The Darlington herald. (Darlington, S.C.) 1890-1895, March 17, 1893, Image 2

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AN EASTERN DEAUTY. Then, on n KndeJen, rame a maid With tambourine In dam*** for jis— Allah I!' Hllahl it wuHt he, The Mluve tftrl from t!u» That YusMUf iitirehiwed nn e.nt'v. Louk narrow eye^. a^ tn’u k »u« tilaek! And tiieinti£.-lfl;<* liie Klara in ■iune; ol utxiiX drawn huiouthly hark lYoui ^yidiroWH iike I In* i*ivm ent inoob. Jdir |tank'd tin iitstnid with hf»wwl head. Then, ut :i motion of her wrist A veil of t'o.'-.samei outspread And wrapt her i a silver mint. Her limit wasot »;«rt*en Shot throuj,'h wltn many a starry sjM'ek; Tin* /one that Hasped it nilvcht have Inen A etdiar tor a«*>anet's mvk. None of the I went > eharniK slie larked Detnaiuhsl for |M*i feetue..-s irraee; ('harm it|M»n rhann in tu‘r was parked Like rose leaves in a rosily vase. Full in the hmlenis* colored light She seemed a thing of paradise, 1 knew not if I saw ariglit, Oi it my vision told me lies. Those lanterns spread a Hieatiug glare; Surh stains the\ threw fr -m Oough to vine. As if the slave tmys here amt there had spilt a jar ol hriiiiant wine. And then the fountain*-drowsy fall. The miming hUh-s Im*hv\ scent. The lilgJll. t!ie plaee. the hour tliey all Were full of sumle hlandishmeiit. -Thoinas Hatley Aldrich in IJarjmr’s. IT fid n't Tbocght of It io That Light. A la'ly who Ins reooutly rotnnt‘j.1 fron:, travoliug in Euro-.x* tells of a wise matt whom she met. who seows to have Inea a cousin of the famons wise men of Gotham who put a fence uronml a hush to keep in the uighlinxule who was siu^- ia;; there. ohe was going northward to visit North Caj>e mid to see the midnight snn. On the steamer she made the iicijiiaint- aueeof an elderly g ntltnuaii who said that he was traveling simply for pleas ure and the iuiprovement of hu min I and who seemed to lie a person of nine i learning. Uhe was esjx*cially sirnvk with his knowledge of astronomy, and they talked on this subject a good deal. ••Yon must have given a great deal of attention to the study of the stars," she said to him one day. "Oh. yes," he answered, "I have been Interested in the subject for years, and I have made It one of my euief occupa tions as well as pleasures it Is really because of my love for astronomy that 1 decided to take this trip." "How was that?" she asked. "It occurred to me." he said, "thet so far north as we are going the csmstella Good Looks. Good looks are more than skin deep, depending upon a healthy con dition of all the vital organs. Jf the . liver he inactive, you have a bilious I look, if yyur stomach be discorded you have adysjteptic look and if your : kidneys be affected you have a pinch ed look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Kleetric Hit ters is the great alterative am| Tonic acts directly on these vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches, boils and gives a good complexion. Sold at Wilcox’s drug store, 50c. per bottle. II® Knew Cnnerennien. One of the late Leopold Morse's hob bies was the rehabilitation of the Amcri- ean navy, and las plan of proeetsting was thoroughly characteristic. He insisted on the government giving out all its shipbuilding instead of at tempting ti do any in its own yards. "Spread de vork ofer de whole coast." he wonl 1 say in his Bavarian dialect, "mid you vill haf efery congressman from a seapoard district voting for your abtiro- liriations iiecanse hart of 'em vill go to his own beople. In dat vay yon git a inllkrovvn nafy in npont free years.”— Kate Field's Washington. Clergymen, law vers, public speak ers, singers, and itctors. all recognize I be virtues of Ayers Cherry I’ec- 1 torinl. One of our most eminent public men sttvs: “it is the best rem edy that can be procured for till affec tions of the vocal organs, throat,and ! Iitngs.“ I ^ A Lender. Since its first intioduction. Kleetric Bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and altera tives—containing nothing which pes- m'tsits use as a beverage or intoxicant, l is recognized as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys.—tf will cure Sick headache, indigestion, constipation, and : drive malaria from the system. Satisfac tion guaranteed with each bottle or the money will lie refunded. I’rice only ■'itlc. pi-rholtle. Sold at Wilh-ox’s drugstore. (2) THE DISCOVERY OF Amkuica by Christopher Columbus was a great event in the world’s history. Equally great in its line was the discovery of AYER’S Sarsa parilla, T/io Superior Medicine, for the cure of Scrofula and all forms of blood diseases. It cures others and will cure you. “ 1 <'a' 1 positively _ " " About year assert that Ayer’s A good pedestrian is •iusy going fellow. generally an It Should Belli Every House. J. 15. Wilson, i!7l Clay St.,Sharpsburg, | Pa., aav» he will not be without Li. ! King’s New Diacovery forCoiiaumptloii, . Coiiglm anti Colds, Uiat it cured his wife who vvna threatened with Pneumonia 1 afler an urlac.k of "La Urippc,” when various other remedies and several physi cians had done ncr no goon- itobert H*r- hcr, of Cook spoil, Pa., claims in King’s ... „ , .... ; New Discovery has done him more good tiona must be seen to greater advantiw than anything he ever used for Lung than they ure further south. The air G Tiouhle. Notidng jike it. Try it. Free clearer, and the northern stars of nmr;« can !«■ seen turn’ll better," "lint, my dear sir," Kbe said, some w!wt iWtotilshud. •■) do not see ht>w jam Trial Bottles at' Wllleox’s f)rug Store Large bottles,50c, and J1.00. 5 Sarsaparilla U tho best remedy to bo had for blood disor ders. I have put it AVER’S SarsapanHa 1847 I was covered from head to foot with white scabs. T Ii s doctors who attended me pro- For all dci'HiigcuicnU of the threat | wpeetto study the ntarn to wlvnutage and lungs,AVer’s (.'herrv I’cctoriul i?: by daylight, utul what we are going to ,|... ^,,,,1;., . etfl'sthe Ran at the time when tt iloct. , l l , ul ' K H uni i cu}’i Ku'ii Id Hie mlviinccd a luges of Coiisumptioii, this homlerful jbep. | twt wit «t itli,". All espfesskm lif Hstmiisliitiem Hilt! tils htilj 1 catut* over 111" face of the wisest,m ., •‘i don't set* how I can have lieen * ^ ntion* Il'lK'f, clucks istttjiidi" he exckitumd, "bid really 1 CO tghiug, ui.d inducts sleep. ttuvit thought iff that nntil this tun f —. _ utwiti*-Youth's Cotupanicu. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla* A <ii>ml 1‘Ihis for Diirlt., "Tiu 1 client of a fried nt mine who Ciltm* from the laud of tit. Patrick erected lu the •war.i of New Yofit city a structure wl li pilas- tors- of UUi for the facade a.i.l vriih riwty tin for the roof, with a eellor Isi'.ow for fovvl-n'lilcitens in tats nwe," seys (kr.eral Horice Porter. "Mr, Mnlflot'tn Went to the eommtsRloner of public Woi’lts With this (katHUient Me name is Muldotih, of t!i? TwiT.ty-fonrtli warn 1 control forty Vot«s I koop chickens in the vulirtf. Htul flmre Is water in it • watit It cleured out. or I shall throw me forty totes Hgaltinf your par-r-iy. M tloon Vim tyeisti) to g<> tn the ijtv -jWtotJttt, iJe wnat tbijre. and lies rTj'fruitiii* 1 Lt • i conirol fo. IrWAitt^Wilter jmwips,! ii- I'Hi'URf Hieffl 1 forty Votes tnrjiuav 'The fftv coiiiihlsuiiiiurs said jh v v v , to |f|«t<ieto' |i^!ri)i out tile w.tter Imi : ffeodjit.', beffer sei 1 ttie i:i,;y. r “TWaMiiyifl’, Wen was :• • :r iv , cei*cd hitii vttUi fitat 01. a 1 .m w .1. . alwaj-s wore xvllen lie dj P|„, n, gi<’e any attention to a cnuipl 1... Mitlilimn mpAiteii his story styLi;. yon don’t got the water oat, i’ll i.ive , fotiy votes ton haythtn Uhinou. T. mayor sdtd Mul.hsni to the ikum . tildurtuen. Where Mnldoou's friend. M Ghtfflu. n t'mtntryuiaii of Uis mi l H met; her of the Itom'd, engraved on tlii 1 i,i.., of Mnlduon's tiiemory the Inti lleetr,. hmwrlt, •! Was list tlnuhin the p it" would stand li tnm li lunger if yon cor' bcindtuicd to keep ducks.' ''-New York World tinium Treasure at llrttoh linyxlty. Ulntj John wns Imth a stolter for and Mtkr of U'oust'.ru; We find lilm digging for triwui'e in Norilmtulieriaod ubont the si bis of tiie stations on the Ronmn wall, and Itti whs rejmted to have stores treasure In his favorite strongholds, itiiewdier;- imrtiMl lu the sandy twvnaries Of Lltitmhmbire ere the golden crown Uhd Jewels of King dolm. with the chests of treasure that were carried m his traift. Dut we etsviiluto, t<si 11 boot Other hoards, chiefly buried tietieatli C’e fonnililtlmis of his eustlc walls, tlie seen t of which was lost In flic sodden death of the greedy Sing Again there ts h royal treasnre pcrlinps Ut t!;is tifmnenf lying hid lu some rocky chasms of t> monutalns of Wales— tiolhliig less than the treasme of King EilWard II. which he carried with him in Ms flight from his Irlmnphunt lineeti hud lier itnramonr, and which they vain Iv, If Would Sown, tiller hi* eapitirc cn ooiivored to recover, - Ail ihe Year Itoiiud Doe f'»s ef XlHlhemstlrSi III ah offliand skiti'ii of Professor ChrvstHl. bile of his old pupils ti lls how this Miitbctantlcian made hissetetiee ai l him fit the uiaimgeuient of liki class The (itirfug spirils--sa,v tlmse who were going Into their father's oldce, and so did not look upon Chrystnl us a tliH.r locked to their ndvaneemeat- -sought to bring son thine Into the room, I’lirysM' asm hod the blind down on I hat To relieve the monotony a . indent hi the cad of bench ten drop;led inarlilo. whlth toppled Slowly downward toward tbs professor. At every step it too!; then' was a smothere: I guffaw, lint Cl!t vs tui. who wits Working at the Ismrd. did uof tnm his h«ad. W'uhu the iiiarlde reached the tlisir he said, s'.il! with Ms back to the class: "Vr ill the student ut the end of bench ten. whodromssl that marlile, stand lip?' All eyes iliwtnL He bad nmntid the falls of the ttmrhlv from step hi rtep,- Cbleitgo Post. A S|teausr» HihIiL A gihitletnaii WMIh timKitig a sjasa h ItlKilvertentiv steppniit forward leti on thd jdHtfonn ill foK|siiiHc to tNe |kiu» fit langtiter tna* gmeed ms ttnlis kv t«ii jie 1 tainted that any sistikef mel a rigni to ciifije down to the level di tus «ut|| Electric Bitters, Tills retueoy is oocoiuiug so we). Jet ivvn uuu so popular 1,9 to uemi in special mention. Ail woo imve usei. I Liucuic iiiiais biug the suuie »ou^ o; ; praise.—a purer uiudicim. does not c.vis, and it ie guaranteed to do ml tlml i, ; elaiuied. Eiucinc Jiitera will cure to. (Useitses ol ihu lover and Ividneys, wii. reuiove t iiupier, iiuils, bull itueum and otuer aheeiiohs caused by iutpure ulooti. —will drive Malaria from the system unii prcveoi a. wen its cure all Malarial lever*. —* 01 cure of itetiulichv, Cwuetiputiui; tin.I Indigestion try Electric Rulers— Eitine saiislactiou gttnruuteedi or mouev rjuibuedi—Price 50 cts. ttua yl.Ch pei hottle at wiilcox’s Drugstore, .) •Vany tt limn siio "aiurtii uff lull”' ispniis cvcrythiujr liy cmnenig back, j Ail I.I<M|U<>nt Appeal. Under the arches of tlie Rne <|e Rivoli a blind man is'iirs on Ms lit--,1st a picture representing indistinctly an •■.irthipiake or an explosion of firedamp. A gentle man stopped and kindly questioned tho poor lieggnr. "Tell mo. my good man. in what coun try that catastrophe occurred of which yon have been tho victim.” “I can't tel). I bought tlie jiainting at an auction ga 1 "."—Lj-on Repnblicain. Litmiiori of tli<* OyHlor. One to two million oysters are pro duced from a single parent, and their scarcity is ic eonnted for by the fact that man is not the only oyster eating animal The starfish loves the oyster and preys upon it unceasingly. A variety of whelk is also very fond of young oysters, to get at which it bores right through Uv> shell and sucks the fish up through the hole thus made.—Buffalo Express. Ueiil Sacrifice. "That was a sacrifice!" "What'/" "Barton wouldn't go liatliing at Scar borough Iiecanse he didn't want people to know lie had a cork leg. but when a girl who snubbed him was thought to l.c drowning Barton took the log off and airew it out to her. It aaved her life.’’ -Exchange. A Cimlteinun. Mrs. Upton—I saw Mr. Newton bow ing with tlie most courtly grace to a very commonplace woman, lie's a gen tleman of the old reboot, isn't he? . Mr. Upton—No, 11 gentleman of the tlcw school. "New school?" "Yes. Ho lives lit tho suburbs, and that was his cook."- New York Weekly. Advocating greater siiiipliettv o) of. Ruiolig the wealthier classes ,*l wk ihv Ohm Lefroy remtirkwl recently tiui' 41)27,ikhi a your is spent lu llugiaia) utsiti I ei'ftinted spirits Irma aoruad A fhttiinvas tiiailH at Tbiv N V m 1W:!) fc.r Hie Umteil Mlales giiveromi'1,1 tvhieli was a little over six iniie* u length, it was matie nr iron ours •/, IbeliHH lit (llameter Hwitrerlaml has ini ieiejiitnne ei fluiUges, I2.M)5 Stations H.22.‘i miles nt line and limits twit stlltserilHg to woo cotiversutimis tu the course of ttie yent —r- ■ . . During the feign of William Rnfu* •hoes were made two feet lung and stulled ’with tow till tbuycnriwl like s ram s horn We may render tlie wonts 01 one bin gunge literally Into those of another and yet lose the Very spirit of the Whole, but there arc cane* of what may be called "•ywpathetic translation," ■nwimwma—r—a—aia—m—wfc vx mu jnu- to the severest test, after otlier proprie-j nouncod it scrofula, but were iinalde to tary medicines and physicians had;do anythin,; to help me. I grew worse, failed, and it did its work well. My; The skin cracked at tho joints, so that daughter had suffered, since infancy, j I could hardly walk. At lust someone from scrofulous solos and eruptions. | recommended me to take Ayer’s Sarsa- Aycr's Sarsaparilla - ■i.i. i ...... parilla. I did so, effected a complete euro. We cannot adequately expre For the Cure of and at the end of three months I was c 1 e a 11 a.-, any our gratitude for what this wonderful I man. I shall always feel grateful to the medicine has done for our child.”—Geo.! discoverer of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. M. Pendleton, El Dorado, Ark. ! E. S. Davis, Laurel, Del. “ When I came out of tile army, I was ; “ My daughter has been afflicted for troubled with scrofula. Two bottles of several years with scrofula. Having Ayer's Sarsaparilla . a-v- , been rceommended cured mo, so tlmt I J ,1a I Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, have had no return j V STi W H '«/ d* I wo tried it, and tho of tho disease. * " 1 '«■ * result is a complete T. J. Hopkins, Nortonvillo, Runs. icurc.”-V. Mattingly, St. Mary’s, Ky. AYE^ y S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Ur. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Moss. Sold by oil Droyyists. Has cured others, will cure you ST.VMO.Vi It V. BOOKS, TOYS BANANAS, APPLEfci, Oli ANC»ES. 'ANDIES. CANDIES. TO THE BOOK AND TOY COMPANY. E. C. ROTHOLZ. DcNming Praise. We desire re oa.v re oui' c.l.reUS, tliHi ioi yea.s we have been selliug Dv Iving': New Discovery for C'onsuinptiou, Di i aing's New l>ue IhlU, flucklen'e Anuci •vaivc ami Llectiic Hitters, i-.nd hiivi uaver handled remedies that »c;l us well, or lUU uave gtreii such universal satis- .aciioii. \\ e no not uecltatu to giisiiiutu ihum every iiitie, aad wesiHtitt ready tt .efuad n.e jiaicat-.e price, if sHtistilctoij results uo not follow their use, Then iwiiieuies have w’oii their great popularity t > J rely on Heir morns. For sale at V\ ii- cnx’s drug store. 1 — Cit’.idren Cry for l i loner's Castorla. Tbti'e uic suuie men io vvhout u loss of Uu'irrt'putatiuu would ukuu guon illtiKi M.tiipy IlfMwlt'i% Will, Tl'diihou*. Posiliiav-ter of 1,lav let-, ta,t„ vviites; "Eiectric Bitters bus ihmt more for me than oil other mediettus ojiuhiued tor thet inul teeling srisitq rout kidney ami Liver trouble." Join; I wtiohe, larmer and stockman, of satin I piave, sttys; "Find ElooUic inllets to hi | .he non’kidney Had Jnvtt uiudicim. ; unde me ieel like h new man*’’ J. M. y.•tuner, na.uvvaru merciiuut, same tow a, kieetrrc iiiuers is just the Uinie tnl a malt wuo is an run down and dm:’, mi re whether ire itves or dies; he ftitim, ten SllOh^tU, good Uppitlitu Hhd felljjUHI nue he iiau a now looe on lift. Only Obi t omile, B 1 . vYirerx’s dni? store. Vv’lieti you are In the c t l'a;J li jali at the Knterpristi rid Cl UMbth nhu, it is the only hr»t ois»s ».,up in the miy Fashionable hair tiutS) cist classs..;ivt, .tad the (jliTRt Arubiuji ife SliiUHiKm. Four jiUlite barbers a! a ays on huml !• wait on yntli JllSON A I' v'!! "!.. Fropfietorp, 9-5-am. mm ii m Persian Mull* in very neat design. Bl-'k Sheer dtripu and Fluid Luwtit. Elysoo stripes, black ground and ItaniUomu figures Linen cliaiiibiays. Immense line of Parasols with pretty handles. Lailios’ summer uudervests. 10 cent* and upward. Silks mitts in ail length*. CORSETS ! bisulie MTsuri, OOfVMIOHTS. •to. As IjuSu bail salui'ies are cut (lowi die jiiicer Itcc.ilUrii more' anil tmire 0; i ifi'OtV'K)!'. CsiurautcedCuns ">'e ituthori,.e our advertiseti druggist ti -ell Dr. King's New D ,seovery lot Cot. 'Umptiou, Coughs and Cuitlr, upon tu. omalioh. ii you arerthiicted with t Jougu, Coldoi uity huug, i'iiroat o; .hot trouble, amt will use this reluct., is directed, giving ii a fair trial, uuu e.v .te.ieiice no beneut. you may return tin toulu tiitd have your money rclundeu. .Ve eonld not make litis oiler diu we not .tnovv that Dr. king’s New Discover aould be relied on. it never dUappoitui Trial butiles free at wilieoa’sDrugstore. Large el/.e 50c, and $l,..o. — — -- Uiu.-klon’M Ai'iilcti Sulvp. ■'!'!,(• nest saivein t!it world for cult bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet sore-, teller, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay requited. Il isguuram eusdiogivepeueci sulistaution, >r mouey reluudud. Priced cents pit itolile. For sale at Wilcox’s drug stoi c. ttu.1, may was sic- ga*e her Castorla. When she *0* t Child, UM cried 'or Castor!*. When she heotms Mis*, she olu..* to Custer!*. Whea Dm bod ChlUren, she g»»e them CMCorii ^iUHicah anm.fcjfodld tie «!Ji-uit Ifc. Wsssfy. kS.OI) a Msri $l.flO six ntofitbs. i-sdresfYiCWf ft Co., WhLiritiKS, 3(U froadwov. N*», • v. W. L DOUGLAS 83 SHOE estrf&W. And other epseiutiss (or Geatlenteo, UaUiss, Do*. muI KUmi are die Best In the World. fcee ilrMrlJiUre »<1eenlso- Inrat which will Sppuu In tills paptPi Teita rio Bubstltute, but laslst nn htrlsg W. L. DMfDliAS' UnoES.wttli biiiile scd r'lcs stamped oi> , (y'.'Tnm. Enid Ujr \, J, liroodi. ■Darlin^o i. S.jf. Wo have six grades of tho II. vis 8. corsets; host value for tho many, Tlie largest ussortmont of cream and black ,ac«s tn all widths. Wo have open up some very de.-.irabio Point De Jeites, Point De Gui pure and Point Do Irlamle in white and ecru. Our MILLINERY Is still conducted by Miss M.uloin Junks, who has proven to the ladies that S3T she can and tries to please. J£J Your call is retjuasteii. E. C- ROTHOLZ, MAIL ORDERS promptly attended to, Restaurant. TOBACCO SEED FREE. —A NO— All About Growing Tobacco, II ten treat to fry this Meniy Marino Crop, rrlt# to-- 60UTHERN TOBACCO JOURNAL, . Wliwlon, «. C, CONSUMPTION In lt« early SiogoS ehn be cured by ihe prompt ii»o of Ayers Cherry Pectoral It soothes the Inflamed tissues, aide expectoration, and haetene recovery. * Of* «l. O. Ayef & Oo. UVfejl, mu i. SMITH, Heal Estate Agent, FLORENCE St DARI.IXGTOX, 8. C. Special attention paid to the buy 1 injf and selling of real I’^nte, collec tion of rents, itr. Tlie srri.ifcat utteiifion will l.e paid ; \;lie StOl'C of Ml*. J. M. hi qll Iiiihiiii-ss eiifrnsti'il me. - T 1 ... . I James, and am pre- PETER BOWLES pared to furnish them nous first class witli everything in •the i I take pleasure in nnnonneing to my friends and the pub* lie that I have open ed a Restaurant over ii Paper Hanging. Stains Work a Specialty. ■fe solicits tlio ]i!iifnmig('of liiii'lingtim. mm in ! While^ making Oysters A Specialty Other delicacies Piiolograpiis bc nt ‘8- Si. W. SUTTON N In prepared lo make Of your Imiilri Don't delnyi you may [ live to regret tv Studio in JlcwiU Uleck, Mui'tiu Hanley, /*W"— for Infants and Children. ‘ CftMo/lsisso well adapted to children that (reconirji-vn J itaa "Tfpcrior to any prescription mown to no M II. A. Aiicnvn, TI. D., - U «o. Oxford Ct., Brooklyn, N. Y. Caatnrlacnm; Colic, Constipation, Sour biomach, Diarrhnpa Lructation, KUis Wonuj, gives sleep, and promoter* di- gesticn, Without fiij’irious medication. Tub Ckntauh Company, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. GIBSON & WOODS Take pleasure in announcing that they are now prepared to issue Fire and Life Insurance Policies, and can place all business ent rust ed to them in some of the best companies in the United States. In FIRE INSURANCE tliey have such companies as THE HOME of New York, and tlie IIAHITOHI), ol Hartford, Conn., two of the largest and best managed companies in the country. in LIFE INSIIlim they invite examination into the plans ot the A, V. MUTUAL, offering, as they do, very favorable terms to to those who wish to insure. Tliey also conduct a general Brokerage and commission business. Muv IN iv THE DARLINGTON ' SHOE STORE Invite* hu inspection of their large ami well seltcted itoek for tb« fall aud winter trade which is complete in every patiiculari 8 H O E S in Style, ReliaDleftin Quality, Beasonaole In Pric UOIES' SHOES. Our stock In thh Hue cannot he »urpasscd. We have them lu both Dutton and Lace, ail width., at fiom 7,1 cents to the Cuii« bruted hand sewed goods of E. G. Bjrts ik Go’s MTgi (JMLDRliN’S SHOES. v\ u liavc taken special care to make this line attractive ami complete and can <i them from 05 cents upward, MEN’S SHOES, l'o call special attention to any one shoo in this line would be an injustice to (he others, nearly all of which are worthy of mention. Hubber goods for Ladies, Misses, Boys and Men, all prLes. Also a complete line Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises Satchels, Shoe findings, Polish, Blacking and Brushes, Cork soles, Ladies Woolen soles, &o. Newest Styles in Huts. WOODS & MILLING, Proprietors Darlington Shoe 8(orp; KTo-W I * I Livery Stables.; I take pleasure in announcing to tny friends that I have just Opened a largi Livery, &i!c anil Feed Stables, v' ' on Main street and will bo pleased to have and examine my stock of Heim nml Mules, The best Care taken of stock put Ii my charge. P, 8, McCullough, FIRE! FIRE! I represent Twelve of the most reliable Fire Insurance Companies In the world— among tlicm, the Liverpool and London ami Globe, of England, the iaruest tire company in the World! and the /{Una, of Hartford, the largest of all American lire fioitipHuies Prompt attention to business dnd sails faction guaranteed. E, E. XOIUJEVT, DAHMNOToX, 8. (1. • h EUi!k'i' hcDVncil EdWfifltlj J<oriil l cv>/ do/ it tiMtiva’