I^lio Orange)mr;-c Timca l7?~? "?. TL? Hon. M? P. O'Counor will speak here to-night. Note change in W. F. Robinson's card in tins issue. Mr. J. G. Vose will open n family grocery iu the st?re one door West of J). F. Smoak , also, a large lot of buggies of every style and price. Co up ami hick around. -mo - ? mm - A colorad child on Mr. Ilnmp Mil ler's phue, Monday afternoon, while standing near tlie lire had its clothes caught, and was burned so severely that it died the next afternoon. The annual meeting of the Hoard of County Commissioners w ill be held on the nth of Nov.. 1880. All claims against the County should be filed with the Clerk of the Hoard be fore that thue. We know a Democrat w ho was ai proached by K. A. Wehster and asked to run for County Commis sioner on the Radical Iickct, lint who flatly declined. So will all true Dem < icrats. Jas. P. Mays, who has been want t-d here forborne time to Answer loan indictment for crimes commit ted tin der Radical rule, and who Hod the County to avoid imprisonment, is on our streets again. Mr. P. \V. Hull has added to his al ready well supplied store, every deli cacy the Northern markets affords. In fact there is nothing in his line but what ho can furnish his custom crs with at moderate juices. K. W. Mackey advised Sheriff Liv ingston to sell his horse on the re commendation of the time he made with the "Flying Dutchman" a short time ago. Old ".Jim" never made such time before, We are glad to note that ('apt..! D. Palmer has been added to the po lice force of the town, ('apt. Palmer is ah iudustrous and deserving citi zen, and it \t of just such material that our police force should bo com posed. Judge Clover sincerely thanks the Fire Engine and Hook and Ladder Companies, ami his kind friends and neighbors for their efficient services rendered in checking the progress of the lire on his premises on Wednes day, .and saving a valuable building. Santa ('laus begs us In inform all the little folks, that he will make his Headquarters at the Young Ameri cas Fair. All the children are re quested to make a contribution to his table. The old gentleman or his wife will preside, with the assistance of the little girls. Mark all contribu tions '-Santa Clans table," care of Heiuv Kuhn. A fire occurred in an out house on the premises of ( apt. M. (Hover on Wednesday, which was not allowed tu spread, ami was, very soon sub dttcd by the prompt action of a few citizens and the Elliot! Hook ami Ladder Company, which was the only lire organi/.alion on t he ground. Loss slight. ( aused by a spark from a burning brush heap on Mr. N. A Hull's lot. The Elliotts desire their thanks returned to Judge Glover and Dr. Reere.^ for refre&hmcnts. Au insane man is never a healthy I * I one in body. Dyspepsia and other . diseases arising from a disordered 1 liver are mostly the cause of iusaui ty. As a preventive, gain and re lain health by using Dr. Flagg's im proved liver and stomach pad that acts without internal medicines. We regret to learn of the death on .Monday, of Mrs. Mary Axsou of congestive chill at her home on Bull Swamp. She was, for many years, a consistent member of the Baptist Chinch, and was much beloved in her community. Our sympathies arc with the bereaved. There was a huge and successful meeting of the Committee of Ladies who have in charge the Fair for tIn payment of the debt on the steam engine Uncle Joe. The Fair, we un derstand, will take place sometime in the early part of December. It is a cause in which all arc interested, ami besides this, the matter is in tried ami faithful hands with whom there is mi such word as fail. Head the resolutions of the Fas terlin's Mill Democratic Club in another column, contributing money for the relief of the unfortunate col ored man who was accidently hurt in the ipiarrel at the joint political meet ing at C lea tons. These resolutions will meet with the hearty approval of J every good Democrat in the County. Let every club respond to tin- exam ple set by the Easterliu <'lid'. We an- sorry to state that the Lutheran Fair was very poorly at tended, owing, to some extent to hail j weather, and loa great extent to the indifference of many who should j have, aided the good work by their presence, if nothing more. The con, gregation is struggling hard to pay their church debt and retain their pastor, and shouid be upheld by the community. Let]us help thechurch. A not her full and enthusiastic meet. ing of the Court House Democratic Club took place on Tuesday night. The band lent to the occasion the most in.-piring music which gave to the orators of the evening a stimu lus to the utterance of the most \ glow ing words, which were loudly ap plauded by tlie expectant audience. Housing speeches wen? made h\ II. (i: Sheridan, M.I. Hrowning, H. P. j Idar, W. L. ( Maze, S. H. Mellichamp, F. A. Sehifflev and W. J. DeTreville. Jr. Sogreal was the interest inani j tested that t he inimitable Hrowning and others were t ailed upon a se cond time, and made two speeches j dnring the evening. The following is a list of United States Supervisors for this County: OK.MOC.'UAT. Avers'--S p Fox worth; Hook hardt's. Thos. Livingston; Branch ville, P W Fa i rev; If.ui'ii, d-h jj^TTtffsT Hull Swamp. W W Culler; Cedar Grove, \V L Zcigler; Connor's, 1) F ( onnor; < 'orbittsville, W L F.hnev. Kastcrliu's, .1 F Shoemaker; Fogle's, J F Jones; Fort Motte, T K Legare; Giillln's. F A Shinglcr; (I lent mi's, W I-' Phillips; Jamison's, d L Moorer; Lowisvillc, II Davis. Jr.; Orangeburg, II (J Sheridan; Howes ville, .las. Stokes; Washington Semi nary, J W Sellers; Zeiglcr's, F J P Walsh. ItKl'LMII.K'AX. Ceo. F Hurt, I) (; Johnson, D W Hart, T K Sasportas, J .1 Tyler. Lcvi Stimmers, .hu?. H Thomas. N Ii Wilke.rson, Nestor Currcy, Henj, .MouIt i v. F F Berwick, K J Jamison, F F Aiken, .1 .1 Moorer dr.. lim. F Mclntyre, .1 d Mays. T W Haiglcr, II D Fdwards. A rather indescribable political meeting was held at Way's Store on Wednesday night. The colored people assembled in la i ge numbers to hear speeches, several gentlemen be ing invited from the town of Orange burg, ami from the community. Ai the appointed hour about seventy llvc colored people and the same number of whiles had assembled. Speeches were then made hy J. II. Felder, Julius Fd w ards. S. IL Melli cliamp ami .lohn Sellers on the Demo cratie side. After this there was a general expression of sentiment from the colored people al h ast six or sev en speaking until midnight. The sentiments they expressed were Democratic in most cases and neu tral in other cases. No rabid Rcpuhli can speech was made. The key-note id'tin- Democratic speakers that every man was a freeman,and should vote as he pleased and not as a slave, was re echoed by every speaker. The rehult of the meeting was decidedly en couraging. At Ute mooting of the Court House Democratic Club on Tuesday even ing; a resolution was passed calling for a grand Democratic torch light procession and demonstration to-i night. The following gentlemen have been appointed a Committee of i Arrangements, which is in itself u \ guarantee of success: Let every man turn out, and we hope that our colored friends will not be afraid to come t ut and listen to what is Haid, if they do nothing more. Lot us see if they arc freemen, or if they arc the slaves of party leaders. We hope the surrounding clubs from the country w ill come in und swell t he crowd. NOTICE. The following is the list of Mana gers of Election uppointed by the I undersigned Commissioners to hold the Klcction on the 2d of November next at the several precincts herein designated: Avers'?A I) Fair, 1' FOitimlin ami K W lira lit ley. lirnuchvillc?I A Benson, J M Berry and Howard Walker. BookhnrdCs?I B Ktheridge, .1 K lriek und D A hick. Bull Swamp?.1 S R?wo, J S Liv ings! n und .1 (? Smith. Brown's - M .1 O'Dowd, II II Sal Icy and .1 II Uarley. Cedar Orove?Tims. A I/.Iar, A T Wolle and -I W Antlcy. Corbettsville?Ariel Able, W K Smith and .1 7' Fanning. Conner's? II I? Whetsoll, .1 V Jack son and 1' M Wethers. Knsterliir.s?C (' McMillan. A S Kasterlin and (L Sallcy. Fnglc's?.lames Ii Shirer, T N Slawsou ami .lohn W Mack. Fort Motte?I K Ilanc .1 A lVtcrkiu and W K Tuber. Gleulon's?W A Muekaty, H A (.'arson and A U I'hillips. (Jrillin's?,1 llamp. Folder, Ira F Hart ami Bouse Bannister. Jamison's?(i V Patrick. (.' W (luller and .1 M Bell. Lewisvilh:?G W Arthur. F. i. Artburattd W C < lark. Orangebtirg? I'm uge burg qualify ami get their boxes. F. M . W A N .\ A M A K KU, T. < '. A i.0kkoo ( i i, V. F. C.v.w. (.'onnnissiotiers of Flection. TcardT .1/.-. lUlilnr. Allow nie to thank- you for the handsome apology, which you made for allowing my name to appear in your paptM' so uncomfortably to the subject of polities. While nobody be lieved the charge, everybody was pleased to sec the correction. Very Hospoet fully, W. II. Lawkknck. T??m l?litnr Oftmythw y /Ymich." Being informed that my nnine has been placed upon tin- Republican ticket for School ('ommissiouer, I de sire to say that 1 am not a candidate, and will not accept the oilice if elect ed, and all persons voting for me will throw away their votes. Uespocl fully, 11. I.. k'li'Kl \ It AK KK. 100 kegs mackerel for sale low down at C. I >. "Km tJohn's. Buttel ick's fashion sheets for Nov. is now ready at Henry K oh it's. Call or sent I for one. ?iiii coats and overcoats for sale low down a- ('. D. Kortiohn's. Another supply of the popular White Sowing machines received at Henry Kobn's. Kvery machine has a written guarantee for live years. 10(1(1 pairs pants for sale low down at lvortjohn's. All the hading shades in silks, satins, brocades, cashmeres ami worsted are to be found at tbe dr\ goods bazaar of Henry Kolin. 1000 hats for sale low down at C, D. Kortjohn's. mm ? mm ? Fxlra line beef, pork and mutton furnished every week at the well reg uluted market of Marion Jackson. Tobacco, tobacco, tobacco, 50 box eschewing and smoking tobacco for ^alc lew down at Ko'rtjohn'e. The health and bounty of children can be restored bj giving them Shrin ?r's Indian Vermifuge to hill the worms that darken their complexion. One. of the most useful aud com fertable articles for our people to use is the inside sole or loot protector, composed of wool and cork, worn in the boot or shoo. It is a hure reme dy for rheumatism and proof against cold ard damp feet. For sale by 1*. A. Lcfvendahl ut 125 cts pet pair. J. I. Sorentruc is just in receipt of a laig<- lot of Tobacco of all grades, which he \ ill sell cheaper at retail than the same could be bought in Charleston at wholesale, and another choice lot of Hams at 10 cents per pound. (Jo to see him. If you are going to Camp .Meeting go to i). Fi. Smoak iV Co. and gel a tine suit of clothes at low figures. Prisons lumping in town over night are requested to stop in D. I-'.. Smoak & Co.'s yard where they ""ill lind good accommodations for them selves and horses. a " BLACK-DRAUGHT'' makea chilli aud lover iuipossible. For sulu by Dr. J. O. Wnniiainnker Don't forget to curry your cotton samples to 1). [?"..Smoak A- Co. They pay the highest prices and pay the cash. a Beauty, health, and happiness for Indus in "WINE OF CARDU1." 1-dr -ale by Dr.?I. G. Wnnnainaker If you need a nice sei of harness don't buy until you have priced them at !). K.\Smoak\v t'o.'s. 'They have just received a line lot. a Goods arriving by every train for .1. I. Sorroiitruc. He will make, this season, .-hoes a specialty as his : large ami varied slock wili show by , inspection. Take " BLACK-DRAUGHT " and you i will never be bilious. For saleh\ Dr. .J. < ?. Wnnnainaker Gentlemen's furnishing goods, em ; bracing linen collars, cutis, half i hose, in d some of the best quality <>i j iinlaumiried shirts .-it 75 cents anil $1.20 at ?I. I. Soientrue. I). K. Smoak has returned with : the finest h>t of clothing ever olfered I in this market. a ! " WINE OF CAHDUt " for Ladies only. j For sale h\ Dt J. <:. Wannaniak er. i The drug -tore where can get your j money's worth is at Dr. .L G. Wan ; mi maker, Orangeburg ('. IL. S. ('. I We buy the best, keep the best, and , sell it at low prices, hence, if you want any thing in the drug line, call and see ns. We keep a full line of hair ami tooth brushes, toilet soaps, per I I'll tilery, sponges, patent medicines: make prescriptions a specialty : will ! be found tit our post, day or night. It is found at last! Something new under the sun A new era i* drawing i upon woman. Nil herlo - he has 1> ? n ?? il ! ed upon to puffer the ill- of mankind and ; her own besides. The frcrpu til an.I cli.? i iressing irregularities peculiar to her sex have long been to her the ''direful spring of woes unnumbered." In the mansion of ibo rieb and hovel of poverty alike woman has been the eon-taut yet patient victim of i a thousand ills unknown to man- and I without a remedy "Oh Lord, how hing!" in the ugony of her soul, hath she cried. I Hut now the hour of her redemption is j come. She ? vi 11 suffi r no an re, for llrad field's Female Peculator, ??Woman's Host Friend," is lor sale by I jr. A. C. Dukes, ami also bj I'r ,!. (. ?1 per bottle. A Itial package of " BLACK-DRAUGHT " free of charge at For sale by Dr. d. G. Wannamak cr. At t Ja sta. Ca.. Pi h 18711. Messrs. Ilulehisou A Uro.: di' FINE STC*G& AT MTT STABLES OrTOKI TK C. r>. IIOllTJOTTN Ri giant iIk'Iii Letters Hi' Administration of the Es tate.-mil ellcels of I!. J. Hayek, deceased. These are therefore tu eile ami lulmonisli all ami singular ihe kindred ami L'nd itors of tin- said E. J. Huyelc, late of Orangeburg County, deceased, that they lie and appear, b'd'ore no.-. in tin; i'ourt of Probate, to he held al Orangeburg, <.'. II., ? ?11 I nth November next, after publication bci'iof, at ii o'clock in the loretioon, tj show en life, if any they have, why the-aid Vdmiiii.-tiittioii should not he granted. (iiven under my Maud. thi> -7th day of October, Anno Domini lsso. I i. s. I C. It. ?LOVEK, Judge "f Probate. Orangeburg County. oet -7 -t B KST quality Condensed Milk at VAN TASSEL'S tj cist !O,?C31V0?t A line lot nf Gold & Plate Jewelry, Consisting of Ladies, Misses and Children Set?, Eings, Charms, &c. Watches and Clocks (tHII.nilKN'S FA IIS IMEKCEI) free j tit Charge when Kings are Nought. j t all before buying elsew here. W. P. I{ol>iiiSv>ii. ! riUlK very best imalilvnf ?Si*t Edge nttt Notice \< hereby given, thai 150 days j from date, a] p licit';..n w ill be mat'." lo ! < ;e pci'fi ctly suited. jJ?T~ Ail repairs carefully mid in nt ly ex< cnteih Prices reasonable. net S liVSO If I") JO. .iMVrtj .,n.l other trrades of CoflVe 1\ nt VAN TASSKIAS. JaiiKS Van Tassel, FANCY GROCER ANI? LIQCOR DEALER. I < mi hand iiiul receiving daily Kr csh (Jrn lies, iiiul the l'inc.-t llriu -is of Liquors, in town. ItKOrCHTON STREET, riKANCKIJtrfUi, S. f. i> ka dy k<) i v B?SINKSS \\ 7-ANTED bushels KOUGIl TY iKlCE jier month. OUR RxCE MttL Itemg i.ow ready f..r w'hli greatly increased CAPACITY, we hereby give notice dint \vc ;oe now in Ihe KICK lMAUKET, ami will pay tin? highe?! CASH price for good Kough Rice. We don't wan' laid and i bally rue at any price. It will be to your interest to 'clean your lice well, as wc pro pose to pay according to lite quality of each lot oil red i il cct fully, J. STRAUSS ? < 0. NOTICE. Mr ( '. K. .loncs keeps good horses ai d buggies for hire, and is also prepared to do all kinds of hauling promptly on short notice. Terms reasonable. C. Ki JONES. nttg '20 tf A lllOiCC Chewing iiiul .Smoking; \-J Tobacco, Brandy Poaches Ac.[at W allace Ccnnon'a old stand Master's Sales. In complii net with the Orden of Court of Ceimiion Pleas, I will Bell the Real Estate mentioned in tlie several cnsc-i stal ?d below, nt tOiangeburg C< in 11'? en, the first Monday In Noveurbor next, within the b-gul hours: 1. Ann C. Murphy vs. M; Str?th anil Hugh Meek and otheia: In tl mk ease 1 trill Sell nil tliat lot or par* eel of hind situate ill the t?wrl and CoUnty of Orangehurg, hrontihg and measuring,on Ti cade we 11 street elite feet, and mc&idririg back one hundreil und thirty fecu more or less, mni bounded North by lot now or late ly of Mar y M. Patrick, Kost by lot of Mary B. TreadcweH, South by lot ol Charles haw ton, and by Trcadewoll street. Terms?Cash. Purchasers to pay for [miper? and recording. j. Susan K. Cross well, Administrativ vs. Oeorge Butter Cross well and others' : I will scU in this ease the following par-* eels 01 tract* of land of the b e. j-inh M. Cross wo 11 situate in the County A Orange burg: I. AH that trnet of hind containing fifty acres, more or less, hounded North by land of William I lane, Northeast by land ol Daniel Zinmeruian und Southwest by tbu linger road which separates il from the l-ust of Oak land, this tract belli g n peM 01 Oakland. 'I. A iraet cu.itKining fifty-three ncxes. more or lcs?5, hounded North, tfcuth and West by lands of .I. M.CroiMwoll and tuul by land ot I'. Ms '.'arson, situato near the I San too river and being part of tbu Estate land.- of the hue M. Ellen Taber. A trad near Port Alotte containing a part of the Oodien plantation, containing about one hundred and sixty-four acres, bo the same more Or less, b, hs.su. j Muster v UNO Green Cucumber Pickles, very Ij cheap, at VAN TASSEL'S. No'ricrE OFFICE: OK Cot"NTY CoMMISSIONKHi*, (Irungebtirg County*, Oraogi hu! -. S. C, Oct. 8. 1KS0. All persons having crillniK against the County nl' Orungcburg, and not heretofore j:ii-, i.ti d, will lib- tin- >amv with the Clerk of the Hoard of County Commissioner!, on or belore tin- first day of November, lhbu. Bv order of the Board. L. H. WANN AM AK Kit, Clerk Board Co. Coin., (). C. oct 1"' 8? B OLOOK A Sausages, low down, at .1AM KS VAN TASSEL'S. police lo Creditor* of David O JcfcoaL The Creditor*; of the late r>avid 0/ Jcf? eoat are required to prevent and prove their respective Claims against his Estate, on of bei ore the 3('th day of November next, be* fore ihe Master; and on failure to do so, they will be debarred payment. Bv order ol the < 'ourt. THOMAS W. GLOVER, Master. M.isti r'sOllice, Oct. V, iaS0. net |? St i "Oil", best of Bfy Sslt and Snrnked Hawrt low down at' VAN TASSEL'S. ho riffs Sa^es. By virtue of sundry Execution* to me directed. 1 will sell, ?t" Orioigeburg C. IL, S. ?'.. during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, >.n the first Monday November next, all the riidit, ttllo ami interest of the defendant, in and to the following trai l of laud, towit: AH that Plantation or tract of land situate in Elizabeth TownshrpvOrangcbttrg Coilnty, in the Korks of Bull Swamp, and North Kdisto /Jiver, containing four hund-1 rcil acres, uiore or less, and huundcdfbv hinds Of Win. Mack ?tnd Brother, Jacob Wolfe, N. K, W. Si-hunk and North Edisto River. Also at same time and place,foflf Hales . Louis' Stoic. SftdsfrtCth ?? guaranteed in all operations. &Kt." Tee.tb extracted without pain, by the u^c of Nitrons Oxide Cut*.