SPECIAL NOTICE. Now that the holiday season is over and everything has gone pros perous and happy; every one better ?IT, and a bright fertile year ahead, at no period in the history of our business lifo have we been so thor oughly prepared to meet the wants ?f the trade and the requirements of the people, as wo are now. We shall continue to place upon our counters fron? day to day, bargains in every dcpai tment at LOWEST PRICKS, and eh all al\vays'kbe found using our . best endeavors to prevent extortions and uphold the CASH SYSTEM. Our entire stock is now oll'crcd at. REDUCED PRICES. We ask j 6u to call and inspect our goods. We guarantee to please as to quality and price. Look cat (fully over this li.-t of u few articles mentioned : Gents 2 Hose, white, fi und 10 c. " striped 12* solid colors 121 double heel & toe 12i Ladicfl ho.-e, white, 8, 10, 12A. ?* striped, 10 " solid colors, 12*> " hrilbriggan, 15 u " lines! quu'i ty, 25 ( hildrch'S hose, colored. f>, 8, 10, 12' Ladies Ununtlcts, dark eo'ors, !J0 d. '? Berlin gloves, embroidered bucks, 35 " kid gloves, 4 buttons, "best makers, 75 ?ComIb buck.-kin gloves, lined 75 " driving 30 Derby suiting, 10 figured, 12 J Cash mores, beautiful colors, 103 Merinos, beautiful colors, 16 Flannels, red, white and blue, 25 to 85 cents. ? i L c i v pretty,*30 c 1 adies Hoods, new si vies, -10 Looking Glasses, bureau size. SI " j extra la rife (1.50 " oval Ira nie.? ami SO cents Silver plated lea spoons, SI 25. Table " 1.75 " Forks 1.75 " Knives 3.75 Glass Setts, handsome, -1 pieces, 50 Glass Preserve Stands, 60 Goblets, 75 et per doz Tumblers, OOJet per doz Lamps fro hi 25 to 75 els Large assortment Ladies, Geht? and Children's Shoes from the lihesi to tho cheapest, Men and Boys Hats, -10, 00, 75, I 0<; 1.2i t? $3 Men and Boys Caps from 25 to 50 Eancy Box Paper, Envelopes and Stationery. Agent for Hie Largest Tobacco Factory .in the United Stales, \\c. oiler bargains in this line. Agent for Manufacturers of Soaps and Conceit rated Lye, we defy com petition. We have the Largest and Cheap ost Stock of BROOMS AND BASKETS in the Market. Agent lor the Celebrated Town Talk BAKING POWDERS. These Powders have stood the Test by the best Chemist, and pronounced PURE, when bought in cans. Prot. Molt, the Leading ( hemist of the "World, says the worse adulterations occur when Powders a lqsold loose or in bulk. Remember this and gel TOWN TALK from Headquarters Your attention is asked to the re duction in our CARPETING, phi down to 25, 85, 10 cents. Pocket Knives from 5 els. to S2.. Buggy Whips, 25, 50,75 cts., SI, $1 25 $2. ours respectfully ? C. D. KOKT JOHN. ? . Always notice this COLUMN CHEAP GOODS. MELLIOHAMFS -n- iON THE IOru ANNUAL SESS of tlii.s School will com im nee on the FIRST MONDAY SEPTEMBER, 1881. Boys are prepared for College or Business, and young ladies given a I'inishko coritsi:. Renewed efforts will l?e made 16 make this School even more accepter hie and ellicieid, if possildo, than it has been during the past Nim: Ykai.-s of its successful and uninterrupted progress. No pains will lie sptireel iu t he thorough training, nioriilly and iiiteilectually, of every pupil in at tendance. ' All the F.nousii I'uAXciiKs, he sides Latin. Greek, and French are regularly taught. ,-(, C'.'' Boole-Keep i 11 Li\ Pen hiiinsliip iuul die Jiitliics? ?1 I i 11si 1 K.'rr.-1 receive special attention. The aim of the Principal is the IIkaiit as well asjtlie ."\Iini> of the pupil in t he cultivation of correct and ennobling moral principles. TKIOij* i'kl! MONTH : Primary and Intermediate.$2.00. Adv.Mii.-i-.l English.*:2.r?<>. L.ntin, (.!reek, Krciieh and Book Keeping, each, extra, .">() els. Liberal deductions made where more than one pupil nitoiida I'roiu a family. Hoard can be obtained at from H to 1 '1 dollars per mbnl h. For further pari icubirs apply to, STILES Ii, .AI KLLICliAMl?, Principal ?rangHihrir. S <'.. Au?r: l. \WV. \ rniiH finest hivd Stallion ever' hefi re the JL public in Orangeburg L'ounlv, um now I?' found at \V 3?. yt ? S.ViX 'S ST A v, JjK . ??5H? ItKW.lKli Over n mil i o n of I ro 3 tiui line lie's 'reneli K idiiey 'uls have Mi iidy keen ?ohl i this country id in France; every one of liieli has giv ii pei feet sat isfaction, and nave performed eures every lime when used according to directions. We now n. i.ie alllicted and doubting ones that we will pay the above reward for a single eiuc of liAME RAvK That the Pad fails to eure. This Grea Beiricdy will positively and permanently cure l.innbago, Lame Hack, Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy; Blight's Bixease wf ihe Kidneys, Incontinence and Retell* lion of tlu- Urine, I n llama i ion of the Kidney*. Catarrh of the Bladder, High (-olored Urine, Pain in the Back, Side or Loins, Nervus Weakness, and in fact all disorders ot the Bladder and Urinary Organs whether contracted by private disease or otherwise. I.ixticM, if you are suffering from | Female Weakness, Leueorrho-.i, i?r any disease of the Kidneys, Bladdei, or Urin ary Organs, YOU CJAX B5K Ci'SSK!? ! Without swallowing nauseous medicines i>y simply wearing PROF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, WHICH CUR KS NY ABSORPTION. A.-k vom- druggist for PRO Fi GUI L MlilTL'S FRKNOll KIUNKY PAD, ajid take no oilier. If be has not got it, send .^?J.(lt> and you will receive the Pad "by re turn mail. I'llOF. UUIbMKTT K'S PUB NCI I IdVKI PAD Wi 1 positively cure Fcvel and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Billions Foyer. Jaundice; Dyspepsia, and all diseases ol Hie Liver. Stomach and Blood. Pricu SI 50 hv mail. Send for Prof. Guilmette's Treu lisc oii the Kidneys and Liver, free by mail, .\ dtl ress FKKXCII PA D < (>. 'l'o'en<:x: If you have spar:-, will you allow me to go again, in a small way over tin* ground of Country Schools. I clider from Dr. Newell ami Mr. Baldwin so much, that I I hirik these schools should he made as uiueh like Colleges as possible; arid if the stand ard of these should reach loo near to those, could not Colleges raise theirs some higherV If children can-be taught as much at home, in the country, would there not be economy in not sending them oil' to boarding schools to lie educal led? Is there not reason for"toaClr iitg as if going to (JollegeV when so few. comparatively'; gel to attend these Institut ions? 1 think child ten cannot lenro as much without books as with them, the most ap proved ones, with a teacher too, who is well tip with the growing necessity 61" I lie times. 1 grant that extremes meet. If the parents are hot able lo pay for the itccessary books, could they hot be rented uI a reasonable rale? 1 do no! like many "I'ictbrial Reader.-.'' After the age of tea, take l he little "Dict ionary" as a base Kngii.-di (.'.ram j mar. There is some authority for saving thai a teacher o|'really line taste is known by her select ion of the boh-. I net she wears. I)o not know bow it I applies lo gentlemen*:* hats. It does sect:1. io me Iba! after a period of sixty years, Ibi* improve merit, and in an age of progress, like this. 1 It:iI '.here may be something; hotter than our obi "hitihjhack friend.': ! As lo haying "meins" in order,to1 j "follow tiie fashion.'1 1 think tha; I nonsense: for with the same amount : ?d'ihbney. mw may s?:ty either in <>r ! on I of tii' fashion, incoming (?> last'.- i fir inclination. It", "whor.i lhere i-- a j will, there is :i way be a irtie ttiax- ' .m. could H U till acquire sinnet hing j d'a fashionnb'e odheidipn? Kyi*:i ?!n "supposed widow can at! >ro uncertain .t ? j not. in inosj places, 1 do me. titi ti-. ? eo'uh'l well ili vi ie I be titne a?s thai re i quires. 'JMiai plan is, take tine jir i ! cipnl si nily for ii Seel ion oi" live week ?. wit It daily spelling; reading and wril . ing. Strengthen the mind with as niuc'i i ineihcmntics as possible?if "Math iriatics is the foundation of odue-' ? t'on." a id til i memory by roeii : Is of the best American and IOnglioi j Literature. Am so much a "stickler for thorough education" that I shy i children should lie kept in school for | a period of at least liftceii yoni'S. ! attending about bill' 1 be time, as 1 maiut.iiu they can. I lave { seen one of'l be ??Soiitlierii Pirio wood" botli as teacher and pupil, aiid be lie.ve I ohn siiy what lias, been, ami what may be shown in such localit ies; As to learning grammar by i!:<:? ??pleasant easy process ?m speak "pure Latin/*' riiv Kiiglish either, now bow are they to speak correctly, or with any degree of eonliilerice; unless it lie; through blissful igi>o:?nco? 1 feel soiuneli interest in I he can so of education in tin' country, is why 1 say all this. 1 truly feel my own im perfect ions ami my earnest wish is to improve daily; Why become a great awkward hoy or girl who would stare; or hoot at the words syntax and prosody, be cause it may require a somewhat ma ture'.en pa idly Yf As before stated, having the money is not the prin cipal thing. I'i.xccptious admitted, children can live on plain food, dress in not line clothes, be very m ar in the fashion too, and take along about nil the usual studies. No necessity for starling at A every session, even with a little regularity. If more is allowed in M r. It's pa per than many Southern boys have" it is not be est use it lias been impossible for them to havego: toil more, hill because their parents or giiardiniis did not will that they should have itiorn, ami persevere till they hit-' act)uirod more. KCKUll Kit. jbon?;. iiig. Dors: the young man who persists in Being :i loa tor over reflect li..?> hutch icf-s it would cost to be a de cent, respectable manV Does he iin aginc that loalcrisin Isjhiore ceo ho i cal ilian gentilityV Anybody can be a gentleman, if hu chooses to, wiili out much Cost, but it. is mighty ex pensive bring a loafer. It. costs time, in I he first, place; days, weeks and months of it; in fact; about all the time be lias, Cor no man can bo ii lirst rlnss loafer without devoting his whole time Iii ii. Phe occupation, well followed; hardly nffor/ls liniu for eatiing; sleeping, did?we had almost s iid drinking, but on reflection, we will except t hiit. The loafer finds time to drink whenever invited, at the ensl uf IVic ids. On Co fully embark ed it:i Ihe seil of lilOjii tiiel you bid iarifweli to i-verv friejidlv'suil ilsa! I' ii:i i--r h|?Jje>t :::;?! legiti hiate1 i'.tg. Your! eoiiiviHs w ill only Ik; ??.:r,r:M!'."-is of ieiy. \{ rosts nttbicy; for t!:0" ? b li e j^nfe)* iiiityinot i?:?rii a rod! Or |, \vo ??'.! ? for ihotr, h$, the tin: ? I ?:?! intght have proe-;:ei:ev. if d-.-yda- ! t.i i:: d'lStiv i:i-'-: d Of *!?.l!ii. It er.Ms lici'isb, vi;; ??. e..i;tS:;.\ a)l ill- true pb :i -.:r.-s .?!* ii'vVttg, M'iib|\ (?l/pIv. sei f-r: s.>: nib I lb1' l":-p ? to "Til died i ? i.i k :?[ -ill Km iiiol. near li. .info-The w:;s lui i: i:. ( ;iaHes!oi> ! < 1 t. and \\*:s lit l!?r < oilfe bir'.iie servici .tui-ing tili: war; ?Ti.e,- H- wt-r l.i :i!iir l > i:ii: elf w'.t!:.! hi' iJ.; it- :il party .lie! fr'?Siiri ii.'iU i-...; a,-.' v.S r.I n l.:-Vcr of ' ?!;. !?!,?,t \ (.Vm-rnl j Bh-ki s. If*- W;l- Ml! -e i'len'A ehe :v?-i-jiiir. :\Viii-ir t h* I )eiiin | ih-ti fyiiii t'ollrtfui to ef-c'ape prosi;t?u ! i ion f?r defalftr ion in oil ire. At the ! t inie jf his ile.it h b- was iissistaht li?ih't|'(>ueo keeplfr hi Hilton Head.? .1 ?:/,!/.! S " Tb-so '.'.v.- ingreilirnis in ihr (iii?n ei.il : s'ltcrcess of ittiiividtiuls :i.i?t in.unit i s it.ildi.sli(-.l (?liairw.'ter for i: i.e.-! y tilid fair dealing will briiKei edit, if no! abused, will bring pro.-| ii y. .More i-specially is ere.t ii ;ii. cuiiiartbr \alliable to the poor ihaswTIi;-*, .in- bis st?.-ik in trade, an i iihoiii Ilii'iii lib is poor indeed. Ii i.* --..el thai ei re ii instances some linn--iii;ia ? Uii-ii dishbnest. They lu ciiiil'.'i.'ivOlvi- j lii'vond the hope of rei??vi-y, und gtyi- lip tlie light, and i-oii-i: to do things hot '?*'I together iio;i.-:. iiiul [dead; i:i extetiuaiiiiii; the iit-f i;-il ii-s r?f i hi* case. Thlit will mil lib. I'tters.-ierilici-ybur l.-i-.t dollar ihaii i.tir good uaiiti*. Ii" fortune is gonei iii:i\ In- ri'cnvcre the liCJti policy; even as :i matter of poi'ti. ?li-i'gard to i be iTesidont's health at ll I i mehr was won tided tlie pub lie Is erred in Aujiposiiigt hat he;was pfiyially in first ratt;.cotiditioii. On ! be -lit i :iry, ii \\ a-; quite bud. To list lioihej\ phrase, lie was Like :i Itor.-in :i pastun-. lie bad been sulllii-j from dyspcpsi-i as weil n< froi lirinorrlioids. and had lieeti eOnidlcd to iihdi'/go an Operation for 1 ilia. \V it h t be }?rc:it niriital stra inciilriit to the 1'resiileiiiial eiii! 'il-':i aril llir subseipK-nt cares of (ii-e. wen; .".Mel anaiixiety on ace ni of his wife's illnrss, which thoublic hiisuevci* known.-?N. J*. //.;./. 1. on w.-iut liiwyers to work with :i vl give tlieni a wili to work with, espially where the estate is large autlic heirs quarrelsouie. lie Kind lo tue t.ivi?g. Wc live in .'. world where nothing is sure To-day our friends are about us in the freshness .and bloom of health and spirits; to-morrow we bend in anguish over tjieir still forms; and iL-is well if no hitter regrets mingle with the tears we shed upon their white faces. Oil, life is inse cure, ami the brightest and most promising of all our treasures may, perhaps, soonest droop aud fane. .\ mi when one dies how anxious we arc to do him homage! We speak of his virtues, we excuse his faults, and spread the mall tic of charity over his vices, which, whiie he lived, we had no patience with. I f we only had, we might have won him to a hotter life. Mad we exercised toward him a little of the lb rhea ranee aud kindnes; with which we now speak of hi in, hp had had fewer faults, llow often his heart fie tied ami cried out for human sym pathy? for our sympathy?we may j never know, and if we could, ii is too late to undo the past, too late to soothe ami benefit huh. We may not I lake up the broken threads of life j that are goiic and weave them into a I web of hope andjny!; hut Iowa ri 11 hose who are still left to us, who have i ear.- Id hear, and hearts to throb with | pain and grief, we may i?e generous and jitst, forgiving, loving and kind. Do not wait i ill Hie faithful, devo ted wife, who has tried so bird to make vour home pleasant and com fortable] is dead, to show her kind ness. No funeral pomp, no costly monument with loviiig words in sc rib cd iheiebil, will make up for past neglect. ( oiilil the fond kisses that are how imprinted on her cold lips, aud the murmured words of endear in cut that fall tin heeded upon her ear, have been hers while living, there would have been no woman in all Ibis wide world fonder or happier than >hc. Do hoi wait till tin: hands of the tired, patient mother are folded over tin: heart that has so often thrilled with Joy* or ?honten wildly with pain on your account, to do her honor, l'y the memory of all the loving ofliccs \\ hich she iias performed foryou trom infancy 'till t he wa\ up to manhood, or womanhood, keep your love for her deep and ardenl, dutifully respect ami reverence her, repay wiih ihier est i he lender love and care t hai she !:es lavi-hed noon yon. and strive to make her Ihsl days restful, happy and peaivful. l".e especially kind to the little ones. The world will deal harshly enough with thoiu; it is a rough world at the best. Surround theiu with an atmosphere of love, and in stil into their hearts noble feelings anil principles while yon may; for sotuter than you think, other and less holy inlluonces will be brought to bear upon them. lie kind to tie1 sad. the sorrowful, the tin fori un.'tte, the erring '*nd; rhc lullen. Kind words and kindly acts cannot hurt them, and may do them a World bf good. Tender JLovc. A touching s'.ory of tender love comes to us from a town not many miles from l Iiis place, hut which must be. under the circumstaiices, name lesss.- A beautiful young girl became engaged to a gallant Union otileer. A l the (dose of the war he went to California to seek bis fortune. She ignored all advances from scores of suitors and patiently waited his re turn, feeding confidence in his keep ing true to her. So the years passed, ami even a few gray hairs began to show themselves among her brown tresses, while her friends no longer pitied, but ridiculed her for refusing all advances from other desirable sources. Lately her fidelity was re warded. The lover of her girlhood has returned from California, bronz ?d, bearded and a millionaire with a ivifo and twins.?livening Wisconsin. ?Sixcd Metaphor. A colored preacher, after listening o the sermon of a young thcoiogue, ?tiered, in reverent and beseeching ones, the following remarkable poti ion: "?li, La wad bress de young ?rudder diluent ly. Feed his soul vid nnet ion from on high. Quench iis lliirst wid de balm of (Jdead and le lily of de valley. Anoint his head, )li, Law I, till il runs down like de ?card of Aaron?a.mint him wid de Isle of Patmds and fill him wid all minner of concupiscence;'* "How could you think of calling tuntie stupid/ Go tohor immcdin ely and tell her you arc sorry." Fred lie goes to auntie and Aiiys, "Auntie, L am sorry you are so stupid." Keeping Ihe? .Patient