The Darlington herald. (Darlington, S.C.) 1890-1895, April 07, 1893, Image 3

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■ MGLEJOSH. Josh Crane vrns a Yankee, horn and hred. a farmer on Ylalnfleld Hill, and a specimen. If some strange phrases were grafted on. his New Kntrland yer- nnenlar. <Wwid»eeans<Tf(rCflf{een yehrs of his youth he had followed the sea. and the sea. to return the compliment, thereafter followed him. when by the tim» he was thirty-five he had laid up enourh money to return, a thrifty bachelor, and. hipyinjr a little farm on rialnflel^.IliU. setter down tp i>is ideal of life, aM 4eiofc# |he amusement rtf part of t|W village an oraeiiof the rant We hoys adored t'ncle Josh, for he was always ready to rijr our Inats. spin ns yarns a week lon(j. and fill our pockets with apples red and rnsset as his own honest face. With the belles of the village I'nele Josh had no such favor; he would wear a piff-tail, in spite of scoff and remonstrance; he would smoke a cutty-pipe; Snd he did swear, like a sailor, from mere habit and for- gctfnlness, for no man not professedly religions had a diviner instinct of rever ence andVorship than ht; hut it was as instinctive in him to swear as it was to breathe, and some of our boldly specu lative* and law-despising youngsters held it was no harm In him, any more than “gosh" and “thunder" were in us; for he really meant no more. However, t’nole Josh did not quite reciprocate the contempt of the other Mic before long he began to make Bun* dgy night visitations at Deacon Stone's, til “Inrush his hat 8’ morning," to step Ary; end wear a ttlf collar and stock, instead Of th» opett tic ha had kept, tltktb* pigd*il' hMt|f afUt Jacket and UrpanUn had horn dismissed iha »»f- Woe; srt tho vUlage dirsCtly discovered that Josh Cfnfie IChbrtl mistress, “Miss Uafded at DeaCOn BtOns'S- . Enhwe'i curnaniC Bilrfnl be I hertf knew, h'or did it much mattcifi she drill iWftdst kindly, .Umld. Ihd Wvsbll SrClfitre that evlt tried to flnuce a dU' trict school into mannsfs and aritn- ihetfe: aho llleB'm kfiV' ntenlOry still, I kit. alight hgufe. With tender brown eyes, and a sad face, Us broad lovely forehead shaded with silky light hair, and hor'dress always dim-tinted, faded I'ookad an meekly sad, and why she waa atilt V’itisa" ^rtRicai .sht Jiad besh "dls> a——a noi aay, sir, answerea uncon- -■etotw Joefc,- • • •- - “Not so hot as hell for swearers!" Sternly responded the parson, who. be- ingof a family renowned In New Eng land for no way mincing matters, some times verged upon profanity himself, though unawares. Josh threw down his hoe in despair. “O r,ord!" s<iid he, ‘,'thcri; it goes again:' TsWehr! the' et-^-d dogs tain- it! If I don't keep a gnin'. O Parson Pritchard, what shall 1 dew? It swears of itself. I am ‘.lean la-at trying to h-ad it off, con no! no! I mean confuse it all! I'm such an old hand at the wheel, sir!" _ ■ r Luckily..forilosh. thi- pa^ias l-i^jb!-': Were hir^iy better' in' hkhd* tBlut bis own proMnity. and it took bim now a long time to pick up his cane which lie had dropped in the currant bushes while Josh stood among the CO''ll hills wiping the sweat off ins brow, in an .. , smallest profanity escaped tncle Josh's Lumcc is with , thsmd. r,* . : and, with the • asoetis devotion of a l friendj lie comforted! ’the blessed in heaven!”' j “I know it! 1 lynjoviU ? Jnigh alxnit lit ff) g T W... r .,,——... _ _ _ jilyin'. <) l.ordy! she s gone ' to lieaVen'y ami I iia'n't." soft and would now and then cringe | % . > , . v ijnd quiver in the process. . No—there was no eonso’in^ rndo It wasall for his tfood. he often/mid. ,l1.s].4tlia|t^,#VtfiV^|howb«^ «foe fall W. in He was alone, and refused*.to he |:8Wi‘4 Knii’a^A- place for • uti rqual term ! fort**d: sol’arson Hitehet niade a ferv-1 0 f years, I'nele .losh had become ^ L^eav'c* (,> f hiirh‘8t6u cut prayer for the living, that «nr| mlld-spota**. so kind, so meek, that!: ' V a wan*^ ^lev^synto tlj^nksjfivin'f for Ilieffk^i.j^and mnvfncen tlfi i\o supernatural pow .oine things aretoodeep and too mig’hty .ijncle .Josh was made a deacon, for man. Hall celebrated the event by a new black RAILROAD SCHEDULES. . Dgud January Ifij li?0:I. ’ ; GOIXCi XUUTH,.. ... Train Xt>. 1. Daily extvpt Snmhty; ’egiut'l r.s. Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Northeastern Railroad. (loiNti south. .» t ; r y 'u$M*Wm. ni A ft cr ^tod. tsdds ..w> house, aivi. accordim? to ^Irs. tasey s story, neither Kle))t nor ate waifc KOimnv^uit apocryphal, and th;W |i^iq>ss : asl^a'4ti4'4|(« ^'jtylior home tf> Vc \ -.{A is the great glory ”f a hut Vai>, JCew-Jinglarul housekeeptir. Pics, pre- ca^tc. biscuit, lircad.' sliort-cake. ;s after thMfnnftral^lfoiMMt*, ehv<«W^ifoyfirk*t:'foi(W^«?lW yyvrif liking liimseif to tlie d rain.' farm, pressed, amtprcseeit ;iC-,iin. VijiA-T tlrc - prcAAt-il hftiiih. iVfvhl" found I ncie Josh wl.ittliti'g out a sfff fit 'ffiilliclcy parson till he was quite in the elotlies-pegs on his door-step. t>ut look- condition of yhar, 1cs I,aui 1 j t ar^l tl^e om- ing very downcast and miserable. nibus. gladly saw the f-ignnl of n-tregt “(Sood morning, Mr. Crane," said the from the table,fee.vyi^drawing himself good divine. j to the bench on the stoop, to breathe "Mornin', Parson Pitcher, hev’ a j the odorous June air, and talk over cheer!" . j matters and things with Deacon Josh. The parsorrlfit^doTOh Crane cleared oif." the stoop, and-wifttfiUly surveyeiTJosh.' rarfj^and piously the two worthies ivomleriqgjjq^. fnbji-ct of j ‘ widower I he parson kWtc? _ _ “I ho ? o^D,qi^to^CT'i!A^fo I lie will of TroVtffijnee, mylloar^vWr. ’'ranc?" '• "No, I don't Bispook!" honestly re-; torted Josh. Parson Pitcher was shocked. “I imped to find you in a better frame,'’ said hr. dinging, omvhb nhlslted' peg emj •SiniM. 1 ! a'S wii#*^iptStfinfci., I can't and I d’ii't, ami that's tile whole htott rtlU In UildW .Wsll'a oVi’s sn't! and I'd 4—• lwt S:lU ,,! ' ri *ro again. Iiord-O-massy; f Iboked reditor than the di'liUsort r ti'd-lhyj' ;tbe talked, and at.lon^tihnnme aJAriedlpausc, 'isbi^pcn bysJ»ib.—:. ^ . ^% : eU. fcafenicJSirffo^tiw. ’arc ; WlWrlatiolfn»5i|fft«??St^.S|Sl did gpt^'out nMafltitit rigte djde’" “■Wrs, indSte.’^y igr&k ttMt!" re turned the parson; “the'trial she has hwn.foiJ'ou.kftHbeen really, JjJfsseil. and shows most strikingly the vise of discip line in tills llfr,". "tear said Jodi,-^n MMentrc had livctlj 1 ^on't know hut What t shpnld 'a i>cett a jwearlh' to this thfj: but ,%fi|t,rlileif ;it ojt oOt^ftio I'm at tna* li« i«t .... k»4 lw»* a man b«U»» ka ifhwtl ker,.*t»4, thafsln eopyibS iwrrt aHMia, Mine a fatal mistakt, a Hair girl'a h!»tt a«i4 to tkrawMt kifilia half — n«a day m»i afitiOunrrd ta alii Mk. (*hd Waa i net! as a JtBdj iHd tl«»«Ma farlf tjaawl, BaalVriy. Id Wrta4ttli WW» eonittei k lirlf, a. this #aa .lR We shkWb t«m) that "MUs thiHlra Wart a doing to h«r Josh Crane, '•au» be, w«t't a professor; but aha didn't wait nobody ta foil on't," m •verybody did! , ft was true that MUs. Eunice was a K st.r rrllgiotis woman, and though tone's simple, fervent love-ntak- [had itlrred a thrill within.her ska t thought quit* twpossibir, still ska l aat think It was rlgkt to marry ah ailgidui Rian, aHd *h« told klm it) idaek Bruinsw that quit* brok# Dnele. iTOshi. S«d ke wa« its farfoio# With jtrofoundr J r .. an. aver for Mils BuJiilfo, 0M sia a ^SmwtHo^’lla of ant i would hska «ut oil his pig-tail, j tobafcW lie#, SHad ndt tO swedi Whafsake, biit He Wdld ndt prehtend tO ha pious, flna lie old ndt: A #a*r Or tWo afforward, KdWrVir, fhan ’tfi M o4 ftealiM Wwtinf. and hadaet aaide, H abject State of penitence and humility; and as the parson emerged like a fnb moon from the leafy currants, he felt more charitably disposed toward Joslj than lieliad'done before. ' “ It is a very bad thing. Mr. Crane," lie said: '‘it scandalizes the church members, and I think you should ta’ii' measures to break up the habit." “What upon orth shall I do. sir?" piteously asked Josh, " it is the d—dost plaguy! oh! I awan to man I’ve done . agin!'’ And hero, with a long bowl. Josh threw himself down In the weeds and kicked out like n half-broken colt, wish ing in his soui the earth would hide him, and trying to feel as bad ns he ought to, for his 'holiest conscience sturdily refused to convict him in this matter, faithful na It waa in Icea sound ing sins. I grieve lo say that Parson Pitcher got behind an: apple tw*-, and there— cried, perhaps! for He waa wiping his eyes and shaking all over when he walked off, and Josh, getting up con siderably in a atate of tidst, if not ashes and snok-elottr, looked sheepishly about for ills repj-pvcl*,, hut he-WftS.gonc. Nevei'thelesii, he paid iihotHdc visit th Josh Ihc next Week, and found him In »hopeful state. . .., " Vro hit bfi't now, Parson Pitcher!" said he, we, without Waiting for a more usual • salutation;' ••• “irts'»:;Bhnii!e sho helped me, she's a master Crctur for in ventlon f a When Thru (folk' to Speak, quick, I eateh up something else that's got the same letter on thy bows, and l tall yeW! It gneai—'l else It's sometkln', Jtalloa! t sea them d -dipper sheep in my corn. Ciitanut! git adutk ym> fjU'UthdeUdr.'i! git HaW . He scrambled a«>y after the atrajf sheep, just IH time for „ vl .,» „„, U vj., .vn» •,. v the parEdn, whs had iyuletcd ills fa«U ; vixen in ftdsd *j\ »•* nir "‘ 0 than a mild re* •dfel I goody! I've swdro again. ’n she a n't herd to lortk .akJOi do, and i'm grtiiV straight to " Oil land! there It goes!, ijh dear soul, can't a feller stop himself ndiaA'?" jf i t And with that Josh burst into a pas alim of tenrsj and fled i>us|Tjpfp<jp g>ti Cr into the barn, front fis^gguia emerged no more steps were heard ; paddfol 1 : bn her posy ; Vcd •^fafsBr pftcHcr made ait esaeiimu prrncr. partieularly deriCarttiny On the usdpf trinJs;'*Bd wlmn Ho came to art, end and rose to say good night, Mrs.' toUiOftha tL .vqftis heil. so he had to go ^ |pljnyltB>|w,taking leavo oi her till the toUtcHJ s ti'aB;fo, to, soy, during the following r . minjMng Ibm J>rtmAae(fpt through tlvo vlllagii sugar! three! . that's It! gravel path toward tb^TfaW Wfibif t®it^WHaS)%j#on i Crnlla'' had not heert Oor«ii(lro" KiitaaVvillif . VuntT'S ' 'SuiinfH'rtbn Stutiter : • OsWCgb St.Oharlo* A '; J*.i 1 i'll,.; * !*• 1) :H . iLuMl»U' r- -Sjiiutouse . '. Durlingtou Ar. 0.50 . • ''8.15" . ^ * -kw *"• " 8.51 • • ■: HrM-:"-' ' " !f.W ; : - •• '.i.-15 ; : ' i " Hi. 17 • li.41; , ^ 1> fo f. :... ;1.00n: . i 1- . hSO * 1,41 - • ; d ‘ 2.05 :;".;. ■ :S.»L|> - - a.+i 80.1 8.21 3.60 HATKU Oct. Nth, 1M« in, ar'ni.'...; irnn iVi:{ * r.favf AVcMoit i:r.m r» i:r « no . .VrrivV Itoclty Aloiilit,., ' 1 4U : 4*;}fi. .• T Of ’ ' J». «•'. ••./••• ....... AiVIvf* Tailwtro. ’*.*:..* ^ ........ Leave TarlMtn) 125X Arrive Wilson.. p. in. |». . Z \» irr. a. tn. I.U : L4V<... . p. in. |». m. ii. in.. j l.eitve<fttltfslxiro..15 .-7»4U ‘H. : Ikaye Wai^sa\v i • 414 • • ll .W *. , Leave Ma^ilolia . 4 27 840 *4 44 ’ Arrive Wilmirrjfton.. .-. 0 00 •fljfw 11 25 _ in Goi.NO WlfTJI. Leave Wiluota Arrive Selma'. Arrive Payellsvtile No. 2#Sfdatly. :I 2A . >c i'*'3 20 " GOING XftllOH. ’•ft v '^- - /.:i Matt Vim; KobinSiNock. MmideviUe* BennetUylje , Mice GibiiOM^V iU«ijj..c?iCept fip inky, raopm 8.40 Alice , . OiOO ^ ^ifotinctfoyilh :>>.,■ ..MO ^ ** 4 Jfiimlcrilk liobins Nwk *■ %l^g» .... 10.28 '#«V it* Imnml' 11.81 JBWgAfcr* • >v ' -■ -i UM*». 6lkl'l^, ; , f u m '^Huiukr f st. OOINO Train No.JiJ, daily except Sunday; Du tod umy i)L isw. '/►’■a**' c"S 'iesssgv !«5 '<g'X nr a. ... m. i), m , f«ave wymi)i«ton...v,fiaay - ats. rtrtt'b*..' DlairpolM 161 10 Si aitt J.eino 'W'aw«i'V.')...i.y. ai-II Hf. Aia- sU:;: Arrive tlDlrislsni) ■ afift l.*US , hi . ,a. m. Sfe’rrVr:: I.oavw KayeUcrWo I/cnvo reh«a.. I,'.. - ..;. AndVotVlfson........I:..... 1 '..,;.'. I«SJ . -.-I > No p,.Dairy. I.cave Floituiee ■ - - Kings tree e'tf fetWI W&ailVMKV® .vmpuclnrrtdkt id - ■ ’ ' l - v> - "h44 ^ ■*■•** t* (rsi a tn /i'MsAH'A l-cavc. Plorcncc Uavi>K-htgsl rec >. Arrive t-HRcs A rrlvC^hprlcalim., >S..: v . ■‘4 j-f a ’ f i0.50juMi ah" Li-UU.'iSm 2.10 ' " ; . 'JtTT i MS. .Jb'Kltf.' WWWJS-:**** - Xo. 53. Leave l*&t <■> ^ m Arrive.Dharlefton ■ s .UL^O - * ■ DoiNg NO'ftfif. : . . No. 78, Daily,' Leave Charleston Arrive Lanes Leave Lanes . Kingstrce Arrive Florence — *>*■!' 3.22 ■8.28 3 40 4.hT La. m No. 00, Daily. Leave Charleston Lanes . liitigstrfc ’ ' .Arrive Flortnctf' a nt i.7G8 .7*3 DW) .reeum. -- JL P 1 ’ ..lius, :jr >»')V(t persistent as p.-illlcOj thrust his | hoard to scold ones for months; that kidflonCuf SiM -bird wiwdo’.vj kiid-rtf mho Wren field her tengue under prove* p;atod in a londar and more strenuous 1 •atirtli’, the last .fact being;inurtedt’ ktvf; “! a’fi't willin', Pataort Vltchart" | ately •* put in fo*V -by a fop 1 g*H» Mnipded and investignilrttf bffy», wliH »'• ! BfoCecdad .tp pull heV leilrtcl buHit's titers tVas in ike village of Plalr.flald; krungJ^-Vw pickets- and hip Alfo: a Covt iW^Mfos liausteytr.lhU' Br» ! , '> 1 kw 'teadi, racelVlrtg for their atfdrt' . ^ - - - • - - ‘•w&si.jajr. itw«u no mew than a mild re* “do that)’ 1 which actually Luay.e.4iMqter, 0 43am : Otfwegir ; ii;: J Id? . 8t. Cuarlea 7 61 KUiofo: ' 'V'*.. Sds: . -Lamar ' t»« JSjtMuucr • i'»ri(ng$<w.' AV.k. Mont Clara. II 13 UoWdHi Neoh I M'l ‘ Mamlatilfo 1210 pm a rtive ilyniurttsvilU 12 40 ; ytiiNu soctti. Train ffo>'32, daily axetptItfomtay ,n. m..p. m. p. m.A»,. Leave Wilson,.. aaV Wfo aid,.... Arrive Iteeky Mount... tUia, 1H*.;: SW; , . ' t '111 lit. P- m. . AriVc Tiirhoru.*tt ittj' . a IfW-,-'..; Leave Xurboro ' IJSe ’■' T r. : 'V’T.W'. tfini AtriVst Wtl4:Jrt...„ l v.. w , QUO’.. * ; v- : .y': 1% I No. 14, Dattf*-** Leave % t»p.m -Arrive Lanes ' 0,13 'Leave Lanair^-e'-^r'yTT^ ."O.OAi ! ''■ IClngstrUa"'- - '* ! tPi7 SArrive Florqnca,: . . . 7.10 Leave Charieston ^ • ■■■’ ao.ij a, m !Arrtv)0&4& t f ^4 ,>Aef»T lUors in youth, and had no* r »nsmeH vnem mro npuWgsstttg, kent oft attUdfain Voutfi. »ft«. — , , . - -- Arise softe was^' *Vltti| dtita rn>d|rtU|itlfii .glfrii i'arsnn [; Sarah, famtitarla® -WlO 4foHy#**d sU^gltel|p“blwAl,fo.3^?t;ditlo-,t9 0i report, | ago. that pleasant, and sent tUre and walked lb W see Mrs. tVarte. whert ’ rt ig Josh rams badlt, tWIpplng and exclaim Ing, “J^eppcrgilass! them. J*. ths d- dttJWtidwieat aitaisp t cVd 1 wer' i ^ ^ This hew spell of "Miss Kuniee's," a* grew up to middle ago, that pleasant, ’and sent'clTreetly fSr Dunoon Crane to , Josh always. Called ,hlv Wife, worked ; kindly title Iwlng sadly out of Uycplng visit him. well while it was new; hut the unruly , with her nature, everybody called her ! 'TloWn ytutr wife, tb-nron?" said lh3 ; tongue relapsed, and meek Mrs. Crane ! Sail. Ran., and the third generation parson, as s'ortn rts; Jrtsh whs fairly had grown to look upon lt arshe would scarce knew she had another name. tested in the study, upon a wooden leg. had that been I Any uproar trt the village always be-: "Well, Parson Pitcher, she's moat ort- Josh's Infirmity—with pity and regret, gnu With SrtU Ran, and wo-; be to the srtrtairtly changed, f don't beli.-ve she's the purest result t*f a charity which unlucky boy whrt pilfered an apple un- got riled more'n , otieO, Or gin it to riii* “rndureth long ahd hopeth all things," ! aer the Overhanging trues of Miss Itaftortyfep, f^rjsOKmqnfh*." eminently her ruling trait. ! nay's orchard by the road, or tilted tha^ " f '^ery »ln jularl’’ said Parson Pitcher, Everything else wont on prosperously; well-swarp of her stOny-eurbed well to ll t atrt’glnd for both of you; but what 5 the farm paid wall, and .itish laid up get a drink; rtall was drtwn upOrt thfl of- .iag^a tq.harg wrought upon her?", but nfver for hHnself, They fender like a Hailmtahntt, and Cuffs ahd ! “Weli!" said Uncle Josh, With a dloar had no eHlldreri. a sore disappointment nhricks mingled in the wild cborns with '•tftfttiaf' foiKUafoe, "t expect she must ’a to both their kindly Marts, but all the Her shrill scolding, to the awe and eon- • betl to the winder that night ycu'n I sot poor and orphan little rides in the. town sternation Of cfory child within half a tnlklH' Bn the stoop about 'dictions and seemed to have d special Hlnim On their mile, . . j it«l l t-foi tkAtday 1 stumbled and spilt a care and. Help; nobody oVer went away Judge, i.i«e8, bf .l-nrsort Pitcher's ltd d' rtew milk o.V the kltelt-o i!.>o; l i hungry frOirt jdvh's dodr, br ndeonm’ed Cninz-ment when, little irtorC than a ihal nllcr-i ritaj li-ef; s,3 t began to saV year after Miss Eunice's death, Jo>h )-- l liH," r d«it' ( 'l4n sijrry Sail!’ when sho Was ushered inld his study one evening, ups right away*, and sc*, ser, t>ho---*Yt)it Cnd after stroking a rteW stovo-plp.i hat han’t no rtoed to br skeered, Josh C'ranc| for a long tuns, at length his said ho jfott'Vo 1 done* with ’flictions in this had “com ? to sp irit about bein' pjjh;' Wprjdp l ahaq'tjoevi# geo'dyou no more. liUted," The parson drew along breath, f aih'lt a goin' to be. made a pack-horsi partly for the mutability of man, partly to carry-; my-' to heaven!' an I for wonder. the never .«ajd no mqre to me. nor 1 to “Whom are you going to marry, Mr, her, biitshrTbrri nigh ab vtt a* pretty frane?" said he, after a partsc. behaved ns Miss Eunice ever since, an i Another man might Hare softened ths t Hope t shan't take jfo sWOarin'. 1 gnesi style of his wife to be - not Josh. ;t shnrit,ybub do feel kinder CrnWiy Iron) Portstnoutli, .korfolii t'alelgh, i front Miss Euriicd’s “keeping-room;' erdrVbody lOved them both, ar t in time people forgot that Jdsh swo;-.-; hut he heVor did; artd a keen pain dlseomfltted hint When*Vi»r he saw a child look up tint foMDUrtL the Past, there we* a r*; i,,. „ 1th . •Lap ^ * nrTtwdrt tf^ur married alirittt ten 'yean Ml rtllSSTLaJ" WWfl k wtit ? gerter^' Iknlee begat) to show sign; ?i u u ^ Of failing iiealth; she Was. after th ■ ! iu^h J tkisir Yankee Custom, somewhat older than Si tteW' 1 li'^itk ! her husband, and of too dclicat- a mike WM*.-*** ««• »•) •»**« M 'S; to™axs. doctor to s&'AXX&stiSkS:- : i... n ,iH»2 P tw«V«tl/ncr he never onei n ' ,5 > r ’’ h " w ' 1 " Mistered pbi-t' wk.flMld.m! dosed with llrand Ceth's pills, mullert root in elder, tansy, 'ptinibck, bbtpr-sweet, catnip and hone iojavu IHmnet'r'.ttlx iioily-tliil; Mauuiiville UotMiins h'enk • Afout .vtavb t < Darling MM)- ; bjrauvtvb bfo*tpr. i ■ .v' •-. tfUnjm • / ■ St, Ukrtries Uawugo SUUUvr , Vaur,us., Eutu\vvlUa ; ' -mm: - F«uk» HsrlCy villa Prgnails Arrive Gl triasjlp.rt.. aud inis raw and \V utleeooro—'-at Jleuiiettsyille with y:, F. iV Y. V.ier Maxlon, -MeCollH, KayellChdHO «a«l OtsWnsiioro. E. Ii. IyVLE. Go.ueral ifoasojiifcr Agent. ti .vt a m -W r'23-- : t?3 .(Sfo . h-iii W<j ittw i) «b 1*34 p at 1230 2 00 ■ •*» «f8 8 1*0.. .: OUT '' 'UW • 11,40 4.01 . .4-10 MO ' *ijoi|y,vwcoiH Suudny. Trufu on Dm tjeWikt’idfoirtVk 'ifrttneli Htvwt tvnsvs tVeio-iui*w p'tvqdiuiitnA; 4 22 p ui, nri'tvn stciilinud Week uy y. fo j |i ip, Mix-envilie 0 02 j> in, Kinston' dfio, pin. "ifotbitting tW.evB lirnstqd 'l 30 iu. Ui, ViueM-ViUe 6 40 ttui., ar.Gv.iug u«b itax H R'i'ivh' ui, AVeUfmi If 45' a iii "dully ^eypt Ckilnlayn--' - ; b-- • , fiuius on Wusliiiigtoii llcuneb. Ipuve AVusliiiigtou 730U ui, arrives I’rtriia-le .000 u : in< : Kotttroltig fouveu I'wniolif ,7 00 p Ui, HtTlVes WuslUltgluq 8 20 p l|i. : iiuiiA eAeept Suinluy. LobuecU q lUi .uvuukuii sv tiAunuriv Httd KkiOi^u lb. K, and iswDu,iid Aval* Greek,: .. > Truiu ivuvoa I'uiboixi, A, 0., yin At- lieiuurie uud Itnlvigli JU. .1(1 “ ttkiiy vio naqa Mmidp^i ut.4 so p aaq tauuduy «isi ip.mj qi'«’lvu : \Vli,(n«ijp»( iis* p in, 42n 'p ni; plyriiuOgH VHogi tij, A20 |i ni' Hu- tillIiuw :4envw*, l,‘i,y unAun. ,wui v v, vx evpl Ouunwy, 0XUn in, «ii;,dny 00o n ni,'YV himiiisVuiiY ufbt um; hi- mu turooi-u l) wf «nt«iid-Ll2<) h t,i> ; Truiits on fdiidiuet ii lOiviatyii, -'YHyo'ii iVfn't kViyOttoVIHa Jiluniii lvn ve i;'*VbeUe- | viihjntiii p in, u« iv« Ito-winud-,.M2 p in, Helm,ring leuVo 'ftou irtiid : 7 3o u in, HinVv J-uy vile Mile Ji 30U 4if 'i-hmy- omsip-iriwu, inw',' : -- . >- '•:■ tram on Mb'ilntiri ;N. ■ Ci Groiu-j., 7 *rp «. LtMteiw ,; -Twin So. #Lteay«a Larwa^a*) Jp:' m, SardvasCharfoston^y^ s No. os rims through Vo eoitontia yin GwtraWL H, wf - Bf-tfr Novels, run soiid^twr'VYtlbrtlfilton N r »U' 0>9hmg closa ronnrr.lioJliwiHi,'W Cc W. ii. H. torall podiifs NotTh. : < 'TrafoniSbsitW-nrfdoM ftfo vfo and Fayetteville—«8hort Lin.b*?an«t®(pb ielose eohneetioii .for all j«fints North, T. M. HMKUSGN Yfafflc ManSief; J. It. Kf.NLY, UimeRtl Alaiutger, , •I.F. 1)1 VINK,(leneral BeoctinteiideiH ; r : i«0iN’G SOUTfr. !‘" '■ "'■* .. > n ‘ •• l)«tvd .dRmwrJ; ff 1809, j No,.2)1. Leaves u lootuhtoij 'D'^j pxja, - .' : ^l«r»iaii. -:i ■' OiV't ,, IpitiH-s A' t ffoufofoAMt Affitlvs^'HUwbc ' ‘"viO-J' ,■ No. SO. inmva t>-.4,tt6 s< tit, 'ArCttsa ©yiutnujhfc-i-'«)8 No, 33. Ituavirs Cuintiv .,>c9tfo *1’ tu ...'AvffYbs. «t !-Nb' 38. i.eftvcs Fhike'foee , j i:4-i -.j; Ai-i'i \ v ad'Vfti sfpjr 11 ; IJkO ' No- SO, Kwiwa Orrtdst-..i!o ‘foayi vMt'iHiiriiiny?.? '--N'ovW- run* ijfi'(.msh.i.t».iu<,'hy)*Fi*m li OdU:)ja,kU'm’)ilM.a>itftMitf«du .»is4) •li-'Mi, V*“ Len H'Hl Khtti'i-wij k-i-.i trtg.i^iinri .Ji^M ■ ' • • • a'Vni, aThAuius9.oq.ji,:iu.:-.' 1 *' lyf'M.'hi' wdr foidiHg hfti^wd ! P 11 ’?-. mn * n ih Mdcr, tansy MfteacosiLtl^ ^™*X* e *^*M | M t teas; dried rattlesnake's flesh, and P° wdM of a mi squirrel shut into a "Snll Ran,” said He, Undauntedly. kbout being resigned,” Ttivsnn Pitcher nrosa from hi* chair, ’ |^Ye)[aj[, Josh's troubles were and with both hands In hl« -pockets nd- nvCrtt • (wtii Ifiin drn vanecd ujam Josh like horse and foot “Aunt but its stood hi* grpuni ..., churrlt. and w*. «» gonl in her str -mi ' h-t!, yv *y- rtahfff hnsltan *. in hU mueUnott*. und that tin- fWW prtfHaps xho would have him; so, With ito further eeremony than reduO' lug hl» dusty 8ax-‘Coiered h*ir to ordet by mantis of a pocket-eomh, and Wash* ihghts hands nt tho pump, away he Mrnde to the school house, where it was Miss Eunice's custom to Unger after school till the flrewusbuwitlovNmmigh to 1 rake up." ■tosh loof-ed in at the window as he "brought to," In hi* own phrase, "ntong side the school ‘tie." and there sat the Indv of his love, knitting a blue stock" ing. with an empty chair most propi tiously placed brsMs her in front of the flre-pfaee. Josh's heart rose up might ily, but ha knoeked at li*tie a knock a* his great knuckles at, ,Id effect, wa» WiMen in and sat himself down on the ebnlr in a pttroxvsm ofbashfulness, no- wlsahalpod by Mist Eunleo's dropped •yes iftl pofiistent Witting. Bo he sat red hot oven living, baked until powde able, and then put through that process ill a riioDlir, atid administered fasting. Dearly beloved, 1 nmrtot improvising. All these, artd sundry Other and filthier medicaments, Which 1 refrain from mentioning, did once, perhaps do still, abound in the islands of this Yankee- dom. and slay their thousands yearly, is with the Jaw-bone of an ass. At length Uncle Josh tackled up tinker, the old horse, and set out for dropped her name foi Sally," and Anally Joined ths together; but its stood hi* ground. , .j cumssn. and “Whnt, in the name of common srwss , ,, - ,, ...... : unddecenevdo yon wean ny miiwylng '4 ! tfJhpf)i.iit)t *d:,yt!! , *-tli)sof gifts; that woman, Joshu-way Crane?' 1 thun- when thc I lalnllo.d boll, on Utai tiered the parson. t,imn 'My-' 4t>llwl a long series of olgnty “Well, of you'll set down, Parson ’H"^° l 't Pitcher, I'll foil ye tho rights ou t; you ^ ^ r? J^Mt ^.,th ha see I'm dreadfully pestered with thil Htf-^rd ^ih Ue^he youHg Uorc nwearm ^ray I re ffrtt; I kindet UiiA h thought It'd Wertr . off if hep' a looking ttt me, here Josh interpolated ing *ob-‘"nnd I'm gettln! so d (—-bad!, there! you sec, parson, I do swear dread ful; and I a'n't no more resigned to het *» s ‘ - . rs dyln* than l used to be,,und. J, cantblan' .F'J.P MlllP 13-) Li VST i TOU- it so 1 set ' ' I’ve livcil flictions -and trinls;- so I coneltuled 1 ,iv if Mt«v v.idIaa httd almost as hat'd tv task to consol* *« KiSfemmm-w^to««. id a great blubber- 1 on alike oecasttm, Inw Ospe Fsar Mailkin Valiay R, R.: Condcuseii beUtnlut«i Nov. «7| 1882, NUHTH UUUND. ' kol'-J. liail) except .■iunday, iioate Wilmington) Arrive Fu|«ti tile,' Leave Fn^eiicvuic, ouiilordi Leave C.miux, Arrive Uffet-nsboro, uicuiiBi-oro, i.cuvu Stoac-alate, .viri.e w uihmi V-VVt- • i.*UH» fo ' <4 HiliUt V-rt\43' iiuiui Urtil, : Arrive Ml Airy* \ SOUTil bOUXl), l*eavc » tlQ h It) 8'u2 8 37 U 48 11 .44 t3. Id pit. 12 2.) l. 22 I 35 '2. CH #.Vi 4 23 :)tvttunmii icttvi.-tj c?iiiitjii<uiit 8'fl 4,111, il'I'l Vc .ul'.SoHlstHH'O Wlfb' A uf" ' " Truiu on Nasiiviiki.. KriuHdb Ivuv'cs :H*m« K»CKy AtOldil III W4*l.j/bl, Ui ll.Vln iNuotiV'iife'T'fo p irf, t$pi , iii|(!il-'q,«.-•.'*) |> in- itcUirmii), ivnvi*,%a«smUis)4i|b:rtW> ilit, NualtviUc 600 u iil t 'u'UMV)kl 4l>)Vlky 5)16 ullrj'MuiiJ ASkirC-pi KiUiiitoy. ) iiiin on-vuhuiu siruiicii icuyvaAV^yi *»w lur CMtrtqii uiuly, i-xter-t Siiiiui.-y; iiUjjVVfi lUru D jo ii iu ’ HciuVbiiip iitctUXUUIg ICttVsNl CJilKSkt; uy.:*l.2Ui H| i<\ .idiI h lo p hi, cifiiiicviiiig ul Aiti v.yy aim «>.«>41, 4"( 33, Hint (6, ■ ' ■ . i .folHUWIItUuU,. U'Utll.-Oil I Wilson UlHi iptiycUcVi'iic iiroiicli is Ni'i.' 51,' .Soan- loouirtl is No. ski. 1 *D«iij' v'Acipt mm- Aiuy. ■ j. fnjiusNo iT tjquiljt. uiijidi .Nciii. will slopoiiiy ui'it-icKy*dLA.lit, vViiaMi., ld'JlU»ui.|i)'»M0;il4.ltJH>'<>«)e •• •'} ::j iiuiu Nt|. 7B iiiuAca ciiuc ipililivcMOl at Weiuoo lor un poiturt Ni.Uu ifuiiy i.vtvisU) vm itnstshoi»W-<iia)4*Hiiy «r»-)S,. v itt f!!"4 iJ'U'W •; -‘S-W.'tt-V .Al'i'tioi iiiitij'vacdpl biiiiiiiq-1 nut. N.;i'7 jlulK uiHI Cxfiillliu tin ill'.*-)* I lorsArtiflOt)* oliu ail i>. >i uU> N.ul.J *• ' “Vi '■ Pp. i -J ' itiiM,-. i ' i*i \ i„\i'j, ijfii # riiipt- 2 . ii- iriiAi-Vt»A- I : iiJic«i •») JsaMiqjpfi'-' )'■ - i t i>i. i'<.'i £ii)OC/>< 1 luliK 'UiillU^cu .. llrtiPP "'*'! uCoyer r !jif v riillox' No. .VI' .GOiNt/NOttTi' lifavKiitviortViSn" in; A ryi; Li til r ' i-SUdi^tn (No, 18. bAMWJii%i«A«efo >! f > i\ 4 9t'l<) «, a* . •) ; 5»*ri-.u<-.'... ArriVi| i)t vv’lbW^gfoii'U: to " d ;3<y. 3ik->:A-“3'cij Lbii.iiiiiia-; pi'-fo’ •'jctiiifor T;8-i ' ; -W '’.' Zy - Nm 6l>, : i . 'A)ei\tj» tu £i;o j;v';s!?.|!>'riiVfr ■’ A.r.'i+'tyT.'A jia;- SguOuUi'd All jii Too ui*;ViV')ri' h'i.iY 'Ciii.r1vs.ijii? ;.1)!rtjiivv'iiil«“ xstfi i'rtvKi ' IL'' Tlq iX-, oiial'IollVf AwiiiI'ovj'u liWiXthoWi r.)k)»u MglMiHi .iKtiiWaih.-; Wupowievoi- HH- 4»* i.iiill- . '’Llailj:, I ii u, r; j've x crl* lab)^'; j &t' No, ■).; eiuis lij'.iUi-U'.o i:*.«rk">‘i(!ti>Adh [Omli'ili: 1C. *'«;)» "hVMfiiuoits o:;.-) III., I«IU>S-S 6!iJ j'. au,,C)Ki*'l**ttrt<JJfiSji) |». Ilia ' . &i£i' Tlititf'ifn Vtthc.ftisAIASgUK4' Riit jivtvvr.6 Aui)U!M,Ui.u<Vj. ; eXyt; U;iii;m.i)j(J : 4t jiU,«o u, in., Htrivvs'Vi it/aiiiitn,.jb :ii».,.iVili)3 .iSiiiVv iiiihvtiVtt.^j iS^iiii^ nr- ioye* rtt a.U',sO^!,:»li.(i, ; , \i. ■'$«*. : Truitts on >foi,iet)iw )\. ft, ienv'eJ(.!j;Jii : \ t);V'(!aTfJ'“«Xi.e(.l •VsjUiiq.f 'iif bii foil' iff-, u.riviiig Fioyiis 'i-U-'t ;t> d« ?»''lqrj)tmi rCato i luyViiniSl i.wiiiijt juaiis- * »*tM-jk/i.-IJ** : >;:*!■' ‘ : v*# Jrt uiiiGigioii «• h«! !«.*' .•*»• j HI**) V 4-Vl4V)y.j'i i _VW AuW: til 5..;0 # J V *i**4nV* I * w. ; ^ fo«)V* .fo tfo ifo^ v ‘*j,m »*< y*vk.Mii fldMi U; . .•.- >' A a-' -* * of; - •'■ • r. Ml- *».*)•• '-r--*-* »*' tH- *•<< ••ijc, U U)^ J l uLi 5;oiq A oi'tsmyoD 1 )., NufT.iiiy, lllOllU, ii tuh'llltflOII, iiimilllH tnoeutn; , . you To ropi-yari^ BV nisi “ttund-by, Jush!" said ItCV tertdrf muke VJIiWj m)'WbV's v ica, fai«tlrt| a»Jt.»prtkeji«d,witH on* uli'Wud ’- w yn own gig. Miss Fiuntee was carefully examined by the phyiielan, a pompom but kindly man, who saw at once there was no hope and no help for his fluttering and panting patient, One morning a sudden pang awok* fttH fiHrfi'rt mintifo*. every now and ; hwi and her start roused Josh; he lifted thaw eirarlrtg hi* Ihruat ifi a vain at* iter tm >he pillow, where the red morn; tempi to irttrodace th* point, tilt at mg light showed her gasping ahd gray fongth. desperate etimtgH. he Wide a i with death; he tUrtied all Bold, dash into the middleflf ihings and Wtb* I I hredptar withi . "MtoEnfllM, tfoegot TO ia 9; , , . wligisHl I'Hasoi ««t fm to ha a foal ^ptordrapturHtlsiooiioftttd sttftbniwrt pious man i ranT yw foal to Hav« ma 1 ( S^ ihey moved forever and her head mtm?" ... j- , , i f«U c*nu on Jcsh'aahouidcr,dead, what httoteuAiee s UMia tfoWMlni! Tp e r* the neighbor,who "did chofof'. lip* answered, 1 cantiot siiy, but t know f (ir j n t 0) fmtnd the two wh>n she * Was satiafoetwy to itbah, ftff his Brst ( , nn1e j H The Wonfortt that Sirs. f!«»cy e eretil Impulse, after he gaiHcfon up j,(, ,vlfo from his arm. and laid Dow words, waa to dlusp his hahd* ^ rr p u tlent, peaceful face back on its pillow, Josh flung himself down beside her, and cried aloud with the passion and carelessness of a child. Nobody oeuld rouse him, nobody could mOv* him, till Parson Pitcher came in, and, taking his hand, raised a«d led him info the UeaplHg-rMiD. There Jn»ll brushed „ - . - ...» . pff themia* beforebht dfoHshed eyes K wSifeyr - j*“ htt,e ''?**"*. -** Un,u{ ’ ^ set flgeringon Itout anill guess (jl© jorlntllgestion, U3C •oil too easy, hunt had enough n TV r.’ia vt 4 C T D r,T\I P. T T T IT P sunbury where there lived a doctor o| n.cttons und trial.,- ^,1 conclude,! 1 BROWN S j«OWJBIIlLKb some e-ninence, and returned in tri- heil oughtor-Aiaput f #i*i u x aWr n -wr->»• **>»' i - hu ^•srsMMmxt Sf#umt o. Irrive ijrvdMslioiP, LquVo tiiqunsliovo, t : f. J. t i% , Siiu'lord,' '■ Arrive i a'\cuu\ iilc iji Seui*; Fuj cticviiie. dcnly I hfoiyflit to min'd Sail Ranywhe is the about ’■ w- >»,„ - ■ 1 , -.y— he the mdttest. to g-'-oat-o'-Bipi-ttiiU J.i' : could get to tcwtm^-imty'hti*d4Jhnji' 1%V;« rekk-eted what old Cnp'n Thomas used ’ to say when I was a boy «la>ard of hi) whaler; Hoys,' Su* he, 'you're allci-ssri to. hay you* way,, and yi “ mipci »q P&ty Mdar and any—"Amen," as if somebody had Osiccd a bfosWnifi perhaps he felt that he had received tme id Ml*s Euniee. t’ltchev, i Wflrt't B'-gbirt n way fo qunrfol With ggln, «Ud I don't crpeiit such tenable With )Uo hed siuCe Miss EtmiCi swan l it give up ruajo: seoln' it's Sail!" Hardly could Pareon SOI DR. M’RAES 3 4u : j V. ,; i-. itA'* .; - r : /thit-j i b Ob ; : 7 21. i 47 541) a M> ti. 20 . vl-ijasL* a . ihVhiiSr.:--.- j‘.i . ■:M'. i.?j,:^ wAsi.:: - •Lp ij., io 4v':- Mi , |.i vi*4ti)5a2"v5{'JS‘'.(i ii v Itlg •% ’4 iiRii pou * • pi.'fovi’tdjtftiprtbiBhv 4, •, uTiituiivityvid 1 ., S ': AM) KIHM3V t om-UXT*. liifortmHy- S'lilliM’ff-iltl!- | i-iSiyft'iiiflMlWis (33 :: V rW.A.Ai U n* , h ' • J8Ul iflJ puiuts teipbiu uiul 2nu\\ iot Hi a.iriiirtinfi' 4-OWi •- l)ttltiu» UM).I*D»W -V-) 3- .UH.iUj)' vjmUfiii. • SVLllM'Uft »<•«'I) i» iv *1 is* 4 .4* 44 ) C l»‘A» |» tu. tittiMsiin'-4M>:4s tojr-u*;'*-.? s*iOe.«»oa '•* f** »* Us, *u,44 s v ..»•) tiMiMiutii jitOt to i’Aw tt »A<t issjfcs t.r 4.'GaK.* I t4UtlKt;l, t \\i\O *.* •• «•*, »vt if. C 1 »/>« iv is.. ilts.t.i it* 44 > C s..K'.«t »••* itc.KAJJ>-2'>. •*) iUlAi. • I aSV4V£t*\44 *** • 4 t A. JVl WV4 s« t**v *t.M t L- v- ~»\J It 111* .•ai*u*N4A'* Mjifj'ayv a4M«• •S. U)«U*.5‘^; s^iias4«/ttc* ai »4\t) u to t*4 t 4C-..VV loVo ii ,vi. • icwi\c *1^•vM i vV.#) J*t>' 4.«s4V4f4ls t it.U\ C 4* .1 •» ill, i * t *-• -to*. J. j... i tt'XsUClMill, iiNtW ii* GD I* iM* iti 1 i •' th ciuuti* tixitt-4.» I* *4., i»11*«y • 4«j i* iii. \ v m AllMlilit>*Ouaist hiiio. tt eMun, iouve *010 trt; • A*cUj*Mju:^f tt411\u.)iwjii tu* v iv>o u tu. i-t4CUi44V)44<*, ustivc « tAl l> lit; 4«AAiGub'jjfu oJuJ. • »* Mt>4iil4«itMita.U^» *) « 44.4t> 1‘ tu, -t AM ‘l AU, 4<v*ii-4i.i*i.A^iaii , ftVf4‘.:hs>H’s**J:id)-*4.v-aiiirS»i. Mtii.-'t A' U44«*)*M* SS4 . 4 \ C «» v.l M tta* «t-*4 t V 4w SjO U ' .kt» tt A «4t4\ ( Ui . U-rtr .i iii. lx «t\ t. .' *} 4./C 4 «iiy-■ «t toldOU. lout O "•*V0 J* HI, Ui |> JU. . f.iiu vsutwtuii **iT»\ o ij .i.t 4.i, .Ur'.'V'v'O'ir W’.' .N./liotiV U ti 4*J.j, H* tL» .o I* »M ) ui,.i'.\v ' i 4«Mi\lU . J [• if r: ;* \ m iiu.v Lm.c. lA'Dt V 'Mia. i |i4 »»i t it v'l :vMU * ‘Mii». tttn. • ..r r v» tj- •i»>iH:*. •*•» *- j >..*>* l .jj-u . Vi.>y i.frf fi>j : W; ‘itJiii i. »titim*p;>*itr Ar^i. u. r L*Jt.s?V/.4> , il.:.). :w:.. Ji ffof**a* C. &. D. ftiid i.tJk S? Railroads- '’ ,> fiiiVe)! .lii'ii.i'rt'y?; 1 ",. l-'-t):;. • ’ GClINUiKAYN , ..uives ' ;.;icstn-i-.> , •• - drill.. I3.TJ: tU'UUVjlT,. : ‘STtff w uiiihii* ■<»; fj K h»4 : *25 McFarlaqi . , 2;-!u Cmivi-v ,. -UiHS -* - ■•,- ;?t,'apilSl ■ ; y;4V;4» '■•) "'JSW' . A OMW • ■+‘*n r I * OMyl : J- t H>T •/->:' • . . ,. # ' s * .CvO .U^ 0:2). • - •■'■fUO > V* 'V'-Yit I VA- - • Of .i-WV^-jivu-’V •i<i w Pbchcr inokv-i 4'i'sighi at i’arsoti Pticlicr, When spring eaffle,- they were mar ried. and ware happy, TanWea faalilmi, withtm* oommeni nr demmietratloi,, b«i fery happyi Uuele Josh united whit the ehuirV »fl4 ww «o dlsgrifoc fo bt» HMjpnyti and dxaePtfo (tie tWug ... .. oufriweMl Vyliiiy did den-met, ^r?! x* Sr ig£ XSJt I d* i-« rfr ‘!" r * 4*4* «m. a.*, it k. of dagoilfomsiued," and Was noi to ha 1 « ,ri ' •j” 5a«y aSodi At length PhCson fopded the parson, “il l* the will of pitoher, bsing greatly reundallaod at 0*1 and you must be content, gosto •apletives, Used iitdnu'fllV in « 1 aomeWhst mfolfal meeting on ehurcl; business "for in prayer wettings he fiOtw answerml any wlU to rise, lest this singular creed at dqrtyiijyi or tUp shrewd and self-satisfied, yet HdrlSst; cxoreesioU Of fs-c witll which Jtish rgaffa'Nt. Frp?!'*)- big him,; This Medhiliii' only two dose* e»*5 .v twriiiy-fovti' ti tir* w ^"aml .'* mi iiii'd! ire eme fur oi'g lull- iijfs^aglctUrc nod nil KHo -y direuws ..Li; 1 Wtw slrleturo wit boot i.mi, .to.--n-i tiina* '•Plk'dco or tin- l-s of otic, m-oi* '■»;•> !' fiiiv’ K ■ Hitoifiotii any »-iii|ili»jr!ii- ; m. No ; hIii i: & ii- • iil.L W * ..... .* lii)thmW,C')iii > i!ii ., iioi.-s-i un-!. ' : .;i,; r i>viu.iu^ti-i.\v«.i-ji stand ivuiniiicihiiiii-.. It cun-s {travi-l or >toiie | So. HI, iJ-Ov ofocpi dtintjsJ: 5-iW: .'tl'' !).,fi;; ■ - •V -, •"ft'- , .».t i . V 11 1 ii i*, ! itVHk «* »‘v - v-'i.U Vhv.iV; ; fct ti-' ii.P ** ■% ' i.Vvf.iuC V'!;':Vd -''Ail ' ftii itr. i iAi. i ■ .* . \ **A>v ru ifitiii Jteafiftf.'UL'UiijJ.. O' 1 Jiis-loX'l out ill lit. ;lmiffrii'DreY)fTTiir a eudliiu-iii nr Ho. powder. , JtdHtVf tltiolbei'sutil: seif ,0 1 i gtmraiilri' it tn pttliil.h Its WKlttw t" Wat'Vy.LtsIf, nult'i when ItU odd p:i,'ish)rt)io!' was out ^ in-hog himsiufMhh a w fit Of larnfllt-V. Iltuf'bt !tfo*ftugu!sh:ihIFt | l(1 , lllk(iv ... Oninilirt,; Its Use, I j: lr"!H ; | luVC l*‘T li i ' five. Dl'y.i-l'-oufO i c-a*' a^aVrigiis htdb !- .lirifvMkdlraB ■ a si ; « Ii i| rwd'i'h'h'^'XIv * ft ftiii-ilft;.%!/* •S'"';' •■.. %■ h-m V-iKHtOivi*-■ • ■ in i3 h m. 11.10 . m A tfCV Mi I*. • ’ K»*i tUsH-itv* iujon iiiu(iva,«»i Wy aj-t i i ; iiCnuit* ic.- lwti, t’Aiiiiiu* ix a if. .’ - . ii UMiiu h-'j, ■ it, Jiteutuitoi A»»h iUto*'. p, ^ii)Ut ifii^4*<ic*iif k G. V* I.Mlitlii, iiitli.c >UUIUI)^uT, Jnf.'. C. WiIn.Um , •‘VM 1 |;>itt!iU4»**i *•* •• i* '• wr v '> ,: u ' I'shfo *.i .\fKt-: -- . ‘ habit skimld gat the batter of him and t hnak the very simirv* he might eakm-t) •irsuu PltahwhlMMlf marie « pastoral R 11 at the farm and found it* mast?) (He garden horing eorn manfull/i "•iHod dagi Mr. Crane!" atid the old m mm rtWt ,^ ! ig ■■ ^ 1 can’t! I c&rt’i! t ain't a going to," lobbed Jusll-^'' 'bi'n't ito uas talkin', II |*d ortty 'XL'.-i’fod suiitethiii’, il’s dial.--— drtefor; *.ih, Lord! I’ve swore, and Miss Eunice ii dead! oh molouj goody! what b* 1 a go! o' io do? oh d*nr, oh dear! oh Miss Wttflieo!" Parson Pltahcr vould nut urmsinilH" (he poor folioWT grief w»s lim deep, H’hti aould ha thinli of tn *on»o;e him ilaaptisi j cumforl to Die li,- vaUif »iauf "Hi over .tosll'x piiteht I'hrlxtiaHirer. (!r.-;it was flic tislOnishnient of ih.t w'lole cmign-galHm on Sunday, whert Jo- h's Intentions were given iVi>m thy puljdl: and sirnngely mixed und hesi tating the t nt-'in* I, ■ received after h-.- marrjiybH "dUelvAuoic. phiue. In the. ftiiimvlog’ vVcekr'' PS^itjr I’D a’ I Will Ifjflifi'l IhVd' III f ¥5!^."»'-'rtraiei5s Bi, tinnford, w itb W J b 'Lbbi for Irtl'dUit, Norfolk; qSjbsc* KdrUitkiu-nt \V«bi tit Cove Wmw. - , .., TtiwMffit'iiK* f.t»i rtiity r Iiy oi-dcl'lilg direei noiit nlit will I,- riyblt thY^tf’US r.A) Tv^tVin.dL M sent Iiy tindl ioi nt) jnt ul jii'hv.J?: Li liny |iiii‘i Of N o'Dr foi'iflibi, H. a rriiate. vvteehernia pi ilosl; s pr-oj-'l-t: ntld lul l loffekmo* 1 . <!f’' L' j ,iaJ,s’ Having* Hank of i(:;|-ihn !i (iiU iri4v.J53Jto i Arrkc**mffi ' '' , f. • ,. , | ., , j ! 1 Tld* train mimeeviimiwwlbu with riiirnlinu, (.e-rg . AUdmm lo ! ( .mL «i? U Noo'IH-"*"' 't«in onlbt-T f * ’ ““’’"JlSiJSWSKSSSR’SI 3. * s-** iii‘feiYitiv*ii* fb hiv rr^,^|!]|^v.;: a. nt ' ‘ * 1 I ’'" ‘ 1 ' 1 ' .eaves Fiorcnic. ;2iOP I DAlLV MJ.AL'D ‘I'HAIN. ’ Leaves Uartsvlllcj ftV)3 : .'V M Jot aim, FivjM-'ai ■ Da.ibrtp'.Ufi . unw In ,n,| ame aiiimi 3 luuus m Riilcigii ills K'li.-floial effeet* 'will, j!' 1!'-' ' V' t r.uhi- n nit mum t* but that d* 1^4 M r agjdnst his; , ; II) T» f ;j K»H Hill) W;|2 111,' * of htlltSlOit'Op- ! ar*. its scolds Iti-iiaigt affabut iff i|fi .it-hi I'eVet'a-- Lut ilie i oie b'-kab? Kli-.* kriO i.'iii fariii 'luf-is-' gyitliefiy rtlc«h. fifi! svei'y ^iirmeiit of hac.bosri.n.ikir'dpor iihtt , T wirN iytp S' 'Wifw a. "fo-stf Ah&i . ty? nmkSHti**** S3 SHOE un/iSihu. Jail enter 8foi3i:n« foi Octuieairs, ladles, l:oj» and ttiMs* aratbs ;!''£: l :*V Bfist In thft World, so* -aeimripiu* *'iwrni6- ' meet wMch wPI v.-jkm la tsii« piow. •. f Take po Suhvlituto, litit UiMit fU hXrAflB > AV. I*. aamo ftnU. iipJce eubiihjd ca bottoms Holtt by ilrt-oni. Dr.rUngt.iii. S. (!. - r*—4 11) 5 ^ row fee A i-eak/ ail worn out tako;.' afiowk'8 im mmi- THIS PAGE CONTAINS FLAWS AND OTHER