The Darlington herald. (Darlington, S.C.) 1890-1895, October 26, 1892, Image 4

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MIMCE PlKECT»»1r. Presbyterian Church.—Rev. J. G Law, Pastor; Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 8 00 p. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Prayei*meeting every Wed nesday afternoon at 5 o’clock. Methodist Church.—Rev. J. A. Rice, Pastor; Preaching every Sunday at ll a m. and 8 00 p. m., Sabbath School at 5 p. m., Prayer meeting every Thursday at 8 30 p. m. Episcopal Chapel.—Rev. W. A: Guerry, Rector. H. T. Thompson, Lay Reader. Preaching 3rd Sunday at 8 80 p. m., Lay Reading every Sunday morn ing at 11 o’clock, Sabbath School every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. Macedonia Baptist Church. Rev I. P. Brockington, Pastor; Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m.. and 880 p. m. Sabbath School at 380 p. m., Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening at 8 80 o clock. AYE8HA. High on a camel's hump ah* sat. Couched on a silky Fexien mat. And sailed along th« waste of sand More like the ocean than the land, ▲yeahal And many an aimed and valiant man Guarded that glittering caravan. Bis turban, snow white in the sun. Where ostriches and asbraa run. Ayeahal A troop of Bedouins with their spears In the Sahara quick appears; And, spurring with sirocco speed. Each Moslem strides a Aery steed. Ayeahal A furious charge a broken line— Above the sands their crescents shine. Onward the fieroo marauders dash To clang of hoof and falchion's flash. Ayeahal Her cries unheard, her convoy slain. The Paynlms scouring o'er the plain Praise Allah for the prise thus sent A captive to their chieftain’s tent. Ayeahal But he, a shtek of stately mien. Swore by his beard that ne'er was seen So fair a maid since Mahmoud's day, And sent her scathless on her way. Ayeahal Upon a courser fleet she rode! Unconscious of its lovely load. With precious gifts of silk and gold. Her slave the Arab chieftain bold. Ayeehal -David Graham Adee in Washington Stan FlflrtBM Dtstriet itplatfceatB. JOHN a. WILSON, P. a. Cberaw station - .....June 1*. U Cheraw dnralt, Mt. Olivet June 18, U Hartsville, Damascus - - June (4 Clyde, Union.. — - June 9, M Darlington circuit, Wesley Chapel July 2,3 Tlmmonsvllle, Pine Grove — July 8 Oarterevilie, St. Paul July t, 10 Lamar, Lamar ...July 18,17 Scranton, Concord - ..July ft, 24 Effingham, Oak Grove — July 38,81 Lake City, HObron — August 8, T Johneonville, Muddy Creek August It, 14 Klngstree, Elim - August 20,21 Georgetown circuit, St. Paul'e.—.August 27,28 Salters, Harmony - ...August 28,29 Georgetown station — Sept. 8,4 Bast Effingham, Bethlehem Sept. 10,11 Man Bluff, Friendship —, Sept. 17,18 Professional Cards. W. F. DARGAN, Attorney - at - Law, DARLINGTON, 8. C. Office over Blackwell Brothers’ Store. E. KEITH DAHGAN, Attorney at Law, DARLINGTON, 8. C. Doing Some Shooting. “It once oost me fifty dollars to (boot at myself,” said Frank E. Blair to the Story Tellers’ club that was holding an informal session on the sidewalk at the Southern. “I got into • Baltimore hotel very late one night and very tired. A thunderstorm was raging at the time, and I am as afraid of lightning as a sweet girl graduate of a mouse, so 1 turned off the light, intending to disrobe in the darkness. I had taken my pistol ontof my pocket to place it under my pillow, when there was a blinding flash of lightning. I caught sight of a vil lainous looking fellow not ten feet dis tant with a pistol in his hand. Be was standing in a crouching, expectant atti tude, and I felt sure that his intention was to murder and rob me. ‘Who’s there!’ 1 called, but got no reply. I grasped my pistol firmly and advanced a step or two. There was another flash of lightning,-and there was the villain, almost within arm’s length, gun In hand. I polled the trigger twiett. There were two stunning reports and a crash ing of glass. Then I realized that l had done it—made an ass of myself. I sat down on the edge of the bed, ashamed to torn on the light It was a full length mirror. I had shot my own shadow to smithereens—had mistaken myself for a cutthroat”- Nettles & Nettles, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, Dailington C. H., 8. C. Will practice in all State and Federal Courts. Careful attention will be gives to all business entrusted to ub. C. P. DARGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Trial Justice, DARLINGTON, 8. C. Practices in the United States Court and in the 4th and 5th circuits. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to me. Office, Ward’s Lane, next to The Dar lington Herald office. The number of students of electrical subjects entered at Cornell university has Increased from 28 in 1884 to 230 in 1892, and in many other institutions the proportionate increase is even greater. One or two slight circumstances may bend the twig and thus incline the tree. A Christmas gift bent Dr. Schliemann, the discoverer of buried Troy, to his life Work. When Baby was sfak, we s*ve her Osstorla. Whes she vnu a Child, tfje erted lor OaMoria. When she became Was, sb* dung to Oestods. Whraihs had CTilklrsn, she save them OsstoriA When the day of Judgement comes, we shall not be asked what we have read, but what we have done; not how well we have spoken, but how religiously we have lived. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It isguarant eeedtogive perfect satisfai tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at Wilcox’s drug store. Oftentimes those who stand high in men’s estimation are the more in danger on account of their too great self-confidence. Children wy for Pitcher’s Castoria. Chicago Oirl: What would yon do if you were in my shoes? St. Louis Girl: Take them off and get a pair four sizes smaller. It Should Be in Every House. K;J. B. Wilson, 871 Clay St., Sharpsburg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia after an attack of “La Grippe," vhen various other remedies and several physi cians had done her no good- Robert Bar ber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr King’s New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for Lung Trouble. Notning like it. Tty it. Free Trial Bottlea at Willcox’s Drug Store Large bottles,50c. and $1.00. 5 P. Bishop Parrott, SteMgrapher : aid : Type-writer. LEGAL AND OTHER COPYING SOLICITED. Testimony reported in short-hand and type-written transcript of same furnished at reasonable rates. Good spelling, correct punctuation and neat work guaranteed. Office with WardJA Wooda. Fire & Marie INSURANCE Co. SPRINGFIELD, Mass. A "ency at Darlington, So Ca. H. L. CHARLES, Agent. PETER BOWLES DOES FIRST CLASS On ill Sip Fail-: Paper Hanging. Kalsomine Work a Specialty. He solicits the patronage of Darlington. K Mimed hU ppaortmty! DON’T Mlm > «**rs. Reader. Tbe Majority nsfiset Udr portsnittM, aud from that eania lira in poverty and dia » ob*coritjr! Harrowing despair !• the lot of many, aa they leok bfcck on loit. forever lost, opportnniiy.'elapaaa- las! Reach out. Be op and doiug. Improve reur opportu nity. and seenre prosperity, prominence, peace. I teas said by aphsloaopber, that "the Goddefla of Fortune offer* a golden opportunity to each person at some pvriod of life; embrace tbe chance, and she pour* out her riches: fail te do se and she departs, never to retarn.” How shall yon flud tha coldkn opportunity? Invastigate every chance that appears worthy, and of fa?r promise’, that io what ail suc- ce*afal men do. Here is an opportunity, such aa is not often within the reach ot laboring people. Improved, it will give, at least, a grand start in iifs. Tha gommcn opportunity for many is hare. Mouoy to be made rapidly and honorably by any industrions person of either eez. All agdfe. You can de the work and lira at home, wherever von are. Kven be ginners ars easily earning from S& to £lO per day. Yon can do as well if yon will work, not too hard, but Industri ously ; and yon can incraaae yonr income as yon goon. Yon can give spar# time only, or all yonr time te the work. Easy to learn. Capital not reqnirtd. We start yen. All is com paratively new and reaHv wonderful. We Instrnet and •how yon how, free. Failure unknown among our work- •re. Ko room to explain hero. Vi rite and learn all free, byretnrnmail. Unwise to delay. Address atones. II. HwHoll dk Co.% Bwc , Portland. Maine. tare. The folkwing letter, from a prominent and highly esteemed South Carolina Judge, is but one of a multitude, ail testifying to the wonderful benefits derived from tbe use of the ELECTROPOISE. CAMDKN, 8. C., March M, 1993. Dbak B»:-Ishould heoajrolofhl If Iddajrod Ioujct to«wo*ood wordter tho Ktoctropolm. I oominmcwllts om shout two yrar. .*o, St. ttm, wh«i mr health waa varr ssriouslr Impaired, and atUl aontlnue Its use, althonfh In much better condition. It ts mi excellent remedy for Inoomnia and other nervous disorders. Its operation Io centle end almost Impereeptlbie except I n results, which I believe are always beneficial, if Instrnctlons at* followed. It ineplree confidence In those who use it. and elves the Invalid tbs same kindly comfort experienced by the prteeaoe of a trusted medical adviser, and I shall never be without It In the future. I sin- csrsly recommend Its use to Innllda tnll ^ J. B, KERSHAW. We earnestly solicit correspondence from those suffering from chronic and so-called “ incurable” diseases of long standing. To all such we will cheer fully give the benefit of our experience without charge. > Atlantic Electropoise Co., . ATLANTA. QA. THE • DARLINGTON : HERALD ! Only $1 a Year. SUBSCRIBE FOR How rarely we weigh our neighbor iu the same balance m which we weigh ourselves. Electric Bitters. This- remedy Is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that la claimed. Electric Bittera will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Balt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. —will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. —For cure of Headache, constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters— Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded.—Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at willcox’s Drugstore. 5 For the complexion rub your face, neck and hands well with cold cream before retiring. It wi}l have won derful effect Have a warm tath f* ^ VVA'.lv ’’’ w} »1 "V l ’TA'***. FITS CURED Wamraa, S. C, Doc. 19, 1891. Sin; I wish I could lei all who are .uttering from nay jremo diooooo know just how good y«n remedy u. My mo wed it one yenr, end is now Um stoutent child 1 ham. With maoy thanks. I .souls yours, H. A. TATE. Gmrasrs, Pa., Doc. .3,1891. I have not had one of my bad .pells sines I com. nsaced taking your medicine, six months ago. THURSY ELMORE. Philadkl.hia, Pa., Jan. a, tfig*. I ptmmatty know at two cases of AYfs, one case of M. f'ifuo' Dance and one of ATar- •MM Pmotroffon cured by thi. remedy. C A. WOOD, ^Treasurer American Publishing Hows. If you am afflicted with Pitts, It. VUu* Donee, I.issw.l.fw. or any other" Nerve trouble, we vLil •and you One Battle Bret, all charges prepaid by as. Gin Agn, Post-Office and State. Address HILL CM1C11 CO., M Ptiila., Pi UfANTE IT sis CIVIL ENCipiNG- The undersigned offers his Wvioqe as Land Surv eyor, and will promptly attend to any business in this line. He has possession of tbe notes aud instru ments of his father, tbe laterMajor Earle. JA8. M. EARLE. 6-15-92-tf. IV. L. Harrell & Company will sell you a Buggy, Carriage, Wagon, Road Cart, or anything else in their line at the most reasonable prices. -; f . A. J. Bn L DOUGLAS SHOE And Other spoetottias for Gontlemon, LodlrCBoys sad Best in th* World. Boo deaoriptivb advortlao- ment which will appear la this paper. Take no Oubotltuto, hot insist on having W. 1m , DOUGLAS’ SHOKS.wtth name and pries stamped a I bottom. Bold by a, Darllngtoi, 8. t. W1NTHR0P STATE NORMAL COLLEGE COLUMBIA, T3. C. Thorough training aqd practice in best methods of teaching.. Faculty composed of instructorsofextensive and successful experienceln teaching teach ers. Open to white girls over 17. Ses sion besins September 28. Graduates secure good nositions. Each countv given twosch ilarships—one worth $150 asesslon and one of free tuition. Oom- petitivoex tmination August 5 at Court House of each county. Address D. B. JOHNSON, President, Columbia, 8. C, SPECIAL RUN No. IS. GREATEST VALUE ON EABTH. Trier's Famous Antique Oak Ball Cor- tala Beak complete, see spatial elreulars. Ha. 4004,3 ft. 6 ia. lose, nat 816.00 No. 4009,4 ft. 6 In. “ M $tl 00 No. 4010, ft ft-long, • • 44 $23.00 Alno ;oo now ISO page oatsUosue toi laea. Croat out of about 40 par oont from former list. BOOKS FREE, pootaga lOo. Skipped from St Looi., Eo., or ladlsaspalia, lad BANK COUETEBffi A SPECIALTY. Wo rotor to ovary Bank In Thirty Btatoo. TYL1N PK8K CO.. «L LoulB. Mo May *5 ly. mumi!: -:o:- THE CHEAPEST LARGEST and BEST LINE of FURNITURE EVER OFFERED TO THE PEOPLE OF DARLINGTPN COUNTY. ^ AT Haynsworth’s Furniture S* 0 ™ 4 THE LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED DESIGNS AND FINISHES IN BED ROOM SUITS IN WALNUT, ANTIQUE OAK, 16th CENTURY and OLD ENGLISH. My stock of Ghamber Suits is ‘ in Every Respect. PICTURE FRAMES Of Every Description Made to Order on Short Notice. GIVE ME A CALL. I WANT YOUR TRADE and WILL DO MY VERY BEST TO PLEASE YOU. “ Respectfully* MIHESSmS' J. D. HAYNSWORTH. John C. White, Darlington, South Carolina. Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Piping, House Furnishing Goods, Bolts, Tobacco Flues, &c. ami Emi Our Stt, ami we ran Flense Yea. Anything Not In Steek Will be Ordered fer Ten. - - REGULATE THE • • ! STOMACH. LIVERBOWELS, AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad 11 Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all | disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Tabnltt contain nothing injurious to the most delicate coostlra. lion. Pleaannt to Uke, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold bjr driiggUu. A trial bottle sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruco Street, - - New York CKy. ►d MIlWHlSttlElHltES. Cay 80 dfcr N Re Ra Dated October 17„ 1892. QOING~NORTH. Charleston 6.50 a m Pregnall’s 8.00 Harleysville 8.10 Pecks 8.25 Holly Hill 8.28 Connors 8.34 Eutawville 8.41 Vances 8.52 Merriam 9.07 St. Paul 9.19 Summerton 9.25 Silver 9.34 Packsville 9.43 * Tindall 9.55 Sumter 10.15 Oswego 10.28 St Charles 10.41 Elliotts 10*50 Lamar 11.06 Syracuse 11.20 Darlington 11.34 Mont Clare 11.49 Robins Neck 12.00 p m Mandeville 12.15 Bennettsville 12.30 Alice 12.45 Gibson 1.00 Wilmington & Weldon R. R. and Branches GOING SOUTH. DATED Oct. 8th, 1892 Leave Weldon Arrive Kooky Mount... Arrive Tarboro.. Leave Tarboro. Arrive WlUon.. Leave Goldaboro. Leave Warsaw .... Magni Arrive Wilmington.... p. m. 12 30 J40 p. m. *218 12 58 Cape Fear ft Yadkin Valley R.R. Condensed Schedule, Oct. 1.1892, p. m. 543 636 a. in. 600 706 •6 00 p. m 7.00 a. m. 7.40 p. ID. 218 p. in. p. m. a. m. 315; 7 40 830 4 14 630| 4 27 8 40 6 44 6 00, 6 55' 1125I \ Promptly Executed GOING SOUTH. Train No. 1. Daily eexcept Sunday. L’ve Gibson S 4.05 p m Alice 4.20 BenuetUville 4.35 Mandeville 4.50 Robins Neck 5.05 Mont Clare 5.15 * Darlington 5.30 Syracuse 5.44 Lamar 5.58 Elliotts 6.14 St. Charles 6.23 Oswego 6.36 Sumter 6.54 Tindal 7.09 Packsville 7.21 Silver 7.30 Summertou 7.39 St Paul 7.45 Merriam 7.57 Vances 8.12 Eutawville 8.24 Connors 8.31 Holly Hill 8.37 Peck* 8.40 Harleyville 8.55 Pregnalls 9.05 Arrive G1 srleiton 10.30 6 o o d W e r k AND =1ot Prices- IS OUR MOTTO. 90ING NORTH. Train No. 3, daily except Sijnday. L’ve Pregnalls 10.0* a Harleyville 10.11 Pecks 10.27 Holly Hill 10.81 Counora 10.37 Eutawville It.55 Vances 12.10 GOING SOUTH. Train No. 4, daily except Sunday. L’ve Vance* 8.25 a Eutawville 8.41 Connors 8.51 Holly Hill 9.00 Pecks 9.06 Harleyville 9.28 Pregnall’s 9.43 AFve Charleston 11.05 GOING NORTH, Train No. 5, daily except Sunday. Leave Charleston 5.30 p m “ Pregnall’* 7.05 “ “ Harleyville 7.16 “ “ Peck* 7.82 “ ” Holly Hill 7.8* “ “ Connor* 7.42 “ “ Eutawville 7 50 ’* Vances 8.02 “ GOING SOUTH. Train No. 6, daily except Sunday. Leave Vances 5.45 p m Eutawville 5.57 Connors 6.05 Holly Hill $>11 Pecks 6-14 Harleyville 6.80 Pregnall* 7.40 GOING NORTH. Train No. 83, daily except Sunday. Leave Vances 8,05 pm Snells 8.20 Parlers 8.80 arrive Harlln city 8.45 GOING SOUTH. Train no. 82, dully except Sunday, Leave Harlln city 7 40 a m Parlers 7.55 Snells 8.05 Arrive Vances 8.20 GOING NORTH. Train no. 81. daily except Sunday. Leave Vance* 12.20 p m Snells 12.40 Parlert 1258 Arrive Harlln city 1.13 GOING SOUTH. Train no. 84. daily except Sunday Leave Harlln city 4.50 p m Parlers 5.10 Snells 5.28 Arrive Vances 5.40 GOING NORTH—Train No. 41. daily except Sunday. Leav* Eutawville 10.50 a m Belvidere 11. Oo arrive Ferguson GOING SOUTH—Train no. 42 daily except Sudday leave Ferguson 11.80 am Belvidere 11.40 Arrive Eutawville 11.50 Cloae connection is mad* at Gibson for «U points reached by or via the Seaboard Air Line System; at Bennettsville for all points via C. F. A Y. V. R. R. E. D. KYLE. General Passenger Agent. Northeastern Railroad. Dated July $4th, 1892. GOING SOUTH. No. 27, Daily. Leave Florence ’’1.35 a. m Arrive Lanes 2.50 Arrive Charleston 5.00 No. 38, Daily. Ltava-Florence * 8.05 a m Klngstree 9.80 Arrive Lanes 1.95 a. m Arrive Charleston 11.59 No. 58. Leave Lane* *8.45 p. m ‘Arrive Charleston 10.30 Train on C. A B. ... It. connects at Florence with No. 61 train. GOING NORTH. No. 78, Dally. Leava Ckarleaton Arrive Lanea Leav* Lanee Kingstre* Arrive Florence No. 14, Dally. Leave Charleston Arrive Lanes Leav* Lanes Klngstree Arrive Florence No. 53, Dally. Leav* Charleston Arrive Lanea •Daily, fDaily exuv^. wumlay. No. 52 runs through to Columbia via Central R. R. of 8. C. Nos ), and 14 run aolld to Wilmington N. C king cloae connection with W A W. ... It. for all point* North. T. M. EMERSON Traffic Manager. J. R. KENLY, General Manager. J.F.DIVINE,General gnperixtendtnt Going south. Leare Wilson Arrive Selma Arrive Fayettsvtlle No. 23 dailv. *2 30 p m 8 25 | 5 20 GOING NOROH. Dated may 31, 1892. Leave Wilmington. Leave Magnolia Leave Warsaw Arrive Goldsboro... Leave Fayetteville . Leave Selma Arrive Wilson.. Leave Wilson Arrive Rocky Mount.. Arive Tarboro Leave Tarboro & a m a. m. a. m. p. m- 4 30. 602 , 6 15 , 710. 12 35 615 154 10 57 1111 2 56j 1205 a. in. *»3U ; 11351 !p. jjfWl™ u m. p. m. p. no. 3 35 12 58 8 04 4 03 iaoi a. m. p. m.j •6 30 *218 1258j 8361 Arrive Weldon...' I 506 255 p. m. 1000 •1.00 a. m 8.25 *.26 848 4.45 •6.16 p. m 7.05 7.06 7.34 8.80 •8.50 a. m 8.37 •Daily except Sunday. Train on the Scotland Neck Brunch Road leaves Weldon 400 p m, Halifax 4 22 p m, arrive Scotland Neck at 515 p in, Greenville 6 52 p in, Kinston 8 00 pm. Returning leaves Kinston 730 a m, Greenville 8 40 p m. arriving Hal ifax at 11 25 a m, Weldon 1145 a ni dally except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington 730 fl m, arrives Purmele 9 00 am. Returning leaves Parmele 700 p m, arrives Washington 8 20 p in Daily except Sunday. Connects with trains on Albemarle and Raleigh R. R. and Scotland Nevk Brack. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C , via Al bemarle and Raleigh R. R. daily ex cept Sunday, at 4 40 p m, Sunday 3 00 p m; arrive Williumton 703 p m, 420 p in; plymouth 830 p m, 520 p m. Re turning leaves Plymouth daily, ex cept Sunday, G 20 a m, Sunday 9 00 m, Williamston 7 50 a in, 058 a m; ar rive Tarboro 11 00 am and 11 20 a in. Trains on Southern Division, Wilson and Fayetteville Branch leave Fayette ville 5311 pm, arrive Rowland 712 m. Returning leave Rowland 7 35 m, arrive Fayetteville 9 20 a m Daily except Sunday. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro daily, except Sunday 6 00 a m, arriving Smitbfield 7 30 a m Returning leaves Smithticld 800 am arrive at Goldsboro 9 30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves leaves Rocky Mount at G 40 pm, arrives Nashville 7 15 p m, Spring Hope 7 40 p m. Returning leaves Spring Hope 800 am, Nashville 835 a m,arrive at Rocky 915 a m, daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at 620 pm aud 1115 a m Returning Returning leaves Clinton at 820 a m and 310 pm, connecting ut Warsaw with Nos 41, 40, 23, and 78. Southbound train on Wilson and Fayetteville Branch is No. 51, North bound is No. 50. •Daily excipt Sun day. Trains No 27 South and 14 North will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Also at Rocky Mount daily except Sunday, with Nor folk aud Caroliha Railroad for Norfolk and all points North via Norfolk. JOHN F. DIVINE, GeiFt Supt. J. R. KENLY, Geu’l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. NORTH BOUND No. 2, Daily. Leave Wilmington, Arrive Fayettville, Leave Fayetteville, Sanford, Leave Climax, Arrive Greensboro, Leava Greensboro, Leave Stokesd&le, Arrive Walnut Cove, Leave Walnut Cove Leave Rural Hall, Arrive Mt. Airy, SOUTH BOUND. No. 1. Daily. Letve Mt. Airy. Leave Rural Hall Arrive Walnut Cove Leave Walnut Cove, Stokesdale Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro, Climax Sanford, Arrive Fayetteville Lsave Fayetteville, Arrive Wilmiagton, NOKTH BOUND. No. 4, Daily. Leave Bennettsville, Maxton. Red Springs, Leave Hope Mills, Arrive Fayetteville, SOUTH BOUND. i „ No. 3, Daily. Leave Fayetteville, Hope Mills,. Red Springs, Maxton, t.. Arrive Benqeus j|tfe. NOBTH BOUND. Leav/llams’eur,^ ®^ ce P t Sunday. Leave Climax, Arrive Greensbort), SOU No.. 11 D Leave Greens! Leave Climax Arme Ramseur Seaboard Air Line. In connection with Charleston, Sumter and Northern R. K., for Charlotte, Monroe, Wadesboro, Rock ingham, Raleigh, Henderson, Wel don, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Rich mond, Washington, Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York, and points North aud East. DarUactoD, leave *4 46 a m, arrive 1100 p m. Bennettsville, leave 6 40 a m, arrive 9 SO p m. Gibson,arriveS30am,leave*910 pm. Gibson,leavetfi40am,arrive SCO pm. Hamlet, arrive 7 20 a m, leave 7 SO p m. Hamlet, leave S IS a m, arrive 11 OS a m. HocUngham,arriveSSSam,leave 1040 am. Wadwboru, arrive 1040 am, leave 920 a m. Monroe, arrive 120 p m, leave 7 20 a m. Charlotte, arrive 3 IS p m, leave ts 00 a m, Hamlet, leave *7 40 a m, arrive 7 SO p m. Raleigh, leave 1117 a m, arrive 4 OS t> m. Henderson, leave 12W pm, arrive O200 p m. Weldon, leave d2 4S p m, arrive *1216 p m. Via Atlantic Coast Line. Weldon, leave *815 p m, arrive 1210 p m. Petersburg, arrive 6 80 p m, leave 10 00 a m. Hicbmond, arrive 766 p m, leave b6 GO a m. Washli iton, arrive 1110 p m, leave 410a m. Baltimore, arrive 1248 am, leave 2 60 a m. Phllada, arrive 846 a m, leave 12 06 a m. New York, arrive 660 a m, leave *900 p m, Weldon, leave *809 p m, arrive 1208 p m. Pourtsmoutb arrive 660 p m, leavt 935 a m. Norfolk (Ferry), arrrive S10 p m, I've *920a m. Via Bay Line. Portsmouth, leave +600 p m arrive 880a m. Old Point, arrive 7 00 p m, leave 700 a m. Baltimore, arrive 7 00 a m, leave 7 00 p m. Phllada, arrive 1047 a m, leave 441 p m. New York, arrive 120 p m, leave +210 p m. Via N. Y. P. & N. R. R. Pourtsmoth,leave*566 pm,arrive910 am. Old Point, arrive 7 00 p m, leave 8 00 a m. Delma, arrive 100 a m, leave 2 56 a m. Phllada, arrive 510 a m, leave 1118 p m. New York, arrive 800 a m, leave *800 p m. ’Dally, tDally, except Sunday. Through Pullman Sleepers between r orts- mouth and Hamlet. Pullman Sleepers . uu be£ tween Cape Charles and New York , im N. Y* P. A N. H. K. Pullman Sleeper- on train be tween Weldon and New Yorr. sur further Information r.uply to ticket agent Chharleston, Sumter A Northern Railroad, U. Breakfast niv--8. Superintendent: O. V. Smith, Traffic Manangor; Juo. c. Winder, Oen'l Manager: F. C. Bryan, Asst Gen Passenger Ag’t, T, J. Anderson, Passenger Agent. Atlantic Coast Line. C. & D. and C. & S. Railroads. Dated January 81, 1892. GOING DOWN 5:oo A. M 6:17 5:25 5:36 6:00 6:17 6:32 6:50 6:58 7:12 7:22 7:37 9:00 P. M. 9:18 9:28 9:83 9:40 10:00 10:15 10:27 10:57 11:06 1 :14 11:30 Freight Train Going Up. Leaves Florence 7:45 A. M Darlington 9:05 Freight Going Down. Leaves Darlington 4:00 P. M Arrives at Florence 5:00 A. F. HAVEN EL, President. Leaves Wadesboro Bennett's Morven’s McFarland Cberaw Cash’s Society Hill Dove’s Floyd’s Darlington Palmetto Arrive* at Florence GOING UP. Leaves Florence Palmetto Darlington Floyd’s Dove’a Society Hill Cash's Cheraw McFarland Morven's Bennett’s Arrives at Wadesboro 5 00 a m 802 8 27 948 11 .44 12.15 pm 12 25 1. 22 1 55 2. S3 3. 02 425 12 00 m 1 22 p m 1 52 2 30 2 57 8 40 345 413 600 7 20 745 11 00 5 40 am 6 30 702 7.43 8 02 7 45 p m 8. 02 843 9 13 10 05 7 00am 8.50 935 r 4 '•*. 'ESDI Sunday. 8 35 p m 9 20 11 00 NORTH boI-nd. No. 16 Daily except Sunday. Leave Greensboro, 7 on . m Stokesdale l is Arrive Madison u SOUTH BOUND. No. 15. daily except Sunday. Leave Madison <> r. r . _ _ Leave Stokesdale i 0 'go Arrive Greensboro 12 00 m Train No. 2 connects at Sanford with Seaboard Air Line for Raleigh, Norfolk and * pointsNonh’Sndat Walnut Cove with the .Norfolk & Western R. R. for Winston-Salem. Roanoke and all points North and W est of Roanoke. I assengers from Wilmington, Fayette- ville, Bennettsville and all points south of Sanford will arrive at Raleigh at 11:15 a. m., and have aboul 5 hours in Raleigh. returning reach home same day . con rects at W alnut Gove with Norfolk and Western Railroad for Winston-Salem, and at Sanford with Seaboard Air LineforMonroe, Charlotte, Southwest 1 Bnta an ^ points South and Pullman Palace Sleeping Car on Sea- board Air Line trains North and South from Sanford and on Norfolk and West ern tiain North and West from Hoanoka. Ample time is given passengers for breaklast and supper at Fayetteville, and dinner at W alnul Gove. •I-W.FRY, ^L^Agent uen. Manager. W., C. & A. Rail No. 23. No. 27. GOING SOUTH. Dated October 2,189a. Leaves Wilmington * 6:25 p. m. Marion 9:35 , Arrives at Florence 10:25 a. m No. 50. Leaves Florence •8:20*. m. Arrives at Sumter 4:35 Leaves Wilmingtoffi •JW0 p. m Marion fiMO a. m. Arrive:, it Florence 1:20 No. 52. Leaves Sumter *9:43 g m . Arrives at Columbia 10:55 No. 58. Leaves Florence f 7:57 Arrive at Sumter 9:20 No. 52. rung through from Charleston via Central Railroad, leaving Lanes 8 32 a. m., Manning 9.09 a. m. Train on C. A D. Railroad connects at Florence with No. 58. GOING NORTH. No. 51 Leaves Columbit- *10.45 p. m. Sumter .2:04 a. m. Arrives at Florence 1:15 a. ra No. 78. Leaves Florence 5:00 a. m Marion 644 Arrive at Wilmington 8-55 *6:10 p. m 7:23 p m p m No. 53. Leaves Columbia Arrives at Sumter No. 59. Lv. Sumter -f7.30 Ar. Florence 8.40 No. 14. Leaves Florence * 8:50 Marion 9:85 Arrives at Wilmington 12:20 •Daily. tDaily, except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, via Central R. R., arriving at Manning 8:00 p. m., Lames 8:40 p. m., Charleston 10:30 p. m. No. 59 connects at Florence with the C. & D. train from Cberaw and Wades boro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wilmington with the W. A W R R for all points North. Trains on Florence R. R., and South ern Division, Wilson and Fayetteville Branch, leave Flor&ce 8:00 a m Pee Dee Junction 6.33*. m., arrive Rowland 7.35 a. m., FayetrfViHe 9.20 a. m. Re turning leave Fayetteville 5.80 p. m . ar rive Rowland 7.12 p. m., Pee Dee Junc tion 8.16 p. m., Florence 8.45 p m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Manchester A Augusta R. R. leaves Sumter daily, except Sunday at 10.50 a. m., arrives at, Rimini 11.59 a. m. Returning leaves Hinjlni 12.80 p. m., ar rives at Sumter IW p. m. Trains on LattWranch Florence Rail road leave Dunbar 5:80 a m, arrive Latta 6:45 a m. Returning leave Latta 8:00 p m, arrive Dunbar 9:10 pm. Daily ex cept Sunday. Trains on Hartsville R. R. leave Harts ville daily except Sunday at 5.55 a. m., arriving Floyds 6.40 a m. Returning leave Floyds 3.25 p. m., arriving Harts* viile 4.05 p. m. Trains on Wilmington Chadbourn A Conway railroad leave Cbadbourn 10.80 a. m., arrive Conway 1 00 p. m., returning leave Conway at 2.30 p. m. arrive Chad- bourn 5.20 p. m. Leave Chadbourn 7.15 a. m. and 5.50 p. m.. arrive Hub at 8.00 a. m. and 6.25 p. m. Returning leave Hub 9.00 a. m. and 6.45 p. m.. arrive Chadbourn 9.45 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. Daily except Sunday. J. R. KENLEY, Genera] Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Managers. J. F. DIVINE. General Superintendent The Hartsville Railroad. Dated January 4,1892. DAILY MIXED TRAIN. Leavts Hartsville, 5:55 A. M Jovann, 6:20 Floyd’s, 6:40 Darlington 9.00 Arrive at Florence 9.50 This train makesconnection with he South bound passenger train on the Che raw A Darlington Railroad. RETURNING. Leaves Florence 2:00 P. M. Leave Darlington, 2 85 |* m Floyds. 3 io Jovann, 8 3o Arrive at Hartsville 3.50 This train waits two hours, if neces sary, for the North bound treight train on the C. A D. R. R. J. L. COKER, Rrerident