The Darlington herald. (Darlington, S.C.) 1890-1895, March 03, 1893, Image 4

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mmim n wm mm PUBLISHED EVEKY FRIDAY. J. S. McCREIGHT, Proprietor . WALTER D. WOODS, Edii/jr. eUIWHIPTION IN ADW NCT: One Dollar a Year. ADVERTISING ly.'l’ES. Transient Advertiskstunts 75c. per square for Hret inser tiou, and oOc. jar Kijlmre for eac^, subsequent ln- sertiou. Business Noticrs In cents per line for each insertion. Obitvariks exceediui; six lines charged for at the rate of transient advertising. litBKKAL Discount made on contract or standing advertiseineuls. DARLINGTON, S. C. Friday, Marcia 3,1893. Lynch Lair, The evident intention of a number of the citizen's of Ixwington count) to lynch a prisoner, charged with i very grave crime, furnishes a strik ing illustration of danger to societ) that results from this species of law lessness, anil the absolute importance of doing something to check it. Here was a prisoner, charged, it i true, with a very serious offence, bui of whose guilt there was great doubt, in the hands of those who are entrust ed with -the business of arrestin' everyone who violates the laws of th State, threatened with death at tin hands of a mob of indignant citizens who by their evident purpose shown- that they have no respect for the las themselves. It is simply idle to sa; that the law is not adequate to read even those who commit the moStatro oioua crimes, and the great trouble is that where execution by lynch law i til lowed for one offense, it will soo- be resorted to for the punishment o far less serious crimes, and wh«n thi conditioned affairs, to which son e portions of the State are rapidly tend ing is reached, our Courts of law might just as well he abolished, and civilization b» made to go backwaui to the time when every man avenger his own wrongs and when the weak wer* absolutely at the mercy of the strong. Governor Tillman’s prompt action iti ordering the military companies of Columbia to hold themselves in readiness to esodrt tbs prisoner to Lexington ie commendable in the highest degree, and his course wili lx Sustained by every law abiding citi Sin of the State. The lynchers would bnrdly bar attempted to wrest the prisoner from the hands of such an escort, but il they, bad they would have been taught a lesson that would net havt been soon forgotten; for deplorabl as the bloodshed would hayy) been, ii would have been far better for every mau in the mob to hare been killet than for them to have succeeded Capturing the prisoner. Our material progress and moral elevation wil be hopelessly retai led unless we, ut all times and under the most trying circumstance*, maintain the suprem scy of the law. Anything short oi thu partakes of border rufRauisni and is a disgrace to our people; Governor McKinley, of Ohle givfti an illustration of integrity that should Wilt for him nut only the admiration but the sympathy of every ohe in the country, Through the failure of a friend, he found hiraseli involved very heavily as an endorse) and instead of trying to compromist the m at tor, promptly turned ovei everything he had, including bis fur hltiiro, library and everything that could be converted into money, inti the hands of i\ taste* to be used to liquidate these endorsements, am announced his intention to pay the balance as soon as he could make tin money, More commendable sti Was the action of hie unselfish am devoted Wife who, notwithstanding the fact that she is an invalid, de voted every dollar of her own pro] erty for the same purpose. 8 Won au reflects more honor on hei sex than a thousand of the kind that are clahiori.ig for the right to von will ever be able to accomplish. The Weekly Papers. The Columbia Journal says: “We tSe.n only advance the best methods and give the best advice to our party and people by being directly iu touch with them and that the daily paper which cuts the weekly from its ex change list seriously effects its influ ences and gets away from the people instead of keeping in Hue with them. “In voicing our sentiment on this ^question the Greenville News says: ‘It is announced that the News and Courier will hereafter refuse to ex change for weekly newspapers unless the difference in subscription prices is paid in cash or advertising. It is true' that the arrangements for local correspondence now possibly make the weekly newspapers almost vulne- ■ss for news purposes. They are valuable, however, as guides for shap ing the policy and regulating the editorial tone of the daily news papers. They are very close to the people and express what the people arc thinking and saying. They tell m the thoughts ut the crossroads,! 1 e country store piazza and the springs at the churches, and how to meet ud deal with all the varying iater- estsand sentiments among the voters.” As between the two, the daily and weekly newspaper, we believe that the latter exercises the greater influ ence, and is a more ]>otent factor in guiding public sentiment, and in uakiug it take definite shape, than ie great dailies that send theii mammoth sheets throughout tin- land. The influences of each indi vidual weekly may not be ver. great, bin taken as a whole tbe\ yield a power that penetrates to tl e remotest settlement, bringing the majority of the people within their reach who, without being conscious of it, are to a large extent guided in their political action by the course cf these silent weekly visitors. No weekly paper can exist that does not reflect, the sentiments of a large num ber of people, and no party cat; stand against a practically united press, it being only a question oi time when they must succumb to the power of this mighty agent. The truth is that the daily and weekly are mutually dependent and neither could well get along with out the other. The daily gives newt from all parts of the world, but it U the weekly that touches elbows with the people and reflects the sentiments of the masses. The late Senator Plumb, of Kan sas, a mau of great ability and very astute politician, subscribed for every weekly published in his State, and said that he could not get aloe;: without them, . AUi!NE,ZZALGINE, MEANS ANTI-PAIN. Professional Cards. W. F. DAKUAN, Attorney - at - Law, DARLINGTON, 8. 0. Office over Blackwell Brothers’ Store. TEETH Are extracted without a uniticle pain and followed by no bud after results. We refer to the best citzens of Dialing ton, Florence, Society Hill, Hartsville and most 7 v any town in this and Florence counties, or where ever we have used it. E. KEITH D AEG AN, Attorney at Law, DARLINGTON, S. C. WOODS t WOODS. Nettles & Nettles, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, Darlington C. II., 8. C Will practice in all State and Federal Courts. Careful attention will be given to all business entrusted to us. C. P. DAEGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Trial Justice, DARLINGTON, 8. C. SEW STOKE. NEW STOCK. Will remain m Practices in the United States Court, » t . Dai-lihgttjri now open, for inspection, the most omoe. w. r d^™,„ il ,oT,..D., lcomplete stock of goods that they have court week, and you should not miss this j inetonlleral(lQfflcc opportunity to secure painless dentistry. 1 DARLINGTON Two Charleston lawyers repre swtlug.the liquor iuterest, appeared before Judge Simontou on Wednes lay, asking that the Governor and State Treasurer be restrained from appointing dispensary officers, and and alio be nude to show cause why an injunction should not be granted The Judge carefully considered the matter and issued an order ref us ing to grant the prayers of the peti tionere. The principle ground for the decision is that the State ii supreme in the exercise of its police regulations. Senator Pugh, of Alabama, is com plaining because Mr. Cleveland ig nored the advocates df free coinagi in making up his cabinet, but on what ground he bases bis complain We are nuable to see, as the presi dent-elect bus never given any aid oi countenance to the financial vaga ries of those members of the Demo cratic party who wish to inaugurate a policy that would work irretrievable nilsabief to the country, and injnre most the very claw at pcopiu that it is propoMt “oefit. In ito* fluan- cial diitur .. <* the poor is tk< firs* to suffer, and the man who stands op for a sound financial po'ioy is the best fflwl that the laboring elawes m rORBCLOIVRE SALE. Staik or South Cabolika, \ Darlington County, j In the Court of Common Pleas. Sallie M. Simonds, Plaintiff, against 6. Marco and I. Lewenthal, co partners in trade under the firm name of S. Mateo and L Lewen thu'., Defendants. Pursuant to ibe judgment of fore closure and sale granted in the above- entitled cause, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, before the Court House door in Darlington, on the first Monday in March next ensuing, being March 6th, 1B98, during tin legal hours of rale, the following described real estate, situate in tbi said county of Darlington and State of South Carolina, to-witi Alt that tract of land containing one hundred and twenty-eigl acres, bounded north by thi Horse Branch) east by the track oi the Cheraw and Darlington Railroac Company; south by Dove’s land and IttUUg of J. A, Howie, and west by lands of J. A. Howie and J. C Dove. Also, all that tract of land con taining nine hundred and fifty-three (993) acres, bounded north by lands of J. N. Hill, east by public root leading from Darlington Court House to Society Hill; south by lauds of Lucas McIntosh, E. Ezekiul, J. Dove anH Alfred Prince, and West by lands of J, J. Mclver and Lucas McIntosh. Terms of sale: One-third cosh balance on a credit of one year, credit portion to oe secured by the bond oi the purchaser or purchasers and o mortgage of the purchased premises. With the privilege of the purchase) or puitjiaseri paying all cash, or an- ticfpatfiig payment of the credit por tion. G. P. SCAHHOP iUGH, SURGEON DENTISTS. Oilicc in Early’s new block, opposite the court house. CLOTHING. Our Spring- and Sum mer Clothing has ar rived, and we invite an inspection. —All kinds of— Marble Monuments, Tablets, and Grave Stones furnished on short notice, and as cheap as can be purchased elsewhere. UT Designs and prices furnished on application. Al. work delivered Free on line of C. A D. Railroad. Marble Works, DARLINGTON, 8. C. ever purchased, and invite an inspection of the; same feeling confident of their ability to please the most fastidious taste, both in pin m rmcLi -o- SHOES. wt-rvr are In this department we offering one of the and finest lines ever exhib ited in Darlington. TIES, James Allan & Co. 285 King St. Charleston, S. C. The Largest Jewelry Store In the Stats SOLID PLATES OP SterlingSilver laUM laths hacks of SPOONS AND FORKS At Pclatc aost hpoitd to W*tf,aa<thw plate* entire, eoaUUUi Five Times tu much Silver as standard plat*. to w««r 25 Will Last a Lifetime. MORE DURABLE Cravats, Scarfs, Four-in-Hands and Bows, iu all shades. : McCALL 4< llt liCH. STATION Alt A, BOOKS, TOYS. BANANAS, APPLES, OBAN UBS. And net hill th. to»t. Etch .rttel. bwunMd I.ltwUaglaUUai. Vim tract ottala tbs frea mimiHMSteuinCtti. Oalaaa lOfUf hr rnovit *■ AHin V« IOTRIT7TI. Dteaefeetured ealy by ~ gu IOUUS A UWABM lUTEfi CO, We are Sole Agents here for the abov* goods and keep a full line of them n Dress Goods in all the latest styles, from the finest to the cheapest grades, with trimmings to suit, consisting in part of French Novelties, Cashmeres, Storm Serges, Lennox Stripes, Crocodile Cloth, Handsome line black Dress Goods Long Cloth, Sheeting, Flannels, ' 9 Blankets &c. Call special attention to their large and complete stock of Carpets, both Brussels and Ingrain. Matting and Rugs, -STOCK.- Ia addition to our large and elegan stock of Solid Silvdrware. Gold and Silvei WATCHES of the most approved mak ers. Diamonds mounted in Rings, Pins and Broaches. -ALSO- A complete line of Upholstery Goods* [Carpeit are m fitted to the floor and modi in,) t Both for gentlemen and ladies is perfect. UAND1E8. CAND2ES. BOOK AND TOY COMPANY. New Livery Stables. I take pleasure in announcing lo my friends ihui I have just opened a large Liverv, Sale and Feed Stables, on Main street and will be pleased to have and examine my stock of Horses and Hales. The best care taken of stock put in mjr charge, FIRE! FIRE! I represent Twelve of the most reliable Fire Insurance Companies in the world— among them, the Liverpool and London and Globe, of England, the largest lire company in the world; and the Atona, of Hartford, the largest of all American lire companies, , 'tutl-Ze. 'il '*nv •iiasHoa t ’& 'Xunjtoedgej s.'.no.f ‘aiuj ‘suapjo jno.f jSuuiaups •aonpojd Aijunoo i° I etn u{ uiBAv no& 2u|qvCu« jsouiiv j *9? ‘iJMJMl!) ‘Ntoqq*!) ‘»l«¥ tJWW ISSg 'suaww —;o wj|!d toy*** ’0 'N '^!V 'W 'U9SJoa ’V ‘J oj otiJ.w ‘iCnum; jno£ egBaid oj Sumpnuos inuxt noJ jj ISIUJL CEvara .Xujscoci: u department, where a com Prompt attention to businesa and satis faction guaranteed. F. E. ROHM ENT. DARLINGTON, 8. 0, Office between Edwards, Norma LUMBER - LUMBER. We take pleasure in announcing that we are prepared to deliver first class lumber, of any dimensions, to any part of the town. The trees have never been boxed, which makes the lumber better and more easily worked. Send orders through the mall or :0: The ladies are specially invited to inspect the under plots stock is kept. In Clothing, Hats and Underwear] The gtiutlunian cannot fail to bu suited as the stock has |Ucu selected wlLVlltt greatest care, ^ feiiZRl &&£§ i2 In The Grocery Department Can be found almost everything in the way of eatables, and the stock of FANCY ©EOCIEIHS Consists of a great many novelties • never before seen in this market, Preserves, Jellies, pickles, sauces aid canned goads of every Had. All goods are delivered FREE OF CHARGE,