Tho Oraiigetmrjjf Times | During our absence from the eitj* with the Press Association, wo leave the editorial management of the Timks with a fricud, in whose bands know thaUtQCj interests of our pa trons will bo sufo. His labors kftitt menee with this issue, and will con tinue probably two weeks. We hope to be so bencfitted by our visit that ?when we return we will be able to wield our pen w ith fresh vigor in the battle. See change in advertisement of 1*. A. Lefveudnhl. A good piano for sale cheap. Sec notice. ' Dr. E. Cooko will preach at the Lutheran Church <>" Sunday morn ing at usual hour. -a A communication has been re ceived from aKufllu" too Into for this issue, but will appear in our next. Refreshing showers led three or four miles north of us on Wednesday a fternoon. Eureka Chapter No. Li H. A. M. meets to-night. M. M. degree to he conferred. Tho latest out?the steamer to be purchased for the Edisto is to have brick paddle wheels. A lady of Columbia presented each of the Elliott boys with a handsome boquct made to represent an E. They return thanks. Mr. Jas. Van Tassel has gone on a trip North for his health. Jlc will remain through the summer, and wo hope, may return entirely restored. While the editor of tho Times is enjoying the Cincinnati trip our devil intends having a good time gene rally. ? m ? ? The father of our much esteemed friend. Row 0 A. Darby, loft for bis home in (Charleston, after spending some tiliic in our town. ?-I IM I *> . - . ?? ? The Moonlight Pic Nie for the benelit of the Lutheran Church, will take place next Tuesday evening, 22d inst., at Fair Ground. A few doses of Shfiner's Indian Vermifuge, given intime, may save you many dollars in money aud the life of vour child. The talk now is fem e or no fence around our farms. Some say, with out wishing to give otfeuce, that no fence is a poor defense against offen sive eattle. Which? Dr Karton'? neat cottage* near the Lutheran ('iiurch, is about completed and there is no fence around the Court House yet. nor are the new boxes around the trees whitewashed. Again the angel of death has bourn away one of our citizens. Mrs. I'ilot, who resided with Maj. Hy driek, has been gathered to her rest, lie ye aIso ready. A child of Mr. Jacob (.'90k, w ho resides on bull Swamp, had its thigh broken by a fall one'day last week. We hope the little sufferer is doing well. ? ? ?- ? Our young townsman. .Mr. W. P. liruuson, we are sorry to learn, was suddenly attacked with illness while in Columbia. He reached home safely and is doing well. A recent trip over in the Fork of Edisto in the neighborhood of Ebe nerer Church we noticed tho crops, both of corn and cotton are line and in good condition. A colored boy, about thirteen years old, was drowned while bathing in Jlousor's mill pond, on last Tuesday. He jumped from tin; pier head and became entangled .among some logs which la v at the bottom. The Collcton County Democratic, Nominating Convention for County ofliccrs convenes July 20th. Let Urn best interest of our party be consult ed and the best men be placed in the field. This, we believe will be done. The Ell wan phosphate works suf fered to the amount of $21,000 from fire on last Saturday. The main buildings v.ere saved by the excel* lent pumps tit the work^, which were equal to steam engines. The child of Mr. Donald Joinc which has been so ill, we are pleased to learn is improving. We arc sorry that we cannot so re report of Mr. R. M. Smith who con tinues quite sick. A delegation of Ornngeburg Firo inen went to Columbia to take part in the tournament. They were the guests of the Phoenix Hook anil Ladder Company of Columbia, who met them at the depot with a hearty welcome. A mad dog was killed on our streetB one day this week by Chief Cannon. This rabid animal bad bitten several others before it was dispatched. We think they too should die else this trouble may con tinue indefinitely. -- ? ? in .... A negro man was killed by light ning on Mr. Noah Whetstone's plan tation, on Bull Swamp, on Tuesday, while standing under a tree, and a white man. by the name of Caiglcr, under the same tree, was shocked severely* The Kdlstft steamer is still spoken of, and we believe, from the charac ter of the gentleman at the head of the enterprise, she will soon be "walh ing the waters like a thing of life." We hope to sec it, and to enjoy a trip up the F.disto before the summer is ended. ': The new buildings of Mr. Way and Mrs. Vinco, on Russell Street, are in rapid progress, anil will soon, under the nmgie touch of Capt. Hell, add another adorn meet io that por tion of our city. We arc pleased to note these evidences of thrift. There is room enough for more. I lev. YVlii. H. Da Prade delivered n Hue sermon before the young ladies of the Columbia Female College ou last .Sunday morning. This was the commencement senuou. This school will soon enjoy the summer vacation, and the y. 'it' i-Indies will be happy in their homes alter a season of study and toil. . _ mm ? ? ? ? - ? ? - ? The lishing sea sun is fairly open ed, end it is no unusual sight to see more than a dosuu followers of Isaac? Wallou on their way t<> the river every day, with "worm and fly," sock ing therewith to entice some member of the finny tribe on shore. The re* sul: is. now and then, success, hut oft euer fisherman's luck. The delegation from the Elliotts and Young Americas were mngnili cently entertained in Columbia by their neighbors. T hey made a most creditable and handsome appearance in line, and returned home much pleased with the hospitality and the pleasure they enjoyed while at the big Court 1 louse. The Rev. W. L. Johnson was nr rested by the Charleston police on Wednesday, for carrying four mock ingbirds in one (age, in violation of the game laws of the State. He was released on the deposit of $20 for his appearance before the Recorder's Court, bttl left the city, and so for feited his bail. Consignees for unclaimed freight at S. C. R. R for week ending June Hi, 1SS?: J II Staley, W Bennett, R W & A A MeMichnel, V 1) Tilly, J M Hughes A Bin, ,) F Gram ling, B Livingston, W II Dantzlcr, P Liv ingston, A DC'iunpsty, JC Holinau, .1 (' JcleOUt. It is said that when ever you hear a man begin to talk about his friends urging him to run for ofllec, right then yon may Bet it down he's got it?the political itch?and lieVght-H bad. This fearful malady is spread ing in one of our Counties but thank our stars that it Ivis hoi reached us yet, that is not to any very alarming extent. The Ivlisto Bund was upon the streets serenading Tuesday night and furnished some choice music pro botio publito. For those who have been so short a time practising we do not think they can he beaten in the Stale. A little further perserveranee t?n their part, and especially on the part of "Mr. Owens who leads them and Orangeburg will have music to brag on in real earnest. Orangeburg was in a depleted state on last Wednesday as regards inhabitants.. We are informed that 90 of our citizens left thai A. M. to attend the fireman's tournament at our1 Capital. Among them were the following team of "shootists," some of whom am not easily beaten: Dr. M. G. Sallcy, Messrs. P. G. Cannon, Willie DeTrevillo, J. A. Salley, Da vit! Sallcy, and Grecr Albergotti. There was some glass broken in Columbia and some pigeons killed,' too, and Orangeburg brought home the second prize. g^The atlenliou of tin* County Com missioners is called to tlic old well, on Court House square. It is in a very dangerous condition, and to prevent accident it would be advisable to take some immediate steps to make iL so safe that there will be no tears of some youngster being drowned or se riously injured by tailing into it. V?'bile cleanliness is next to godli ness, and while we admire decency as much as any one, yet we have of ten beard that too much of a good thing is good for nothing. The boys keep Edisto river busy or Edisto riv er keep the boys busy, vvc don't know which, but entirely too much so for the health of the boys. The Board of Health should see to it. We are informed that .las. Hamil ton killed a very large snake of the mccensin pesuasion near the river which had caught and was in the act of swallowing an eel. Hitherto we had thought that these animals were of too friendly :i nature and too close kin to indulge in any stich canniba listic tastes and amusements?to the the snake. A severe tornado passed through our county near St. Matthews on last Saturday aftrnoori, prostrating trees and fences. Persons at the depot were scarcely aware of the presence of a cloud upon the face.of the sky and had no dream of the proximity of any thing like a storm, which wan then raging within two or three miles of them until some farmers from the scene, brought information into town. This was about 4 1\ M. Mr. J. W. Barlow, a native of i Clarendon County, will visit our town shortly. This gentleman is canvass ing with great success, for the inacki naw pen. This pen holds ink for an iudeiinate period of time, and is very us< ful for travellers and men ( f all professions and trade. It is highly recommended by Hon. Hugh S. Thompson, and other prominent men. who are using t hem. A *??*?. umi mm for every census laker. Leave vourorders with Mr. Barlow. The Executive Committc i of ti <. Oraueeburg Missionary Union have made the following appointments for Rev. T. M. Gaiphin: Four Holed?Saturday before the 2d Sunday in .1 Uly. Anlioch?Saturday before the Ud Sunday in .1 uly. Providence -Satudny before the 1st Sunday i:i August. Amelia Saturday before the 2d Sunday in Augusi. Conga reu?Saturday before the Ud Sunday in August. The Fair of the Sunday School Children of the Methodist Church, I though hti.rric.11y gotten up, was a j pleasant and successful affair. The [spacious Court Mouse Hall was I tastefully decorated, and was well tilled both evenings by bright and happy faces. Fortunately the Fair was held durrng the "hot spell," and the holies in charge of the cake table, the icecream arbor, and the lemon ado well did a driving business. The ladies, having charge of the fancy table, and the flower s!u:i>! did well, but not being favored by the weather could not compete with their neigh bors. The dinner given Friday was sumptous and profitable. The net profits were almost two hundred dollars. A very interesting game of base ball was played between Our Boys of Bowesville and Ihe Juniors of our town which resulted in a victory for (jVt'ungohurg. Our Boys played a very creditable game indeed, and in a short time, with perseverance, will be bard to beat as batters and field ers. After the game was. ??vor our guests were conducted to the Fair Building where a bounteous supper was spread and enjoyed to the utmost by the contest arils, who seemed to bi as much at home with knife and fork as with ball and bat. How pleasant to sec young life thus enjoying itself, and developing every resource of brain and muscle for future use in a different and more important spheic of life. A good crowd assembled to witness the contest, and doubtless each little maiden bad her special j favorite whom she wished to see heralded as the champion. - wft ? mmm ? They Fix Him All Hioiit.?New Yokk, Feb. (?. 1880.?W. H. Bakrett, Druggist, Augusta, Ga: Please send me a box of Gilder's Liver Pills, by mail. Am sick and need them. They fix me all right every time. J. W. White. For rs!c bv Vr. b. A. Re*vm We certainly can be excused if we ass a little beyond the custom in such cases made and provided, und sny that it is "hot" instead of warm weather. The thermometer has reached DO degrees in the shade. The "1'nlmette Yeoman" has the follow ing for last Sunday: "Yesterday was decidedly U hot day, us the following figures will shuw: A gentleman residing on up per Sumtcr street tells us his ther mometer was ljy? in fcthe shade in an open hall, aud that it weut to L4D? in the sun. A gentleman residing en j Assembly street says his therinome- j ?or stood at HKt? in the hall for six i hours. Another gentleman, residing j on east. Washington street, informs us that in his hull-way, which is forty feet long aud eight feet wide, his thermometer indicated 'J?? at It P. M. This shows thet the bent was general and intense. To-day has been very nearly, if not quite, ns warm as yesterday. A good rain is much needed." The readers of this paper will ap preciate our endeavors in keeping thein posted as to prices. Ac. As to inequality of our goods we ask the most careful examination and com parison. The grand boom in goods | is over, and many who fancied "there was millions in it," by crowding ?.heir store* with goods nt boom prices are taught a severe lesson, and tike little boys when caught in bad tricks, promise not to do so any more, ?and we hope they won't" : but Kort john sells on ns usual, cheap for cash, and invites you to call. For the next week we offer: Nails ? cents!, all sizes. Homespun , S and 10. Bargains in tinware and crockery. Tobaeero, good article, :i lbs for if 1. Calicos, best prints at ? cents. Sugars 8,1? and 10. i Coffee 12$, 10 and '20 cents, i Embroidery :t, ", 7. 10 to 2f>. ; Flour declining. Low down. C. I). Koi:uojin. Syrup of tar and wild cherry for , recent aud chronic coughs and colds. I bronchitis, loss of voice, inability ol the larynx aud ftiusos, and other in i llamed conditions of the lungs and I air passages. For sale by J. 0. Wannamukcr. I Butterick's new patterns for dune are ready. Call for new fashion.-, paper, at Henry Kohn's. The decline in dry goods has so far affected the market that -oine of .be best prints arc sold from 0 to 7 cents at Henry Kohn's. The genuine corn cob tobacco at j I). Sinoak A Co.'s at manufacturer's I prices. Beware of imitations as I here arc many on the market. Star dye colors for fninilt use' ?omprisingthe following colors: me junta, blue, crimson, violet, brown ind scarlet. One package will [dye 1 lb of woolen or ] lb of silk goods. Price '2'. i ts. For sale by Dr. J. G. Wannainaker. The white sewing machine gives uni veral satisfaction. Lightest running, easiest managed and best satisfying machine ever -.old any where. A few more left at Henry Kohn's. Pcaberry cotree, the best and cheap est known in the world at D. E. Smoak A* Co's. Money refunded to any one who uses it without satisfac tion. Don't you forget it! Dr. Wanna maker's soda fount is mote popular i than ever. In fact there has been I such a demand for the cooling draught that the Doctor has been compelled to employ extra help in order to accommodate his large run of customers. . Smoak ? Co's. Marion Jackson Respectfully returns his thanks to his many customers for their past patronnge. and hopes to merit tho same in tho future by keeping con stantly on hand fresh moats of every kind at his old stand, io rear of tho, during the present year. ?r? j ws_?_ Market Reports. Corrected every week by Messrs. Rut.i. $ ScoviI.I.. Friday, June 18, 1880. COTTON Middlingn. 10J(S> Low Middlings. 10'?\ Ordinary. 9@9} PRO VIS 0N8 Corn.75@80 Nov. <.'orn . Peas. 75 Fodder, per 100 lbs. 75 Kongh Rice.$ 1 25 Cheaper than Physicians' Bills. "A thing of beauty in a joy forever." What is it? Something prepared fur wo man only, and Used by them exclusively. It is adapted especially to cases where the womb is disordered, and will cure all ir regularities of the ''menses" or ''monthly course^," by restoring the discharge, w heth er acute or chronic, in every instance. Ur dfield's Female A'egulator, "Woman's Rest Friend," is prepared by ?r. J, I'rad In-'d, Atlanta. Ga., price $1 .f>0 per bottle. Sold by Dr. A. C. Dukes, and also by Dr. J. 0. Wannamaker. Ati.amta, Ga., Feb. t, 1870. Hutchison ,(? Uro? Having thorough ly tested your "Nenralgine" in my case, 1 cheerfully recommend it to all who sutler with i.eurslgia. Tu oh M. Wood, of Howard, Wood A: Co. Mayok's Office, ) LKKSjtURU, Va., April 19, 1870. / Messrs. Hutchbon ?t Pro ?It nffords ni2 pleasure to testify to the great virtues of your "Nenralgine" for the cure of neuralgia anil sick headache. It b the best rem *dy for these most distressing complaints I have ever used- It should be in every family in the county. Yours truly. <'ko. R. Hkad, Mayor ol I.cesburg, Va. For sale by Dr. A. C Dukes, and also by Ur. J. t". W annamaker, june 11 _im_ For School Commissioner. We announce for School Commissioner Mu. R. Mellich a mi', the man who ha- held up the banner of Democracy through all the dark days of Radicalism without wavering, aud who by prolession end p'actical experience is the best man to lake charge of the educational interest of our I county. M.ixv Voters. For Probate Judge. Editor Orungeburtf Times: We take pleasure in presuming the name of R. P. IZLAR, Esq., for tho office of I .Indue of Probate, subject to the action cf I the Democratic nominating Convention. He was a faithful Confederate Soldier, is j now an humble citizen who has never held or soiicht office, atid is in every way qua li I lud by education and business experience ' for the discharge of the duties of the office I for which he is named bv, MANY I) KM OCR A TS. For Clerk of Court. /?.//.V'-r (h oiuji bun/ I itUt s j Mr. Jos. F. ROBINS )X is hereby an i neiinccd, by bis many friends as a Candi date tor the ?fficc of Clerk of Court, and his j claims arc submitted In the County Demo? j cralie Convention, by the resn't of which he j w ill abide. Should he icceive at the hands j of the people ibis office, it will be but what they intended to confer in 18* 8, and again in ?s7'"'. Lei him not be deprived ol what in ISffl was taken frotlt him by force, and in \ 187?"? by corruption And fraud. Wc believe : him to be the choice of the people and j know him to be honest, zealous and effi ! cient. _ dkMocaTs. j Editor Onivt/rbury T hues : I hereby announce myself a Candidate for the office of Sheriff, and will submit to the results of the County Democratic Con , vent ion Verv Respectfully, J. W. SlOSELEY. ' Mav Huh 18S0. THE WORRI\? PEOPLE'S CAXI>II>ATE. I Mr. Harpin Riggs is announced as a tit I Candidate for the office of Clerk of the ! Court for Orangeburg County, lie has , been tried in officj and has never found wanting in his duty. THE WORKING PEOPLE. P'or ?TutljLro of Probate. Kititor Orungrburg '/ones: Phase .mnonncc Mr. diaries It. Cilover ' as a candidate for t>>e above office. It is I useless to say anything in his favor, as bis j ability is already displayed by the manner j in which he ha* discharged tin duties of j that pisithn dining his term of^ervice. We further urge our claim in his behalf on I the ground, that the incumbent of that J office ought to have considerable experience i i the pr.ictiee of law, as the office is not ministerial, hut is beyond a doubt, judicial. Any persons, desiring to satisfy themselves on this point, ran do so by referring to the Corstitntioii of our State. '?Article 1, Judi cial Department, Sec. 20." Also Revised Statutes, pages 672 to 07*. "'Title I, Pro bate Court.*' and to the''Rules of Court." In nominating Mr. Glover through your columns, we pledge him and ourselves, to abide by the decision of the Democratic County nominating Convention. Many Voter*. Hook and Ladder Truck For Sale, strongly built, well equipped, and in perfect order. 1 erms easy. / pplv to S. a A'EKVaS, W. I.. GI.AZK, _J_h. UK IDT MAX. Notice t o Creditors. All persons having c aims against the Estate of Florence Glover, late of Orange burg County, deceased, ur he.eby request* id to picseilt and prove the same before me on or before the loth day ol July, hSS'?, or else ihey will be debarred payment. THOMAS W.OLOVER, J/aiitor. Orangeburg, S- C., May 15th 18.S0. may 2l ft( KOTIOE." All persons having IViaf diet* or Jowolr.V in my hvndstobe repaired sie hereby requested to call at once and take the same away and pay the charges thereon, as I am intending to remove from Orange burg cn tho tirrt of July next. T. I>. 0HIV7ETTFJ. jun U t! PRIVATE SA Ii 27. A neat Dwelling with 4 Kooiiir, Fire Places, and Kitchen attached, with ft Lot '2 uerej in u healthy location. Tcrma mado easy. Appy to T. C IIcunnr.i., Auctioneer. / \liaitipulvis larger Beer, \j bottled by the English bottling Co., prescribed by Physicians as the most healthy beverage in the world. Fresh and pure. For sale at Wallace Cannon's old stand, by J. DKJ3 ANDREWS, Agt. IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD I Never IlAhD. Cx? be Mam. an . STBtNOTU Jji..oiird. hxn Twice a* I.ono. tiicuoi Corel vl'.to"t D!ugzlb? tho ?yiUa, ccari Chills and Peter, Liter Complaint, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Nenoasness, Rheumatism, CostiTcntss, Female Weakness, Eick i Ncrtoni Dead: be. These Pnili Pure .-.11 Pi'rarcs br Absorption. No Noxious rlUi,Olls,or Hfliwnuiis ?uglein?* are uk^n Into t!ic Stomach. The Plirll are n ovrr the of l!>c Stomach, '.ovcrinK UlC Urvnt Nerve '?cnt-rc. xUo the l.ivrr ami Stomach. A iici't;? VrxrtalJo Tuntels nH'orlurd into ihecirrulatlon hl IM* Hlood nrtil Liver, purifj Ina theUlcott, sUmnUtin? the J'-ds it ant> n n.xra. Prt.D 3y ALL Da voc if Tx, or icnl by Mail or Kxbr<-?. ManufatUlf'rl at r/> ,<; :i !V-t? Lizzs'tt *^t? Daltixokr. -%. i COME AT LAST! C. Rf. VAX OUSDKM, Jr.. Photo and Artist. II:is >ened a Gallery in front of Meron py's Hotel, where the public can have Pho j tographo taken of fir^t class and artistic finish. Nothing but first class work dono this Gallery. Call and examine sampler at Gallery. All wishing good work done ran have the chance without having the expense of going to the City t\>r thusaluu. Cad and .see nie- All work cash when vou pit. "C. M. VAN ORS DELL, Jn. npl 2 tf South Carolina Hrtil Road PtinseiiRcr I>eparlinonC CHANGE OF SCHKUUI.F. On and after May l?Uh, 1830, Passenger Trains on this Road will run as follows : (till further orders.) Greenville Express Train. OOIN'G EAST. Leave Columbia at.1 In P M. Arrive til Camden at. 7 45 " Leave Orangeburg.0 05 " Arrive at Charleston.'.' 00 '? GOIKQ WERT. j Leave Charleston at. 5 45 A M. . heave Orangeburg at. 9 40 " ! Leave Camden at. 7 00 " Arrive at Columbia at.10 30 " Way freight auil Passenger Trains. OOINO EAST. * Leave Columbia. 5 40 A Arrive at Camtlen.".ft no P M Leave Orangchurg.IO08 A M Arrive at ? bar lest on. 2 00 P M Augusta. 3 25 " OOING WKST " Leave Charleston. 'J 00 A M Augusta. 8 00 " Orangeburg. 1 15 P M Arrive at Columbia. 5 37 '* * Passengers leaving Columbia or"Char leaton on these trains uaVo to change cars at Branchville to reach Charleston nt 2 00 p m or Columbia .at 5 :>7 p tu. Night Express Train, GOtNO EAST Leave Columbia. 30 P M ?? Orangeburg. \'2 30 A M Arrive at Augu ta . 4 ?0 *' Charleston. 'j '20 ?? *Pa?sc>>giTs tii nrrive in Charleston :'t i\ '20 A. M., have to change earn at branch ville if they are not in the sleeping ear*, which goes through without a change. uoixu wtaT Leave Charleston. (j"> P al ?' Augusta. 7 40 " " Oratigeburg. 2 45 A al Arrive at Columbia. G 10 " New York Express. GOING EAST Leave Oraiigehurg. 5 17 A M Arrive at Augusta. !J "21 " OOINO WKST Leave Atlgusta. o Ol) P M Arrive at Orangcbuig. 9 ">7 " The Greenville Exprest and the night Expres? Trains will run daily. All other traina will run daily except Run day*. Sleeping Cars are attached to Night Express, berths only $1 50 to Charleston or Augusta. These trains make sure con nections at Charleston with New York and Kabiiuore Steamers on Wednesdays and Saturdays, abo with Florida Steamer* on Tuesdavs and Satin-day*, also with 7 a m tram S A C (tailroad for Savannah and Florida Points. Connection!" made t>y other trains ;it Augusta with train" from and to that point, ai-o with all trains from and to CharhMo.i. I) C ALLEN. (i P A T A. JOHN II PK< K. General Supt. .1 Ii. VO< rtfbl., Agt., Orangfdiurj. S. C. NEVER FAILS TO cukrp: dVKtt COMPLAINT. Ileiitlachc, < ONSTIPATION, DYSPEPSIA. OK Li ClJHK for ad de-cases of the liver, xkiu, bowels, piom teh,and kid neya, it has no equal. It is daily use by thousands, all over I he country who volun tarily tes'ify io its roetit*. It is entirely vegetable, perfectly harinlesf, and can be taken by persons of all ag> s. Try it once, and you will nut rcirrct it. Sample bottles and package, 25 cents.17 Lar^e bottles. $1; large package, 50 cents. Sold everywhere. DOWIK? MOISE, Sole /Voprietorh, Charhston, S. C. For sale bv Dr. J. G. Waniianiaker, and alsohv Dr A C Dukes, apr'l 9 firo PRIVATE SALE. A House with 4 Rooms and basement with Fire Place? Piazza whh a large Lot 57 ft. Kront by 300 ft. deep; fronting on S btxcctb; healthy location. Terms" easy. Applv to T t\ FTTBCELL, Aiictionw/