7Ti!.i stand of D. Louts' at the cor tier of Russell and Market si recta where Iheyiwill open it splendid stock of ineiehamiise about t lie first of Sep tember. Tlioyai'e hotli enterprising young men, and we p,-"ni? :. for thelii a prosperous busine.-s. Mr. Albert Glover of cur town,} "who is now in httsiites.s in AugusttN i apentu eoiiple of days this week :ii J his old home. lb' slopped a few inn | incuts sil our cilice, and looks well | and heart vi Quiteu spirited game of Base Bali ?was played oil Monday^fternoon oii the green by "Meliiehainp's School House," between tilt' "Ch: lllpion Ru by" (.'Iill) and the ''Rail Uoild'' Cub. ?consisting of the lit 'do boys of the town, in which the fust named club came otr\ ietbrious in a score of M to 10. Mr. I). Louis, we pri^ttuie from his leasing his stand, intends to retire from business. He is an old land mark in Orangehui'g, with a business | record InII ofhonor and prollt. He lias our best wishes- for quiet happi: J ncss in future life. See charge of advertisement of II.! Spahl', watchmaker and ji wider, in another column. He keeps couslahi ly on hand the Hrii-si a.">?oi't inehi of clocks, watches, spectacle-*, musical instruments and jewelry of ail hi mis. which lie sells at the most reasonable Taten. Gi ve hi in a cull. Joseph Eros, the popular confec tioner ou Russell street, changes his st(lveuijiso m on t to-day. Read for yours^-oas and go around and be re i'reshed MTlSi Iiis delieioiis ice-cream and soda-water. St rakerleaned against a tree on the Court House Square last Thurs day during the eltction reading the Testament?tlw KcvLe I, wcsiipp s i as the bad place Is considerably modi lied in thatedition. Affliction is a school or academy ?wherein the best scholars uro pre pared for the coin men cemeTni day of the Deity. "Why stiller day after day, and mouth after month, with In me buck, sciatic, lumbago, gravel, diabetes, female weakness, etc., when you can be cured by wearing Prof. G nil me tie's Kidney Pad. The County Coin mission era meet to-morrow. Mr. W. II. Pcrryclear has bought out the stock of Messrs. Hamilton iV Norris and will run a live business at this popular stand. .Mr. Pcrryclear is a good business man and we com mend him to public patronage. lie will do a live business. Look out for his advertisement in the Times next week. Mr. II. Beck will soon begin erecting Mr. A. B. Walker's dwelling on Amelia street. Mr. Beck is a fine workman, and deserves the attention of all wishing first-class work done. Astronomers say there was im eclipse of the moon on Saturday :night, but we did not sit up to sec it. Mr. Jacob Buzzard desires to r< tu t o ninny thanks on t he part of the I family for the kind utteution of friends in the last illness of his father, Mr. Joshua Bozzard. Ex-PresitVeut Davis shows more consistency than most of our public men. Mis' views of right are not changed by the changes of fortuue. Tlio fact is there has been too much dirit-ealing, and it does uo good, but ilililiitc harm. Gen. Sherman has lied so often and so persistently about the burn ing of Colombia that we actually be lieve be now l biuks he is telling the truth. Thousands of citizens of Columbia testify to-day upon oath thai Ihey saw bis soldiers setting lire to the city with torches. The CVfiW//fj Hey inter said last week that the Alert BaseBall Club ofthat City had gone to Orahgeburg to clean out their; late competitors on their own dunghill. Th; cleaning out how ever was the other way. Priester, the young man who killed his father near Allendale some weeks ago. has just been tried before Judge Maekoy at Hnriiwoll and acquitted on the ground of lunacy, lie has been Urdered diy the Judge lobe sent to the Lunatic Asylum. Messrs V S Dibble, V A Sctdffley G S Dull and M Glover id'cur town are delegates to the meeting of the Young Men's C'hrist inn Association of the State at New berry and have taken a prominent part in the deliberations. The exam ihn (ion of 'Key. J. F. Kiser'.-si hool continues lo-ilay^ and the e.xhibitiou will lake place toriudr* row afternoon in his school hou?e\, thepublie being invited. The ex* amit.-itiou yesterday we understand was verv creditable; Mr. D. K. Ilydrick, a yon.uger brother of our esteemed fellow townsman. Dr. A. S. llydriek, enr rii'd oil" lite prize for Greek at the recent eomuienceiuent of Yunderbill College. Mr. llvdriek. in retliieiihg honor upon Or.'iligebtirg, i el'ects ho:i m al.-o i.pun the whole Stale, We tool \roiuiof bur County in having .? ;> wori h v a son. In some sections bfpurCouhty the people a re prtijierly utilizing the pub lic school system. In Lyons town snip; biet; llouiishing schools run for six months by i he people 'coining up to the support of the ji tblio fund, in oilier portions of the County also the five i-vhtiol system is heilig adap ted to tinr use, and great improve ment is n suiting. M ?\ mpsey's soap, of w hich Capl. Moprerand others are agents in our County is becoming very popular, 11 is said lo boa most admirable eombi nation and should be kept in every household. 1.1 iveit a trink The Kdisto Hilles arc preparing for a line time on the Ith of July. A prize drill w ill be conducted at Way's II:.11 on the evening of tbe Fourth which will Ik- enjoyed by the public: We will give more full particulars in another issue. The Ornugchitrg Bakery, by T. W. Albergotti, Ksql, deserves public. patronage. Thin is hu old establish;. incut and Mr. Alborgbtti is faithful iii his*Service upon the public, 'flie hest of ovoryt hing in the bakery line call lii:t 11 Tournament of yesterday j and to day. Oh Tuesday night an I j Wednesday morning, clubs arrived 1 in our town from Columbia. Charles- 1 ton, Winnsboro, St. M a thews and Ff. .Motte. Spartanlv.irg i;s repre sented by .Major Thompson who shouts ill t!^e sweep-; lakes '.o .lay. A , largo crowd was r.n the .ground.?hrly yesterday morning, and considerable j interest was exhibited in the s'.loot ing, despite the exceedingly hot weather. The Judges of the occasion were Messrs. W. G. Alhorgotti and Julius Jacobson. Mr, 15. Frank Slater acted its Referee. The liest prize of $70 Was carried off by Oraugeburg Team No. J. Wc will endeavor to give tiext week lite full scores with the names of all the par ticipants iu each club, As wo go t Orangcliiirg, No. 2. 84 ('ol uiiibin. 1 Belleville. 2t) Scrub Team. 2j. The interest iv i 11 increase to-day, and as thegame is not over wo will reserve further coin incuts until next issue. A large attendance limy be looked for thia morning. Rice! Rice! Bice!?StraUss A Co. are n<>w retailing clean Rice ill (i. 8. 10 and 12" cents per quart, and will con tinue to do so in the future. Larger quant ities sold milch cheaper. Come oiiel come all! and buy ycilir Rice by t he pint, quart, peck or bu.-dicl, get ting it always fresh from mill. Agents wanted lor "Kings Moun tain and its Heroes." Call (it this oilier if you inenu work, and want to make some money. None hut the best need apply. Grinding! Grinding! Grinding! - Strauss A- Co., have arranged their grist mill so that no customer in fit*tire on Saturday will have to wait more til all a few minutes to have their corn ground* They have put their mill in lirst-class repute, and will In future pay special attention to their grinding depart incut; cracking corn for stock on half loll. Kindly thanking their en Storno is for their liberal patronage in the past, they ask lor a continuance of the same In the future. The Sehooi Commissioner will be off in the County visiting in the inter est of schools on Saturday, the 18th. Persons Inning business with the ollico, will therefore, please come on Friday. He Will also lie oul in the County on a similar mist ion next Kridav, and probably Saturday the 25th.; Mackey got olio vote in Orange burg County on Thursday and that was at Grifiins. A correspondent of the Urtc* ami Courier says: Col. Butler on his re turn litis decided thai the salmon ro ported caught in the Conga roe in Oraugeburg by Col. Gnodyn is a rock tish. But an inquest will bo held up on it in Washington before it is thoroughly established what to con sider it. We are pained to learn of the death of Mr. Joshua Buzzard, who for many years past has been a venerable den eon in the Baptist C??reh of our town. For one or two years past he has beennlllicted with feeble health, and, at last, his physical form has succumbed to the encroachments of disease, nnd he has been called lo his long home. Me died on Thursday morning and win buried in Friday, the funeral services being performed by Rev* T. M. Galphin, the pastor of the village Baptist Church, a large concourse of friends and relatives having gathered together to pay the lust tribute of respect lo his mem ory. Me was a consistent Christian and goes in triumph to receive hii Ii nut reward. He was a faith fill mein berol the Baptist Church for40 years and was about 7d years obi when hi died; Our deepest Hyinpatliies a ? extended to the weeping family. The Abart Base Ball Club of Col umbia came down f the other. , Tliey tire both rc.;v.iVc.l lb- iliedevol j dpsr.oht of lhe perfect man. (Jive an hc-lieer to the liovs in their manly ! snorts; The. s*ci>re stood l-l '.'? 111. Notice. Cot'xrv Commission Kits1 Oitioe, OuAroiKUi'Ko CofN rV, Oiangcburg, S. ('.. May 111, 1S81. "7VT OTlCK i' hereby given that the J_% undersigned will attend nil ilie fitll day of .I,ulyvl8^i. at the New Bridge acros< South Kdislo Kiver on die lload h-adjog frbin Llaekville. S. to t'o'unibia. S. ?., ft4* die purpose of ''letting mit" the half of said Bridge (which by law in rephiid by Oraiigcbui'g Comity) fur repairs tt*c. Spec:ticalInns made knov ii on day of.* de For :i i.id of more than one hundred ihdhirs, a lloml uitb appioved sureliis for | double the a" b nit t? hid. lor did fnithlul ! performance of the wo k, Will be required. I 'I he lowest responsible bidder wilt b I awarded theodotrict, die right !?? reject | j any nlnl all hid*, being however reserved. ?V u.der. J?S. A. FA NN l NU. Co. t orn. j L. II. WANNAM VKKU, C Ii. C. C , O. ( .. H C. j jhll 0 td I Delinquent Lands for Sale for the Tax of 1879, 1878 and 1377. Amelia Township ?Li/.z:c M.lhirlt, 1 lot; Airs, bhoina Zeigler. pt?0 ?'eies. 1 building ' t nw-Ctnv?.Mrri. 1.mm.i Zeigte!1, ?o?' acre.'*. ( ow t'a-tb?Ciilla Bowman, It! a?:roK, 1 biiiluiug. Ed hi i?Mm. Elizabeth Snu.ak 1 d acres, ?1 Uni ?liiig-. Elizabeth?Mrs K. C. Ilarlcy, 10 acre?; d K \\ aits, leaves. ti'iud and?Martha 15 Ctarilner, 7S acres. Jit l>roii ? Mrn, K 1. W tld?aml ?V Gurney, I (iltil acres; F F Wolfe, ISO acres. Fihkity ? iJeiiiis Sirmnnn, 2? acre-, ~ hi.Piling-. Urunye?Primus T Ulli wick, 1 lot: Peter Ca Id weil; t17 acres. 4 bid Illings; -Vnnon M .lone.-, '2{'.0 acres, <> buildings. Pine orias, 157 acres, . btdltliug. Lnii.ii?Willinui rnSlman, 21 acres, 1 building; trink Williams, ;i"> acres. Vance.?John ti Tucker, -8 acres. U blow?.Miiii'cw l\ Sinoalt, 00 acres. Kion?uiittiVH Wolfe, Ithj acres, 8 build ings. Anicli.t? Mrs. vhnma Zeigler, (lO'J acres, -1 huildiitgn, taw-law?Mrs. Finnin Zeiglcr. 3?0 acres, ih7o. Arne ia?Mm. Kin lit a Zeigler, 900 acres, Ib77. OFF!C E U F CO C NT Y AFI) I fOII, On a No i.nt; no County. Orutigehurg, C. IL, .S*. C, June 7th 1881. Notic- is hereby given that the whole oi the sever.d parcels, lots ,tnd parts of lota oi thrill 1 .state denvribed in the proceeding lisl,or so much therein as win lie mcc-sox to pay the taxes, penalties and assessment* charged thereon, wid be sold by th Treasurer of Ota igeimr^ County, .South i aro ina. ai his oliic ; in sind CoiihtV on Mom.a; ,the 2 ti Why buffer IVcedlchMly 'A'ith the cotiviilsiug, snadiiioitlc,tortures of fever ami ague uiul bitiotis remittent, when Ilostetter'? Stomach Hitters, Bckuowledgctl lo l>u a real curative of malarial levers, will crailicatc the cause of so much suffcritig. No less effective is this tieiiijrnant alterative in cases of ronstipatiin. rlvs^epsia, liver com piaiut, rheumatism, und in (renernl ?It-Inliiy uiul nervous weakness. Per sale by nil Drug gists ani Dealers Kcnerall/i pnred rfttCr], KI RK ROBINSON, Insurance and Collecting *&g?nt R {-presenting a ndmber of ?litt1 ami Rclinhlc ?Toillf'iltiH?*, 1 nni pre> d to msii? i'ULlCJlEa ott all classes of Property at KADI ?hd ltFAK?NABLt? AJSTIO In nddilhjn lo luv Collecting BudneRs, will attend to P II r? Ii UM ill ff and ficIEint^ Ittcal Estate. FOR SALE A desirable Residence in the Town, conveUlentl v locatFd for hustricss men, I) willing two stories; and Inn Bight Rooms, with Kit-men aitd Pal dry itttat-re.nl, .Servant's lluu?e ami Stable on Premises. A New One Story Cottage, three Roams and Kitrhen and I'aatdv attached, Servant's HotiHu on Premise* Located in a healthy and desirable pari of the To?.Vh. A Plantation of 34'i neres, more or less, j under cultivation, located ahont 4) mile So oh ol prongebiirg, C. IL. ou the H. C. K. R. Dwelling and dnil.se-toH I'rvntjscs. Abu for >ale several building Lots in this town, and one. building Lot ?t ltowcsville, A SMALL FARM in the Town, with a Vineyard of ahont 4 nercs in good culliva Yi? it Dwelling and Kitchen on promises. Terms reasonable. KIRK RORIISTSOiSr. E Sil ? up ?rlative in its uttibutcs. fiHE WHITE OJT THE Stand!* acknowledged Sohl by Or:r.:iu;cl>iirf*;, S. CJi ?ct 1 1880 Iv Of Sowing Machines. It has the Fide.it Fished Wood Work, and is Lite c lU JL _L*fJLi_. Machine in the Market. Its Shuttle is Self-threading, Its Needle is Self setting, Its Bobbins can be tided without removing tVoVk or dttacll incuts! So simply ettiiMti'ttPioil albl Ligllt Ruiining, that a chfl Fcku use it. Warronted tor live vent's, THE COOLEST AND MOST ATTRACTIVE PL IGE AM) SODA WATER FOUNTAIN Rome relaxation is necessary to peoples of cVJry decree. The h?STd thatthiuks and he l and that labors must have something to recruit their diminished power. A platd ?fl?E (MM'AM, or a glas? of .Soda Water these hot days is a better tonic and wil do more ior impaired dijestiou than any medicine, and is at all times a pleasant and wholesome delicacy. Kiuc Candies, lauey groceries, Crackers etc. always fresh. LcnionsI Ice! Lemons? Ret Lonlons! Ice! JOS. KROS. npl 14-ly Proprietor Oraiip;chiir? Con feet 1 onerj\ THE UNDE SIGNED x ?to Imh IV ten da and (Iio " P } iliir. :ii the store recently occupied A full Stock of General A ?all solicited ^tind satisfaction guaran teed. TOBACCO W ill be made a specialty. W. B. THOMPSON. June -1 1?,SU ly AilillUIl II. Li WIN, PHOTOGRAPH ISR, OFFICK OH ANGIBBURG, 8? Ci Now :il A. P. A vi tiger's Store, Vanees' Kerry. 'ilOllSESHOI^iNtT" Dime in the host liitinncr Hud ?.n the most i:ett!*oiiiil?le terms. Also Blacksmith. Werls Of e\ery tleM-riptidh done on the shori est notice und at moderate prices. Wi-rk rot?pect fully solicit erl. W. 11. llONVELL, Opposite Ilarley'd Cornor. I > / VP P I/T\?Thon ft and a o L\ U JJ lJJL JL/gravcs are annually rohhrd oi iln-ir victims, lives prolonged, iiappinesH afui lieuilh testeied t>y the line il the great GeiiEsii Jnvigora.or, which positive'}' and permanently cures Impotency (caused by excesses of any kind). Seminal Weaknssp, and all diseases that follow as a sequence of self-abuse, as hiss of energy, loss ol memory, cniversal lassitude, pain the hot k. 'limnens of \ ision, prematiu e old ace. and many other diseases dial ead to insanity or consumption and a proir.atui e grave. .Send lor circulars with Icstimoniuls freo by mail. The In vi gerate, r is sold at $1 per box. or six boxes for $6, by /?.II drug gist, oi will be lent free by mail, securely scaled, on receipt of price bv ad trcssing F. J. < IE i\M Fl,' Druggis), 18V .Vmmit si. Toledo, Ohio. Hole Agent for tnu United ?Slates. may It) lv VARIETY STOREJ BY T C. 1IUBBELL, News Dcpurtmoiit. All [lluHtrA:ed Papers ami Sunday Maga zines, Sea Side Library, Ac., from which ihq minds of tho Old as well as the Young can he improved. AH orders for Honks Papers, Sc., entrust* ed to hieuill receive prompt attention. DEPARTMENT OP DELICACIES Where tlic hodv can he He freu] ted with Pure Candies of all kinds, lee Creun of tho riebest and purest flavors every dav, ex* cept Sunday, from 11 A. M to 10 P. M. The Saloon is neat nnd private, and ladies cati feel at home Lemonade made with pure l.etnon Juico and Lo^f Sugar. Fresh Charleston Patent Ilread every morning by JCxprcs.s. Abo Currant and Potato ?rcad. and vaiious other article* too numerous to mention. Call and t-ee for" vmirselv.-s. T. C. HUltHELL, may K)?(5m Russell Stre'le T. ?DeCh.ia'S'ott?, THE BEST LESS & SLEEPLESS Watchmaker and Jeweller, OrtuiKCbiil'K, H, C. Prices will tell ! Tacts are stubborn things I Where can I get the goods I Want? Where can Iget the Latest Stylca?j Where can 1 get the goods I lint give Ihn best satisfaction and at the Lowest Price? These nre. queutions that interest every btiiinese num. Ans wen At T. DkCHIAVETTE, At Jos. Eros' Store. Attorney and Counsellor t Law (.)UANGEHUR(i, S. C OKlcc corner of Court House .Square and Church Street, the same formerly owned and oc cupied by Wm. M. Hut.son, Esq. jtlnc 11 II. SPAHR, JKWELEK A SO DK.u.r.u IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Ae. Gold, Silver aud Steel spectachs a speciality. Just received a 1 ot of tin 18 karat GOLD RINGS. $gy*All goods warranted as repro ?dated. Prices as low &g possicble, oct 8 18S0 If