The Orangeburg Tirno9 L O C A IL. a The ''Blue Store" is Risher's head quarters. Cull on hjin. The streets are getting terribly dusty. The Orangeburg Agricultural So ciety meets at the Fair Building on Saturday. The gin house of Air. .lohn Dautz ler, was burned during a t bunder storm on last Tuesday. A number of our citizens attended the Cowpen's Centennial on Wedhes day. The police force has come out in a bra ltd new uniform, which looks neat and attractive. A. M. I/.Ihr has eider, sursapnrilln. soda and other cooling.beverages at his I. X. L. restaurant. The Anniversary .Maroon of the Young Americas takes place next Thursday. Disinfectants are on hand at ICoi't john's for distribution by Town Council. The Knights of Honor are in a nourishing condition, several addi tions being made at the last meeting. You can get colored linen trim mings at K?rt John's at ? ets a yard. Here is the place, too, lor your lemon squeezers. The pic nie of the Methodist Sun day .School of our town takes place to-day at Mrs. Andrews. 'I lie lit tle folks and old um s too are all in loMaeii s. The entertainment at the IChgino House.on last 'l hursday night for the benefit of the Lutheran Church proved a success, for which all prai.-e j is (.lue to the ladies concerned. _. _n_ Rev. J. I). A. Brown preached a most excellent sermon on Sunday morning in the Rre.sbylorian Church on "Hypocrisy."' ^ e wish till the hypocrites hud been out to hear ii. 1'arlies in the county who have pigeons for sale would do well to call upon W. G. Alltei-g.itt i, who wants two or three hundred, for which lie will pay good prices. Apply early. VVc ate pained to leat'ti of the (loath on last Tiini\s?ii:y cvming. i f an iu Itiiit child of Mr. pit li liruu on. Mho funeral so v ies were pertonued .? i> t;st t hureli by I lie tin it eil eo? lions of tin' town. Wo commend to toe i hollghi fill perusal of our readers, the in iimuni eation in another column, on -' Town Taxes." signed- 11. IT tin- proben I system di?e< urrigos the liiiihiing up and improvement of our town, it should be promptly .and carefully j looked into. Uoitd i im arth Le. Mi-. F. DoMars h: s. i;6\\ i hi hd : mi will ki ep ail st:himer :i full sup ply of ii e, wbi< . b.- will soil i:i niiy quantity juices to suit r ehasers. AliTCS 'pini i:i purr .'; lie juice forumkiiig lcmo:.:i?;o, Ac. It is healthy ami iiiee. Try it. See notice, in another column, of Iiirs. 1*. A. ('ha.-e's dancing school, which opens next Tuesday afternoon nl the KairlVtiililing. Mrs. ("base has had considerable experience in teaching this graceful accomplish nient in Charleston, und comes with a imputation that warrant.-, siteeess. Mr. 0. A. NeulVer, of our town, has been appointed to u position in the Immigration Bureau at Col u rn bia, with Col. Hoy kin, who is rcpre sen led to lie a I he. roughly experi enced business ma;, aild eminently qualified for the import an', work in which he is engaged. We look with great hopes to this Bureau for the future building up of our State. We return thanks to the Commit tee of Arrangements for an invitation to attend the pie nie at Howe's Bridge on Saturday, the 11th of May. In the afternoon of the day a match game will be played between 'V>ur Boys," of Howes vi lie, and the "Fork" Base Ball Club. We know that every oll'ort will be made to make the occa sion a succes, and we have no doubt of the result. The Oriingoburg Gun Club have determined to have a glass ball and pigeon mat eh, June l?th, 1881, to which the clubs of t he State and County, will be invited. We all can have a splendid time, if the citizens will assist the Club in offering decent prizes, so as to induce, clubs to come. A Committee will call on t lie eil izens for subscript ions. They should re spond liberally, and we believe they will do so. Tlic liny! the liny! But where will we find it? "It is hot the cut I received ?but the blank?the blank of, no where has he put nie." We will now tell wliero it is to be found. Co to Capt.'Jnb. A. Hamilton'? and you can get t he best and freshest Eastern hay and corn at reasonable rates. Taft has been confirmed as Post Master of Charleston, hi spite of the resolutions lb tht contrary. His pe tit'on was signed by a number of business men of the city und many prominent Democrats. Are the old days of Republico-Doinoe ratio rings coming back again? Among recent specimens of mine rs! Is received ;if the Agricultural De ment in Columbia, specialty noticea ble is a mass of iron ore. from Mrs. L. M. Iveitl's plantation, in St. Mat hews. Compitent authority has pronounced the deposit very valtla I 1 e. This may prove a Loom for Ui angeburg. We are told that the reports in the if tars ninf {.'.our irr of the glass ball shooting in Charleston docs no' do justice ii? the Clraiigcbiirg boys. Mr. A. M. Izhir contested with Charles ton's "crack shots," ?M?-1 carried oil seven sweepstake prizes in succes sion, and Mr. D. .1. Sjalley also took several prizes, of which wo hear no mention ina.-Ie in either ease. How is this? An important meeting of the Slate Board oi Education was hehl in Columbia last week; Important changes in the school law were dis cussed. The defoeis ill the present plan of apportionment of the school fund were taken into consideration, and the Sil) orihtem'.ciit was instruct ed to draft a bill incorporating the necessary changes tobe presented at the next session of the legislature^ Wo were siiMva by Mr. (Luv. al Cot hels.m's, on Tuesday, the linest stock of la lies n ;ck wear, 3uc!i as Lice sluiid's, ties, ifcc., which the la dies on -hi io s,t ?p an I examine', also a tine Ibl of ll ?i ikerchiel's, lisiy eiie*, A-c. I ut thegiuh of a li iv'iis tin '?Varl Shirt;"' p-'iee only $L for which Mr. Cornolson is ageiil for Ornhgehurg. These shirts a re very popular being 1 irgeiy sohl in Coltl'.n iiia and other cities, and just intro tiui-eii in O ra h goon rig. Wc highly appreciate the kithlli expressions in ilie etimiiiiinicaiipi: i'ii m the i-o. k, giving an accotinl of the pic nie at 11 a \ < i it's .Mill. It pleasant id think that, althoughi abf sent, we wen- not forgotten in the midst of the pleasures and y ay flies ol t he occasion. Wo regret exceeding ly our ahsi i:ce, tiiifl \\e assure our lair corresj ondent lliat it was, by no means, ftoni indifference. Sa'tui'dny being one of t he School Coir.mission | er's tdlii c days; we felt in duly bound j to fore.gO the phrasiiredf the pic nie. Since o?r last repori of the CV?urt j p/fict eiiings, the fallowing wore i iiiaposetl in lhe manner nichtioned: I \\'u>. l)4ii'ca:rnnti Lee Kein, steal j ! 111lt wagon, gitiliy: Benjamin, alias Win. Tyler, big.iiiiy, guilty; John J Mackcy, stealing a horse, nol gv.iliy; i Med Brndphburg, stealing a idiggy; |:gililty; ('leu Johnson, Ip.gery, ae i(uiiieii; Coli a and Amaiinlba Ale I Dan:cis. iiifahiicide, not guilty. Thisyh seil the cases on the docket and the prisoners were sen*.ciieeil its |: follows: Robert ( arter and Alex MeCull; lJS months in pen; .eutiary: (Icprge Banyon, grand larceny, (i monvi s in penitentiary; Jainet I Btiyek, (i mouths in pcnileiitiary: Benjamin Tyler, 15 mouths in jail: j Me t Brandenburg I:! mouths in peni tentiary; Win. Duncan ami Lie IC oi Lt^ 1- months in penitentiary. I We were the iiappy recipients, on j last Friday, of a mess of the hues! I j; trawdierries we [hive ever seen in ibis market, g. own in the garden of ( apt. I Miiri i in er I.? Sover. They were of tin I "W i I son's Al'.iany" yiirieVv, and number an : rticle I hat requires very little cultivation oi trouble, ami that it i-> well :: have ever been displayed in the Or aiigcliurg market. Kvorything has been selected with care and insti and none who visit ibis mam mot ii establishment will fail to be pleased. Mr. Gary, the courteous ami ollloienl child'clerk- is managing every thing wiih Hint skill und taste for which hi' i-i noted, lie has made many changes decidedly for the belief in the ar rangcinctit ol the store, and wc tin derstand that he still intends to prosecute such improvements as will add greatly to the convenience, nntl comfort of the clerks and customers, and to the general appearance of the establishment. Bead the advertise ment and come in and examine (his line sioek of merchandise for voiir Tlie following score of a game of base ball played between the smaller boys of the two schools mentioned, has been sent us for publication: AItri.i.icii amp's School. Runs. Outs. Ilurry Cannon, :t ? Freddie Wanna maker, t! 2 Claude N. Neu Her, U 0 Henry Livingston, 2 (1 Atfciie Austin, 1 7 Total .. 21 20 ICiSKifs School. Wilbur Rise:-, -1 II ?lohn MeNanitir:t, -l I (Sebrgie lloliver, -1 2 JuliusiAlbreeht;, 2 5 Joe McNsimara, I (? To! il 15 20 We In re glad lo see this pleasant rivalry betwoea the schools of oil;* town, arid with a view to the promo tloh an! enemi ragenietit of this IViiUiilly spirit, iVoigladly insert the above. The presentment cd'the grand jury for the .May term of Court, which was mittle last week sets out wiil; certain recommendation.-; for nthli lional I'm uit uro for m ist of tier pub tie otliees. The recommendation for a new fence a round the jail, which was never attended to is reiterated. A sub-.t..uiial fem e around t Im Court ilouse, as to Columbia, with posts and chains is recommended. On trie subject of the '"Sunday Whiskey Tnillle," the Jury says: "We are compelled to add.our complaint to llio: e that eome from oilier sections Stole, to l lie violations of the laws of the upon the subject of sell ing ihloxiealihg liquors on the Sab bath day! Notably in Hrattehyille is this a fearful nuisance. This trade. I at some of, the bar-roomis at I his place i is larger on the Sabbath ihau on any d:iy of the neck. This is iiUo to a certain extent, the oh.'o at some of these, places at the Court House. We invoke tlie aid of t be Court tiifd of all pence oliicors am! good citizens gene rally to suppress this disgraceful | traflle, sind to remove this reproach i upon i;-; as a people." I In ru'lurchee to bridges and roatis, [the causeway loading to the river lii'idge ami hike bridge neu the Court House is recommended to be widened and made higher. Tlie Kxliihition of the excellent school of Miss K*. S. Albeigotti took j place on Wednesday night at Way's Hall to the en.ire satisfaction ami [ delight of I he large audience present. Tlie si.- go .was bountifully ileiorateth i and, with the richly arranged throne for, the queen, the whole scene pre pen ted a 1 of beauty. A few j minutes hefiU'f \> o'clock' the pro j ? e-si. ii of children entered the hall j ip>U.ilei.l by the teacher ami a number j of the p-i irons. The interesting oxer- ! eist-s contitioneod with the "Flora! \\ elcphio," rendered by a number of tlie pupils iti a tnaiitier wliieh gave a | pleasant oli'send to the whole ttlfair. i so -.w !!;!: I hj! of:jiciseholcr? pbrkrin the parts assigned them in the pro-! L'lumme which falloweil, that we fe:ir ! tb ;'. we may do injustice by making ! any discrihilhhtilig eoiiiiaeiits in fay nrofahy part era' pt'rfnrnu'f. "A Quarrel ainotig tlie {?'lowers'' was acted by nearly all of t he ^iids with line e.'i'ooi, i he erowti'.ng of t he I' lt'cii, Miss A' tie- Hilibte, who bore \ her honors with bosoming grace and iiioileslyi being greeted with si i how I bouquets liom tlie iittdienee. j Then came the following single jiiei e. :i!.il recdthtituisivli'udi reflected | credit upon < aeh ot the juvenile per I former- engsigt d: "Mi iher Hear." by Mi.--; May Fostell; "Rrudder Sam and I." by j M iss Ida ZeigliM-; "The F.linil Hoy," j by Miss Je: sie Riggs; i;Tiie< '.i| lain. ' I by Master Ritchie lWtoll; "< beer fulness," aii original composition, by Miss Rosa Copes; "1 Know and Yo.h Know." by .Master Walter Riggs; "Tbo Rose," by Miss May Clover; ? I'll Never l.-se Tolineco." by Mas ter Jiniihic Zeigler; "Reverie in Church;" by Miss Fannie Mosetey: 'Our Man Niiiniiiutcd,'' by Miss Nosti t Ojivoros; "Fimvers of (lerinany," by Miss Carrie Williams: -The New Church Organ," by Miss Agit es IFibble;' "Shadows on Ib.e Wall," h\ Miss Hehn Kohti; "?Dein"! I lidbr sliiiit'j': by Miss Ida Keiglei*; vHyiiti I t: " an brigiii.'d eouqn sitioiij l?v Miss .1. s--ie Riggs; "Mr. Nobody\" b\ Miss Agnes l.ightfoot: and "Truth] in Raren hesis." by Miss May I'os te'.l. After these recitations, the Striking ael csltjtlcd "Tlie Mbtiu ineul.:: was well rciidcicd by a hum bei- of pupils. The whole allsiir elos ed with tlie "Floral Gdbd Night." ami everybody went well pleased with the evening- enter! nin lllOLl. The summer days sire long and hot. ?ml if you IVel tirtd ami ovoit nine witIi lieht, ihere is nothing'Ihn, will make you feel heiler a lid cool you oil quicker than a glass of Dr. Wanna maker's pure, cold soda water with fruit ami en am syrups, drawn from the celebrated John Mat hews nppn riitus, at the low price of 5 cents a glass. Also the valuable tonie IV; niviah Heer will be drawn fresh from I lie fountain. (Jo ami be refreshed. We. are shocked at the blunders some of our leading men make, sind we are forced to believe that they sire inside because self-exaltation is si more prominent idea than the general good. DOWN ! DOWN !! DOWN ! ! ! CUiko tlx. Gi-eat T^n.l! ?' 3? rice* 1,1 NIKW YORK 'O ?rid Elsewhere^ Mr. Goo. II. Cortu'lson who has been spending sonic time in these Markets, and jias succeeded in buying his entire Stock at a great ad anl?ge, will, from time to time, oller goods in his line at In every Dopartmcut. Has now hi Store und is daily receiving the t. a. i > c; i r& t s rr o c k o:* Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Shoes and Hats ever shown under one root in Orangeburg. Dress Goods ill all the New and Fashionable Designs. Figured Linen I.awn, Mu unity Cloth. Yard wid ! f * i*n!? iFurniture CVctone. Whitenn I Colored Piipio, Ula.-k Gros Grain Silk at a Bargain. Jeans, l-assiuieres', Cottonsides, Brown Linen. Strip- ' Scosucker Bed Tick. I'lhid anil Striped Homespun, Bleached and Down Sheeting and Shirtings in all widths and Prices. Double Warped Night. Gown Cotton Drills, Awning, Duel;, Arc. Ladies, MisSos atuI Childrons (II ves und Hosiery. I.adie-. Neck Wear in great Variety, New and I'rclly. Best Lilie Daun h ied Dress Shirts you ever saw. Have Hie Agency for the Celebrated Pearl Shirt, unlaumleroil, only $1.00, Wnmstittn Muslin and tuil Reinforced. Mi?-ijuitO Mar.-, Bobbinel. in White and I'ink, 00 and 100 iholies wide. HAND-MADE SHOES For Gentlemen. Ladies arid Chihiren (Vom three of I he lies! and Finest Slide eianui'a' '.<>; ics in the United States. We have soeuioil tlioexclu sive control id' these Goods in Oi nngcbiirg, and also handle the best Eastern Work made. New. Prclly and ( heap. $2.0!) to $20 Suits. ?00 barrels Family Flour, lOOhoxo.-s Dry Salt ami Sankel Bacon? in Car Leads i oin, fuM) SacksS.-iil, 100 Idiisi'Sugjir. f?0 bids Syrup, lilt) sacks Cotlee. 12,000 boxed Toih-t .->oap. Saddles. Harnes-.. Bridles, Collars, Buggy and Wagon Whip.-:. 1; uli line Willow Wate. $,i.000 worth Furail ore will be sold at wholesale or retail. JjL?.i.'.'o worib 1Jar?;ware. including all kind-; of Farming Implements, Cotton Planters. Cunuo Distributors. Iiiipiovcd Flows, eve. Al.-,o : u. t lit for the A very Wagon, niui ike lh.-t Fertilizers in the .Market. Polite and attentive S A B/K&?v3 M ?i 0. serve you. Call, seeand beconvinced Iht;1 you can do belter :;t GGIliiELSOK'S than elsewdiere. t lirei - i 'rices ai A citr lo.-i l of Eastern Hay just in. Also a lot of Prime White Corn For sale by JOSl^ A. IfiA^IfliTON 20.LS81.?l y XI XT TO II EN Pi Y K?1IN. rjni.S 5C I.nt and l'itsidence how occupied E In the. undersigned 0:1 l'n.-sell flree: hext In l'r. S. A. ilee .?????' drug <'or ? for particulars ahp'v to I)'-. A S II V'tjitllJit or oi .1. !i. ? VINlj ?V?>>\. nur'l 28 2i ?V i t r r ^ s '' i i OK KICK (>!?' ( ol'NTV AITMT?R <);:?Nut r.tnto Form v. Orange".tire. ,S*. (_'., Arii 2>, l SM. OTlf'F i- lurehy given IIII in acciinF x^J aiuewull in act ihe l!?'iO'!' il .\> scnibly. No. G7'?. ??.;-??? ol Inking I lie As.-iss i'oi the.Ta?es oi ilie pre-, n: Near: Itianeiiviile, iVtdnc.-day an I '1 hm>.lay, | .1 Iii e l-i ami 2iUh Ivowesvi?e, Kriilav ami Sattirdsiv, June jtrii ami 1th. (oiuioi's Store, Monday ami Tuesday, d ion: ''In and Tili A vvis' Shop, ?Veilncsdav ?ii?l Tliiirsihiv. ] dune Sill ai.d Dili. I'e derviil.-. Friday and Saturday, dune i \ Ulh and 1 Iili. Wells' iSloiej Moiidav and Thcsiinv; Juste i.'illl ami Mi!:.' Avinjo i's, WediicSds:y and 'l'liursday, ?i inie 1 -itI? and I dill. Shhlvr's More, l'riilav and Saturday, .June I Tilt and ISth; |ir; Th"s. K. Keller's. Monday and l'ii?js dny. .1 title lli.ltti ami ?_' St, fine tiiove Acadamy, Wednesday tilid Tlnii.-day. Jline -"-iid and *.t:.rd. Foil .Motte, Fiiiiav and Saturday, June, | 21th and ?'itlii l.ewisvillc, Monday and Tuesday, dune ! ] 27tl' and "IMh. '/. igler'fi Store, Wednesday and Th?rs l .lane so d th Knoiti .M ills, Friday and Saturday, July 1st ami 2h i. KsiSierdh's, Mondiy ami Tuesday, July Ith ami ?'?:ii. i (it iu't.svil'e, Wednesday and Thur.-day , .July titli ami 7i li. Sawyer's fibre. Friday and .'alniday, jiily Sill and i?. Ii. l ivinv.s.on's .Mill, Monday and Tuesday, Juiy I)til and I'i.ii. \? . I . I'hil'ips1, Wednesday and Tliiirs day. Jilly i;itll and i-l.h. J, 1) SiiU'iiks tnill,'Friday and Saturday, d illy I "'ill and ! Ihlij Jacob Sinoiik Sr , Moil lay and Tuesday, July IStli ami !thh Oiiingebnrg t . II., Wednesday, July 2(1:h. 1 lie oil ice Mill be open each day during the lime prescribed by law to take lh? n lirnsdioui (Vi) nine o'eloek a. m. to (','>) ibiveo'clock e. .\i , and ?li persons etui eeined should avail themselves ol' these Opportunities, and avoid the penalty which attachcri lifter lue ilUili dav of July 1881. DON A LI) it. ItA?ToN, Auditor Draiigeburg Counly, apr'l 28 :lt Mr C l>. 'ones keeps good liirseStP'd buggies lor hire, mmI is also prepared tu lo all kinds of ha., ing promptly on kIi.m I notice; Terms reasonable. K. JONF.S. J I.Tilo N. C. Whiskey, made from "red cm n, at Frank Hi -Ik i '?. MA YOli'S OI-TI* I'J, OlU NO Kill'IUI, May -ml I SSI. ('. I!, ilosrjj, K.vr?.j Ck-rk of Coimcili Si it : rjnilK collection of T?ivh Taxes on Real fj K-tate is In r. I?y extended tv order of Council, J. S. AIdU:Uf!f)TTr. Acting Ma vor. NOTICE I "? X compliance with the t'.hove Order 1 9 li< r. by give notice that on an I after thistlate i" May It, I ?81 I I will he found at I lie gioeCry store of Van I as>cl o.|cll day (Saturday's ex< ep c 11 lib the expiration ol the lime granted by above orders, lor the purpose of co-'ectinj Towii faxes. 0; U. JOAKSj Clerk of Cou'.ci). may ~>. 5 .SM b'i 3?slatc? Sale. Hy pertntspton of lite I'rdba'e'Judge of (irangtbiirg Comity, 1 will red at public ait itrm, at Oriiiipcbiirg Cmiri llon-e, on Saturday, the iwciny-fusi day of May. ls.xl ill \'l o'clock M . a I the personal property t>f the late VYiluam \V. Si. Ibiiitzicr, de? e iistftb cbhsUiuig oi'ouc Horse, one Thrash er, one c.iho <>i he,.tal iittitruiuf nt< and other Mental tools ami irihiriuueiilsi? 1 ernt> Liishi .1. Vi ROIMNSON; (Ji;uMf;cd Adiidiii?lratnr. I itiav ?", If81 3: ] .xeout i vo CJ'l i: tri lbt.1 r, LoLliMi'.lA. r-iC, April i'i, 1881. ? ? T 11 r.KL A> ii formation has been re V V cotvc.! at ibis Department, that in the Couni.y of Orti rigid airg of this State, on lite lOdt ttay ..! March l.-Sli Miss .bine Cunningham was at: inuiisly assaulted by a colored pi-rson whose name is imktiown and that the sajtl person has (let! from justice: Now, therefore, i JOHNSON' IIA ?0OD. toA'cinor of the Stale ol South Carolina, in order that j um ice may he done, and the majesty of the law vindicated, do hereby offer a reward of Fifty l)ol ars lor the iip prehension itutl delivery t ? liiu She. ill' of i ruugchurg County of the said colored pcr-on. 'flic.-a'd person i.< tlvScribed as being about f? fjet '."> inches in liuigkt, brown com plexion, siotu built and about IS years old. IIt!,vy us dressed in black pants, a light colored brown ecat and t b.uc check shirt with a large bra*s button on the liiwom, and congress shoes. He was scratched in the. face during Urn struggle, Ho worked for a Mr. lletij.Crom near liowesville, S. (!., the day before the assault was committed arid gave lli> name as Uovan Itrown, ami saitl he was from 8itm:er, S. 0, After, in his (light, he gave his natu?? as William J ohiisdit. 'in testimony whereof I have here into net my hand ami cm; e l thj (beat Seal of lite .State <0 be aliixetl iiu? '2!.t SPECIAL NOTIOE. Now that lite holiday season is over und everything has gone pros pt runs und happy; every one better off, nixl a bright fertile yetir ahead, at no period iti the history of our Lutumlife have Seen ho thor oughly piepared to .eet the wants of the trade and t he requirements -if the people, sis we are now. We shall continue to place upon our counters from da)' It) day, bargains in every tie) ailment at LOWEST PRICES, and shall always be found using our host mihavors to prevent extortions and uphold the CASH SYSTEM. Our entire stock is now o fib red at. REDUCED PRICES. We ask 3 ou to call and iuspect our geojU; We guarantee to please as to quality an \ price. Look can fully over tlrs list of a few articles mentioned : Gents I Hose, white, 5 and lie. striped 121 " solid color* 12J double heel & toe 121 Lndit.k~hose, white, 8, 10, 124. ?' striped. 10 solid colors.. 12* " balbriggan, 15 " " finest quali ty, 25 t hibircn's hose, colored, 5, 8. 10, 12} Ladies Uutintlcts, dark eo'ors, 30 e. '? Rellin g'oves, embroidered backs, 35 " fcitl gloves, -1 bultona, "best makers, 75 Cents buckskin gloves, linetl 75 *' driving 30 Dtjt hy suiting, 10 figured, 12J Cadi meres, beautiful color*, 161 Merinos, beautiful colors, 1(J Flannel.*, red, white and blue, 25 to 35 ecu Is. Nubias, cry pretty,'30 c I atlies Hoods, new styles, 40 uonkiug G laves, bureau size, ?1 extra large $1.50 H oval frames 60 and 80 cents Silver plated tea spoons, $1 25. Table " 1.75 Forks 1.75 " Knivi* 3.75 Glass Setts, handsome, 4 pieces, 50 Glass Preserve Stands, (50 Goblets, 75 et per doz Tumblers, ?O^ct per do/. L"n>ns from 25 to 75 cts lange assortment Ladies] Gents ?/.nil Chi!drehVShoes from the finest to the cheapen", Men and Boys Hats, 10, GO, 75, 1.00 1.20 to S3 en ami Boys Caps from 25 to 50 Fancy Box Paper, Envelopes and Stationery. Agent for (he Largest Tobacco Factory in the United States, we oiler bargains in lids line. Agent for Manufacturers of Sot pa and (Joncen rated Lye, we defy com-4 j petitions We have the Largest and Cheap si Stock of BROOMS AND BASKETS ill the Market. Agent lor the Celebrated Town lalk PA KING TOWDERS. fliese Powders have stood the Test by i lie best F hem ist, and pronounced PURK, when bought in cans. Prof. Mott, the Leading I heniist of the World, says the worse adulterations occur when Powders ate sold loose or in bulk. Remember this and get IOm'N TALK from Headquarters Your attention is nskeil to the re duction in our CARPETING, put down to 25, 35, 40 cents. Pocket Knives from 5 cts. to 82.. Bnggv Whips, 25, 50,75 cts., $1, $120 h ours respect fit'ly, O. D. K ORT JO UN. Always notice this COLUMN I CHEAP GOODS.