A inFRfH DIRfiCTORT. l*BK»»yTKUiAN Church.—Rev. J. G L*w, I’astoi.' Cresching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. und 8 (K) p. m. Sabotth School at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting every Wed- nCaday afternoon at 5 o’clock. METilooieT OiiUKCH.—Rev..I. A. Rice, Pastor; Preaching every Sunday at 11a nj. and 8 00 p. m.. Sabbath School at 5 p. in', Prayer meeting every Thursday at 830 p. ni. EiHitcorAi, C hack i..—Rev. W. A. Gucrrj, Rector. 11. T. Thompson, Lay Reader. Preaching 3rd Sunday at 8 30 p. m., Lay Reading every Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Sabbath School every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. Mackdonia Baptist Church. Rev I., p. Ifrockington, Pastor; Preaching ‘ every Sunday at 11 a. m.. and.830 p. m. Sabbath School at 330 p. m., Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening at 8 30 'o clock. Never Glre Ip. WOMAN IN PROVERBS. Wise Laws of Many Lands on Wo man and Her Ways. ENGLISH. Women’s jars make men’s wars. A change of wives makes men bald. A woman’s tears are a fountain of craft. Where women and geese are there is no lack of noise. IRISH. The best of women is never at a loss for words. A bag of fleas is. easier to watch than one woman. Where the devil cannot go him aclf he tendi an old woman. - FRENCH. What,woman.wills God wills. He who takei a wife finds a mastir. A woman conceals what she does not know. Never a-looking glass told a wo man she wm uglyn, ’ ITALIAN. The born beauty is bprn betroth . ed. Women and bene arc lost by gadding. • . When woman reign* 'the • devil govern*. In craft women can give points to the devil. DANISH. Judge h maiden at the kneading pat), not at the daiidd Give your wife the shor^tlife, keep the long one yourself. One hair of a maiden’s head pulls harder than teu yoke of oxen.—From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The Alliance. The Farmers’ Alliance under the manipulation and .leadership of the men in the past was very fruitful in new schemes and expedients. We have had occasion often to criticise amt puncture some of these visionary, bottomless, intangible, wild schemes that promised really no redress and only helped designing men to bam boozle .aijU get a support or ftiore, There is a new Schemes being broach- fed. It may be wise or otherwise- practical or impracticable; time will thow. It is this) to abolish all mid dlemen in selling cotton. The ex changes are to he wiped out. The farmers are to go into railroad build ing at once and sell their products to tlio cotton mills and transport it over their own railroad*. This scheme strikes as to be very like in magni tude, in absmdity, in impossibilities to the Government ownership of rail roads, etc.) and lending money at 8 per cent, on perishable stuff, What next Will the dreamer* start? The Philadelphia Record says that the "middleman is ilifi a luxury of the cotton trade, but a necessity. He is an essential cog in the economic ma chinery; and it is the lame with the cotton eachanges. The Alliance scheme is a pleasing chimera, and no ‘ more. Given the jxMsibility of its organisations, it would inevitably tumble to ruin of its own weight, and leave the hapless fuimT» in worse plight than ever.” Wc sincerely hope for the good of all that the farmers will not allow tl'einielves to be deceived farther by wild-cat plans that promise no good to them in the eiid whatever the maupnlators and inventors of them may say. A burnt child might to Xlread Are.—Wilmington Messenger. Bllcklea'a Arnicu Solve. The best iftlve In the world for cuts rises, sores, ulcers, salt rbeum, fever -es, tetter, chapped hands, chfllilalns, ms, and all skin eruptions, and posi- ely cures piles, or no pay required. It ;uarant eeedtoqive perfect satisfaction, money refunded, Price 25 cents per x. For sale »t Wlleos’silrug store. If you would have smooth white bands, keep them out of hot water. Use a pure soap and always take time to thoroughly dry them. Children vty for Pitcher’* Castoria "H y shall 1 take my medicine, doctor?” asked Miss Augusta.'"Take it, my dear young lady, its yon would take a husband—for totter or. worse.” Everybody knows that the condition for health wse not favorable when the stomach, Uvpr, end bowels ore disor dered. In such cases, headache, Indi gestion, and constipation are the result ; for all which ailments the proper reme dy is Ayer's Cathartic Fills. Childrw Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. , Twelve million tickets were print ed in the city of New York last elec jjuiMtofcH/fiMMWr ? Never.sit down and confess your self beaten. If there arc difficulties in the way, struggle with them liken man. Use. all your resources, put forth all your strength, and “never say die.” The case may seem ho; e- less, but there is generally a way out somehow. Are yon bound and fet tered by hurtful habit/? Do not despiar. You can’t do much to help yourself, it is true, but there is One who never fails to strengthen the young man when he makes an honest attempt to overcome temptation and master evory evil passion. “He brought me up-tflso oitt of a hbrrible pit, out of tke^iiry clay, and set my feet upon a rock; anti established my going.-" That is the experience of thousands of fellows who have felt their feet slipping, who have begun to sink in the quicksands of sin, and have reached out a hand to accept the loving help of the strong and gentle Christ. While he lives and loves, no man need ever give up. A Leader. Since its first introduction, Electric Bitters has gained rapidly in popular ; favor, until now It Is i-lcarly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and altera tives—containing nothing which per mits 1U use as a beverage or Intoxicant, if is recognized as the best and purest medicine for «lf ailments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys.—If will cure Sick headache, indigestion, constipation, and u drive malaria trom the system tlon guaranteed with each Satlsfnc _ bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c, per bottle. Sold at Wlllcox's drug store. (2) "Oh, pupa!. I know what maker people lattgl} in their sleeves!” "Well, my soli, what makes them?” “Cause, that’s where there funny bone is.” If the bunds are rough, wear a loose pair of kjd gloves. Allow them to remain oirall night, In the morn ing wash in tepid water, using a lit tle French almond meal, and your hands will be much improved. Utatn 0Afl* oqs 'ojuptUD pwt att* hufiM ■OflOWSO OV Soup etw mm otuvooq oqs roj potw atp ‘Pima « »«» ®M» uafAl ipotnto jsq 9A*3 »» Hats *mt It Should Belli Evt*i*y House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St.,SharpSbtUg, Pu., savs he will not ho. without Dr. fling’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and C'ojds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia after kn attack of "La Grippe,” when various other remedies and several physi cians hod done her no good- Robert l>ur- bee,(Of Cookspert, Pa., claims Dr King’s New Discovery bus done him more good thsn anything ho ever used for Lung Trouble* Nothing llko it Try it. Free Trial Pottle# at Wllleox’* Drug Store Largo hottles, 5oe and |1,00. 0 — - Profession al Card s. W: F. PAKGAN, « > 1 > m* Attorney - at - Law, DARLINGTON, 8. C. ’Office over Blackwell Brothers' Store.' E. KEITH D AUG AN, Attorney at Law, DARLINGTON, 8. C. ..Nettles & Nettles, ATTORNEYS - AT - I,AW, Dnrllngton C. II., 8. 0- Will practice in ail State and Federal Courts, Careful attention will be given to all business entrusted td us. C. P, DARGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW ABU Trial Justice, DARLINGTON, s’ C. Practice' in the United States Court and in the 4th tad Jth circuits. Prompt attentiob to all business entrusted to tnc. Office, Ward's Lane, next to The Dar- lington.Herukl office. P. Bishop Parrott, 8teii0gra|>her : lad ; Type-writer. liEOAt ABD OTHER CorYIBO UOMCITEB. Testimony reported in shotMiand and type-written transcript of same furnished at reasonable rates. Good spelling, correct punctuation and neat work guaranteed. Office With WardJ* Woods. Cl ENCpiG. The undersigned offers bis services as Land Surv eyor, and will promptly attend to any business in this line. lie has possession of the notes and instru ments of his father, the late Midor JAfc, M. » - Earle. 6-15-92-tf WAULE. li Firs k Me , INSURANCE Co. SPRINGFIELD, Mai-s. A "ency nt Darlington, So Ca. H. t. CHARLES, Ageht. PETER BOWLES DOES FIRST CLASS H Paper Hanging. ‘ Work a ‘ : Hi solicits the patronage of An Elect ropoise Cure. YOU The following letter, from a prominent and highly esteemed South Carolina I ^ ^ *i Jiidne. is but one of a multitude, all testifying to the wonderful benefits ■ MF MF The following letter, from a prominent and highly esteemed South Carolina Judge, is but one of a multitude, all testifying to the wonderful benefits derived from the use of the EI.ECTROPOlSE. ( Amden, K C.. March 30,18R2. Df.ah Hiu I should lx- uncreh-ful II T ih-iiiyi-d lonKsr tn «oy »(torel word for tho Ktsrtropntot 1 oomnu-m-wWlA iwo hI»>ui two yrwnt n«o, ut ti time when my heftlth w-n# very eeriouniy Imoitlml, mid etlll c-ontlmte Its tn#-, nlUiouuh In much hotter condition. It l» an nicollont remedy for Insoumlu mid other nervous disorders. Its operation lseen«e and nlmost Imiwreeptlhle eteopt In results, which I hclleve mo aheavs Sonuflclal, if Instrnctlons are followi-t. TI Instilrce oontldence In those who- nse It. and elves the Invalid the name kindly comfort osporlenced by the prewnco Of a trusted medical advisee, and 1 shall never be without It In the future. I sin cerely recommend Its use to Invalids. viruaiTAur @ You™ truly, j- B. KERSHAW, We earnestly solicit correspondence from those suffering from chronic and so-called '‘incurable” diseases of long standing. To all such we will cheer fully give the benefit of our experience without charge. Atlantic Electropoise Co., ATLANTA, GA* PERFECTED CRYSTAL L?HSES TRACS WAR*. *a%Yin!«dJ2!rvfi B. O. BRISTOW, Book • Dealer • and .• Optician Has the exclusive sale of these cele brated goods in Darlington, S. C. KELLAM ft MOORE, The only manufacturing Opticians in the South, Atlanta, Gu. BW Peddlers are not supplied with these famous glasses. SPECIAL RUN No. 19. GREATEST VALVE ON EARTH. Tyler's Fnmona Antique Oah Roll Cm- tula Dealt comptote* ace apodal circulars# No. 4004,3ft. 6in, long, net 810.00 No.4000,4ft.Gin. “ “ 82100 No. 4010, & ft- Ions, ■ • •* 823.00 Aiso f«o net* PAfid oatotOBup for 1002. Grontout of ^k)euT40 per nont fn WAGONS. .Jporosnttroiv lormsr ll«(. 00038 FUSE, poataga ICo.- Shicisi froth Bt, touif, !io„ ti itt(‘rs»fo)t|, tsd. r.fXK rOVRTRftO A BPItliETY, IVa rafar to otery Bonk In tmrtv BtBtGe. TYLSR P68K 00„ 8L Loul*. We Mat 2 W. L. DOUGLAS 63 SHOE gen/lemek. And other epedaltlos tor ’ Oontli-mi-n, IakIIoo. Soys and Hisses are the Best in the World. Eco dcecrlptlvo advertise- incut which will appAr la thisi>at»r.' - - ' Take no SubstltutO, baWntlston having \V. L, D0VULA8' BHOEH.wIth Dumc uud p, lea stuuped «a hebe-.;.. gold by A. J.nlirooHi, Dariingloii. 8. Ct Two-horse wagons are now Manufactured at JOi mflll'S FACTORY. . DARLINGTON, S. C. CALL AND SEE THEM BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. A COMPLETE STOCK OF Bugeras, Carts, Harness —and— FURNITURE Always on Hand. Undertaker’s les. /€ "1*5 him Opportunity! DOVT Ml*t wi#a Yomni, Kcneivr. Ti^ ttinjflrity Mcleci tlitir e|* portnnittui. ntifl from that cans* lit# in pnra ty mid >loll bt-gins September 28. (irmlimick -x'ciliv gitod poHitioiiR. Each county given twosclinlarahiine—one worth $1.'>0 a»en»km and one of free tuition. Com- totitlveexftHtiuiil.ion August 5 at Cmn t HmiW’jofcat h county. Address D. B. JOHNSON, Fh-Hltient,Columbia,K. C, ncut. T3N ran i bo- Yon riifi jil^HPMifltliiioMtly.oritH yurliiuv tu fottriL. i mil rtf'inlt al "'• pUHtli'ldy itoW nnif I’onllf Rvui bo- iff hef tjaf; Yon le*0 linHi unlintiHitH- r'*mo08yiriijfOtiM, Yon’ ttnuii If liuro. Mnnoy to 1»b imula fNpiili/ nml Iifftinrahly bytiut Imiiithiyioi’cr,Mii>tclihnr »e*. All fieut. JTaN enn do lit j woi h (tbt( niff hi hunte. ♦thufpYdfj’M^iifa, nrtnJ»o- cl»Hft r8 nrooti l!y oiiFitlit^ ffHifi H|i-» Iff cum do ft* 'tel! if you tvlll work, imt lt»0 c:iclf i nii'i you fit ti iitrroKao your luc“m ... ■' tiniui*tlioH"'rk. r.nv Bturirmi. Alli*cviiu- -. hfkDJr jritjiiftjf’fjH. no I'lBtruri antf biiow ' Oil 1:018, fl’CO, rnfltHd lIliVlM.'WlJ MWliB hilt Hutk i-ra. So room tu lioiu Wrltomid luam'kl!n-re, iir rc'i'fi ftnll, I'iiwiNU to dvliiy. AiMfaas nf mtro. If, lluUutt 6: Co,, Btfi CcU, I*4irl 1*11141, Mu lac. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DIRUHGTCN : UERILD Only $1 a Year. I . I I THE CHEAPEST LARGEST and REST LINE of FURNITURE EVEIi OFFERED TO THE PEOPLE OF DAKL1NOTPN COUNTY. H ayiisw orth’s fpuiikiture Store. THE LATEST AND MOST IHPfrOVEDTjESloMA&D"FINISHES • IN RED ROOM SUITS IN WALNUT, ANTIQUE OAK, ICtb • CENTURY a-id OLD ENGLISH, My stock of Gftamiiar Suits is Complete in Every Respect. PiCTUKE FRAMES Of Every Uescrlptlon Miulc to Onlcr oh Siiort Notice, GIVE ME A CALL. UWANT YOUlt TRADE uml WILL DO MY VERY REST To 1‘LEANE YOU. . Uespcciftiliy, J. A Y X & WORT II, H faiiv REGULATE THE 1! STOMACH, LIVER ^ BOWELS, I .' - AND . PURIFY THE BLOOD. ; A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR [- Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, j. Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad II Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all i 1 disorders of the Stomach, L ! : l Liver and Bowels. 0i^anf TiMea c-ontalti nothing injuriuua to th« moat dclicata con**itu* lion. Pfcamiit to taktf, lafe, ( iTertuai. Civ* linmtdiuta relief. Sold by drugirin*. A trial bottle scut by piail on ncoiyt of tj cents. Addrcsa THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., to 5pruc« Street, • « New York City, ****%*%%*+%%*+*+%**%*%*%#%**%*%* o P P crq o m a 8.20 s 880 arrive Hailinclly' 8^5 GOING SOUTH. Train no. 82, dailv except Sunday, Leave Harlln city 7 40 a » Tarlers 7-53 Snells 8.05 Arrive Vances 8,90 GOING NORTH. Train no. Si, daily except Sunday) Leave Vances 13.U0 p m StttUs 12,40 Parlers 1258 Arrive Usrlln city 1.18 GOING SOUTH, Train no. 34. d*lly except Sumijay Leave ilarlih city 4.30 p m Farlcr* 5.10 Snells 6.98 Arrive Yrnicei 6.40 GOING NOItTH—Train No. 41. dally except Sunday. Leave Eutaw ville 10.60 a m Uelvidcre . 11,00 arrive Fifgusaii „ It.lO GOING SOUTH-^TraltJ no. 49 dally cecejn Sidday leateFerBii«oh 11.80 am Mvldete ll,4fl Arrive Eulawville ii.SO Clnsc connection is made at (Jlbstm for sll points r, ached by or via the SeaboHid Air Line System; at Uenm ttsvillc for all points via t F. 4s Y. V. R. 11. E. D. KYLE. Gflnernl Passenger Agent. Noftheasterh ftailroad. Dated duly *4th, 1803. GOING SOUTH, No, 37, Dally, - Leave Florence *1,35 a, to Arrive Lancs 2.30 Arrive Charleston ’ - 5.00 ' No. 38, Dally. Leave Fiorenp|t * 8 0.', a m Kingstroe 0.30 Arrive Lanes 1.96 a. m Arrive Charleeton 11.60 No. 58. Leave Lance *8.45 p. m Arrive Charleston 10.80 Train on C. A b. ... it. connects al Florence with No. 61 train. GOING NORTH. No. 78, Daily. Leave Charleston *1.00 a. m Arrive Lanes 0.35 Leave Lanes 1.36 Klngstree 148 Arrive Florence 4,45 No. 14, Daily, Leave Charleston *810 p. m Arrive Lanes 7.05 Leave Lane* 7.05 Klngstree 7.94 Arrivs Florence 8.10 No. 53, Dally, Leave Charleston *0.60 a, m Arrive Lanes 9.27 *Dally. fDally ex<. oumiiiy. No. 63 runs thronsh to Columbia vis Central R, R. of S, C< Nos. 78, and 14 run solid to Willnitlgtoh N. C. making Close connection with W ft W, It. It. for all points North. T, M. EMERSON Traffic Manager, d. 11. KENLY, General Asnagor, d.F. yi VJJfJJ, Geoertl Itperlotettdeot OOINO SOUTH. Cape Fear & Yadkin Yaliay R. R Condensed Schedule, Not. 97,1888. NORTH BOUND. DATED Oct. etti. iau2 25 >. viid, 5^! Leave Weldon Arrive Kooky Mount... p. m. p. m. a. m. 12 30 f>43 ft Of) 1 40 ft 3ft T eo Arrive Tarboro liCave Tarlniro p. m. j *2 1 12 .V f ft Oif ! Arrive Wilson p. m. p. m.-a. m.- 2 18 7.0C i 7.40 Leave Goldsboro Leave Warsaw Leave Majmolia Arrive Wilmington — p. m. p. m. a. mJ i* 15 7 40 R 30 4 14 9 30 4 27 8 40 ft 44 1 6 00 9 55 1125 Goino boctii Lea re Wilson Arrive Selma Arrive Fayettsvtlle No. 23 daily. *2 30 p m, 3 23 5 20 GOING NOKOH. Datevl may 31.1892. ; if j if jifi: Leave Wilmington.... Leave Magnolia......... 'a. hi, a fiJp. m* 12 35 »ia,- «a) 1 54 10 67 6 02 Arrive Goldsboro 2 65 12 05 7 10 I.faye Fayetteville . . a. m. *9 30 1 1135 Arrive Wilson p. m. •1 i-jSJS,.,,*.— Leave Wilton Arrive Rocky Mount. a. m. p. m.'p. m 8 26 12 56 8 04 • 408 180 8 30 ,a. m. P-m.l [ *080 *210 Leave Tarboro Arrlvo Weldon a. m.!p. m.'p. fuJ, ...... . 606' 268' 1000' No. 9. Daily except Sunday. Leave Wilmlngtou, 5 00 » a 808 6 87 0 48 11.44 12. l6ptt Arrive Faycttville, Leave Fayetteville, Sanford, Leave Climax, Arrive OrceneLOro, Lrave Grcei'sl)oro, 19 25" Leave StokcndHie, 1. 32 Arrive Walnut Cove, 1 66 Leave Walnut Core 8. 88 Leave Rural Hall, 6. 03 Arrive Mt. Airy, 4 M SOUTH BOUND. No. 1. Daily except Sunday. 19O0tt 122 p m 162 280 2 67 8 40 8 46 ’ 411 600 720 .7 47 1100 •Daily except Sunday. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Hoad' leaves Weldon 400 n m, Halifax 4 23 |> in, arrive Scotland Neck nt 615 p in, Greenville C 52 p m, Kinston S00 pm. lieturning leaves Kinston 7So a m, Greenville H40 n ni. arriving Hal ifax at 1125 a nt, Weldon 1145 a m dally except Sunday. .TraiuHou Washington Branch leave Washington 780 a ni, arrives I’armele 900 ant. Returning leaves I’annele 700 p m, arrives Washington 8 20 p in Daily except Sunday. Connects with trains on Albemarle'and Raleigh it. It. and Bcnlliiiid Neck 11 rack. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C , via Al toinnrle mid H.'.leluliTt. it. daily ex cept Hundny, at -14(> p nt, Sunday 3 00 p in; arrive'Vllllntnton 703 p in, 420 n in; plymouth 830 p trt, " 20 n tn. lie- turning leaves Plymouth clally, ex cept Hunday, 020 a ni, gunduy 000 a in, Wllllnmston 7 50 j) iji, 058 ant; ar rive Tarboro 1100 n in and tl 20 n in. Trains on Hoiitlielii Division, Wilson and Fayetteville Hranfelt leflte Fayette- ville 6 8(> p tn, arflVo ItoWltttid TlJ p m. Rotiii'niug leave Howland 7 35 a in, arrive Fayetteville 0 20 a in Daily except Sunday. Train on Midland N. C\ Drench leaves Goldsboro daily, except Sunday. 000 a nt, arriving Hmltlifield 730 a m, Hctuniiug leavesBmiilifield 800 am; arrive at Goldsboro ORtl a iit- Train on Nashville Brunch leaves leaves H-ieky Motlnt lit 0 40 pul, arrives Nashville 7 15 p ill, Hpriilg Hone 7 40 p in. Ucturnlng leaves Spring Hope 80o am, Nashville Wfto a tn,arrive ut Itoek.v 015 a nt, daily except Btltulny, Tialn on Clinton Uraneh leaves War- satv for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at 020 p it) and 11 {3 n nt Heturniug Heturolng leaves Cliiiton at 690 a ni ai-ul 310 ]>m, eoiineettug Ut Warsaw with Nos 41, 40, 23, nml 78. iSouthbouud train on Wilson and Fayetteville Branch is No, 61, North bound is No. 50. ‘Dally cxcipt Hun day. Trains No 21 Hoiith and 14 North will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Jlngiioliiii Train No. 78 niitkos elust feonltcetlmi at Weldoii bit nil points North daily. All rail via Richmond ami daily eXccpi Huiirlny viit U«y Line, Also at Rocky Mount daily except Hunday, with Nor folk and Cttrolihit Kailroad for Norfolk and all points North via Norfolk. JOHN F. DIVINE, fK-n’l Hupt. J. H. KHNLY, tien’i Manager. T. M. KMKHHON, Traflle Manager Beaboul’d Air Line* Ler.ve Mt. Airy. Leave Rural Hall Arrive Walnut Cove Leave Walnut Cove, Stokesdale Arrive Grecncboro Leave Greensboro, Climax Sanford, Arrive Fayetteville Liave Fayetteville, Arrive Wilmirgton, KOlttH HOUND. No. 4, Daily except Sunday. Leave Bennettsvllle, 6 40am $.’?f* on -. 180 Red Spring*, Tna Leave Hope Mills, ' f 43 Arrive Fayetteville, g 03 SOUTH BOUND. No. 3, Daily except Sunday. nm. ii" Maxton, ’•0 20 Arrive Bennettsvllle. 15 NORTH bound. Leave Ulimax, Arrive Greensboro, p )o SOUTH BOUND. 9n » d »yj. Leave Greensboro Leave Climax Arrive Ramseur NORTH BOUND. Ds'lv except Sunday. No. 16 Leave Grcetisbein 11 00 a m, Stokesdale 10 20pm, Arrive Madison 1 jg tOl’TH BOUND, daily except Suttday, » «. ,, No. 16 Leave Madison 160 pm, Leave Klnkrsdidu 8 08 Arrive Greensboro 4 25 8 08 pm 4 20 000 No, 18 6 00 pm 618 706 tfo. 17 loopm 8 60 1000 Train No. 9 connects at Sanford with K. folr srid all ‘pofnis NdRHIand In with the Norfolk ft Western > m. 3 am. In COhhcotloh with Charleston, Siunter ahtl Northern R. It. for Charlotte, Monroe, Wudeshoro, Rock ingham, Ruleigli, Henderson, Wel don, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Rich- ihoild, Wushin'gtpiw Utilt|mpre, Phila delphia and New York, and points North and Fust. Darlinrton. leave *4 4ft a m, arrive 1100 p m. llennptlsvtlle. leave ft 40 a m, arrix v 050 p m. itllxlna, arrive e so a m. leave *0 to p m. Ulbiim, loaie )ft40a m. arrlrn sr,0 pm, Hamlet,arrive 150 am,leave .W pm. Hamlet, leave ft 1ft »ill. arrive 11 wft a m. Hoeklngham. arriveftftftam, leave J040 am. Wadeabero, arrive 10 40 a m. leave 0 to a m. Mnuroe. an 11 a 120 pm. leave 7 tft a m. Charlotte, arrive 1 us p m. leave *»ue a m. MeWlet. leave‘T 40 a nt. SrHVo t»V) p fh, Italelah, leave Una tn, arrive 400 n Henderson, leave IS 69 p m, arrivs «200 p m. Weldon, leave d2 45 p m, arrive -Yi 16 p m. Yja Atlantic Coast Line. Feldon, irevo -i is n m, arrive 1210 n 1 'etersburg. arrive 630 p hi, leave 1030 tu-hmond, arrive 7 06 p m, leave b850 h.... Wnshlnston, arrive 1110 p m, leave 410 a m. Italtlmoro, arrive 124ft a m, leave 360 a m. I’htlada, arrive 34ft a m, leave 1203 a m. Now Tork. arrive ft 50 a m. leave *9 00 p m, Weldon, leave *300 p m, arrive 12 03 p m. BOurtamouth arrive 650pm, leavi ossa »i. Nor folk (Ferry), iirrrlYHUlO p m. I've *020 a m. Via Ray Linci Poitjmoutli,leave 4 ft00pman-lvefiftOa m. • lid I’otut. arrive TO) p m, leave HO a M. llalttfnme, rtrrlvo 700 n m, leave 7 00 p m, PhllaSii. aril to Ml 47 ft m. leave 4 41 p m. NftW Terk. KVilre I#) bm. >«nve *dlO h m, via if, v. p. & n, h, )<> fmirtsmiith. leave *556 p fii.BlVlvnOlO a tn. Dirt Point, arrive 700 p m, leave ftOO a m. Dtlnui, arrlvo 100 a m, IrsYo 2 55 a tn. Pliilarta. arrive 510 a m, leave 1110 p m. Now York, arrive SuOa m. leave *800 p m. •Dattr. VDaiiy, eseopt rtimnuy. Thi-onah Pullman Hleepftra lotwenn I’nrto- mouthatid Hamlet. Piillman fiieeiK>rsrun bej tween Cape Charles and New York via N. Y> P. & N. 11. )i Pullman f-lee|ici'« on train be tween Weldon and New York. mr further information anply to ticket aeent Chharliktnn. Simit<-r 4 Northern ftaiii'.iad, U. Breakfast Divine, ft, 8nbci!hte»dent;0. V. Smith, Traffle Mananaer; Jno. C. Winder, (ien’l Mnnnaftri F, 0. Hryan. Asst (len Passcnaer Ax’tl X, J. Aurtorsmii Ptissenger Agent, M Inoton Sftlout, Ilogiiokl and all bolnU North and Wfeil nf ItoftHok*, P f ' Hsftengem from Wilmington. Fayatta- ville, Bcnnoitiville apd »if po/pt» pputh of bftnfnrd wiil arrive Rt Halilrh g; Il|t8 a, m,, and have about 6 hour* ft ilalelih, returning resell home ^amcdfcy, “am No. 1 contiecti at Walilul Got! wl h Norfolk afid Western Railroad tot Mmston-Salcfii, and at Sahfortl With Seaboard Air LinbforMtfiiroe, ChadoRi, ScuUiwosi nth imd 8111 @int * Snut hat!t( board Air Lina |rmna NpH!, Bmtth from 8tuitord nml mi Nurroik and West- «nt tin u North nbd Want from Roanoko. Ample time is given passengers for r.w.m, Gen. Manager. UBn ’ ,M *- h Agent W., C. & A. Railroad, No; 83, No. 27. P* P» Atlantic Const Line. C. & D, and C. & S. Railroads. Dated January 81,1803. GOING DOWN 6:oo A. M 6:17 &t2i 6;30 0:00 0:17 0:32 0:50 0:58 7:!3 . 7:23 7:37 0,00 t. 31. 0:18 0138 0:33 0:40 10:00 10:15 10:27 10i87 1100 1 :14 11130 Freight Train Going Up. Loaves Florence 7.‘4.) A. M 11 Darlington 0:00 Freight Going Down. Loaves Darlington 4;001’. M Arrival at Florence (boo A, y, RAVIiNfiL, I’reBltlest- Lcavea Wades boro Hennelt's itorven's JtcFnrlaud Che raw Cash's Society Hill Dove's Floyd’s Darlington Palmetto Arrives at Florence GOING IT Leaves Florence Palmetto Darlington Floyd’s Dove's Society Hill Cash's Oheraw McFarland Morvcn'i Dennett's Arrives at Wadhsboro GOING SOUTH, Dated Octdtorj, 1800, Leaves Wilmington * M6 b, m, Marion 0ioo Arrives at Pldfenee 10,96 a. Ik No, 00, Leave* Florence # 8i30a. m, Arrives at Sumter 4:85 Leaves Wilmington *10:10 p. ra Marion 19:40 a, m. Arriye-. u Pjprenpe No. 62, Leaves buiuttr * *0:48 a, ta Arrives at Columbia IO166 No. 08. Leaves Florence f ti67 Arrive at Sumer 0109 No, 58, runs through from ChtrlesloH via Central Railroad, leaving Lanes 8.81 a. m.i Manning 0,00 a, m, Train oh C, A D, Railroad conaecUat I lorsnee with No. 00, going north. No. 51 Leaves Columbia ((10.46 p, m. SuOiter i8:04.a.m. Arrives at Florence l;J b1i| Fayetteville 6,90 a. ffi Re> tnrnlHg leave Fayetteville 6,80 p, m.. ar rive Rowland M3 p, m., 1’e* Dee Jane, lion 8,18 p, m,, Florence 8,43 p m. Dally except Sunday. Train on Manchester A Augusta It, It. leaves Sumter daily, except Btindat, 11 10.30 a, m,, arrive* at Rimini li fe li!; Returning leaves Rimini 12.80 p. m., ar» rives nt Sumter 1,40 p, m: Trains on I.fttta Urftnch FldrebCe Rail' road leftvc Duhbar 3i30 a rti, arrivfi Latta 6:45 n tn. Retiifnihg leave Latta 0:00 b m, arrive Dunbar OilOpffi. Daily »x^ cent Sunday. Trains on llartsvilie R, R, leave Hafti. ville daily except Sunday nt 6.66 a. »., arriving Floyds 0,40 n m. Returning leave Floyd* 0,35 p.tn., arriving JIarti* vlilc 4.05 p. m. Trains on Wilmington Chndbourn A Conway railroad leave Chadbonfn 10 BO a. m,, arrive Cohwav 1 00 p.m,, returning leave ConwKy at 2,30 |i. m, arrive ChmP bourn 6.20 p, m, Leave Chad bourn 7.15 a..in. and fi.ftOp, m„ .arrive Hub at 8.00 a, m. and (5,23 p. m. Returning leave Hub 9.00 a. m. and 0.45 p, m.. arrive Chadboarn 9.43 a. m. and 7,80 p. ro. Dally 6xcftbt Sunday, r J. R. KENLEY, Genera] Manager. T. M. EMEjldON, Traffle Managers, • J. -F. DIVINE, General SuperintetdlRt Tho Hartsvillo nttilroad, Dated Jatmaty 4,18*1. DAILY MIXED TRAIN, Leaves Harlsville, 5:65 A, U I Jovnntt, 6:00 Floyd s, 8:40 I Darlington 0,00 Arrive at Florence 0.50 This train mahcsconnccilon with k| South bound passenger train oit the Ult ra w & Darlington Railroad, RETURNING. Leaves Finrentb Leave l)Aillnglbil| FlOydst Jov'it 8.00 R. M, 0 8.3 f m 8 m 8.1b 8.50 PvitriU, Arrive at llaituvllln Tills titiiu Witils two hours. If fiecei> sary. for Hie Null) bound frelglii lialfl on tho u. A D. R, It. J. L, (‘ok nt