Tlio Oraiifrebiuv'-i- Times H. O C A. iL. s How sweet the roses of MaV I Tbc streets and drains are under going repairs from day to day. The atmosphere has cooled bif d<2 light fully iii'trio past low da vs. > ?T\T84? ? - ? Mayor Moseley h* put in a dashing turn out put up at the workshops of ?lr. L*. Doyle. .Tilr: d. (,'. LMkeis preparing for the Summer rays by the. erection ???!' an a wiling frame in Iron! of Iii? store. June fashions now ready, fail for a e. .'"?ebitliey repi'e.scute l ?hr town ai the i * 'owpeiis celebration. Tiki . - ? tfMAftMMV ? Lull ich, they have arriveu ! Thosi ' new shajU'd Kaya I straw tin I ??. in : !.'; colors, a: 1 lehry Kohli's. A case of seme novelty itud iiitti- j rest, caine up before Trial dustht ; Lvaykbr oh Saturday. We .v' lik? to feet? ?; fact dry for chinning yr'gtdabi'es and fruit estab lished in fir imr'ohnr ;. Tl-C rbcolit r?in? hav< freshened) lip tlie g?.ivicfis aiid tie!-.! crops cou- i Isidora biy; i KtMii'/rier silks al at) 7") et., per yanl, an. I f? limning silks and I hi eii. | New lot juct in'ai floury ICnhh'sJ 'i'lii; 0?illiil.V itpat'd ofSi-boel Fx- ! u.-.t 'on for the .xi-i. his of > 'laMln, ? ;. ' ;:at;:;'...i\-. "Fhe A:;;n!?;tti>.5 shir! sllli nlte-i I.J < 1?; a ran teed ihe :><.- shbt in he world ior eis. IJeliry Uohh i Ways supplied with ail nt.iiil.i-:s. | .?tie;go KcitUm iv win pr< in; ily at j bis p tsi again >??: Th' d.-.y inpiuiiig. j lie ?>> adiire.s^iiig himself assiduous ly to t ho ililtie; id* the? ntirti C'oitkLng has resigii-d! Win. rares: Henry Mo!::: has t IW0.I y> | more of !):*...?? ik<. fa: . Co.or vent i _ . A stranger hi >iai:u: of ileiiry j i'ariu.s was !'? ibid .!.. in !?;- !???; i?: ! dewberry on Sato:da;, w! hi: I i itn?a? eu; iV.iui .-a ?? to car. IF- hat! c-vi lenity c.iiii ? ,!'?:?.! sii'i !.!?*. 'Flier.- v. :il ;! mi ethi^ of tin j lv.liotr |!(.o? i'c liabner f?.-Iii; any j to night to eoi:suuii:i.-:te arrange ' meui.-i about the p* of a new j hvtck. The (ibfss w.iil Icai.i Is prnciicihg | regniai'ly (in tlie cohiiig uiai n witi: i i ;nor teams id the St:.;?. \:r. \\ . i t:. A : t n-:?-->; Ii has v ?,-\ is A Uy\ t'icoi ::? uiiy tiine! 'Fiiere is a good deal of tin- ip pi'araiice oi p^osjieii y in our iiume ; 11isite iiei'vhboihoo)!. i n' ivc v.oiihl . "W .-ie it. iVoih i p'tre.-icnt i i ii: j tiiai isoitly uj bn -.'.t;- atirfaj* ?? i'roi'. (Ft llnteit?^ ?he invi-utor of ilib \ hue of the ;no.-1 ibtteii t::1-. imi ' moil of bif oay iii i'ra i e. It ? er s Hi l.i it'.ey *;i--eaar.' iho. ; inVti vcl- ! to--, aib! ait.-ha id to be pei:i:::i'ii?.i . 'Flo- teaeh?'r--5 ivsM lie p'.etsi^: \ to l^arn th?vt Snperiiitemit?nt ! In i.npSim has again secured the services ol J'rof. It: S. rloyni-s as let turer ami instructor at the Norm.;! Institute to j he held in (Jreciivilhi thi > suminer. 'Fhere is an energy ami ? ntei'priae siiowM by y.i: l'ettei'kili of For; Alotle, which .shoiihl be an fxaniph - to our juvople. We wish tlbil iiiahy would takethe pvacticni slop l.e !:.;>? tttkeii iuihe litic < i immigration. ('rtiiie aeenis tobe on tii" titcreake aihbiig the colored people ?>!' otir County, ami some!hing must be (lobe to stop it immeilitvU-ly. Lawrence] l.i'!'. on-- of ihe villains is in anil a:r>tii.*r we think will i cuuglil. We call attehiibn to the card fo priv.atc l'fpartlingal .^irs. DtiiinerV. 'i'he rosidence is in a deligiiiful loc.*F tion, an I we kin)w that .-tii who hoard here will lie well pleased in every ]> irtieula ?:. The negro \\ ho cominil! c 1 t it; ou*.i'agi ous ass: nl dpi n white child in our county, .??bout twelve years tif ice. been artcsl oil by the Sheriif Ol l?chlaud eotinty, und Shei ill' Valley v. Mi ial?e b ut in '.-barge. -.?.a - * -.y?-w~._ -- A considerable stir win- made on Tuesday afieriunm, by the beatihgof a colored giiiby a colored inan in the yard in the tear of the Tim Ks1 ollice .1'rof. Ivitwreiice, who was in the bar ber .shop at She time, very property and promptly rushed to Ihe scene and interpc?ed for the jiroteetioh of the party imposed upon, the cry ofinurdei Iji.iu? giver.. Marshal Allirccht also came up in lime to prevent a continuance of the abusive ttiuleruei treatment oi' the helpless one. See notico of thorough bred stal-1 lion advertised by Mr. J. 1>. Boznrel in another column. Owing'-t.? the siekiioss of our chief printer this week, we regretour inabi iiiy to get''in tho interestingcotnf I lhuuietiljon from JJowt-svillo describ ing the pie-nie and Basti Ball match at IJowesV. Bridge oh Saturday.. It | will appear in our next. It has reeei: tly been tiiscuivercd that the dreaded trleliiinii in porli are how found in lirili; If t.oiiie body would, only Hud theni in irhiskey, thb people would llock to ?Joss. Iytos' icu crcain satoou for Ihe most wholesouie refr^shfnyhts in the wo: Id." ' ~. . -? -"At^tt.l- . * . -c.-rwr-.-?.-? Tjte maroon of the Vyuug Ainorr cits cmlii? oll -.1 Lite 'Fair Btiildiiig yesterday iti'teriuion und ?'? even jug. Tin? syeuthor, as we go to pi;e.?s, Li cool iiiul dehg'htTiiii and there is. .?very prospect that tin-jolly maroon er.s will have a happy tiinc. It will wind up: we under.-land, with a We inns! iu.'H?i upon r>uv cot'res pohe cutt.s w! o write up?ria>;;.':ii ciesij, ami a e :i!s- l jrfifk (hui pulb . noiy, with pre-H:, be elKsdiuiled f ? ?:> the edseoKsiOib It in iioi :i bmitien! hill an itgrictiiiurn'I question; mm; npthiiig i:< to bit ?: aijtct by iuiiiituji o !' [ !ii- ! jm-k. i\Vc 'earn froin 'J'roa.-uror ! i;p:?s thai a much 'ess proportion id' the? lirsh instalment of t'nxc? has ite ni eol loetcel thisy'ciiriham last. We. are loth b b.die\o that (hi.* t.-< ah i .i.ex o>* ;. fa Hi tig (dl'iii (parittatcriitl \>iitji\ bn.tvl : It it is not, wt: III uU it polic\ ! our fax payers putt in'.oil' rbev ! havtj i id irr? >'? to p'iiy, \\ e aclvMowledjr;' with the highest I iipj.n'cchttid;: plte ooinpiiniehlai y to i station lon.ioml .he ..usket p,\; nu j tiiiiicr l !j0 auspices ??!'! [?>?: nhU-o BaSc t Bail I ':>]?. to In- y iycu hi: San tee Iiiv- i ?r. ?>!; Atiien to:> t 'ay. May 2 .ilt. We j Kuon ihj San,i-ii peop'c, how nidi.' .hey ?,!b tVveuylliiog ih;\ tutcnipMj.i en : we bei p :t|< ior tue public an j ?iilovabh' occrtstoii. .Ajtjolorcd de, permlo, was t.Mkot* io I jai! Frb'tiy for an .tttefipie t rage n, on ;?. ytuinv; lit \y of lite < Vitt it: ! iv. Wc hear ol :i not her case of the1 nu^tajiTS tiro Ii.t'OtntiVLV loo frVM'pieiiv, j :?iiii tteiur!!t:.i stitiiiitary tivattuouv. j .'"?ih.dt viibons -; i.e tittiglii that ' :?\vi'rt dructtoi: t-'ii! be :-ur.; to flip ' idvv-criuies ttf ibisnatiiyy. S,.i. ;io>.\ a?:verii.seiueni id' .Mr. T. j (.... liubbeir.s "Vttrieiv Si ore" ;:i ibis i.s!fnc. air. ? i;?!;'.;( ii !r-s, ly cii'tiii.'t- . bio eiti rgy, buiii up ;:n in .e; ; n buu j idisihessi lie- has always ?.;: hnti '. | be lividies! papers .?:??? j jibriotUcnh | .>;' the tinyihreiill :;n J khick-ktni :<>? j of a:! kiu-U-; :>:f? ist Ihe r >:i:\ Iiis i- \w eiti- j Z'Mis will give i b.? exeatsiimlyl!* a hcaily Welciun;;, tui t en b.*:iyor in ev.iy wait to prtiUttdc th.vii" rti? j iyiiitmi duriui? lb? day. in ort!e.(l fiiittthey tti.lgli! gu home vvith pdetLji- | tint ret-idlet ti'.ins of (.h an.'ie'i!:: o. .v. ralhci' j'evei'e itail storm ?> ;. i'ed | ourlowii in 1 surr diu ling ei?u itry t?h 1 tVaViirday (itt'ldriiobn: \V u regi;ci i?? !;ear t;..o et*hKi'.:< s. \\.? Icat n that tsojhe ol j our fartitcrsj vvtli be i oiniklh'el so' p'ono-i ufiltlitfeti"e-tiitt'ji^antl piui.t ovt-i ! nli the leiivCK being etil oil' to tl:e I stein. had tin: jileasuio of meeting j l^r. Ilbot, of New berry, an obi Mini ', cxperiei:e;e: " he i.> speud.iuga few days with bev. .Manning Brown. Wi? hopp'thst he may ?>*' biMteiittai l?y his ti*i|>,;aiit! l'ittt v, in n he. gbes dw}iy,;he siin.v I etii'iy tvitlt Iii hi a good opinion e)f,v?ur i town an i p. ople. W.o. irt reqth'stetl to stale, that ?Vn ! iiceoutii o! ii.iless in her lanu'ty Mr.-;, i ("hafcc litis be-.'i tletainctl in (,'baile.-- I ton, and (hcredVu'e was not aide to! open her (laneiiig schi>td on '1 bi'sdny. j as wits atlvertiscil. She expects to arrive in iimii to open ?.t: T'hiirs-d.Uiyi i May lOtl'-i for the child reu, an.: i Thursday night for young n?;n wild ladies at the r.-iir Building. K'liueun jier the time and plat e. At a metting unutei l|)?b i-le in a heal typctreli odbretl rc'splii j tipn.sid'respect.;to the nietiuiry td' I loo. Mi !'. (.)'('oniior, who was a I distinout.shi'tl mtuitliiif oi the H it' ol the c ii-1 ( "t rest 11. Beau It ft. I itnd j tbuehing triottte-.s wore alao tleliser ed by iMr. .'1. !. Browning, M itj. T |?. \>'i;a!t \ atjii .litelge KerShatv li}i; o.i motion tf Iziar, t.lie (.'out I adjourned lor one o.>-, in w?stiebt to Ihe memory of.the deceasetl la>vyer. Mr. T. M. Stokc3, of Jacksonbord, who \va? i*ej.?orted tnissifiga feu days ago, IniS been (Viuiul by a party win- | went Oui in seart Ii for it, in a thick j el near ihe load with a bnlltil shot through the leiiiple. From llio up pearances, and from a note fount! I upon his body, it, is evident that lit;! committed suicide while in a slate of mental aberration. ?i a meeting held la?t Frid.-h cveiling by the .voting raeii of Or kiigeburg^ilie Daisy'Bnao Hall Club \v:im bigabiiei;! and the followingoflf cers clecth}i: (i. A. NeulFor, President; V5*(tpi-p.1"ia. ; in a letter to French IV?I C&i L'olo.-:o. t>.,aml i: will be r em you by rt'ttiin inniK It is ihe only pad thit is giitiran^ecd to iure. Kb wa re t:f otMiteriv-iiSi thtiv 10 A ia w daily paper i^ to be started : in the 'Kvity by tbeSn." . uliilod'the j "(.'Im l iest on i lei aid. " The prospce-' itis .-els forth thai its object is to sbiiiinst inpncjFilioy and cliques, ami that, ,'}tlthou?,h I' n.c ? ratio, i.. will l>c ich'- .' t ut in Ii Ii imi published in th ihfe ? I of the entile eomniuni.y." the mikhahi ??al.deptirthieitt of 'In? estuhiishuicfui will i t undei the cbu'.i'oi of Mr.'Y. ('. Ai:dro\vs oi our town, .who is : .1 lirsl cltiVts printer, ('ompldi-i^'it beih? lite life ? :' tuni.', we wish well to lb, new enterprise, '.nee.: ?/ the aim hi a i Dr. -I. S nriiekinio?; an iuibi eUi/eh of Ii'.i iirsfree. ?> F-.l ihis we.'k. ? { cent diiliculry whii It is fresh i.t :!e. m:n (j It A 1 1 11K SUv'l KOPIST tVivi U..V 5IKKI !:\ Or.u.tjuwry Tiwet : Visitiiig the Methodist Church < Orangidinrg.sevt.'rsil times lu iy on! V '.?ni?ud ?tnugers'i I. am j s-i'islied th-:re loany oi hers who j wo id.! appro ll;;:e sihylj t;;llvSj is I do. mid therefore recoininciui ? 'flnit tj'.ev -com.' iiiid sei?/' The pas'- i tor^wiil h(' sui'prisetb iwit 1 bo;:" iiot btieuoe.! :tt t.lte' iii eriy its ! wriiy puie- ! ly tn theinloretit til",ilie cbniiiiuiihy, havitig no conhecttMn -with Ihi? i ahy tu her cliurt Ii in the County, am! ! ? fbf.) S:in bie will .> !-.):t:.t. t!i- '^j.riitjj an'l Fail < ., tm tviiihint d at .Vaj. I r's |>*aiit.?? *?>?? t r 'a a dollar payab't' in ?dvihit'i*. siio: so i a t-btrCJ litlr.o! ? ("> liitittb l>. .tit f. faiuiy Fishie fwbe is 'hf d:ii?i ??! .Ji*-i? ' |?y F iiritj: by F.?j I'. i liy inip'o t^i A ihioti. J. D. IV >/. ? ill). may '0 VAHIETY STOBE! F.Y T C. ii?liliIi.].!,, K0WS:':1 >pj ;i l'| IlK.'ltt . Ml Iilustia .. 1 Pan.'rsniel ?t:nd;?y M-tt^ zbu'S, Sea .*?iti? Fibrary, .Vf., tVoiii which lliu o!- do; 'ml an vvell a- lite Voijit^ fan foVt'd. At! ?t.!-i> ihr I'.ooUh f*t j ?-. .'. r , nit rust ctl 'n nie wiH o cei ve nrot-ipi titti u.ion. DE PA K Tit' E K T OF DtfiblCA'IV.O NVIicrelliC bo.'lv can bo llefn'-hod villi Fare t'anuic-, . froiii 11 A. M tu Iii IV M. Tim Sa'omi ' ami |>iivak', aii'l ladies :.iii I'etd '?], v lessj '?oulidod on the North by .J- T> Clay toii; Rouijl liv Mis. I'ri.d.ef*, Insist by M. S. Ihtdd?ck, ati'tl tin lite West i?y t">. d. too - r Levied on as ilie prbpvrty of David .1. Cloy ton Jr., in t lie. suit pf-Tluuinu I'. Sin Ph. Alst?, oiie other tract of html ctr.:tii}nji>j! um: hundred acres, tti?rc or loss. hhuYided on in -Novit by A Uk'kimh ikir, K.t i irui /^??f.>! ,A#-^J&?\ WiidiiMltfst .\t::?'..T^.;'v'".v c-\-**.^V-.^I eudy beifn -o t ? ?V*,; . v ? -:-si :-;' T \i 'li is 'dllittr* I i'"'.J- ..;. ?? .*; d*ul t?t France; | ''{?.?/.-'/.? '-. everv out-of - ^^yl^i/vliieh' ^iv l|?.5^f$/ l^?V.ioi.; and v V\ in li'de 'v> used :.,.,.. y l-ri^lii's l>jse)..5. j >ii 'l.t1 Kinneys. Iliei. i: Iv. liliili; ?Vo . ;.kt: otiiiiraeii :e. roil a iv , i . I.r. va.v j u,. fnim j ??r any | r brio- ! ; ;..lus- >u t ttied.cai. \, liU l: t. I'PI.S I'Y Ai S-dti i'I".v. ?s'k voitr tu tu;?, i.t itiii l'l!i! tl.s -a^eso' the ; I..v. r. Stoijt k-!i an I il'iood. i"'ri'ee $l i uy uiaii, fc-t-tiil lor Pro', tthi'm-tte's Irt.i- ; ose iie [y uhi'-ys utid Livt r free by ' .?? i -. i t;> i ri-i-i i . r s:r? b b^a?V^ci?Mi-gr: (: m-fj IIS .c: I'r. J. n ; iK .lsillit|i:tou and a j etil ih with ksiir.umhds I'ne | ? invi-oraior .-.d i at 1 x I ??i\> - i'"r *-") by :-.ll tirhg | ?? l. ro frftS liv uiaii. steilttdv ? ^ is' S 3 U j? Usivin? rentrartt-ij w'di p.ivid Kenuerly i*tfr ihi* surviees of his ftoil Sha-lrick Keii i erly a niinori It r o?e year !S 'I. and lie hitvii u e.nit my emj oyta n . ' here!') for * \ iviii'ti .'i' ti--r.. ih frpin i'iiipeiytint the sau t Shi di it?; Kt i i erly, i'?r allowiuy hiui to .-Uay oij tin ir < v mi-es. !' ll. Si! ANA If \N. i ? : \ i'ouiitv, -. C, .V.Vv =ird ISsl ra'vWO Cr.ttlur.n-n I' s-hitied, :il ^ n a ???:..? )?;? rates, liotitii bir d hed. m ltd, s .\. dann Kit 31 ii i'jL-KROh! Jr, ;l*h'? Kjiicsi l|red Stallioti nvijr bcJbvc tip Public in Orange1..-*.i'g Cotihiy, can i.ow be found at W. M. SM;rs KTAIJl.ES. jit.''riw linn l,i,(ii'??rv?' of j|,ii -, dr:. be 'I iot inj? Mallion. n Lhd J inoSl rcaWoniibic tertli^. Also (?t ever a (lc>?-ri[!tion done en the sboi'i.esl notico rind at moderate prices. Work respect ifully solieiled. W. II. HONVELL; Opposite Ilnrlcy'ij Corner. BOWl" Y: DO WM !1 DOWN !! 1 Qiueo the Ore;if-. T*aij X-Vh-e* *?? N'RW YORE O nii(l Risewfiere) Mr. 'o.o. JI. Cori.elsou vylio has been HpenUibg,Honuj f !.;.<- in these M iriic'.--. aild has sticeoe le?1 in buying bi- entire Stock at a gr,fc&.t lul antngej will, IV??ir? time'to time, ojfer gtrt? 1? in hie lino ?t q:a33?'iW^ ?^?Tafcs -ihrzcsss, In every Department, ,JJas. r.o.w in'Store aill u- (hilly receiving the J",/VT:vC^Tii^rr STOCK of Dry !,do-;;s I/io^eiU'-^.Durdwu^e, Furn:tare,Shoos n?-l lints ever shown under one ioof in OrangebtrVgV " . ? Dross Goods in nil tin: New'anrb>vii 'iiu.'.i. ... Strjpod Scesucher iJoti Tu l\. Plaid and Htripcil Iloinespliiij J.?j ached and Shgetiiig anVl khirtiiigi? in all widths and Prices. JjonbhS \) arp. ii .Vi r. b f,r ( h ov n ( b'tun prills; Awning, Duek, ive. Lad!?:.-, ?.j i.- .-i..> ;i l'.l h i 1J ;??>:;?; Cjl . v.v- alul Hosiery; Lltdien Me( i VY.) ;p; bi g' ynrh-ty, JScviand Pretty. ?bst La/'u Iried L^ress Shirts von oversaw. Davotlie AgeYiey.'ibr1 tin- ('oicbra'.Cyd Ifearl Shirt, uulauudcred, only $1.00* \Vatiisu't'ta M^isini and liYll ReinVotieedJ Musq'uito lhirs, llnhhiaet, in. White tinil Pink, ?0 and 100 iholies wide. I-i A!V D-^XSDE SHOES [?'or Cf nlHuneiij'S ;;n<~i Cb ij-1 iyi from three of the Pest and Finest Shoo ''ijb?m ttv*! fiti'w'lifThVl^ii,^^ State?:, We have weetiied thooxelu ??ive control of theseAiootla in ; OtAhgeburg, and -also bundle the best l?aaiern W-oi*k--iiKoie?-} y q ' N?wy|V.rott> an?; <'lu-ap; ^2:f>tUo'$!>fi Suits. " f>0b f?afi'e!s pjui'ly rioii:-, 100j/rfxi is Dry S:t1i' and S.u >ke 1 Ha'on, 10. Car Load ? .V.M'/Sa-ks S:lt. Job hhi^Sagar, n0 bbls Svrup. K0 sack* i Vdfee, l^Ot.'b boxes Toilet .-ot:pk . ' S.ubti?'.. Ilarness, ilridles, Collar.'?, Imggyrfuri Whip... Full ?be Willow Ware. \\- . Ipfi.OCt) wortii IftiiuiStifre will be a'Vwh\ji;!s?l6 or retail. ?$IO.O?.J0 worth liardwnrr, ineluili'ng ;:!! Kinds of^Pgrnviitg Impjeihents, Col.toil PianSers, fiua.eo I >i*.t.ritoitors.: Improved ^hrv>, Also ?g'en I foi the A very Wa;p;n^tm?i the Brut h'eitili/.era in the .Market. polite and : H< utiyr U/^-" K?5^ ?/ TV fcl ?erveyoti. Call, seeaml I eeonvtiioed that you eVlu -?bi-hotter ??(JOERELSOS'S'?hauelsewhere. vni.'Ti'rnr 0'M it'&ii'A at .Man,.f.u ?ur? F> I'rti-.v'a.t ?' ^ / 3 J-J ffil,i V-, r*ra s s r anriri ^a^:o i s ? |i?.0lfi . , (?ITiCJ ?l-' ?' OI.'NTY A!'i!| ';';K (5:..\":.:.i:t:?'; County. < >iV|*geh'lilg. R'rfi fsBl'i "V ' >'l f' M i- In rehy ,r'v<": lleri inlhi j it nee.witii all actnf .ilia (?t>u'cy iI As ? addy, No o~0, pa-.-id |?'cet|ii:'qrj '> '- I, Or lll.V '\ m: -'.net ' v. ill attend lifts Kill living w.\-<> ,-d j;l ?1,1 the wvspeei i vu (? ?[? ;, loi '!?( |.t;ijiuv ?tr?Hkit?ic ihi; .V?>?-k-? hioiiis'liii the I'ivis o! ihu present yeas-";. Ib-.ttttdiviiio. iVodiiesd ty and ! burs. lay. J ii. c I'M iiiul rioixycvi'iie, Friday mid 'Jutui'iluyVJtiric f.vii anil iih. ? minor's """'"ore, Monti.:y asiU Tuesday .ram- ?'?ih and 7th. A} i '?-' iSltoii, >V lutcstlrty an I 'l'lnir.-tlay. dime rlih ami '.>:!>. l-'-'ii-.t-vijio. ."'riday iiad .-'aUivday, Juno loth sin.! 1 i'ii. ' ? Wells' .Shov, Mii'iilji'y itiul Tuc^diiy'.VJunii 1:*th tinii 1 Ith. ? * .-Vviiigei's, Y?'cdiicsd:iy and Thursday, .lime ..',tli utd UJilt. Siitdvr's m?iv, I'.idav andi Saturday, dune 17th anil r:h. l)r Thi.s. K. N-il.-r's. Monday hud Itn? day. .fnii*; 20th and '21st. inni tnuvt Acadatnv, \VI'dnes?,hiy and ; hintiday.'.ltuic allnd aidl'iiu'd." I'?ut Motiej Frid.iv und Sn'.iirdtirj June 24 It and 2>Ji. (.ewisvdie, Monti iy and Tiiivdiiyj'Juno 27.t \\ itjid 2^tli, Zeiglei's Store, W't? d.iy and Th?rs , .i tun''. y?h awl :5 iih Knott-i Mill.*, friday and Saturday^ July 1st and .iiti. has: tut i it's, Mlnulay.iiad Tiicsil^yi July 4tll Gill t OiiiodsviPc, Wednesday' mid Thrr.-day, Its'sy t?h .tun 7ili Kauyof's store. Friday and faltiniay, ) id> H o aiid li. Livings,oil's Mihi Mondtiv and, .JitU i ith.1 I2.ti. . 1. l'hit?t.s', u'tulhesdav and Thurs d iy, .lidy |:hh and i Jdi. J) SiniutVs itiilJ^ Friday ami Hultirdsiy, Juiy ioih an-; 1U;it. Jacob ?iiionk Sr , M i'iiliiv and'aieltiliiVj July j.-Uh and i>:Ii ? * * (it-, fioiy'f Old Slofe, July IS :tinl Oi-.nt^ebiut; <'.. 11., Wfilm^day, diny 2Utlr.^ the oliicv will beopfii ?'caeh day tb.tri?g the time |irt'.serlbed l.y law to lake tbe iej uius Iioni {'.)) nine o'eloe? a. .\r. to' '.lj dir.'tvo'clbek i?. , ami all peinons ctiii eeinia! should avail themselves of these .ojiportnnilies, and avoid the penally xvliieli aiiaehet; after ihe 21'ili tiavofdnlv I.sHI. htiN ALlJ it. I'.A ?'1'ON, Auditor O'ranjjbhiirg t'ountv. apr'l 23 "it J, V Uf ^? A?* S*rf ? Ufr C Tl. Jones keeps good h wes np;J hisggioii for liiri'j and is also prepared to I.) nil kinds of Inuditig jiroiiiplly or. imiiee. Ttiitis riias nable. C. 11. J?NI5-S; . fTiU IM.ot ami KrMdcnec imw oeedpied j e by tin- iiiif exeol't'iit w ier. ihiildiegs in pert' et uider. ii'id. fully ujsiiiel 'or a tynil o pu s. 1'rdpei'ty w ? lie so'd m a whole, or tli? vdded id s'ith bii^ciia-eis. 'fi rm- - ?Otu-ihiro e . b, rest of peii b.ase im a..-;, to leiitn-ii on bond ami indrl'.'hge I I'oV'pi'iee ami liirtber |'.iirtii nlttts,- c:r tpiiic oi .1 AS ll. l-ONVld'.S, Kstp. or by lelt'cr ill llial-on. New York, uf ijk joiin v. Duriois may n. lSRI_ if r ipilE ptn esi wines to be had a; I'rank t5 lvi.djvr'a. .MA YOh'rf OFFF K. Oka>:?';!'in-it i. Xlity '-'ml ISS.lJ ('. It..Toni*, 1-^, (Merk of Council, 'Siii: ? TIFF .v.lliv'ion ofT jw:i Taxe-- on Itca? F-la:i' is lm\ by e.xtendci (o 1st day of 'nite IS% I tri thou p< i .d'y. nnd to tlic. 10th clay of Ji'tiio IMS!, With penalty, after \v|i;uli t'Jlrtb yon Will Issue exo^utiuna against nil iiiliiHjuea;.?'. liv order of C?nint:il; J. S. AJji/KRnpTTI, Acting Mayor. T? N ooiu|?i:ittco with the p.bpve order f & H-Vrhv give notice that oil and after ihFdale (May ii. FVSl J I will be found at the ;;i ?ic ry More of \'at? Ta^el caeh clay : Saturday, lixi ?ejiiod i till the expinfim of <5?o time granted by above ord ;r.i. for tht? purpose of CO Peilt in g Town T:i'xe& (!. R. JUNK*; fle.-k of Council, may 5. 1831 ?U By pbtiiif^ion of the Frob-i'e .radge o < lrat!'.'i bitr,'? t'oii'ity, I will sell at public annum. ?I Orangebnrg O iutt liouo i\ FObHMUlA. S.O., Aprd 22, \\T 11 KHK AS in lor, nu ion bus been ro Tt ecivd til this Fcp.nfnent. that in (lie i.' ir.n'v of Oriiiigebiirj? of this State on tbc.'FMli.?y of Match 1 -HI. Miss d'ano t'uniiliighini i*ft?:nfroelo?i.sly aimitlted by n colored pii-;i!i who in n\tiu?j is unknown and tin: tli" Said person has !l "I from justice: Now, tla.ndbro, I JOHNSON IIA itH)i), i'ldviTiior of the State, of So:::b Carolina, in order that justice may be done, and the [jftAjOQ? of the; In.? viudita cd, do hereby idii'-r a reward of -Filly 1 ml ars for t!ie np airchonshui and d- livery t ? the Sh-.' iH" of I orangehtirg Obwry iif Aii said colored person. Thesaitl person is described as being about ? fret (i inches in height, brown eom plexion, stout htdlt and about IS years o'di lie was cltes-ed in bhu-k pan's, a light colored lirowti coat and a luue cheek shirt with iv{arge lir?fcsbutton on th"bn-om, and cungiess shoes. He scratched in the face during the struggle, lie worked for a Mr. Beiij.'?riim near liowesville, S. 0., tin: day before the ii*sftiiu w is committed ami g iM-hi-name us tioVuu Brown, and said he was frnni Slimier, S. (J. After, in ids fligjit,Iiis gave his natnoas WilFiAin Joh'u*un. In tciituntiny whereof I have hereunto set my hind and c.iu.ed the (treatS al of the Stale i o he atlixed I hi* Hint d iv of April ISS 1,and in ibe lO'it'li year nV the liidepi-itdenec of the Foiled Mates of Amcric... [<..?.] JOHNSON HAtJOOD, . (Jovtrnor, I it. M. RIMS, Kecrettirv of State, iipr'l i'K :u SSSSma? Koisi. I.'cgiditr anil Tran-toat IVlarders can get l?o< d isti'il reiisoitablc Itoar i id tins i-xccl lent |5o?r.litig Itonse which 1 have ojn'tied lo'iiifjct tlie growing ucedx of tlrangeburg. It J' hioiitid in a tlesir.ilile foeidity, con venie?i In ? he !m-ino-- portion of the town nil t t: ivrllingjpnblt.'. F. II. W. it. lii'lMANN, mar 10 ihn ejJAYiNC ctiiuracttd w:th Aiigclino l a Sltitirj lor the rer.iccs of her Ktiu ; l!oh .1-i-t. ia ndttt'o'J for t'ieye.iv 18H1,' i hereby.forewarn all pitsom?from employ ing hint or ht'i'liprinji the i-aid J-iaac ltubin?en or. their premi-i -. Y.. RTR?MAN. may; ft, ? if