UNPARALLELED Superlative in its Attributes. The W'ii ITICt lUIKlMflckllOM'I ???ige?! K INO, ol" all Sowing Itfliftchint??. In the third year of its oxistcneo its Haley amounted tu r> I iYLju;lliner*. No other iiiaehine ever had Micha RECORD, 0I-' ;POPULARITY 11 is simple ia construction. |t sTeilst? ii i- Anii made, once, regulated requite no change for ordinary work. gt is the Lightest Umiunig Maehitie made, ami is nearly m i.-cl. jts sin tile is tr^dfM breading, made of Folid .Steel, ami carries a Larger Itohbiii than id most any'odtcr Kniuily Machine, jit has more room under the Ann than r.ny oil.i r Maehine, making it very desira ble for Drcisui ikcrn and others, w ho often wish to carry the fabric under tin* arm without ei itdiing it. 21 haa, in fact, every * 1 inproveiiicnl Known in Modern Sewing Machines. Hesiues all the n gular and extra AttiK h im nis which are given free with euch Ma chiiu-. I alsn give the New "Wbilu" At tach uieul. c<>h i 'tiiig of 1st. A r.ii.d. r tor Scalhips. 2d. A Well ('order for MiudrCord. "d. A l-' ild^Maker. lib. A Dress Triin iiier fit It. A Shirriiig Dreiser. Ulli. A bias Cutter and Kohlt r. S dd !-v. (Imiigcniirg, si. A U WALKER, C3 I A MIMON C; I JO( ' K I x\ OKA NM LTJL' R(K. c. ? filKijs TO "rSSAOJK At .\ It \\'.\ I .h! [?'. I.'S '"'.iii-'.' I can get what I waiit in the (Inirery I.iiie tJtcte, and il > ' niy etjstoiiu i~ iuld ;i x'i reliant v. In. \\:is drumming him. and 1 i h'nk i! I;i ii l v >!i ? ( i il i d loy ? llio I to .!.-i rv.-11..'Mi. e.-s wl.i. h I have won. My triule has ?ncicn . .i lately in the past I hi ce years ( 9 :t m now :-Kc I i t ti? more i*??mls in m.t l Asiv. iltati niiy oiltvr BCottHO 1st TownI ihm I lut**e found il i.?.-. st-aiy ;> i myself,! it' well as advantageous to inv customers; jo make arrangements Iii piociiie weil.Iy:j in quantities, friiiu the Largest, inosl Ueliable ami t'llCtl l>VYii Pork Puck'iujg Houses, Flour Mill-. Can Goods. Enctcrics, Tbimeoo und Cigar Fticlituos As ? ell :'s all iiilii r ?1 0; p I i-.-l (*!?>? I!< iisi - it: ii y line, ( U > d- !>. c ad r to the trink Aiid in lliis w; v Oii title I < I'i si t i il < I din- on the market Ii i lily patron I s.-ivc lor itiv piilioi s a large:commission tiny have ti'i jjiav other ineli in iny I.iiie for pleasure trips North sold \\.-'. tmdci die pretense of going iobiiytinods I'benji w In ii, in fai I. I adi | t ilu-1 etu r I'litu. II uy my :_ I ? api r and save iluj pleasure commissions fur- niv ciattnu is, \i\ I.ringing ad the Largest Motives in niy line into eoiie petition 1 \ im ai - < f < iicu'ars and I .etu is. and by :h:s means (sei' each I louse d wit til the I owt St t i;i .-, draw :i s ?_ hi I lall h - niy i -i col nt f< r t a It. anil give this to in\ J'atn its, 11.-erving < i ly i'? r myself; a | i? Iii ? ii go< ?!- . 1 psiin Iii/-?- uiily the hi igest ami a ? -t rci table Louses; and in ibis way .'-.-t thii ?.?.???i J buy war raided jiitle aiid win lesione. saiirfiieiOry in .|ii;iliiy, aid as n-| r.-. n;.-.l i:, qtia/ity, so my ciistoiiier have not ?ot to share w ith ni ? die lo-s on .i- lionjdit ai second hands ai d finiii iireSjiiViisihie ImOis* s. .My -tdesiiitin are iii.-trueted lo refui d die piirchiise price of goods in any ease win t'e i ? ;.-!..e.. i - have cause lor dissatisfaction. ('ontpeliiig houses, seiiieiiiius, for an iir-je'et, eiil under my j t-i? ??? in the long run I have found thai w hei e l.iiyi r- I o i- hi .,; !. than niy figure; iliey lotind a dill'er tiice iii ?ji hi.tiiy et ip iil'iii v hi i > | laiui ?. : lo aj itn nl ilitl? ri iUe in | rice; '? 1 am. to tile Ttai ? vcrv resp^eifutlv, A I i AV A L \< Y*: Vl ttr^:, S. <'. THE UNDERSIGNED ? VliVrs to Iiis IVs? 3i stud \ hv 1 " public, at the store n. cent'v .'Unied by JT. W. MOSFLSY. A full Stock of (icnt ral MEECJtANDlSI?. A citll solicited and satisfaction gi:aran tod. TO R A (JG? W"ill ho in ith' a s| . l i illy. W, B. THOMPSON, jimp I LttO ly LIYE?Y 1 A v i > Cj i I V Cj T \ Ul 1? v: I Qj\ (. i i > i j .\ i > i ji,i ? ?x I The imh!civ'Lm:c(1 wolttil i<-\-< . if illy hi forih tl i- obi/ens of ibis iiiiil adjoiniiii: Counties Ilt.it ho will luroidi. on the niu>l the best of Vehicles anil Harm ?-> <.i ?jmI Horses, well llrokeii ami wnrrchied : Sil IV ?/riv: Also alwavs on hand an?! for ilo I \Y DOWN, v elf ItrokcU HOilSFS $ MULE M V OMN I BUS will coiiihiu. to meet evoi y i rain HAULING: Pone on tin--In i it-i notice by earefill anil (rusty hiihils. (iivc nu-a (rial \\\ M. SA I N, A i the Ohl Staml. ('lsoiee iii)|>r.t*i?'tl ? * ? s1? mimI Sherry Win.', for sale low, ai Wallace ('anhoii's ? ' I stand. IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PADI N'nvirn Orrs It u r?. Can im .Mvm: aw .''thkm; i ii l>i:siitit!i. I./.st T\vi< i: as I i.xu. fhilSmffiyer, ^?$M ?l MverCom|,!aj..t1 J ?yor - %$ B Dyspepsia, i/ixvota Y.s- / rvousness, - 4v iv*^'*p1 Ukuinafmti, ^.t..:; A slhoncss, ^ \ I \ ; f Fi nnic : ; ' ^ ? ?WH Coslh Wrtkn - riik iV Xcn ius Hraiiailie. / Tji.*y I'..!- Cirr r.t!f>i. ?. . ? : ? ,\l ?W|.tl?.ii. v.. NnV i.iii I'iili.o ; . . i*. i-v.. ,? . . .. : ? lulu lli-i Sli.aia-ii. 'i'li.i |'.i<|4 ?? ...... ,? ; .. ( l.f till- Sl.llll :.. (1IVI ?!? : ? .I Vi ? , I- , iil-n I.i > i-r mill i ! . j\ .?? . >?.. \'. Tmii.-N ill--..ill. .i liitot'ni'.'jrrnl.toi i li I I ? I 1 lvi.t'.|.iiill..ii : :' :.? . I.-: :tii.?.,.if.. i- t i. t .! Ki.In .ys lit I. ili' \ ? ?. I i.-.-iJ. ? ' i ? Sl.nii.n li tiollui i i ? '? I' h . ? I ? s -I A Mi ? I \i a. S'.ii.ii a v a i.i. 1>; 11 .."-Mi'...,: itr l.\i>o -- .\i:iiMifa.titr,,l nl II ? : !. iv St., ii vl i in. ? : E(M)K n < ??l lirluli tti'i nth m A|i|de t i'li-r, u'o to Wsd'aee (.'aiuiotl' Old Stand. I >?>i o i:i ihc ln -l itiaiini r an I n i lie niosl reasonable tcrnis. Also Blacksmith, Wor'^ Of i:\< ry lie erijitioii d..n.? ?mi (!>.? shortest notice an.I ai in > l rale price-. \V. ik res |cct fully sultcitu?1. \v. ii. now i:ll. Op; osite liar < y'-_"( '.til ii< ?". COMK AT LAST ! i\ S3. V.I? C;;D4?I>KBJiri. Jr.; Hfoto 1 Ariist. li ih r . liiyy I Iii i ?'.-d\ ry t. Hurley's corner where the public ran have 1 "It-* loirrapli-i taken I'M" ' ela]??.,>? ilii- (Jallory. (all anil eNamiiie samples at thillery. All wishing good work done e.m have ilie eliamre without having the cxpc'ise of giiiili? hi the ('ity for lite same, i'all and .-? e inc. All ?.-...?!'; ritsh w Iii n v.?u -it. '( M. VAN I iKSD'KLL; Jit. apl 2 tf In : ;> ,???'. : -:;;!':-:\*"n SI! i ; ? i riieiii'Mne l>> ? ? t? ? ?"' ? . r !!??? t I. feitet. J ? '. '??? . iitsi.i, suit it|ifiiin,'l'etriv. i ! 4 : i s. ,:? i. ??? t- .r ?-. AI ?>-.??? i km, Smitten J luu, .''\ .>B i ' 0 ? ? ? ? ..' 5 v . ? . .. ..'.?.:iy.\:c%: 323. ' * ? Yin iti' ? .' li.l ? t i\ Eh < OltltECY " >!: . '.. y ?. si - ii:.- iron .ttpatl'in. ,1? S II t I.? I? -? ?, I" | ..--!..n, laili. -.1 >a, iv\ m'V-i" e ?'-. 11'.irthurn, hiitigiilIInet?. ..... j :t ; .... ',. . xisri?i ! ,?''??? .... . ? ai !??!? !':?'. ijr .?f ? ille.l ? i Mire i - l>. ? ? of l rlne. retell : ?,:':' . ion'?it Nlglii Bwcaio, Palna nil i iva i iti- , n-y i.iii? ihttte >f Hi la ytiltmiilo j r. f I Mae. an.I j;k| relief. a?> iHIMlliilB I t\'| { ???>*. ??0 ile'ei I It'a. tilrtiti* t.y l.v|...0 i J Kt , linie i ii... - fioin .IrusJ-i that lia*e I li .4 I i'i '-H kii'-u n r..r yeai ?.ir lie i I riy jsli'liinn ad ??iivetUca tor ?iny ?>t ai?ive J. 11 ( I . . . -4 ... .-.tiv. jtj a/-.-.^^?in.-??.4r^ ? .-?? All : :\ it. Pr.:c *>'. (ief Ssttlo, m i- t ij !'..:.r;i Ut., Haltunotd, M>1. S?0" ~ pnor^i:tETO!. i i :. ? i .-'? !.('!it. t'? >m >i i ? i..m:u, ? h;aity< 1 in ir ' 'iiiiiiiyj (luv ?_?< lidfe. S (V. Sej?l 11, All pi i ?' m w ltd Iti ild .v i)ip.ll R.;.'.'t;<'r irvvv j hoti'.ed hy die Ine'isli In.Illing ? ... I presetiheil hy I'hysieiatiH a< ilie hum \ heahh> lievei iifje iti ihewerhl. fresh a in 1 pure, for sale al \\ nlku o ('tuition''-'oh ' stand, hv J. DKlv AM ?III.\\S. A gl. My FAlyEi STOCK ?r u if ? y u Ii ? Is now opened and offered i" iho people of Ornngobtirg 'it. snob prices that will convince thcni that I regard ibcir interisl. iHv ci.OTraiN? b)bopartmejVT occupies u.e entire Second floor, and consists ol Mens and Youths Suits in new Styles and cuts. 7'DMIK inlorioof my STOKE has been EjryiTj rOVCtl, ??d the eapii li city KN LA UCxHI) by the addition of Snel ving, rendered necessary to place the EX I'llA LA KOL JpUlE'CilELSeS every Line of Goods. MY XiABSES DRESS Cx??DS was selected with grcal i7 J cure, nod the selection >>; colors and materin! madu Rspocially for liii- inarhet. This line "I Goods wi I he shown with pleasure to the Ladies by t Sent einen of taste as to the .-.d? ti;jm of Trimmings, and experiunu e in the dry goods business. H 9 A TS ri lid CA 1 >S displayed in a large new Glass Hat Case, ? il at pi ices !?> suit everybody. ji/j v T13ZLC:r-.T'?&'?i tSTZZ&TZ i* sf eked with lull lines of i i il ('hairs. II? !I te.cls, ('rih-, I Ira lleSj O das, LOungo*. I'arlor, Hi I II?on and Lining K?nnt Seit'. ?Iii- ;.? in a separatu Store. ' prepared to pity t% i & H'3 a V '">' COTTOJi7 and all other trj? R ?f F&OlJtfClS. 1 l ave an ACCOM iJi>i>ATI(;S Ll*i SM in my Store Yard which is always lit tf.e service id' persons wi !t Teams remaining over night. 1 wish n.y ctistbircrs Know this, tliat all -if mv Goods >\a< purchased by .MYSELF with great cure in ord r to ?_-.?! lie; \ v.\i \ Ii EST in sit inn S-'l.y Wheel.? I ..i omdiiig die Dobbin Without WorUim: tliu Macli no. Qin;tt !< fctiilo.--T.dile of -?orre \ 1 -p udinc. i/ -. Neddies and Thread Ktain.pe.il o Khiqtie Slide; always convcu i i i for refen nee; Oil lit tic I'oinhims simplicity of t> loiisirMetioii and management; Is Self-'l hieadiiur, li t- hut few par!-, all at niched logOiher, widi n<> posdliilify of I er?iiue*?eiiti 1 lW4\\~lj>.-A New O^cvl'V ? ' '^^l 1 L--1 Ariaiiiiemeiit which gives a thor ? i'.^VrV ?:? "?:nhly praeiical Helf-Setfiu;. Needle. ?- .^i'^^^^:;-^' ? ^oiimy. while a vvinged "thumh-nu. di.es jfiP 5^'e;J^-:Sl^_ * w.way with ihen.f screw Driver ~* ^, T'7$*-?-<'*"~. t**^..^ .-t^ I? iakltti. a i.i ih. s.-.important n ature--. Ntedlc-ltiir lias heeii made to ri'e I it In r. 'lit 'in..-am l:.-l(?n u piovtd so as to nndcr fh.^ thrcadiitfr of it easy anil ? < i:. in. This Higli jii d l.ti'ty/Ijifteis have Iii i n coinli:tied: tin? ff it:. -up iitt d wi Ii an Ailjii't'iig Screw, >' ihitl it ciiii he sei loia nicely. The I'hi'eail-giiide to the Needle-har has I ? ? 11 iiia< c i.toatli r, iiml the !"?d plate : ml 11 ii tfvs I lettered in several wtiys; YYitilihcsc new itui ?-. i!; animals, its ilu\ c.'ihiuit pierce thedihlo, tlieV oidy jirick. whieli is all th;it is ever m.?- uy. It is the ? io apot i. nie i.i a!-.-, iiio.: d .a .1. . is riot . y. |. '. iy .'o-.- k\ i i I or llo.i h T'a.- fewer fence j < ist?. ?Ii ek eaiiiioi iniiii d-wii. It pro'ci't - i tse! I, nets on du d. 'i hsive, and takes htt.t little rei in. Y< it eiih (?ultivaic close 0 it. U'i ? ? KER0SSF3B STOVES! II E uOSEWB STOVES !! The i'li'ihlrsig'tieil would call ihe ait ?tili o ef iho Ladies of Oiengcluug and Vicinitv to Li? k i v< )s l.s i: s'i'< >\' l :s r.veiy hinist kc? pet du war.I oi -euuie|i>g thai will fook the dailyfood, which will do 'aw-:0 with ilie < >.?. --' ve heat for die Sunoner Moichs, of a ''ook >'toye. You vVi.?li to! S'. ; . I'ti'd, Ki;y; aitd ih' itiytltitig thai a i'ook Stove will do. Any l.ailv eilt coidt tin da in all d iv widaet soi'ing ht r tadts. t.ltic triid will convince die ?? -'? i n' ?? 11 * TO 'S'B.e 10 B*|ts$8,5? 1 X ^SOXPiUAL. Alwavs on hand, i'.iok Sn vtr? ftotii do- lfes| l.'aniifaeiiircrs only, Wood a lid Willow \\ :? i ?-. Lamp- ii ltd t'roi-kery, and by far the largi -' an-1 he?t -Kick of ' |' t j i \\'? \ j.ml iiniise l'i:inidiiiig tinods; iii (Iriiiigehtou ( biiidV. .'^:! of which will h? sohl lbw for ciisli. fall ami See for vtitii ? I v Wi... W I ! .1 ii OCJC. N. lt.? Ko .Jin-. iM-r.-ri- -.; and liepaiiiiiji doiii its tisiuil. Tin only li'glit 1 in Koof i. titangcbiirg are those I put bin W. \Y. mat 2f? 1'> M q b tluiuf u fc Q Si Oi ULUkLt\LBl, COKNLl! !;!'.?Ll.L A- IVIiOl GlltON STS., Will keep conslaiifly on hand the following oOotls: f'direea n :?.??? n, '{'?>as, .'-nips, Siigars, I liiuis, Fii.iir, Laitl, (irt?l, Hi.tier, M, >!, S,.ap. l; i..-. Starcli, All i I M.:;!. ?? a I tich's I ju.it antee o he I'TlESlI; und will sell theill i:- 1 ( \\ a- flic 1 i W iT rile e: sh. Call and examine my Stock and pi ii i - heb'l t' \ on pill i base; Always keep nti ha I a lull supply of blal < >!.:?-.. W INKS A Nil CK i A IIS. tinned Salmon, " 1,de-tclS. " Mackerel, " Oysters, " Tiititatoes, " (It ei n I 'ens, C.iltl Heel', The Celebrated "Oakley Bitters. 11 [?, i , iii \N ho at i- sr.fei itij; from Indigi stiott and who ore liable to Chills und 1-7-\11. 1 ys| rp-ia, titdl till the tiltemjanl evils of a Dt rnt?geWA!?!l'% TI\WARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS, SHOHS, HAT3 AND 0AP3. I i live also lilted up a separate room for cr/rn cusro In which ihc LARGEST STOCK ever exhibited, is disp'ayo.], which will lie sold very j ,< ) \\r. A I.--M 8 A JFP?>S,T<1S ???<1 ZH illjiVESS ,nrSe variety ami at LOWKSt1 PWlCrX I would aUn call SPECIAL ATTENTION tu a largo slock of Fi; riNITU RT5 Very prelly SUTiS in Walnut such as Dressing Case Suits, Tarier .Suits, A ?JA I? LOAD 1, 'J ihd i) HORSE WAGONS will arrive iii ri lew ?layai All i : uhii I. is i xhibited and sohl a; LOWEST DOWN FIGURES. Confectioner and Candy Maiiafaoturer, Olli rs for suli lie- largeri assortment of FP.ESH AND PUBS CANDXKS; Wholesale anil Retail, at Lowest Figures. J^j&Z) HUTS Of nil descriptions always oh hand. The only place ivho'c you can always get !resh Raisins, Ourrents,-Citroiif Hires, ' igs. Crackers, Des.-i a ted Coi unit, Canned G'iods and Fancy Gro ut rie- o. all 1), .-< riptinus. Specialties in ^'^(IKECSrS A ti'tZCI ^KS^lie Largest Assortment ofsticli Gooda ;.. I'owo, tilso Fine Cigars. ( /\ "JT, ?K-ANG FB15R0, S; i'. I!. I ii--r:ii_' ai! lirsl c'n - ' i | aid. ?-. I ain prepared to i.-^sue Policies on all i lasse5 > no- will have prompt attention. I laving fri fMU nl applications to sell ni ?! purchase A'eal Kstaic. I have concluded to upon mi A ijeimy r dial purpi so . and would r? spi i'tfuMy solicit business; in that capacity, I oiler or -ale the iblluwitiii projn rty : '2 story 1 w? Iline oil Si ?'? Imsl; S Aootiis in Dwelling. I story 1 >v.. Iliie-'en ,1/arket si; I /t'e ami hea/ttiy pirts of. the town, Ajip/V li ?' p H tieu'ai s at my otlice mi Itusse/V street. ming Implements! ('.???d-iiiij of ? I'LOW .ST?CKS, l'J.?WSj l'.?F.?, SlibS'jChS, SPA 1> ICS, kc. Ai d a Complete Stock of U)i\T1T" 1 I > ? 1 OUNS. PISTOLS, ( UTLKRY, TOWDEB \ 1 * Vf ^1 1 i S',, ??OT, ( APS, ( AIM L?DGES, &C. j.-,- All of the iih ve(i(X)DS will be sold nt OED PllICES notwithstanding the rcceiu Al'\ A.N( 1. on all articles in the above line. AB/* O The Light Riumiiig Eciiiington Sewig M'achine fhe It EST ami ilie ('IIICA PICST Sewihy Machine iiiamifactiired, 1 I (? j >; i i l ? i 11 "* of all kinds in mv lim- done at the shortest possible notice. P. G. CANNON. laii 1<;: bSJ<0. IT m TRUE! Thal hn selliug tin- r*LT KICST ail FIN15ST GRADES of WIILSKEY For 1 KS'S MONEY than any oilier Sthro in Town, I kceji a Inrge iissorlinent of (.MIEWIXG and SO K IMG TOB AC (OS including the only GHNITINFJ DURHAM Smoking Tobacco soldin tl.i.- Mai 1 et. ami ilie ?'(> 1.1 ) LOCi CABIN," which is the Finest Brand oi ( heu ing Tobacco etcr Manufaclured , A I-o a line a.-.-oriinei.t of C110ICK ( IGA1 S, including the celebrated ;iOO?tne micst ? cent Cigar ever sold THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT Is croud.,I \(itli (!:..!(?' frefill C? O0~. which I am selling at incredible t.O\V I'iiR I S. A Specinlity niado in Fl .Ol'R, which, in its white in s.- Mid excellence caunot be surpassod. All tint I is necessary to prove t'io truth of the above stntcmcnt is t call and examine for yourselves. James Van Tassel, Agt. sopt 20 1878.?mar Id . At VpioMul^bind. ol