THE OltANtiEBUllG Tl? ISSUED FT ERY THURSDAY MORN I. , STILE? K. MELLICHAMP Editor and Proprietor. Terms of S?b?oiaptioii? One Copy one Year.$1 00 A Six Month* . 75 Rates of Advertising. One Square \st Insertion.SI 00 K*eh Subsequent " . 50 Notiru inserted in Local Column at 20c per IAnt. All Subscriptions and Transient Advertise vnentt to be paid for in Advance &SF~ W? are in no way responsible lor the riown or opinions, our Corrcspond WlU. Til U Rft DA Y, .1 ? N K 0, 1??1. hon. samuel dibble "for con gress. Tho nomination of Hon. Samuel Dibble on last Thursday, In Charles ton, lor Congress, was a merited re cognition, not of the claim of Or '?angdborg, but of the ability and pe culiar fitness of the nominee lor the office in every particular. Taking the whole range of the Second Dis trict there could not lie found a man that fills tho bill more fully thau Mr. Dibble. Able, conservative, firm and un swerving in the discharge of duty, he will be a worthy successor of the lamented O'Connor. Mr. Dibble its eminently a working and practical roan. In all public positions in which he has been placed he has brdUght'success by indomitable cn "^Sy t*nd untiring labor. In the 'short time he was in the South Caro lina Legislature his power was felt, and the experience will bo the same if ho is placed in the balls of National Council. He is also a people's man. He be longs to no exclusive class, and will see that the humblest as well as the loftiest citizens fare alike. Again, there is no man who has done more for the colored petiole in the line of education than Mi Dib ble. As a member of the Board ol the Agricultural College connected with Chillin University, as an advi ser and Hid to the School Cosntnis ?ioner of Orangeburg County during the last administration, and ?s a leg islator, his whole mind was charged with the Bcheiu? of popular educa tion, ltv this line, the question of an up propriatiuu from the National Treas ury for the education of the South was strongly discussed before the present Congress, and Mr. Dibble is the mau to send to the aid of Sena tor Brown and others to force the passage of tup bill. Dot us do nil we can to elect him to-day, and we will confer a blessing upon the country and au honor upon our county. 30-i*A1? List Snudny, wa? the-oc casion of the presence of Dr. Kenek c'.t, of Charleston, in niw twin He preached several able sermons during his stay fiom Friday Iw Sunday Which produced a deep-and fa-vorabli {impression upon, our eoh?nunity. &nx So-mlay morning his rborge to UImo pu?tor and [,-eopbewin* 1 is ti med to witln interest,, by at large congrega tioni. Theru Whra* two points upon whioln lits- way rpitflicnUirly cogent and to wdiiehiwe intistlrefer in-pass ing. He urged- his hearers-to-hate bigotry and sectari-rnisni as they would the devil. The minds of men, ho said, were differently annstituti d Some are concave and some convex, and it is impossible to expect all to think exactly in the same grove. Wt linve no right to find fault with oth ers for not thinking as we do. They are just as apt to be right as we arc The liberal views of the speaker ot. this point are worthy of note and inutaticn. The other point forcibly brought out mid aptly put was, that pastors are not hirelings. They arc under no obligations to the congre gation for their salary. What is given to the support of. the Church is put into the Lord's treasury,, from which itis ??*ed for the advancement of His kingdonn To?spcnk of''hir ing" a minister is degrading. lie nbou Id be placed upon a higMor pluuo and should never feel tllnt he is a dependent. Dr. Bnaokelt's (HargT was broad, thoughtful and eiaiTioutly Tjraotieal nnd. impressive. UAB1PT?N SPEAKS. Senator Hampton thus speaks to n corn spondcut of the Niton and Cour ier upon the subject of Mr. Dibble's election to-day: "The special elec tion for member of Congress of great importuuee, not only to the State, but to the Democratic party ut large. If Mr. Dibble is elected, there is every reasou to believe that he will take and keep his sent, Therefore it is of the last eonBequenee that every Demo crat should exert himself to the ut most. If all work zealously, success can be gained, and the Second Dis trict will secure it Worthy successor to the able and lamented O'Connor." the C^iWn'eXI'OSITION. We have several times alluded to the Cotton exposition to be held in Atlanta in the Fall, and urged the people of Orangeburg to sec that the county was represented in the grand display which will embrace the entire Union. We publish to-day an in teresting correspondence between Capt. Hamilton, of our town, and Col. Butler, State Agricultural Agent. The importance of our county being represented should not be undervalued. If we wish to en courage immigrants and capitalists within our borders there is no butter way ot doing it than by letting our advantages be known here. The County Commissioners and out Town Council, it seems tons, might take some steps to help the. cause. At any rate let our people not be laggard.__ ORANtiEDUiiq IMMIGRANTS. "We publish for the information cf the public the experience of Mr. Pcterkin with immigrants, which \vi requested him to give to the readers of the Timks. The subject of immigration is one of vast importance to Orangobtirj. County, and to the State, and if ah but* farmers would be aroused to it and act as Mr. Peterkin is doing, w< would be relieved of all the political and agricultural troubles which hanj. as a pall around our pathway. Tin lone of his letter is excellent. He b not discouraged with the dissatisfae t ion and leaving of some of his immi grants. He viol's it as natural, au< with true public spirit, be speaks a good wot d for thnse who have li ft i him, recommends thorn to his ncigl - b?rs as most excellent workmen, at d asks thcin to take them and sum them from leaving tin* country. In private, conversation with Mr. I Pelerkin, he says very truly, if hit neighbors will do as be does and als< get immigrants, they will be content ud and happy and stay with us and di us good; but when they are isolated on one farm in tiftx and cut oil" from all association with their kinsmen, it is natural for them to be discontent ed. It will take lime also for them U become accustomed to our ways ant "iuouca 1?. rrring- aiui weinust hayt * patience. Let every man get n> many ushecan; but above all let Hi have a colony of land owners settlct somewhere in f)r.'?nrrel?ur?H ?im. tu win lie free by mail, rw-cnrclv sealed, on receipt of price, bv ad besting F. .S. 4'ifi E.\KYi Druggi?', 1S7 6'mihit si. Toledo, Ohio. 8 de Agent for tnu United .b'talcs. may 19 ly uflrfSSKg^ S500 REWA'Ktr We now say -'m* affliclel sin! donhtln p ones that wo will i ay the above reward ' lor a single ca?e of ami: bach That the ?id fails to care. This fSrcat IbiUfily will positively and permanently ? cure Lumbago, Linne Hack, Sciatica, jCiraviL Diabetes, Dropsy. bright's Disease , of the Kidneys, liicoittininies ntlH*'?feteri'? tion of the Urine, Juilamution of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Bladder, High Colored Urine, Pain in the Pack, Side or Loins. Nervous Weakness, und in fact all disorders of the Madder aud Urinary Organs whether contracted by pi*1?."atfe disease <>r otherwise. B>adi?-M, if you nrfe mffieAhg from Female' Weakness; LeneorrhiK'i, or any disease of tbu Kidneys, BlaltUci, o:*" Unw ary Or&nris, YOU CAN BE CUK-EI)]! Without swallowing nauseous incdicirfes, hy simply wearing PROF. GUILWETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY TAD,, WHICH CURES 11Y AI'-MORPTOOft Ask Your druggist for I'ltOlF. (JLTL . M KTTK?.S F It ISNC11 K11}N KY PA D, and lake no other. If;lie has not cut it, send ;?l'.0(> and you will receive the l"d by re 'tiirii iniiil. TUOF. tiUILMETTK'S FRENCH LIVER l\VD? W'i I jlOHilltHjly cure Fevei and Ague, Dumb Ague. Ar-'ic (Jake, Pillions Fever, ?biumlnc. Dyspepsia; and all disease* of the Liver. Stomach and-blood. Price $1 SO by mail. Semi for Prof, ('uibnette's Trea lise on he Kidneys and Liver, free by until, Addrei-s F *EN SII PA I) GO* '1 o'edo, Oh in. Foi? snH by Prt J. 0. Wannamu ker Ornngeburg, 0. H? S. (J may 1?), 1881 ly. Why Suffer Needlessly With the convulsing, spadiuodlc tortures of fever nml ague and bilious reinittenl, when 1 Listener's Stomach Hitlers, acknowledged' to lie a real curative of malarial levers, will eradicate the cause of so much suffering. Nn less effective is this benignant ulterative in' cases of constipation, dysnepsla,- liver com plaint, rheumatism, and in general debility unit nervous weakness. Portale by nil 9mg> gistrt andDealers generally,' Conkling has ro-dgitedJ ATho cnrca? Henry Koh? tMl?i*990J yds. more of t'iitWncW, Ifcst tt>lor 6 cent calicos. The Manhattan skirt still sliced. Guaranteed the liest shirt in the world for 90 et?. Henry Kohn al ways supplied with all nu&bt.'rs? Summer silks at 50 and 75 cts. per yard, and trimming silks and laces. New lot just in at Henry Kohn's. Ladies, tney TvavV fffriVed f Those new nVaped/Fnyal affftfT friCte,. iW--dl colors, at* Henry TfZo&te'tf. fiXW fas1iioiili''iihW' rettdVl- Call for a copy of Rutteriek's Kn?ti*?|it>li tab Fashions rit: H^nry Kohn's: 2S?TI?JE. riIHE .Board of County Commissions will JL ?cll, at Orougeburg C. iL, on Mmduy lite sixth day of June 1881, to the highest bidder for cadi, (Lie building in tbo Jail lot, known as the ''Old Guard Uo?se." Tbe budding will be sold as it stand*. Purchaser to remove tbo same within 10 days after sale. lJy order of the Board. L.H. WANN?MAKBU, c. b. c. c, o. c, s. c. may 19 2t Notice to Whiskey Drinkers, Physicians, Members of* Temporahoe Societies* B12T.OW fitruaftw brands of Whiskies i which I bna'antee pure and unadul terated: Gblden Chun Rye, Old Crown Bye, Hunter's Mountain Rye. These are three of the purest ahtl best V* Id-keys made. Mnj. I'ahl Bourbon, pure N. C. "White Corn, lt*>d Corn Whiskey made from Bed Corn, Vine Kreuel? Brand*?. Crystall ized Rock and Rye California Peach and Hiirifey, thcCehbrated Lyon Punch, Wines of the besttmd purest qbalitics, imported and domtntic (Sins, Lager Heer always on hand. *ind cold n* ice can iuilke it. BiUch?, all Of the best brands. Ni B.?I do not. Itedd the above, mean ing that the Physicians and membsrn of leinpcratice Sbdcties arc drink erf), but head it in that manner tu call the attention of all to the plne.e where they cat! gtft the purest Liquors both for mc'die?l. necessary, and gellend iiurpoHc*; Look fur tbe Blue H">re. Fit AN K RlSIlEK, Aj;t. Notice to Coli tsu Itters of Tobacco. "XTOUR attcnth.h is calleil to a few brands X "Ofhiy fine ?dnoaklng and eheWihg Tobaeco'st a'po S'cgars aid t'ega kites, which 1 make a specialty: Chewing?Celebrated Buzz Saw, the G?lden Bar, Corn Cob, Mique, Early bird, Capt. Jack, Aurora Pan ( oke, Bbozl, Wold Unowned Mills Flora lino Cut, and tiianv other frauds width a fe not mentioned here, always on hand; A'mokhig: \V. T. Blokwells & Cos1. Ddrhatu, diu on'}* geincnc Blockwells Long Cut, for J'ipes ttiul Cigretts, Morburg BroB. Mclroj-fe Curly Cut, Kinokbrs Truest Friend, Lurillord Solid, put up in tin foil, G. W. Gail & Ajc celebrated Crown Brand. ^Ognrs?wirnhfclia, Private Stock, Qnceie 1 ittle i.hrcmi, Dona If'at, Ornato, black Hoop. Favorite, Ehtmpre State. Cigarettes --Lone I-ishermiin, Pride of the North, Litt e 'Joker,' Black well's Durham. All of the shove are guaranteed to be Hrsl classs Give me u call and be convinced that l keep tbe best ToliaceO's in the market. Look for the Blue .S'mrC. FKaNK BISHER, Agt. OFFICE OF D. i m k CO \%T E would respectfully ask the public YY td call and trSa-fnine our stock of &&lr GOOSS In endless Variety. In all the Latot and most Fashionable Styles. Both Staple mid Faffey Tte World llenbwne?t LYON BAKING POWDEB In J, }, \ and 1 lh p rk?4fe?, fcuaiaideed Best of ad or rmimsy refunded. i? FLOUR I ^, Direct from the Mills, and We call particu lar attention to two of our Fancy brands, BOLTED SNOW" and '?HAltVES'*' pTCi'DK," Which cannot be equaled irVtnis .Market, and which is within the fenViH' of tbe poor as well as the ricliv A full and -.Veil Selected, from $7 50 to-51- 00 pcrsetV From $2 to $12. TOBACCOS From the Best Factories ht'&lr'tjl Cur'dliria and Virginia', Low for Casir. mthW (Zoom For Ladies, Miwcs, Children} Mehp Youths Boys in grej.1 Variety. rprME'tyill-rllJt' nllu*1' iwrtv dttjtitftiii'dnr X. Endrts tfldcth Comb" and lodk ami you will he perilled. Buy and you will be satisfied; Respect fully. ATTORNEY a*tt> < OUXSK&4LOU Af L?W, Cofner 0IthVeli and St. Paul Streets, OrniVge-?b*arg, S.- C Prompt and careful'ntleulion'given to all bin in ess cntriMled td my care jan 13' L88l 1/ i! 11! Anhouncea that he hna returned from NJEW YORK anil would call ppccitd notice to having the LARGEST. CHOICEST, MOST SELECT and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT DRY GOODS Specially ndapted for Spring and Summer wear, of die batest Importations, and all of the Real Novelties of the Season, all Selected with great Care aB to Beat Quality and / LOW PRICES Grand display of Novelties" 1H DRESS GO?ll? At the well khoWh popular 'EMPORit/M* Tritt*. pAA plcctw Htthihlirjt EmurbfnVi*4*?f$ 0\J\) cents, per yard and upward, ibfi greatest variety ever offered. Torchen, Lan^uidoe, Vermiceiii, Breton Point D'Ei'prit, lyAlencon, ?pan* ish Und other La.ce* at Etprdily Low ELEGANT NOVELTlFjUf, that. Lace Goods, Klfth?ft.' Tie?/. Rtii Aprons, Ac, Ac., it will make you leel good to take a look at tlifetff. UNEXAMPLED profuRlmt of the-nuw i est Rifles ?h Fringes. Ojmps, Tassr*? Silk .Girdle*, ftufton*. Ribbons, Corso&f tllovep, Ladies ;ind Children's Hoisery Handkerchiefs, all nett aid! Great Bar gains, Fast r/,T6f aAfi Now Sff Iff Crffr?f 5 -sible Prices. SHIRT?*, Underwear and Furnishing Goods. Aw unctpi.-dlcd line of these Good* bought direct and only from th? J/anufactur'et's. A mil linn of itni Celebra ted Cosmopolitan Custom .Miir'ts;- Collum and Cuffs. Boy* Shirts, Men's Fine'Neck wear, Silk Handkerchtefi?, Sc-.' The Vory liest Unlaunduretf 8li5?la tH (>#,? 75' etil" nrivV $1. Special si/.en mado to' ortler.' All sizes of Frtfnres for PietuVea and' Chrotuov The Light Euhnim* UoiucHfic Sewing ttfaebtritov Needles. Oil, Attachments a"nd' P'?'tir & every Maohine in uec. ItgBieV Demoreet'W Reliable Pa-wer Eashiona.| "|>LAvrNf Checked and Fan?y tf?tlW f. jdlrr as Low P'ritfttl' as 4#j iW rtftf United1 States. KSjh I'd flldrl'l' fRIfcYn'mfr.tifKt'mfffrs?f shall be" pleated, HkvMrig' die go'dfift bythd* tens of thousands, and Styles by die score, have the n for old and young, and rich and pddfyfbr .pretty and plain. I ain prepared th furnish rfvery lujBy ahd' gentle man willi put what'she oYlife w?Ht?; arfa'at just' the price! thai suits. Gteffls ' tSSb SEE!' ThcBoya aHH'Glrls ar&'red^eated rft?' to inins calling for New Cards'fdr their'S'crap Books and Collections GREAT DRY GOODS ElttORltJMt