The Darlington herald. (Darlington, S.C.) 1890-1895, July 06, 1892, Image 4

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*/ i ms K ■ ..>ru- II CViTV .» if. r rm m u. Hi 1 ' . mi, I’aiiliir; I’ll iii liiii. , »l II :i. in., iiml |>. in- . -M'hiMil hi :t*i i>. hi . I’nivii mwv ,Ta*n<Uy i-Ti'niiiir m H:») o’clock / ; It is nuitc iiotii'ciililp t lint I he ixt- sons wlm liiiti' fiiirly ami fearlessly oritic'scil Tillhimi's administration ami shown up his weakness ami failures hai'e • done (his unpleasant work without any liu|>e of reward ot expectation of promotion. In fuel thsy have done this work in the face of boycotts and Vituperation. On the other hand, so for we an- able to judge, the persons who have on the itnmp, or in the press, given Till man unstinted and umpialified praise, an* either seeking votes by holding to Us coat tail, or through theinflneueof the administration they exjiect to get their noses in the public swiHtnb when an ambitions office seeker is talking or writing for votes, he can get terribly in earnest. When v place seeker is looking out for $HK» a mouth from the public treasury In* can say and do things that he would not dream of under other circumstances. Even our Hepublieaii friends who are strong Tillmanites hope to get into power over tin.* corpse of a Tillmaniz- ed Democracy. They believe that four years more of Tillmanism will dismember the party and give them a chance. Just watch the commun ications of the papers and you will see that selfishness and self interest lie at the bottom of most of them.— Carolina Spartan. If those who buy John 1* Sullivan s thinks that after reading it that they have not got their mon ey’s worth, the money, aecrding In report. Will U* refunded. All you havetodois to go to the ‘iislin- guished Boston author and tel! him In plain terms that his Iwok is no good. lUi'iuis Tabid s lotieve lieail u l.e. Nothing shar)K*iis the ariicv o Sarcasm so keenly as the eourtesv that polishes it; 10 reproach is li l e that we clothe with a smile and prevail with a bow: Jlake your mistakes tcn-li on semething. Mo>*y iie-'er yet na 1 • a rea frisml, and its \uluecnnsi.-ls in what it can liny. Isive is out of its reach, and so are a'I th‘* monl .ml intel lectual attributes. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Worry is a i'riilful source ot misery a id ihe Iinnic e.use •. pr tnatnre Itreakdowus. The Kmp -ror of < 'liina ha- t« h men whose sole duty is t > i . rry his jun lire!la for Inin. I;i|ians Taliiii-s luiiiisli oair. Fogg sngge-ts that toe h-..s«ii why tish ir brain food is Is-cause lish go in schools. Never lose \o u temper. Nobody wants it. Evervliodv has enough of t heir own. .u, • .as per ' w store. ■* v . f,.-- Wr w. .. v; ! ,.i e a good impres- sociely, be natural, .aity limy seem, 9:1 account its prevalence, to he desirable, hut it is impossible to make a great-1 er mistake. Wiw>. baby « u skjt. we gate tier Castoria. When she was a CUM, die cried for Castoria. mu shs beoaine Mias, sbe clung to Osatorio. When she had CUldrcn, abc gare them Caaborie. Special Notice! If y«a watt any Stork li the Carolina later-statr Building and Loan Association, of Wilmington, N. rail on T. J. Drew, at The Herald Office, who is the lieneral Agent for Darlington County. Kind words are towers t hat every body can grow without owning one foot of ground. ItKhouht Hein Every House. J. B. Wilsou, :t7I Clay St., Sliarpsliurg l’n., savs he will not !«• witliout In King's Now IJiseovory lor I' -ns :mpfn. Coughs a id C-.M-, thiit it •• ire,I his wi who was linealetie ! .viln I’aemn a. after a 1 at aek of "I.i • Irippe.” wm vari i as other remeilics -m t seven,I phi ■ clans hvl done Her .10 good- It-dieii I!.: her, of (!ooksporl, I’a., elaliii* l>r King' New Discovery has iiio. 111 ire goo- th.'wi aiiythiiig he ever use I 1 ir bun. Tronhlo. Noihing lihe il. Tn h. tV- Trial Bottles at Willi .. ' ■s-.e barge Imtties,3th - . and fil.lSl 3 Old.isM'ng* stamps are h ghly prized in China; and a hundred can- ceiled Kfctui])S will tiny a baby. There are abmt is, , ii Sunday Schools in the I'nitel Sta'es;''i.nfs 4(ii scholars ami 1, imi’jiio tcaeh is. The i'nited Stat<*s ii aid to 1 e paying alHint ;8,tKi 1,00(1 a yea - in jiensions to forcign rs. In 1814 the tomb of a giant was opened at St. (iernuin whe must hive tieeti at lent thirty f t*t high during his life When you hear a little child us. profane langitag * von can he reason idily sure thai his fa'her tries to shave himself. Electric Bitters. This remedy is liecoiaing o well known and so popular as to need no a pedal mention. All who have used Lleetrie Billers sing the same^ ol praise.—A p irer uiudidne .Iim - - not eris* and ills guaraiilne.l 10 do all lli.ti j, claiine - l. Eleetrie Bitters will e ire id rtiseases of the biver and Kidneys, wil, remove Pimples, Boils, .Salt Kiiriim him' other affections eirised hy impure lilood. —will drive Malaria from the system unit preventas well as cure all M 1lnri.1l fevers. —For cure of He wlaiiUe, cuistipuiion aqd indigestion try Ide. lili - Billers— Eat)re satisfaction guar.intced, or uioiie, -rofunde l.—Price 30 rts. aiel fll.'io tier itoule at wlllcox’s Drugstore. 9 s^ause of Disease! Science traces the cause of disease directly to one and the same source— | a decrease of the VITAL FORCE. The Electropbise is a scientific instrument based on the common sense theory that to restore the strength and vitality is to restore the health. It does this work quickly and effectually by enlisting OXYQEN, the health giving element of nature. When drugs and medicines fail to relieve, the ELECTROPOISE will effect a permanent cure. If you are a sufferer from some, physical ill which has tormented you for years and years, It will cost you nothing to investigate the merits of the ELECTROPOISE, and may save your life. Correspondence Invited. Atlantic Electropoise Co., ‘ aaa King Street, CHARLESTON, 5. C. IT IS UNNECESSARY To attempt to enumerate all we have in our store! We have anything you want and Guarantee - ‘ ‘ ‘ . - Prices, Largest M! Greatest My Lowest Prices. Come to IIMIMIIJARTEKS ami we will Welcome Vou. RESPECTFULLY. » Edwards, Norment & Company, miiTuas! I rnumi! Professional Cards. WHY IS THC W. L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CENfP&IEN TNI BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEYP It Is « seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; modo of the best One calf, stylish and easy, and oerauss ire make more shore of this grade than any other manufacturer, It equals bond- sewed shoes costing from $4.00 to $fL00. CNfC 00 ilcimiitc Iland-Ncwed, the finest calf 99m shoe ever offered for $8.00; equals French offered at this price; same gra< tom-made shoes costing from $«.00 to iloo. 0| 4 00 Police Hhoet Farmers, Kail road Men 9 v ■ and Letter Carriers all wear them; fine calf, seamless, smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten- ‘ . One pair wilt wear a year. 9 One calf i no better shoe ever offered at his price; one trial will convince those who want a shoo for comfort and service. 49 mid 9‘t.00 Worltiugtnnn'M shoos 94mm are very strong and durable. Those who havo given them a trial will wear no other make. — ‘ $1.00 and 01.73 school shoes ara b by the boys everywhere; they sell 1 Increasing sales vhow. f Hand „©la. ven t shoes costing from nd-sewed shoe, best 1 rstjilnlii annals Ffiiimh nported shoes costing from $UM) to $6j0iI Cadlca* ‘i.30, OJ.OO and 01.73 shoe for tsses are the best fine Dongolo. Stylish and durable. Caatlon.- prlcea that W. L. Douglas' namo and are stamped on the bottom of each shoe, nr TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE^ Insist on local advertised dealers supplying you. W. Is. POUfJLAH, Orockton, Mass. Sold by A.J. Broom. ItarllBKton, s. f, . H ii © CK © S ft •a * » m CD •n CD s FITS CURED Wbdstek, S. C., Dec. *9, 1891. Sire.* 1 wish 1 cotiVl let all who are suffering from Oil gf Nerve die ratio know just how good your remedy is. My son used it one year, and is now the stoutest child 1 have. With many thanks, I remain yours, H A. TATE. C.rnrsis, Pa., Dec. 23,1891. I have not had one of my bad spells since I com menced taking your medicine, six months ago. , THURSY ELMORE. Philadelphia, Pa , Jan. *, 1892. I personally know of two cases of NUs, one case of AC. Vitus 9 Dance ami one of JV«r- VMM Vroatratltm cured by thii remedy. C. A. WOOD, Treuurer American Publishing House. If you .re afflicted with Fit,, St. VttuO Da nee, Tneomssfa. or any other Nerve trouble, we will send you Oss, llottle FWr, all charges prepaid by us. Give Age, Post-Office and Sure. Address mi CHEMICAL CO, MM, Pa, W.F. DARGAN, Attorney - at - Law, DARLINGTON, S. C. Office over Blackwell Brothers' Store. E. KEITH DARGAN, Attorney at Law, DARLINGTON, 8. C. Nettles & Nettles, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, Darlington C. II., S. C. Will practice in ail State anti Fctleral Courts. Careful attention will be given to all huainesa entrusted to us. C. P. DARGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Trial Justice, DARLINGTON, 8. C. Practices in the United States Court and in the 4th and 5th circuits. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to me. Office. Ward’s Lane, next to The Dnr- ingta i l office. P. Bishop Parrott, 8tm«ffrftph*r : aid : Type-writer. LEGAL AND OTHER COPTINO SOLICITED. Tesliinonv reported in short-hand and type-written transcript of same furnished at reasonable rates. Good spelling, correct punctuation and neat work guaranteed. Office with Ward & Woods. HI Fin & Mn INSURANCE Co. SPRING 1 FIELD, Mass. A reeucy at Darlington, So Ca. H. L. CHARLES, Agent. :o:- THE CHEAPEST LARGEST and BEST LINE of FURNITURE EVER OFFERED TO THE PEOPLE OF DARLINGTPN COUNTY. AT . Haynswortirs Furniture S tol>e * THE LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED DESIGNS AND FINISHES IN BED ROOM SUITS IN WALNUT, ANTIQUE OAK, 16th "KNTURY and OLD ENGLISH. My stock of Ghamber Suits is Complete in Every Respect. PICTURE FRAMES Of livery Description Made to Order on Short Notice. .V MU A CALL. I WANT YOUK TRADE a id WILL DO MY VERY REST TO PLEASE YOU. Rtsptctfill), J. I). II AYiSWORTII. MILMU SCHEMES. Cap Sa As N- Ra R. Dated May !M», 1893. GOING NORTH. ’Train No. 1. Daily except Sunday. Leave Charleston 5.05 p m PregualPs 0.‘J5 Harleysville 6.43 Pecks 6.57 Holly Hill- 7.01 Connors 7.06 Entawville 7.14 Vances 7.26 Mcrriani 7.41 St. Paul 7.53 Snnimerton 7.50 Silver 8.00 1’acksville 8.18 Tindall 8.30 Sumter 8.50 Oswego 9.05 St Charles 9.20 Elliotts 0.30 Lamar 0.48 Syracuse 10.04 Darlington 10.21 Mont Clare 10.38 Robins Neck 10.51 Mandeville 11.06 Ar. Bennettsvillc 11.20 GOING SOUTH. Train No. 2, Daily except Sunday. BemictUville 5.07 a ni Mandeville 5.21 Robins Neck 5.36 Mont Clare 5.48 Darlington 6.04 Syracuse 6.20 I-anuir 6.35 Elliotts 6.51 St. Charles 7.01 Oswego 7.15 Sumter 7.35 Tindul 7.50 Packsville 8.02 Silver 8.12 Snnimerton 8.22 St. I’attl 8.28 Mcrriani 8.40 Vances 8.55 Entawville 9.08 Connors 9.15 Holly Hill 9.21 Pecks 9.25 Ilarleyville .9.40 I’regnnlls 9.50 ! Gl arlcston 11.05 No'a. 1 and 2 make connection at Sum ter with A. C. L. to and from Columbia and points west. OOING NORTH. Train No. 5, Leave Entawville K.10 ArriveVances 10.20 GOING SOUTH. Train No. 0. LeaveVances 8.20 ArriveEulawvillc 8.12 a m SUBSCRIBE FOR Harlin city Branch. GOING NORTH, Train No. 31, Leave Vances 11,00 Snells 11.23 I’arlers 11.33 Arrive Harlin citv 11.64 Promptly Executed THE ' DARLINGTON : HERALD GOING SOUTH. Train No. 32, Leave Harlin city 7 1 1’nrlcrs 7.! Snells 7.i Arrive Vances 8.] GOING NORTH. Train no. 33, I,cave Vances 7.* Snells S.i I’arlers 8.1 arrive Ha lin rih 8.; GOING SOTT1I. Train no. 34. Leave Ilarlincily 5 Snells ■ 5 I’arlers Arrive Vances t j oh ii C. White, Darlington, South Carolina. Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Piping, House Furnishing Goods, Bolts, Tobacco Flues, <fee. Calami' Our M, ani va cai Pleasi M Anything Xol in Stork Will kr Ordered for Yo>. ft "l © 3 2 Only $1 a Tear. Pond Bluff Branch. GOING NORTH. Train no. 27. i leave Kutawvillc 8.40 a in Belvidere 8.48 arrive Ferguson !MH> GOING .SOUTH, Train no. 28 leave Ferguson 0.34 a m Rclvidcrc 0.4ft Arrive Kutawvillc 10.04 Trains 1 ami 2 have through ears between Charleston and Fayetteville and run daily except Sunday; oilier trains daily except Sunday. Merrium, Snccls and Belvidere nre fhig stations. E. 1). KYLE. General Manager. Good Work PETER BOWLES DOES FIRST CLASS AND Paper Hanging. Kalsomine Work a Specialty. He solicits the patronage of Partington. Old newspapers for sale at Tiik IIkiMLI) Olbce. I V i. - fc. i . ■** %/ reW low Prices: ! i - - REGULATE THE - - !; STOMACH, LIVER e® BOWELS, - AND - PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Complexion, Dysentciy, Offensive Breath, and all disorders of the .Stomach, Liver and Bowels. 1 Riram T.bule., nothing Injuriou, to tire m.tst dclicute conult.,- lion. riuuant to UU, tafe, <:«cttu.,l. Gi cimmitlkte relief. Fold I y druggiil.. A trial bottle ienl by mail mi receipt of i, ceiiti. AdJn,i THE RIPANb CHEAHCAL CO., to Spruce Street, - - New York City. IS • Wade-boro 5:oo A. M Bennett's 5:17 Morven’s 5:35 McFarland 5:30 Chcraiv 8:00 Cash’s 0:17 Society Hill 0:32 Dove’s 0:50 Floyd's 0:58 Darlington 7:12 Palmcito 7:32 s at Florence GOING UP 4 .'«7 i Florence f>:00 1*. M Palmetto 9:13 Darlington Floyd’s 9:23 9:33 Dove’s 0:40 Society Hill Cash's 10:00 10:15 Chcraw 10:27 McFarland 1057 Morven’s 11:00 : Bennett’s 1 :I4 s at Wadesiioro 11:30 Freight Train Going Up. Florence 7:15 A. M Darlington 9:05 W., C. & A. Railroad. Dated May III, 1892. GOING SOUTH. No. 23. Leaves Wilmington *0:25 p. m. Marion 9:33 Arrives at Florence 10:25 a. m. No. 50. Leaves Florence *8:20 a. m. Sumter 4:35 Arrives at Columbia 8:15 No. 27. Leaves Wilmington *10:10p. m Marion 12:40 a. m. Arrive;, it Florence 1:20 No. 52. Leaves Cuinter t9:43a. m. A rri ves at Coin mliia 10:55 No. 58. Leaves Florence t .7:57 Arrive at Sumter 9:20 No. 52. runs througli from Charleston via Central Railrontl, leaving Lanes 8.82 a. in., Manning 9.09 a. in. Train on C. & 1). itailroad conneels at Florence with No. 58. going north No. 51 Leave* Colnmhlr • *10.45 p. m. Sumter 12UM Arrives at Florence 1.15 a. m No. 78. Leaves Florence ’ 5:00 a. m Marion 5:44 Arrive at Wilmington 8:55 No. 53. Leaves Columbia tJ8:00 p. m Arrives at Sumter 7:25 No. 59. Lv. Sumter 7.30 p m Ar. Florence 8.40 No. 14. Leaves Florenct *8:50 pm Marion • 9:38 Arrives at Wilmington 12:20 •Daily. fDaily, except Sunday. No. 53 runs througli to Charleston, vis Central R. R., arriving at Manning 8:04 p. m., Lanes 8:45 p. m., Charleston 10:20 p. m. - t No. 59 connects at Florence with the C. & D. train for Chcraw and Wades- boro. Nos. 78 anti 14 make close connection at Wilmington with the W. Jb W. H. R. for all points North. Trains on Florence H. R„ ami South ern Division, Wilson amt Fayetteville Branch, leave Fee Dee Junction 6.33 a. m., arrive Rowland 7.35 a. m„ Fayette- villc9.2()a. m. Returning leave Fayette ville 5.30 p. m.. arrive Rowland Ll2 p. m., 1’cc Dee Junction 8.18 p. mi Daily except Sumlay. Train on Manchester A Augusta R. R. leaves Sumter daily, except Suntlay, at 10.50 a. m., arrivctf at Rimini 11.50 ii. m. Returning leaves Rimini 12.30 p. m., ar rives at Sumter 1.40 p. m. Trains on llnrlsville R. R. leave Harts- villc daily except Suntlay at 5.55 a. m., arriving Floyds 0.40 a m. Returning leave Floyds 3.25 p. m., arriving Harts- viile 4.05 p. m. Trains on Wilmington Cnadhourn A Conway railroad leave Chadhourn 10.30 a. m., arrive Conway 1 00 p. m., returning leave Conway at 2. - 30 p. m. arrive Chad hourn 5.20 p. m. Leave Chadhourn 7.15 a. m. and 5.50p. m.. arrive Huh at 8.00 a m. ami 0.25 p. m. Returning leave Hub 9.00 a. m. and 6.45 p. m.. arrive Chadhourn 9.45 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Dally except Sunday. J. R. RENLEY, General Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Managers. J. F. DIVINE, General Superintendent Northeastern Railroad. |> Ml .04 p m .24 Dated April 20th, 1892. GOING SOUTH. No. 27, Dally. Leave Florence *1.35 a. m Arrive Lanes 2.50 Arrive Charleston 5.00 No. 23, Daily. Leave Florence *10.1’, p m Kings) ree 11.49 Arrive Lanes 12.15 a. m Arrive Charleston 2,40 No. 58. Leave Lancs *8.62 p. m Arrive Charleston 10.30 No 01. Le Florence *2.05 a m Klngstrco 0.32 Ar Lanes 10.00 Le Lanes to.00 Ar Charleston 11.59 Train on C. A 1). R. R. connects at Florence with No. 01 train. GOING NORTH. No. 00, Daily. Le Charleston Ar Lancs Le Lanes Kings) ree *4-29 s m 6.33 0.35 0.60 8.13 Atlantic Coast Line. C. & D. and C. & S. Railroads. Dated January 31, 1892. GOING DOWN OURMO^TC. lip Vt-^H M» Ofejwrftinlf v! 1M»VT Ml** Its-PfbT. I e ttiimiitr ti-glert their DorriliiiliuS. atul Inn it || l a| ra-tsi* Fra i;. t. .rrr nint liiiMn all iMtrlTT! fi irrmriiff r ie'I-I* 1 • nutliar j 1**|* k iiat-ltnii !•** t, I- r—i*’ tn* • * ’if 1 i - * I ll't* l« |e||ft». j (NtcX Himi'h <**tl. r.« tt|» ffltfi iinit. • i • • • •» * - .r aj.t.tirtu | t.ii.T. an - i9 -i-'iri*|> ;?r. f.f.f ( - . • *». it Ha* Miii »*r a t*liiin»in*if T tiiat “Hhv i.i-iit * • f 1 rfn*i<* mlar* « 1 »*»l«lvl» •»* f*i'l II lilt? TO Offl. ll twr e..:, St ,« . nf lift): ; tMiii|*r*tlio<*)iAneo. "**tl »ii*|iiMir-o-if }„t tit . i«; f .11 t**iii» j •n mill slid ndp.xrTS, freiar ot ritMirii.'* Ii..w •li.iii t -n fifit ! •** - |iiirttlnitT? lliTdatijftt* dtdn rlintiaa tli.n i fil*p**an w.ut •. Miii *if fair tirotiii n; i* what nil 9*ir ' fti »•••! mi*iiii». Iliwd 1* no n|i|i«rriiniiv. -iirii a> faii-it *.f:t*n w illiln the t < mi'Ii •'! fail *ritiff |l•'•t>ld. |iiipri«vo4. It w ill cira. ntii’.iM. a vr.iiid stait in lifr. 'I im citi.iu \ «M>tMirttitiivr fur mi nr itlinra. »•* hu finn* rafiiilr Mn.i liniMrniiljr l - r:n y i'ti|*i»niiiti«ner*nn* f« - ith-r an*, til p«fi*». Ym ron 1 tin tlii w>n k ami lire at home, wiiorpter n»n are. fren l>e - gtiiti lenieo.i ilrrarnin* fmiii tn #IO|.-ni-r. Y.*n r:i« it a« well if rnu will wink, lint t'*o iiiinl, it lmllia , rl-; an I imi ran in* rnaae mtir inrniiivtig ynii iHinti. Ynii eniifrlreaniretiniei'tiir. nr all rmir limol * the wnrk. I.a*T tnl —rn. t'n|iit. - tl tmt r« >•tired. We atari ymi. Alli«rnni- |iar:ilir-ly in w nml r-’iillr wmiili*rful. Ue ilistnn't Mini •lintr ymi fi***o # railtire link nmrn animtif mir *« ••r.i ere. .No mum to *tpi • In lien. V% life ami faiirii all fr^e. by tii dl. I’iiwImj tn .mI it \ : ir *6 nt * a. II. jlillicit t o., Ito* 0*0, I'orihinil, itlae. Old newspapers for stile ut The llenild office. Only .Uctis per huudrol. Freight Going Down. Leaves Darlington 4:00 P. M Arrives at Florence 3:00 A. F. RAVENEL. I’resldent. The Hartsville Railroad. Dalctl January 4. 1892. DAILY MIXED TRAIN. Leaves lluilsvillt 5:-Vi A. M Jovmin, 0:20 Floyd’s, 0:40 llarlington IMKI Arrive at Florence 9-30 This train makesconnertion wilhlhe Soutli hound passenger Irnin on llie fh> - raw A Darlingloii Railroad. RETURNING. Leaves Florence 2:00 I*. M. Leave Darlington, 2 !I3 p ni Floyds. 3 10 Jnvann, 3 :)o Arrive at Hartsville 3.50 1 This train wails two hours, if ncccs 1 snry, for the North hound freight Irain ou the V- A V. It. It. J. L. COKER, Urwidem I Ar Florence No. 78, Daily. Leave Charleston *1.20 s.m Arrive Lanes 3.23 Leave Lanes i',.25 Kings! ree 3 43 Arrive Florence 4.43 No. 14, Daily. Leave Charleston *7.01 p. m Arrive Lanes 8.38 Leave Lanes " 8.:!8 ! Kingstrec 8.50 Arrive Florence 9.53 No. 52, Daily. Leave Charleston *6.50 a. in Arrive Lancs 8.27 •Daily. tDaily except Sunday. No. 52 runs througli to Columbia via Central H. R. of S. ('. Nos. 78, GO, 14 run solid to Wilmington N. C. making close connection with W A W. It. It. for all points North. T. M. EMERSON Traffic Manager. J. It. KENLY, General Manager. J.F. Dl VINE. Generwl Sinwrin'lnndrnt Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. Condensed Schedule, June 20,1892. NORTH ROUND. No. 2, Daily. ’ / Leave Wilmington, ' 4 50am Leave Fayetteville, • , si' - . 8 22-- Sail ford, 9 43 Leave Greensboro, .12 25 p in Walnut Cove, •• 2 33 Airive Mt. Airy, . . 4 23, No. 4, Daily. Leave llenncttsvillc, 5 30 a m Maxton. . ■ ' 0 20 Red Springs, 0 38 Arrive Fayetteville, 7 55 No. 10. daily cxeepi Sunday. Leave Italnseur, ' i 15 a n» Leave Greenstiore, ' ' -it 35 Arrive Madison, ., ICSypm SOUTH BOUND. No. 1. Daily. Leave Mt. Airy. ■' ! 12 00 nr Walnut Cove, 'JiiOpM Leave Greenslioro,- 8 ,% Sanford, (S fo Leave Fayetteville - , . . '7. -, 'fjii Arrive Wiltflinglon, 1145 No. 3, Drtfiy. - ' Leave Fayelleville, 7 2fi p 81 Re'd Sjiriugs, 8.3.4, Maxton, 9 25' Arrive lieunt'lisvillt - . ‘ ' ' - 1I - KF' No. 13, daily except Sunday, " * Leave Madison, 2.00 pm Leave GreenslHiio, ... (f, Aniie Kiinis'em, 7 ,‘ai Tratii No. 2 connrcis at Sauhud y iih Seahocrd Air Line lor lyah ij h, Neifolk and all point.. Nnilh.iiitd irCWalnol Vine with the Norfolk sV VVi>(< m |{.. I.'. ho Wiiislon-Salcm, Roanoke and all points North amt \Ve>i of-Reaiidl.'i. I’assengers freni \\ ilininglon, Uayelle- lillc, BennettMille and all points fonth of Sanlonl will arrive at Raleigh at IM3 a. ni.,and I'.ni al out 5 J’aleigli, letainin 1 ' 11si'll lionu - aine'ilav. Train No. | eenmtlsai Walnol tfnve <i]lh Notlolk ami Wisteiii Ra luad li r Winstiin-Sahin, and ai Soifonl with a laiard Air Linefoi .Monii'i,( hailolli, 1 then: - -, Allailla and all pidiilsSoulli an I Soul Inn si. I'alimaii I’ahu e ' I - 1 ping < ar on Sui- hoari' Air - train. Ni rta and South from Sanfoiil ami ou Noriidk ami M e-l- i in ttain N< rtk mid V. i si In m i l anid , Ample lime i- •.inn pa-sengers tin hrcaklnsl and s - pper at Fayeitei die, and dinner al Walnut l ine. W. E- KYI.E, J. W. FRY, U«». Facs.Agtlji Uen. Manager, THIS PAGE CONTAINS FLAWS AND OTHER DEFECTS V. IIICH MAY APPEAR ON THE FILM.