-3I~ TO KI A L L E AN 1 N ? S.? Fife morefamilies of immigrants arrived at Columbia ibis week. A church roof fell in, in Mexico, lastweek, killing over fifty persons. Guitontl Vends no other book but the Bible streng?; to say. The crop prospect is reported as gloomy in Darlington on account of the drought. "THenamc "Stalwart" has got into disrepute since the attempted assas sination. A one armed confederate soldier knocked a man down in Chicago last week for abusing Gar field. The most delicate, the most sensi bio of all pleasures, consists in pro moting the pleasure of others. W. W. Coi ?coran, the philanthro pist of Washington has contributed $5000 towards the fund for Mrs. Gar field. It is coldly suggested that mor phine has probably had a good deal to do with the Presidents bright re marks. The White -House folks could set "wp a variety store with the presents that people all over the country are sending them. The difference between a cat and a comma is Hint one has the claws at the cud of the paws while the other has the pause at the end of the clause A Northern lady sent Rev. W. P. Jacobs a check for a $1000 for the Presbyterian Orphanage a (ew weeks ago. Old Mother Gnrficld wants to know ?what on earth .put it into the head of that wretched man to hurt "mv ba by." A woman in Tenncsee gave birth to seven girl babies at one time. Thej'nrc all doing well. The woman is robust and hearty, but the husband is a very thin light made man. Jackson, Lincoln and Gin Held, the three Presidents most notorious for will power, have beert the objects of the attempts of assassins. Guittcau, the assassin, was not too insane to write campaign documents which wore distributed dttriug the last campaign by the Republican com mittec. He was truly a stalwart. Gov. Foster of Ohio, has directed a circular addressed to the Governors of all the States and Territories call ing for a national day of thanks giv ing and praise for the recovery of President Garfield. The Governors will fix and announce the day. Hou, Jelfersou Dnvis in n private letter to a friend says, "I sincerely . trust that the President may recover, and that the startling event will ar "rouse the people to the consideration otia remedy for the demoralization ?which a wild huut for otllcc is creat ing. Henry Walker a colored boy was murdered in Bed Oak Swamp in our adjoining county Colleton, on Satur ! day. The boy left 31 r. Kiddoeks store about dark on tVe night of the murder with Tom Tracy and Charles Simmons, who are supposed to be the murderers. The New York Chamber of Com merce sent Mrs. Gnrficld a cheek for $250,000 in order to relieve the Presi dent's mind as to the future of bis family. It is now proposed to in crease the sum and make the present .national. An exchange from Cuthberf; Gu., brings the intelligence that in South West Georgia, many fanners have al most reached starvation. There are families who can find nothing to eat, and the horses are ploughed in the morning, and then let loose in the swamp to gather food for themselves until plowing time returns again next morning. Til 18115; Richard Lawrence, a luna tic, attempted tho assassination of President Jackson in the rotunda of the capitol. lie imagined that he was king of the United State?, and, being given a trial, was consigned to the Lunatic asylum to enjoy his king ship. In 1805, Edwin Booth, an ec centric tragedian, killed Lincoln in a Theatre, and died defcuding himself against his pursuers. And now an other lunatic has attempted the as sassination of President Gartiel d. It seems as if the Presidents ai'e beset with lunatic. James Clyburn, a boy 19 years old liviugin Camden, entered the resi dence of John Sheorn on Sunday and fired upon him with a double barreled shot gun and then proceeded to make his escape. He was pursued by She orn, who prizing the gun fired the contents of the other barrel touching his assailant on the back of the head Clyburn then took out his pistol and . attempted to kill himself the ball striking near the heart. Sheorn died in a short time, and Clyburn was ar rested. The ditlleulty was about a wo nian of ill fame. Two sons of Mr. Seebrook of Edis to Island, boys from 17 to 19 \ ears of age became involved in nil encoun ter with a negro named Cold r about a, week ago. They were parted how ever and no serious damage was done Nothing more was thought about the matter .until a few days afterwards Colder was found dead in his house, without, however, any marks of vio lence about hiin. A jury of inquest, half white and half colored, was sum . inoned and a verdict rendered in ac cordance with the facts. The ncgroen however, on the Island became very turbulent, and it was with difficulty that a riot was prevented. They swore all along that "de biickra kill tun." The Col on?r waa to blame for .riotordering ar *t *?>tl Id bo made. THE ORANGEBURG TIMES. ISSUED FVEHY THURSDAY MORNIKO, STILES K. MELLICH AMP Editor anil Proprietor* Terms oi* Subscz*iptiori? On? Copy one Year.$1 00 '? " Siz J/ont/L . 75 -:0: Rates of Advertising. One. Square 1st Insertion.$1 Each Subsequent u . Notices inserted in Ijocal Column at 20c per Line. All Subscriptions and Transient Advertise ments to be paid for in Advance* JSaJf? We are in no way responsible (er the vioWs or opinions -?ur Correspond tnw. TIlUKSsiMY, JULY 14, loSl. Partly Spirit; We have published in full in" another column an editorial from the Mew York Journal of Commerce on the above subject which we esteem as so excellent that we hope it will repay perusal on the part of our rend ers. Party spirit has been the bane of all communities in all ages. It has embroiled Mexico with constant revolutions and internal commotions; it has lacerated England with the bloody wars of the Roses; it has caused France to reck with fratri cidal strife and turmoil; and it is the rock upou which America is in peril of being stranded, unless reason re surucB its sway over the mieds and hearts of the people of all sections. As the Journal of Commerce truly1 says, the crime of Guiteau is but the natural fruit of the terrible spirit of party, and we would add that it is but the sj'mbol of the scenes in which the rancor of this spirit, if indulged, will finally engulf us. ? ? mm i wmmi ? - * ? - The Mania for Ollice. If any good may result from the tragic scene so recently enacted at Washington, we hope it 111113- be the thorough ttivakeiiing of our people tothe enormity of the tenible scourge of the times, born of human selfish ness and greed of gain, the miserable mania for ollice. Mr. Tilucn very wisely says that he hopes the at tempted assassination, Which has been so appalliug in its nature, may have the eiltet of causing the people to devise menus to chuck the terrible evil of having IO?j?U? public oiliccs put up at a graud raffle at the end 01 every Presidential election. The effect must be demoralizing upon individual and public morals and the evil ought to be guarded against by all good citizens, who desire to pro mote the peace of the community dud the stability of business. The Chief Marshal at Washington says that the place is infested iy swarm.-, of ollice seekers and many of them, like Guiteau, are religious fanatics who believe that it is the will ol Providence that they should have something to do with the govern ment. if this army of ofUcc-scckcrs loaf ing around \\ ashingtou Could be put to work in our fields and workshops, and be made to realize the force in the decree "by the sweat of thy brow t hou shall eat thy bread," a two fold blessing would he experienced. In the tinSt place, the nation would be blessed in increased production, and, in the second placcvihe individual* would be blessed in the satisfaction of feeling that they arc doing some thing iu the world and arc contribut ing to the happiness of felh.wnn rtri s. Too many arc seeking the shade, imagining that the bearing of the heat, of the day'.and the brunt of the battle belongs Lo the rest of hu manity. The Koiid to Prosperity. The New York Herald contains an iuterview with Mr. C. C. Baldwin, President of the Louisville and Nash vi lie Rail Road system which, coming as it does from a practical business man, and from a northern man too, whose prejudices may not eucourage too favorable an admission for the South, is full of interest, and gives a bright view of the future of this sec tion. Mr. Baldwin, who I as visited every section of country and has tare fully studied their commercial indus tries, speaks from n purely commer cial and not from a sentimental view. He says, "1 made up my mind that commercially, the South was the sec tion of this nation that would show the most rapid development during the next deende." This development is to be brought about by immigra tion' railroads and commerce These constitute our road to prosperity. Politics is our bane. Intolerance of opinion checks the tide of immigra tion. But our people are learning better souse. Patriotism does noi build rail roads, and sentiment will never make us rich. The resources of the South are unlimited. Our natural advantages far exceed those of the North. The attention of the world is being drawn to this beauti ful section, and the'lay is not far dis taut when the wealth of the Union will be to a great extent transferred from the North and East to the Jong suffering South, if we are not (Lawn from the plumb line of progress by politic . , and torn up by civil dis cord. ?The examination of public school teachers will commence next Thursday. Road notice in another column. The Latest from the JPresi lie nt. It will be gratifying to our readers to know that President Garfield is steadily improving. This is now the eleventh day since lie was shot, and great confidence is felt by his physi cians that be will ultimately recover. ! At the same time lie is, by no means, out of danger. All we can do is to hope for the best. I'ublic Instruction. The Georgia Legislature is now agitating the question of higher taxa tion for educating the people, and the Constitutionalist advises that the fiiud be so increased as to keep the public schools open six months, out side of the local system. The subject is a very important one for our .State, ami we tbink the people make a mistake in supposing that higher taxation will be burden some. We now educate our childreu at private schools and pay the tax in addition to the tuition. Why not then save the tuition and pay all in a just and uniform tax, and thus ele vate the standard of public educa tion.'' We throw out this thought for Xhi people t) ponder upon care fully. In the mean time there is a practicable plan which every ccm muuity can work upou. We arc glad tliat it is meeting with favor in many' parts of Orangeburg. The plan we refer to is, to amalgamate the public and private schools, by supporting the teacher from the public fund as many months as it will last, and, as soon a6 it is ex h aimed, for the pat rons to come to the rescue, and sup port the teacher for the rest of the full term. By this means we get back the taxes and secure efficient teach ers and good schools. Another plan is the local tax sys tem, which nil towns and thickly set tled communities ought to adopt. Now that the new school year will soon com m c? cc, let the people taken proper interest in the matter for the good of their children and the coun try. The public school system, as now stands, could be made ti great blessing, if parents in every com munity would only co-operate with the school officers. Let the matter be done at once. We arc progress ing in oLlier matters. Why should wc be laggard in that which atlccts the future happiness and prosperity I of our loved ones? Taxing Twice. A correspondent from Orangeburg brings to the attention of the Nows^A:. Courier the injustice, under our pres ent laws, of requiring taxes on both real estate and the mortgage given for it, which amounts todoulde taxa tion. Wc brought this matter before the public in an editorial during the winter, wet hink during the session of the Legislature. Under the present syst.Mii, if a man buys h farm on time for ijiiiUOO and gives n bond and niort gage for jjtfiOOO for payment, faxes arc collected on both for $12000. This is a very had law and our next Leg islature ought to rectify it nt once. Hither the mortgage or the land ought to be roleived of taxi's. Obituary, Died at Orungehurg, S. ('., July 11th lbSl, Thadiicr.' K. Snspbrtas; Jr., aged 5 months and eleven days, only son of Thaddeus K. and M'iiry A. Sasporias. ??Mitlcr little children to come unto me, and forbid t hem not, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven." STATE OF COUTH CAROLINA. Oka xo Kim kg County. nY jiknj. r, 1zi.AK, fcttqciRB, Probate Judge. WHERE A 8 Joseph F. Robinson, C. C. 1'.. hath nmde Hint to me, to grant him Letters of Administration of the hstntc of and effects of Sarah I'rickett. These are therelore to cite aud admon IhIi all and singular the kindred and Credi tors of tlie said Sarah Prickelt, deceased, that they be and appear, before ine, in the Court of Probate, lo be held at Orangeburg 81. l>t*.J BfclS.J. P: IZLAR, Judge of Probale, O. C. ju'y 14 2t Y. M. C. A.?The Rooms of this Association over the store of Mr. W. Willoek, on Russell street, are opened every evening in the week (except Sunday), from half-past eight to half past ten o'clock. Heading matter, games, &c., arc furnished to enter tain any who may be disposed to visit the Rooms. The prayer meet ing of the Association has been re sumed and is held every Friday evening nt half-past eight o'clock. These meetings have been encourag ingly attended and interesting in character. It is hoped that the young men of our town will further encourage this Association by at tending this service, as well as by making usoof the Rooms during the evenings it is opened; The subject for the next prayer meeting will be ""Themeasure of service" and the reference Luke, Chit pi., Jib, HO verse. Wc bespeak a large attendance next Friday eveningal the V. M. C. A. Hooms at ball* past eight o'clock, and also nt the lVit'tre meetings. iiENiiY mm We arc determined to reduce our stock preparatory to taking an inven lory of the same and will oiler extra inducements to buyers during the coining TEZETT Wc have made sweeping reduc tions in prices through our entire line Out bargains are Linneu Dress goods at 10 formerly 25 Plaid Dress Goods ? 12.j ? .10 Union Lawns ,.7 ? 12^ Black all wool bunting 20 ? 30 j Colored ? ? ? ,, ? 20 30 in all dress goods Black Grenadines 25 cts formerly 50 Balbriggan Hose 25 formerly 40 cts 04 thread all linen hemstitched band kercheifs 12 Acts worth 25. Hemistich all linen needle worked coiners at 15 cts worth 30. & 1 CORSET at 00 cts worth .$1 Linen Damask Towels at 25 cts worth 40. This is a wonderful reduc tion and only n few more left. Table Linens, Napkins, Bed spreads and Lace Curtains must be closed out, LZ ST EXT If you need* Cnssimcres, Cot tonades, and Flannels now is the lime to buy them. Fails [and Parasols at a sacrifice. Japanese parasols at 10 and 20 cents. A 4 inch deep Hamburg edging only 22cts, Our line of laces is the largest aud alway the cheapest in town. E2TTZ.EMEIT In the Clothing line we have marked down the balance of stock et prime cost and no humbug. Blue Flannel suits $12,50 former price $15 Linen Dusters $2 A Few more nobby styles straw hats at your own prices. Must have the room, SH OES SHOES SIIO ES A reduction of 50ets on all low quartered goods to close out summer stock. As usual all shoes warrant ed as represented. THE WHITE Sewing Machine and gaining favor continually. BUTTERIOKS Fashions for July and August ready. Ladies call and get a copy free. HENRY KOHN. LANDRETIi'S T?liJVir ?? CABBAGE A FRESH SUPLT AT 1ST* F- B.0BEN"S02T'S Jeweller, Orangeburg S. C. Notice to Consumers of Tobacco. YOUR attention ia called to a few brands of my fine tmonking and chewing Tobacco's, also Scgar? und Cegarettcs, which I make a specially: Chewing?Celebrated Buzz Saw, the Golden liar, Corn Cob, Mique, Early Bird, Capt. .luck, Aurora I'on 1 nke, Boozl, Wold Unowned Mills Flora line Cut, and many other brands which are not mentioned here, always on hnnd; 6'moking: V?. T. lilokwells & Co's. Durham, the only genur'ne. Hlockwclln Long Cut, for Pipes and Cigretts, Morburg Bros. Melrose Curly Cut, Smokers Truest Friend, Larillord Solid] put up in tin foil, 0. W. Gail &. Az eelebraied Crown ill and. iregars?wirabeba, Private Slock, Quccie I ittle Lorina, Dona Sal, Ornato, Ulaek II cop, luvoiitc, 1-mmpre State. Cigarettes --LoiicFishcfnian, Pride of the North, Litt e Joker, Uackwell's Durham. All of the above are guaranteed to be first elasss Ciive me a call and be convinced that i keep the best Tobacco's in the market. Look for the Line Store. FRANK RISHERi Agt. OFFICE OF D. I DAK k CO w 7 E would respectfully ask the public to call and examine our stock of DSY GOODS In endless variety. CXaOTSEOTG In all the Latent and most Fashionable Styles. Both Stnple and Fancy The World Reri??viiecl LYON BAKING POWDEE In J. 1,2 an<^ 1 lb ptxknges, guaranteed JJcst of all or money refunded. FLOUR! Direct from the Mills, and wc call particu lar attention to two of our Fancy brands, 'BOLTED SNOW" AND "HARVEST PRIDE," Which cannot be equaled in this Market, and which is within the reach of the poor as well as the rich. A full and well Selected Btccl, from $7 50 to $12 00 per set. SiUDSZiSS From $2 to $ 12. TOBACCOS From the Best Factories in North Carolina and Virginia, Low for Cash. STRAW GG?BS For Ladies, Misses, Children, Men, Youths ; Boys in great variety. rg"lIME will not allow us to mention our I Entire Stock. Come and look and you will ho pleased. Buy and you will be satisfied. Respectfully. B, B. SHOAK & 00. Soutli Carolin a Hail Road l^asHeii?^r Department CHANGE OK SCIIKDULS. On and after May 15th, 1881, Pasrenper Trains on this Road will run as follows: (till further notice.) Greenville Express Train. GOING EAST (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.) Leave Columbia at.G 00 P M. Arrive at Canulcn at.8 4r> " I>eave Orangeburg......7 57 ?'? Arrive at Charleston.10 45 " GOING WEST (DAILY EXCEPT. SUNDAY.) Leave Charleston nj. 6 00 A M. heave Orangeburg at. 8 43 " Leave Guhidcn at. G 16 u Arrive at Columbia at.10 35 " Way Freight antl Passenger Trains?Daily Except Sundays. GOING EAST. *Leavc*Columlna. ,. G "0 A M Arrive at Cam den.12 49 P M LeaveOrangeburg.10 13 A M Arrive at Augusta. 3 20 P M " Charleston. 1 55 1' M GOING WEST (DAILY EXUEPT SUNDAY.) * Leave Charleston. 9 05 A M ,s Augusta..'. 7 65 '? 4' Orangeburg. 1 20 P M Arrive at Columbia.-... 5 30 " * Passengers leaving Columbia or 'Ihar lestou on these trains have to change cam at branchviMo lo reach Charleston at 1 66 {. m or Columbia at 5 30 p m. Night. Express Trains ? Dally. GOi'NO EAST. Leave Columbia. .9,00 T M ?' Orangeburg.12 31 A M Arrive at Augir ta. 7 25 '* " Charleston. 6 36 " GOING WEST, DAILY Leave Charleston. 8 10 PM " Augusta. . 7 00 " u Orangeburg.1 62 A M Arrive at Columbia. 5 30 " t^n Columbia Division Night Express Trains run daily; all oilier trains daily ex cept Sunday. On Augusta Di vision all Passenger Trains run daily. Sleeping C'arH are attached to Night Ex |HCM Trains?herths only .$1.50? between Columbia. Charleston and Augusta. On Saturdays and Sundays, round trip tickets are sold lo and from all stations at one Gr8t-chuM tare lor the round trip, good till Monday noon to return. Excursion tick ets good for ten days are regularly or. sale at nix cents per mile for round trip to and from itll stations. Connections made at Columbia with Greenville an 1 Columbia and Charlotte, Columbia and .Augusta Hail roads at Charlotte .lunctim by train arriv ing tit Coliftcbia at 10.115 A. M.. and leav ing Columbia at G.0U p. M. to and fioni all points on both roads. At Charleston with steamers for New York on Wednesdays and Saturdays; also with steamers for Jackson ville, Kin., and points on St. John River and with .Savannah and Charleston BnL road to a 1 points South. Connections are made at Augusta with Georgia Kai'road and Central Kaitrotd to and from all points West and South. Through tickets can be purchased tu all points booth and West, bv applying to 1). C ALLE-'X, (i i'iTA. JOHN 11 PEcK, General Siiptiv J G. POSTELL, Agt., Oraugftharg. S. C. Market Reports. Corrected every Meek by .Messrs. liu"LL k SCOVILL. Kam AY, June 10, IS81. COTTON ..j Middlings. D)@ bow Middlings.'.. ^I'h Ordinary. 3(?)5 PROVISIONS t'orn. To^SO New Corn . peas. 1 50 Fodder, per U)0 lbs.1 5