Tlie Orariprobuvjr Times _t, o c X iL Beautiful fair weather again. The crowd in town on salcday was larger than usual, but everything panned oil* quiet 1 v. - - ? ?? ? - ? ? A number of sharpers, selling their articles and taking in the peo pie, run a brisk business on salesday A tew inure school days and then imes the and girls. comes the Christmas fun for the boys The Legislature appropriates $l? 00 of the fund in the Treasury for the Teachers Normal Institute. We Haw Representative Summers and Senator Izlar in town on sales day. Twenty thousand more salmon go into the North and South Edisto this week from the North Carolina hatch ?ry. Thanh to Mr. Get). K. Holen, of the Kork, for :i line mess of ruin bagas. Such attentions sire appre ciated. The (1 corgi a Home Insurance Com pany, of which Mr. Kirk Robinson ia agent, has contributed $10 to the success of the Firemen's Fair. - m ? ? mm* Thanks to .Messrs. Hull 6i Seoville Agents N. Y. Underwriters for a handsome calendar which weliud of great convenience ill ourollice. Don't forget the Santa Chins Ex press. Goods delivered for only ?> cents. Now is your chance, young and old, friends and sweethearts. We were pleased witii a call from Mr. I). J. A vi tiger, of Vaiieos Town ship while on his way to Charleston fur supplies for his execelloni store. Christinas trees are now the go. Wo hear of one at Jamison, one at Walnut Grove and one inourtown by the Episcopalians. Obi Santa Clans has beun absent for a year. On Friday night S j o'clock there will he a pleasant fami- I lv reu tiion. Conference meets next week. Rev. O. A. Darby has ma i.c so many friends in this community thai it is hoped he nmv he returned. The Patrons of Husbandry met in Charleston in Annual Session on Tuesday under favorable ail-pic s anil with encouraging delegations. The musical treat given ! y the Edisto Haml at the Elliott supper is highly appreciated. It contributed largely to the success of the even i?'?- [ In mentioning the list <>f Vice Presidents of the Agricultural Socio ? ty last week, we shouhl have sah! Major J. J. Sal ley, instead of Col. 1). R. Barton. Cocoa-Nuts at IK) and 7."i cents pel dozen; Dranges at -10 and 4orchis per dozen; Figs a I lf> and 20 cents pfcr pound: Dates "Jo cents per pound only at dos. Kros* Confectionery*. Marshal Ge approached Mes_ srs. F. S. DcTrcvillc and W..I. Do Treville Jr. yesterday for arrest on political charges. They went to the U. S Marshal's ollice ami gave the nccessarv bond. The old friends ami customers will find Mr. *I>. W. Robinson at his old stand always ready t look mound for your Christinas fixings, and while doing so don't forget to enII I in al Mi*. I*. W. Hull's 'who has everything flic loan could wish, in fuel lie keeps everything; that one needs to gel up :i lirst-clhss Christinasdinner. lKm'1 forget the place. The managers at Hook harts Poll. Messrs. d. I\. I rick, I >. A. Irick und J. 1>. Kthendge, and also the mana gers at I'oglos, Messrs. .las. II. Shir er, T. N. siatisen and das. A. Ma. k have bren arrested as a pari of the battle of K. W. M. Mack ay for ( -m irress. The honds of tin- newly elected ('lerk "I < Our!. Sborilf, .1 in Ige of Pro hale. School Commissioner and C lite < 'omity Olli eials bonds, and ii gives us pleasure to express our high appreciation of the courtesy, kindness and spirit of accommodation of this excellent t lilted'. No ilia it er how line the clot lies you have on \ on >;i!l need otiu thing in | complete \otir itress atul thai is ti line hi.ot or shoe, and the |d:iee to I y ; irtlher of the above and snvoj inbxey i.- a! 1'. A. LclYcudahl, who is prepared to put up work at the short- ! est in lire an<; bh tin most reasonh hie :? :ias. We refer nur readers to the pro j brummt of the Fair. I Irent fun (aud IO \ ? / ? piiunj lor ey.ery eveuiug. (.?outle mob :oe pai ii? ularly in\ ited for Wed- | hosdhy evetiiug, as at thai lime the ladies will show llnun m greal deal1 of attention. This i< the evening for universal suffrage and ' Woman's Uights." All tire invited toeoiiie. Mr T. S. McOrew;an aged citizen of Lower St. Matthews, died of heart disease In si week, Iiis illegal arrest and htirsli treatineiit by so-called I ? S. inarshnH's oti election dav, ivill I??' romoiiihored i>\ flic people, and we hope, will not |ms? unpunished. Our sympathies uro- with the bereu veil .aiiiiiy. Terrible atiaok?No more deadly foe can possibly attack the human being than Hi lions Fever. This is caused by bibs no) heilig properly distribute I anil < .u ric I oil' in couso (plcnce <>f a deranged state ofthe liver. To cure and prevent these attacks take no medicine, lutl use Dr. r'lagg's Itiiproved Liver and Stoiiiai b Pad. The sensation \ our community. I lo re ure i?n more nights, and we bespeak for i he I 'rolessor it continued and increased patronage which be richly deserves. On Monday night, about 1 ? n't lock* I he alarm of lire was sounded. II j iroved lo be ti k i leben on t he premises of Mrs. I). E. ("lover. The building was completely destroy* d Inii the progress of the lire uns ar rested, tile wind being high, by the promptness of the Piro Dcpurtinviit. The Elliotts being early on the ground, did much good with their hooks und ladders, and buckets. Uncle.Joe was delayed in throwing water in consequence of an tut fort it nute accident having been upset on the way in taking the pavement to avoid the almost impassable streets. A case of intimidation of col Democrats was tried before Trj&l Justice Clover on Monday; Bill SInder, ;i colored man, had I'.oou threatened before the election thai if: he voted the Democratic ticket Ucj would be put in a bag and otlu-i v. '? ?? abused. After the election the threatening ptu lies, true to their word, approached the house of Slnj ler for the purpose iulinial commeneed operations. M. 1. Foe1 n ing and A. C. Dibh'c appeared .'or the prosecution, and Abial l.athrop for the ecfence. The result 6f 'he argument was that the case was not sent up to the higher court. YVc re gret the effects of tliis r? suit, as j every cast- of intimidation slibtil sev. rely punished, us a lesson to , who indulge in such interfere" with ll e rights of freeman. The < 'oininittce of t he . It America's Fair are in receipt of t* following contributions in addition1 to foriner acknbwlo Iginents: New York ?John A. Russ,$D. Berliver A Si rauss, Jewelry. Bamberg, Mill A Co., Parisian Novell ies. < 'has. I). Fai rer. $2'?. F.. Dittmnn, $5. 1 hit ler. ( hi op A < *o.. $5. < icrtnunin, Tis ,v ( <>.. $10. AI r?. M. Green, Embroidered 'Fable ( 'o\ er. Wailsworth, Martine/A Longman, ten gallons of Faint. v'.aus ov Wurzburger. La lies ("oak. Win. Bryce e"c Co., Rodges Cutlery i n t la SOS. Waller A McSorlcy, Silvi r (lake Basket; ? .lohn Fareb A < Vi., Dress Overcoat. Charlcslrn -McLoy. Rice A Fancy (binds. Carringtoii A Thomas, Silver Card Receiver. Sloan A Segnious. $10. Mrs. .1. W. Witte, $L"?. M rs M. .1. Fernow. Fancy ai l icles. A. Mid 'obb, dr.. *?*>. Baltimore?M. ('. Laticheeir A Son. ; ' Jinstuu? ('lurk. Adams A < 'lark, j ; wo (,'hiuu Tea Si ts. Rochester?Vaccuin Oil Co., iner chaudise. Fliihulelphia?French, Richards .v Co., $."i. Atlanta?Faul Jmios. $10. Savannah? Lee. Rov A- M yers, nOO 1 Segars. ' ' J Augusta?Wm. J. Rutherford, 2000 Bricks. Greenville? M rs. Turner, Miss Turner. .Mi>s MePhnil, Fancy Work. ('oluni ?-?Georgia iIonic lustir :i!iee ( Jr i Columbia?W. C. Fisher, sundries. Toys. toy-, to s a" l)r. Duke-'. Now as the holidays area) proaeh i ! :?i '. everybody will he looking o il for :i handsome present Ii r some rela ive. friend, or sweetheart, we would advise them local! in a' Dr. Wannamaker's and examine Ids large and liantlhonm stock of fancy g; that will buy the world, they are aide to watch an I lake advantage of these splendid chance und offer to their customers who are'.hot afraid of tlie insane cry of auction goods. Jobs, leader- and specialties well calculated to unsettle the brain of the buyer on liiueal fifty percent, on L'tiods, intctfst added. I: injures no fabric lb drive it through the giant engines id' V. S. marslinll an I assignee, the slioritf ami the auction mails of the city. Ii iniB change* the price from a very high to :i very low figure. Tlie ni.m !, of this store has been largely replenished ilurinu , he week, and they are now prepared lo meet dcmamls of their many friends, In addition lo the heavy stock, they are now opening' the ltd low ing, which persons in (he country will do \\ I! to not ice: Silver plate l table ami teaspoons, knives and fori s, window shades, ladies dress goo |.,, Indies, misses anr) chihlrtcis white and colorcil hose, gents half hose, ladies ami genls silk handkerchiefs, looking glasses front 10 cents to $2 2*i, ladies hnlmorul skirls. Indies, misses and genls shot's and boots, glass setts, shirts, 11111) 1 ? lers, goblets, pictu res, Iolincco, ca inly, lltltns, A*C, Ac Give him a call and see if what we have said is not the truth. Another large lot of parlor and bracket lamps of the latest designs, with or wit hout illuminators, just re ccived, direct from the inn it u factors. al astonishingly low prices at .1. 1. Sorrentrue'e Van Oj siIi.'H and have yoTir taken heroic it is too bite, Ife leaves on the first of fun mm Is Klae II ea rly and avoul the Clio frames und mould on nd til hi; gall ;y. ?jio.the lust week. B -Taking pills and potions I M'itli the eyes shut. When - ii !. t dooiny. Smv, wlh Sour .. ' in tin' I'.ciiv ami Limbs. - ? "-' .'??.>???? Skic ;ml Tongue, aha' Ce'Si^h, da I'ianhoja and othur :?-Jvy? a, ' i i&r. i o'looses--n-c I Jr. H;i??'s 1 ill - : "ivi u Liver >iil Stomach P..d ami he nru'h. ?jiiis beef, pork and innttou !.iy week :it tin.'well rog !' .Marion Jackson. rue is just in receipt .' h...a o of all gi ados, %''. :-:'-^'dl eh en per at telail eollld l>o hoilo-||i ij, '?oh sale, and another djtms at iti cents per hill). ^Urn?sttiiriiM.rt,<;ds, em bracing ? lim ii collars* eh*^' hose, mi d fcoine of the besVquiv 3'of unhiiimiried shirts at 75 cont?s\ ?ml $1.20 ai d. I. Siu\ itrtic. \^ I'ci-.ous camping in town OVcrj lliglit are i e(|iiesi,.,| to slop in D. 'E. Stnoak A (_'o.'s yard whore they jtyiil lind good accommodations for them selves and horses. ' a Bl ?0 <-OSAlKi'.T " makes, cj.iiln and fever impossible; ; \ ? i. < > Wnuhathaker i l ou i forgo I to'carry your cotton samples lb 1 >. 10. Sun>:tK iv to. They pa\ ill-' highest prices and pay the a u. Heady, health, and happiness for hidiei in " WINE OF CAI'DUI." I-oi lo i Wanna maker 11" you noi'd it tit' *' sot of harness ? Ioji'I liny it til i I you liave price* I ? iit m a; I). K. Siiio.'ik ?v < ".'.-,. 'Piny have just received a line hit. a <".Is arriving by every t rain for .'. !. !>.orientrue. lie will make, this season^ shoes a specialty as his large and varied stock wili show hi i hkpee.t ion. 1?. K. Slitoak has returned with i he lines I lot of clothing ever offered in l Iiis market. u ??WINE: OF CARDUl " for Ladies only. For sale bv Dr. d. G. Watiuamal The drug ???ore where can get your money's worth is at Dr. J. (.?. Wan namaker, Orangehurg ('. I!.. S. <'. We buy tliuftu ?;. keep the best, .and seil ii ill low prices, hence, if you want any thing in I he drug line, call and se< us. We keep a lull line oi' hair and tooth hrii.dios. toilet soap-, per ; i'Umery, sponges, patent medicines: i make prescriptions a speehilly; will beiotiud :n our post, davor night. Taki " BI.ACK-D? AUGHT" and you ; will ii? ver be i ;l.ft. Fo'i i \ Dr. J. II. Wannainaker ! * I Ii i- f und at hist! Something new ! limb i ihe -tin \ n< vv ???? a i- 'Irnwitij; uo-a .vornan. I iitlieito In* ha- bei n eidl- j . c.I upon to ?ulli'r the ills of manhind and her own heddes. The frequent and all ? Ir.- ?iim i I.iri ties peculiar to her sex linvo long been to her ihe "'direful -piing ? ef woes ot im in hi i ill." In the mansion of ; i if rich anil hovel Of poverty alike woman l.i- l iit the eon-lam yet patient victim til' ;i thousand iil- unknown n< man ami without a ieiiiedy. "Uli Lord, how loiigf j ii the agony of her soul, hath she cried. i lim now the hour of her redemption is mmo. She 'vill -nil' r no ai. re. tor Itrad tii-iii"- female Kegtilator,."Woiiiah!a i'c-t riend,'' i- b r side by Dr. A '". DuUes juil .i by l)r Wiiiinaiiiaki'r. i Piepnred b\ 1 ?i. .1 i liulfa-hi. AOanta, fist'.; jii iei.-. ^1 *>o |>er bottle. \ irtai package oi " tiLAC'-uPi AUGliT " Iree "i charge at I or Sale b\ I ?r. ,J. (;. WannamuK ! ur. j I Head wl.attJcn. (J T. (tlgej Amlersn y -1 ^ . 1 Mi-.-rs. Ilulchison ? Pro.: t letitlemen ?I j have been a j/rcal 'iiflei-er from iieiiralgiti? i tin aii.u k- lasiintj fur iliiys, I had tikd ! l'Vcn known reiiiedy ivitbom heilig rcliev i?-.;. I.; iny last att tek I tri? d your''Neu ! i a iin ," ai.'I in a -hm I time | ? i '< i ('.v leioetl ll i- a eoiisolation lo kiudt 11 nil I rbave .ii la."t a reiiiedy that controls lliU ! I' d mi disease, mid I e ui ebeerl'iiH) re ! coin neitil ii to ail who sutler as ! do I.. T. AXOKUSON. i hid oi i'o iee. Ail.mla, April 1 S, I 8SU I "t .-\u i i.. In v., May 18711. iluic ison ,v Pro.. Atlant a, t oi.: 'nine I oi si Mi-ell years I have diligently -oiiebl for Hoiitespe.-iiiu of r|N'eily action| o i neuralgia und io-aiiai h iec nl u-c of \\. t\- ? Seiiralgiiie'! proves I have til hist i'i.uml it ami i hike i^reht * ?iru in fully eiidoo-liif! iour i>i.nil_. .i- possessing evei.i tpiaoty ehduied for it as a - ami iieura gia. UuA\ti cti.ill. your-. I in..-. K. I'oWKI.I.. I or.-ale by Dr. A. 1 . in.U.-, ami ahn l>\ I';, .i. J\ PltOVlS tiNs i orn.T?' / .sO New t'lil'll . no Fodder, per ltH> lbs. 7Si Hough Rice. lUO 11 Ctih?be found the Largest Lot ot Cools S-to-vTos, Parlor and From 111o Celebrated Stove Foundry ?f FERRY York ami CJdengo, Kver brought 16 Orangeburg Cotintv, nny and nil of which" I'KKFKCT und KNTJJtlS SATISFACTION if put up with a pr" Tiny uro all titled up in the In it manner known to the trade. G?stin] est und of the vor?' best Iron only. I Any one buying Stoves of me can get repairs for same at any tiur way your Stoves can be made to last >iii9 AVm. Av i i,tx;ock:. 1880 ly Soiit Ii < Jarol Loa RojaO JPllNMCHfEer 3>ci?ar( iticul CMAMiK OK soiiKDimr. On nhd 'fffte> Nov. 7tIi, 1880, Pasrenger Truius w iluf btond will run as follows: : till fin ilfn no?ee.) ?v tlreeriViilQ Ivs-m-ss Train. "**"^^; tA.M. ?Leave 0ohr>Hbia .???<> I" P M. Arrive Mt tlnurtk" . 9 ftf <*." Leave Oraogcbtirgfj.8 2'.) ?? Arrive at CI:orle.-t-n.Iv.s.U 26 " ootKti jvkst! " Leavi <'luir!c>ton at-t. 6 ?>0 A M. Leave nr;ingehurg atX 61 Leave Cani.feiiat.'???.. 7 <><> ?? Arrive aM obimhirCat.1[ 10 " \N;iy Freight ami l':e-?-"ie_'er Trait.H?Daily lixeojtt Slip da; . lilll.Vii ka3t. ' Leave Ciilumhi.i.."> 10 A M A rrive ai (.'aiinlen. 1 OH I' M Leave t Irangcburg.10 0*) \ M Arrii eat ' liarleston. - 00 1' M /liigtista. a l.*> ?? uoiNO wr.yr ? Leave Charleston . . '?' 00 A M " Augusta. 7 6? ?rnngcburg. 1 :ts p M Arrive at Cohltithi:i. ti'J."> " " I'nsseitgers leaving Columbia or''bar lestiin ?in these trains havo to change: itirs tit Lruueliville in reach Charleston at 2 UU \. in oi t ohttnbia at It ?.!?"> p in. Night Kxjiresti Train ? Daily Including Sin..! a., h. ?." V M ?? Oruiigrhurg. 1 15 A M \rrive n't Align la . 8 30 '* Charleston. 7 "JO " no:no was r Leave Charleston . 0 00 V M ?\ngo?tn. n 00 " ??rangebnrg. 2 7 A M Arrive til Columbia. . ii 11 't he night e\|.ie>: tr.ii-i- run il.-tiiy. Ail oilier trains will run daily except Sun days. Sleeping Cars lire aiinclicd to Ni.dit Kx press, lierths niilv.-^1 50 to (.'Inn le>tou or Augusta. These trains make sure e?ui licet ions at Charlesioii with New York a nil Kniiiiiinre .^i timers oil NVethe'sifiys ami Saturdays iil.'o with Florida Steamers on \* eilne il i;, s and Saturday*. < ?n Satuidays passenger* c; n puielin'e round trip liektts .ii one iure 1 teiiirii. (Vmueetions iu-ide at Augusta with trains of t'Seo ei.i 1! 14. ml Central K. II from and to ail poiti West ami Soath. i) C ALLKN. ? I* .V t A. JOHN I! PKCK. (m nerd Supt. .1 tit. l'OSTKlil?, Vgl., Orangf-burg, S U J "UJl.TON Market I? ef, Lest ever lasted \ AN 1 VSSKL'S I LKWIK'S STUDIO A N I) lio cerapliic Gallery I - i "w ..pen and ready tor business in all branches el the art. In order to aeeoii'inodate all my friends 1 hui be pleas' il to Lave you call ami gel EIGHT FERROTYPES FOR $1. 1' forget the place A. II. LKW I N. Ni xt to I 'iv I". ? viy1 lirttg Store, miv 1A*. ISsO tf / tHOlCK I Ihio Mams at \j ,1AMKS \ AN TAS8AI/S. COUNTY'? OkKU V. t hi vyoKnihtu Cm :> i v. < i:u g. 1 lirg. >.?' . N??v. -1. isso In Hrcordtmee with Section 2 of.Aii Act of lite t iei'eral As?eii?bly of the Stale of Smith < aio'ina. cutithd "An Act to pro vided for ibt! I'tist 'lue for <'raiigeburg ('i>uii\.'* in lifted lleeeiuber L*;trd l>7'.?, nil pj rsoiis having ''PastDiu* t'l.i'n.-' against ihesaitl County, are here l>v notified to file with the t'h rk nf the IU*arr said ; CiMihly, on or In Ion llie twenty ?seventh i :'J7thi day of I tceiiiber LSS0. ibeir bids iij on ihe faule, such bids to he Senled and i ndorsed, "liids on I'asi Due t.'laiius. ?>. C.," und dialI s|ieeil\ die di-. winit agreed to be uikeii I y the | i rson so bidding. thai lie- I'oartl nf Coiiiity t'Onunissions wl'l med at their ollice <>u the IWi iily-eiglith j'l'Sthi day ?I I .eeeinbtr 1880, for llie pur pose of opeiiiitg Mini a ting upon the bids lib .1 Thill there in I lie TreiiMiry to bea p |died to the l'aSI Due indcht due?. the sum of two iliousiiml tour hiiudretl and lifiy-six dollars, ami -7 tonls (!j'24 ?lj 771 i- per I'riastirei's report November loth lS-o. I'.v I li-der oi the Ihiurd. h. IL WANN VMAKHK, Clerk. nov 2(5 James Van rl asscl, FANCY GBOCEB, AMI I.IQL'OH I) KALE I?. t >n hand and reeui ving daily Kre^h lifo ries, and die finest Dm the time to buy from DRY GOODS EiUPOltlUM. All styles of Shetltiml ' Shuw's'and /ticks, ami Cloaks and Dolmans, also i huge and fine assortment of Lhil Irens and Misses (.'Ioaks. A LSO ?ffiHn? extraordinary inducements in all sty I es of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS, CASUM ERES, ALPACCAS, &C. 1 have ml led largely to "my STOCK nnd'nm now < Hering the finest assort ment and Largest Siock_everexhibi ted in < )rangeburg. The attention t#f nil Parents is enlledvto te\ hue selection of BO YS & YOUTHS CLOTHING, Comprising Dress and School suits. Also elegant OVERCOATS for tho the col . weather. Trices LOWER than ever.' A call is solicited and satisfaction gna ran teed. Moil's CLOTHING at PRICKS t hit wilfyleasoeverybody's views. Sole agent for D lsheimet's and Markos Philadelphia ami Baltimore line HOOTS and SHOES. The Light Running I Domestic Sewing Machine i I Also Needles, Attachments and parts ! for all * nehines for s ale. In conclusion would slate that I am now oiforing iml.1 cements in all of it v different departments, I 'shall bo pleased t<> have you call-and exam ine my Stock and Prices, and am continent lhatyou will be convinced 1 huL THEODORE KOHN'ri has the LA RG ES T selection, LOW EST pi ices and NEWEST styles at the Great Dry Goods ! EMPORIUM I f) l(). Java, and other grades of Coffe* 1 l\ at VAN TASSEL'S. Jusi: Received I A fine lot of G oM ol,i<(.NA Sausages, low I 1> JA MKS VANi