Tili: OlLiXliKliURO TIMKS ISSUJOD FVIJKY THURSDAY MOKNINU, STILES il MKLUttdATtll? Editor ?ml Proprietor. Terms of Stib^eriplion? One O^jj wtc Yvar.i 1 00 M Six Mex'L ....... 75 ^ Kates of Advertising. 0n? Sifuute \M hmeri ion.S1 00 ?7\aeh Subsequent " . SO Notices inserted in Tiocvd Column at 2?c /mt jLlll^. d// Subtcripiibnr'a'nd TravieHt Advertise ments to be paid for in .?Idvanee. ghj" Wtf iure in no wity rcHpouaMik! Im the viet\* or opinion* mr Oorrofvpuiid ?jtittR. 3 ti i U ith Da y, ii-u n i-; itj, t ss i. ?b^?NNt^o slccTlssui; ~ Don. S a?nol Dibbhc 'of Ornngc burg whs elected bn Inst Thursday, Almost Without opposition to (ill the place of tlic lamented O'Connor. Oraugchurg is proud ol' the election of her son to so exulted a position, feeling coulldent that the dignity of the oliicc will he well sustained in his bauds; Within the range of nur observation in the limits of the Second District, wo know of no one more eminently fitted for the office than Mr. Dibble. Cleardieaded, practical, honest end hard-working, he will be fully able to maintain our rights at the National Capitol. The mercantile interest's of Charleston, as well as the agricultural and me chanical interests of Orangehurg Hud Clarendon arc safe in his keeping. THE VOTE; The vote on Thursday sp?aks tiell for Or tinge burg County. It is pleas ing' to see a people doing honor lit n ?worthy sou, and the handsome vote received by Mi'. Dibble is a splendid evidence of the appreciation in which he is held in his ow n County. T here being no opposition, it was hardly expected that a largo vote would be polled, *uid yet he receive 1 in this County '1,131 voles, w hich is about 80 per cent, of the full vote; Char Vst.on and Clarendon did not do as ?11, but still :> laudable interest wits :ihifeste-.'L The Kejulbltviths as a ucral thing abstained from voting ? order of the party leaders. YYc . jpend the following .hkxuttN by p?scixcrs: Avers. ...228 Bookhardts.no returns, Brauch vi lie.'201, Browns.51 Bull Swamp.177, Cedar Grove.20-i, Connors.i2l C'prbettsviile.2-Jt Easterlius.103, Fogies. no returns. Fort Motte.00. Gleatons.2LS, Griffins.257, Jamisons.OL Lewisvillc.158, Ornngt i)ttrg.J85, Rowesville.07, Wasllingtoh Semi n:\ ry.328 Zeiglers.151, Total.3131. ! hoyy TUE CASi: STANDS. -There scorns to .bo some confusion \ in the public mind as to the status of the Alaekay O'Connor-Dibble con test, and llie seating of our newly elected Democratic. Representative. The case is as follows: Air. O'Con nor, having, in the estimation of the State authorities, been elected over Air. Alaekay in the last general elec tion, received the Governor's certifi cate of election, which gave him the j)rima Jot'ie right to the seat. The House, however, has never lin t, and Air. O'Connor has t hero fere never had the opportunity of taking his sent under this last certificate of election. In the mean time death removes him from the troubled scene. The State authorities then recognize it vacancy cruised by this event, and it hot her election is ordered. Under this elec tion,' Mr. Dibble is ?elected; .Mat kiiy taking no pari in it under tlu as sumption that tin re was no vacancy, he himself being elected, and, with this view, lie re*ts his w hole chances upon the old OConnor contest.Iii this we think he has blundered, whatever maybe the ultimate result. Air. Dibble goes to Washington with the Governor's certificate in his hands. With this certificate, the Clerk of the House will be obliged to put his name and nobody else's on tlic foil for the Organization of that body. This will give him the inside course, from which Maekay will havrj to light to oust him. Air. Dibbie there fore has the advantage of position, if Air. Miickny has the advantage in the political complexion of the House. This hitler advantage, however, is so slight that it will be counterbalanced by M ackny's personal im popularity in his own party in Washington. what KIM) OF 1 AI AI IB BAM Si Since the tide of immigration i: sctting in so strongly in the diree lion of South Carolina, it ini.y be well for us to stop anil erijuire, w hat kind of immigrants ore coming, and ?what kind are most needed in the State? We confess html the n eres sit A' ."or immigr- lion is so great that n in oh]<] be f< . Fc.pt Morn, S. C, ?Innc Lit Ii I $81. Mr. ktlil' r : near Sir; Please allow me a small spnee in your valuable columns In reply ton curd of Air. J. A. Pctei kill. Now, Mr. F.ditor, it is not my pride lb have niy name ]>arnded in public print, cspetciaMy at the expense of iil.herpeople, but lit this juncture 1 a in for< eel toa^kyqii for the favor of ti space in your vain able paper, so that I iiiriy dieii'mhe. tl.e iniurl of the public, iu rcearel to an tin warrant eel and niali cious fitatenient made ngaiust me in i your hint msue by Mr. J. A..Peterkiu, a farmov in our suction. 1 deny Peter kin's accusation most emphatically, as the eh urge in ttn warrnntod, and without lin.V founda? tinn. To the contrary, I did Jill in ? h i' ? i i BBBBHBB 1 B i' my power, when my country-men I were in Fort Motto, the time of lenv ? ing, to persuade them to remain. This ? I can prove by a dozen witnesses. I Now Mr. Editor, I am fully con vinced that Mr. I'eterkin is uot the ' author\of that miserable charge. He no doubt has been informed so by an > other party. In the name of justice, and by his manhood, I demand of Pe ! turkiu to name his informer, and will ? only hope that he will not w ith hold f his name. I ?m not surprised when : Mr. Pcterkin says in Iiis card that I 1 will deny the eh.nrge. He must, no doubt, have questioned in his mind the veracity of his in former at the time of writing, ami knew the charge was too shallow. Therefore, w hen all the languages will be confounded, Mr. Peterkin ought to avail himself of the blessing first; and not until theu, should he accuse a man of such diabolical actions wrongfully. Yours verv trulv, M. MARCUS. Sheriffs Saie3. Bt virtneof art execution to rnc direc! d, 1 will roll on the finM Monday in July, ono tract of land containing one hundred and nine arre*. more or less, boundod on North by land* of J. F> Williams, Kant by Hocky swamp. South and West by Iambi of P. Felder; levud on as the land-of W. II. Ehney at the Buit of G. A. Neuflcr. AL O By iitne of sundry executions to me di ncied, i will sell at Oraiigcbnrg Court iioUFCon the first Monday in duly ike fol lowing Real Estate: A tract of land in snid Comity containing Olio hundred and ten acres more or Ichs, bounded l>y J. t> Fanning. J. A Coiiatn, Mary Tyler and cetntejantls of Allen Tor-, tcr. * A !.?<-> Forty acres bounded by Lewis .ctromnn, Allen Porter1!! estate ami lands of Philip and Joe Mildken; levied on as the property of K* Camiichael at the suit of -Margnro I'urter. ALSO One other tract of land containing Seren ty five Keren, more oi less, bounded North bv hindn of K. Carniiuhacl. Kant by land* of .Sirs. Fiilmer, Went liy lands, of the estnle ?f A. Porter and South*by land* of Ja- Phil lip* und Walter Juniper, levied on a? the the j rop'rty of Lewis Slroniau at the unit of Margaret lorter. ALcO One other tract of land containing fifty neri h, more or lei-s, bounded by lands of Jo* I hillii s. K t r.rniichael, est?ue lands of Al lan Torter and Dean Swamp; levied on a* the laud of Joseph Millikeii at iho foil of Margaret Porter. AI AO One oilier tract of land containing Twon tv five acres more or b-uf bounded by hind* of E Carmicbael and Lewi*;itroniur.; levied on as the lands of A. ffarlzog at the suit of Murgartt Porter. A MO Py virtue of a warrant to foreclose a Llei: on eicp. to me ironed, by the Clerk o1' Court of (ifiingebHrg County, I will sell at the liite Residence of Edward M. Hughe*, oil the place known as the "lbiily Place," of Samuel Dibble, on Thursday, ihc 16til June. ji?81. during the bga! hours of .tale, dm crops planted by the said Kdward M. ILijdies, oii ?dd "P'aily Piacc," and eon shtiug of about ~0 i-eres of cut toiia 10 acres of corn, abmit il aeiva uf lie" and ahpiil.l? acre* of onts, h-vi< d on as the property -Sf nab! Edward M. Hughes, under lien of Samuel Dibble. Terms Cadi. . .A.M SAI.LBV, Sheriff, O. Co.C.'II , S. C. Sheriffs ?'fr.ee. May'?, 1XSI._ We now say lm ..io nlllictcl and doubtin g ones that wo will pay the above reward lor a (tingle catc of lame back That the Pad fails to cure. Thin ft real Itciuedy will positively ami permanently cure Lumbago, Lame Hack, Sciatica, (travel. DiahitCf, Dropsy. Bright'* Disease of the Khhieys, Incontinence and Reich? tion of the Urine, Inllahinttoii of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Bladder, High Colored Urbie. Pain In the Buck, Hide or Loins. Nervous U'eakness, and in fact id' disorders of the bladder and Urinary OlgaiiH whether contracted by private disease or otherwise. I.iulicM, if you arc suffering from Female Weakness, Ltlicorrheca, or any disease of the Kuhieyn, Bladdei, or Uriu ary Organ*, lOll CAX MK ClltlED]! Without swallowing nauseous medicines, l>y -.simply wearing PROF. GUILUIETTE'S FKEN ( II KIDNEY PAD, WHICH CUKES BY ABSORPTION. ? Ask your clruggl? for PROF; UUIL MbTTL'S KKENl.ll KIPNEY PAD. and take ho other. If he has not got it, nciid S'J.OO and you will receive the P.ul by re turn mail. IMIOF. UUILMETTK'S FKKNCH LIVER PAD W'i 1 positively cure Fcvc I and Ague, Dumb Agno. Ague Cake, Hi IHous Fever. Jaiindhc. Dyspepsia, an I all disease* nl the Liver. Sunn ich ami Blood. Pried $1 5U by mail. Send for Prof. Moil mi tte'? 'J'rea lircon thu Kidneys and Liver, free by mil it, AddrccH FREKCII PAP W, '1 oU do. 0|i io. For sale by Dr. J. 0. Waunauiakcr Oui geburg. C. H., S. C. I rniay I'J, kS81 ly, C pEcTi?MT notice:^ O PAVILION HOTEL. For the Suninier inunth?: U.itcH ?1 50, $2 and $J f)0 per day. According tu Location of Robin; 1:. T. < 1A ILLA11D. Proprietor, Charit ton, S. C. Coiikling has resigned! Who cares? Henry Kohn has 1990] yds. more of those new, fast color 5 cent calicos. The Manhattan shirt still ahead. Guaranteed the host shirt in the world for 5)9 els. Henry Koim al ways supplied with nil uumbcrB. Summer silks it 50 and 75 cts. per yard, and trimming silks and laces. New lot just in at Henry Kohn's. Ladies, they have arrived! Those new sVapcd Fnynl straw'hats, in -all colors, nt'Henry'Kohii's. June fashions now read}'. Call for a copy of Iiutterick's Metropoli tan Fashions at Henry Kohn's. OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL ?:o: Bv Dr. L. 8. WOLL F. Office over I>. Louis' Stoie. Satisfactir u guaranteed in all "^oration*. fisay'Tccth extracted without pain by the uk> of Nitrous Oxid Gas. Notice to Whiskey Drinkers. Physicians,-Members of Temperance Societies. BELOW find a ft-w brands of Whiskies which I gtia'nrttcc pure and unadul terated: Golden Grain live, Old Crown li\e. Hunter's Mountain Kye. Thc^e are three of the purest and "best Nhi.-kcys marin. Maj. I'mil Bourbon, pure N.G. \Mttt? Corn, Red Corn Whiskey made from R?l Com, Vine Kreuel? Brandy. Crystall ized Hock nr.d Rye California IVach and Honey, the Celebrated Lyon Punch, Wines of the beet ?i'd | nrest qualities, imported and dorucmic Gins, Laijor Beer always on hand, and cold as ice can make it. liittcrH, all of the bent brand*. N. B.? I do not, hrad the above, mean ing that the Physicians and members of 'J empcrance .Societies are drinkers, but head it in that manner to call the attention of all to the plant* where they can get the purest Liquors both for medical, necessary, and general purpose*. Look for the Ulue Store. FRANK RISil EH, A#? Xotiee to Oon?uixier.s ol" Tobacco. "V^OFlt nttehth.il ia called to a few brands A of my fine fmoal?ing and chewing Tobacco's, also Segars and Ccg^rcttcs, which 1 make a specially: (.'hewing?Celebrated Muzz Saw, the Golden Car, Corn Cob, ?Miqne, Early Hird, Capt. J?ck, Aurora Pan ( hke, Ruozl, Wold Cnowned Mills Flora fine Cut, and many other Lrands uliitl) are not mentioned here, alwayn on bund; flunking: W; T. Hlokwells & Co's. Durham, the only genu.'nc. Bhjckwells Long. Cut, for Pipes hud Ciyretts, Morbtirg Urtts. MelroVc' Curly Cut, Smokers TrueW Friend. La ri I lord Solid, put up in tin foil, (i. YY. Gail & Ax c lebraud Crown Brand. Scgflrs? wirabdia, Private Slock, Qiieeie 1 iltlt- Lorcna, Puna Sal, Ornato, lilack lic.Dp. Favoiile, Fnunpre State. Cigarettes -?Lone Fisherman, Pride of the North, Litt e Joker, Rlackwell's Durham. All of l he above arc guaiauteed to be first cl.isss Give mo a call and he convinced that t ktcp the best Tolutcf'o'ri in the market. Look for tiie I Hue .Viore. FRaNK BISHER, Agt. OFITXCK OF ?. I SIM k CO \TT7 K would respectfully ask the public If to call and examine our atock of SDS^T GOODS In endless variety. In all the Late.t and most Fashionable Styles. Both Staple end Fancy Tho World l?eiib\vriotl LYON BAKLNG POWDER I? ii 1? \ a?d I lb packages, guaranteed liest of ad or uioiiev refunded. FLOUR! Direct from the Mills, and we call particu lar attention to two of our Fancy brands, "BOLTED SNOW" and ?HARVEST PRIDE,'1 Which cannot be equaled in this Market, and which is within the rcaeh of the poor as well as the rich. A full and well Selected Steel, from $7 50 to $12 00 per set. SADDZiSS From $2 to $12. TOBACCOS From the Rest Factories in North Carolina and Virginia, Low fur Cash. ST??.W GOODS For Ladies, Misses, Children, Men, Youths Roys in great variety. riilME will not allow us to mention onr _|_ Entire Stock. Come and look ami you will be p1 eased. Buy and you will be satisfied. Respectfully. B. 1..SMQAK&C?. Thomas H. Says or, ATTORNEY and COUXSELXOK AT LAW, Corner Church nud St. Patil Streets, Orangoburg, S. C Prompt and careful atlention'given to all business entrusted to mv care, jan HI IS81 ty Announces that lie has returned from NEW YORK nnvl would call sptcial notice to having the LA KG EST. CHOICEST, MOST SELECT and COMPLETE) ASSOKTM ENT DRY GOODS Specially ndaptcd for Spring and Summer wear, of the Latest Ini|>ort.alions, and all of the Kcal Novelties of the Season, all Selected with great Caroi5>CMlie Sewing Jliscliiiie, Needles. OIL Attachments and Parts of every Machine in u-c. Mine. Demorciit'B Reliable Paper Eashions.| ^|_)LAIN, Checked and Fancy Matting JL just as Low Priced as :any in ike United States. &i'if' ''In short I guarantee that everybody shall bo pleaded, having the goods by the Iciik of thoummds, and Styles by the score, have then for old and young, for rich nnd rich and poor, for pretty and plain. I am prepared to furnish every lady and gentle man with put what she or he wants, and at just the price that suits. COME AND SEE! The. Boys and Girls arc requested not to tnics calling for New Cards for their Serap Books and Collections : GREAT DRY GOODS EMPORIUM!