Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg Court House [S.C.]) 1877-1881, July 09, 1880, Image 2

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r THE OKANtiEMJMi TIMES. ISSUED EVERT* lrIJ'M)A"Y MORNING MELLICH AMP i\ KMYAUDS, L'ropriBtorg. STILES it. MEIRICH AMP Editor. 'Tei'ms of '?Subscript ton. 'One Copy one Year.$1 00 " Six Months . 7? .Rates of Advertising. ? 'One SnUhfe 1st Insertion.?1 00 Tl?eh Subsequent " . r>? Notices inserted in Locol Column at 20c per Line. All Subscriptions and Transient Advertise ments t<> be paid jap in Advance. S&" We are in no way responsible for the views or opinions o* nir Correspond nits. FOR PRESIDENT Whifiold Scott Hancock OF J?12NNSYLVAN J A VICE-PRESIDENT. W. II. ENGLISH. OF INDIANA OUR STANDARD BEARERS. GOVERNOR. GEN. JOHNSON IIACOOD. JLiciileuniit-SoiovernOr. GEN. J. 1). KENNEDY. Secretary of State. Col. K. M. Sims. Comptroller-General. James ('. Coit. Attorney-General. LeRoY F. YoCMANS. Sttp't. of Education. ( apt. Huon CS. Thompson. Adjt. and Inspector General. A. M. MANIGAUI.T. Treasurer. Goi.. J. P. Richardson. FRIDAY, .JULY It, 1880. THE MARLBORO INDEPENDENTS. The organization of an independ ent movement in Marlboro is excit ing much comment and criticism at this time, as well it might, when it is considered that there is no surer way of disintegrating the Democratic party. We know nothing nf the causes or grievances which have led to this movement. We hear much of rings aud cliques. The Broad street clique and the State House clique is a by word every where. Now we say most emphatically, if such cliques exist, they are a burning shame and dis grace, and ought to be crushed out forever by the bold and free hand of patriotism. But, gent leinen of .Marl boro, we say, with equal emphasis, that this purification should never be attempted out side of the Democratic party. If you do, Samson like, you pull clown the walls of the temple upon all alike, and destroy (he whole fabric of good government. We do not say that you are unjust in your complaints, and we recognize that respectable citizens have engaged in your movement, but we say that you are wrong in the method of your remedy. Fight cliques aud crush our rings of course, hul don't go out side of the party lo do it. The remedy for all of these ills, which are grievous and hard to be borne we admit, seems to our mind to be (dear and legitimate. It eon sists in bold and free agitation and argument within our own ranks, be fore the decision is made by Convcn tion or Primary, bill when the verdict of the party is rendered by a majority of its members, it becomes every true Democrat to acquiesce freely and gracefully. This spirit was magnificently manifested in the late State Convcn tion, and by none more brilliantly than the. gallant Sheppard of Edge field. It is better and wiser lo bear the ills complained of, than to rush into others of greater magnitude. We. all have equal chances of mould ing the opinions of our fellow-men, and if we fail to bring them to onr way of thinking, or to open their eyes to the truth, it is better to sub mit than to become desperate. Gen. Gary was the first man In South Carolina who nominated Gen. Hancock for President, X STRONG POINT. The great strength of Hancock's nomination consists in the fact that he cannot be represented as the can didate ol* t he South. Bayard was the choice of the South, and was pressed forward by almost all the Southern journals. The only clue that the Northern IV diesis can have is, that Hampton got up in the Convention, and pledg ed for him the vote of the Solid Soul h, hut this individual blunder will not weigh much. II would have been best, in our estimation,if not a South eru man had said a word in his he half, hut still the fact is undeniable that Hay a I'd was the Southern candi date from first to last,and it will be di Die u 11, in spite of Hampton's speech, to put this coloring on the Demo cratic, nominee. AN UGLY OEVELOPM ENT. It has just come lo light that a large discrepancy exists in the amount of the bills of the Hank of the State filed in the office of ('ol. J. C. ('cut, who was appointed a special Commissioner in the matter. Mr. .lames Laughlin, Col. Coit's clerk, certified to each package as it was counted,and the strong suspicion and accusation is, that he has tampered with the packages. The defalcation is considerable, and Laughlin has been committed to jail in tin- failure to give boud for $50,000. Laughlin asserts his innocence. The matter also involves the charge of tin pardon able carelessness, if nothing more, against Col. Coit, which is nil fort II unto, it? he has been unanimously nominated on the Democratic ticket for Comptroller General. The ease will however ho judicial iy investigated, and the guilt be placed where it properly belongs. A VICTIM OF TIIE (OHE. On Tuesday at 2 o'clock a duel was fought at Du Hose's Bridge in Darlington County between ('ol. K. I*. C. ( ash cd' ( hesterlield and ("ol. Win. M. Shannon of Cainden, in which the latter was instantly killed. Col. Shannon fired lirst, the ball striking the ground near < 'ol. ( ash'-, feet. ( ol. ( ash then fired, the ball passing through Col. Shannon's heart, and death was instantaneous. The affair has c ast a gloom over the whole community. The difficulty grew out of a ease- in Court against Mrs. ( ash. in which Col. Shannon was one of t he lawyers, and il will be remembered by the public that sov oral duels had prev iously been at tempted out of this unfortunate case. To use the words of the "News and Courier.'' "a sweeter gentleman than Col. Shannon, one more polish ed and refined, was not to be found in South Carolina." lie was a nm sistcnt member of the Episcopal Church, but was doubtless driven to the duel by t he severity of t he at tacks of his adversary. A CYCLONE IN COLUMBIA. (>:: Monday, about J o'clock, this city was visited by a dreadful rain, wind and hail storm, the effect, of which were manifested principally at the pendentiary. The entire third ston of niiii hincry hall attached to this institution was swept away there being at the same time 23? eon vicls, comprising men women and children in I lie second story cd' the building. Panic stricken, a great number of these- leaped from the windows (o the ground, resulting in various injuries, some having their legs broken, anel others injured in \ arious ways. The storm came up so suddenly that no warning was given. Other damages of less extent lire reported in other purls of the city. During the storm lit the penitentiary, there was ample op|?ort unity for t he prison eis to escape, but no attempt was made. As soon ns the fury subsided. Col. I.ipscomh arranged the guards to prevent escape. COL. SHANNON'S FPNKKAL. The body of Col. Shannon reached his home' on Monday evening. The town of Camden is said to be in mourning, and deep sympathy is felt for the family of the deceased in their sore alllic lion. All express confi dence in the rec titude* of ('ol. Shan non's motives. An immense con course of people followed the body lo its last resting place, and the fee-ling manifested testified to the love and admiration which w:;s held for the dee-eased in his own home. mmmmammamfmammmmm ANOTHER DUEL. It is rumored that the Shannon ('ash quarrel is not vet ended but that the sons of the principals will continue the matter. Young Shan non is said to be pledged to avenge bis lather's dealh. DEATH OF DR. BLAND. Dr. Bland, of lidgclicld, who was shot by A. A. Clisby, Esq.. at the municipal election in that town in last April, died from t he effects of the wound on Monday, in the full triumph of a gospel faith, lie was buried in the Baptist Church yard, his funeral discourse being preached by Rev. YV. T. Hundley, in the pres ence of a large concourse of people than had ever assembled on a pre vious occasion of the kind in the vil lage. The ceremony was very im posing and affecting. THE DIGNITY OF THE LAW. The jury of inquest over the body of Col. Win. M. Shannon rendered the verdict "that he came to his death from a pistol shot wound, said pistol being tired by E. B. ('. ('ash." In accordance with this verdict 'Coro ner (ioodalc immediately issued a warrant for the arrest of Col. ('ash which has been transmitted to the SheriH'of < 'hesterlicld (bounty for oxe cation. Such is the verdict of public opinion that it is believed in this case that the dignity of the law will be strict ly maintained. Let this be done with unfaltering hand and the public interest will be protected. ?KKICK < 'LKBK Col S'CII.. July 0, I SSO. Eftimate* received by Clerk of Town Council until I'lK-wlny July I3tli 1880, at 2 o'clock to build a brick drain on Amelia street. Plan to be seen with me a I .las. Vau Tilled'* s.oic on Hrnughlnu street. C. It. JON ES, Clerk, july 9 '2\ King\s lJ >rUtbleliaiid Power Co ton tind liny I*ress. One man can pack cotton on this Press faster than it can lie ginned by a sixty saw (iin. 11 can In: worked inside of house and hauled on a Iwo-horsc Wtfgon. Sold for less than any other good Press. Semi f>r particulars to cely & njto., Oreeli vide. 6. C? General agents f<>r North and South Carolina. jury 0 . * - -< LtV To Young Men. The Young Men of Orangehttrg are most coidially tiiid earnestly invited to visit the /t'ooins of the Y. M. 0. .\., which are open every evening (Sunday excepted) from 81 to 1?>A o'clock. We have a file of the "Daily News and Courier," ''Frank Leslie's llhiftrntcd Weekly," the Orangebarg Times, llie Ornngeburg "Democrat,'" the New York "World," "Frank Leslie's Sunday Maga zine," Chicago ''Watchman," the "South ein Christian Advocate," and other papers. There are also in our Rooms, a parlor Organ, a Chess Hoard, and a number of Interesting Hooks. ilible Class every Monday evening. 1'rayi r Meeting every Friday evening. A ; hort Keligioitri sei vice every Sunday afternoon at ? ?JI o'clock. ' MoltTIMKR GLOVER, Chairman Com. on Library, /leading boom. Master's Sales. Rv virtue of an older made in the Court i>t' Common Plea-* in the action of Loviek K. D. Rowniati against F. H W. Hriggmau, I will sell at Orangcbnrg, ('. II., on the first Monday in August next, within the legal hour-, the following Real Estate in the Town and County of Orongcbtirg, consist ing ol I.ols No. 1 and No. 1 : Lol No 1. All that lot of laud in the Town of Oraiigehurg with the improve ments thereon, fronting#on Russell street, measuring twenty-nine feet and six inches in front, in rear, twonly-eighl feet and six inches, and in de))th two hundred and twenty-five feet, more or less; bounded Nortli East by J. F. Addon's lot, Smith Kasl by Russell street, South West hv lot of H. Addon, and South West l?v the next or lot No. 2. A LSI >, No. 2 All that lot ill said Town with the building* thereon, situate on Amelia street, measuring on said street one hundred ami lilty feel, in depth two hundred and th;UV feet, nioie or low?; bounded North West by Amelia street. North East by lands of J. Strauss iv. Co.. South Kasl by lamb of J. V. Adden, lol No. 1,11. Adtlen and other.-, and South West by lands of M. It. Tread well and I) Louis. Terms?Onc-fuirth cash, and the bal ance on a credit ol one, two and three years, secured by bond and mortgage of the premi ses with interest from l be day of sale. The buildings to be insured and (he policies assigned to (he Master. Purchasers to pay lor paper-i and recording ?.aster's Ollieo I T1IOS. W.GLOYKK. July 0, 1SS0. / Master. NOTICE OF DISMISSAL. The undersigned hereby gives notice thai be has tiled his final account as Ad ministrator of the Estate of Caroline R. Pnulling deceased, with the Judge of Pro bat?' for Orangeburg ? oiinty,ami will ap ply for a final discharge as such Adminis trator on the '-'ml tlav of August 1880. 1). I'. SI'EIC.NER, Administrator, july 2 -It PK1VATK 8A litt. A House with 4 Rooms ami Hascmenl with Fire Places Piazza with a large Lot .*>7 ft. Front by 5100 ft. deep; fron tin; on :t streets; henbhy location. Terms easy. Apply to T. V. iil'hhkll, Auctioneer For Representative. Nr. Editor ; PlcnHO announce Moignn .L. Glcaton ns a Candidate for a roelnberbf the General Amenibly, subject to tbe action of tlio Democrat io Convention. Many Voi f.a.s. For Probato Judge. Editor Ontnycburif Times: We take pleasure in presenting die name of R. I?. I/d.All, Esq., for the office of Judge of Probate, subject to the action of tbe Democratic nominating Convention. He was a faithful Confederate Soldier, in now nn Iiii able citizen who lias never held or Bought office, and is in every way rmali fieil by education and business experience for Hie discharge oflhc duties of l he office for which he is named by, MANY DEMOCRATS. For Clerk of Court. Editor Oraiigc/tHrg T!m< a : Mr. .)os. F. KOUINSON is hereby nn nounced, by his many friends as a Candi date for the office of Clerk of Court; hnd his claims :ire submitted to the County Domo, cralic Convention, by the result of which lie will abide. Should he leceive atlhc hands of the people this office, it will be l>ut whal ihey intended io confer in 18' 8, and ngain in 1S7'>. Lei him not he deprived ol whal in IStib v. us taken from him by force, and in 1S7<i by corruption and fraud. We believe him io tie the choics of the people and know him to he honest, zealous and effi cient. _DKMOCA TS. "For "Sheriff. /?.'(///or Ormir/rburo Time* : I liereby announce myselfa Candidate for the oflicc of Sheriff, and will submit to the results of the County Democratic Con vention. Verv hcspectfullv, .1. W. MOSKLF.Y. May lOih IS80. Tlie Working People's Candidate. 'Editor Orannchurif Time* : Mr. Ifnrpin Uiggs is announced as a lil Candidate lor the office of Clerk of the Comi for Orangchiirg County, lie lias been tried in nfiicc r.rsd has never found wanting in his duty, TIIK WORKING PEOPLE. For Judge of Probate. Kditoe Qreuiyebury Times: Please announce Mr. Charles II. Olover as a candidate for |he above office. It is useless Io say anything in his favor, as his ability is already displayed by the manner in which he has discharged the duties of (hat position during his term of service. We further urge our claim in his behalt on the ground, that the incumbent of that office ouglil to have considerable experience ii the practice of law. ns the offn e is not ministerial, lint is beyond a doubt, judicial. Any persons, desiring to satisfy themselves on this point, can do so by referring to the Constitution of Olir Slate, '"Article 1,.Judi cial Department, Sec. 2(1." Also Hcvisul Statute-, pages 07- to '?78, "Tille I, Pro late Court," ami to the "Didcs of Court." In nominating Mr. Glover through your columns, wo phdgc him and ourselves, to abide by the decision of the Democratic County nominating Convention. Many VoTi:n.?. THE UNDERSIGNED Ofl<TK to his friends and (ho public, at the -tore recently occupied by OP, W. MOSELEY, A full Stock of (Icncral MERCHANDISE. A call solicited and satisfaction guaran teed. TOBACCO Will be made a specialty. W. B. THOMPSON. June A 1SS0 ly JAMES F. IZL.AK. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ?liANG unuun, s. (J. Olllcc corner of Court House Square and ( lun ch Si reel, t he same formerly owned and oc cupied by Will. M. Unison, Ksij. .iunc 11 tt For Sal^ A lot of '2{ acres of land, belonging t" Frank Fenicks, situated about one mile from Town near the Stage hoad,aud bound ed by lands of Dr. Keitt. .Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Andrews and S. It. Mellicliamp, will besohl by Auctioneer Ilubbell, in front of the Court llou-c on Stdesday in duly. -Terms one-half cash, balance in twelve months. inn 11 It NEW STORE! Having recently moved into my New Store, I would beg leave to in form myoid friends and the public generally that I have and will con tiuue to keep on hand tho Purest Drugs, Rest Paints and Oils, Lamps, and Fixtures, Finest Cigars and Tobaccos, Plain and Fancy Can-lies, And in fact, everything usually kept in a first class DRUG STORE! I also occupy, with my family, tho rooms over the store, and therefore will be able to put up ['rescriptions at any and all hours during; the night. See. bell on front door. A. C. DUKES, >I. I). oct 31 1879 lv AND HEW G. DIBBLE, ATTOIIN RY a s1) ( Ot VSiJ LOU AT LAW. 'COKNKIt ST- PAUL AND CHURCH STREETS, (>ruiigt-*biig, S. ( apl -J.-; I8S? oiu GREAT DECLINE IN Dry Goods AT HENRY KOHN'S Tlic protracted intictivitv of Trade i):?s indicated many Manufacturers of Dry floods to work .?'." I lie iinmvncc Stocks on liand by a general REDUCTION OF PSttCES HENKY KOHN Taking advantage of llie opportunity now offers 500 PIECES C-SXXCCS 500 Pieces Calicos y\T JSEVEN CENTS. These prints are all new and choice standard makes ami fast colors. All other goods have been M AliBi ICI> DOVl'X in i>n?portion. Spring and Summer Dres3 Goods. AH kinds of Fancy and black Prosa Goods from OJ cents per yard to thr Finest floods Imported, selllin rapidly at our Lotv Popular Prices. While Dress Goods Including Figured ami Dotted S'wisc Lace, Striped and Checked Carnbrie?, Nanso?ks, I'iipics, etc, at remarkably Low Prices. ti oki e r yj The best ICnglish, German an<l French make in Gloves and Stockings, in plain and fancy Colors, Lisle, ltalhriggan ami Silk Checked lor Mi*seS, Ladies and (icntlcWtui wear. BOYS ?XTD GEXTTLEMEIT'S CX-OTBCXBTG In lliis line I am the acknowledged eadcr as regards Styles and Low Prices. Goods are bettor made, better trimmed, and cu' in belter stvlcs than can be found in other CI jOT IT IXCt H C)US LOS . Ladies, Children* and Gentlemen's Shoes Our reputation in keeping the best Assortment and best Quality for the IjKAS'F HI OX BOY Bl'll maintained. Ask for tin: celebrated llaml ttladc StOl'Ii, every pair warranted. Always on hand, nt terms to suit, the King of Sewing Machines the White Shuttle Sewing* Machine Also BUTTERICK'S KATTERNS <?>'? Spring and Summer. We particular!}' invste you to come nod secure the IS i lift AIX'S now offered enry lEolm A/ J. I. RORF.NTRUE 6 lbs of good Rio Coflco and ?l lbs of Choice Rio (hi'sI in die niiirkct) for $1. 1 oo?B IIiuum- Wall ('lit iib many ^t pounds as desirable?at IOrt?per lb at .1. 1. SORENTRUE. I^rosli **I::^t;l<'*, Brand Con llensctl milk 20 cent, per can at .1. I. SO REN TRUE. Canned Apple? :ni<I I'cjk'Iicm tall weight at '_'<) cent- per can at J. 1. SORENTRUE, Ligjlit ItroIVii Sugar 11 lbs for $1 at .1. I. SORENTRUE. rauzpft of till QmilillcH and j Sixes for sale lower thnn elsewhere ul .1. J. SORENTRUE. THE WONDER OF THE AGE; In ihe shape of a Lamp Ihirncr. Call and see it at J. I. SORENTRUE. COME AT LAST! V, 91. VAX OR?I1ELI?, Jr.. Tlioto and Artist. Has opened a Gallery in front of Meron ry's Hotel, w hen: the public can have I'lio tograplis taken of first class and artistic finish. Nothing but fust class work done this Gallery. Call and examine samples at Gallery. All wishing good work done can have the chance without having the expense of going to the City lor thi-same, (.'all and see me. All work cash when von Kit. C. M. VAN ORSDELL, Jr. apl 2 If 8<?OR n Cool Drink of (rub Apple t ider. go to Wallace Cannon's old Stand. Ho?k and Ladder Truck For Sale. Strongly built, well equipped, and in perfect order. '1 onus easy, / pp'v to s. A. JJEEV?S, W. L. GLAZK, J L.U E1DTM A N._ ra^bi' finest mid cheapest 1 Liquors in Orangcbul'g, for sale at Wallace Cannon's old stand. Not ce to Farmers. Alter three years ol practical experience, I tun now prepared to oiler my services to the Enrincrs of Orangenurg and adjoining Counties to do all kinds of Gin repairing, i) 1?I (Sins made us gooil as new. ^ ill do your work at your houses, and save you the trouble of moving die Con. All work warrciilcd to u'lvo entire satisfaction. Orders respectfully solicited. LANG DON W. PO?SER. Orangehtirg. S. t'. may "Jl 4m (iboico Che? lai? nntl Smoking J Tobacco,I?randy Peaches Ac, at Wnl ho e ('canon's old stand AT DHY GOODS Emporium! Calicos at six and a quarter cents. Calicos at six and a quarter cents. Calicos at six and a quarter cents. Calicos at six adn a quarter cents. Calicos at six and a quarter cents. New an Fashionable GOODS received every week. LADIES Linen Suits. Linen 1'lsters and Cir culas, white Lawn HaRqlies, neat 1 v t rimmed from $1 25 up. Croat Assortment Of Embroideries. Laces, Ribbons, (i loves. Parasols, Ruchings, Neck Ties in all the late Styles ami very in Price Wo Invite Particular attention to our immense stock of DRESS GOODS, Latest Novelties being constantly added. MATTIITC Selling f?ls and tdieap. REMEMBER We have the Finest, Rest and Lowest, Priced Clothing. Shirts. Hats Shoes and Centlemeifs Neck Warr AND Don't you forget to call at THEODORE KOEN'S Fashionable Dry Good* Emporium.