Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg Court House [S.C.]) 1877-1881, August 27, 1880, Image 3

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Tlio Orangeburg Times L O C A. 1^ FORT MOTTE AND IT'S SURROUND IXUS. Wc hail the pleasure of a visit, on last Friday, to this historic place, with a view to a ride ever the crops in this noted rod < lay region. It's ancient traditions and reminiscences, which would make a volume in them selves at once Interesting and profita ble wc cannot touch upon now. hut must leave for some future season. We were met althedepot by (apt. Tre/.cvanl, who took us to his pleas ant home for <he night. The next morning, after an early breakfast, we mounted our steeds and commenced the proposed survey of the fields. 'The first crops examined were those on ('apt. Tre/.evant's planta tion. His son, Mr. 1). H.Trczevant, has a most excellent crop of cotton, heavily fruited and well developed in the weed. The condition of this crop, both cotton and corn, shows him to be a careful, thorough and practical fanner. Besides this crop, there are. on the .??aine plantation. excellent crops planted by a number of new comers to this section from Branehville ami Middle St. Matthews, who have been attracted here by the -superiority <?I" the lands. Among them we may mention the names of Den, A rant. Buzzard, Fclkol, Ott, Bair, Danlzler and Parlor, who are mostly located on Belleville, a plantation bought by Mr. John Harmon ami extensively improved by his skill, his energy ami bis superior farming experience. These young men have proven themselves to be most industrious am! enterprising, and arc just the kind of men to develop the resources of a country. The crops on Belleville are proba bly the best that have ever been semi on this place The vast fields td' co' ton. extending almost :i> far as the eye can reach, present a sight well worthy of observation. After getting over Belleville, wc rode up to the .Met ord place, now owned by ( apt. I'eterkin, of .Mail boro, where we were handsomely re freshed for the noon by the hospita hie and courteous host. After dinner we rode over this place, which is planted in S?ll acres of cotton, ami from ail indication will average the handsome yield ol ?JOll lbs per acre. ('apt. I'eterkin, who is a man id means and enterprise, is. withal, a most practical farmer, bringing witb him the ski!! ami economy of the .Marlboro section, where the crops are cultivated like a garden: ami he is most handsomely backed by his two soii>. James ami ( hallo, to whose industry and attention much of t he credit i- due. (apt. I'clerk in has arranged a fish pond which be has stocked with (lor man carp, and has in contemplation many other improvements to his place. Wc next visited I he crops of Messrs William and Keilt Haue where we found other fields of luxuriant and well fruited cotton equal to any wc had seen. These two gentlemen always have line crops and well ordered planta tions, but their cotton this year pro bably exceeds a Iivthing that was ever grown on t hesc lands. On the old Darby place young Mr. Darby has a promising crop of cot ton. About this time the approaching hour for the evening train warned us to commence our return to the depot, where, altera pleasanl dial with the ever courteous agent and high toned gentleman, ('ol. A. I). (Joodwyn, and his affable assistant, Mr. Charles Ctooihvyn, wc look our leave for home. The improvements in this section, lor t Im last ten years, iirealmosl in credible. The influx of new inch has given an impetus which is clearly .showing itself, and the old fanners arc not a whit behind in energy and enterprise. Wc heard a gentleman who has travelled all over the State in search of planting lands, and one who is capable of judging, say, thai there is no better farming country in 1 he State t hftn the Fort Motte sect ion. There are now several parties in the neighborhood looking out for lands with the view of settling. Kvery w here around the evidence of thrift is appearing. ( apt. I'eterkin is surrounding a portion of his extensive domains with a new board fence, T1h> llrvans, who, l?y the way, have linn t iops, ami the Clnffeys arc erect ing new gin houses. In the town, ('apt. Legare, formerly of our Burg, is doiug a line mercantile business, having put up a new and commodious store. Our visit was limited, am f there were many points of interest that we had not the time to see, hut we saw enough to convince us that at no distant day tiiis section will become a garden spot in the State and South. Wo feel satisfied that our people are as good fanners as can be found anywhere in the world. All they lack is the secret of economy, by w hich, time, labor and resources are :dl har bored with that exactness and par ticularity which characterises the conduct of Northern and ICuropean farms. If the South continues to improve as it lots since the war, there is no predicting the degree of agricultural excellence to which we may vet at tain. .1. (..'. I'ike is opening a large stock of new goods. Mrs. .lacolt lio/.ard will accept our thanks for ;i mess of sweet potatoes. Webster ami Ibdiver were the only wdiile nun who tried to iutlamc the colored people on Saturday. We have hud some of the warmest weather of the year during the past week. Look toil for tin- advertisement of Messrs. I). K. Smoak A- Co. in our next issue, and don't you forget it ! Parson Webster, instead of saving souls, is trying In get up a war of races. The Old Ornngeburg Missionary l'nion meets today with Walnut (irove Church, and the New l'nion meets at I he same time with Antioeh. The bot is the cheapest. liny Shriner's Indian Vermifuge, as it is guaranteed to destroy and expel worms?the child's greatest enemy. Mr. Win. M. Sain arrived home last Saturday night from the North west with lot nl extra line horses. Now is the time to get a beast at a reasonable price. (ieoige Hi diver certainly signalized himself on Saturday, and if he has any inure >o called Democratic hang ers-oti" we hope their eyes are open. 11 is speech was an outrage and will lu- marked. We are requested to stale l hat the Trustees of ('attic ( reek Camp ground will meet on .Monday August :10th. for the transact ion of business. "Observer" is invited to be present* and select a tent place upon which to build. We.regret to hear of the severe ill ness of Mrs. Fehler, the estimable wife of ( 'nl. Paul Fehler. Since writing the above we learn that the above lady is improving, and we hope will soon be restored to health. A car load of line horses arrived lieri- on Saturday night from the Northwest which was purchased es pccially for ibis market by Kdward F. Slater. This stock was carefully -elected, and will be sold at moderate prices. "Mellichanip's School" opens Oil Monthly September (ith. It is best as far as possible, to enter pupils on the lirst day. for the put pose of classifica tion. Hoard can be obtained by ap plication to the Principal at reason able rales. Ilolivcr and Webster certainly tried themselves on Sat unlay in alms ing the w hite people ami the Demo cratic patty. Fortunately, their abuse don't hurt anybody, but if I rouble come in I he coining com pa ion it will be justly laid at t heir doors. o mm i See notice of Miss Kvans school Which opens on September Gl lt. Miss Kvans has been leaching a long time in Oiangebttrg. and enjoys Die repu tation of il good teacher. She hau taken pains to keep up with the pro fession, ami we feel no hesitancy in commending her school to the public patronage. The ( orner stone of the Methodist Church in Branchvillc will belaid on Wednesday September Nth Speakers will be present, and a hot dinner served for t he benefit of the ('htirclt. A line t ime will be had generally, and, in consideration of tin good cause, we hope there will be a full turn out. Henry K?hn, Ksq., who is now North purchasing goods, will have a lull fall stock of dry goods in Orangcburgsoon. With Mr. Kohn's taste and skill in selecting goods, we recommend nil interested in the clothing line to call early to get the first choice. The Palmetto mills improved pre pared self-rising Hour, for sale by II. S. Kcnekcr, and for which Mr. (1. A. Neu Her is traveling agent, is highly recommended and has been tried with j great satisfaction in our town Knobcloch & Bros, the proprietors in Charleston, can scarcely supply the demand. The Orangeburg District Confe rence convenes in the Ornngohurg Lutheran Church to-day. There will be prent hing in thischurch lo-nighl at 8 o'clock, by Hev. Win. Steuden mire. On Sunday morning Uev. .1. F. Probst is cx|)ccted to preach, after which the Lord's Supper will be ad ministered. Kvcryhody is invited to attend. Charles Forrest, who cut und staldicd another man a few weeks ago in our town, mention of which was made in our columns, was ar rested last week in Columbia by the Sherilf of Iiichlnnd. I'pon notitiea. lion of the fact to .Marshal Cannon the Sherilf of Oraugebiirg sent up and look charge of him. lie is now in jail awaiting t rial. See new advertisement of .1. I. Sorontrue, in to-day's issue lie sells strictly for cash, and his motto being to make "quick cash sales at small profits." it wi uhl he advantageous !?> you to give him a call ami examine his large ami well selected stoc!>, w hich he oilers at 1 to 20 per cent cheaper than the same goods could he hotlgdll elsew here. Asa result of the Undicnl meeting on Saturday the following arrests were made: Ooorge [Landlord, for cursing ami riotous conduct and drawing his pistol on by slanders and on the marshal, was taken up and lined at the .Mayor's Court $10. Isaac Sal ley was taken up for drunk eiiuess und disorderly conduct, and lined $2.;"i0. (Jreell Brown, highly colored, paid $2 for too much hihtri ty. Ben .Johnson, what relation to the author wc uid not ascertain, got drunk and paid $2.."i<> for his folly. The leet lire on "True Heroism" by S. IL Mcllichamii was delivered on Monday night in the rooms of the) V; M. ( . A. The marked attention of I he audience was a source of much encouragement to the speaker who desires to return his thanks for the I creditable turn out. despite the ex ccssivelv warm weather, and for the ic-pectful hearing given. The exercises were pleasantly in terspersed with delightful music, both vocal and instrumental by .Miss Adele Buchanan and Captain M. O lm ? '? Wo call attention to the advertise menl of O. II. Cornelsou Ksq., in aiiotjier column, in which he calls for fj()<!,()()(I pllllds of seed cotton at a very fair price. Farmers will do well to look into I his mat I er. Will it not pay tin m much better to sell their cotton in the seed, ami save the ex pense and trouble of packing, ginning Ac w hen t hev have such a favorable oiler for it? Bead tin advertisement, and then inquire. Wc are glad to see this first practical step in the cot ton factory which isdcstailied tobe a blessing lo our I 'oiint v. ? Maaaap ? ? ? **uaw FA lOt KHS' ItESOIil iTONS. Whereas the merchants ol < hange lung, or certain of them, patrons ol F. W. Wagner A ( o? of ( hnrloston. S. ('.. have threatened the latter with discontinuance of patronage if said linn persist in selling or advancing to the fanners of this County: and whereas, it is tin' indisputable right of freemen, however humble, to trade in whatever mart, and ?ith whatever parties legitimate business interest may indicate; therefore be it re o ved by the fanners of M iddle Pen Town ship, in mass meeting assembled, 1st. Thai wc enter oui soliimn pro test against such a base and ignoble combination, feeling certain that it can only result in injury lotheorigi nutors and supporters. 2nd. That wc regard such a measure as the result of profound ignorance, hacked by demagogues and extortioners, who are a disgrace to ci\ ilixation. did. We pledge ourseives to with hold our patronage I on the origina tors and supporters of this disgrace ful measure; ami we call upon all fanners, ami every Grange in the County, to aid us in our efforts to make the pcrpctrutois oftliis sliauic I'ul measure, feel what they so richly deserve. 4th. Thai copy of these preambles umlresolutions he. published in Ihe County papers, ami the "News and J Courier." W. It. I'Alil.Klt. W. S. ILlKTOX, Samkkl F aikkv, A. 1). Faiu, ( ouunittee. Orangeburg, S. C.. Aug. 21, 1N,S0. Fine beef, pork and mutton can be had at Marion dueksoh's every \Y hen in imi cl nl* a lamp of any size .-iml quality, call on J. I. Soren t rue. F r the next week all summer goods will be sold at and below cost at Henry Kolo.'s. (icutlemcn's furnishing goods, imii bracing linen collars, cutis, half] host?, at d some of Ihe best quality of untauudried shirts at 7"i cents and #1 .2") at d. I. Sotcii! rue. Large invoice of Sill I F.S ('LASS \\ A \l K and CU( X K KKY in to day. with orders to sell al once. < all and receive bargains at ('. I >. Kortjohn's. Also lot improved LA NT KILNS wort Ii \ your at lent ion. Corset's al 10, 00. 7.."i cents und $L far helow ils real value and superior iptality of ladies white seamless host?, at .1. I. Soreiil rue. The drug store where can get youi money's worth is at Dr. .1. <i. Wan nuuiukcr. Orangeburg t . IL. S. t . We buy I he best, keep the be?st. and sell it at low prices, hence, if you want any thing in I he drug line, call and see us, We keep n full line of hair and tooth brushes, toilcl soaps, per fumery, sponges, patent medicines: make prescriptions a specialty : will be found at our post, day or night. Thousands n o u, why hesitate? J??v ' the World! Woman is free!?Anume the maiiv discoveries looking In the happiness ami amelioration of the human race, mnic is entitled t<i higher consideration than l>r. .1. f'.radr.ehl's F. Kcgulator, Woman.- I 11???t Kriciid " I?v it wumaii is einaneipal ed front numberless ill- peculiar i<> her j I '.i-I'm e its magic power al I i rre_?uhi i it ie - ??: : the womb vanish, it ernes 'whites,' -up pte--ion of the 'men.ves,' and rcinoves J uterine obstructions. Ii rules ?-oiis ipatiou i ami streiighcits the system, braci ? the j nerves aiol pifrilics the hb.nd. Il never fails, as thousands uf women will tetify. : I'm- illield's Female /iVgulatnr, Wotlian's : Ibsl Friend" i- prepared by Dr. .1. I trad field, A11 int.i. t ia., price St.:'u per bottle. I Sold by Dr. a. ('. Indus, and als., by l>v. ' .1. <i. Waimaiiiakcr. Tiiom asvii.i.i:,<Jim 2**, 1ST7. I have l ien selling IhndlichP.s Keliiale Regulator for years, and it -lill continue. pitpular?an evidence ?ifits being all claim- j ill fori'.. 1 can recall instance* in which it a Horded relief alter all the usual remedies had railed. S. .1. PASS Kl.S, 1 >ri legist, i Nciiialgiiu?tbi- is an internal remedy 1 Ihui never fails In cure Neuralgia and Headache. 11 contain.- no tjuinine, opium, j Morphine, t'hhirai ur Narcotic of an\ j kind, ljuick and perfectly safe hi it- j action. It commenils it-. It to the alllieted. ; III'NT, Ii AX KI S A I.A.MA 11, V liolcsale Agi ills, A ri. \ XT A. Pin sale by |b. Al l'. bukis, and ill?o by j Pr. ,1. W annaniaker. July Hi tin ! Vijisbing In im t t the di maiuls of my > mam who arc daily in creasing, I have addul tu my already well assorted slock of General Merchandise / (rockery Uttre of llie very best \J ijitalily, and al -in h low prices thai cim'l fail to give satisfaction lo the closest purchaser. (1 hiss W'ltro. Tumblers ami Coblels K al oil : ml lid ci ni- pi r do/.i n. Si i up pi ts 1.nit. i I'islus, Ac, all Him glass, War rant? il fPin It are, from ti small two coin I 1. plate Id a two giiibiti tollee Pol anil lour gajloii Milk lln.u.ei with straiii r ed;ii I billed, and so it far'below its real worlli I)oJ IVIII'C?Oifiis p..,s and Spiders, all -i/.i -, to in |(| ccul- in SI..*?u a piece. ! call i? .ill lit.*i is mcessary in convince yoti i t ? ,\<- above tacts. Abo a largi -ii rl. of every grace of CLOTH INC AND SIR)KS jtl<t receive.I .it ?I. I. SOKKNTKFK. r|N|n> lines! ami cheapest 1 l/upiors in Oi'iuigcburg, for sale at \\ abaci' ? lliuiou's old .-land. T'.^l ato Not i?.?<_?? - All pi i-ons having claims ugain-t tin Kstate of .Martha A tJritliu, deeoa-c I, ar< required to render an account of their do mtlllds, dllly attested to the undersigned. HD W A H 1> (5 It IFF1N, Administrator with Ihe will annexed. Orangeburg, <_". 11., AligtUt Hth li>S'?. I any lo ?t XVXarKet Reports. Corrected every week l>y Messrs. Bui.L & Scovn.i.. FltinAY, Aug. -J7, 18S0. j COTTON Middling*. |...v. Middlings.OJ^IO t)rdinary. 5?0 PROV1S ONS Corn.7?r<i 80 New Corn . I'ens. <?><> Fodder, per 100 l!>s. ?>" Hough Kice.S 1 05 All person* having demands against the Kstsitc of the latu Samuel K. Kickcnbncker, will render an uceounl of them duly attest ed lo, ami those indebted will make pay ment Id, .Mrs. Kli/.abeili 8. ltickeiibnckcr, Adndidstratri.\, <?r to. MO KIT M KU (ILOYKK, Attorney at Law. August 18th 1880. aug JO Tasc XTotice OFFK.'KOF COUNTY TOKASUKKR, OKAMIKIiUKC COUNTY. ?i:.\N(ii:i:L*i?;. S. C, August I Ith IS80 N'H'kn- is hereby given dial I hy myself ur Deputy will he al die following iiamcil places oil the days speeilied'for the pur? pose of eoHeeling Taxe* for die fiscal year ciiiimieiieiiig November 1st 1*7!!. (Mice hours from !> A. M., lo 2 V. M, My iilliee al the Countv seat will he open during the remainder of ilic time allowed l.v die law for die ahove p'u pose. No ex leii.-iuit of lime will lie asked for: /.viglciVslore, Wcilnesd iy,Sept. 1">, 1880 Knolls' mill, ThHi's-lav, li>. Lrwisvi le, Friday 17.' Kort Motte. S ilurdav IS W. F. /'hil lips', Mo?dav 20. It. S. (He-ton's. Tuesday 21. I'oonshoro. Wednesday 2*2. W i k- Sawyer's, Thursday -'??? i'mI. I?. Livingston'* mills, Friday 21. .lohn WiHinnison**, Saturday 25, branch villc, Mmnlav 27. .Andrew Myers', Tucdav 28, ?I l>. Smoke's mill, Wednesday '-'.?. Connor's More. Tliur*dav SO. Ay res' dmp, Fridav I M- l?l l&SO. Kowesville, Salurda v ./. II. Felder'*, Monday 1. S. 1*. Well?'. Tuesday ?">. A vi tiger's, Wednesday <>. W. .1, Snider'*. Tliur.?dav 7. Dr. I ho-. K. KeKer**. Friday K. ("apt. Thos. Slaw-on'*, Si,.lunl:e. U. Kn.-icl liu'w mill.-, Mouilav 11. RoDKRTfOl'K??, Treasurer. <>.<'. aug .''> oei 20 ORANGEBURG HIGH SCHOOL, Ft) it ROYS AX I) GIRI..S. Hev. .1. 1'. KISi;i5, Principal. Tliis S? hool will etiler upon its first Sc* -i.i the second Moiidav in September, 1880. TKKMS I'KIt MONTH .* lir-t tirade, beginners.*..-?g on Seeuitd I <iadu. < Irani ich* niipiki .?2 50 "fluni lir.ide. advanced Kngli*h.$?? Utl Hebrew, Latin, Oreck and lieriilHii, eiieli extra..">n This Sein ul i- not *< clari in. No distinc tion will be made on aecniltit of creed or denomination; in other word-, dice shall In; no interference widi the ?v/??//?<m pro elivitie* of any our. Tin- object .shall be die moral and Intel lectual culture "f the pupils, who will he prepared lor the ordinary einlies of life, or !'i r anv Seminary, College or University. No hoy. who persist* in heilig id'e. dis orderly or \ieious. will he tolerated iii ihc i hool. It -hall i e die aim of the teacher !?> itteuleate die principle of aeliug from a lii'.'li sense of duly rather than from the imie obligation of antlior'ny. Put when kind nduioiiitions combined with firmness will not avail, severer measures will be re orted to before expulsion. I he number of scholar* will be limited to (itcntij-jire. Person* desiring to send their -.?a- er daughteis to such a nehool should apply t>> the principal. S'erv Kespectfullv, J. F. KISKK. aug 20 if Mast3i's Sales. In tiii: Common Pi.ias l.ovick K. i>. Ilowmaii vs F. IL W. Krigg manu and Laura M. .Iciiliey. I'.y virtue of the decree of foreclu*ure in lint above entitled action, I will sell at Oraiigeburg, ('. II., on Monday, September Ulli, ISHi, within the legal hour*, al the risk ol ihc former pureliascrs, w ho have failed lo comply with I heir respective hid*, lite following lot* of laud, situate and being in die County and Town of Oraiigeburg. consisting of Lots No. 1 and No. 2 : bol No 1. All that lot of land in the' Town of Drnngeburg with the improve ments i bei eon. fronting on Kussel I street, measuring iv euly-iiiue feel and six inches ? a from, in rear, tweiily-eighl feel and six inches, and in depth two h uulrcd and iweii'y-live feet, more or less; boiindsd Noilli Iv'-l by .1. F. Adden's lot, South tinsl hy Uusscll -'lreel. Soutli West by lot of II. Adih-li, and South West by the next or lot No. 2. a i-so, No. 2 All that hu in-aid Town with the l.uihlings ihereoii, situate on Auiolia -in 11, nn a.-uring on ?i? I -treet one hundred and ft fly feel, ill deplli two hundred and lliiity fed, nm:i or le**; buiuided North West by Amelia -licet, North Kii*t hy lands .-I .1. Siran-" A* Co.. Soulh Ka?*l bv 1 mil id I. F. Addcn, iol No. I, II. Addeii and oilier-, ami South West liv lands of M. II. I well and I). I .oui*. Term* Oiie-f?nrth cadi, and lite bal ance oil a ercd t ul olle, two and three years, secured by hoiul and mortgage of the prcuii ?cs with interest from I he day of sale. The buildings to he insured and the policies assigned to the Ma-ter by the purchaser; and .n case any pui'eha-er -hall fail to com ply with tin terms of sale, then the Maater -h ill -i !1 the premise* purchased by -aid defaulting purchaser mi the *amu or the next succeeding salediiy, til such former purchaser's ri.-k, on the same terms of sale. I'lircliascis to pay for paper- and record ing Piaster's Olliec I THOS. W. Ci LOY KU, Aug '.i, 1880. i Mailer. I^OIt at Cool Did ok of'C'rub Apple Cider, go to Wallace Cannon'* Old Siaild. SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING hone in ihc most approved sty le by J . II. MATTH KWS, an Experienced Harber, on Market Street, in rear yf the 1'otftOl^CO, pui "J For Boys and Girls. The NINTH Anuuul Session of ?Iii* St'JiooL will commence <?n MONDAY S KPT KM UK II Oth, al n School llouno ar the residence (jf the Pricipal, about UK) yards North West of the school hotiso taught in during the last session, with equal accommodations, and having the advant age of separate rooms for keepi ng the Boys ami (iii Is strictly apart. The object of litis institution Is to pre pare Hoys for College, Girls' for the Seiui uarv, and both, for the pra deal Julies of life! A careful training of the mind anil heart of the pupil is promised, ami the strictest attention will lie paid to discipline which is absolutely essential to the well being of every school. Wiib many thanks for the liberal patron age of the past, the principal hopes to merit a continuance of the same in (he future. THUMB pun month: Intermediate Course. $"?? Oil Advanced I'oursc.$2 ?'?'I* Latin and tircek, each extra. oO Jitific, i>? i (jiinrUr.$8 U'J STILKS K. MKLLK'H AVP, Principal. FLOUKNCE L. MELLICH AMP, Music Teacher. ODD NEWS! Great News! AT 1 'fl DEY GOODS Emporium! ('aliens al si\ and H (punter cents-, ('aliens nl six and a quarter cents, ('aliens at six and a quarter cents. ( "aliens at si\ add a quarter cents. Calicos at six and a quarter eonts. New an Fashionable GOODS received every week. LADIES Linen Suits. Linen Ulsters and Cir eulas, white Lawn Basques, neatlv trimmed from .$1 '*J? up. Croat Assortment Of Kmbroideries, Laces. Ribbons, Cloves, Parasols. Kneitings, Neck 'Pies in all the late Styles and Very in Price We Invite Particular attention to our immense stuck of DRESS GOODS, Latest Novelties being constantly added. MATTI2STG Selling fas and cheap. REMEMBEE We have the Finest, Host and Lowest Priced Clothing, Shirts. Hats Shoes and Gentlemen's Neck W.urr Don't you forget to call at THEODORE KOHN'S THE UNDERSIGNED O bv Her* ii? Iiis friend* tuid flie public, at the store recently uccupiedt J. W. MOSELEY, A full St.., k of (ieneral MERCHANDISE. A call solicited mid satisfaction guaran teed. TOB.VCCO W ill be made a specialty. W. B. THOMPSON. jane 4 1880 ly NEVER FAILS TO cuiirl: =?=>MVKK CUAIPLAiXT Headache, ,^\J{ CONSTIPATION, -ggAfP0U^> DYSPEPSIA. OK LI VJjiil CC It K For all diseases of the liver, skin, bowels, stomach, and kid - nevs, it has no equal. It is daily use by thousands, all over lUecountry, who volun tarily tcs'ify to iu merits. ? It is entire ly vegetable, perfectly harmless, and can be taken by pcr.-ons of all agi?. Try it once, and you will not reirrct it. Sample bottles and paekagc/l'Vccnts. Large bottles, Si; large packagC,/)0 cents. Sold evervwhere. DOWIE& MOISE, Snlc Proprietors, Charleston, S. v'. For sale bv JDr.J. U. Wanmunakcr, and alsohv Dr A 0 Dukes. apr'l "J Oiu