The Darlington herald. (Darlington, S.C.) 1890-1895, October 05, 1892, Image 4

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PbUsbtt Jem an CirDRCS —R«t. J. 0 Law, Paator, PraachingerenrSAbbath at 11 a. m. and 8 00 p. in. Babbatk School at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday afternoon at S o’clock. Methodist Church—Bev. J. A.Bice, Pastor; Preaching every Sunday at U-a m. and 800 p. m., Sabbath School at 5 p. m.. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 8 30 p. m. Episcopal Chapbl.—Bev. W. A. Ouerry, Bector. H. T. Thompson, Lay Beader. Preaching 3rd Sunday at <8 80 p. m., Lay Beading every Sunday morn ing at 11 o’clock, Sabbath School every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock: Macedonia Baptist Chubch. Bev I. P. Brockington, Pastor; Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m.. and 880 p. m. Sabbath School at 830 p. m., Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening at 8 80 • clock woirtK,'*.*. Oheraw station Jans 18, V Cbawr droult, Mt. Olivet— June 18,18 Hartnvtlle, Ounasous —June at Clyde, Unkm— '. June 25,28 Dsrilnston circuit, Wesley Chapel July 2,8 TimmonsrUle, Pine Orove July 8 OsrtersvOle, Bt. Pml July 8, K July 18, IT eJu'y 23, 24 July 80, 81 THE DRYAD. I have seen her limpid eyee. Large with gradual laughter rise Through wild roeee' nett lee. Like twin btoesoms grow and a tare. Then the hateful, envious sir Whisked them Into petals. I have seen her hardy cheek. Like a molten coral, leak Through the leafage shaded. Of thick Cblekaaawt, and then. When I made more sure, again • To a red plnm faded. ,, ' £ . I have found her racy Ups, •'I And her graceful Unger tips. Bat a haw or berry: Glimmers of her there and here, Just, forsooth, enough to cheer And to make me merry. Often on the ferry rocks Dassllng dlmplss of loots looks At me the hath shaken. And I've followed-all in vslnl They had trickled late rain. Sunlit, on the brakmi. Once her ftJU Hatha flashed db ma, Naked, igiere some royal tree Powdered all the spaces With wan sunlight and quaint shade- Buch n haunt romance hath mads For haunched satyr races. There, I know, hid amorous Pam For a sadden pleading ran Through the mass of myrtle, And a rapid violence tossed All Its flowerage—twas the lost Cooings of a'tnrtle. —Madison Cawein. Scranton, Concord Itfllngtiam. Oak Orove...... Lake City, Hebron — ......August 8,7 Johnsonvllle, Muddy Crock....—August 13, U fClmmtree, EUm ^.... August 20,21 Georgetown droutt, St. PauPs .'August 27,28 Salters, Harmony - — August 28,28 Georgetown station Sept. 8,4 But Effingham, Bethlehem Sept. 10, ll Man Bluff, Friendship - Sept. 17,18 «£ m. ■ fro^teus^of* tteELECTROPOl^E. 1 , esteemed South Carolina to the wonderful benefits RrC., March to, USA agoedwoidtortbe — when my health to much better Pat—Phware’s me galluses? Mary Ann—Shore an Oi have them on. It’s the sthoyle Oi have to keep up, Patsy! Pat—Well, yez hand them over. Oi have somethin of more impor tance than sthoyle to keep up.— Truth. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. AU who have used Electric Bitters sink the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will care all diseases of the Liter and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Bolls, Salt Bheum and other affections caused by impure blood. —will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. —For cure of Headache, constipation and Indigestion - try Electric Bitters— Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded.—Price 40 eta. and $1.00 per rotUe at wKIcqx’s Drugitore. 5 b Bipans Tabules bttnish pain. A Troublesome Kamo in Chicago. The many variations as to the pronun-, elation of the name Uoethe street cause some queer misunderstandings and lu dicrous situations. ▲ policeman who waa standing on the corner of Wells street and Chicago avenue was asked if he knew where a man lived. “Shore, an he’s afther livin on Ooatoe athreet,” he replied. “Where?” “Goatee sthreet” “How do yon spell it!” “Pfwhy, I a’pose like g-o-a-t-y, same as a goat.” Bnt the man waa still in tbs dark, so he stepped into n corner drag store and asked the question he had pat to the po liceman. “Mr. 3 lives on Geety street ” “Where is that place!” "Just eleveri'blocks north of here.” ▲ Wells street car soon covered the eleven blocks and Goethe street was reashod. After the interview had been attended to a somber of inquiries were made of varioos persons in regard to the of the street, eliciting at least s different pronunciations.—Chi cago Mail. It Was Fatal. “Pm afraid of restaurant.! and soda fountains," she had said in the first of their acquaintance, and it led him to offer himself at once, for he felt that he ooold afford to wed such a girl. Bnt he was disappointed. She steered him. right into the light refreshment parlor, and the corner drag store ab sorbed all his nickels and the small- payxnent-down cottage home vanished into thin air. One day, goaded to desperation by th* absorption of his last nickel, he said to her: “I-thought yon told me yon were afraid of summer restaurants and soda Judge Durfey—You are charged with stealing chickens; do you want a lawyer? Moke Snowball—No, yo honah. “Why not?” “If it please de Co’t, I’d like ter keep dem chickens myse’f, after hal- bin’ all de trouble er gittin’ dem.” Ibellevaim thorn whs- oT stnwwa mouKVM ■btww. —u * - oonlr noomuMad 1W use to InvslMs. fvm the invobd tho mmoVlndly oomfort MjwWBoed br the pnMneo I never bo without it In the future. I etn- J. B. KERSHAW. Yoon truly i • ^ We earnestly solicit correspoMence from those suffering from chronic and so-called “ incurable” diseases of long standing. To all such we will cheer fully give the benefit of our experience without charge. Atlantic Electropoise Co., ATLANTA, OA. DOUGlAS OffwftttlM. otter roseMtlm for Oenflemeu, Lsdim, Boys aaS sro the in the World. The undafetenad olfew hls serrioef as Land Surv eyor, Mid will promptly attend to any business In this line. He has possession of the notes and instru ments of his father, the late Maior Earle. JAS. M. EABLE. 6-15-92-tf. > Baby was rick, ws gave ter Castoria. i sh* was a Child, Me eritd for Oatferia. gams 10m, sbt oteaff to OmWOh Wtea ska had CbtUna, *be gave them OeMckh Ely—Do your freaks ever fall on.other? Mr, in love with eaci Dime Museum Manager—Some times. Mr. Ely—I suppose they act very queerly. D. M. M.—Yes, indeed; just like other people. IV. Ij. Harrell & Company will sell you a Buggy, Carriage, Wagon, Road Cart, or anything else in their line at the most reasonable prices. A. J. Sm dmcriptlv. advwtlw. lent which will appow la War. Take no Subetltute, hot hunt oa having W. L. DOUGLAS’ SHOES,with isnd prim tHmasdSO m. Sold by ^ Brssa, Darlingtoa, 8. €. WIJiTBROP STATE NORMAL COLLEGE COLUMBIA, 8. C. Thorough training and practice in best methods of teaching. Faculty composed of instructors of extensive and successful experiencein teaching leath ers. Open to white girls over 17. S«e» slon begins September 28. Grad ns tee secure good positions. Each countv given two scholarships—one worth flGO asessioh and one of free tuition. Com petitive examination August 5 at Court House ffteach county. Address D. B. JOHNSON, President, Columbia, 8. C. G e® 0 . w frt- S’ P-4 CD 8, 2 P 0 P 0 P- P g Professional Cards. W. F. DABGAN, Attorney - at - Law, DABLINGTON, 8. C. Offlca over Blackwell Brothers’ Store. E. KEITH DARGAN, Attorney at Law, DABLINGTON, S. C. Nettles & Nettles, ATTOBNEYB - AT - LAW, Darlington C. H., 8. C. Will practice in all Stata and Federal Courts. Careful attention will be given to all business entreated to as. C. P. DARGAN, ATTOBNBY AT LAW AV9 Trial Justice, DABLINGTON, B. C. Practices in the United States Court and in the 4th and Sth circuits. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to me. Office. Ward’s Lame, next to The Dar lington Harkld offlee. L RUN No. GREATEST VALUE OK Tyler*. Fame*. Aariqm Oak Rail Car- LUa Dmk romplata, m. .gselal alrmdan, Ne. 4004,3 ft. 6 in. long;, mat 810.00 No.4009.4 ft. 6 in. “ “ 82100 No. 4010, S ft. long, - - “ $23.00 Also aaa now leo pan* oatalocuo foi 0 B U oo , A b n( t c«° toS 1 . ShipyW fraa 8t. took, Ka, ar Itelmsmlla IsA BARK COUHTCBS A BPECIALTT. Wo rotor to ovory Bank In Thirty etatos, TYLKIt PK8K CO., fft. LoulB, Mo May 85 ly. rmimiiE!. riRiimE! Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It isguarant eeedtogiveperfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per For sale at Wilcox’s drug store. -Have box. Poet (in newspaper office) yon an efficient staff? Editor—Perhaps not; but I have a very efficient club. “1 am,” she said sweetly; “don’t ioe cream whenever I come near oner He will not recover.—Detroit Free Press, Kaapiag Warm. An active hut not very robust city boy was sent by his parents away up tato the north woods a few days ago for the avowed purpose of building np his health. He waa cautioned by his father and by the family doctor to keeji warm at night, the avoidance of chills being especially desirable in his case. The other day a letter came from the boy. He told his parents that he was “feeling well, eating like a horse, and having a holly time.” He also said “And I keep as warm as toast nights. Tbs other night 1 went to bed with all my olothee on. I wore two shirts, three pairs of trousers, two coats, my shoes and overshoes and a cap.”—New York Times. j Cause of a National Tratt. It is a matter of common observation that Hebrews -as a rale are more than ordinarily devoted to their families, and their home life is beautiful in many ways. As everything has a same, the most plausible one in this regard appears to me to be the severe persecutions to which that race has been subjected for centuries, compelling claimishnees and affording them their greatest happiness at homo. Persistent influanose acting through numberless generations Would surely Institute a racial peculiarity such as ttys.—& V. Clevenger in Science. Didn’t Like Worry. Mrs.* Minks—Don’t you wish you couli! get mousy by simply drawing a check, the way your husband does! Mrs. Winks—Indeed I don’t If drew the checks myself, Pd have to worry over the balances. Pd rather he’d draw them.—New York Weekly. It Should Be In Every House. K . B. Wilson, 871 Clay 3t.,8harpsburg, , says he will not be without Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia after an attack of “La Grippe,” when various other remedies and several physi- rt Bar- clans had done her no good- Robert her, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr King’s New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for Lung Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free Trial Bottles at Willcox’s Drug Store Large bottles, 50c. and $1.00. 5 “Ob, dear!” sighed Henry, whose clothes are all made of his papa’s old ones, “papa’s had his mustache shaved off an’ I suppose I’ve got to wear it now.” Children ury for Pitcher’s Castoria. “How do you do,” said the crab to the lobster; “how is your dear little baby?” “Vere well, indeed,” said the lei ster. “We haven’t named her ytt. times are so hard to find.” “Why not call her Clawdia,” sug gested the crab. FOB DTSPEPfllA Uae Brown’s Iron Bitters. Physicians recommend It. An dealer* keep It 81.00 per bottl*. Gcnnlns sas trademark and crossed red Uae* cat wrapper. Fidgety Lady—“Bnt what am I to do? I can’t ride with my hack to the engine.” Sarcastic Yonth- “Better speak to the guard. He’ll tnrn the train around.” '■£$crZX&;i+iz± •M Viis5. ClnVo! A young man named M. W. Smith arrived at the mining town of Creek, Colo., with thirty-three in his pocket He commenced peanuts and popcorn and- in sixty days cleared $8,000. In 1774 Maskelyne, the astronomer royal of'England, first calculated the weight of the earth. The weight, as estimated in Encyclopedia Brttannica, is 0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons) Nero tried to kill himself, bnt i afraid to do so. He finally gave him self a'slight wound in the throat, one of his friends pushed the sword further in, and a fatal wound resulted. Old newspapers for sale at The Herald Office. HTS CURED Wssstbs, S. C., Dsc. I( iSps. Sin: I wish I could 1st alt who an tufferinf iron any Forss fflssass know just how good your remedy is. My soa osed it om year, sad is now the stoutest child I ban, With injury thanks, I temsio yoTNB, H. A. TATE. THE CHEAPEST LARGEST and BEST LINE of FURNITURE EVER • ^ OFFERED TO THE PEOPLE OF DARLINGTPN COUNTY.' AT Hay ns worth’* furniture S twre * THE LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED DESIGNS AND FINISHES IN BED ROOM SUITS IN WALNUT, ANTIQUE OAK, 16th CENTURY and OLD ENGLISH. My stock of “ Suits is Complete in Every Respect. PICTURE FRAMES Of Every Description Made to Order on Short Notice. GIVE ME A CALL. I WANT YOUB TRADE and WILL DO MY VERY BEST TO PLEASE YOU. SLBespectfally, J. D. HAYNSWORTH. John C. White, Darlington, South Carolina. - Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Piping, House Furnishing Goods, Bolts, Tobacco Flues, &c. GaQ illJ Our M, anil we can Please Yaa. Anything Nnt In Stack Will he Ordered fnr Von. Pramptiy Executed! P. Bishop Parrott, Stenographer : and : Type-writer. UMAX AND OTBim COFTIBO SOLICIT1D. Tsatimonv reported in short-hand and type-written transcript of same furnished at reasonable rates. Good spelling, correct punctuation and neat work guaranteed. Office with Ward A Woods. Sgi Fire & laie INSURANCE Co. SPRINGFIELD, Mass. A • , <mcy at Darlington, So Ca. H. L. CHARLES, Agent Atlantic Coast Line. C. & D. and C. & S. Railroads Dated January 31,1892. GOING DOWN Leaves Wadesboro 5:oo A. M Bennett’s 5:17 Morven’s 5:25 McFarland 5:38 Cberaw 6:00 Cash’s 6:17 Society Hill 6:82 Dove’s 6:50 Floyd’s 6:58 Darlington 7:12 Palmetto 7:22 Arrives at Florence 7:37 GOING UP. Leavee Florence 9:00 P. M. Palmetto 9:18 Darlington 9:23 Floyd’s 9:38 Dove’s 9:40 Society Hill 10:00 Cash’s 10:15 Cheraw 10:27 McFarland 10:57 Morven’s 11:06 Bennett’s 1 :14 Arrives at Wadesboro 11:30 Freight Train Going Up. Leaves Florence 7:45 A. M “ Darlington 2:05 Freight Going Down. Leavee Darlington 4:00 P. M Arrives at Florence 5:00 A. F. RAVBNEL. President. © r* Giod AND A shoemaker advised a customer, when he complained of his new boots being tight, not to put them on until he had worn them for a day or two. A certain broker had been teeting his wife about some of her housekeeping arithmetic, end yesterday she gather revenge, “What time is it!" he aaked her after umch. She took out her purse and held up a half erown'wtthaut a word. He stanud, Scratched hk head and finally gave it up. , 7 "Anybody who is up in figures,” ehe remarked sweet! ' OnnsK, Pa., Due. sj, itgi. ^1 have not had one of my bad spalls slon I com menced taking your nudicin., aix months ago. THU»SV ELMORK. Pmi-ADBLniiA, Pa., Jan. s, sips. I pmuttMy haute of two cnam of FK* 3Tie CMC of St rumrf Ban** and SM of Ftr- twuu Vrwtrotton cured by this ranudy. C. A. WOOD, Tnaaumr American Publiahlag Hoots. If you an afflicted with Fit*, fft. Titntt Dan**, - f jMOmafa, or say other Nerve: trouble, wo will asnd you On<i Bottl* rVv., fcU charges yaupaMbf Givataft, Jfott-Oikx and Susa. ;1 - - REGULATE THE - • STOMACH, LIVER d® BOWELS, • AND - PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR • Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Ripana Tabules contain nothing injurioufi to the meet delicate con**!ca tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold by druggists. A trial bottle sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents. Address THE RIRANS CHEMICAL CO., * . 10 Sprue# StrMt, - - Now York City. IS OUR MOTTO. MimowscKniB. O., 8. A N Re R. Dated-October 2nd, 1892. GOING NORTH. Train No. 76. Daily. Aav* Charleston 11.40 p m Pregnall’s 1.10 a m Harleysville 1.20 Pecks 1.36 Holly Hill 1.38 Connors 1.43 Eutawville 1.50 Vances 2.02 Merriam 1.17 St Paul 2.29 Summerton 2.34 Silver 2.43 Packsville 2.52 Tindall 3.05 Sumter 3.25 Oswego 3.38 St. Charles 3.51 . Elliotts 4.00 Lamar 4.16 Syracuse 4.30 Darlington 4.45 Mont Clare 5.00 Robins Neck 6.11 Mandeville 5.27 Bennettsviile 5.40 Alice 6.10 Ar. Gibson 6.30 GOING SOUTH. Train No. 74. Daily. L’ve Gibson 9.10 p m Alice 9.30 Bennettsviile 10.05 Mandeville 10,13 Robins Neck 10.35 Mont Clare 10.46 Darlington 11.00 Syracuse 11.14 Lamar 11.27 Elliotts 11.42 St. Chari *s 11.51 Oswego 12.03 a in Sumter 12.20 Tindal 12.35 Packsville 12.47 Silver 12.56 Summerton 1.05 St. Paul 1.11 Merriam 1.24 Vances 1.39 Eutawville 1.50 Connors 1.57 Holly Hill 2.02 Pecks 2.05 Harleyville 2.20 PregnalTs 2.30 Arrive Glarleston 4.00 GOING NORTH. Train No. 3, daily except Sunday. L've Pregnalls 10.09 a m Harleyville 10.11 Pecks 10.27 Holly Hill 10.31 Connors 10.37 Eutawville 11.55 Vances 12.10 GOING SOUTH. Train No. 4, daily except Sunday. L’ve Vances 8.35 a m Eutawville 8.50 Connors 9.00 Holly Hill 9.09 Pecks 9.15 Harleyville 9.35 Pregnall'a 9.50 Ar’ve Charleston 11.05 W., C. & A. Railroad, '.’.ii GOING SOUTH. Dated October 8,1898. No. 28. Leaves Wilmington * 6:96 p. a. Marion 8:85 Arrives at Florence 10:25 a. ■ No. 50. Leaves Florence *8:20 a. m. Arrive* at Sumter 4:85 No. 97. Leaves Wilmington *10:10 p. m Marion 12:40 a. m. Arrive, at Florence 1:20 No. 52. Leaves Sumter *9:48 a. m. Arrives at Columbia 10:55 No. 58. Leaves Florence | 7:57 Arrive at Sumter 9:20 No. 52. runs through from Charleston via Central Railroad, leaving Lanes 8.82 a. m., Manning 9.06 a. m. Train on C. & D. Railroad connects at Florence with No. 58. GOING NORTH No. 51 Leave* Columbir *10.45 p. m. Sumter 12:04 a. m. Arrives at Florence 1:15 a. m No. 78. Leaves Florence 5:00 a. m Marion 5:44 Arrive at Wilmington 8:55 THE • DARLINGTON : HERALD Only SI a Year. SUBSCRIBE FOR PETER BOWLES DOES FIRST CLASS Paper Hanging. Kalsomine Work a Specialty. He aolidta the patronage of Darlington. Northeastern Railroad. Dated July Mtk, 1888. GOING SOUTH. No. 87, Delly. Leave Florence Arrive Lanas Arrive Charleston No: 88, Dally. Leave Florence Klngsfree Arrive Lanee Arrive Oharleeton No. 88. Leave Lanee *8.45 p Arrive Charleston 10.80 Train on C. A D. M . ft. connects Florence with No. 61 train. *1.85 a.» 9.60 8.00 * 8.05 a m 9.80 1.98 a. ■ 11.58 at GOING NORTH. No. 78, Daily. Leave Charleaton *1.00 a. m Arrive Lanee 8.25 Leev* Lenea 8.21 Klngitre* 848 Arrive Florence 4.48 No. 14, Delly. Leave Charleston »&.!« f m Arrive Lana* 7.06 Leave Lenei 7.05 Kingitree 7.24 Arrive Florence 8.80 ' No. 62, Dally. Leave Charleston *6.50 a. u Arrive Lanes 8.97 •Dail ugh Central R. R. of S. C. tly. tDeily exiv,.. No. 52 runs through ,uuilay. Columbia vis No*. n. c; ■ints North, o Manager. J. R. KENLY, General “ J.F.DI VINK, General 78, and 14 run solid to Wilmington naking clow connection with W & W. R. H. for all poini T.M.BMERSONTrafl General Manager. ■npena tendon t, *6:10 p. m 7:25 t.7.30 8.40 * 5:50 0:35 p m p m No. 53. Leaves Columbia Arrives at Sumter No. 50. Lv. Sumter Ar. Flor<«ce No. 14. Leaves Florenct Marion Arrives at Wilmington 12:20 •Daily. TDaily, except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, via Central H. R., arriving at Manning 8:00 p. m., Lanes 8:40 p. in., Charleston 10:30 p. m. No. 59 connects at Florenct with the C. & D. train from Cheraw and Wades boro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wilmington with the W. A W. R. R. for all points North. Trains on Florence R. R., and South ern Division, Wilson and Fayetteville Branch, leave Florence 6:00 a m, Pee Dee Junction 6.33 a. m., arrive Rowland 7.35 a. m., Fayetteville 9.20 a. m. Re turning leave Fayetteville 5.80 p. m.. ar rive Rowland 7.12 p. m.,Pee Dee Junc tion 8.16 p. m., Florence 8.45 p m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Manchester & Augusta R. R. leaves Sumter daily, except Sunday, at 10.50 a. m., arrives at Rimini 11.59 a. m. Returning leaves Rimini 12.30 p. m., ar rives at Sumter 1.40 p. m. Trains on Latta Branch Florence Rail road leave Dunbar 5:30 a m, arrive Latta 6:45 a m. Returning leave Latta 8:00 p m, arrive Dunbar 9:10 p m. Daily ex cept Sunday. Trains on Hartsville R. R. leave Harts- ville daily except Sunday at 5.55 a. m., arriving Floyds 6.40 a m. Returning leave Floyds 3.25 p. m., arriving Ilarts- viile 4.05 p. m. Trains on Wilmington Chadbourn & Conway railroad leave Chadboura 10.30 a. m., arrive Conway 1 00 p. m., returning leave Conway at 2.80 p. m. arrive Chad- bourn 5.20 p. m. Leave Chadbourn 7.15 a. m. and 5.50 p. m., arrive Hub at 8.00 a. m. and 6.25 p.m. Returning leave Hub 9.00 a. m. and 6.45 p. m.. arrive Chadbourn 9.45 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Daily except Sunday. J. R. KENLEY, General Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic .Managers. J. F. DIVINE, General Superintendent GOING NORTH, Train No. 5, daily except Sunday. Leave Charleston 5.30 p m “ Pregnall’s 7.05 “ “ Harieyvllle 7.15 “ “ Pecks 7.80 “ “ Holly Hill 7.85 “ “ Connors 7.41 “ Eutawville 7.48 ’• “ Vances 8.00 “ • GOING SOUTH. Train No. 6, daily except Sunday. Leave Vances 5.30 p m Eutawville 5.42 Connors 5.49 Holly Hill 5 54 Pecks 6.58 Harleyville 6.14 Pregualls 6.25 GOING NORTH. Train No. 33, daily except Sunda;. Leave Vances 8.02 pm Snells 8.17 Parlers 8,27 arriveHa tin city 8.42 GOING SOUTH. Train no. 82, daily except Sunday, Leave Harlln city 7 50 a m Parlers 8.05 Snells 8.10 Arrive Vances 8.30 GOING NORTH. Train no. 81. dally except Sunday. Leave Vance* 12.20 p m Snells 12.40 Parlers 12 53 Arrive Berlin city 1,13 GOING SOUTH. Trein no, 34. daily except Sunday Leave Harlin city 4.35 p m Parlera 4.55 Snella 5.0# Arrive Vences 1 ' 5.25 GOING NORTH-Train No. 41. daily exeept Sunday. Leave EuUwvllle Belvidere arrive Ferguson GOING SOUTH-Train except Sudday leave Ferguson Belvidere Arrive Eutawville Noe. 74 and 75 run solid to and Charleston. Close connection is made at Gibson for all points reached by or via the Seaboard Air Line System; at Bennettaville for at] point* via C. F. & Y. V. R. R. E. D. KYLE. General Passenger Agent The Hartsville Railroad. Dated January 4,1892. DAILY MIXED TRAIN. Leave* Hartsville, 5:55 A. M Jovenn, 6:20 Floyd’s, 6:40 Darlington 9.00 Arrive at Florence 9.50 This train makesconnection with the South bound passenger train on the Che- raw A Darlington Railroad. RETURNING. Leaves Florence 2:00 P. M. Leave Darlington, 2 35 p m Floyds. 310 Jovann, 8 So Arrive at Hartsville 8-50 This trein waits two hours, if neces sary, for the North bound freight train on the C. A D R. R. J. L. COKER, R resident no. H.50 am 11.Oo 42 daily 11.30 11.40 11.50 am from WelHaetea’s ■*■** at Paty. A moat interwting anecdote of Wel lington, in* ’rating th* high aeaa* of duty in all thing*, ia told on the author ity w the dnke’e housekeeper at Waimer eaatl*. The hug# Bln* Book of 800 gegee on th* stndiaa and dieolplineof the University of Oxford had been wnt to him aa chancellor. He was engaged m it the night before hie death; he waa going to bed, as it waa late. He left the Bln* Book with his pencil in it. and said to Lord Charles Wellesley, who was Jkjutjntirt i* h,ai it, •* Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. Condensed Schedule, Sept. 10,1892. NORTH BOUND. No. 2, Daily. Leave Wilmington, Arrive Fayettville, Leave Fayetteville, Sanford, Leave Climax, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Leave Stokesdale, Arrive Walnut Cove, Leave Walnut Cove Leave Rural Hall, Arrive Mt. Airy, No. 4, Daily. Leave Bennettsviile, Maxton. Red Springs, Leave Hope Mills, Arrive Fayetteville, 5 00 a m 8 02 8 27 9 48 11 .44 12. 15 pm 12 25 1. 22 1 55 2. 33 3. 02 425 5 40 am 6 30 702 7.48 8 02 No. 15. daily except Sunday.- most week ea."—Labors Arrive Ramseur Leave Climax Greensboro No. 17 Daily Arrive Greensboro Leave Stokesdale . Madison SOUTH No. 1. Daily. Lesve Mt. Airy. Leave Rural Hall Arrive Walnut Cove Leave Walnut Cove, Stokesdale Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro, Climax Sanford, Arrive Fayetteville Leave Fayetteville, Arrive Wilmington, No. 3, Daily. Leave Fayetteville, Arrive Hope Mills, d Springs, 6 85 p m 455 400 except Sunday. 9 10 a m 7 55 700 * BOUND. 12 00 m 1 22 p m 1 52 2 30 2 57 3 40 ' 345 413 600 720 745 11 00 7 46 p m 8. 06 8 52 9 22 10 15 Rei Maxton, Arrive Bennettsviile. No. 16, daily except Sunday. Leave Ramseur, 7 15 a m Leave Climax, 0. 05 ty-rive Greensboro, 9 50 No. 18 Daily except Sunday. Leave Greensboro, 8 55 p m Stokeo'iale 5 1.3 Arrive 5' A on g 05 Train No. 2 connects at Sanford with Seaboard Air Line for Raleigh, Norfolk and all points North, and at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk A Western R. R. for Winston-Salem, Roanoke and all points North and West of Roanoke. Passengers from Wilmington, Favette- ville, Bennettsviile and all points south of Sanford will arrive at Raleigh at 11:15 a. m.,and have about 5 hours in Raleigh, returning reach home same day. Train No. 1 connects at Walnut Gove with Norfolk and Western Railroad for Winston-Salem, and at Sanford with Seaboard Air Line for Monroe, Charlotte, Athens, Atlanta and all points South and Southwest. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car on Sea board Air Line trains North and South from Sanford and on Norfolk and West ern tiain North and West from Hoanoko. Ample time is given passengers for breakfast and supper at Fayetteville, and dinner at Walnut Cove. W. E. KYLE, J. W. FRY, Gen. Pass.Agent Gen. Manager. Qu he portaaitUg, and from 1 0|»|M»rtu*lly! HOX’T Mlaa der. Tts# majority necUct thair op- i -.-ii that eauaa lie* in povarty and dla ia •became! Ilnrrewinf ueetmir ie tlio Iwi of many, aa they . opportawhy. Ijfblapaa*. Im! JImcb out. Bo ap and (iuiiiK- linpruroyeur opporta- ally, nndfiocaroprotporiiv. pruiutneucu. poaco. It waa Mid by A puloaopbur, that “luo Uoddoa* <*f Koriuno offors • opportunity to oach poraon at oomo period of iifb; raco tbocbonco, And ah# pwara out nor ricuaa: fail to do. $• and 0H0 doparto. nntr to roturn." How ahall you find tto ffPLDKM opportunity? Inroatiffato ovory chant# that •PF**r» worthy, and Of fafr premia#: that is what alt Me- cosaful man do. 11 ora ia an opportunity, such aa ia not oflaa within tha ranch ot laborina paopla. liuprovad. it will ftra. At laaat. a grand atari in lifn. Tha oolpicn opportunity for nauy ia Uora. Blonby ta ha mada rapidly and hanorably by atiyluduatriona parson of either aos. AH agaa. Yon can da the work and lira At home, wharevarjrou are. Evan be- gimierg ar« easily earning from to ftlO per day. Y«>a can do aa wall If you win work, not too hard, but induatrl- oualy; and yea can in create your income aa you goon. Yo« cam gira epure time only, or all your time to tha work. Eaao to loam. Capital not required. We atari you. All is com paratively new and really wonderful. We iaetruct and •how von how, fr««* Pailura unknown among our work-