Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg Court House [S.C.]) 1877-1881, March 31, 1881, Image 4

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N E W E I It M! NEW GOODS!'! HAMILTON & NOKRIS, (NEXT TO KIRK ROBINSON.) Offer a full Stock of 'DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &0. CIl KA i.' VOR CASH, AS been THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED und ARRANGED so iliat purchasers' can enjoy every convenience and attention. Our STOCK is LARGE and VARIED, bought^ciitirely Tor gash, we can oiler G-EiJATEl I IND.UOEMfiN TS to buyers than any other House in Orangeburg. Oui'slock consists in part <>f the following lines ofgoods which wo now RPLEXISII WEEKLY by the arrival oi every STEAMER, with all h\ KKW ?'Hl fi^filJ - & L. 2 A BSffjSS GOODS of the Season: Fancy und Slaj)lo Dry ( loot!.-, Yankee Notions, Ladies and (ien? llcntcu Furnishing Goods, Hosiery, Hoots and Shoes di rect from the Manufactory in Lynn and else where, Ilai.s and Cap?, Umbrellas, Clothing, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, IP u r n i - tu re, Ac. Wo tire tho Agents for the REST and CHEAPEST SEWING MA ET INES matle. Are have the MODEL HARDWARE ST?RE South of Baltimore* a per i GEM, where you can got anything usually found in a L"TR T CLASS i iardware Sloe';. We have also made nrraneemcnts to supplv the Trade with GRANITE' /I LLE DRILLS and IH'tOWN i HlRTlNGSat Manilla,diircr's | rieiy : 11 J. A P. COAT'S best 0 chrd Thread in V bite, Black and Coloi*, 8 h i() yards, at Agent's Price in t>row Ni'? rk, a i-aviug id Freigfit nnd Drayagi the Buyer. These Conds, will be supplied to the Trade in any fptaulU> the above rate. fiwT Do not forget tho Place. ? r r\ 1 ? ? ft p J j g t t ??? ?? i !^ H k v ?! I : \: sLUo rl uUnlitLaU-N MA-M^J OTI-I STO I:E O RA X G ?2 B UU <[>, & C. E C S H U L L AT :d oy le'? c\o 11 rsr i ? n. Respectfully huorm? the citizeiis of this County that be has a fniland complete >.!; ot FAMILY GROCERIES, P.AU'O, GIC.AUS; Ac. Also a fall line of the very BEST LIQUORS n-isting of all grade** of whieh 1 iniikc a specialty. Call and examine go?ds air prices. Mr. I. AI. KNUTTS is with me and will be pleased to have his friend.- t call oil hiiii. oet 22?1 y vi ft PA RA Ii Iii-. I. K E * CT I'ilS <o every pt'VMon who ibt* Ii? lUb IloUSrh'lhi f.'l ? ' .1/if</?UIilf reivG fr?.?- fdiir i.Iayitiliociil Cliroiuo.-i. ! 7 x'J 1 hielte?, j in l\ etil med Kugili.v?" i ? one of tin 1 ?uarnting ehroiuoH we have ever seen, J ?: 1 be iinpri <l by ail. ?ber ~ 'is a 'elinrhiiiijg cltroni? in --ix oloi-s, entitled " .Sow Tai Mamma." ? ?*Hci'?r?linj? Anpcl." Tl.i- jiictiirc ? iily t o be seen lobii admired. ids ami Illo.-!-uriis"? >i by ihb farb-il gaialen-lhiwer>, -i by lite piiilUclad applediongli-. Hi 'I by (lie leave- tin.- ?oft breeze dower.% rm in ilie idtnde tin1 Mm endows. 11iive ihev cbiii? 'mid bud ami biivisoai, -. in aiidbtid themselves inns' fair, to besbrim-il hi Miihcstrncg bn.soui (Yoin the rage of rain or air. is Infi:?' mui handvthil'e Mtljgn tinil premium prietiii'es etui bo ? ; the Tt o Ks.1 ? Hi ice. A ltd :?. I so \\oit\tsiiiu1 Fwiskitlti "Sliit/iiiiiii; :ihd {ftitstj tilnl /?<//?//// //mihi. W. I?. SI'KN? KU. A {rent. ervbest qualitvof (lilt K?l?'?<: Unt il " VAN TA?H VA'J?i 0^hcil re*poet fully iii Ihc public that he is jirepnrod ill Mintl of Work ? uhovu line on the Ldtortejt no lid al &ivlhj8j Prices. U^l^lKiKtl'v? done in the 1 i .Hsiblc manner. . > have iu fu!i operiition iny wise A|Ni) moulding; MAUIINES, GHIST MILL. ! v. oi k in this line done without awl on reasonable i? rins. hare o: the public patronage is I. 2? II. It!GGS. ' ? 'K Oiiiolla'in? lit JAMKiJ VAS TA.-FAI/s. y and Counsellor at Lav; NG ISHUltO, s. G. . iici- of ('ourt I louse Squari t Im re 11 Street, i he same it inorly owned and oc cupied by W in. M. Unison, Ksr(. If LIVERY'" AND mm espicisi The midcr.siuhcd would re'pectfiillv in form tlu* citizens nf (his ami adjoining Counties that ho will furnish, on the most !R?asosiablQ Ters?is M Y OMXUil'S will continue lb meet every i nil it HAULING. iNmo ?Ii the Minrtest notion by careful and trusty hamls. Give me atrial \V. AI. SAIN, A the Olli Stand. Done in the lies! in nun >r and < n tho most reasonable terms. Also Of every ih'seription ? oil the shortest notice anil at moderate | jiriee^ j Work respectfully solicited. W. II. HOW KLL, ()p post to i larli y's t !o i iicr, I WIM. ItlX'KIVK IN I I .N HAYS A CAE LGAD BIKE STOCK MIT. ?T^BZiSSS ori'ositn < !. 1 >. KO ii'TJO ! I X H|.t 1; isso if THE ?i'IBERLIG?13D ^ h (ft* I'M Str his fi'ivhdsi aiuJ IF.'C " / pjihiici at Ktthcireceiitty occupied A I ill f.itoe!? .?;' (iencrai iaypMAjMsiE. A ?all 'elicited *?hd satisfaction guaran teed. T< > I VA CCO Will be made a ?] eqi ill;. W. I). THOMPSON. jiirie I IS^o ly TH A ? "w OjS DERFT J L TWIN ' Inwanwii ? Iff lr -..? .. . . ... M ret mtcd, Nov. SI, 1S70. 2(o. laim Tho "best SPSXBTCS X^SD 2S^?r Made. ( I.KAN AND N?ISELK?S, STRONG AND DURABLE. County nights for sale. Manufactured only by It. A. H.UvKK & CO., mar 10?It Main Street, Ornnucfrurtf, S. C. P HJ " B "Si a Attractive AT TJIK RED S i ORE a A FULL LIN 13 OP FAMILY GEOCSEIES Al wnvH on linmb COFl'KK, I'ti relied andC.r<>iind t.> order, NEW B?( K ?VII EAT, X. (). M?LASSFtf. .'.<-.. ,\c. Also :> full line til ? UihU 1.1. IWn raj t- ...vw <* lArvMisuiiBiB * ? iai aailwi CItOt KEHY, I.AMI'.-:, ,v,.. Give nie it call. rJ . < i ROi V"?SFj. 7*''7"$ "^'"p *?."*."? ';T *sX* i-?r^ll CA4"t% ? ?- ?ii a*Vl?Rl'iA J tiy IX? Vj'bL'cxi^ij L3.uw!.i.>l^ Jjl?i tVB^W? w'wlid hov 20 ij>80. lv KIRK UOi?N 4;X, 2iis"ui2ra2ic? Collecting ^gGsat. ttepresen/in;? a niiiah'er of OSil :t:j;5 Lleis:: &?Io <!'?<lip>t3tiOf<. ! am pre pared to issue POLICIES on all chit&us of.Property at FAIR sind KI.ASONA ULK iates, A'X D In addition tt? iny Collecting liusiness, will attend 0? Is ? refusing and 'Avll'm^ Lwi:l Statute. itoir WAT/rO A SM AI I. KAHM in the Town, with a Vineyard of ali< ni ' acrcy in good cultivation. Dwelling and Ivitelitn mi premises. Terms reasonable. ALSO FO B S \ ya': Several Building Lots and two Dwellings in the Town. For h dc or rent j2 story Dwelling on Eiissell.hroet;] For particulars apply to K i i ChZ KOj3ITSTS?lSr, E : a IiAS J( ST OPENED IN WAY'S HEW BUXLBIHG X FULL STOCK OF 5 ? ?esiGia h/i?rcnanoiSg All of which Lam 6trerin?c al B?TTON PRICES. oot '29 siss/r B I'lVS C [jo. oli. F now openeil and otiered to tho people of tirnhgohurg at such prices that \vill convince them that I regard their interest. MV Dl<il>?KTiiBWy^ff ^cupica the entire Second Floor, and comtist? ol Men* and Youths Suits in new Styh s aiid cuts. rp'HL inte rio of iny STORE has been SSSITI 1?0"VCClij it ml the capti j city ENIiAU'MKI') by tho nddilt-<u ol >:od v;a:;. \\ ndi-tvd n ?(?.?-;-ar y '..? place the EX I'RA LARGE ??UI.,?cSiQ.S?S ?VU,T Line of Goods. T\)(fY IfiASDSSSS ?2123S>S ^'00250 seleetcil with great 1V1 (::rf, atitl the aeleclioh hi colors and iiiatcrial luad? ci-pceially l??r ihir- maiki't. 'ii.i- line of (.okkIs Wiii he shown with plcasi ro to the Ladies by GeallcnicU id* th?tu as to tlie selection of Trimmings, itud CNpcrieu c c ol ih dry goods business. J ij A TS ;i i id ( j A ] \vA displnyed in a largo new Glaisa Hat Case ? ? at pi ;<??;! to .>nil evi ryhotly'. :;. j v t ?RSJ TVm? ST^?S i? sbeked with mil line, of 1 . Chaiis. iioil leads, thiiis, thadlcs, Sofas, I>>augiH, Parlor, llii.l R >out and Dining Iloom Setts, 'ihn is in a separato Store. i ??> preimretl ... pay ?21 ".a 3% "1 ?LSH iPB.S?'?S ? (LMVf!]iri;^;:;; ?n other cuu^tb.'u' s^oxy'^ross. I IttiVi an ACCOMViODATiON IKUJSE in iny Stoic Yard which is alwav.- ai I he servico of'ua \>idi Teams reinainiug over nicht. I \vi Ii my (listen:* is in Kiew this, thai all ol my Gootls were pnnha-ed by 51 YSKi*I?T.wilh great care in order in got the VElii HEST QIIALI i Y and 1 thiult I have succeeded, ami invite all to conic and examine iny4fctoek ot Goods, and especially my Shoes. J. C. P I K E Pl-ICENIX IRON WORKS, COLUMBIA, S. C. P. KIND, Superintendent- G. DIERCKS, Proprietor.; M A N U FA CT ? R B El O F Water and Worse Powers, Saw and Grist Mills, Columus for Store Fronts, Railings lor Balconies. Ail kinds of Castings done at Short Notice and Low Prices. Work done in Good, Workmanlike manner. Repairing of nil kinds ol* Machinery und Engines. All orders left with Capt. V. H. W. BRIGGMANN, my Agent at Orangeburg, S. ('.. will receive prompt attention. fob 10?tf TUE STAU COTTON MANURE. I nm receiving SEVERAL CAR LOADS of this LEADING FERTILIZE^; So well known and advantageously used on COTTON last year. To CLUBS and CASH BUYERS, I will make LOW RATES. It is an Ammouiuted RAW BONE Phosphato of the same character as Cue's and Mapes. The Rev. L. Zcigler says in reference to it, "I had excellent easons, hut never had so large a yield ou my phice before." ?tlier ccrtifi ates from II. L. J. BLUME ami others ENDORSE IT as "THE MA Nv." ^ they will use so long as it can he had." ?tono I~*liosplia.te, [Kaizkit, Limo, &n. A. IflAJMII/FOjr, inn '20. 1881_ly NEXT TO HENRY KOHN. T In? Wltite is Kin:. Tux K?My (Irundfuther'a Clock; \ As CoMI'OsKl) AND SlJ'NO HY VV| j.I.l.VM; GltKOO OK NKW Oltl.BAMB, LA. My grandfather Howe, thirty-live years ago Cay dreaming at midnight in bed* N'i xl morning he told t'? a wondering world ' <>t :,|] that passed thr. ugh his head. And this wax die song that he Ming to his eh tuns, Ah they chucklingly formed in a ring.* The V. heeler A Wilson and .S'ingcr wont in Ar.J agreed to a very wicked tiling. Cuoiti's?Thirty years of monopoly, King ? /.'in/, Ring ! Miili.>ii- put in mir treasury, .Sim:, Sing, Sing! But lliey .-!? pped -hm?, never to go again, Vyhbii ihci'Wl|ite" beeaiiie king. The next ihiiig thevdid was our Congress to bribe '1 be extension of patents renew. Thus millions of money ,vere ?vrung from the poor By these tyrants, tho privileged few, Biit tin f.- eanie a glad Hay when our wrongs w? re made i i.'.'Iit. Our nation inotie man arose, And said tu t'? i...n.-v, our servants yia aro, .""u down thy monopoly goes. < uoiai s?Thirty years, etc. A* the day of our freedom has coirio to us now, We're allowed all the patents louse; So ? Id Mr. finger just take a back scat, K?>r all your bad point a ?ve refuse, And now lei us shout of ii perfect maehine, Sflf-drretwhiig lind ijui?t and light; So 11 ic iu:> a! I unite in the (11? ? r: 1 ^ kc ~ing, As we tell of the beautiful "? bite." ('it on I s?Thirl v years, etc. NPARALLEL iold by ort 1 1?S0 c. Iv I ai II Ills' lUiyioriiUSiioi cJ 0 Consisting of plow SToCKS. plows, hoes, shovels, spades; &c. And a complete Mink of It ?" \ TT> T\ WT K T>T7' gux? pistols, cutlery, powdek ?1A l\U IV l\ ii v ii/, S?ot, CATS, cartridges, ftc. SSiY*' All of the aboveI COOP* will bc Foldat old prices uotwiihatandir g tU recent AUYAJiCK on all articles in diu above line. aIls? The Light Running Remington Sewig* Machine The BEST and thcCHKApjiST Sewing Machine manufactured. 11G pit i t*i'l > jr of all kind* in liiv line done at the shortest possible notico. ,,? um. ig; P. G. CANNON. H. S, FENNEKER, CORNER RUSSELL A BROUGHTON STS., Will keep constantly o:i Land the following goods : Collces Bacon, Canned Salmon, T< a-, ? Strips, " Lobsters, Sugars, Hams, " Mackerel, Flour, Lard, " Oysters, Crist, Butter, 41 Tomatoes, Meal, Soap, " Green Peas, Rice, Starch, " Corn Beef, All of the nl ovc articles I guarantee o bo FRESH, and will sell them I v * LOW us the LOW EST lor the cash. Call and exaraino my Stock and pi ices before you purchase. Always keep on hand it full supply of LIQUORS, WINKS:AND CIGARS. The Celebrated "Oakley Bitters." Persons who nresullering from Indigestion ami who areliablc to Chilli aiul Fever, Dyspepsia, mid nil the attendant evils of n Deranged sttnach will find a certain and speedy rcmcdyin the use of theabovo Tunic 8? '? for the "PLl?' i:CTIOAT WINDOW CLEANER." I I S. RENNEKER. IlLOXiias X. Eaysor, ATT< ) i i N i : V AM? c at law, CWncv Clturc'h nun* St. Paul Streets, < > r:\ 11 :?.( -1 >i i i'g, S. C? Prompt ami rar- fnl ntlciltioufgivci) to all business entrusted to mv care, jan in i!-Sl ly LKWIN'S STUDIO AN ? hotographic Gallery Isnoxt open (liid ready for business in all branches of flip art. In order t<? aeconuuodnte all niy friends 1 shall he pleased in have von ?all ami get EIGHT FERROTYPES FOR $1. Don't forget the place |A. II. LEWIN-, Next to Dr. llccvcs' Drugstore, nov 20 tf OUA/iNCi EBURG HAIBLI WOEES, 6, "VLAYUVW & SQK. ONE POOH EAST OF Dr. J. G. Waimamaker, Dealers in ail kinds of Americanjind Italia MAElBXiE WOKS. Tond)Stones, .Monuments, Marble and Slate Mantels, And all kinds of Stone Work furn ished to any design. Also Polished Granite Wort Either Native or Foreign to order at Lowest Possible l'rices. Correspondence solicited w ith those in waut ol any work in tho above line. oct 1?ly t