Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg Court House [S.C.]) 1877-1881, March 31, 1881, Image 2

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'j Ilk .,. i.x.v i?G t ?.\ai.ij. ISSUi'U KVEltY Tili ?SD/W MOUNINd STILES K. Mi: Lb! Til AMI' litlitor am! i i'ront'iv'idi'. Terms <>f SilbfBoripti?ii? One Cany one Year.?1 co '? Six Month. 70 Kalos of Advert isir.g. One Alt?re, l.f Kbertion.?1 00 /?.'?(.?A Suhw.juent " . 50 ffaticc? inserted in Ttocul Column dt 20c ?.?er Line ??t// Subscriptions and Transient Advertise ments to be jiaid for in Adcanee: ?f/V" Wc arc in m> way responsible l??r tdc views or opinions ?.?' itir I urP ipond iiits. Tiiili^uAY, M?Kcii :si, issi. The changes which lime iiiid cir cu?istuuCcs produce i.: lb ? opinion; of men are oftentimes remarkable! urn! furnish a profitable and inierost hi?ij theme for the student of human lihturc. Ah n proudly boast of t hoi) opinions to-day* hilt who ! :mo. - \y'h: i they will In* ten years '.?> i ?meV V.; eah otdy judge Of the future by Hit ]?::st. 'YtVljiiiru )itit(,infiir, it ;."?< inn inniur in Hi is, is n tr?tli which all must ad in it. Truth, of t ikt rsfe', is eternal, hut our view's of it. are e ?.? eeediugty varhihie. 'i i:::'. whieliv.'i ; Corn lb-day w ? 6ft v:i emlirYiee to-ilii :* row. Iii nol'iiiig is this ehaiii|'eiiiui're apparent than i:t i'iii.r estimate ifmeii; 1'nlbrtuiiaUly, citYitmslaheeS wealth intiueueo prbst erity or advi-i sity have much ft high . ii wiii !:;? reiiie::iheiv i that lh< it WHS; alii:iein thir pw'ti Shite whim probably i' iir fifth ; of i !.?? [U< :?!. (in oiir leadilig /journals-!; look Stork in If buinberlain, an . o;.;.o-ed the i Un of :' s'.ridghtoUt I > ??moera'i'* (' r national itoiiiiiti lion, llitl (j . : -i.t furnisho.. a ritoiv Inking exsi ;t leof this ehi'uigi.1 of piiblie - ::.i;i i ist* ami it wits brought out ii; Midien -s'^peeeli it. the Senate on Monday. !; \vi|i bei remembered I hilt iti'ter the war. et'titie Senator from Georgia, joined the Kipiiblieuri party ::: !::- State, associating;with I hi* most toriuj/t men. He went its adelegate to lb liri l Kepublicnn < o:i\ en ion in ( !::??:. go, an'! was lippoiutoil ? ? ?he PI'S' e oi (.'itief du-:th ?? of ilo- Stiiiv \iy i\><. notorious BuU??::ic. the (m'itb.e iif ear pet ;bagger . 'i'o 11i?v? * ii'it:.l<>r i '?: ? ?w H viiittic.-ue i . 1 v -the Demo r-.tiic party olfiGeorgia, the isstie being pi-eseiited, tried and set tied. This', sett lobten i whs made 'u> tin' Guhernnloriid iitin'iesl i'ctwt'.'n Gdv. ('ohptitl iiiid Seiiator XoiAvoo : the iiivht beiibif made liiui be ii?> appointed tJo iibi Sruate ,tb i iiccoed tb-rdo::. ( ijtiitt. wrs *.ritn!:ph:iutl\ ohvi- \ and the i.egis}.*itti!e im?nedi:|te!y after* wards, confirmed Senator Brown*ii eppointhu :t by a liiiihi.roie.e uesjori ty. Wltat eHect Uie ieOUi-y.arid lfndji? of Brown 111'. . I'.u ->?'.?.?'? ii i; sitlis, we casitioi S;:yi r'ii:i the I':-, i. Ihere. Time has tvr'btighi wonder lid ehan'gi ?-. \V|!:i'ti h'rti we Iii t y.\ ee :t few yen rii lieii? ?.- 'day \? ? v. ? < .-. (laiin w.itli the preacher i vanit v !*' A IIlilGHT 1 i I M"e att^'.r from^'l- inglesporidotij OS to ihe i'ulure t.-f i!1! ^ou'.b. V\u i nergioi? pf lIiic? prop!.1 :?:!? iit hi turiicii in the ri^,i:i directum; y> ?? sire U't-iiiiiing hi.cir? jifa'.iicai* l!i b/ tin'? i-f ! b ? v. ar an i liieliari shipi fplliiwiiigupoti i'. harihg iiihen i. u \ of iii'.: poetry tiitd SciiihiVeiii Piit i o..;r nut life. VVe ha vt; gained nitb I l v a-i'.t r-itv end iif'l ri.-iu;.' I'htenix like froth I be ?? die?, (.otiOu : :?:;<! hiifttiries of ii 1S kih L: are iprliVi;' itig up !:i (??.. ry direction, :::: I, will our niildei vtimiiie rind rttore feijtil* siii!, \ve will i.i timei'pu I, if up! ex Ci 1 I he pi iispi-rdttii Nbri !l. 'JMieh i-* bill iiiie <i.i; !? idpiid uj ": tlie lidriMoii. ?ind thut i.; jiPliti't t :; . we limy have t rVeAblei < Pi int: r? .t. how ?ever it: til nib lei iitl; jd'o gros . and uPt in ppiiiie.1?; 'J'!!:- \:\^.: we i'aii steer elear of ? b'.-i. the lidtli* it w ill he for i .ei its, id leii en I -::v >.' ! ' be more lolei'ii'it of ;'i op I Iii Otis of olher.v a.. Id > till *.ve ein !?> li?ay i:.;i' bittet':!! -?? yrh'ieh i'." dUlhieied dielitiid. TlIK LYiMI<iihVn<)N ::?:;: i. i i is ( hei ring to see t lie li? ??! i tierest which has bom laketi dtii" itig tih: past IVw liiolltIts in the .-? ii' i >< i i f liniidg'ratiiin t" (titr :--t.'.!. ('ol. Bit'ler, oiir I uiiiiigi^iliPn Com inb.-stoiicr, has received a nuhdicr o ilhuiigraiit^ : 1 re i'dy ii i ? islribuloH Ihctn difl'crcnt patis of the State Ho is also daily rctcvihg applications from our farmers for lau?ilies, show i:ig that our people arc becoming aroused iu reference lo Ibc matter. The irailrOadis tboarcdoihg ar better pari (bau they ever did before for the South; Immigration tickets sold at ehest per rates limn ever before. The South Carolimi Uailroad ha i been particularly public spirited and fa reccing in the matter. We are also gratitied by thvj following itein ?f j ? clipped froth a dispatch IVOhi Columbia tu t!.; j (irs MM ? Oitrici "Mr. Newell \'ic Squarev; Of ? >" Charihg Cross, London, Kiig., I repre.-jehi-ing the Ahgio-AiWerie.ih Land Co. ipiihy (limited,):df London, i\rrived in tin- city \<> night, sind Ii? I :iloitg:interview v.ii': the commis sion r of immigration. The objects of|the conipahyiare in view of the I expected emigration from jt'ii'eul Britain, and fj'oni ICurope to America; to purchase' or secure land to settleeblotnes to .engage in manu factures,! A e. They desire :'! ;;> become agents of the Aiaerietih S'at's. cities ans corporations iii ?( letting lostiis iu Kuropcand ! securing qapital. Mr. S?ji;.?:?y having been cut <iij". with another member <?;" hi ? cOihpiiiYy to in peel si nil report Kprin J llie relative ndSant of lltedi eht sections of tit; ?hiliv! Stales as i sile 1m large commes ot \>cil-lo-i|o j ICnglish jfsirmors, lists, for .en.-v..k .. j been |iUj)r&itig the Middle Slate;;, the \ :. ginitj 5 an i North ( On hi:- lejurh feoiii .'. ;h0vijh\ ."'?. ('., }ie!lias eOhu here ib'sv'e Col. Butler, li-stVingllis-va mpatiioh in Char! iltO; tie himself v'eril uittcli pleas d with iho tMoi|mbtit and mi '. ??]??-!'. oft!., Htatb, as :i ii eligible. I;el 1 for linglish eoioht.;:i, who dev?|te i thtmi solves es1 penally to tail ing crt tie ????!- v. p f..;? ox j, o?i ?? i--u. In leg ii'.Uch . <! with the re i ; Son'h. . ;m! . I I j roti:sii!ers S tulh t uroUhii its fuv< r .. itnattd : any : for tlu purpose arid possessing as many :vd .vantages. . lie leaves on Monday direct ipr Tcxhii hud ArUhi; ;: ?-. mit i stepping in hiiv ?lt?er SouvU'.'u'i! j S'al". It is probable th t ot: ',.'.<- u: j iui'ti ::. May irhtri: dint 1 ? t> | s y ill 1 o I taken to tiiiv'ct Kn'iiish'etltiigratit^ '<? : hith < 'hroliufi tinth r:!: ?ibiet ? 6! The .above;"Infers lb the el \ >? ojj inBffiigriihts tl at \Viii do iis ititisl j .food. We aliud to kcltiers as tmall ' fanners and hot ::s Iii borers; 1'.' out farbii rs w !.-? h.U've large Ira -Lf < ! I land would 1 .:vct'i-:r lands ptdpevlx j ? xhibite-i sti 1 iutnigrsitiofi hetido ? tr ! ti fs'i stiid Vfoisld sejl th:rih so flisii poor hielt cottif! b:.y. I hey wtsuld gain liii ,? I t! ? h . ? ? ? . : ?? j value of v.hai they reserve. >Ve ! nn; :?? all v ? if tht I e:u (.!:ra.:-:' im til of imitiigiatiohj hoi J oiiU !>y ;?.; rin s lands, bui by I rest t ing" the iiaraigt as Our ?<;a o vylif-h i'hey taunt*, iiiid doing wc cith by :. ieieiy had otherwise to tnsike tlieni hapbV : :. 1 cOiiti !i!t;d. I nimi i-.vj ? - ? <r,-t - v .{I a: L.UiT. A leiegi-ain IVbm Ne;vbet i-y hp pr;?es , :M' f-itl'.ey ?-i*piure < f tir- irifshtttovt'hbct'Ttrrnilt tl th'J I ritt st! sii'SJiUil tijUiU MiH:i Ciinuirigbath isesir irtur tbwn sj i'-.v i\ <y-: .an he' eoifhl.;of "ft liieiiilvyris piibii ::?d in ;}.. 1'ivrs. Mehaii beeii lodged iii jits ::; ;l-sd place >V:her?i be la- chhfessed i-:s ei i:ee. Shcrli!'Salhy seiii lipifi'e iilia oh;Tiiesday eiiht and h.\ the : " ' . :. igei'ce teacl re:, lei's ;; iilaih \. ?; lo ? ? .1 i:: the (bane ii at in: Hi, hdVAi'r ixoxu i M.: i:,!ito.-: In A .tir Is'hit i:-> ?e, Mr. dr.... iy. i- c :.: j ' i: :? t i !';!:;? cpby.itii i i ;'??'?'???? i? ri. : j pi ad :-? I he "v? lit to < ouiity t ta il.i-, udiifTs*:' lib ! ah aeta.s.:'.??.:s 61 again the . t'ottii'V t..'obdiulssioue:1.'1 I deetit i: .:'.:t iuojipth'tiiue 10 ; lililish i!ie i ' 11 !ai ivt! Iii the du ti -s Of Co ? - 'i \ i-.'i :.i \\ ithii e;j.jiee( to t ue "I tigh way I!! i I i'ict ?" of i he ('< t . i 0 that '. hi pt'dd'e l: :.\ be j lile ! > jtldg ? \. !?:. i iiii'iisltre of blitihiy ou'glii io be ineied otil to the formt v ivhert1 the to.:.1, i in gelierai iire luid, stud where (lie (bill Swamp i iad, i:i particular, ''from the cblore 1 :ei:< oil" f-e to ( )! sinj.vd.'i I g ir. in a wretehetl i ?'t (lition, sin 1 v. here tin bill lit ?lr. V. u\t?cur flic io\\ i- iir.pafrKal Here is liif Act: Set* I tun i. Be it enacted, &o, "That each township in the several Counties <-l this State b'hall constitute a highway district, ami it shall he tlie duty of the Board of Cotthly Cotiithissiohcrs of <; ? h County annually, during I lie early portion of each year, to appoint some I Suitahle and proper person Fitperiii lendeat of Highways i'-j;- each high [wuy district; he . ball be a person resident in the highway district for .which he is appointed; and of those [ liable lo road duly therein, and by I'eaSbh of Iiis bnice , xcinpl f.-??tn paid duty. K. eh trupcrintemh hi of High ways listH hohl hi - otllec :>::<! be r. i]tiir . d ha rift Ihe i u ies of the Ruine for twelvs hionths IVfein the d*teol his1 hpi'ibiuchivril't He'tsu.S be removed by the Count 1 ComniissioK er.V, tin ! .in;:::.-: kpp^iaitfj lb ?II! out histiine,df;for any ekuae they .-h:*',! decui hi.- f:.iur;.! nee? ?iary prurpj ?r. Ii?.- jih-d have :;? ;.?r:?! supersisibia | Of the high wiiys und roads iu Li- dis trict ?.n'...,o the dii<i.'l;ou of the ??: mini it i: -. si:::! ouee iu every three ii Kpori to IheiCbhnty ('ouiuussiomiu writ ing, the eoadtlidit ?->;' the r ; :?.?! hridgeu i:i his diiii: u l:." See. 2. The ihtpcriitlVtitlcnt of highway Districts: :!::::! !e tlie . :. ' i. ti:.- ? ' - than i.v.: nor more ihinn live hides Ca eh;, I a : ; hi: .!:;:'! ajij.olnt an .-v: r. <*?:? ?.-.?* way ... riet Mio e. suitable tffclti '-; und * iiiie ii; he h t:i i ?r ami i ittb . :. . ? ?; ... i >bl! I'll : ? l.v. r ahv i. t he 1 ? : .-. : . :. : . . . _; ??. in : ail i Khali b i erscer < ! dl/stri;' . lo'r . 10 liai'i < -ahhi :r !.:::i !A hud ' \ I in digliAYjiy I^slrict^ . ; ???!?'; y et' a lilt :i ? i j . <.'.!. ? Act. hti* comp'sihit tltb ...i::;ii::--.o.:oi hit tin ! in iiiie. v. hi to v. ? inly - ,'. ? i. :i ? ? r. i I. in,- of y :':?:-.- :. .', it! :, a hi 1 tin\ ; rid t he w g ei any r ?.. ? him1 ?? t;r Is I ..... ? . . . I i i v MM \ V t. > i ??; -. in hddttibti totu :r oii n dti t'e'> t . . . j and ff'Spot, lutiiiies, to; utj. urns tno;-.; ; .' . t ;? ? n d. ? ? ..?...? ; . - 1 ! ' ? ? ? . ' .'. t*o ' * > i ; iV. a': i iiiierid '? ?> ? i'v ;?.> \ c ;".< . U i . . i . i a ? .\ .:.:: . j : . 1 ? ;? ? ; ? ' - i> ill ; I : ? . .11 ? j i . . .... . . ;: i. :: I.) thiv! ,?<;.-; .un of il oin onJ ? ? ? ? ... ? . : ??the hill . r.f ..r tb' ? i '? ';; \ ? : ;? \ >' Iqiind ni \VrM- SAIN'S M'A KS. 1'. '. vv ft. i I', tlij !?? ?? of .lim Monme, Jr.. Ilii> Tii>ti?iV|4 h'ttillihib ?'!"> Miuiriie wtu* - : .1 I. J i.i {Mi nioe. lie, by Ah xaitdyr'.s Ahd-ahil , and o ?I Ab lidali liy Ihuiiillunitui. dam oiit Of lm> ortitl I 'u kli! .litn l/Ote rue, Jr. i- eij-'bt m. r> old, bre?l by .lohn lb Nniter, of tjeor^itowh, Ky*. tiiul cnii tie bis mite in 2.-IO, tutd nlso Titdf brother to the lat'-Ht Ktallion now oil the Turf 4'A16n trv t hirl," rc<r>rd 2.18. ;TIOM 111 l noun ecu that he lias ret u mod from n r:\v v< )KK ml would eall tspcciul notice to having tiic .Al.CiKST. t'iitt.i'oST. Mi? T ;- VA.l'J T -im! (t. i; ri d;t ;; a ?e< ) lit m enT of DRY GOODS I?r^apied for Spring and .^UKioier nikr. ?.!" due Lallet l%*>p?rUlionftl and ail oi ih? Kral Kuvcllie.n of tbo Seasan,all ''clvct<4 >v:.ij great tare ua to littst Qdality J;rJ ! .< >W PIU< ! ES firatnJ >ii", lay of Nuveiiimt in I > !: i :sy CJOODS : (he well l.nuwn popular 'Mil L'Oltl l'.\i'' t'l IC'..-. : i i. a, IJambur? FmLioidetteaiu 8 l/V/v./ m ils i er yard m.d upward; the .i .v.: ?; Vaiiuiy ever t>tieicd. T?.rehi?, l.tttiQuidee, VeimieelHi Dreton l'v ii.: I.;'] ? r:tj l>'Alciieon, ?Spun i Ji ;!:..i other hneerf at Lajuuliy Low i i iee?i f? I IX.ANI" N?ATT.TI l.S in made I-p ? , Lac? ? ... .!-, 1 id.?.i-.' Tiv*, ISti'llts. Ajiri'tis ?e.. Rv'-i it will m?he von feel ?;o< i! f. t;d.c a hm!; at iheni; j T V'}- X lY,ViA\U profufh-n ol the n w vJ .:<!S '<.- hi I i i; ge<. < loops, '1 ;nn!.-. hiVs. i i.. iv-. I i.,:..i.-. h'ililiot'.s, Oorjedn, 0lo\ r-sj ! ... i.s . i ., ChildicuN ll-inty, edicts, :?.!! i.i v. aiid (liiat llar 1 .. : l . '. : in .1 New fjVl.e (Vhoi, vi*. 1 .i .? \ \ : rt V. 1- ii^Uf (fit (.';?.."?.' ifc'tP. I' au'.;uii ftuit ( ehir Yard V? ide hatvr.8 : 1 I \ 1. !*.?.! } in-in alt Kinds of IfoUKe ?'? ...r n ;r tiocalx, ?*.>ch as Toilet limits. She* m.v ?? Towtds. I?r.sJi?s, I'aUle Damasts?, Crii U<- ' lie. 1^1. KU AST :? Mi-'n:i nt of Funs, IVa yu ;.i.d --iU Uinbiellasi. I ? ;;<?; s for everybody in all tin*- New ami t '? U:t:u!t<oiiic SiyltH l?rin?riiiiirr >\?v?r. / ti. ITIIINl". for I? ?> ? V out Im oml Men \ j in ali llit! LiiteU :-iy.??. in . treat Ya i;..v -.nil ;;i the l.oal.-t p.i-s?.le l'ricea. ? 1IIIHT"', l.' 'ami Ku in idling , ? >????.<'.-. An iio<'(|Wiiih'(l Ii i?* <>l" tins.? (???oils Lou I;1 direct and only frbiii the r.M. I. is. A lull tlit? of the < elebn ti'l ? i ? i:..ti .l iiau ' ii-Cuin hirts, Collars and ' ??:!?. I...v- ShitI*, Mrr.'> I im*, :-l*d!< handkerchiefs, Ac. Thu ?ery i p.o. I r.... .s !it???I .' Iiiri.? at .??, 70 cla and -?i/.'j ii:*?irr i%? order* ?'. n of ST IT. Iii OS for T i rmes ku J Chrotuoa Tlit; Li^hl Kunu'ug l: . :v.:: tie Sow ?:>:; 5-i u Needier. Oil, Attaehiiiehla ami Tarts of i-., ry Miichiiic in u ?e; ."?I s;VC. il??c r -r k(*s l?i-liah'e Paper l'a?hit?hs.J ?:.AI''. I'hceked nnd Pahey Matting in-: a> Low I'riccd as any in the t'ti?cd Htidc?i ii ? In-!.- rt I puaratdee thatevervItaly thall ho i-leitfrtl, dax iii'r the ifood.-i hylliie t?- s of t' (in anii--. urn! Slyli'ji )>y tin- senrr. ! i! cut for <>ld ami youni*, for rich mid i'. !i ai'd ; '?>.;'. for j.rirtiy and plain. I ntu pi., in I i lurnisli every lady und peiillc inan n:-: \vhat she or lie want^ and at \nH t!. i rice thai COME AND SEE I 'i'! . JJoVs am! ('tirla arc lerplC.slei] not to ; it's ta'l it}: f>r New C'ard.s lor their Scrap Ileolo* anil 1 "olle< t'.on < :;:.;u;03;O]is:iioi[ps great DllY GOODS EHPOiUUM! OTKNING OUT A 'J 3JJ AZ< i AXT ST< iOK ftSBXXCG f full particulars next wccl SPECIAL NOTICE. Now that llio holiday sore over and everything has gone porous und happy; every one hot off, and a bright fertile year uhea< at no period is the history of o bupint*? life have we 1??.en ill oughly prepared m me ft the wt of ii.e trade ?r?d the requirement tr.o propli, >* we *r? wow. We sbal? continue to j-lhca apc? cur event friua Jay U day, barjatas ia^CT departKitMt *t LOWEST PRICE! and shsi'l al ways be loustd usin best ? ndcavors to prevent extortion! and uphold iLe CASH SYSTEM Our entire stock is now offered at REDUCED PRICES. We ask > ou to call and inspect our goods. Vi e guarantee to please as to quality an i price. L.'s< U can fully over this li.?t of iV.v aiii';!e-i mentioned : Gems i Hose, white, 5 and 10 c. " striped 12* " eblid colors 1 2t double heel A- t.-vc 12J Ladios'utse, while, .S. 10, 12J fciriped, 10 solid colors, 121 Indbriggah, 15 j " '? ?isfeift cj??jl ! Iji 25 { ( hihirrn's hose, colored, 5, 8. 10, 12 ! Ladies Oftttnilcts, dark tV.ors, *?0 i '? Ucrlt'n gloves I at ii;, o ") " 1 i<2 gloves. 4 uiaLo:>, 75 Gests l.cckibin gloves, lined 75 " dri vitig ?0 Darby ?? ithifc, 10 figured, l'Zt Cb-iu?:erf.-:, beautiful c?*eirs, l?s j 3??ru)08, beautiful colar*, 16 erubroideroi buttons, "best Fhiuuels Uo cwii Kubias. J, white and b ue. 3? i y pretty, e si Sir/ Ladies Hoods, new ity!.:? uooking Glumes, bureau " ex i r?t 1 " oval fraiACS SO hfl_ Si) cenls ls?ilvcr [dated lea spoons, Gi 2 ?. Table " 1.75 Forks 1 75 a. 50 Cents b ti On I I L A G!a?s Setts, handsome, i pieei Glass Preserve Stands. 60 Gfjfcict.?, 75 et per dr.z Tumblers, 80 Jet prr doz Lrnips from 25 to 75 eta Large assortment IjttditH j sn.l Children's Shoes from Iii? tt) the cheapest, Men nud Boys II Us, 40, 60, 75, 1 00 1 ; > S'i * > ca and Boys Caps from 25 t* 50 Fancy r.<>\ Paper, J ove!opes an J": itf/Jf?'-ry. Agent for the Largest Tobacc j Factory in ti:e United States, wo I offer bargain 1 in this lino. Agent for Manufacturers of .Suaps^ } ?cd Coaean ruted Lye, *e defy coca petitioo. We have the Largest and Cheap tl Stock of BROOMS AND BASKETS in the Market. Agent lur the Celebrated Town talk RAKING POWDERS. * fliese Powders have stood the Test by the best Chemist, and | ronouuetd PURE, when bought in cans. Prof. Molt, the Leading ( hemist of the World, says the worse adulterations ?ccur when Powders ate sold loose or in bulk. Remember this ami get 'IOWN TALK from Headquarters Your attention is asked to the re ducticn in our CARPETING, put down to 25, 35, -10 cents. Pocket Knives from 5 cts. to S2.. Rttggy Whips, 25, 50,75 cts., 51, $ I 25 $2. Yours respectfully, C. D. K?RT JOHN. JCaT" Always notice this COLUMN CHEAP GOODS.