1)40 058 10 13 10 85 11 08 It St pm It 84 p m Florence I’rtlfiietto lore alfitL... Darllhg'on FloJ’d’s Dove'* Society fllll Cash a Chcfaw Paflantt Jorven ..w.,— .^nnctt'a 11 55 p m Af : WUdWbOfO voVAii FMhtttHV VfiAlk. t»eav# Flo refit C . r DarllWrifffJ Arrive Cberiw Leave C'beraw , , .Darllogtofl Arrive Flon Che MeFa Mol lieni A. M. Ar. ? 25 7 1) 7 00 0 411 0 44 0 2