Special [Attractions IN ?PBOG GOODS AT [ J. I. Sorentrue's SPECIALTIES! SPECIALTIES! in NoUoiir! Dry Goods!! Shoes!!l Groceries!!!! Tlie largest and best fsclecled stock ? Ladies, Misses and Ctdldreti's TIll5mEI> HATS ever brought to this niatkct from 2ft cent* to $5 a piece, guaranteed to be " all kinds of hauling promptly eiiflluul notice. Terms reast nable. 0. IL JONES. LEWIN 'SS r? 1)10 AND ihotographic Gallery Is now open nnd ready for business in all brauche* of the art. In order to accommqdatc all rny friends 1 shall be pleased to have you call and get EIGHT FERROTYPES FOR $1. Don't forget the place A. IL LEW IN. Next to Dr. l'.eeves' Drug Sloro. nov 2tl IH80 OKANGiLVB U RG HABBM3 W0EK8, ONE DOOR EAST OP Er. J. 6. Wannairaker. Mannfacturers of an<] Dealers in nil kinds of American and Itnlin MiLRBLS WORK. Tombstones, .Monuments, Marble nnd Slate Mantels, And all kinds of |Stone Work furn ished to any i esign. Also Pcli8lied Granite Work Either jNativc or Foreign to order at Lot*,est Poj-silde Priees. Correspondenceaolicted with thoBe in nant of any work iin tat above lino. oct 1?ly J WILL RECEIVE IN TEN DAYS A CAB XaOAB OF AT Ori'OBITK C. D. KOHTJOHN Kept d 7 i830 tf THE UNDERSIGNED A j\flJVru to Ills friemla and I lie public, at die (store recently occupied by A full Stock of Ooneral ? MERCHANDISE. A call solicited ]pnd satisfaction guaran teed. TOBACCO Will bo made a ?peci.dty. W. B. THOMPSON. June 4 JSSO ly F. DeMAES, ?gt UNDER MASONIC IfAt.fi Friends and 1'ouni ry men attend! Jj>o not wait until ion spend FC very cent in placea .'DERSOLD?H*K CANNOT BE ! ()h ! wait not till you are wiicr, |{eason poinL? lo Mr. hlSISR, felling lancy Drill ks to ? C?ive him then i general call, liest assured, Dk.MARS svlls choap, And the finest goods will keep, Keyer erase to blew your stars? IJowu with all?except DeMAKS. xl spahr7 JEAVELEK AND ui:a li:u r?f Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, ?poctoeles, Musical Instrumenta, cVe. All those in need of n good pair of SPECTACLES or EYEGLASSES can be perfectly suited. &J8?m~ All repairs carefully and in ntly executed. Prices reasonable, oct 8 1330 tf CALL AT THE LONG EST AB LI811 ED PEOPLE'S BAKERY AND OUT BREAD, HOLLS, CAKES. Also Raisins, Currants, Citren, Nuts am) Canned Goods of all kinds. A fresh lot of ( onfecUoncry now on baud, and a full assortment of CHRISTMAS GOODS Viz: Cups ami Saucers, Vases, Teilet Sets, Dolls, Tea Set?, Mugs, Tin Toys of nil descriptions. Lamp Stnnds, Chil dren's Chairs, Wagons, Rock ing Horses, &c, &c., eic., Call at once and get what you want for Christinas. Parlies wishing articles for ChristniaH Trees will do well to comemw while they can make a good solcctio i. Don't fail lo call at. T. W. Alberg-otti'* And be convinced that Santa^Claus if'"l ??on hb here. MAMMO H STORE TT AS been THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED and ARRANGED so JLJ. that purchasers can enjoy every convenience ami attentiou. Our STOCK is LARGE nud VARIED, bought entirely for CASH, we cnu offer GREATER INDTJCEiVIE^ TS to buyers than any other House in Onmgcburg. Our stock consists in part of the following lines of ponds which we now REPLENISH WEEKLY hy the arrival of every STEAMER, with all th? JVKW and DESIRABLK GOODSof iho Season: Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Yankee Notions, Ladies nud Gen tlemen Furnishing Goods, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes di rect from the Manufactory in Lynn nud else where, Hats aud Cup*, Umbrellas, Clothing, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Furni ture, Ac. Wearo the Agents for the BEST and CHEAPEST SEWING MA CHINES made. We have the MODEL HARDWARE STORE South of Baltimore, a per fect GEM, where you can g.it anyt^inj; muilly found in a FIR T CLASS Hardware Stock. We hnve nl^o mndo nrranjjemenls to supplv the Trade with GRANITE VIELE DRILLS and BROWN r II I R'l 1NOS ut Manufacturer's prices, ai d .1. & I*. COAT'S best ? cord Tim ad in V Lite, Black and Colors, 8 to 100 yurds, at Agent's Price in New Yolk, n paving of Freight and Draynge to the Buyer. These Goods will be supplied to the Trade iu any quantity at the above rate. ?ST Do not forgot the P\sm. MAMMOTH STORE ORA?rGEIl?RG, S. C. N E W E I R M! NEW GOODS!! HAMILTON & MOEEIS, (NEXT TO KIRK ROBINSON.) Offer a full Sto?k of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &C. CHEAP FOR CASH. mar 21 1SS1 52 AT DOYLE'S eORTNTER. Respectfully informs the citizens of this County that ho hos n fullaud complete stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, TORA CCO, CIGAPS, Ac. Also a full line of the very BE-T LIQUORS Consisting of all grades, of which I make a specia'ty. Call and examine gn*ds ami price*. Sir. J. M. KNOTTS is with me and will be p'eased to have hin friends to call on him. bet 2*2 ?ly Attractive Prices AT THE A FULL LINE OF FAMILY IS Alwavs on hand. COFFEE, Parched and Ground to order, NEW BUCKWHEAT, N. (3. WOLA8SKS, ie., &e. Also a full line of CKOC KERY, CAMPS, &u. Give mc a call. ,T. GEO. VOSE. STOStE, Russell Street. nor 2(1 lt<80. ly Insvirasice and Collecting ?gent? Beprcsen/-npr a number of Old and I5clial?Io CnmpanicH. I am pre pared to i.ssuc POLICIES on all classes of Property at FAIR and REASONABLE rates, AND In addition to my Collecting Husiness, will attend to Purdtnsitlg and Selling ICt'ul Rsl'nlc. FOR SALE A SMALT. F.M'.M in the Town, with a Vineyard of ah^nt 1 ncres in good cnltiration. Jewelling and Kitchen on premises. Terms reasonable. ALSO EOR SALE Sevcrnl Building Lots ami two Dwellings in the Town. For sjfeor rent, 2 story Dwelling on Russell Streut.J For particulars nppljt lo KIRK RORIiSTSOIST, I am receiving SEVERAL CAR LOADS of this LEADING FERTILIZER, So well known and ndvnntngeoufely used on COTTON last year. To CIJJB-S and CASH BUYERS, I will make LOW RATES. It is on Ammoniated RA W BONE Phosphate of the. same character ha Cue's and Mapcs. The ReV. L. Zciglcr says in icfcronce to it, "I had excellent cnions, but never had so large a yield on my place before." Other certili ates from H. L.J. BLUME and others ENDORSE IT n& "THE MA IN v_ ' ^ they will use so long as it oan be had." 8tono Rliospliftte, Ivainifj, Lime, achine, Self-threading and cpiist and i. .tt; So friends all unite in the eh or us ire sing, As wu led of the beautiful ?'White." Cikuu's?Thirty years, etc. op xns Sold by OriasiscEitirg, S. S<> lv Consisting of PLOW STOCKS, PLOWS, HOE* SHOVELS, SPADES, Sic:. And a complete Sto?k of GUNS. PISTOLS, ( I TLKI'Y, lOWUPRj XXJ >Y A1U% SHOT, CAPS, CAKTI-.1L-..ES, v*c. JB>2y- All of the abrve GOODS will be Fold at OLD I KICES notwiihsinndirg tin recent ADVANCE on all article* in the ai)ovc line. ALSO The Light Planning Remington Sewig Machine The I1EST and the CHEAPB*? ? Sewing Machine manufactured'. Ulepnii'iiifi; Pf a" kinds in my line done at the shortcut possible notice. jan IR80. 10; P. G. CANNON. Lobsters, Mackerel, Oysters, Tomatoes, Green I'eus, Corn Beef, CORNER RUSSELL & BROTJGHTON STS., Will keep oonstnntly on hand tire following goods : Coffees Bacon, Canned Salmon, T>as, Strips, ?ugnrs, Hums, Flour, Lard, Grist, Butter, Meal, Soap, Riee, Starch, AM of the above articles I guarantee o he FRESH, and will sell then? v s LOW as the LOWEST lor the cash. Call and examine my Stock and5 pi ices before you purchase. Always keep on hand a full supply of LIQUOHS, WINES'AND CIGARS. The Celebrated "Oakley Bitters." Persons who are Buflcring from Indigestion and who are!table to Chill* nnd Foyer, Dyspepsia, and till the attendant evils of a Deranged stru-ic i will find a certain and speedy remedy in the use of theabove Tonic Aget for the '?PKKfr'GC'J'IOK H IXBOW CXKAXER." Tri S. RENNEKER. Carriage Factor/. The undersigned respectfully in foi ins (ho public that he is prepared to do all Kind of Work in the above line on the shortest no tice and at Eaivin^ Prices. HOli?ESHOEING done in the best possible manner. I also havo in full operation my PLANING AND MOULDING) MACHINES, And GRIST MILL. All work in this lino done without del ay and or. reasonable terms. A share of the public patronage is solicited. jiily 25, IL RIGGS. , XL.oau.as H. Baysor w ATTORNEY AND COUXSELLOK A? I,AW, Corner Church and St. Paul Streets, Oraiigobtirg, S. C? Frompt an.l careful dtleution|giveri to all busincH.H entrusted to my care, jan 13 1881 ly Attorney and Counsellor t Law OIIANGEHURG, S. C. Ofilec corner of Court House Square and Church St root, the same formerly owned and oc cupied by Win. M. Hut son, Eaq. junc 11 tf