The Darlington herald. (Darlington, S.C.) 1890-1895, November 09, 1892, Image 4

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PRiaBYTiBiAX Church.—Rev. J.'C Law, Paator; Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 8 00 p. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting every Wed- ' o 1 o b nesdav afternoon at 5 o'clock. Methodist Church.—Key. J. A. Rice, | Timmomviue, pine < Pastor, Preaching every Sunday at 11 a f Oarterevtile, at. Paul m. and 8 00 p. m., Sabbath School at S p. in., Prayer meeting every Thursday at 8 30 p.m. Episcopal Chaprl.—Rev. W. A. Guerry, Rector. H. T. Thompson, Lay Reader. Preaching 3rd Sunday at 8 30 f i. m., Lay Reading every Sunday morn- ng at 11 o’clock, Sabbath School every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. Macedonia Baptist Church. Rev I. P. Brocklngton, Pastor; Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m.. and 880 p. m. Sabbath School at 880 p. m., Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening at 8 80 o clock. Cheraw station June 18, W Cheraw circuit, Mt. Olivet ...June 18, IB HartsvlUe, Damaecuk June 84 Clyde, Union June86,2t Darlington circuit, Wesley Cha|>el July 8,3 Pine Grove; July 8 July #, 10 July 16, IT Scranton, Concord July 88,84 Bfllngham, Oak Orove — July 80,31 Lake City, Hebron —.— —.. August 8,1 JabosonvlUe, Muddy Cieek...—. August 13,14 Klngstree, Ellm— ^—.'August 80,81 Oeoegetne n clroult, St. Paul's August 87,88 Salters, Harmony August 88,2V Georgetown station Sept. 3,4 East Efllngham, Bethlehem .'. Sept. 10,11 Man Bluff, Friendship Sept. 17,18 I ■ M. .1 ■ ■ »- TRIO. The nightingale tang softly In tbs wood, As though a thousand flowers had just found speech— A strange, sweet tongue that only Is under stood In fairy lands no earthly road may reach. "How shall the glory fall Of my Immortal tale. Or any silence o'er my song prevail" The evening star upon the edge of night Hung like a dewdrop on a dark leafa rim: Throbbed like a heart o'erbrlmmed with pure delight. Gathering new aplendor while the skies grew dim. "How shall my beauty fade. Who In the'May night's shade Henceforth am an eternal brightneas made!" Bnt the sea sighed through all iu depths of gray- The sea complained on every lonely shore: "Too well I know your fate, ye Joys of May, - Heard and beheld a thousand times before! Your passionate faith la vainl I only, I remain. When light and song are fled forevermorel" —M. C. Uilllngton In London Spectator. Professional Cards. W. F. DARGAN, Attorney - at - Law, DARLINGTON, 8. C. Office over Blackwell Brothers’ Store. ^in —■ — —w— , _ promindot ARd highly esteemed South Caroling Judge. ls bin one of a multitude, an testifying to the wonderful benefits derived from the use of the ELECTROPOISE. CAmdex, S. 0., March 80,1803. Daaa Sib:—I should be ungrateful If I delayed longer to eay a good word tor the Electropoiae. I eotnmencedSteueeebout two yearn ago, at a time when my health wae very serlouely Impaired, sad etfll eooUnue Its use, sltboegh hi moon better condition. It Is an excel lent remedy tor Insomnia and other nervous disorders. Jtsopeiatiou Is gentle abd almost Imperceptible except In results, which 1 believe are always beneficial. If Inatraetlona are followed. It Ittsplrea confidence In those wbe- nee It, end gives the Invalid tbs anaee kindly comfort experienced by the pieaeaoe of a trusted medical adviser, and I aball never be without It In the future. 1 sin cerely recommend Its use to Invalids. Toaritrely. g. r. KERSHAW. We earnestly solicit conespendenoe from those' suffering from chronic and so-called “ incurable” diseases of long standing. To all such we will cheer fully give the benefit of our experience without charge. Atlantic Electropoise Co., ATLANTA, QA. YOU Cll EUStW ■ L. DOUGLAS Tlie UB:h»<i«ne*«|j%hta as Land Burv ejror, and wfl! pr Hfiptly attend to any buBiuena in this line. He has poeaeaaion of the notes and instru ments of his father^ the JateTMaJor E. KEITH D AUG AN, Attorney at Law, DARLINGTON, 8. C. Earle. 0-16-93-tf. JA8. M. EARLI Nettles & Nettles, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, Darlington C. H., 8. C. Will practice in all State and Federal Courts. Careful attention will be given to all business entrnsted to us. The Use or “Will" and “Shall.*' There is probably no more confusing part of the English language than that which regulates the proper use of “shall'' and “will.” The reply of James Russell Lowell to the woman who wrote, say ing, “I would be very much obliged for your autograph,” has been often In print, and haa undoubtedly been clippeil for scrap and pocketbook reference by many persons. The poet essayist grant ed her request in the following fashion: “Pray, do not say hereafter, *1 would be obliged.’ If you would be obliged, be obliged and be done with it Say, ‘1 should be obliged,' and oblige, yonrs truly, James Russell Lowell.” An additional hint to go with this “cut me out” is that of the old verse: In the flrst person simply shall foretells; In will a threat or else a promise dwells; Shall in the second or the third doth threat: WiU simply then foretells the future feat. Or “shall” in the first and “will” in the second and third persons are to be re garded as simple declarations, and both in all other cases convey a threat.— New York Time*. C. P. DARGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Trial Justice, DARLINGTON, 8. C. Practices in ths United States Court and in the 4th and Sth circuits. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to me. Office, Ward’s Lane, next to The Dar lington Herald office. P. Bishop Parrott, SteMgrapher : art : Type-writer. LEGAL AND OTHER COPYING SOLICITED. Testimony reported in short-hand and type-written transcript of same furnished tt reasonable rates. Good spelling, correct punctuation Rid neat work guaranteed. Office with WardfA Woods. N. L. Harrell & Company * will sell you a Buggy, Carriage, Wagon, Road Cart, or anything else E cwrfiPAi ■N. A, J. Gentlemen, Ladles, Bnya a>4 Kieses are the Best in the World. See descriptive advertise, ment which wlU appear la this paper. Take no Substitute, bat Insist OB he Vine W. 1— DOUGLAS’ SHOES,with name and price eHiaped ea bottom. Sold by Breen, Darllngten, 8. C. WISMOP STATE NORMAL COLLEGE | COLUMBIA, S. C. Thorough training and practice in best methods of teaching. Fucullv composed of instructoraofextensi ve un<! suct-ORuful expcriencein teaching teach ers. Open to white girls over 17. 8«*- •don In gliiH September 28. Graduate- ■KH'lire good poHitiniiH. Each oount\ .riven two scholarships—one worth $160 iseseion and one of free tuition. Com- nctitiveexamination August 5 at Court House ofench county. Address D. B. JOHNSON, President, Columbia, S. C. G § & p 1=2 P CL OQ O T) g 0 I P- 3 Young People Who Go on the Stage. Mr. Dancy puts down the “draggle tailed” habits of speech on the stage to the fact that the stage is to a great ex tent the refuge of young people who take to it because they imagine the life to be free and easy, and who adopt it with no greater qualification than an attractive appearance and a confident manner. They also regard it as espe cially favorable to their purposes, in that as they imagine it requires no pre liminary training.—London Telegraph. Wbea Baby was sick, we gave her Csstorio. When ihe wae a Child, xhc cried for Caetoria. When ihe became Mim, sha clung to Outoeta. When ska had Children, Mm gave them Casfexlto Mii Fin; & Mari INSURANCE Co. SPRINGFIELD, Mass. A "eucy at Darlington, So Ca. H. L. CHARLES, Agent SPECIAL RUN No. 10. GREATEST VALVE OH EARTH Tyler's Fumona Antique Oak Malt Cm- tala Desk complete, see special elrealars No. 4604,3 ft. 6 in. lone, Mt $16.01 . „ . a No. 4006,4 ft, 6 in. “ M $210< in their line at the No.4010.6ft.ion*, - • * $23.0 aaa *nmn>sa anaeay ana wnaa i Al , 0 new , 80 paB# oBtaloguo «o last. Great out of about 40 par oontli former list. BOOKS FREE, postage I Shipped from BL Looit, K.., er TadleeapeUe. lax BAKU COVKTERS A SPECIALTY Wo refer to ovary Rank In Thirty State: TYLIR DESK CO., 8t, LoulH, Nlo May 86 ly. most reasonable prices. On, 8. AJN R. R. Dmtod October 17„ ISM goinoTnorth. Train No. 2. Daili except Snnduy. Leave Charleston Pregnall’f Harleysvills Peck* Holly Hill Conuori Eutawville Vances Merriam St Paul Snmmerton Silver Packsville Tindall Sumter Oswego St Charles Elliotts Lamar Syracuse Darlington Mont Clare Robins Neck Mandeville Bennettsville Alice Ar. Gibson GOING SOUTH. Train No. 1. Daily eexcept Sunday L’ve Gibson 4.05 p m Alice 4.20 Bennettsville 4.35 Mandeville 4.50 Robins Neck 5.05 Mont Clarr 5.15 Darlington 5.30 Syracuse 5.44 Lamar 5.58 Elliott* 6.14 St Cbarl'B 6.23 Oswego 6.36 Sumter 6.54 Tindal 7.09 Packiville 7.21 Silver 7.30 Summerton 7.39 St Paul 7.45 Merriam 7.57 Vances 8.12 Eutawville 8.24 Connor* 8.31 Holly Hill 8.37 Pecks K40 HarleyviUe 8.56 Pregnalls 9.05 Arrive G1 arlestoa ' 10.80 Wilmisgioo & Weldon R. R. anti Branches 6.60 a m 8.00 8.10 8.25 8.28 8.34 8.41 8.52 9.07 9.19 9.25 9.34 9.43 9.55 10.15 10.28 10.41 10.50 11.06 11.20 11.34 11.49 12.00 p m 12.15 12.30 12.45 1.00 Arrive Tarboro f *2 l»i . LeaveTmtxro. | MIS! ’SGll. p. m. p. Arrive Wllxon I 318 7J)t Ip. m. p. m. a. mj„ Leave Goldiboro ! 3 15 7 40 8 30 .. Leave Wamaw 414 8 30 . Leave Magnolia ! 4 27 8 40 0 44 . Arrive Wflmlnirton— 8 00 0 56 11261. Going south. Lease Wileon Arrive Selma Arrive Fayetteville No. 23 dailv. *2 30 p m’ 3 25 | 520 GOING NOROH. Dated may 31, 1802. Leave Wilmington. Leave Magnolia Leave Warsaw Arrive Goldsboro... Leave Fayetteville.. Leave Selma Arrive Wilson- % l. m. 12 36 164 2 66; il is* 0 l. m. p. m 815: 4 20 10 67 «(K 1111 616 12 06 7 10: Leave Wilson.. AHve Tarboro.... Leave Tarboro-. Arrive Weldon.. Oct.h II NORTH BOUND. No. $, Doily. Leave Wilmington, S 00 • it Arrive Fsyettville, 8 0$ Lesvs Fayetteville, 8 87 Sanford, 9 48 Leave Climax, 11.44 Arrive Greensboro, 12.15 p at Ltsve Greensboro, 12 25 Leave Stokesdale, 1. 29 Arrive Walnut Cove, 1 65 Leave Walnut Cove 2. 83 Leave Rnral Hall, 8. 09 Arrive Mt. Airy, 4 95 SOUTH BOUND. No. 1. Daily. Leave Mt. Airy. Leave Kural Hall Arrive Walnut Cove Leave Walnut Cove, Stokesdale Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro, Climax Sanford, Arrive Fayetteville a. m. •930 1186: t v. m. * 12 30 ... a. m. p. m.p. 335 12 58 804 4 IB isu 8 30 a. m. p. m. •«* •t \t • ... 12 58 a. m. p. m. p. ra. 505 255 1000 *Daily except Sunday. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Lsave Fayetteville, Arrive Wilmiagton, NORTH BOUND. No. 4, Daily. Leave Bennettsville, Maxton. Red Springs, Leave Hope Mills, Arrive Fayetteville, SOUTH BOUND. No. 3, Daily. Leave Fayetteville, Hope Mills, ed Springs, 12 00 m 122 p m 152 230 2 57 8 40 845 413 600 7 20 745 11 00 5 40 am 6 30 702 7.43 802 7 45pm 8.02. 848 9 13 10 05 Rood leaves Weldon 400 p m, Halifax 4 22 p in, arrive Scotland Neek at 515 p in, Greenville 6 62 p m, Kinston 800 Returning leaves Kinston 730 " *- m. arriving Hal pm. murni!: FiuiiimE! -:o:- Edison states that very few people know the sound of their own voices. PETER BOWLES DOES FIRST CLASS i-lHiiiilSiPaiEE;-: Paper Hanging. Kalsomine Work a Specialty. He solicit* the patronage of Darlington. THE CHEAPEST LARGEST and BEST LINE of FURNITURE EVER | OFFERED TO THE PEOPLE OF DARLINGTPN COUNTY. -AT- Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sures, ulcers, salt rheugi, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and gll skin eruptions, and post lively cures piles, or no pay required. It iiguarant eesdtogive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at Wilcox’s drug store. A recent invention consists of combination of levers in connection with the trucks of a railroad car, so that in case of derailment the air brakes will work automatically and stop the train. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Ctstorla. The humming birds are, as is well known, the smallest of all bird* Ridgeway states that the Cnban Calvpte is the smallest species, this distinction having usually been ac corded to the Vervain humming bird jaiiaa soAiSf duo ; sopiqux sucdiy It ShouUl Be in Every House fc^J. B. Wilson, 871 Clay St., Shsrpsburg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia after an attack of “La Grippe,” when various other remedies and several p cians had done her no good- Robert Bar ber, of Cookaport, Pa., claims Dr King' New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for Lun: Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Frei Trial Bottles at Willcox’s Large bottles,50c. and $1.00. ry 11 Dru Store 5 || ay ns worth's Furniture S toie * THE LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED DESIGNS AND FINISHES! IN BED ROOM SUITS IN WALNUT, ANTIQUE OAK, 16th CEN/TURY and OLD ENGLISH. My stock of Ghamber Suits is Complete in Every Respect. FRAMES Promptly Executed IIC Ml66f>4 bit Op port an tty! BOOT Mtaa llKi Yours, Reader. Tu# minority neglsct th«ir op port«Bitie$. and from (hat cnnaeliv# in yevarty and di# In #b*cnrttr! Harrowing deapulr !$ th$ lot df many. a$ they ; back on lott. Tower io$t. opportunity. IJflb Is (Mine. ! Beach ont. Be op and <l»iii£. Improreyeur epperto- nity. and •ecnr# prosperity. pronnuenc*. peace. It was aaid by s pUloeopber, that “the Goddess of Kermne offer* a golden opportunity to each person at aonte twriod of Ufa: am hr ace the chance, and aha poar* out bar rich es: fail to do ae and alio departa. ruter to retorn.“ How aball yon find tLa ooldkn opportnnHyf Investigate every chance that appear* werthy. and of fafr premise; that it what aH anc- eeisfal man do. 11 era is an opportunity, aneb aa 1* not often within the roach ot laboring people. Improved, It will give, at least, n grand start in Ufa. The oolben opportunity for many is bora Money te be made rapidlv and benorably byanyludoatriensperaonofaithereax. All agaa. Yon can do the work nod live nt home, wherevervon are. Evan be ginners are easily earning from •& to SlO per day. Y«>n can do as well if yon will work, not too hard, bat iudasiri- oosly; and yon can increase yoer income as yon go on. Yon can give spare time only, or all year time te the work. Easy to learn. Capital not reqnirad. We start von. AM is com paratively new and rcaHy wonderful. We Instruct and shew yon hew, ftoc. Fanureu uknown among our work cm No room to explain here. Write and learn all A*ee. by return mail. Unwise to delay. Addrasa at once. II. llaltoM to Co,. ».» «£•, PorllMuJ. M .i. • Order on Short. Notice. PICTURE Of Every Description Made to I WANT YOUK TRADE and WILL DO MY VERY BEST TO PLEASE YOU. GIVE ME A CALL. Respectfally, J. D. HAYNSWORTH. CD 0 "I THE ' : HERALD Only $1 a Year. SUBSCRIBE FDR Mother—Mary, go up in the attic and get that photograph of Mrs. Grimson and put it in the new frame on the piano. Mary—Why, uiother, what do you want to put that homely old thing there for? Mother—She is coming to visit us tomorrow. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming »o well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Llectric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Kheum and other affections caused by Impure blood. —will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevera. —For cure of Headache, constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters— Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded.—Price 50 Cts. and $1.00 per bottle at willcox’a Drugstore. 5 Old newsp Hkuald Office. for sale at The CMkkm Uw Hr PHchtr’a Caataria FITS CURED Webster, S. C., Dec. 19,1891. Sirs: I wish I could let all who are suffering from any Nerve disease know jmt how good your remedy is. My son used it one year, and is now the stoutest child 1 have. With many thanks, I remain yours, H. A. TATE. — • Genesis, Pa., Dec. •}, 1891. 1 have not had one of my bod spalls since I com menced taking your medicine, six months ago. THURSY ELMORE. Philadelphia, Pa., Jon. s, 189s. I personally knots ot two cases of Fits, one cate of Si. Vitus* Danes and one of Jfor- eeus Prostration cured by this remedy. . C. A. WOOD, Treasurer American Publishing House. If you am afllkted with Fits, 8t. Vitus* Danes, Insomnia, or any other Nerve trouble, we will send you One Bottle Free, all charges prepaid by us. Give Age, Post-Office and State. Address RAIL CHEMICAL CO., Vest PliiliL, Pa. John C. White, Darlington, South Carolina. Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, ^ Piping, House Furnishing Goods, Bolts, Tobacco Flues, &c. Gal aM Emiae Oar M, aai ve rid Please Too. Aiytklig Nat la Stack Will be Ordered far You. X 0 0 dlW 0 r k - - REGULATE THE - • !! STOMACH, LIVER ^ BOWELS, • ' AMD • PURIFY THE BLOOD. a reliable remedy for Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Ripamt Tabulea contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitu tion. Pleasant to take, aafe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold by druggists. A trial bottle aent by mail on receipt of 15 cants. Address * ) > f THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO.. 10 Sprue* Street, - • New York CKy. s ■» e 3 ft CD GOING NORTH. Train No. $, daily except Sunday. L’ve Pregnalls 10.0# a m HarleyviUe 10.11 Peck* 10.97 Holly Hill 10.81 Connor* 10.87 Eutawville 11.55 Vances 12.10 GOING SOUTH. Train No. 4, daily except Sunday. L’ve Vance* 8.25 e m Eutawville 8.41 Connors * 8.51 Holly Hill 9.00 Peeke 9.06 HarleyviUe 9.28 Pregnell’s 9.43 Ar’ve Charleston 11.05 GOING NORTH. Train No. 5, daily except Sunday. Leave Charleston 6.30 p m “ PregnaU’* 7.05 “ “ HarleyviUe 7.18 “ “ Pecks 7.82 “ “ Holly Hill 7.86 “ ** Connors 7.42 “ Eutawville 7 50 ’• “ Vances 8.02 “ GOING SOUTH. Train No. 8, dally except Sunday. Leave Vances 5.45 p m Eutawville 5.57 Connors 6.05 Holly Hill 6.11 Pecks 6.14 HarleyviUe 6.30 Pregualle 7.40 GOING NORTH. Train No. 88, daily except Sunday. Leave Vance* 8.05 p m Snells 8.20 Parlert 8.80 arrive Harlin city 8.45 GOING SOUTH. Train no. 82, dailv except Sunday, LeaveHaillncity 740 am Parlers 7.55 Snells 8.05 Arrive Vances 8.20 GOING NORTH. Train no. 81. daily except Sunday. Leave Vance* 12.20 p m Snells 12.40 Parlers 12 58 Arrive Harlin city 1.13 GOING SOUTH. Train no. 84. daily except Sunday Leave Harlin city 4.50 p m Parlers 5.10 Snells 5.28 Arrive Vances 5.40 GOING NORTH—Train No. 41. dally except Sunday. Leave Eutew villa 10.50 a m Belvidere 11.Oo arrive Ferguson ll.ltf GOING SOUTH—Train no. 42 daily except Suddsy leave Ferguson 11.30 am Belvidere 11.40 Arrive Eutamrilie 11.50 Cloee connection is made at Gibson for ell points reached by or via the Seaboard Air Line System; at Bennettsville for all points via C. F. A Y. V. R. K. E. D. KYLE. General Passenger Agent a m, Greenville 8 40p ifaxatll25a in, Weldon 1145 a m daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington 7 30 a m, arrives Parmele 900 am. Returning leaves Parmele 700 p m, arrives Washington 8 20 p m Dally except Sunday. Connects with trains on Albemarle and Raleigh R. R. and Scotland Neek Brack. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C , via Al bemarle and Raleigh R. R. daily ex cept Sunday, at 4 40 p m, Sunday 3 00 p m; arrive Williamton 703 p ni, 420 p m; plymouth 830 p m, 5 20 p m. Re turning leaves Plymouth daily, ex cept Sunday, 020 a m, Sunday 900 a ni, Williamston 750am, 058 am; ar rive Tarboro 1100 am and 1120 u in. Trains on Southern Division, Wilson and Fayetteville Branch leave Fayette ville 5 30 pm, arrive Rowland 712 p m. Returning leave Rowland 7 35 a m, arrive Fayetteville 9 20 a m Daily except Sunday. Train on Midland N. C. Branch Red Maxton, Arrive Benueita»lle. NORTH BOUND. No. 12, daily except Sunday. Leave Uamseur, 7 00 a m Leave O Umax, 8.50 Arrive Greensboro, 9 35 SOUTH BOUND. No. 11 Daily except Snnday. Leave Greensboro 8 35 p m Leave Climax Arrive Ramseur 9 20 11 00 leaves Goldsboro daily, except Sunday. 000 am, arriving Smitlitleld 7 30 a m, Returning leaves Smitlitield 800 am; arrive at Goldsboro li 30 a ni. Train on Nashville Branch leaves leaves Rocky Mount at 0 40 pm, arrives Nashville 7 15 p m, Spring Hope 7 40 p m. Returning loaves Spring Hope 800 am, Nashville 835 a in, arrive at Rocky 915 a m, daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at 620 pm and 11 lo a in Returning Returning leaves Clinton at 820 a in and 310 pm, cqmiccting vt Warsaw with Nos 41, 40, 23, and 78. Southbound train uti Wilson and Fayetteville Branch is No. 51, North bound is No. 50. *Daily excipt Sun day. Trains No 27 South and 14 North will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Also at Rocky Mount daily except Sunday, with Nor folk and Caroliha Railroad for Norfolk and all points North via Norfolk. JOHN F. DIVINE. Gen’l Supt. J. R. KENLY, Geu’l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Truffle Manager. NORTH BOUND. No. 16D*'lv except Sunday. Leave Greensboi o 7 00 a m Stokesdale 815 Arrive Madison 9 05 SOUTH BOUND. No. 15. dally except Sunday. Leave Madison 9 55 a m Leave Stokesdale 10 60 Arrive Greensboro 12 00 m Train No. 2 connects at Sanford with Seaboard Air Line for Raleigh, Norfolk and all points North,and at Walnut Core with the Norfolk & Western R. R. for Winston-Salem, Roanoke and all points North and West of Roanoke. Passengers from Wilmington, Fayette ville, Bennettsville and all points south of Sanford will arrive at Raleigh at 11:15 a. m., and have about 5 hours in Raleigh, returning reach home same day. Train No. 1 connects at Walnut Gove with Norfolk and Western Railroad for Winston-Salem, and at Sanfoid with Seaboard Air Line for Mon roe-, Charlotte, Athens, Atlanta and all points South and Southwest. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car on Sea board Air Line trains North and South from Sanford and on Norfolk and West ern lisin North and West from Roanoka. Ample time is given passengers for breakfast and supper at Fayetteville, and dinner at Walnut Cove. W. E. KYLE, J. W. FRY, Gen. Pass.Agent Gen. Manager. Seaboard Air Line. AND Frier:- IS OUR MOTTa Northeastern Railroad. Dated July 94th, 1892 GOING SOUTH. No. 97, Dally. Leave Florence *1.35 a. m Arrive Lanei 9.50 Arrive Charleston 5.00 No. 98, Daily. Leave Florence * 8.06 a Kingatree 9.30 Arrive Lanei 1.95 a. Arrive Charleeton 11.59 No. 19. Leeve Laaea *8.45 p. Arrive Charleeton 10.30 Train on C. A D. ... M. connect* Florence with No. 61 .rain. In connection with Charleston, Sumter and Northern R. R., for Charlotte, Monroe, Wadesboro, Rock ingham, Raleigh, Henderson, Wel don, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Rich mond, Washington, Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York, and points North and Easu Darlington, leeve *4 46 a m, arrive 1100 p m. Bennettsville, leave64(1 am, arrive060 pm. Ulbeoo, arrive 6 SO a m, leave *010 p m. Gibaon, leave to40am, arrive 860 pm. Hamlet,arrive720 am,leave 750 pm. Hamlet, leave S16 a m, arrive 1106 a m. Rockingham,arrives66am, leave 1040 am. Wadesboro, arrive 10 40 a m, leave II20 a m. Monroe, arrive 120 p m, leave 7 20 a m. Charlotte, arrive S16 p m, leave 1600 a m. Hamlet, leeve *7 40 a m, arrive 7 60 p ra. Raleigh, leave 1117 a m, arrive 4 06 u in. Henderson, leave 1260 p m, arrive d200 p m. Weldon, leave (12 46 p m, arrive *1215 p m. Via Atlantic Coast Line. Weldon, leave *816 p m, arrive 12 HI p m. Petersburg, arrive 6 30 p m, leave 10 00 a ra. Richmond, arrive 706 p m, leave b850 a m. Washington, arrive 1110 p m. leave 410 a m. Baltimore, arrive 1248am, leave290am. Philada, arrive 346 a m, leave 1200 s in. New York, arrive 6 60 a m, leave *000 p m, Weldon, leave *000 p m, arrive 1200 p m. Pourtsmouth arrive 660 p m, leave 036 a m. Norfolk (Ferry), arrrlve fi 10 p m, I’ve *9 20 a m. Via Bay Line. Portsmouth, leave 4000 p m arrive 830a m. Old Point, arrive 7 00 p m, leave 700 a m. Baltimore, arrive 7 00 a m, leave 700 p m. Philada, arrive 1047 a m, leave 4 41 p ni. New York, arrive 120 p m, leave 1210 p m. Via N. Y. P. & N. R. li. Pourtsmoth, leave*666 pm,arrive010 am. Old Point, arrive 7 00 p m, leave 8 00 a in. Dolma, arrive 100 a in, leave 2 66 a m. Philada, arrive 610 a m, leave 1116 p m. New York, arrive 8 00 a m, leave *8 00 p m. •Dally. ♦ Dally, except Sunday. Through Pullman Sleepers between Ports mouth and Hamlet. Pullman Sleepers run bet tween Cape Charles and New York via N. Y* P. # N. K. K Pullman Sleepers on train be tween Weldon and New York. ■or further information apply to ticket agent Chharleeton, Sumter to Northern Railroad, W., C. & A. Railroad. GOING SOUTH. Dated October 2,1892. No. 23. Leaves Wilmington * 6:25 p. in. Marion 9:35 Arrives at Florence 10:25 a. m No. 50. Leaves Florence *3:20 a. m. Arrives at Sumter 4:35 No. 97. Leaves Wilmington *10:10 p. m Marion 12:40 a.m. Arrive;, it Florence 1:20 No. 52. Leaves Sumter *9:43 a. m Arrives at Columbia 10:55 No. 58. Leaves Florence f 7:57 Arrive at Sumter 9:20 No. 52. runs through from Charleston via Central Railroad, leaving Lanes 8.32 a. m., Manning 9.09 a. m. Train on C. A D. Railroad connects at Florence with No. 58. No. 51 No. 78. No. 53. No. 59. No. 14. *8:50 9:35 p m pm Anderson, Pa-sengor Agent. Atlantic Coast Line. GOING NORTH. No. 7$, Dally. Leave Charleston *1.00 a. m Arrive Lenet 8.25 Leave Laae* 8.25 Klngstree 8 48 Arrive Florence 4.45 No. 14, Daily. Leave Charleeton ** 18 P-1 Arrive Lenes 7.05 Leave Lane* 7.05 Kingetre* 7.94 Arrive Florence 8.80 No. 59, Dally. Leave Charleston *8.50 s. m Arrive Lanes 8.97 *Dally. tDally esivy* wanday. No. 59 rnns through to Columbia via Central R.R. of B.C. Noe. 78, end 14 run solid to Wilmington close connection with W I N. C. making close connection ' a W. R. R. for all points North, T. M. EMERSON Traffic M*#*| J.B. KENLY, General. J.r.DIYIXB,aeaamt C. & D. and C. & S. Railroads. Dated January 31, 1892. GOING DOWN Leave* Wadesboro 5:oo A. M Bennett’s 5:17 Morven’s 5:25 McFarland 5:36 Cheraw 6:00 Cash's 6:17 Society Hill 6:33 Dove’s 6:50 Floyd's 6:58 Darlington 7:12 Palmetto 7:22 Arrives at Florence 7:37 GOING UP. Leave# Florence 9:00 P. M. Palmetto 9:13 Darlington 9:23 Floyd’s 9:33 Dove's 9:40 Society Hill 10:00 Cash’s 10:15 Cheraw 10.27 McFarland 10:57 Morven's 11:06 Bennett's 1 :14 Arrives at Wadesboro 11:80 Freight Train Going Up. Leaves Florence 7:45 A. M “ Darlington 9:05 Freight Going Down. • Leaves Darlington 4:00 P. M I Arrives at Florence 5:00 I A. F. RAVENEL. President. GOING NORTH. Leaves Columbia *10.45 p. ni. Sumter *2:04 a. m. Arrives at Florence 1:15 a. in Leaves Florence 5:00 a. ra Marion 5:44 Arrive at Wilmington 8:55 Leaves Columbia *6:10 p. m Arrives at Sumter 7:25 Lv. Sumter t7.80 Ar. Floriace 8.40 Leaves Florenct Marion Arrives at Wilmington 12:20 •Daily. tDally, except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, via Central R. R., arriving at Manning 8:00 p. m., Lanes 8:40 p. m., Charleston 10:30 p. m. No. 69 connects at Florenct with the C. A D. train from Cheraw and Wades boro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wilmington with the W. A W. R. H for all points North. Trains on Florence R. R., and South ern Division, Wilson and Fayetteville Branch, leave Florence 6:00 a m, Pee Dee Junction 6.33 a. m., arrive Rowland 7.35 a. m., Fayetteville 9.20 a. m. Re turning leave Fayetteville 5.30 p. m.. ar rive Rowland 7.12 p. m., Pee Dee Junc tion 8.16 p. m.f Florence 8.45 p m. Dally except Sunday. Train on Manchester A Augusta R. R. leaves Sumter daily, except Sunday, al 10.50 a. m., arrives at Rimini 11.59 a. m. Returning leaves Rimini 12.30 p. m., ar rives at Sumter 1.40 p. m. Trains on Latta Branch Florence Rail road leave Dunbar 5:30 a m, arrive Latta 6:45 a m. Returning leave Latta 8:00 p m, arrive Dunbar 9:10 p m. Daily ex cept Sunday. Trains on Hartsville R. R. leave Harts- ville daily except Sunday at 5.55 a. in., arriving Floyds 6.40 a m. Returning leave Floyds 3.25 p. m., arriving Harts- viile 4.05 p. m. Trains on Wilmington Chadbourn A Conway railroad leave ('hadbourn 10.30 a. m., arrive Conway 1 00 p. m., returning leave Conway at 2.30 p. m. arrive Chad- bourn 6.20 p. m. Leave Chadbourn 7.15 a. m. and 5.50 p. m., arrive Hub at 8.00 a. m. and 6.25 p. m. Returning leave Hub 9.00 a. m. and 6.45 p. ra.. arrive Chadbourn 9.45 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. Daily except Sunday. J. R. KENLEY, General Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Managers. J. F. DIVINE. General Superintendent The Hartsville Railroad. Dated January 4,1892. DAILY MIXED TRA.X. Leaves Hartsville, 5:56 A. M Jovann, 6:20 Floyd’», 6:40 Darlington 9.00 Arrive at Florence 9-50 This train makesconnectlon with be South bound passenger train on the Che raw A Darlington Railroad. RETURNING. Leaves Florence Leave Darlington, Floyds. Jovann, Arrive at Hartsville This train waits two sary, for the North bound freight train on Uw C. * D. K. K. 2:00 P. M. 2 35 ;• m 810 SDo 350 hours, if neces- freight trail J. L. COKER, RneMeat