THE ORANtiEISUKti TIMES. IS8UHD EVKItY i'KIDAY MOHNINO HKhLUJllAMI' & KDWAKDS, Proprietors. STILUS IL MEhLlCIIAMP Editor. Terms of Subfiscription.? One Copy one Year.$1 00 " " fix Month* . 70 Itatos of Advertising. Our. Square 1st Insertion.$1 00 Each Subsequent " . 50 Notices inserted in Local Column at 20e per Line. All Subscriptions ami Transient Advertise' inents to be paid for in Advance. S&iY' We. arc in no way responsible lor the views or opinions t?f >ur Correspond ents. I-KIDAY, DKCKMoKK ... 1880. TUE INA 1*0UBAI/IEBEMONIKS, The Governor and Lieutenant Gov ernor elect were inaugurated on Tues day with the usual ceremonies. Gen. Ilugond's inaugural address was characteristic of the man, terse and practical, and contained some valuable recommendations. He concluded in these words: '?It is ray duty as Governor to 'take care that the laws are faithfully executed in mercy.' I repeat the pledge made before my election?that in the discbarge of this high trust, I shall know neither white man nor colored man. but only, citizens of South (-nrolinn, nlike amenable to her laws and entitled to their protect ion.' Gen. John 1). Kennedy, after bis inauguration, was escorted to the Senate Chamber where he took bis scat as President of the Senate in ac cordance with the Constition. - mm ?- - THE1LEGISLATURE. This body is hard at work grap pling with the numerous bills pre sented. The general temper of our legisla ture seems to be in favor of leaving the considered ion^of thejnatter^of a Constitutional Convention to a Com mittee to report at the next session. Senator Smytlie, of Charleston, has prepared a bill to this effect. There is a general disposition in favor of an early adjournment sine dir. before the Christmas holidays. Sonic favor the luth Dec. but it is hardly probable that this is compati ble with careful legislation, but it is hoped that the end may be reached In j ho 22(1. IHK FIR KM EX'S _ (? AL A jl>A Y ! Tuesday was celebrated by our Firemen, and citizens generally, as the Anniversary of the Independent Elliott Hook and Ladder Company. In the afternoon the two companies paraded our streets, presenting a very attractive appearance. The ^Truch of the Elliotts '.was beautifully deco rated by fair hands, and ''Uncle doe," the pet of the Redshirt.-, and in fact of the town, looked like a thillgof beauty, which is "a joy^forever." At 7 o'clock, the Elliotts assembl ed in the Hall of the Young Ameri cas tint! transacted the Annual busi ness by the election ofolllcers, and the general straightening tip of-the past. The following ollicers were elected to serv e for the ensuing year: Foreman?L. II. Wannamaker. Asst. Foreman?YV. L. Izhir. 1st. Director?Lendo Itnnsdnlc. ?2d. Director? E. IL McKcwn. Secretary?lt. F. Bryant. Treasurer?S. It. Mellichamp. Solicitor?M. I. Browning. Surgeon?Dr. T. A. Elliott. (hnpluin?Uov. t). A. Darby. The business of the year being concluded, the Company with their invited guests, including a ntitnl er (>?.' our citizens, the Edislo Hilles, the Young Americas and I he F.ilisto Band, proceeded to the Hook ami Ladder Hall, where the festive board was spread, and in a short lime all parlies wert; busily engaged discuss ing the merits of the good Illings spread before them. The first and important step being most snt isfnetorb. concluded (lie following programme was presented a chaste ami m at address of welcome having been made by Foreman Wan numnkcr: I'ltOOItAMM K. The Day we Celebrate? 'fhe dav, the day we celebrate. Tin' day of all to Klliolts great, A dav with j<>ys and memories dear, To elieer and bless each tolling year. Responded to by L. II. Wanna maker, Esq., who also called upon S. IL Mellichamp to complele the re sponse. The Young Americas? Three cheers we'give for "Uncle Joe," The l ol' the town ns all well know, At lio.- we count on the hoy* in red, ' ably led by Foreman "Fred." Responded to by F. S. Dibble, Esq. The Fire Department? Our Fire Department, long may it wave, Our homes to protect, our loved ones to save; Of its uses and blessings, if there's any to quibble, Come listen in g'atlncss toottrgallant Chief Dibble. Responded to by W. L. Glaze. Our City? Our city by the river side, To fortune mil} she ever n'hlc, Her hopes and fears, und e'en her woes Will now lie told by olio ,vh<> known. Responded by Prof. W. J. DeTro ville. Our Invited (.1 nests? . "He who enters here, leaves all care behind." Responded to by F. A. Schilllcy. Our Mayor and Aldermen? Mill of prowess and renown, The "City Fathers cd" our Town," The streets well lighted, police paid, To slip out o'liigllts, whose afraid? The city's as quiet and snug as a mouse Under the care of Alderman Strauss, Mose'cy'a the Mayor, and long in vain A better warden you'll seek than Rill Sain. Jim Dickson's quiet, hut otten the rare On Albergolti's cast of acting the Mayor. Responded to by J. W. Mosclcy, Esq. Our State? "Contempt arc] the minion who calls you disloyal, Though fierce to your foe, to your friends you're true, And the tribute most high to a head that is loyal, Is hive fr oiu a heart that loves liberty too. Responded to by R. P. I/.lar, Esq. Woman? "With her mien she cnamors the brave, N ith her wit she engages the free. With her modesty pleases the grave, She is every way pleasing to inc." Respouded to by ( 'apt. .1. A. Ham ilton. The Edisto Hilles? An ornament to our town- in the time of peace, our safeguard in the hour of danger. Responded to by F. S. Dibble. W. L. Glaze ami S. H. Melliehanip. The Press? May its freedom never bo restrain ed nor abused, but iintrnmmclcd, may it continue the advocate of the peo ples liberty and the champion of their lights. Responded to by II. G. Sheri dan, Esq. Letters were read from the venera bl? Dr. Elliott, the worthy patron of] the ( otupany. ("apt. Dibble, and Rev. T. W. Mellichamp, the Chaplain, re gretting their inability to attend in response to the invitations extended to them, but expressing tho noblest sentiments and the wai tuest interest in the prosperity of the Company. The Anniversary of the Company being the birthday of Dr. Elliott, this interesting fact constituted in no small degree, a theme of the evening, and many of the speakers held up his exemplary life nt a shining light for the young men of the community. The regrets at his absence were uni versal, ami the heartfelt wish of every lireman and guest around the festive hoard was, that be would he spa ret 1 to be with us when our next anniversary rolls around. A (hi in per was thrown over the festivities of the evening by the sick ncss of Dr. < ooke, who was compell ed to return to his home at an early stage. This also took away Prof. Lawrence, who was appointed to one of the toasts, ami no doubt, bad a toast in store for the audience. The evening passed oil most de lightfully, the flow of wit and senti ment being unstinted. We have rea sons to hope that along with the plea santries some golden seeds of wisdom have been sown which will be devil ing in their tendency and give to the occasion an upward pointing. NOTICE A meeting of the County Democratic Executive Committee is heieby called for Monday next, tith December, in 10 o'clock \. m. to be held in the Fair Uilih/iug. A lu/l attendance is desired. S. I ?1 BULK, Co. Chairman. i. L II iudtmax, i n?.wi IV. L (il.AZI . ccrelaries, NOTICE All persons who have engaged tries from my Nursery will please call for I hem as -non a- possible. Also lOOO.liiape Plants of every variety, two yea's old ami wrll rooted, at 1(1 cents each or $S per hundred. die :> M ' A. JOUEMAN. Horses! Horses ! To arrive to-day at my STABLES on Mat ket Street 23 HEAD Fine HorseS ^\tcd to ?ny taste. Those needing n Horse will do well to cull tit once. "B. IcYmik Slate i\ riMIK best of Dry Salt and Smoked Bacon 'I low down at .VAN TASSEL'S. NOTICE Office of School Commissionkk, Orangcburg County, S* C, December 1st. 1880 All persons having claims past due lire hereby called upon Cor scaled bids for pay ment from the said fund at a discount to he specified in Mich Kids- The said bids to he hied with the School Commissioner of the said County within thirty day- from 27 " '? 3?/?ine Grove, $75 HO '? I -Amelia, ?204 15 *' " " 5?Providence, S?l 77 '' " '? 0--Ooodbve?, $04 " 7--Lyons,"$143 04 " 8?C?w Castle, $63 80 '? ?' ?' ?)- Middle, SlOJ) Si " " '* M), Orange, $00(5 90 " "11, Caw Caw, .fill 10 12, Firanchville,S102?I '? 13, New Hope. 72 8ti '' 14. Elizabeths, 11 "> 19 " 1"), Kdisto, .>> f?2 " " 10, Union 'IS 48 " *' 17, /a.m. 7o! 12 41 41 IS, Willow. SS 111 *' " 19, Liheriv, nothing 4* 2tl, C.oodland. UM 00 *' 21. Hebron, .V, 7") 44 '? 22, Rocky Grove, 29 11 Tool antou nt collected, 2,434 -77. HOl'-ERI COPES. Trvastircr. dec 3 tf. ""SALE OF REAL ESTATE." P.y consent ef all parties interested, the following binds will he >o'd at public ?? ac tion at Orangcburg C. 11. on'tbc m-t l/on day,I>tb day of Uccemher, issot doing the land- ot' which Mary Summer- died, sc /.e l ami possessed, and being sold lor partition and division: 1. Tract No 1, containing K'J acus nmie or les-, situate in ('ranccburg County, bounded North by hinds of Oliver Fa i ivy, East l?v land-. .) W Stimmc-r*, Sooth by Tract So 2, and West bv lamls of .1 V Henry. 2. Tra< t No 2, containing I'll acres mure or less, in Ornii.churg Comity, bound-d on the North ? y Tract No 1, land- of .1 VY Sum mers and .1 P Herry, Hast by Tract No ?>, Souih by Tracts Nos 3 ami 4, and West by lands of Ahrain Edwards. 3. Traet'No 3, containing 7"> acres 'more or less, in Orangcburg County. Jjgundcd North by 'I'raet No '2 and Abeam tWi\.ir?ls, Fast by Tract No -I South and West by land- of Ahrain Edwards. 4. 'I met No 4. containing 29- acres more or less, in Oraueebiirg County, hound, d North by Tracts Nos 2 and ?">, Fast by I raet No 3, South by lands of I? A Summers and West by lands ((f George (oivm and olbei ?">. Tract No"), containing lOOaeres mo or Ii-.-.-, in Oiangchtirg County, hounded North bv land- of .1 U Similuers, Oliver Eairey and William Meeker, Kasi Uy laud* of Oliver l'airey. -I W Summers mid by Tract No 2, South by lands of tjeorge Gar* viu and 'tract No 4, ami West by binds of L E L> Cowman and Oeorgc tiarvin Terms cash, I lots of said land.- will be exhibited on dav of sale. dec::?i J AS. F. IXLA 11, Att'y. attention: here i ( ai.t. at the LONG ESTABLISH F.I) PEOPLE'S BAKERY AM? UET BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, PHIS, Sec Also Raisins, Currants, Citren, Nuls and Canned Goodsof all kinds. A fr. sh lot of Confectionery now on hand, and a full assortment of CHRISTMAS C.OODS Viz. : Cups and Saucers, Vases. Toilet Sets, Dolls, Tea Set-, Mugs, Tin Tovs of all descriptions. Lamp Stands, Chil dren's Chair.-, Wagons, Hock ing llor.-es, Ac , Sec , Ac. Call at once and get what yotl want for Christinas. Partie-? wishing articles for Christmas Trees will do well to come now while lhoy can make a good selection I Ion'I fail to call at T. \V. Alberpottf* And he convinced that Santa Clans will -non he here. O R A NO I vLHJ KG G, HATHEW & SON. ONE I <)? 15 I AST OF Dr. J. G. Waimamaker, "]\ l n in 11; t.cti tr< rs "?' Dealer* in ad fouls of Aim ricaii ami. Italian M&HBLE WORK. TunihsloncH. Monument.?, .Marble and Slate Mantels, And all kinds of Stone Work furn islod to any design. Also Polished Granite Work Either Native or Foreign to order at Lowest Possible Trices. Correspondence solicited with those in want ol nuy work in the above line. oct 1?ly GRAND FAIR AT WAY'S OPERA HOUSE. COMMENCING DEO. 20TH 1880. < )RANG 121?UKG-, S. CL BENEFIT OF THE Utf nin i j f*1 Steam Fire Engine Company, To Aid Thcm in Paying for their Stonier. Given un.ler the niiR|)ice< of the follow ing Honorary and Contributing Me in berg of the (lompany : Or. T. A. Ehiott, N. A. Hull, J. F. Adden. D. I.ouix. llnrphi ltiujj-i. James Cannon, Theodore Kohn, D. \V. Robinson, Joseph Stiauss, M. Albrecbt, J. I'.Teller. Mortimer (.lover 15. F Sinter, Tho-. Kay. f!en. Ja?. F. Izlar, (I. W, Brunsen. F. II. \V, Itriggtnann Samuel Dibble, Dr. J. (t. Wannamaker, 12. F. Slater, C. t>. Knrtjobn, J, ftf. Danner, W. H. IVrryclear, John (>Kren. 'I bos. VV. Albergotti, Dr. W.F. Barton, D. E. Smoak, J- W. Moseley, (ieo. II Cornclson, Jas. II. Fowl es, ?lohn A Hamilton, J. A. Inabinet, Dr. A. S. Ilydriek, W. N. Seovill, John C. Pike, J. S. Albergotti II. K. Adden, Dr. M. (i. Sallcv, W. K. Crook, W. M. Sain. Committee of Arrangements? Hcnrv Kohn, Chairman, T. O. S. Dibble, .1. L. Sims, .1. ,1. Street and J. I. Soienlruo One Kare Excursion Bates on tin- S. (,'. Hai I road. IN THE LEAD AGAIN!!! THE CAJIPAIGS ?YES i Good Govermneitt for Statu ami County Successfully Cbtained ! NEXT COMES KCONOMV! TtM) buy the best artielc for the least U money increases the lasting qualities tbc contents in our juir-c and enables im tu buy a great many things for a li.'tlo money. 1 oiler the following articles 20 per cent below iis market value, tin- ^oods having been bought before the recent ndvaitCcuit! of prices . oOl.hls FLOITfcnf th. I [OllTJOI [N ?oH 17 1880 if riMIE vi rv best quality of (Jilt Edge Rut 1 tor at' VAN TASSEL'S. D LO U I S ~ Has just returned from the NORTH With a Large mid well Assorted Slock ol General MERCdHAlTTJISE, Fur eh used at the very I OWEST Point td* the Market, ami will he Sol 1 at corresponding lint es. Come one und all and see for your .?elves, the BAKGA1XS to die ob tained. CA Kl'ETI NO. OIL CLOTHS and FURNITURE of the Lnteist Patents. I). LOUIS, sept .3 1880 3m SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING Done in the most approved style by J . II. MATTHEWS, nn Experienced Harber, on Market Street, in rear of the PostolBce. )an 9 KEAD THIS * FREE DISTRIBUTION OF CHI lISTMAS PR ES ENTS From 15th of December until 1st of January 1881, at JOS EROS' CONFECTIONERY. Anybody buying $1 worth or more will receive a HAMDSOME ^ PRESENT, accoidiog to the amount bought. Don't forget to call aud get your CHRISTMAS PRESENT. Everything on hand to make you happy, fresh Raisins, Currents Cit ron, Dales, Figs, Nuts, r:west Meats and Fruits of ail kinds. The Fin Assortment of Candies nt Reduced Kates, Cake Ornarnouts, Cake Supplies and lots of other articles'jtist arrived. S^IOICF.IS'S A EiTICI^EiS, Mcrshaum Goods, Fiuo Cigars. &o. Call and look lor yourself at JOSEPH EROS' ? Briggmann's Old Stand.. CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS! Fa^cy COeds, French Confectionery, 3?ri2ce Bosses, Fire Worlss, CHINA TOILET GOODS, MANTEL PIECE ORNAEENTS, And everything in the CHRISTMAS GOODS Line. Unheard of BARGAINS. Come and examine my St"ck so that you may know where it, is BEST lo INVEST your money. I have also a fine Stock or SWEET MEATS and JTanCV C+var^.^XOS at prices winch defy competition. Polite and utienuve Gentlemen to show and soil you goods. Couhl Hiiy one stay away In County, Mate or Town, I don't think t lu v would, So c all around, ves call around. Suppose yon uhould stay away, The truth i.-> simply thin, The bargains that others get, You'd he sure to mil*. ? JA b walker Clmmplon Grocer, OraiiKobiirg, 8. C IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT Come and See for ITovirself. .51ST RECEIVED A line assortment of ELEGANT CHROMOS, All beautiful1 v FraiHOti fln,? tt* vt)ry L'jw I'trioOT, Also ajiow supply of l :sr i? s ( himneya and Rurners. TO ARRIVE in time for the Holiday Trade, Books, Stationery an i Toys, suitable fe Presents. Always on hand BOOKS an 1 STATIONERY. Give me a rail. i KM RK liOBI^^OcsT, For Sale or Kent? 2 Story Dwelling with 8 Rooms, on Russell street. For SllIc--2 Desirahle Ibii'diug Lots on Russell street. 1 [holding Lot on Amelia st., I louse and lot on Ante ia street. Apply to Kl.RbT *\ ROIUNSON. II KOHN'S OF felons ACKNOWLEDGED that every article that goes to couap'oto a firsk class cmtume or Ladies, uentlemen or Children's wear can be obtained. Our efforts lor the past two years have met with the MOST LIBERAL EN( OURAGEMENT. and this season we again place before onr Patrono and the Public of this section An Immense Stock of Goods That stands without a RIVAL. Our Silks and Dress Goods are simply MAGNIFICENT. Our Dress Trimming Department is filled with the Rarest Nor?ltie*. Our Hosiery, Ribbon, Corsets, (5love, Laco, Linen and WooUn De partments arc filled with the Choicest Goods. THE SECRET DISCOVERED The place to save money in buying your Winter Ruits of clothing and Overcoats?beg Stock?all si/as. Styles and Prices arc the Lc rest at HENRY KOHN'S Br?ls, Shoes ami Hats for everybody. Pay particular attention to buying nt d telling durable Bools and Shoes, Always at Lowest prices for cash. THE PLACE TO S AVE MONEY We have added to the ILdluhiy Trade an elegant assortment of Pansy Goods, consisting of Celleluie mid Rubber Dressing Cases, Dolls, Wax, Rubber and China, all Fancy Paper in Satin Boxes, and 1000 other articles suitable for Sweetheart, Wife Mother, Cottsiu, Sistor, etc. THE BEST YET Is our handsome WHITE SEWING MACHINE. It gives evory pur chaser entite satisfaction nnd is guaranteed by the Compax) for 5 years. OUR COURSE PREVAILS Toldc nnd courteous attention given to every visitor,