SPECIAL NOTICE. Now that tho holiday season is ' over and everything has gone pros- ' perous end happy; every one better ?fF, end a bright fertile year ahead, at no period in the history of our business lifo hava wo been so thor oughly prepared to meet the wants of the trade and the requirements of the people, as we are now. We shall continue to place upon our counters from day to day, baigains in every department at LOWEST PSUCF,?, and shall always'be found using our best nulravors* to prevent extortions and uphold tho CASH SYSTEM! Our entire stock is now ofl'orod at. REDUCED PRICES. Wo ask 3 ou to call and inspect our goods. Wo guarantee to please as to quality au 1 price. Look cat dully over tins list of a few articles mehlioued : Gents 1 Hose, white, 5 and 10 c. " striped 12J " so)ii! colors 12-i double heel & toe 12] Ladies hose, white, 8, 10, 12j. ?' striped, 10 solid colors. 121 " balbriggati, 15 " " finest qua'i ? ty, 25 1 hibireu's hose, colored, 5, 8. 10, 121 Ladies Oa nutlets, dark cotor.=, 3U c. ?? Berlin gloves, embroidered backs, 35 " kid glove.'-, 4 buttons, "best makers, 75 Geatn buckskin gloves, lined 75 ? k? driving u 30 Derby suiting, 10 figured, 121 ? ? - Cashmere?, beautiful colors, ltili Merinos, beautiful colors, 1\ cry pretty,*30 e 1 ?dies Hoods, new styles. 40 .invoking Glasses, bureau .si/.e, SI " ex I l a large $1.50 " oval frames 00 and 89 cents Silver plated lea spoons, SI 25. Table " 1.75 " Forks 1.75 Knives 3.75 Glass Setts, handsome, 4 piec es, 50 Glass Preserve Stands, 00 Goblets, 75 et per doz Tumblers, GOjet per tloz Lamps from 25 to 75 cts Large assortment Ladies, Gents and Children's Shoes from the finest to tho cheapest, Men and Boys Hats, 40, 00, 75, 1 00 1.25 to $3 Men nnd Boys Caps from 2.r> In 50 Fancy Box Paper, J'.nvelopcs and Stationery. Agent for tlie Largest Tobacco Factory ia tho United States, tie olfer bargains in this line. Agont for Manufacturers of Sonp's and Concen rated Lye, we defy com petition. We lutve the Largest and Chenp est Stock of BROOMS AND BASKETS in the Market. Agent for the Celebrated Town Talk BAKING POWDERS. These Powders, have slood tbe Test bv the best Chemist, and pronounced PURE, when bought in cans. Prof. Mott, tbe Leading Chemist of the World, says tho worse adulterations occur when Powders ate sold loose or in bulk. Remember this nnd get TOWN TALK from Headquarters Your attention is asked to the re duction in our CARPETING, put down to 25, 35, 10 cents. Pocket Knives from 5 cts. to S2.. Euggv Wltips, 25, 50,75 cts., SI, $1 25 $2. ours respectfully, C. D. KORTJOIIN. ?ST Always notice this COLUMN CHEAP GOODS. Orangeburg ISapttat Associa tions* Axfiocii Cnuiteii, July, Si), 1SS1. - Editor Oriingeburg Times: Tlio Union Meeting of the First Division of the Orangeburg Baptist Association, met this day with Aiifioch Baptist Church. The introductory sermon was preached by Rev. I. D. Priekctt, from Exodus i-lth eh., loth vor. In the absence of the Moderator, the Clerk, organized the Union. Ofllcers elected for the present session, Rev. W. R. Parier, .Moder ator, S. M. Ivetnmerlin, Clerk, who arc to serve till another election. Prayer-meetthg Saturday morning by brother Win. M. G a ti ney.; jireach ing by Row E. If. Graves. The usual Committees reported, which reports were adopted without discussion. .Some important resolutions were adopted, among them, the following, vi/.: 1{'k.soi?vi-:i>, That it is the sense of this Uuioii, that the loss, which brother .I. II. Fehler has sustained by lire, is a stroke of Divine Provi dence, and we bow with reverence before It, a lid lender to brother Felder and family, our heartfelt sympathy and prayers in their dis tress. Brother Felder, as Treasurer, stated, the amount of thii'ty-twb clol lars and lifiy-lbur ($112 5-1) cents in his hands was all lost Uy the lire, where upon the Union immediately raised $'?>'.) 50 in cash and pledges ihr brother F., as Treasurer of the Executive ('(iimnillee, 'The subject discussed, was, "What is the best 'menus to got members of the churches to do their duty ": It was discussed bv itev. T. M. Gtilphiu followed by Rev. I. D. Prickelt. The Union theii adopted the following: Rksoi.vkd, That it is the sense of this Union, that the proper way to get church members to do their duty, is, to emphasize thu importance of conversion, and then for the elder members of the church, together with the pastor, to try and give the proper bent to the God-ii:--*pirc.l impulse given at conversion, ami "thou bring lhem into close sympathy with the great heart of the Gospel. .Jesus Christ; ? ? Our next meeting will lie on Fri day before the 5 th .-abbat ii of Octo ber, with the Four Holes Church. Rev. F?. II. (leaves, to preach the Introductory sermon, and Rev. T. M. Galplliu, lln* ("harity serin >u. S. M. K i:\i.mKiti.ixi Clerk. OiiAXi:::iu itii Cot;ntv, S. C. EdiUi'r Oriinycbury Times: Tito Union of the Second Division of the Orangeburg Baptist Associa tion convened with the Bethany Haplisl (Miurtb on Friday before the ?lh Sunday in duly 1881. The meeting opened with singing and prayer, by Rev. W. II. Gleaton. The former Moderator being ab sent, on request, Rev. W. II. Gleaton acted Moderator, until olllcerscould he elected; The body was called to order, and the letters from the churches were then called for, and read, by Geo. Ii. Rolen and it. j. Williams* All the churches of said Division were represented save two. The body then elect .-.I Rev. J. S. Heyden Moderator, and J. 1'. Smoak, < ilerk and Treasurer. Tbc Iiitrdduotory sermon was then preached by Bev. J. S. M?ydcii, and. closed by Rev. W. H. Gleaton. The brethren then commenced their business for the day, taking bold of everything that, crime before them, as if they intended to do all in their power for tin; Master's cause, working bund in hand in everything. Saturday morning, the meeting was opened by the Moderator, with singing and prayer, by Rev. \V. II. Glen ton; and then tugaged in a pray cr-mcctiug, which was very interest ing, conducted by .1. R. Fulmer. *Tlie congregation was again ad dressed by Rev. \V. II. Gleaton, with tin able f" rtnon. The" Union was then called to order by the Moderator, and pro ceeded to business. The various Committees came up with their reports, ail being adopted. Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, the bouse was idled to iis utmost capaci ty, attd all cngngod in a very interest ing prayor-irieotirig, conducted by G E. Bolen, and W. II. Hutten. The Missionary scrinon was then preached by Rev. \V. F, Chaplin? After this, the body was called to order, arid closed up alt the busi ness of t he Union, and then sung one of the sweetest songs of Zion, and taking the parting hand, was ad journed to meet with the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, on Friday be fore the 5th Sunday in October next. All those who wish to know how pleasant it is for brethren to meet to get her in tbe work of the Lord) would do well to come and go along with those brethren who are working w'tb all their might in this Union, though it is yet very young. By the aid of Almighty God, it will make a telling mark in this land, and may the churches composing this Union set forth with now zeal, nud all work together for the.glory of God. Rev. J. S. Haypkx, Moderator. J. P. Smoak, Secretary! R.tmt TiiBic. If you would make the best use of your lime, look after the minutes. Keep a strict account of every hour of your time for a single week, setting down tbe exact manner ill ? which every hour is spent, and see whether, when you come lo review the record, you do not And it full of admonition and instruction. In this simple way one can readily understand the 'se cret of his want of time. He will dis cover that ho lias given hours to idle talk, to indolence and to incpnsitUr ab'e tri II es, which have yielded him neither profit hoi' pleasure. What is the remedy? Arrange your work in the order of its comparative impor tance. Attend first to the things which are essential to be done, and let the uucsscntials take their chance afterward. The difference in the amount of work accomplished will be astonishing. '2'he Suiiill Hoys i&pianaliou. Sal lie had invited her "bestyoung. Iii ail'1 to the evening meal. Every thing had passed oil* harmoniously until Sallic's 7 year old brother broke the blissful silence by exclaiming: 'Oh in a. I yer ought er seen >r. Lighted the other night, when he called to take sis Sal to the drill; he looked si) nice, sittiu' 'long side of her with his arm?' 'Ereil!' screamed the maiden, whose face began to assume the col or of a well-done crab?quickly plac ing her baud over the boy's mouth. 'Yer pugbter seen hiiu," continued the per&istcnt informant after gain ing bis breath, anil the embarrassed girl's hand was removed ; "he in d his arm?1 'Ereddic!' shouted the mother, as in her frantic attempt to re;?ch the bby's auricular appendage she upset the coutents of the teapot in .Mr. Lighted'* lap making numerous Prussian war maps over *his new l?vc??cr pauta loons.' '1 was just goin' to say,' the half frightened buy pleaded, between a cry and an injured whine, 'be had his arm?' 'You boy!' thundered the father, 'away to the wood shed.1 And the boy made for the nearest exit, exclaiming as he waltzed 1 was only goin' to say .nr. Lighted had his army clothes oil ami I'll leave it Lo him if be didn't.1 And the boy was permitted to re turn, and the remainder of the meal was spent in explanations from the family ill regard to the number of times Freddie had to be 'talked to' for lining his lingers for a ladle. Pete'? Icicle*, Feto was a Kansas immigrant from the South, in which climate he had never seen weather sufficiently cold j to form an icicle. The farmer he hired out to gave Pete instructions one day to go to the wood-shed and tell .lake, a Northern "nig," to re move the icicles from the barn. The irprd icicles staggered Pete. How ever, he kept muttering the sentence, "Do eye sycles in de burn," nutil. when he reached the woodshed, the sentence was .so inextricably mixed that he stood for it few moments look ing at .lake, expecting he iiiightanti cipate the message and relieve the old man of his dilliculty. Fi titling no relief in .lake's stare of inquiry he launched out with, "Look a hyar, you .lake, de mass'si tble nie to tole you, rial you wor to?to?to?ar?lo re move, de barnacles in de ice; yon hyar?'1 Jake dropped Iiis ax, and, scratching his woolly pate, queried, "De whalic-les in do wharf*' "Didn't I tole yer as plain as your under lip, lie bicycles front the yam?" "You said ntiiiih o' de kinc; you said de ?obstacles in de iee house." "1 tell you, nigger, wot I tole you was tie 'hpussiculs fiom do barnacles.'1 -Look a hyai', you Southern galoot, you is a whimsical and nonsensical fool, an'you is gittiif too quizzical to suit dis chile. I know wot you'n a drivin* at; de tnass'r tole you to tole me to tdiop de wood darned quick, an' dnt's wot I'm a doin' an1 don't you forget it." "Well, Jake, I know it wor so urn fin like dat, btit. brcss my soul if I could jist git do exac' vo cabulary." OrmsgclMirg? Smit?r ?rahgeb?rg Ttmct: ' It has been truth fully ns?ci'ted Ihtit, few interior towns luive developed in material prosperity as Orangcbtirg has, and the rapidity With which attractive residences are being bi'.ill all over the town, testifies to the thrift, energy and prosperity of her j citizens. In order to fully ?ppre cifitc the growth and improvement of: the place, one must see for oneself. ! Haying business in y our town, which detained the there for several days, 1 improve 1 my leisure by "doing the city," of Orahgebtirg, ami 1 was well repaid for the time thus occupied. It was my fortune to put up at tin; "Fairy Hotel'' (one of the four widl kept establishments of the kind in town), Mr. J. \V. Fairy Proprietor, comfortable and airy rooms, and a good table. A dill her, is nut so much as the manner in which il is cooked and served, and here Mr. Fairy has combined this requisite with ex.ee 1 eut fare. The he i!n .is an I elcarili neus of the diiiiri jro i n," th ? service and the waiters* show that Mr. Fairy "knows how to keep a Intel." L/pon imjuiry, tin.' fact was developed, that Mr-, fairy personally mi; mri n; em lei 1 the culinary depart nit tit, the fairies' are proverbial for hityiu'g things their own way; The courteous, and genial cotiiiteSialict! of Myc landlord'' attend ed us to the omnibus, when we were conveyed to where; the iroii horse suot'te.l on his way to 'be hp-cbiintfy. May prosperity long itUcud your historic * * i 1 ti ig/1 T. A. Ft. Olio Vaeis?3tti*?n Tat? ninuy. Bright and early one morning u mi'ddle-aged nian, of anxious look and milch corporosity, bailed at a Sfationhouse and went for the blllepr of day wit h : "Uaf we some shiriall-box in dis .blace?" "I believe we have a sporadic case or twoj1 was the the reply. JHji^^2?. somepody half to get ??!;*'. ? know! I visas shnsi read ing abotit dai shuiall hos de odder clay, in dor Sitcnnani bapers when two men vita Iks in mine saloon und says: 'Shn.riey.dot.sbiniill box is all oferjl llowil an . you itittnl !??? wheel aided or | der (lomnion (2nunc.il vhiil close you ?'opV1 S;i 1 was wacciualed for two shillings und zwei class beer.' 'Ves:' 'It \ has sbtisl two hours more as a man comes in und say Iii* vhas sent to w act inale me on dc odder arm, und I pavs him tvi'd whill itgs und class of beer/ ?Yes?' 'Before night a man with specta cles comes in und .-.ays he vha- scut by tier Health Board to see dot 1 ViiilM waei'iualed. 1 show It 11ll two bluccs, bul be shakos Iiis beadt and says: 'Dot wacrunation ant loo high ooji. und yoii vhiil get der shtnail b ).\ i n der ha ml- ' Den he makes dot hi.ice here, uiid I giveIiiu? t webty-live cents und class of beer.' ?VesV ' v'heli, in der course of f,.ifr day a six more men conns around, to irae einate me by order of der Mayor, tier Gufernor, der Bresident, der Foard of Public Yorks, and 1 doaii1 know vhat else, und (fiery time I bays two shillings und class of beer. Vhen I vhas waccinated nine dimes 1 pegiris to pelievc 1 was a greenhorn, und vhen der tenth man comes aroundt I hit him on tier bead mil a pottle und vhiiIksoalcr to see you about it. Vhas it all right/ '1 guess the boys were gulling you.' 'Vhal isli dot'/ 'Why, you haven't really been vac cinated at all.' '.\o-o!' ? 'No, and you'd better he vaccinat ed again.' '\Vaeoi hated again! Wacciualed dot Art i iocs I JSefer! Before 1 vhas waccinated den dimes 1 catches der shaVjUhox und noes to ped mit him allzu minor! Dot's some close-pins like I atn!' - i ?mwB>? ? ? ? ? *? ? ? The Philadelphia GhronMc speaks of the perfume that arises from a roast chicken as a fowl odor. Must be :t present from somebody* A chicUen scent by George. Correction* tidi'or Oranjtbury Times: Most readers will have noticed \ lie incoherency in my communication of last week. 1 boiieye'pur frieud Billy must have been asleep when he took page,four instead of three of the iuaiiuiscript iu setting up. I have ac cused Billy of setting type while nHl'eep before, aialJai o'iil iio( ?/e?by it. I called on Tr'atVirda.y to give Billy a good- -- -Hcnhiing. bull thobgbt good fellow as he is; and n printer, who will tVjrk on Saturday, shouldn't be disturbed, and I forgive him lot transposing the pages. M. L. B. P. S.?1 would hardly trust frieud B. toset this upj'but, il iSlo lie sup posed he ha's forgotten all tricks ap pertaining It) the 1'. I)., and is now, not only a good fellow, but a good co:tt positoi*. B. [\Vu are ri?t lo hhiinc for (be trans posing of the fodi'tlt and third pagesoi Xlr. B.\s i it a ti u iscri pt. The pages were ho! huiiiht iv 1. Billy.] A ft.i liny Well I'seil. The old clergymen of Massnehu setts had small salaries; yet they ac complishe I more with li.itlb money thttti many of their Mit et ss>ors with much l:irger incomes. The lather of t hief .Instil e Valerius was settled at B. lie I I. w ti nu aunt a' salary of .$280 lie hail a large family of children, three of whciii he sent t h rough Har vard College, and all received tin excellent education, and occupied po sit ions of influence in the world; A sharper-economy must have ruled in ministers' households in those days than in these, and every penny must have been put to good use. Junathan Edwards, tbe greatest philosopher and thoologiali of our c nutty, had Mich a narrow income that his great works, which with him a reputation in Europe, were written on ilie backs and ends of letters re ceived from friends. He could not atiord to ony p.iper for the purpose. His daughters, who became distingu ished H i hie?i, were all taught certain accomplish inch 1st by which, however, they used to bring something Into the family treasury; Ili.-s o*.v:i Choice. By teaching a child to rely in a great measure upon his own judgment you do hint an ineilimablo service. We ought to encourage in all chil diet), from the first dawn of reason, a reasonable free will, which should he exercised, whenever possible, in all unimportant things, gradually be coming inoreand more important as reason and common sense increase. Under due supervision, 1 would allow u child to choose its own clothes, pur suits, companions, subject to advice, suggest ion, or a veto if necessary, 'ml a>ti 11 made to understand that to guide ami control itself, to act and decide for itself, is not a crime to be punished, but a diiiy of life to be fill Idled every year more perfectly and more wisely. And. above all, 1 would teach children na vor to lean where they can stund upright, never to ask another poison to decide for them what they can decide for themselves. At all ages, and in all crises, if we must act, Ict us act. without troubling other people: il*we must sutler?alas! it is hard to teach a child tins, und yet we oughtflet us, as much as pos sible, learn lo sutler alone without in liiciing heedless pain up >:i other pco pie. This is sharp discipline, but by its exercise we shall dev elop our chil dren into reasoning, thinking beings. The ''Slnr of Bethlehem," which is now visible just above the can tern horizon from II o'clock until daylight cite11 morning, is the most beautiful star of the heavens. Those who have not seen it will be fully repaid for the trouble of ail early rise. It is so la:gi'and brilliant that it sheds a soft and mellow light almost as bright as the new moon. This coles tial visitor is now on tho wane, and i! will disappear this fall. It will not reappear until after I be lapse of t hreo hundred years, so that every person who has an eye lot the beautiful, should not lose t his r.ti e opportunity of seeing thts wonderful star during its present pussngo over us.? I'itt in el tu Yvornan. Some people are so nervous that they cannot even rest assured. A groat man under the shadow of defeat is taught how precious at ? the uses of ad versify; and, as an oak tree's roots arc strengthened Ivy its shadows,so all defeats in a good cause are hut resting places on the road to victory at last. An lluiiibl'c Printer. A Dutchman*, sitting in the door 01 ins tavern in the far Wist, isapproa ched by a tali, thin Yankee, who is emigrating Wes'.ward on foot, with a bUhdle hung on a cane over his shoulder. ?Veil, Mister Yalkihg Stick, vat you yahtV' inquired the Dutchman. 'Rest and refreshment' replied the printer. 'Slipper and lotcliin;' I reckon?' 'Yes, supper and lodging, if joU please;1 Te ye a Yankee peddler, mid che welly in vour pack to cheat dor gal? 'No, sir, I'm no Yankee peddler.1 . 'A sin gin' master, too lazvtovork;' 'No; sir.' 'A shcntcel shoemaker, vat loves td measure der gal's feet and hankies bet'er tan to make der shoes?' ?N-o, s i r, oi-1 should have mend cd my own shoes.' 'A Look nchent vot bodders tter school committees till they do vot you wish, ehoost to get rid of you?' 'Guess again, sir; lam no book agent.1 'Ter tyefuls! A dentist, preaking der people's jaw at SI dschndg, ariu runnin' off mit it daughter?' 'No, Sir; I nth no tooth puller.' 'Phenologus, den?feeling der young folks' heads like so malty cnb Jbitch?'. 'No; I am no phrenologist.' 'Veil, dch, vat tor tyefuls can you be? ('boost tell; you shall have the best, sassuge for supper, and sday all night, free gratis; mi tout a ecHtj afid n chill of Whisky tb start b?t mit In der luorniiiV ?J am an humble disciple of FntlBt ?a professor of the art that pre serves all arts?a typographer, at your service.' 'Votsch dot?' 'A printer; sir; a man that prints books and newspapers.' 'A man vot jtrintsch no'oSepapers! Oh. yaw, yaw! ay, dat ish it. A mait vat jjrintsch noosopapers! yaw! yaw! Yalk up! A man vot printsch noose i tisu z may uu ?not it * did not tinkyou vas a poor tyoful of a dishtrich schoolmaster who works for nodding and boards 'round. I t outfit t voil vas liiiri; When you have an inflamed eye, a swelled hand, or decayed and aching tooth, you do not take and till your' stomach with di'?gs tt) cure it, but up ply a cooling lotion or some soothing narcotic directly- to the parts. Stf if you have a weak or lame back, sore kidneys, profuse or scanty urine, or the secretory system is clogged and inactive, you should use Prof. Guilt inette's French Kidney Fad; which is a directly local application, which Al ways gives speedy relief and always .Hires the disease. Ask your drug gist for it. mm m || . ? ? wssaWAfc?-? Aunt Ids I her had been trying td persuade little F.ldie to retire at sun set, using as an argument that the little chickens went to roost at that time. 'Yes,' said Eddie, 'but the old hen always goes with them/ "Oh Lord," prayed a Methodist minister, "keep me humble and poor." "Oh Lord, ifThou will keep him humble," said the deacon who' next prayed, "we will keep him poor." The pebbles in our path weary us, arid make us foot sore much more than the rocks, which' require only a bold effort to surmount. A disgusted prrthibrtiouiat tele graphs from Edgeoom'be county:1 "Kdgecoihbe gone' hell-bent for whisk v." To get along well?Tig it deep'. 1 > f\ T-J P I-?1 rS?Thohaand, o 1 \ V/ J) I L/gravej* ar? annnallr robhrd of llrt'ir victims, lives prolonged, happiness and health'restored by the use of the great German Invigra'.or which positively and permanently eure? I in potency (caused by excesses of any kind). Seminal SVcaknssg, amf srll diseases that follow us a frequence of gelf-ahUse, a.T loss of energy, loss of mcntory, Universal lassitude, pain the buck, iliinncns of vision, premature old age, and many other diseases unit lead to insanity or consumption and a prcinulmo grave. .Send lor circulars with testimonial*- free' by mail. The invigorator is hold at $1' per box. or six boxes for $5; by nil drug gist, or will be font free by mail, securely' sealed, on receipt of price, by ad.lrcssing 1?\ J. C IIL.MOV, Druggist, 1S7 .Vnmtit *t. Toledo, Ohio. Polo Agent lor t nu United States, may It) ly CJ l>?CaAI< XOTICE. PAVILION nOTEL, For the Snrhmer rtiohthi^ Rates $1 50J $*2 and $2 50'per day-. According to' Location of Room". R T. t-JAILLAR O. Proprietor, Cbarlu?lon, S. C