The Darlington herald. (Darlington, S.C.) 1890-1895, October 05, 1892, Image 3

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I m Wigfatmau Garner, Citadel on Saturday. left for Ur. Bright Odom, who lived at the Factory, died on Monday. ^ — Mrs. S. Marco, lift on Monday morning for North Carolina. Dr. Ed. WrightTof Wilson, N. C, is viaiting relatives in town. Mr. J. H. Mason, of Winston, N. C., is visiting relatives in town. Some of the yonng folks had a pic nic at the Spring on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brown re turned from their bridal trip, on Saturday. Miss Evie Welling, who has been visiting relatives in Darlington, le.t on Saturday for her home in Charles ton. Mr. J. R. Ives, who has been ■pending sometime with friends in town, returned to his home in Flor ence on Monday. Kev. J. 11. Wilson, the Presiding Elder, preached a very forcible ser mon at the Methodist Church on Sunday night There was no service at the Pres byterian Chureh on Sunday. The pastor was attending the regular ses sion of the Pee Dee Presbytery. The family of Dr. W. J. Alexander returned from Saluda Thursday night They are now living in their new residence on Orange street. “Whet’ier gaining or losing trust in God,” Job 13; 15—Daniel 3; 12 to 27 inclusive. Subject for discus sion at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday Oct 9th at 3.30 p. m. To-night (Wednesday) is the regu lar business meeting of the Y. M. C. A. All the members are requested to attend as business of importance it to be transacted. The third Friday being a holiday the State Superintendent of Educa tion has postponed the examination for Teachers of the public schools to the third Saturday in October. The editor apologises to tne read ers of Thu Herald for the editorl 1 ■nd local matter that appears this week, as he has been too unwell to give the paper the necessary atten tion. We call attention to the advertise ment of Nixon and Harllee, barbers, who have made a very enviable repn- tation for skillful work in their line. They are not only experts but are eminently worthy of patronage on account of being good citizens. The members of the Inglis Light ArtiHery, Charles’s Battery, will The pirk around the court house has been planted and all animals, whether they have two or four feet, are warned to keep off the grass. It is not planted for grazing purposes, but to adorn t*he square, and all her bivorous animals must govern them selves accordingly. t The ordinance will be rigidly enforced against dogs. Birds will be allowed to forage for worths. . We are very glad to be able to say that Dr. W. J. Garner has concluded to remain in Darlington and practice his profession here. This will be very gratifying news to his friends, and to all who wish to avail them selves of his services. He will re build his store and put up a much handsomer building than the old ote. and which be an oraament to the Square. The lower story will be oc cupied by Dr. Boyd as a drug store and the second story will be fitted up for Dr. Garner’s special use, and will be devoted to this purpose alone.- There was a very successful en tertainment, at the residence of Dr. Parrotton Wednesday night, at which the following persons were in attend ance: Misses Lillie Ives, Florence; Janie Bass, Swift Creek; Lou Mclver, Annie Hearon, May McCall, Mamie Kelley, Jennie Bast, Maggie Burch, Alma McCown. Messrs. J. R. Ives, Florence; L. G. McCall, J. E. Skinner, 0. 0. Riddle, Lawton Dargan, Eugene Vaughn, W. W. Gardner, B. F. Smoot, G. E. Mc Lendon, W. F. Harrell, Herbert Pegues, Leon Dove, Willie Mont gomery, Willie McCown. ^ * There was a dance at the residence of Mr. Geo. McCown, on Friday night The town contingent went out in wagons, and had i merry time both going and while at the house. The fallowing are the names of those who were present Misses Sadie Dargan, Edna Dargan, Mary Law, Maggie Law, Ida Law, Edith Low, Laura Law, Ola Rast, Mamie Keiley, May McCall, Marie Lido, Bessie Ervin. Meesis. Chai’e W. Du Bose, Eu gene Vaughan, Hvrry Smith, E. D. Montgomero, - H. J. Boatwright, W. A. Parrott, E. B. Dargan, 0.0. Rid dle, T. J. DuBose, Charlton Law, Fred W, Law, R. Lawton Dargan. We are very anxious to secure the services of a reliable correspondent at the following places, the persons who had arranged to act as such having signally failed to keep their promises, Dovesville, Society Hill, Riverdale, Timmonsville, Lydia, Oats, Hartsville, Swift Creek, Lamar and any other sections where we have no correspondents. If any intelli gent lady will undertake to send us the items of news from her sections, we will give a Lady’s Magazine a* fremium, and also furnish them with the necessary stationery and have a reunion at McCown’s Mill on October 14th. All the members a e earnestly requested to be present | stamps. If the correspondent is a Cone and bring one days ration , gentlemen we will send him a sui- Bro. McCown will look after the tabic premium in the way of an agri- Mr. J. H. Schmid has in his yard, next to our office, two English wal nut trees that bore nuts for the first time this year. The trees are about twelve or fifteen feet high, and were full of fruit in the Spring, but a good deal of it was lost by a very severe frost that came late in the season. He gathered about twenty or thirty of the nuts and they we full size and very sweet., It is gen- ereally known that the tree is hard in our climate, but most people an detered from planting them because the opinion prevails that they will not commence bearing before they are twelve or fifteen years old. Mr. Schmid’s trees are only six years old add were raised from the seed. He probably threw them back about a yew by transplanting them, which should never be done, as nut bearing trees have a very long tap root and the npt should be planted where the tree is to stand. The uuts are in steady demand at from thirteen to fifteen cento per pound, and they can be made a profitable crop. They will flourish oh the rich hillsides on our streams, making land valuable that is entirely too steep to cultivate. Mr. Schmid has given us a few of the nuts which will be exhibited at the State Fair. A CwapHaeitary Party. There was a party given at the Cleveland House on Thursday night, complimentary to Miss Carrie Manne, who left on Tuesday for a visit to New York. The persons named below turned out in honor of the young lady. Mr. and Mrs. A. Nachman “ “ “ I. Lewcnthal, “ •• “ C. Alexander, “ « “ H. Wolfram, “ “ “ E. C. Rotholz, Mrs Manne, Mrs Muchels, Misses Carrie Manne, Hannah Manne, Lena Witcover, Essie Witcover, Gerta Marco, B. Weinberg, T. Wolkovisky, Celia Weinberg. Messrs. S. Tombachcr, H. Hennig, S. Leweuthal, I Tombacher, D. Wit cover, H. Macby, F. Lewenthal, 8. Menne, H. Lewenthal, 8. Kalmus, M. Lewenthal, C. Kalmus, 8. Harris. Aaether Sheeting fish. Mr. & A. Nettles, of the Manning Times, has bought the Sumter ad vance and will continue it at the same place. This will necessitate a change in the politics of the Advance as Mr. Nettles is a Tillmanite and Mr. Darr was a very strong Anti during the campaign. There wav a very heavy cloud, fc- companied with some wind, and a good deal of rain, passed over the -town on Tuesday afternoon. It frightened some of the nervous folks who see an imaginary tornado in every cloud. There was not enough wind to do any damage. On our first page we publish Cleve land’s letter of acceptance, and com mend it to the special attention of the Third Party sympathizers. It is a clew presentation of the doctrines of the Democratic Party, and there is no part of it that the Republicans can show to be false. cultural or literary Please let us hear from delay. newspaper, you without We deem it unnecessary to make any apologies for devoting so much of out space to a subject of such vital interests as the present disregard for hnn a i life that etisto in our State. It is a serious matter and nothing but a persistent determination on the H part of all citizens to see that the law is enforaed will put a atop to it. m , The Herald extends a cordial welcome to the Rev. Edward Me- Greedy, who has moved here for the purpose ef taking charge of the ^tosoptd church, and congratulahs the paemben of this church on •»- curfag the services of a ihinistor who has made such a favorable impres- i on the congregation. ft are sorry to announce the > Mr. James B. Baker, of Mc- iville, which event occurred t Tuesday at the residence of his - Shin-law, Mr. J. 0. A. Moore. Mr. Mooney has just completed two very fine mantel pieces that he proposes to exhib't at the State Fair. One is made of walnut and the other of oak, both native growth, and the wood is very close grained and is beautifully polished. They reflect a great deal of credit an the taste and skill of Mr. Mooney, as the de signs and work are both his own. They were made for tne Iwge double pwlers of Col. Mclveris residence and will be pnt in position after the Fair. Another fact in connection with Mr. Mooney’s work is that his prices are lower than is chwged elsewhere for similw work. Mr. McFall has a mantel piece, made by Mr. Mooney, in his new honse, that he says is a better price of work than one he saw that was made in Chicago, and that coat a great deal more money. Peo ple who are judges of such work enght to call at Mr. Mooney’s and see theta fine specimens of his skill On Thursday last, Mr. Rowe, of Bennettsville, took exception at something said by Judge Townsend) in the court house, and cow hided him. The next day Mr. Frazier, son-in-law of the Judge, resented the insult and he and Mr. Rowe had a fight, during which Mr. Frazier was seriously shot by Mr. Rowe. Friends of both parties rushed up with drawn pistols, and but for the efforts of Sheriff Rogers and some other gen tlemen, who were attracted by the firing, a bloody low would have en sued. Mr. Rowe claims that he ex pected to be shot himself and was acting in self defense. We have no intention of prejudiciug the case either way, but from all we cun gather the cowbiding of J udge Town send was hardly justifiable, especially when the fact is considered that, so far as report goes, he was not given an opportunity to retract or apologise for the language used. Both of the principals have numerous relatives and friends, and if these friends had acted promptly, and had had both of them pat under peace bonds, the ■hooting of Mr. Frasier would have been avoided, but we suppose that it is the same old story, that no one thought the matter would be carried any further, and did not interfere until too late. The whole affair is deplorable viewed from any stand point and famishes another illnstra- tion of the ntter disregard of human life that so universally prevails. ■ So far as we can learn the sales at the tobacco warehouse have been sat isfactory to all concerned, and the inauguration of the enterprise can be truthfully called a success. When the fact is considered that the bnsi- ness is a new and our farmers entire ly inexperienced in its culture and curing, it is a wonder that they have done so well. There is every reason to feel encouraged, and we predict that in a year <r two the acreage, in this connty, will be largely in exctsi of what it now it is, and it will have passed far beyond the range of an experiment The demand for fine tobacco is on the increase and it is very improbable that the supply will ever exceed the demand. The to bacco business has built up some of the finest towns in North Carolina and there is no reason why it wont dp the mbm for Darlington, that u For a Yesig Girls Album. Study life, about the World think, Exercise more yonr braiu; And become a useful link In the great human chain. Progress, knowledge and cnlture, Be thy aim in times to come; Be not mere useless creature Bnt a “human being” become. —Published by request I. Tombacher —All kinds of— Marble Monuments, Tablets, and Grave Stones furnished on short netice, mod as cheap as can be purchased elsewhere. Designs and prices furnished os application. Al. work delivered Free on line of C. A D. Railroad. Darlington Marble Works, DARLINGTON, S. C. HfiNBI I. SMITH, Real Estate Agent, FLORENCE St* DARLINGTON, g. C. Special attention paid to the buy- and telling of reel estate, oollec on of rente; Ac. The strictest attention will be paid to all business entrusted me. Dr* D ANIEIj 8’ VETERINANY REMEDIES. COLIC CURE Never fails to cure any case of colic. COUGH, COLD & FEVER DROPS Cures lung fever, Epizootic coughs, colds, «Ac. —o- H0R8E RENOVATOR Cures indigestion, loss of appetite worms, Ac. HEW STORE NEW STOCK. 'Have now open, for inspection, th$ most Complete stock of goods that they have ever purchased, and invite an inspection of the; same feeling confident of their ability to please the most fastidious taste, both in miniTT m ph. Dress Goods WONDERWORKER LINIMENT Cures cuts, wounds, harness galls, scratches, Ac. in all the latest styles, from the finest to the cheapest grades, with trimmings to suit, consisting in part of French Novel ties, Cashmeres, Storm Serges, Lennox Stripes, Crocodile Cloth. Handsome line black Dress Goods Long Cloth, Sheeting, Flannels, Blankets dkc. HOOF GROWER A SOFTENER Sure cure for contracted feet, quarter cracks and tenderness. These wonderful medicines are sold and guaranteed 'to please the user of money refunded without ar gument For sale by DR. J. A. BOYD. Dablikoton, Sent 5 1892. The examinatiou for teachers of the Public Schools will be held at Darlington on the third Friday, the 21, of October next By order of the State Superintendent W. H Evans, Chairman of Board of examiners. TO THE PIIOlll). When you are In the city don’t fail tv c 11 at the Enterprise Hotel Barber Shop. 1 Is the only first class shop In the city. Fashionable hair cats, first class shaves and the Great Arabian Egg Shampoo. Four polite barbers always on hand tc wait on you. MIXON A HARLEE, Proprietors. Call special attention to their large and complete stock of Carpets, both Brussels and Ingrain. Matting and. Rugs. James Allan & Co. 285 King St. Charleston, S. C. The Largest Jewelry Store in the State MUD FLAXES OF SterlingSilver lalsUbthstaAseC SPOONS AND FORKS At Nats asst BsHscfte Wtsr.saithM plstsS talirt, ri.tslalaf Five INmesasmsfeA Silver at stahoabd plat*. Guartnteod to wmt 25 yotra. Will Last a Lifetime. MORE DURABLE Than Light Sterling Silver. A.4MthiN4k««»t SmS «—-* s ■ Dll nils ■ tolilfi a. flUHB VlMMMtlWdltkSB ! jisr)ffSkfSNttlii Ss 9sta- kfMIStMNS. TIE SOLUS * XBWABM SIAVZS OS. We are Sole Agents here for the abov* goods and keep a toil line of them u -STOCK.- In addition to our large and elegant stock of Solid Silvdrware. Gold and Silvei WATCHES of the most approved mak an. Diamonds mounted in Rings, Pins and Broaches. Fill! FIRE! I represent Twelve of the most reliable Fire Insurance Companies In the world— among them, the Liverpool and London and Globe, of England, the largest fire company In the world; and tho ACtna, of Hartford, the largest of all American fire companies. Prompt attention to business and satis faction guaranteed. F. E. NORMENT. DARLINGTON, S. 0. Offlce between Edwards, Nonaete lev Fall aai Tiater Goois. We keep the BEST GOODS made and onr prices <^T .vri vrv r r i :i :i> As low as the lowest. Headquarters is The Place to make your purchases at. RESPECTFULLY. Edwards, Norment & Company, GIBSON & WOODS Take pleasure in announcing that they are now prepared to issue Fire and Life Insurance Policies, and can place all business entrust ed to them in some of the best companies in the United States. In FIRE INSURANCE they have such companies as THE HOME of New York, and the HARTFORD, oi Hartford, Conn., two of the largest and best managed companies in the country. In LIFE INSURANCE they invite examination into the plans ot the N. Y. MUTUAL, offering, as they do, very favorable terms to to those who wish o insure. They also conduct a general Brokerage and commission business. May 18 ly -AL80- complete Hue of Upholstery Goods. (Carpets are are fitted to the floor and made up.) The Shoe Department. Both for gentlemen and ladies is perfect. The ladles are specially Invited to inspect the underwear department, where a com plete stock Is kept. • :0: In ClotiuDg, Hats and Underwear The gentleman cannot fall to he suited as the stock has been selected with the greatest cv®- In The Grocery Department Can be found almost everything in the way of eatables, and the stock of FANCY &RQOB$X£S Consists of a great many novelties never before seen in this market Preserves, Jellies, pickles, states se4 caned geeds ef every klad. All goods are delivered IHEIEE OF* OHLAJRtrE, ROLLER CONVENIENT TRUNK EVER DEVISED. The Tray is arranged to roll back, leaving the bottom of the Trunk easy of access. 6-l-62-4m TRAY TRUNK Nothing to break or get out of order. The Tray can be lifted out if desired, and to buy this style is a guarantee that you will get the strongest Trunk made. If your Dealer cannot furnish you, notify the manufacturers, ti. W. ROUNTREE A BRO., Richmond, Va. For Cash Buyers! 25 ler U Belov Regular Douses! As an intelligent buyer, when will you give us an opportunity to prove this BOLD BUT TRUE ASSERTION, hat it UK ill VUl StU pt CIAP1 TIAli AM lift COUNTY? All Former Records ISmashed and Competition Buried! We not only claim to be the true Leader of Low Prices in Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats and Clothing, but have added a line of GROCERIES and are determined to name the Lowest of Low Prices on them. We quote a few prices to show which way the wind Is blowing. Standard A Granulated Sugar 20 lbs. for 91.00. Best Green Bio Coffee 20c per pound. Also the lower grades, Best High Grade Patent Flour at $0.25 per Barrel. Space won’t allow more quotations, but if you will consult your own interest yon will be sure to call on Yours Respectfully, A. J. B R O O Willcox’s Old Drug Store.