HERALD PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. J. S. McOREIGHT, Proprietor. WALTER D. WOODS, Editor. SUBSCUIPTIOV IN ADVANCE: One Dollar a Year. ADVERTISING RATES. Tbansient Advertisements 75c. pel square for first Insertion, and 50c. per square for each subsequent In sertion, Business Notices 10 cents per line for each Insertion. Obituaries exceeding six lines charged for at the rate of transient advertising. Liberal Discount made on contract or standing advertisements. DARLINGTON, S. 0. Friday, March 24,1893. Mr. N. Frank Parrott is the author ized agent of The Herald. He wilt solicit subscriptions an l advertise ments ami receipt firr money. Some of onr exchanges are still harping on the silver question and reminding ns that the majority of the Democratic party, as they claim are iu favor of free coinage. It may be the case that a majority of the people who call themselves Democrats art advocates of this fallacy, but it mu#! he borne iu mnul inid the vw) essence of Democracy calls' 1'w i sound and ttuuic national currency, add sooi course those alio lieliove'n. unlimited coinage of silver are little cd iu Democntuo principles jhft Here, tuid Should post UiemselYu iu fejftti'd Iv Huauciai waUers, Nv iuteliiueiit nliih Wild w’iil jive tut SUbisct unprejudiced study but win rsKiUiy pcrwivo how utterly ruiuoin fl'Ue iron id be to the busiuc** Jutcl’Cst* ut Hie coitnuy. U e, of tin feptitil eltnlU sddiy in iwu of Hioit teoucy, but we Want good money anv. hyt sometUiu- that prswaus to i,v Wuitt U U not. dir. iii c . Perry, or Greenville, is it. WusUiogtoU trying to secure tut j'tiiitiou oi coLecoir »t Charleston. siucei’e.y mist that he will U hi*R t 4Mi«t«w, and the ,-Uee given, a. . vuia , cua . tJl it “ugiit to be, W tfome mail from L’htd'le-rWti. V»w ilml ddt WteUUoo sayiU^ adj thing iu tue way of enu- cifidg ady' oi tile applicants foi fstiei'ai positidiK, cut we uiaKe an gieCptioU lu. the vSiedf .Ur. I'ei'iy, Criticisliff the i'Mrts. One ef the growing and most re prehensible practices of the present day is the enstom of criticising the findings of the courts, and accusing thejudges themselves, of both preju dice and ignorance. Of course no one pretends to assert that those who preside over our courts of law are above criticism, bnt it would be well to bear iu mind that both State and National Constitutions provide abundant safe-guards against judges who are shown to be ignorant or cor rupt, and they cm be impeached for any Lrangression, and this being the case their decisions, both in criminal and civil cases, should be accepted us a fair interpretation of the law of the land. No greater evil can befall us as a jieople and no greater blow struck at our institution than that we should lose coufidt nee in those men who, on account of their high character and legal attainments,have been entrusted with the highly responsible duty of interpreting and enforcing the law. In every country, blessed with a con stitutional form of government, the aim of all law is absolute justice, not only the people at large, but to every individual as well;and while the law, like a!l things of human origin, must bear bard iu individual cases, it becomes the duty of all good citizeue to submit to its provisions, for the safety and peace of society at large. No greater impetus can be given to .yuoli law than this unjust aim giiufitut criticism of UicjuUge* when .Heir decisions happen u? coutlici .villi our interests or prejudices, aim .vuoever, oy word or act, soeiis to uuuet'iniuu the cuulideuce ttiut we otuuul fed in the integrity aim wisdom of our judges, is an enemy to -lOdiety aim nn abettor of muL vloleiuw, vVlvhutlt Just laws, and their fearless mid impuitinl execu tion no truly civilised guverumeui w«u existi hut without hh mcornipu- me judiciary vue grandest code oi .«wd ever framed by human wiidom would be useless and of uo effect* Vie nave oeeu led to make the above remake iu consequence of Inc wi'iltoum und abuse mat Have been ,1011 reu out on Judge I'vimuutoii on account ot Die ueeuwu in inerttiiroau it cnees, Tue*e criticisms, ont- rugeoas as they i uquestumably are, oe Worthy ot notice, owlii_ us limy did frvui those whost WANTED, AT ONCE. TWO ENERGETIC YOUNG MEN of good address to sell and collect for the Singer Sewing Machine Company In Darlington and adjoining counties. Good pay to the right men. Address, THE SINGER M’E’G CO., I. H. Morehead, Man’gr, 3-24:4t Columbia, S. C. The Latest and Best Imported Fabrics. The styles and qualities shown by McCall & Burch are especially attractive iu Dress Goods NORMENT At CO., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS AND LADIES’ GOODS EXCLUSIVELY. - .* * * • ^ Our stock is all Hew and Fresh, and to Cash Buyers in these lines we offer special inducements. Soliciting a careful examination of our stock, we are, Respectfully, NORMENT & CO. NOTICE! -:o:- Oo You Want a New Home Sewing Machine? Bo You Bo You Want the improved No. 9 Wheeler & Wileoa Sewing Machine? This season. They range low in .comparative prices, bnt are exceedingly dwira. We in Puttcruj lii all The Latest Fruit Shades. .guomuw M owy exceeded by then .loiiucal venom, hut when the gover- uor ot tue Qtate eoe-i lit to io,e aiglu ! of the dignity or hie high othce aim uiu in tide uiicalled tor ubure; L Want.the Standard Sewiug Machine? Tbwe are all the latest improved and guaranteed to give satisfaction. \ Grand Spring Opening. Do Von »u You Do You If So, Waul u pair of llcyuoldi Shoei to wear you twelve months? Wiiiu w hundkonw Spring Suit for $3.00 ? Want a bargain in those und other goods in our line ? « Call On ua.JjWe will be pleiiidj tojierve you. BLACKWELL BROS. ihiratiitarailtihallul. oo^etiijg to| lWcguJlW ,ulatKr tiidi deserves the: 1 ^ w,lU U w, «5 tt ; ,overa»t t^isuie from those who have! * • gi »» ^ 1,w u, ^' l0 ‘ UlV |aot ouuwiy lost eOndUOaccm our hudJsUaoerous ariloms U.at appeafeo | ut ittW( u u tUui iWvrt from nu pen, cdpaqi* of auh tue man I W/itiUg Slttfli Vyu JJU'ao I ttoiiee is not ill iu ueivta.ivOi.tee. \V\ f. * Uo Ubt raise the queswou et ins »u t .- porting the present otule «dmtuieUb- tiou, wttmu oy the way u« seem. ready w aoeeiv, aha tm* ueaeu^u tv sltow uu airier iaC* ot 4 viiuoai pi'lu* Ciplej, Oat »»:u 4 ily oo^ect to anti o.i uwoeuai ot m» uoui'«eav<» wad Veno.i. dtii'lag t;iy cauip«i 0 .i, iu wunm, Uirvo^ii .toe euxt.au.v ol uia . the Greeav.ue De.aovtat, ue WuiaUiv. nearly ail tue etuics ot tair joarnui' isltt. Ain. list' dOvVi'IOflJ tVllWlv a^qUU/r, uoJ writteu un aruow u. whlou siic rery sdreroiy enuouvs cu. Sinilil uud tue i.Muener.i peopu. Witaout aaUi'rd.Xiag to uos.vcr t... Charges taai oil's. Lease muxe. Uguiiist oar people, we use tue iioeiv Of (Uygoitijjj tu.>v Vile coiidue >u. oriticiSaM to w e people ot til it iltti. iliac udoi'us suou a utting asyLiai to. nil the cudiew variety ot politic... figitmur# witu wumd v.ts owaotry i- adjictAl, a.ia .lev.ho ner time a.... taiome to me uiorai aaa - puniioa. rieVtttio.i Ot tudse W.10 have madv hlemsifi.es I'laio.iooS in mo e,e« u. the W.hoW Cv'.mwyi J tie CO.ivUei'i. peopW, like titoseotUii otJar Section., have their la.tii-s, u.it tnoy nau hever wa le ui.nisii.T 1 * tue unjecL o. ha.vale alia sooru, aim are jet vo desce.td U) me iolv pdliildal level o. the citizens Of liitiiwis. Tile .Sculhei'.. Mates, owmg to tue un.iuialcus voum- tidii of affairs v.uai courronted ttieui juat otter tue war, nave gout threugh some pretty Violent political sociitij hut have never disgraced themselves Ht, tile Ktale of A.UiSt.s has dene, anu It they need any mural or social ole- ttttioii, they win oerUiuiy not setk u IfOUt that Dtatu, who, at let aiTayiug tbemselvee iu two hostile camps, Which was bad enough, made them- selves more ridiculous by their dis play Of abject cOWarmce. The bdUthenl people, Whether right or Wrong, have at least the manhood to tight fur their conviction*, ill's. Lease is simply a nuisance und a ffre< toaftd, buk she U at home in jUnftU. i J udge 3i. non to a was wrong, even I hai would not tarnuu any adequate ex cuse tor the abuse that lias been neaped upon him by tiiose who were well aware that they could do so with impunity, knowing tail well that he cod id riot ueienu ftsmeeil against their slanders. Judge dimoutuu is a .lative of the Htahi, a man of high icgui attmnmcuts and ot irreproucu- aoiccudraatei', ana it is in tue uigiiest uegree itupruUubie lilnt lie wouid use ms oixiciai posiiiou to tue injury or a commonwealth to whose service, both in poit'e a ad war, he has given souk |oi tue best yeois of Ins ilfe. Utiv. Hillman lias never done any thing thin uus been more deserving of censure man tins uncalled for attack on nuvigc (■’imouloii, and ins most de- .oten uuiio.'bn ts caiiudt defuuu hn aarsu aud uddigimled words. McCALL & BURCH, lU Trie AFflt.uu. ue‘a uoea i oeic. At Green Vine tney pointed out an oid M„ v wuo nod left a can of bak- .ng powder on a stump outside Ilia cao.u lor u Wee. to see U It WOUlu explode. After a bit f got into a u- .ersatiou with him and asked if Irtv «iory wai true, -s rccdoa ’’.is, "he eoWmiily re plied, "out how-yo’ gwiae w anoa 'no.it all tiisse ilew taunted purs.ia- 9 uu us unless yo’ sper.nieni u tectie,'’ ••i’uai’s so.” “Why sail, 'bum to' y’ars ago a 'lecthc wire fell down by me coT- House. VVuat did 1 know ’bom 'ivetricityl' 1 didn't kudw whethei dat wire was cha’ged wid Wind oi buttermilk. JSvbuddy had dim lolu me anything about U. 1 ha Mu hud uut fur inyself.” ••And Uid yoiir 1 ’ “Yes sah. 1 picked dat wire up an was Hung eebeu thohsaud frel high an didn't git outer my house (ur eight months after. Dat was spcrience, luh. Dat was deonly way to 1'urn. Does yu* reckon I’d tech another lleotric wire? Nut much! Why, dat eperiettcd has made all the clothes lilies safe fur fo’ty miles around die town, an yo”oonldu’t dun hire ft nigger to crawl freer a bnrtH wire fence If he kuowed it ww a mi ?iE sm mu FG1{—- OR. M’RAES CiUE FOR OmiA.VK' hTRliiiiRE AM) KIDNEY tOJIPhAINTS^ Thl» Medicine U lake . laltniully— mly two doses every twe tiour. —uud is nu absolute Cure Mi orgaiiK’ -tncture amt all ludnny Uiseasos. i. cares stricture without ( .j.iu, iucon- veineiiue or tue loss of one mumciji'c time trom any einiiloym.-nt. No pain m aiduey eomplalut uu.cm there are ciuiplieatlous. It cures gravut or •tune, u,v snitouiiig u and pHks.og it out m to. urtnc in tue form ui a sediment or hut powdcijJ i nave uumb«rsof istcnrs fh»m jjeuplt m Haruweil vouuty wn , nave been cured and are being cureo. i gnuraiitee a curei 1. any uue wn .•we two nuKIfs ot tuls .ucaiuue, an., ae nr she are not snlllcie.,.iy beueliuuo m induce tneiu to cuu.i.iae its use, i will reiuud tueir nmuey. i'lns Mediuiue eau un.y be obtuinet. oy ordering direct from .nc, it, wm m .cut by mail ou reovqit -n p. >cc, ea.Uv, m any purl of Nurfu Cu.i.ina, .dnuu. ilaruiina, Geurais and A.ana.uu u, arueruig ray wnauor for stricture o. nancy uli.*asvi Ueiereitoesok tv' my rcajHiiislbliity , I'ne Hank of Darn well. Barnwell, b. c. JuiMnis’ nuvi.jgs Limit of Larnweii, darn well, 6, C. Jlet'k ui Woui t, Utd'uWell, si. C. .ineriii’ Larnweii coa.rey, l.muwci. fj. Ci A. £, vreufalw, Columum, rt, C. C K. UVaN, Bah.vwkjuI', b. C. (t-Zllil.Hl, I'his is what the CuiUmiila Journal ions i It goes to. juvhs belweeu four and live o'clock ip U.e uiturnoou, .nereby gctuiig an tu.c news uud th market reports oijmc duy, it rvacbvi juul'jiuglnu at seven u'ciuek the follow- ma ninrulug, and is delivered to Un .uiMcnbcis oy ukj news-noys before j eight o'clock. It puts the news lu ; iAit'iiugum uulU seveu to twvuty-foUr | nuuis aijeuu of aiiyJK/tbCl' daily. its term, are eu.iD ,«,«■ year, M.50 six iUuumis, vf.iw Uirr.* uioutns, Ijc. per ui.mtn, or leu Chois I’rr Week, Delivered Fret*. ^.A live coneepuuduui has lieen seotii- d who will keep Darliiigton to the irout. a£ex*o£ife2xt ■2’tailor i^yeiag and 3! ns & lag, i.utcst paUvriialu liiipnrted Hpringant! Summer Uoodn. Stylish Salts Fram {,20.00 to §43.00. »-kti if. To the Ladies of Darlington: You are cordially invited to attend our Grand Spring Opening, on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 28 and 29. Our line of Dress Goods and Trimmings for the present season is a wonderful collection of elegant designs and fabrics of the latest and most popular fashions. The present season marks the appearance of a series of new and beautiful de signs in Wash Goods that eclipse the previous elforts of the manufacturers. It is needless to say that we have them in all the newest patterns and cololings. Laces, Embroideries, Hosiery) Gloves and Ribbons, we are exhibiting one of the largest and finest collection^ ever shown in Darlington. Respectfully, WOOIDS & WOODS. in Fuouiurmu the i'§e of sling SHOTS, j i i FUitiHEH ORDERED A.va> Hint u reward ol iwemy-rreu umiai. uc un'ereii fur any ! anq an indNutwcnti^uf u«uigi>hijgiihbt« ; wryavk itradutr*Wa me m.vuL Iwltu! p.uul lu vutt\,cU anu luut vuch pvlnuu s .•■r «ueu oIIviInu Nhaji nu iiutu uut Icn. ..Mu iWvuiy-hVu Umiaia ur thirty nay o in e U.tlu-bnu^v, in biilh at the dleC.C- i.uu ui toe may or. And that utiier Vuiiiu.iuvN ur puiu o« ureliuaucvs lu- vv/.iN,is(viit willi luiburu liureuy repealed, ijy u.'Uer ui Cuuuen. J. W. Evans, Clerk. FOR SALE. VIOLINS, GUITAR*, BANJOS, AUTOHARPS, TAM CORINES, HARMONICAS. IF YOt D0Ri‘T Like the Watch you have, trade it uH fur auothcl' ut MA30.V8 JEWELRY STOKE. IDLAMMi AND DitlMi. I AM NOW PiUii'AilKD FOR .i.v .-5,aina ana oamm-r aua.uu, and .a, inaon.ij CbhAM.vD AND DYtlM uapevlndy. Aiyua have a bi lled null, muig re diuuirei ana have u u.aUu guuu it to tv i ju-in saw km 4-W.KI. H aL'iu s repuired ami war- ruuteU at a.usbu * Jekeiry Store. Host Quality aud ut lt«u«ouublD Prkck. Rpli.iill I’imioa, WuCrttnl td good u* new, will sell very /eueuuablc. Of K'io|) tiawl Organs Will tKli ut burgHiuii. UtRLlMiTOS TAX KETIRNM. THE TAX RETURNS OF THE Town of Darlinutii'i, S, are nuw on die with the Clerk, anil will remain iipair for Inepectlon until Mareh 2ii. Ite. All fieraoni huvlnx cniii|ilHliUK Hgainat the vain*- of mw-iuitnCTite a«- arewd hy the lVia-1 of A-rwrore nauHi file th-lr funteafa »'*h the Clerk liefnre the date metltlonedi Byorder of the .nyor I . 4| . , . J. W. EVANS, MMMMi B‘rt' CLEVELAND HOTEL Durtiugioii, S. C. BEST §2 HOIjSE IN THE CITY. KdoMS Well light ml and venliluted and eleguiitij furnished, Special rate* to monthly board err. k\ i) mmm rmw CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. In this department we give ’em FITS!?' It will be to your BEYE*lfl r f t To buy your ©U^-FIT, From us at a small ^R0-F1T) If not w e FOR-FEIT All claim to leadership i r n the business. We have 110 RIS-FITS, They are &i\ CLOSE FITS. Come and let give you a FIT. Square, Grnfod and Up right, ut hdiirat priced and mi liberal tertosi Of very heat qil'dlly, at reuKiihulile niiqa., und on acconuHudatllD; terms. Write For Catalogue, M. A. Malone &Dro. COLUMBIA, S. C. K. E—OHm for She.I Music Will lire ;r9l]!MH»?lf»r THE SHOE DEPARTMENT Has always been one of our specials, and the styles we we displaying this season will compare witll Bny go qds to be found. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. In this department we crit) a full 1 of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and our shelves are filled with fresh Cainied Goods and niceties too numerous to mention. All goods are delivered free of charge. WOODS 4jp >VP0JP8t