Tfcw Great Pang** JUtaohad to the Exoltlag >/ork—Sometimaa -iMtd <#%los Are Not Always Dead. ... Tho: rho'i^Jeii^tt lianMwd L, l.air,. awl, ^ || 10 j u las in t!i'» ‘‘.5!iii.mclo Plays’" to t H ■ R jine, wnieLtii'Jfjiafenutllto tlio fli-sli- imbed led hurUktiK it hlav eitlior ing at titnoi(||1|M^a i , ) ||0j|l—with a greater volifmejJC however —it invv rnu, vis it ij. termed.. wlion it gets wrtfjnedmprtoita \yurk ami .tliaV affright Mtktl* etartled ahow by tuo close proxim- Uy of >o atrii'isfj a lod, mli :ffte^r^ta^ v ‘a))iil --fait w* Tuo offloer '’ifotsa set” wfei.lijs imml Utice ami jdiniges ubbitt five of tw aiitlhwjtH'atwa with': out ceiwitig in tftpm •ijonitiw,. faini.b'mv' lfhtnvp 'i%* MW, \Ia Hi ror OOfcure ar«1he rodahan Red, Hair. il’af* Colleffion oj lishedVinS ISIS wing f flProm irt; ^mt%isfwori®y tl« A French proverb 500 years old, aaya: “ Sajutea re«l_heade<) mnji oir boiirded woman at tKi'rlv" Teet off with throe stones in thy dst defend thee if need b' > . In o:irlv times all pictures of g of .1' Ju.Wwer^lWoWfi'Wffri' oT tl iwa-s ^nnided -.wi th; ityv ; l Jii.rspt "vorted tl»e 8micrsfiti<*«j|9 people o be middle ogef ijp'tiV^'ieh ,i pr>.y ; 91 c<^p(iny*...^y()J : all ckiss.*' ^•raii to ..denounce “ the seiistd!^. pn-jiidic v ainast thds * ,«Vf If :l.> ..Vdorcsl'. liau;.” . pyr.wio ‘d * :> PT:' ioriuV'iirhis" w .8btttfs Jfid EiiVjfire' Jf' thd'Siift ^ S;ff I!'; non on 8k „ ^ ! -lii to an>- ;(/: Two Wft U-as::ml dsdiWjMwtl hdr..,; i A tVfthpJrt^ chiipc^ ^ puWf.v.nt *»» MimH&AWMi iktmswhl.ift u}i)atlw jssuaa-iaNBJ ii thtl fldrry. De.ith lii4ft>W ihbrWy . , V^fsdmwt; ^Im ibfpqti bi% h bWl*T4f j ii'wmfdljMimiaaflijittutt: the whttU, (luring mijifi m i *m ^ jii, fifty tUj> old maM*# elittttw uf^t- i«e m. wt: to .im M,mf, qwu prom twenty to„tw^nyvAyc^h ; chapce. ui inpreMWJiVlo « i>(*r'cent,; |rpm ‘twerity-iryo fo ilgrty.'it'tti- tnftii^hysg . ttti thiMy' to 1 (hi^y-flyb,'' : "c6urt From ■tHitty-fiyo'r; to' 'toffy’' the ’it aOi tlh'fflerHovi wdm»tu Wheels;.. A ng the at jar tiea ! Tangict, foro tself upon j ■comer, is”* kind of In the entire city (which is an ex ample of all the others in the em pire) thare ft sot wvcti rttonlrey ? to cart, for the streets are much too darrp^v tohdMit-bf/their^itP.’rfiin^ transportation of passengers and ftiwrdrandMe tr -efwrteri'ttpon tiro becks of donkeys, horse i, mules and s . Cainelsj I Aconfihig i to. : d*e Weight and the distance. - I There are but few streets into wliieG a ihtdMl bK^iSlomiRl'Miter 4 ,' pud not mfWnsWt/k’tifre tih which jie could puss another loaded camel pr |)pmp., ( t^iye of , the snioll^r, i|>trebts ; mfo so ifafflrvy.' even : the ’ paftnfefs df 'ii f :tkey' would scrape upon either sttlp. ao tlijit^n the city itself the. ifaljspoftation devolves Wpori thin keys f/ ! •• Cahalirir BH-dJ. •; ; ij Theije pretty cnAtufes ate oft^n ' verod with. mmoyiii^ rennih. ihe momiagr ttoaftfiJt WilPbe ehtr* ired with mihnM m! epots, .no Btn ill that they mo hard! y be row. witlt th? poked eye; thcsa are mi' parasite*; a ftWatAnHoy. InWW’titoMlt&k’X * .-‘V.i • tV^i'irimif t'li'>>►(■-•: .•./ ,i. •: ‘-..Isawt ,vni; s! ..! . *ublltetelttM«>ff ptenUMh Uil.tip-r teM'fefSfffe lions of say lug i. ^l wn ri Muwiim ofi R f»' eiuusi but I am sbw a Uppublicpu,. and America is th« undiar.thgs*. |hat love liberty." T -. >. ; :r' k . A -V ( : Thte^reeieilty : W ; MecopUrig^oo ^dl known and to popular.a» to special mention. All who hare lijed ileutrlc Bitter* ting the ume unng.of ■ ‘ssfwwifm ... JUibdVfltUe#tteft:' tfb*te Itntiiltf otlti A ottepehtei 4«rX U;4taLifil i prtMiangei' Wuiki a^i daadit bijw- ter th< Worlds urn nri timt .a be dead, ul hoeition in 5f hoHUtf lelljte totoakethe to'thsreaeel, a- ifiWdktWWhale ll te jitm posed to like a Modem team teWfopfti^prop. opd tft| .meo with the weMel, A- - *% or%^ri W‘r d^ui: whaUi'whAi chrt ^fiftt^Ml' «BBt tb .; I Iteat dual Iter iplsclitef in the w6rl*l If a greater BttpibfffAf fWo^stUttefud) . r^Wkfte fpi' fiflisi6f Wlteti ejthlU- .wa^jttidQW of an ..when seventr-oa' ' ' .feivai Wiwit te ulgtii HumdreMsltlrtsi you don't wear aaciptitw ‘I Beamed . yify. rahfscrk wae a > trifle I^ljtatedl^"6hi»*-Ye8)th0 triv* ikUty «14 fhe.Domplication we^ 'to m«)M it btsbhainesa^imd ptiM : .r^j puftlks returning a funenkl,‘ (kmt feetabte JoOBte for t iucbiaa deeire to .wee] ju solltudii Xkattn^wtoee.aft 4i|Uon oTaWity deretfytioiSiY w ^ Iri tkt Naar.f irtul!#, , i.?W!*j»rgr*nW*M*» ifMRstrazor'tJjit montar ., iuobthe, too? TbdWre' Wth odl yn use foi Riiccessff&of alf%l- f} mary lailicines. a» alien rapine Qgriy Ktijgcs oMLoHsumptiJa it chofl further t^pwena otpie disuse, ^j0f eveniat a ^crteeritKl,« ca: cAflic 0i distressing cough, aiul enables thfi patient' to pSScu^iiiuehflftededTei t. In emergencies arising from Croup, I'neuinonia, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, ’ and Whooping- Cough, it proves a veritable household blessing, affording , prompt relief, followed by certain eure. ! '-t ,, n:.Vliig*ftie>UVs*rf.,|>/igjs J .Manehester, Vt. for Infant* and Children* %-9rfc *' C*M flr/ki is so well Adsfdcd'tochfldren that f n*com::ijrti J it as riperivV to any prescription mown to n? ” U. A. Jtncni n, M. D., ; j .... * U Ca Oxford CJk., Crookijrn, >\ Y< . Parent, Uppi’r (jiuedhstmfy. X. B. Ayer’s ChiTryM .Pectiofsl • < >irrld.if»7!Ugl!.S|v.:j';nd: : . .: Iijii'jtcpiiidi - ., I ever, eolib’'— Janiw A ( . . jiphnson. ueii. jlrr., dareliiS's’vtlle'it.t:' "' ' Cmetorte enre* Cotie. OowVtjattbn, 8™wttit»:T#u:;V' r .. ' Hit :!< s-jJ>> iVfUnt'krStcw^Mcime Siwiiig Muchiuc? -v L. Hi I iilflU: , VA: -o ..,,,..,1 ... Do Voil lisa: iii:.,' 't iVuiit : tlie : Im'tircved'lS'ti. 9 WlieelH AsWiUoib&frltif^jiibiuujf? baM£ux, • D^ ItoH-- : -’-"'^‘' •• .vV: * % ibti t bi'..Stmitiiu4 .St'w i.iig jiiibliiitt^i-' m , ioi ^ ? iv * rt > *'■* V'-i-n* .'»t|; ::i w >'•;.'••• I • • "•• alt-ail'-tite-laU,»l. iitii.Kj : vt:d BAKkiA-. ; - •• 1 Wuiit u'puir of Wjtfolltit Stlocs to krb* Joft Htl-re ittniiHfe!’ i : " ;,, ;"A(?t6n:vHi^. !l ' ' : !:r * ! » • ' : - r - ' - ‘ :: " • ‘ ' "• ■ ” '’TAiiiio^iS'ic^.. ;;;;; ‘:''ll.UtMf>NU;AS. Kettles ioK-i 'Si imt if fi gffttrwn l lOflUWr 4 YlW^Wu'fMUOW HH teffiaiMi.*®® |t WsrMfiwlhH* ckWHKrliy fnipurcMoetl. IrffVSiil vWra^fn’lta ting r husband is but lb 1 pte oettb bfiRiclittdljj.e.'tt sJlndiil, tEnure rn(faumiijnjsmr it'jwswi : .wi.:0',ltlbd- thitt:thd’tRblo wfttttdWi^lfrfen : a» saitkMd 61: RTaragea: dute-.’.Nt Rrt»iy ; to wiodWft ■ re-Accuretektatisticmiia, who would not bd odught id d mil* ftp ?w4* ■*' > tftlM fa.o. Mi ,.:.l ^SSSsyffl- itirt*** fill Habii to fOTgja th^lrtVittl and uniMpoHait tiiMggt . .h,.:.. ' •M#ri dfMArt/.trtvM, . ‘TUi^iflMu df , Tdi3c«y;b«*W. to* lunrv HOB wtrep,./ jlffc fipffVFYf* »• 6-’t.i ^xjuktifirikiv bpii j teUfHrwlwtaw^*h»i#i ( #o* •'.go Inis at least •to* .Wwingr mw sows .plapa lwr41a(ut‘a 7S ti& io etgiity-tWo. ;.f: Tltk vddotv s epritiean Rt hoy ago are, J thdreforo, sovbtitT'six to ; wgbty*tW0 timer I wtter tlnm that nf.-RspimtiiT, 1-^ iV-' ;~C»*ap ^Qouin'a. ; Very •tegit#«.Hful : by'no. : ««Mts mentte costly tea gowns . «m be inade^dt Ujjtat isumiaer ima 1 torirtl* and-illke purchitwd at the stiles, for fabrics toe bright ntul too tBuebotit of. tlatp for gener il wRar makiMm sfltect»,vdr & there iicoomraodaliuB. ^..i^ws^ip libi. tfei^two.Qr three tauncs.lemle, charm ^.tbeifnever- ? A .pretty woman Is ;rtjiVer : set pretfy «S wbShrflbed id ibe dainty grttoe of tbs tea gown, auda-nbtitv ond te soAttWcttve that sven the crifie forgives her for iidt beufgbeauttfUb ; I ' 'i i • ' ••.) : . DIvoroMcl rt Beotia net, , r . T^re hiis been n largB-iucrease iiti tbei’mmtbsrtof “divorew gran tod 'to Scotlsod dn tetei ytearei . Be. tweMi 1804 iRUd T8?ri the AVOMige number was Utirty^flve * year, wMobi itioroiisad .to futy^nins be* twsen 1014 ami .1AM,: : Last year iar divorce decrees wore greuted thorei'Rb agidnri -1(18 la llolnmi eigbtfSttiue : ia : 10OQ.;., Of. last year;* decrees sixty-eigM iyere ob- tutnod by husWiidit' ami fiftyrnlue by t wives. Infidelity was the grOumHor cqltfsiLiei'ably more than half, >•.)» !j*,{ vit-fc ' |. 4 |!: ; v BriMdlftg ths Hsllr; 1 ' ! '• ! - ,: ’'^eo^te .\riip braid ' their back hair ure now raising it up' higher «ml .bi)}idi‘tg'.iii: Uc^ry ,j)iore!fo ithe tepmfbs.bpitth thou, il ia looped down pn. tuo neml mid fastened cloedry : tfi it' Tito■ reitson for tiiia A fAtxoj' pm ta lioid them in posi- tion. ,Htul ibisMrrdngmajut.of tbs bnir. nwkep: tben^. more comlort- r ..,.'A Noysl Sensation., ,! Jljss Ceptmiltes-Ne, Air. Carb- !: Mr; OcicdifeeS^I .never thought fij '■* •l j . i •' 1, -. * Mr? Crehless-i Wanted' to see bow b man feels who has just lost a buntlred thousand dollars,^ b”* - .. Net Se Bed Alter All. Hebie-^ Yee, Undo John, they .wTV-i.i ^,.•.■•. n* Thing; Hji WM 8ur« Of. ■ imws # «S; ! .juitl botUagtvjijlroxifiprugslciltfl, 'ikrmtfc; Art., May Til), I8W.:- Mem*. LippiUdii Bros.; ?• ;" -" HSitWaiiiltib, Ob. OsftUeteedf' t bave'fiad ItbsiftekP liani abdrtt t^o inentks ditgitg last 1 winter; was eonfitiefi Wtty roomuttwi Of tire time. f : ssw ; Aa ; ' adv^nlsw meutdif- the Saline ConHef rewm^ iitendhfg 'P; ft re tt'onre . for BtattittMthm, • I bought -three-Iwt. iiesjibnt before ! got : threugh usiag the third bottle 1 WM cured, amt have felt the'llhemnatleRr since, i It je midmibtedly tin* best remedy for jHliettinutieni i ever tried ; I can cheerfiilty r,eootntnend 'it 'to the pub* lie, ■•'Ttjurs trulyp,; ■ . . ’ ' D. M. ^t’XXlX&HAMp. Head (K K. Ryan’s advertisement to-dayt He guarantees a cure for Organic stricture. References furnish ed Bit (Ijlplic'atiou. ■' <‘Beauty” may be “only the shin- deep’,” but the secret of a beutltlfill skin is pure bfood. Those course, rough, pimply complexions may, in most cases, be rendpred soft, smooth and fair by the prirsmlbg aud syste matic use ofAysr’sSarsupiirilltt, Head 6. K. Rysu’l advsrUsement to-diiy, Ha guarantees; a • cure for kidney discus*: References furnished on opplitati6di' ? - 1 '* " *’• •!• : AtTO^SYs- at - : R.\W;' Do Volt ., .. •' . a littpdboipt Spring Suit for $5.00f DO Votl . • ' --in,., .1 . . iTi Want a bill-gain in these uml olhvr goods in otff'Hue f Bred Liteksi Good ilooks arc bibfc than sjkiu deep, depending Ulxm a healthy Cbn- dittou of all the vital orgaiis. ‘if the liVerbciuaciive; yorh have 'll bilious 10dk, if yutr stofiwch be discorded yon ha,ve a dysjieptio look mtdifyuur kidneys bealfceted yon (wviiapiticbr ed jeok. (Secure good hcabh t(nd you will have good looks. JBlectl'ic Bit ters is the greift ‘alterdtircl and Tonic acts diredtlf on these vital, organs. Cures pimples, blotches, jxdlsi and •; w.,,!- 1 • » i - I-: 'u-ialM, f> id ki ■ ,: . a OillHaut 111 •! ■’ AVllIjiMrilreiii Sii gisirand (TocfaTl; ■ . a , I'tWH-*;':'ifl iriitlofe .Will'tl* gkcp | f f*: itt ^ : ' -7 .. ; to all hUjdnc*R.ftlti;u*t!5^...lp ijisi, , . j ......,i . . h '••/: : - Culloo ns. We-will be jdaiecd tp serve yp(l.‘ ATJWltat s. -r'l-v -n xviV bicm ,,.. PAithUVOTON, .s, c., . ; Bet . In, tiw-yaltbdJjtsU’f Ctmrl Had.In tbi itfi.ahd 811, fclrctiji*.,, Proiupf ifinite) SrATlOitAltY, «1„,* Ohuiiiw.iiv| rtf iii.rtsiiiiuidk HucHtion Stt all.imjtlhfcs* snfi-ustbtl to tac. ftWrWWMF 0fflc e. dw-btlttb, next to The Oar- Pfl^Si inaint, llbraiil iiinte. ‘ - ' • - : PLOftENOE fit D4flU\6T09l, 8. f, ftOQfeB, safai.ii I iafti-ii'ifjJL ..> 7 TOtit. «Mn imBUm Of Simp Usrd Ol'gftnsl will sell at tmrgulmi. 8<|UsiT, Olatid and t’p* right, at liuniat prices and till liberal (cruiH, OrgiM Of very tics! (pialify, al - ' . ..: rt ajHiiiubJe prices and «>U aectmimudatliig leruis. Write Tot* Ciitdlogitei M,A. malone&Bro, COLU3ttlUA, 8. €. 1 Nf Hi—OfdfM f«r WimI Masle will hire pramiH attmtlan. Special : ritWlitioii puid to the buy- Ingdnd'SPlllug of real estate, collet lion of rentsi ie. . • " The llrietcst attcfitidn WlR be paid to. all business enthisted’fhc. PETER BOWLES DOES FIRST CI.A8R t^rtpGT Kfttlglng. Kalsomine Work a Specialty. He solioits the piia-ouage of ., i ; ' ' , l>arling|oti. JEvVyi'SHTTOV 1 •• ■ Is preparcit to make . ., MILL'S 4$160.00 TO $900.00,1* &fiOlflES&BOlL&RS TO SUIT. 100 IN STOCK. MIMHAitil A CO., AtigtiNto. On Of your l«Mr.V. Rdn'l dr I ay;, you may lire to roarei i;;' ' s ‘ , “ Studio In jleWltl lllnck' " ' ■ 1 Jt-Wta-flro-;' * i ;,•:,! = ... gives u gdyd complexloh.. Sold at- Wilcox’s drug sture^bOc. jifer bottle.. the gloomy fettrs tittd the wearj. liees of sopl, of wlilob |6 mmly'com-j plain, Would disappear if ; the blood were niade ht^fe healthy : before it roaches,the' bruju. AyeFs Sarsapa- riila'purifte* and vitalizes the blood, a|ul thus OonduCes to irealth Of body and blind. ^ *' ' ' ’ | Duckleu'a Artilctt Salve, , j The best Mitre.In the world for culs bruises, sore*, ulcers, salt rheum, fever' sores, tetter, chapped bends, clilHilaln*, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures plies, or no pay required* It ' ' eeerfi ^ Isguarant eoedtoulreperfect sansfactlon, oT money io|untUsl. Price 28 cents i« t bottle. Fqr sale at Wllcox's.dnig store, irmiiorf; i.ifte tiili Watch idll < have, trinlu |t off fur . nnotlK-r at •r< »• " - * .:-ir I J, -. M.ISOA'S JEWELRY STORE. ffttetifif ^wstiftttt Children Crv for i.-i f Wim< fadtetriaelMi, (is giHberEteiteiMu WkstutwwieaOBiWiUtedftedltwCsstefte. wnw sto tteMMM*teE steitrerete ctoMM. wren Sto M QbMite, *• give tteta tMlrih .1 I repreiont Twelve of ihe most relldde PI re Insurance- I'ompanl-fs In the world—' XlfltilU llism, the' l.fverjlind a (ii l (jondoii and ftlobv.inf Knr.l»hd, (lie larucHl lire 'Cmtij-aH t- Irt I life world; and (lie .tRtuli of Uarlford., Ilie largesi of all Ailiericsn Are Coippanlns » - Trottpt altemloo t-i'Inndnrgi rtnd sans ... faction guafantertl., P.E.A«KMF.\T. ... , BAHMJfnTt'N, R.C. Offlre lielwri’tt lilwants, Kbrittiedl CONSUMPTION In It* early atagai can be cured by the prompt • Uiebf fyeraChenyP&totttl It teoothee ibe Ihfianiell tleAueif Hide texpeotbratldhf and haetefi ! reepvery, ; • ' Dfe J. 0. Ayer A Oo« WM»» Si. BASAXAfl, ' ^01 \ APPl.Kte, OI4AlkX>£i. (ANDIE*. (ANDIE* BOOK AND TOY COMPANY. j nmes Allan & Go. 28& Kteg St. “ ‘ . S, | Thq bargesi .lewclrV Store In the 8lai, _ SOLID PLATES OP Islttl la the Saeki »f SPOONS AND FORKS At Politraoit ExsonS te We«r, >id this j,1it«4 «>tin, eioatxUlas silver ui STANOARD PtATE. Su.ruMMd n *«•, It y**™. Will Last ft Llfstimt. MORE DURABLE Tlutn Light Sterling Hllrer. AsSsstAsKthsCMt Cichsrtiel, l» «*wp*d X. Otollif tihUSX. ’(*:« nuat Rttle tteri ten . yadjcTtlii b U-(;r Cats* l Icsmal rjltet: Aiarr ito cfewimi ksnafirlarertsaljr by : . tns HOUtKS A KOWABUS ULTtU CO. We are Side Agents litre for flu 1 , bo gimds and keep a rull Hue of iliero u -STOCK.- ia addllloti to: (M;r large and tlegau Hlol-k »lf Solid' Silvdi'WM'c.' 1 Gold find Silvoi WA IClieif iif the mosi approved mnk era. .: • • i ]i . ,i, ..„ , ^ 1 IHitmttutlrt mnlttftcri lit Jllfigs, IMhsu i •=^-- -r- DARLINGTON i ,Ton DvwpEpeia. : • . —All kinds of— •;.... 'litrlilu-Jl (tiiiinu'UtH, , .,„ • ■ ■ . Tilt (let (4, 41 nil . ; , f ; iK V. ..GrMVt* *litftps nrnlsltcd on. ehosW fWlirr, .and sr cheap as ran he purclissctl Mstwfiere'. IP" Ueslgbs and-^lres tortilslinl *pb dcllvcrwl Free oti line bf ('.A I). Uailruad, v; /. _ Mirlila Wiiflii," ItAHMNOTONj 8>Cs -.1, IS hbn y-'ti are In.the citv don’t fall to til at tlir KnterprfM lltrtelBnrlicr Stwp. .i U Ui'vonly rtrsi class shop In .the city. Fashionahlc hair culs, flrst < lass shaves mil t In* •;>' -•.. (jJiCHt AniMrtii ! Klmmimoa Fmir polite. racrlWrH'atM sys on lisnd to JIIXOK A it xni.KR, *■• Propridiors. O-V-ilm. :m - LUIMEL^ \Y,- lake tftcmotw hi Mtvtiiaiuping licit • <>«rd prcpqrial. u. ijlidlvcr llrst cji** ij'iiler, ••t'Hifv. ■Iiii(4«r|rfhii4, Id Mlynirt tf Hie loivit ; Tke urisat IWvy . riretT ii !> ixo-l. vr!il>-l( t.i^Ucs ilitr ItluPier : I in .rii casily Wirkeil. • S ol ir l--., a’li- < i-r’i 'Hi,. iu. iU or .mVe litciii at tlm l-ltiu i flW •,iw«sv«(,vw. THIS PAGE CONTAINS FLAWS AND OTHER nPFPrrsIVHiriT MAY APPEAR ON THE FIT M.