THE ORANOEBU?G TlHKg. tSBVRiy EVkirf rtivnsVAY morning, STILE? R. MELLmiAHP Editor and Proprietor, Terms of Subscription* One Copy one Year-.$1 00 M " Sue Months .~ 75 -:o: ??? nates of Adverthung. ?nf Stptare 1st Insertion?:.*.$1 00 Eaeh Sttbstquent " ............. 50 Kotices inserted in Local Column at 20c per Line. Alt Subscription! and Transient Advertise ments to be paid for in Advance. Wo aro in no ^fay. responsible for the views or opinions t>' iut Correspond *ots. THURbDAY, APRIL 2L.1881. KEfel* THE ScOR^CLEAbT Time is moving on. Twelve months will scarcely roll around be fore another campaign will be upon ns. Are we prepared for tho issue? Stupendous work is to be done. The minds and resources of our best thinkers will ho taxed to their ut most tension. It may not be neces sary for us to discuss at this time, the plans winch must be inaugurat ed for our success, and for the per petuation of good government. There aro many opinions, but these opin ions must be brought together and a systom evolved. Tho time is short and something must he done. As to the specific plans, we will make no suggestions here. Let the best counsels prevail. Wo will only say this much in a general way. The record of the Democratic party must be carefully guarded. Wc must go into the next campaign as invulnerable as we can. Our record on economy cannot be excelled. On this point our enemies caunot meet us in argument. Let our record on other points be equally invulnerable. Let us prove to the colored people by our actions that wcarc their friends. Let our promi ses to them he always remembered. ' Let us not be driven front the. fulfil jaent of these promises, either by their ingratitude, or by the popular ! cry that conciliation is vaiu. It is | certain if we gain nothing by it, we | cau lose nothing by iL W? can well atlbrd to be maguanimous. The tendency to rashness and careless ness in our actions and expressions is getting too popular. Injudicious writings and speeches, on the prin ciple that it makes no difference, are doing us much harm. It seems that while some arc building up, others are pulling down. In many things we arc furnishing ammunition which our enemies are laying up for the day of battlo. There aro many who never think or look beyond the present. Let us Inj- .aside all follies, and look to it that tike record of the Democra tic party is kept as bright as the noonday .kiwi. TUE SECRET^ It is said that the secret that lies at the bottom of the deadlock is deep er than a mere scramble t*n the part of either party for the ofllccs of the government. It is, on the parted* the Republicans, the commencement of a programme, through Mahoveism, to break tho "solid Southund a simi lar ellort on the part of the Democrats to defeat these plans. It is the in tention of the Republicans to bolster up Mahonc and Riddlebarger, and through them to carry Virginia for the Independent or Anti-Bourbon party, and if this is done, the Demo cracy is to be brokcu in every part of the South. The aim of the Demo crats, therefore, is to prevent hy all tlie means in their power, the con summation of the Mahonc tiro gramme. Senator Brown, oue of the most liberal and independent of Democrats, tells the Republicans plainly that the thiug won't do at a'l. A pa:t/ organized in the under such auspices will have no weight whatever. A breaking of the color line, and more political in tie pihdcncc may be desirable, but it can accomplished by an alliance with Republicanism. Men may like independence, hut. they will never have it coupled with Radicalism. The Gar 11 eld policy of revolutioniz ing the South, if Mahoueism is a specimen, can have no other effect, if it bus any effect at all. but the bring ing hack upon us the age of plunder from which we arc just slowly rally ing. The Democratic party must take care of its own household. It does not ask the help cd' any other party. Ithns its imperfections, of course, like all other parties, but it has the capacity to reform thoin, and it must reform them too, if it values its own existence. All depends upon the intelligence, the virtue and the freedom of it* members. The Rev. O. \\ . Henning, who has charge of the freed men coming from the Southern States to Kansas, niys, that 100,0011 of them have settled*in that State and 100,000 in other Northern States since the exodus be gan. He says that the Board can't stop thcin cod)tilg. They say they arc determined to come to the home of old John Brown. Kansas is an excellent State, and it seems from their going and staying that they must be satisfied and bappy. The. natural increase of the color ed population is so much greater than that of the whites, that the*, that if the latter is not augmented by immigration, the pro portion wil'. bo very much against, up. AN IMMIGRATION. SOCIETY. An.Iinfnigrrttiun Society ought to be lbFiaHid by I bo fanners of Orange burg* Such au organization, co operating with the State Immigra tion Bureau, cannot fail to accom plish good. The discussion and agitation of the important subject of immigration, and the combination of our farmers in their eirorts in this lino, will besurc to produce for . us most beneficial results. Collectively and individually we need to be arous ed to our necessities for our future welfare. With the slightest exertion and concert of action, a large .num ber of settlers could be brought into our County. The benefit to us industrially, and politically of the gaining of settlers in oiir midst is not properly appreciated. Can't somcthiug be done to start the ball in motion? We have the laud and the resources. All we want is th muscle and the capital to develop them, and place oursc Ives in the full line of prosperity. We act upon the principle that what is every I dy's business is nobody's business, and thus nobody moves. We don't know our wants and our dinyera. - ??? ii ?? - ? ? mmmmm ? ? The people of Charleston arc hap py over the Railroad combination by which the Georgia Central and South Carolina Railroads have been con solidated. It is said that the ports of Charleston and Savannah will b. greatly benefitel by the. arrange ment. The grand object of the scheme is to protect Georgia and South Carolina from being tapped and drained by lines inimical to their interests. In this view, as the lease is of ninety-nine years dural ion, we think a bright page is opened for us. The most promising news of all has come to Mr. Ro.loro"d Urine. IT THESE WARNINGS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. T?TT'S PILLS ?ro eiipj'clilljr ??laptvil to sm-li cniie*,itiie d?>?o nfTootn tmehncliuuga of fueliliK us t?? it*toTit*li flio miflVrrr. Tlicy Inrrrmr tin* Appel tie. and iioiso Um btxlv lo TmIic on Flewti. lim? Un> H.vslitni M no?rl?lit<4l.nnil bv UiHrTttnle ?etlatioii llie Dleeatlie Oiimii?. Ilcisrulnr.Sloot? nre pro cliieicl. lTlrv 'S? tfllls. :t5 Muri nj PJ.V. ?i Quay llAtKorWinaieKW rtiaiiged tnaflti'imr IIlack by n ?tnxlr Mt'pllraUoii of Oils Dyk. It l upan ? natural folor, iwtih IiwtanlnneiaiMy. Bold lij' l*rUffgii>U,J nil n-rrij-l ft. OfTIco, 30 Murray St., How York. (. ?III Im ratllrd Hil l; on applltallaa.p TAX NOTICE. OryioK ok County Trka-?c?i r, Qrangebur; County, 8. C. Orangeburg, C. II., S. C, April lit 1881. Notice is hereby g'ven that tie rates of Taxati a ''upon every dollar til tlie value of all Taxable Property" for die fineTd year commencing November Jut 1S8U, are an follow*: Kor Mute pnrpoffp, live mills (3). For County purposes, tIts'ao mills (3). tor past Indebted no*, iluce-fouiths of one mill ('?{). I'or l'asi Indebtedness of the lbc:d year 1878 and 187'.', one-half of one mill iA). For the biippori of l'tiblie uuhoots, two inilU (2). Total number of mtlln, 11 \ . Notice in also given that I will be at th" following nairnd place* on the days apeci licd for the purpose of collecting 'Paxes for the above mcMium d vc;tr. NO MXTKK TJON OF TIME WILL 1112 AKIiU FOR Office houiK from t> A. M. to 2 p. M Zeigler.V Htoro, Monday May 2nd. Knotta' Mill, Tuesday JJrd. Fort Motte, VVediicHoay ita. Lcwisvillc, Tharadav olli. w. F. Phillip?, Friday lith. K. S. (tleatoiih, Monday t'th. Cooiifboro, Tueaday l?tli. Wilketi J'awN em, Wcdiieaday lith. Col. L>. Livingston*, Mill, '1 hurailay 12th JohtiT. ^iliiainsona, Friday 13th. IliuavjiyiUe, Monday IC./h. Andrew Myvr*, 'I'ne.-dav 1 Tili. J. II. Siuoaka MM. Weihtemlay 18th. C?)iuior.i store, Tlitiradav l'Jth. Ayrca kIio;)? Fiiday 20th. KowcKvi 1 e iVonday ~ttti\. J. II. Fehler,?Tacmltiv 2lib. cV. 1?. Wells, W.iiiicaUiiy 'J?lh. Avingeirt, Tluu>day 2t!lh, W J.iS'iuderri, Friday '-7th. Dr. TIioh. K. Keller, Saturday L'8th. i apt.'l'hoH. A'luwaoiiH, .4/ohtlay SUtll. Eaiaerlitt? jVills, TiivHtlay 31st. My oilicu will be open at theConrity feat during tho remainder of the time ?lfowed by the luw for the abnvc pupbye. liOHEltT Coi'ES, Trc?i lircr '.?. ('. apr'l Ii ?I BAZAAR OF FASHIONS! HAVING spent some lime In "Nl-'W YORK making purchases for the HIKING and SUMMER, hare securod an Elckaut STUCK of Dry dJoocfln with ihe view of pleasing the Ladies who desire the REST and most Fashionable at JLovtcm Price*. Orangeburg has mado rapid stride* in tho In?t few year*. Although we nave not an ELEVATED BAIL ROAD Wo have tho FIRST CLASS I>ry Hoods FKlatblinhmcnl of MKXRY' KO IT NT, where the Feleet'?n is as good and Prices as Attractive as in the Metropo lis, a few of the many articles iind mentioned herewith: r.pO j icccrt Calicos \\, 5, C>] and 7 et*. 200 pieces Striped Php-.c 7, a and 10 cts. 100 pic< r* Victoria Lawns 9, 10, 12, ift, 20 ami 25 els. [ | 25 pierce Ratisto and 4-4 Rrown Liucu 100 pieces Figured Lawn 8 cts. worth Vli.i \ Snitingri I-J. 15 and 20 cts. rpilK Parting intuition of the ago is the Electric. Lieht, which is now in practical UFe in New Fork City. We nine, would dke to have it ALL OVER QR4NGEBTJRG 20? plcctw Bleached bong Cloths 5, G|, 8 and 12 els. The Special Bargain is our 4 4 .-?oft finished '.' cts. never equalled. Hut our City Pa!hers think Kerosene good enough yet awhile, but as onr friend Bro. P. says, "Rehohl, I wid slu>w yon a Mystery" : 200 pieces 4-4 Sen Island Cotton at 8 cts.; the brand is "'Sarai??? lt.," guaranteed tin- I5e.-l and Finest made, full 1 yard wide. And still they conic: 150 pain Kid (Hove*, lint ton?, 50 cts. 200 pieces Derby Suitings 8. 10, 121 eU. 10 pieces Uuss. Idorll'Snitinfjs \\\ cts. ldh pieces brocade and Plain Worsted Press Goods in all the Now Shades 15, 20, 2-*>, ?0 els. 7*5 pieces onr CelebrnUd Globo Alpaca nnd Jh iliaiitines, which for Reality of Tcxtnrc. Color nnd Finish. Surpasses all tubers, being on tho Ii lue Slnulc in stead of the. Dead Hlack; the Colors are absolutclv Perfect, 15, 20, 25, HO, 3?L 50 cts. 10 pieces All Wool Rlack Cashmere 37, 50, 75 and $1. 200 I ;,;od Towels 5 cts , 6 for 25 et?. Triinnilns Silks, Velvets and Rroe-ades 85, 50.78 to SI.25, in .ill the fashionatde Tints, Tide, Roy?I, Soituan, Fiog and Braudwalor. THE WEXT SHOW Is our Millinery, I.aces nnd Straw Hats. 200 Childs, Mis-ses and Ladies Hats 10, 15, .25, 50, 75 io $1 in Fayal, Chip, Ma nilla, Leghorn and Panama Straw. 000 bunches Flowers, Sprays ami Plumes 0, 15, 25. St). 75 hunch. IeOO pieces Ribbons 8, 5, 7, 10. 15, 20. Your special attention i?c called u> our 5 inch Pure Silk Gros Urain Sash Kihhoii at 25 cts. pi r yard, wonderful. 200 pieces Laces in Vomiinelli Valeneionne Real Toichan, Rrcttenne, Antique, Caroline. Spanish, Blonde, Ronj.ih, 3, 5, 9. 12A, 15, 18, 20 cts per yard. 500 pieces New Huuibu'g Embroideries, t'owc and see them, they are the New est Designs, Prettiest and Cheapest ever brought here 2, 5, 6[, 8, ll, 12, 16 to.75 cts per yard. ICoO Novelties in Ladies Neck Wear Fichus, Ties, Collereltcs and Capes, from 5 els. to $1 .r)0. Paranoid and Sunshade* from 10 cts. to ?5 WANTED S8000 and Kipeuses to Porform one night at Way's Opera rfou*??. We declined, but Parents ate still h ippy and they em find a (?realer Varie'y of Iiovfl and I hildren's Clot hi tie than .mvwhire else. 200 Rovs and Children* Suits from 1 to Sid, Knee and Long rants, Ages from 8 to 115 years. 1000 Youths and Mens Suits in every con ceivable Style and Qua'it v. As usual 1 maintain the Reputation of Leudcr of Mvles and Low Prices in the Clothing line. Suits from S, 4, 5 Up to $20. loot) Globe unlaundried Shirts 55 cts. 2?00 Manhattan Shirts, be*t made, rein forced bo-om. IOC Linnen VYamsutla Mudin, no better Shirt anywhere, '.'J) cents. THE GREATEST 0 F ALL 1 S that MiDio of our Shoe Manufacturers have become conscience smitten, and are I., makinc an Honet Mine. I refer particularly to the ''Standard Screw Cable Wired Shoes, no'shoddy or pnpe-r insoles can be used, as the Screws could not clinch." Don't fail to call for Screw I'ottuiii shoes if you want Solid Work. Full lino for .Ladies, Children and Men's wear. Thev cost no more than an ordinary Shoe. *_0'->0 pair Ladies and Gentlemen Hand Made Philadelphia Shoes and Root-, over* pair Warranted. S'ippers, Newpi.rts and Prniiell*. 10 pieces Floor Matting 2<>, 25, 8U, ds. Oil Cloths 35, 40, 50 cts. Carpets 155, 50, 05 cents. And everything else kept Class Dry Goods Store. F'rst HENRY KOHN'S BAZAAE OF1 FASHIONS, N. B.?As heretofore Dealers ami everybody else supplied with Factory Home spuns nt Factory Trices. P. S.?Dealers and* everybody else supplied with J. & P. Coals Cotfon nt 65 cents per Spi ols. NOTICE TO TUK LA.DIES ( Call nnd gel a copy of BUTTERICK'S CATALOGUE For Spring and Summer. Also Metropolitan 1-flBhloit Bhect free. And tell the CHILDREN their Ncwfrpajer ??Our Little Folk*/' i;- nor.- realty, and f'hronib thrown in Iren? Announce* that he haa returned from NEW YORK and wonld Call apcciid notice to having the LABGEST, CHOICEST, MOST SELECT and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT DRY GOODS (Specially adapted for Spring and Summer wear, of the Latent Importations, and all of the Real Novelties of the Season, all Selected with gveal Care aa to Heat Quality and LOW PRICES Grand display of Novelliert in DKKSS GOODS At the well known popular 'EMPORIUM" I'ric?s. pieces Hamburg Embroideries* ?t 3 cenis per yard ami upward, the greatest varioly ever ottered. Torchen, I.aiigUtdoc, Vermicelli, Urcton Point l)'l'>prit, I>'AleiiCon, Span ish and other Laces at Equally Low Trices. ELEGANT NOVELTIES in madcap Lace Goods, EifhtlH,1 Tie?,' Kufllea. Aprons, &c, Ac, it will make yon feel pond to take a look at them. UNEXAMPLED profusion of the n< W (cnt^SiyltK in Frii ges, (limps, Taepels, Silk ; Girdles. Itnttotw. Hihlnus, Corsotn, fllovea, LaditH hinl rhildron's Hoiwry, Handkerchiefs, all new and tircat Bar gains. Fast Color and New Stylo Calico 5 e!t?. Fine ^ ard Wide Figured Cambrics 9 eta. Ueautiful Fait Color Yard Wido Lawns 8 et?. SPECIAL Rargains in all kind-; of ITo-nc kee|iinn (tooda, f'?ch as Toilet (Juilti*. Shecling-?. Towels. Doilies, Table Damask*, Cra.duis, &c. TtLF.ttANT assortment of Fans, Para *j sols and Mila Umbrellas. MO EH for everybody in all the New and llaudrome Styles tor Summer wear. CLOTHING fur Hoy* Youths oud Men in all the Latest Styles, in Great Va riety and at the Lowest possible Prices. SHIRTS, Underwear and Furnishing (ioods. An unequalled line of thcuc Goods bought direct and only from tli? J/annfactiirers. A full lino of die Celebra ted Cosmopolitan Custom .'hirts, Collars and Cutis. Hoys Shirts, Men's Fine Neck wear, Silk Handkerchiefs, &c. The very Heat l.'nlaundered Shirts at ;>0, 75 eta and $1. Special sizes made to order. All sizes of Fruiiaca for Pictures and Chronica The Light Running U?oim>Htie Hewiia{? IMnchlnc, Needles. Oil, Attachments and Parte of every Machine in Use. Mine* Dcniorcut's Reliable Paper F.afchiona.) IjjLAIN, Checked and Paney Matting just as Low Priced as any in the United Stated. t&f" lh short I guarantee that evervbody shall be pleaded, having the goods by the tens of thousands, and StyleB by the score, have then for old and young, for rich and rich and poor, for pretty and plain. I nm prepared to furnish every lady and gentle mnu with pist what she or he* wants, and at just the price that mit?. OOME AND SEE I The Hoya nh'd Girla arc requested not to mit-a calling for New Cards for their Scrap Hooka end Collections, GREAT DRY GOODS EMPORIUM! SPECIAL NOTICE. Now that tho holiday season is over and everything has gone pros perous and happy; every one better off, nnd a bright fertile year ahead, at no period in the history of onr business life have wc been so thor oughly prepared to meet the wnnta of the trade and the requirements of tiio people, as wo. are now. We shall continue to place upon our counters from day to day, bargains in4* every depnttment at LOWEST PRICKS, and shall always be found UBing our best (ndrnvors to prevent extortions and uphold the CASH SYSTEM. Our entire tdock is now ofTored nt. REDUCED PRICES: We n*k jou to call nnd inspect our goods. "We guprnutee to please as to quality an 1 price. Look rat? fully over this list of a few article* mentioned : Gents J Hos?, white, 5 and 10 o. Striped 123 ** solid colors. 12} douhlo heel & toe 12} Ladies^hose, whits, 8, 10, 12}. striped, 10 V solid c?lurs, 12} M balbriggnu, 15 " " finest ?ptaM ty,25 C hildren's hose, colored. .r?, 8. 10, 12} Ladies t_ianutlets, dark co'om, 3") e. *? Berlin gloves, embr .iderod back?, 35 " khi ghvB, 4 Iwitons, "lust m ikers, 75 Genta 1 nek?kin g'oves, lined 75 ?? ('riving ?? 30 . Derby suiting, 10 " Qfhr^l, 12} Cn*hmorea, beautiful color.-*, 16} .Merinos, beautiful color*, 16 Flannels, red, white and blue, 26 t? 35 couts. Nubias, (ty pretty,"30 a Ladies Hoods, now style-*,.40 cooking Glasses, bureau size, $1 extra large $1.50 " oval friunoa GO and 80 cents Silver plated lea spoons, $1.25. Table " '1.75 Forks 1.75 " KnivdH 3.75 Glass .Setts, handsome, 4 pieces, SO G'.a*? Preserve Stands, 60 Goblets, 75 ct per doz Tumblers, ?Ojct per dox Lrnips front 25 to 75 cts Large assortment Ladies, Gent* ami Children's Rimes from tho finest to tho cheapest, Men ni.d Boys Huts, 40, 60, 75, 1.00 1.25 to $3 * on and Boys Cups from 25 to 50 Fancy Box Paper, j b%elopes and Stationery. Agent for the Largest Tobacco Factory in the United States, we oiler bargains in this lino. Agent for Mannfnotnrera of Soaps and Concen rated. Lye, we defy com petition. We have the.Largost nnd Chcnp oat %Stock of BROOMS AND BASKETS in the Market. Agent for the Ctlebrated Town talk BAKING POWDERS. These Powders have stood tho Test by the best Chemist, and pronounced PUKE, when bought in cAns. Prof. Mott, the Lending ( hemist of the World, says tho worse adulterations occur when Powders nie sohl loose or in bulk. Remember this and get TOWN TALK from Headquarters Your attention is asked to tho re duction in our CARPETING, put down to 25, 35, 40 cents. Pocket Knives from 5 ets. to 82.. Buggy Whips, 25, 50,75 cts., |1, SU 25 $2. Yours respectfully, C. D. KORTJOHN* ?Sy Always notice this COLUMN CHEAP GOODS.