/ •• - CHURCH DIRECTORY. Nit Orchards. Why can we not hare a greater nnmlwr of nut orchards? The sup ply of nuts is not so grrut us the de mand, and the market is by no English-walnut Phesuttkki.vn CkuiccII.—Kev. J. U Law, Pastor, Pruaching every Sabbath at 11 ft. m. and 8 00 p. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday afternoon at 5 o’clock. Mnriionisr Cnttitcit.—Itev. J. A. Hice, Pastor: PrcHcbiug every Sunday at II a means overstocked. in -tioi SiM p. in.. Satibatli School at it P. i , . . Prayer meeting every ThlNlay i, j pU«»li.g is a eompuratively new m- 8tW i> in. ♦ _ - dnstry in California, uiid the jirotils Kpiscopai. h Ai-Kt..—Itov. W. A. are immense. Our native nut trees' Gucrrv, U«ctor. II. I. Iliointiaon, Lay; . . Header. Preac hing ;!rd Sunday at 830 arc slow to bear, re(|iimiig usually from eight to twelve^ears, and hut An Electropoise Cure. The fotlowine letter, ff om a prominent and highly esteemed South Carolina Judge, is bu» one of/a multitude, all testifying to the wonderful benefits derived fronWthe usefo the ELECTROPOISE. CAmmcn, S. C., Mnn h 30, yotiM Ik* umfrittrfiil If I dHaywl lonsr i l«* say a coin I word lor tin* Amiii*‘THfv! Itn tiM* nhout fvoy. Hi*s ngo. jit h tlim* wlien my tiealth whs soTioiis( v inip H irev), and still continue its us«‘. altlutiiuli In inncii U’tter contlltlon. it ’yan excellent remedy for i'lsomnla and other ihtvous disorders. ItsttjsjiTit” , tt'M{cnitcand almost impereeptihle ex«rept in results, which I l-clicve are nlwHy*henencl^p |f instructions an* followi*)!. It igsplres contideuce In thosewho- , ami the Invalid the name kindly couifort «‘V|>erienee<| by the prescnc** rnsitsl ifciMtlcal adviser, an«ii|. ' r(HX,nt /nvn<\ Iw use to Invalids. Vonrs truly, J. II. KKHMIIAW. tK»ni/in:-r sh OII | rtm#tl*e. I » vefy seriousfv in ulltlc»r # • ODOTK •«r» >i use iti at of a /rns certify re p. in., Lay Reading every Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Sabbath School every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. >l.\cKI)oxt v llAi-nsT (bruucii. Rev 1. P. Hrockington, Pastor; Preaching evi ry Sunday at It n. m.. and 8 30 p. m. Sabbath School at 330 p. in., Prayci meeting every Tuesday evening at 8 30 o clock , The Trouble In the Church. We asked an old colored preach:)' the other day how his < h ireh was getting on, and his turner was: “Mighty |)uor, mighty poor, bnul der.” We ventured to ask the trou ble, and he replied; “Do cieties. do ciotios. !)ey is just drawiu’ al! de fulness an’ marrow onten de liotlt un’ bones ob de blessed fiord's body We can’t do untfi) wid out de ciely. Dm' is de Liticnm Ciety, wid sister Jones an’ brndder Broivu to niu it; sister Williams must march in front •Ob dl» Daughters of Hebocca. Del) tt;ii‘ is de Dorcases, dc Marl Inis, tie’ Dittlglihrs ilf iimn an’ ilo l.ibofian' ilndissi" "Well, vimi h ive the I ri III* t'ell til !h‘l|i ill rile .'•lliiivli.'' we siig- gesied, "No, sail. I tia'c him de Ma- Silits; de f Ml! I l 'eilei , s. d 'Son • of I lain' ati’ ile OkWiiinm i’l'oiuise lattiii I'i -j grims. Why, btiulder, by tie timei de lintdders an’ sisters pays all tb j duds an’tends all de meetings, den is unitin’ left for Mount I’isgal Church but jist de cob; de corn Inn till been shelled off and frowed t< Uese speckled chickens.”—The Hildi Header. little effort has been made to im prove them. Now the European ehesnul has been cultivated, tin number of varieties increased, and also the size of the nut, which shows what can !»• done. There is also a .lapancze variety which conies b bearing in four or live years, and bears larger fruit lluin tlie European but it is not very hardy. Could it not be grafted on our native stock: —American Fanner. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria/ The Boiling Point of Water, j Water boils at different teuipjtr- turos, according to the elevation « bove the sea level. In llaltimoij water boils practically Fabrt licit, at Munich, in Germany, yaf a f the City of Mexico,/in Mexico, at •Joo 5 , hihI hi the i^imic layas, at all vlivatioii of IK.Ikitp f lV | alnuc till' lev. I of |||e .pa, W I SO I'llcse (liffrl'eilCCS lll'e C.iusolf l v till varviiig pi'csMiiv of Iiiv »tfiiii.|ib,'r< it iiicH* point*. In lialiiiiioit ;he it hole weight of I be a come. In Mexico, J, We earnestly solicit correspondence from those suffering from chronic and so-called “ incurable’’ diseases of long standing. To all such we will cheer fully give tljfe benefit cf our experience without charge. tlantic Electropoise Co., ATLANTA, GA. W People’s Bank of . file pa] R chief t« SAVINGS DEPA1? IKIJRSITS SOLICITED FROM e among yol be removed f r: trust, uevei tr* erate drmidkti/ ■'nler will cob**’ ONE 'uihtlespil AND UI’WAlil fAnd 5 per cent. Interest paid thereon. 'Small Savings |Vf|akc Large profits. E. KEITH DARGAX, \\, A, CARRIGAN, II. L, UiARLES, Prrsldrnt. Vlcr-Prcsltlntt I’ashlrr. Fine Job Printing done at this office. the sni, there are 7,0 atmosphere to less heat is re<|uir place at a lower By enclosing a glass bell, mid } means of an air nude-to boil /uhraihcit the force t re 7,(#i !,(■ rajfrJ Tobaced -ttud tii? .Verves, The action of tobacco on the nor Votti sj’ltum U weak wholly special j j|,g tvuter It does not put to sleep, but culms j j g rct | ll ||. ( and mdlliflies the sensibility of tin !„;■• t|, e , t) oi'gatis. It emtses HU agteenble lor- j por, during which thought continues | lucid, and thecupuity for work is not i diminished. Such is the nttructioi ! it exercises, and which causes it tub. ; ought fbi* I’y so niuliy thinkers me j students. Tobacco is to them a help j in mental labor. As u whole, tobacco is harmless to| the uiiv.d, but it may have a miscle- votts inllnenceou the health, and may bituse.serious -diseases. We eltoulf; hot advise anyone to use it, mi*! should try to keep women utitpiii. I dtvn from doing so. In tukiig ti| ; this part of the program mi| flllint ! teachers of ajp grades i iuty aguitiirri'mttinie eo has perfif.ncd real service, but it lias tried to gain its end by exagger utioii that can only compromise it.— Fopitiar Science Monthly. o be over-) fed above j fed less of 'cnnsequeiiUy boiling takes f temperature, of water in a listing the air by fimp, water nniy be temiieraturp of 70° ling that much of coniimietl in cutis- W convd'tcd into steam orefcomc the prelinre . Louis Dcpubiic. st W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CEn/uCMKNi A , t'l n!L r f.ii* Ilf:; Into ;i, I.Rtil.-s, lv»\ H !OtlJ ' ^ilcowo Ui'u l«l»l Best in the World. f?oo descriptive advertir^- ment which will appeal* fh this paper. Take no Substitute, but insist on having W. L* DOUGLAS* SHOES,with name and price stamped oft I bottom. Sold by $21 $23, A. J. Broom, Bai'fiiigton, S. C. ro'Tllll()l' STlTE CIEHiE SPECIAL RUN No. 19. GREATEST VALVE ON EARTH. Tyler’. Fum.TU. Antlqn. Oak It.ll Cnr- tuln Uc.k cuinjilete,.«« .neelul .Iranian. No. 4004,3 ft. S Ik. long, net 118.00 No. 4009.4 it. 0 in. “ “ 12100 No. 4010,5 ft-long, • • M 123.00 A!* 0 toe now ISO pago ontatosuo foi 30*. O.root out of .bout 40 por cant from torm.r n*t. BOOKS free, po.t.g. too. Ebipetd ftsn It. leati, Ko„ or Xslteantllii Ind. RANK COUNTERS A SPECIALTY. Wo rofor to ov.ry Bank In Thirty State., TYLSR DISK CQ,, St. Uwll, Mo COLUMBIA, 8. C, Thorough training mid practice lit ■ihi methods of ie.ieuln«. Fneiilt.v •I'liipoKciloflinitmctowiifeXH i’.nlvr a in i St. I^uis Kcpnbiic. i ocd’ftjftlt cxilerlctiCjluteaching temh- I rs. ()|ipn to white ill'll* over 17. He. i "'ll bpglm S. |«ii>,ii!iei'J8. Oriiiloiil" ! -ccure good ivwltbvi-. E n-li tv.imii Electric j-. ' t'voscbomrsiilns—otic Wortli Sbif) rk gained ranidlv in popnlar 1 •'soiwioli a id mu''>1'fret* tuition. Cnin* ' ' • *' netltiVeexnniltintlo'i VogiiHi r, at (Imirt Hoiiw> fifcneli cottnty, A(1(I|vhk J) B. JOHNSON, Presldont, t'oluuilila, S. C. A Loader. ts first introduction, ra ' htil pure Sine RitterM.RK gained ranidlv in popniar iiivor Jjuil now it la clearly In ttie lead onon/'pure niedidnal tonics and altera- tivcHLeontnining notliing which per- aitiws use as a liuvot'iigu or intoxicant, f irfecognized as the iiesi and pares, iifjfclac for nil ailmei.ts of Stomm li. r or Kidneys.—If will cure Sick he, Indigestion, constipation, nml . malaria from the system. Sntlsfac- gnnrnnteed with each bottle or the hioney will be refunded. Price only SOc. per bottle. Sold at Willco.ys drugstore. / (J ) adad /ion j 'Faith is the u inotion w wr * j— : cn^injjft hut love puts H JIMH L * if - j » v •» ■ ^ i^ilJdluMlHeachei of society ugmmirTi'nf The promptness with wide Aver’s hurry ITctorul stn| s n hacking i£ ^^.cJcon^h end Imlttccs refreshing sleep " i something mm'Velbtts. It uevijr ails to give instant relief, even i the worst cases of thnut i hd lllli t'otibie, and is the best r ntedy for w hooi ,n ? i'' ugh. Golds, coughs, bronchitis, and all throat and lung diseases are effect in ly treated with Ayer’s Cherry IVct,.- nd. To neglect the use of Jirope remedies for tlie aiimeut, is to nidtii" •ponsnmniion. which Is sitld to c'ii"s> | pne-sixth of nil the mortality inn j civilized countries, The Grow h of .Han's l eard If the youth began to shave at the Ugc.uf seventeen years and continued pi do so until he was seventy, he would, assuming that his hulr timin- tfliued the average rate of growth, have removed a Vngtll of nine yards. But had Ihe hair been allowed to The t alii iu \»j' dodges, no mutter who shoots. klNReRO u»»lt ox»3 atp 'dnipiiua W sfi* aatiAv oj 8”ti|S ai|l '«»tIC nmwwq bus imiia* •Ptwjitio 'to* tw|tR Ttmo o Mtt »'|S 'i9*tA‘ Vtootno joi; ai«S a.a 'Xu* ««■" .'«”C ’'auk I-ove is never sutisHed until it gets both units full. ^ W, jengtli of between eigliteeu and twen iiclies the hair would havi Ii'ittln havcsidif mid broken ' llian anything’ lie uvnr used for Lung irittie, imu spue ana t roKcu roubl ^ Xot « luglluit Try |( F|t ,* test length of beard usual | i'rlal Bottles at Willcox'a Drug 8ton It Should lie In Cvcry Houho. J. B. Wilson, 1)71 Clay St.,81mrpsburg, grow tile result would have been dif- j *ays bo will not be without Lr. y v , , , i i « , | King s Ncvy Discovery for Consumption, fereiit to what might be inferred.; Coughs ami Colds, that it cured his wife r"* ti ' e ™ ,! r M I St r. have continued, but on reaching a j various other remedies and several phvsi- dans had done tier no good 1 Robert liar- , tier, of Cwksporl, Pit., claims Dr King’s ty-folll' niches the liiiir Woiilil have] Xew Discovery has done him more^ood become In 1 The greatest jn our climate seldom exceeds two' barge bin las, ."KH!. and $1,00 j’eet., In hot (dimates, t/wlng to the 1 - • • moist state of the sklu, the hair grows much more rapidly mid pfo- fust'ly tlmti In cold or IcmpcriPc eli*! — ; • .^=r=r mates. In the cast (lowing beards j AV, F« J3AHGAX* from tiiivc to four feet lit length are . . ^ U ntiustiHi. - : Attorney - nt ^ Law, In England the county roads nfe| DAltLlNGTON; 8. C. S i good that a single fjor^e can |ittll a i>h ; cle with two passengers and u d iver more than forty miles a day and do it with perfect ease. The p ddic highways are likewise good on th ■ contlii 'tit. CONSUMPTION In it* early stage* can be cured by the prompt uaeof ffyen Cherry Pectoral It aeothea the inflamed tlssueii aids expectoration, and haatena reeovery. * Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co* Lowell, Maes. 'Ik [IE hU f>iM>nt*tunityS DO\*T MIbb II- > oiiirts, Konstol*. Ti.*in;ij.ii-lty ncKieettiitiron. |»f*rttitiiii«8, tttiil frnm Hint muro llvo In povoi tv ntui uio in r>\, onrltv, ilurn.wltif tii.'ktiair is tho 1"! of tnuity, na they Jl'llll llRl’k OM lout, fltriswr Ir.ut. iM'lMlltlMlitY, l.ilWlaittlMk Inal Rene It out. lid UD ntii| ijiijii v. l''iM'*>v8VrttirNwiHirtit- l«|t3r,r.ll*l8eCH»ol'ri;R|iei'itr.|.riii„tti«.!u’... y Iiwosanid -r, t'Hiit "tlto i.odiigRi of I nrtutte ntlers a goitloii oppot tunity to mhii pcwti ntaoutflt’ t iii^ of life’ ctuonire tlm oltanca, mitt sltt} |t.»nra nut ti*»r Henv*', fail tuirt ro nnd slid dcpnru, tmrr m i stunt.•' ||..w »Im1I Voit flnd :... comm N ntthertanitr? Ittvvttlimt* tvorj rltn'tira limt nppenr* WMi tlif, ntnl of fa r |tn»mi**5 tlmt is ★Imt hll Rtle- cc fi'iunicutin. Herol»tinoppi'rimiity, isitnlnftVD trlrltln th#rent iiof Inl.f-rllttf iimM-lo. Iiujir.tVcd. it Will trtva, RlIjRst; il trt’niid btm t ill llfdi TiiO OMt.Bits niinortiitiiiv ftir J'intt.v is Ituia. N.onpy to tu) tumid I’npMlv nml liominitjl* Ly n yy ltoltiM»lmi*tier.nit t.f oitltt-r b«x, Ml ntfc«. Van run tin iltd woilt ntiri llvo tit linttio, wlirt over r«n nvo. Kvttt L#- CiliiH I’O liro emlly enrttliiK Innu BA tu AlO per tlnr. V.i« emi ilo h, wolS if yon will tv.uk. tmt too Tmr.l, l.utiudtiatri. ptisly i nml y.m run inevunRu ymtr litr-mto na you komh. Voii rnnirivoati’it'dtimootily, ornlt your t into to tiidwork; I'nsv to |, :in». t nivtal not fq.Miliotl, Wo mhii voii. Aliisrot.i- - — * *~” * * i ronllygnt * * |ittr.ithely now iudI i oti'li’tfiil. W o iiifitHjVl Hti*i ■* -*s IniMtt'a ttmtttomi mttMjji miM era. So rtmin to ea pin lit Ur«,. Wrluf rh.I I,.mil nl! f l«y r«*!rtlt.tnU. luy]»0 iti .WUlr-H blH.Do; It; liaiuia Co., isdt edo. Uuiiinmi, Mauc. tt tlt!l! HE SUBSCRiSE FOR DARLINGTON; HERALD duly $! a Tsar. mums! i mums! ;o> Professioiml Cfti’ds. Office oVar Blackwell Brothers' Store. E. KEITH I) AEG AN, Attorney at Law, DARLINGTON, U. Happy Hoouleru. Win. Tiitniions, Postntaster'of Idavlde,! In i., writ':*: “Kioctric Bitters has done j m ire for me (linn all ottier medicines combine! for that imil feeliivx j arising from Ki I iev and Liver trouble.' John Leslie, farmer an-l stoe'inHn, of same place, says; “'/ind Klectric Bitters to lie the ties! Kidney and Liver medicine, m ale me feci like a now man " J. TV. Gardner, Imr Iw ire merchant, same town, •■.vs: Klectrie Hitters Is i'tst the tlcng tor n man who Is nil ran down and don t (are whether he lives or dies; lie found, he,, strength, gtod appetite and feit jest like 'ie had a new lease on life. Only .*0C . ft boi'le, R’ Wilcox’- drug -t're. A Maui toil (Mich.) young wotinii feceived a I dter front a Kansas man! THE CHEAPEST LARGEST and BEST UM of El'llKlTUBE EVE I < EFEUED Td Tilt: PEOPLE OF DAPiLINGTPK COUNTY. HitynsAVoitSrs fimiifint 1 gton*. ME LATEST AND MOST I>IPU0VED _ L)ESlGS8 ANlJFTNISIIES IX I El) BOOM SUITS IX WALXUT, ANTIQUE OAK, 18th CEXTUBY and OLD ENGLISH, M, st)j!( of Glian^r Suits is Complete In Every Rested PICTURE r R A M IE ft Of livt i'j Di'K'i'lptl.m Mtule to Order oil Short No lee. ilVId UK A GALL. I WANT YOt'U Tit A I) E and WILL 1)0 MY VKHY UL8T TO PLEASE YOU. Rrsitfrifnlly, J. B. II AY NSW OR TII. / I Nettles & Nettles, | ATTORNEYS * AT • LAW. Darlington C. IL, 8. C, Will practice in nil State and Federal Courts. Careful attention will be givoh to all business ent rutted to us, C. P. DAHGAN, ATf .HtSEY AT LAW AXtl ' Trial Justice, . DAHLINOTON. 8.0. Practices h the United Suite* Court a , , t t i , 4: and ih the 4th and athYIrtult*. Prompt the other day. In winch he devoted \ intention to all business entrusted to me. Bev-'i) page* to telling of blialnc**,'Office. Ward sLntiei next to Thb Dat-! 1 , . f . . i Imgton llorold olHct). crops and pdlltiog. In a postscript ; . he mentioned the fact that he Would j 4-.J ,< _ -H ,i like to haviJ her marry bint. | P* BlShOj) Pflliott, Ilitcklen’s^riilca 4niv«> 8teilt»gr»lthfl’ J Aid I ffyctflUfi ’.ftbesi (iliye la the world tdr citU tikolt. A»iJ O+ttlth cdrtiXo »ottct«B. «)«?{« vihimili iriiAll, fiibiV i ’iWimonv reported th ihort-hand an rna. ari(f «li!*kFn efupdiili*, a j & j iflSSS Pl ° f ****** lelv odfes dllds; dt tio dav riimiMJd. il "‘oSJm ^ lAWUi'ofkguar«uil * Ww^t "ei I u • reoulatethb • • STOMACH, LIVER v® BOWELS, • And - PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all disorders of the Stomach, Liver and BowelSi tti[Atii T.bulu contain nothing Injurious to th* most d.HrSU oont*ttti- lion, PlwNint to ui., utr, effictuu). Givi IhinudUt. rsllef. tola by li ... * • ■ ‘ otl i, rent by nisll ,nt rec.lp, Hi t, MntM AMrti* tllPAN» CHRMICAl, CO., THR RIPANm vntsiYii**rth wu.i lo Street) * ■ New York City. CB FiTS CURED WfiRSTER, S. Dec. 19, 1891. Sirs: T wi h 1 conU lot alt who arc suricring from a a ft Arvv* ilit'aMP know just how gobd your remedy is. My son used it on8 0.23 Oswego 0.30 Sumter 0.54 Tiiidal 7.00 Packsvillo 7.21 Sil jr 7.80 StmimertOU 7.30 St. Paul 7.45 Merrluhi 7.57 Vances 8.12 •EutnvWllle 8.2 4 Connors 8.31 Holly Hill k.37 Peeks 8.40 llarleyvillc 8.85 I’rcgnnlls 0.05 Gl srlcston 10.80 I ; DATF.D Oct.Xtll. IHltt zx 'A — -il5== 'Z- '■£' P- »»- p. in. a. in I.CM\ C W»*Mhii ... HMD 5 48 GO** A urh <• ID (rk v Mount.. 1 (1* ♦» h*» ; < i* P- m- An’i\»» THtlrtiro *•* \i I.cu\ (* T;»rlM)ro IL* 5S p. m. p. m. a. in. Arrive Wilson * ih 7.00 7.4G P- in- p. m. a. in. Lohvo (toidrslKiro n i.i 7 40 s;ai.... Warsaw 4 u I'.Kl Mairnolia 4U7 K 40 1* 41 Arrive Wilmington... a Go 55 11 25 OlU.NO SOCTII No. 23 daily. I.eare Wilson *2 30 p m Arrive F'» c 5 20 GOING XOKOH. «< . y - ^ » Dated may 31, c"3 ^ >-.1 a. m* a. m. p. m* .“Z" Leave NVilmlnslon — V* Hft n ifi 4 ai Lohvp Majrnolirt i 54 JO 5. «,« I.r"Warsaw. H 11 ni;, Armo (Johlsboro • ^ 55 IZIV. Till h. m. J^avc Kayo tic villc . ,,, n ;ju Leave Saimu it 4-> p. m. Arrive W’ilson 12 as I.cave WiDon, lit in. p. m. p. m 3 85 13 fi* SII4 . ... Arrive Kin ky .Mount. 4 08 180 H 81? ...... a. m. p. 111. Arivc Tarboro........... . *<\»t •2 IS Leave Tarboro 13 UK » a. m. )'. in. ti, m Avrlv® Wrldon. . . Soft *:r.f. imsi , ... •Dully i xi'i pi Si 1 inlay Train ..ii tin Sci (Ian-! Noi’U HrAiicli !{o:i*I U avi’.- oltlt Hi l<):| |i III, 1 lain .V 1 . } : )> In, arrive -, 'lla.'l, N'»-,'k al 5 to o 00 a m ’ 802 8 27 048 11 .44 12. 15 p ni 12 25 1. 22 I 55 2. S3 3. 02 4 25 Leave Wilmington, Arrive Fayettville, Leave Fayetteville, Sanford, Leave flmiRx, Arrive (• reen.lmrir, l.iavc GrecnsU.ro, Leave SlukeMlnIc, Arrive WhIhiii t i.ve, i.eave Walnut Cove Leave Rural Hull, Arrive Ml. Airy, SOUTH BOUND. No. 1. Daily except Sunday. 12 00 m 1 22 p m - 1 52 2 30 2 07 3 40 3 45 413 000 7 20 7 47 11 00 south hound. No. 4, Daily except Sunday, Leave BcnnclUville, 5 40 a m Maxton. g go r , 1 ? od 8 r.","8 8 ' 7 02 Leave Hope Mill*; 7, 4 g Arrive Fayetteville, e 02 SOUTH BOUND. No. 3, Daily except Sunday, Leave Fayetteville. 747. Hope MUD, 8 05 Red Spring*, g 40 Maxton, q uq Arrive Bcnnettaville. jq 15 NoitTH BOUND. No 12, dally etrept Sun'l*v Lrzi" l!a" W "r, km am l.rave S;{ , A nil e tilr r n.hoi'o. i, 7,, ""i rn inn xd. No. II Daily except Sunday. Leave UreiDhboro ituS bm beiii 0 Climax 4 20 0 00 Lewe Mt. Airy, i.eave Rural Hall Arriic Walnut Cove i.eave Walnut Cove, Stokesdale Arrive Urccnalioro Leave Grcenalioro, Climax Sanford, Arrive F'ayettevllle I..ave F'ayetteville, Arrive W'ilmtxgion, P 'l |. in, (iieenv.lie 052 |> IS), l\ilii*lnn SOO pin. lielumliig leuvi'H Kiliat'iii 730 11 in, (irtviivlllc 8 411 j, ni. tin iving Ilal- 1 Arrive Hum-cur llax nt 1125it 111, Weldon 111.") it in v , daily txcipt Sunday. .soitJH BOtM) Trains on Washington Hrnncit leave! ' tnnnlay, Wasliington 730 it in, ni rlves I'uniielc r r>... 1 , 0 non am. Hctoniing liavcs i’anncic ‘ ’Mm, ,1 1'' I 0 ,?'" 11, 1 Mohesilnio 12 20pm. Arrive Madison 1 to p lit 7(H) p ni, iirrives Wnsliingtun 820 p in Daily except Sniiitay. Conneeis wiib triiinsnn Albenim le and Raleigli li. li. and Sent land Neel; Dniek. Train leaves'I'ai lMii'n, N. G , via Al lieniarieand Ualviuli It. it. daily e.v eept Sunday, at i to p ni, Sunil.iy 3 00 p m; turivc Wiliiiinitiin 703 p in, -120 p ni; |ilyiiinut!i Kilt) p 111, 5 20 p 01. Re turning louvc'i* I’lynumtb dully, e*- eept Huinlny, 0 20a in, Siinduy l»(Hi a m, WilliuniHtuii 750 a 111, 058 n in; nr- rive Tnrboro 1100 n 111 and 112o a ni. TrniiiH mi Soul her 11 DIvIkImu, Wilaim ami Fayetluvllle Hrnuedi leave Favelle- vlllc5)io pm, nr rive Howlmitl 712 p m, Heturnlug leave Hnwlnntl 7 35 a arrive Fayetteville 090 a m Dally 18 5 00 p m G 15 7 05 No. 17 8 00 ]) m 8 50 10 00 SOUTH BOUND, daily except Sunday. . No- 15 I.eave Madison 1 50 ,, m, Lea :e Stokesdale 3 og Arrive Crieensboro 4 25 Train No. 2 connect* nt Sanford with Seaboard Air Line for Unlelgh, Norfolk aud all points Xortli, ami nt Walnut Cove with tliu Norfolk iV: Wcatum JC H, for niMon-Snlem, Ronuoke nnti itll point* North nml WeM of lloaiiok*. I’asseMgeK from Wllmlngtotii Fnyettls-' ii.ii, Uenneu-iillu and alt iioinl* *ntttli ,,.. , ,,, —- poim* «outli ot Sttnford will arrive nt Raleigh at 11:15 a. m., and have aboui 5 hoar* in Rnlclgh, Mb except Kiimiuy. | returning ithcIi iiomc anmetiay! I ruin on Midland N. C. Brnneli Train No. 1 connect,, nt \v„inm Uovo leaves Uoldsboro daily, ex«;ept Sunday, with Norfolk and Weskrn liuilr ad for 01)0 ni.., arriving HniitilUld 730 a in, Reluming leave* Hmillilleld 800 a in; ] Seaboard Air l.i.,elo, y^n 1 oe’ cha 1 loue, Athens, Atlanta and alt j pint* Soulli ami NmtilWtbt; Pullman Palace Sleeping Car on Sen- uoard Air Lino liuiim A or in nml Soutll horn S11 nford nml on Norfolk and West- cni Hain Nortli mnl West from lionnoko, Ample timo i* glvcsi ]ins*engci* fot iireitkiast and supper ill F ayetteville; and dinner at M nlmu Coie; arrive nt Uoldaliiiru 0 30 u 111. Train oh Nashville Brnneli leaves leave* Rocky Mount at 0 in inn, urrivis Nashville 715 p in, Spring Ilope 7 4n p in. Heluriiing leaves Spring Hope Hilo am, Nashville 835 u ni, arrive at Rocky 015 u in, daily except Sunday. Tiain on Ciinton Hraneh leaves War saw lor Clinton daily, except Sunday, nt 020 p in and 1115 a in Ueiui'ulng Returning leaves Clinton at 820 n in ami 310 pm, eoiineeting nt Warsaw with Nos 41,40,23, ami 78. _ Southbound train on Wilson mid: Wn,,!-,-.,,..! A 2.. Y • Fayetteville liruneli is No. 51, Norlb- OGflDOaiU. All* bound is No. 50. "Dally exelpt Sun day. Truitts No 27 Smith nml It Nortli will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Uoldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. TH makes close connection ut Weldon f>r nil points Nortli daily .1. W. FRY, Gen. M Hunger. W. E; KYLE; Ucu. I’ass, Agent In cinneetion with GhoFlcntouj Sumter tmtl, Xorthern I.’i J(.; for GlnifloUe, .Monroe, W udosloru, liock- ingliiini, iialeigli, lleiidersun, Wei* don, i’ortsuioiitli, Norfolk, ilich- , jn i mond, \\ osliiiigton, Huitiinoie, i’liila- Stniday via Huy Line. Also id lineki 1 dclj hia uml New York, mid point* i Mount duilv except Sunday, with Nor- \. l |.||i „, If i i,'„ y i * * folk and C'urolihn Railroad for Norfolk , ,ll,U J arllniitiiu. leave *115 a in, nnii.e tl rt) p m, l.i’.";.',tHl tnr, leave 54a a in, unti e lt5o p f,,. All rail via Rlehmoiii! and daily and all points Nortli via Norfolk. I JOHN F\ DIVINE, Uen’l Snpt. I J. H, KKNI.Y, Uen’l Manager, T. M. EMERSON Trallir Manager GOING NOtVfll. Train No. 83, daily 0*09.11 Sunday. Leave Vance* 8,05 p Iti Snells 8.20 Parlors 8.80 arrive Ha. Hit city 8.45 GOING SDUTIL Train no. 33, duilv o.Ompt Stttulay, Leave Harliu city f Jo a m Parlcrs 7.55 Snell* 8.05 , Arrive Vance* , , 8.20 ! GOING NOli’Ht. | Trnlntio. 31. tlHlly estepi Sididay. : Leave Vances 12.20 p m Snells 12.40 I Purlers 12 53 I Arrive Hnrlln city 1.13 GOING SOUTH. Train no. 34. daJ.y except Sunday Leave Hnrlin city 4,5(1 p m Parlors ’ 5.10 Snells 5.23 Arrive Vances 5.40 GOING NOltTIJ—Train No. 41, daily except Sunday. Leave Eutawvill* 10.50 a ui Bclvldere 11,On arrive Ferguson 11,In GOING SOUTH—Train no. 4J daily Northeastern Rail rood. Dated January 1st, 1803 GOING SOUTH. No 15, Daily Leave Florence Kingstree Lanes Arrive Chariest' it (;iL».m,uiTiviMi un Hin, iMiVu-ale i, m, I (lib-!.:!, leave OiOia in, nmic sr*i iini, jj.mil.'t, linin'; ai am.leaiL' IW 1. in. Ilaialvt,leavesif, a ni.avnVi' Jluflu m. Iv.i'kliialiam, umvoslgia m, Imve !ui.i n m. ’ a'lwslsjui, iiiiiic liitn a i„, lun'j^0„ m, .vfc.aajo, urriio ISU i> in, leave Tr* a 111, i nuti.itte, aiuvo 3 a. p m, loave s5uu a an ! jhmdct. leave *T 40 a ni,uitIvd Tfill i. ni. IlHJi'iiili, luHii ]] i;a m,umn.405 1, ,,, lleii'.i'ivnu, Iiuvp IE fin j, in, ,in+» e un p m, \l el,lull, leal a 03 45 |i in, an lyr *J4 ]r, j, \ in Atlantic Guast Line. 0 25 a m 7 35 7 55 No. 27, Daily, Leave Florence Leave Kingstree Arrive Lancs Arrive Charleston No, 28, Dally. Leave Florence Kingstree Arrive Lane* Arrive Charleston No. 53. Leave Lancs ' Arm c Charleston Wrlil,in, leave ]5 p m, nirtvo 12 to p m, I’eleli lnilll.llllivu i,iu p III, lulls lu.-ua lit, Uh’ivniontl, ni t lu’» im ]i m, it tuo l»h ’rt) n mi \; rtHhln»t c il it)). II,, leave 4 lo a hi. *4 , jtoltiiiiOio,anno J^4Mn in, ieuvcKfiOH ini u -li . 1 lihaiia* ai rn o a in a na karo luua a an Xcw loi Ji, arm e Hiiu u mu icavp *1*00 p ill* Wchloiu leave ^HJG p in, arrive 12OH p m. rmirtsaiuutli arrive r f U) p ai .. „ > — *• »)* lfenv» l*ar» a ai. Norfolk 11 unyu arnivo 0 lo p in, Tvo ♦Ok'O n m» -lO.oO p ill 11.50 , 12.08 am »in Hay Line. 2,11) Portuiiomlt, Jcivt WdO )i m «n4veHI)0o m, Did I’einr. an lie 7«) t, ui, leave Tula u. MltOiiuu', anive 7(Hi a in, leave 7 «' p in, .. I'UltHdH' ai live in47 a in, leave 441 p in, # 11.00 p 111 1 -New Turk, mitvo 1 Du pm, leave VlO P 12 14 a ill 12.82 2.38 Ocod Work AND GOING NORTH. No. 78, Daily. Leave Charleston Arrive Lanes Leave Limes Kingstree Arrive Florence Noi (101 Daily, “ n ' Leave fimrleston 1.lines Kingstree Arrive F’loivncj No. 14, Daily! Leave Charleston Arrive Lancs Leave Lanes Kingstree Arrive FTorcnce Atlalitic (Joust Line • i Leavs Charleston Arrive Lancs i ezeept Saildny 1 leave Ferguson RelvIilorS Arrive Eulawvilte 11.3( 11.4(' 11.50 Cb'Ho conneaRon Is mtidit tu Ulii-on for \ tyj pnjnts ri aenril by Of vli* the Sealionrtj ^*li' Line Svsteun nt lietiii, :t»villo for I 'lyibts via UiF’.vk Y. V. It; II. E, I). Kyle, ail Gnnei'al I’msenjvi' Agent. *8.45 p ; m 10.40 *1.88 ip m 8.23 -3.2'i n 40 4.55 ,, 42 a tu 7 88 7 53 0 00 7 ' I *4 12 p; ti.i)3 0.03 0.T7 T.tO *0.35 e; 8.27 m iw fc IS C. & D: find C. & S. Railroads Dated January 31,1802. Doing down 1 Leaves Wkilbsboro 5:oo A, Si Dennett’s 5:17 Morvcn's 5:25 MeF’nrlaml 5:30 Uheraw 0:00 Cash's 0:17 Society ttlll 0:32 Dove's 0:50 Floyd's 0:58 Darlington 2:13 Palmetto 7:22 Arrives at FTorcnce 1:87 GOING UP. Leave* Florence tcflO P, 31. Palmetto 0:13 Darlington 0:23 Floyd'* 0:33 Dove'* 0:40 Society Hill 10:00 Cash’s it’ll 5 Uhmw 10:27 McFarland 10:57 Morvcn's 11:00 Bennett's 1 :14 Arrives lit Wntlrsboro 11:30 Freiglit Train Going Up. Leave* Florence 7:43 Ai M " Darlington 0i03 Freight Going Down: Lenva* Dnrllhgton 4:001*. Jt | Arrive* al Florence flioo A, F. llAVKffED.l’resIdbM. ♦Daily. tDnily »a mi ay. In addition to above, Trai l No. 00 | leaves Gluirlestim 5 30 p m,arrives Lancs | 7 2d pm Dnllv. Train No. 01 leaves lames 2 00 n in, arrives C'liarlestou U3o pan. Daily. No. 32 runs ihrcugn id e immibla via Central R. R. of S, C. Nos. 78, run solid to Wilmirtgion N. C. making close connection with \V & VY. li. R. for all points North. Trains Nos. 14 and 00 run via Wilson and F’nyet evlllc—Slio: ' Line—anil make dose eonneetiou for all points North. I T< M. EMERSON TMtlle Manager J, li. KENLY, General « umger. J.F. Ill VIXK.Gmieral Sunei'lniendem The Harlsvilie Railroad. Dated January 4| !8!)2. daily Mixed train. 1 Leave* Hnrtsvlllt, 3:53 A. M Jcvar.n, 0:20 r jyd’s, 0:40 i rlington O.oo : Arrive . Florence 0.50 I Tills train mfllieseonnerilnn with lie South hound passenger train on the Che | raw vt Darlington Railroad. liETUltKlNG: Leave* Flnreheb 2:00 p Leave Dnillngtoii) 3 85 ITbyils. : , Jpr.annj fi 8o j Arrive at linrtsvllla 8.3t) This train Walt* two hours; if ticet** iHti Via X. Y. P, & X. B, H, I’oUrtsinotli, lisivu "fififi p m, ufi-tve n 10 a m, Ottl anv 7 l>l j> m, Ichvu BOO R 1114 iJi’Mna, ttmVG 11/*» a ln , Uua 0 J M a m. Philuda,iinivi* ft ion tu, Iorvo II10 pm. .New \«rk, anivo huo a m, Iorvo ■'■ouu p 1111 *l)aiiy. + l);uly, oxoopt ^uurtay* Ihroujjh rulliuau hJic*i»ci’s botworn INlft* mouth and Hunilcf. 1'uliman Slcr > i*i*t’>i rti 11 twooii Uapc t'lmilcR nml New York via N, V* r. «V N, It. It PulJmait hlr?c|H3iH on train be tween H'riiion ami Sew York. I’ttttlier iniurjimtlou a|>ply to ticket affent thhuriit*tmi, Ntimtfr fc Northern Itailiviad, i - IS, Nuppriiitemlent; O, V* , Nnitli, lmilif Miiuanucrj Juo. c. Winder, (ieri‘1 Mil|iUufr; l*i C. UiJ'mii, Awt (Jen pRAMenger ak ti 1, Jt Andorson, PaMen^r Affent. VV.) C. & A. Railroad, going apum. „ , Dated January 1, ISM. No, S3, Loaves \Yilmi!!gf ,n * : 0;25 p. m. Marlon 0,41 Arrives a) Florence 10:33 No. 50 Leaves i'ior’cnce *3:20a, M’ ArrivU at Sumter 4:35 Nc. 50. Leave S„mter 48.)d. nt. Arrive (^ulambln 0 15 | No! 32; Leaves Cuiii'vr ■ ; '• *9i48 a, iff Arrives ni Coluhibia l0:55 No. 58. Lciivkj Florence f 7:45 Arrive at Suxiter , 6:20 No. 52. runs through from CTiurlcstmi via Ucmrnl Railroad, leaving Lancs 8,8? a, in., Manning 0.00 a. m; GOING NORTH No, 51 Leave* Uoltimtilp ’'10.45 p. till Sumter , 12i5n.lii: Arrives at F’loroi.e® 1:00 11. lit No. 78. Leaves FTonmeo f Ho a; lit Marlon , j ,0 Arrive at WiluiLginii o-to No. 53. t-eaves Cotumbia ’UitOp. fit Arrives at Sumter Ti20 Noi 50; i)V, Sumter ft.UO p hi An FTon ,dU r ,5i) ♦Daily, rDuily, excel t Sambty, No. 50 runs inrough tu GF.itlvsli n, rlti Centnil !(■ It., arriving ai 5,»uiiijg 8:(i0 p. m-i Lanes Siju p, nu, timrlesiim 1Ui40 !'• mi . , TTain on'Vaiicl'.rsttr & Ang.bsla It. iti leavis Sumter daily, cJo ept Sumlav, at 10.50 n, nil) arrive* nt Kitmui 11,80 ii, im Retaining leaves ttiinmi IS.lW p. m„ ar* Fives at Siuuter 1,40 11. in. Trains on liar,siilie it. R. leave lltuK' i Ille daily except itimriay al ,4.t 0 it. m.i a riving FTovds .5,1,5 a m,. Hi li.rulnij leave Floyils 11.45 p, in,, au'lvtug HArt* > viile H.'tO p, in, ' ' , Trains on MTlmltiglon Lhadl ourti il Gonwr.y railroad lope Gi mil bourn 10.30 r.ri ive Conway I'«/pi m., reluitiitif a. in. Iviue Conway at 2,4) pj.jtf; arrive UhacD bourn ,3,30 p. m. I.eave Clindbourh 7.11* a. hi; am! 8;50p;ln.; a Drive Hul, nt BJtll n; • m in, iiiidc.i'l.Vp.'nic-ReAiritFtie leave Hub I V * -•» ! (i IVII H III l.< 1 II..Ii*. •. *4. .. ... f ii u . t I 51. THIS PAGE CONTAINS FLAWS AND OTHER DEFECTS WHICH MAY APPEAR ON THE HIM. . r i j j j .,1, . u , e 1 , im „' Vary, tar the Nortli bound freight trail) St.Y£* •L m ^7.^3 » WW to ,h1 “ Bt illE . 06 tilt) U, * Di li, li, J, L cC)KI'R, Wwl^r MOTTO. ]Hmih OlittiM \ UtBiitieui -—-—— 1 ■■ • - j 0.0" a, ui. nml (t;45 ji.th.i atilTeLTmitliotun O.l.V n. tiu ;iinl tig!) p, m, Dally except fiiiiulay, ,1. R, KF'.N LFlV,GttieralMfinaaer. Ti M; EMEKKOK, Traflli; Managers. J. F’i DlYiNt, Genttkl Superthutidtlii - -, MV II* i m>u> .