The 'Orangeburg Times LOCAL_ OUR CJLUB Arrangement with tho AVtrs and Courier is working charmingly. By it two paper, the Wcdebf ]$cu>* and the Tints is obtained-for the incredibly *roall sum of $2 60, nnd the subscrib er gels ns much readiug ns he can digest the whQfr jjjjj' 8 < I. < E - r? ~i ,*."".?> ~~ , g A town clock is needed. : V i Ornngeburg Is impVoV^hg?^^ A gooil rein\would be beneficial. Largo family Bibles at Kortjohn's. We want a cotton factory aud^niust ?iiave,to ?? ~.. _ ,rA f PffTflS ,1 \V\\y don't Orangeburg have a itfarketl I I "i I ? Givo us a cotton factory public meeting. *: '. 7: f "*k ' I ? ?Ii ?O I Let the whirring of tho spindlo be tho music of'the South. Large lot crockery and glana ware just iu at KortjwhnV House to rent. Apply at this oflico. Two comfortable rooms, pleasantly located, to rent. Apply at this office. Just iu at Pike's an invoice of shoes. Go and suit yourselves. Wanttd ?0') dozen fresh eggs at Kortjohii's. Our thanks are due Mr. Henry liokeubnker for favors extended to this office. Another fine lot of horsed will bo received here by B. Frank Slater, Ksq., on Wednesday. We think Hou. Uavid Davis the must avai'able nomiucc tor the Demo crats to put up for President. - ?-?^m*- 0 m* Crotjuet setts, pipes, tops, marbles and fiidniig tackle just in und for sale cheapnt Dr. A. C Dukes'. The fanners are busy with prepara tion for the crops. They have made a goid beginning and hope to end well. At tht last mectii g of the Y. M C. A. next Monday week, 15th inst., was appointed as the time of their luxt lecture. Lev. ?. A. Duiby'n sermon, a few weeks ago, on "Word'y Amusements,'' is Iiii?liIv commended lor its advanced tone and independence of thought. : [ Do you carq for? your shoosyiiid harness? If so, go. JOvADlr.*.{f?- .,. - *n ( ;i;o.s6, Goodrich'and peerless" fctd potatoes just in, fresh and good, . low down, bv peck or barrel; ?t rtrtrt-' johnV I "* 'h* Prof. La Koche, of the Agricultural College, has been sick for several days, and unable to ^itiojid. to his scholastic, di lic.v We hope ho will soon be able to resume his charge. James M. Scignions, K?q., of the firm ol Sloan & Scignions, has been spending a few days in our town as the guest of our townsman, J. C. Pike, Fhij. The fine nnd stylish young match grays, driven by Mr. B. Frank Slater on Tuesday afternoon, have been pur chased from him by Mr. Jno. D. Keitt. We have on our desk a ripe straw berry from the garden of Col. J. C. Kdwards, about fifteen miles from Orangeburg. This is the earliest we have aaen. Ho know of a young lady of Or nngehurg who was stung by a bee while jessan inc hunting the other day. It is said that at the smarting moment she didn't hum. "How doth the little busy in e." A colored woman tell down in Mr. Pike's store on Wednesday afternoon with vertigo. Dr. A. C Dukes was called in, and rendered all necessary medical attention. Wc believe she has recovered. Wc arc gratified to be able to re port tho appearance of few offiee ecckcrs in Orangeburg County at this time. We regard it as a healthy sign. It shows that the people aro finding more profitable cmploymeut than politics. Pocket knives of every description at Kortjohn's. On tho ruarkot for the next 10 days at half-pi ice, Dry goods, hosiery, notions, groce ries, tinware, &c.,at Kortjohn's. It is said that the Republicans were reserving Mr. Bayard's Dovor speech as a batlory iu ambush. South Carolina Railroad stock has gone up handsomely. A year ago it had a mere nominal valuo. We are requested by 'Mr*. Kirk Rp^jpsott J$ state that the time for .payipgitjiet dividend*.. to^sVookholdo rs in the OilizeuB'Sftviug: BankMs ljtnit ted*to Alajaisfy^fte^vWch time' for feituro will ensue. J* l Yk >Otti 'dO AS* :Tif j ';r,oiniitteA:toVmeet atAthis^ftace on Saturday March c13th, being jnext SatU'rdji/, ,|i)r-Ah*T'4)Micpijsc o&d9^nniz ing and raising initiatory steps.' , 4^lhe J'irst Union ^meej.iug^of the Lexington Association was held ?ii11 last .Saturday aud Sunday. Ayith Sandy Ruh Cliurohi in-L?xlrfgton County, with encouraging success,' A r > - ' I 111 ... t n \ jf.i ^,'1 I On Saturday^, "a _'Colored mai|] (yy^ the iiH'ne ot Joseph Wallace, living on Mr. Legare's^cfifl^tl^g miles from *owu,\jhot himself serious ly with a pistol. He was'attempting to eock it when ip,a^vjfn>^|lx.>vMliLi oil', striking huiij in the hand; Being excited by thcac.cjdcut, .in the hand ling of it, it went olf again, the ball taking* effect in the neck or jaw JfrAisU..PMtt.fi4.i VP.- ^ a WJt*-??a?'iUa wound. Drs Salley and Hydriek w el e: seilt Jor, and ui last accounts the uni'u^lu flallo- up btill living. lyupn's reported, to be The ball given by the LMisto Itiflis at the Fair Building, on last Thurs day evening, was quito a success. The atlendauce was large, aud thu costumes were varied, attractive and in many cases, unique. Lowisville, Bambnrg, Branchvillc, Black\ille aud other places were represeuted, and besides this, there were many visitors from the surrounding country. Au excellent band of music was secured, and the dancing kept up till the iree hours. The youug folks, and we venture to predict, smieof the old ones too, enjoyed themselves hugely. We arn pained to learn of the death, on last Thursday morning, of the only son ol Mr. David Bull, iu tho seventeenth year of his age. lie had been suffering for some time I nun liver complaint, which finally resulted in his death. In old age the grave may be contemplated as the end of the battle of life, and hailed as the period of rest for the weary pilgrim, but in the bloom and freshness of youth the contemplation of death id filled with sadness Tho young man of whom we write was oil the thresh old of hope and promise, and was the only son of fond and doting pa rents. His demise is, therefore, a subject ol peculiar sadness But there is a'ray that dissipates even the gloom of the grave, the ray of Chris tian hope, which was happily mani fested in the closing hours of.our de parted youug Irietid, and will be a solid comfort to Che': aged and it'ouin-j ing pareulH. . ~i u ha Arthur C. Wightman, Esq., a son ot Kev. IJ. T. ? Wightman,' ahd \v recent graduate bf'Wotlbrd, has ac cepted the position of leather of Smith Lyons' Academy, in St. Mittusw*. and entered-upon the. duties of his" new charge on .Monday.' ,4e is a' young man of promise, aud wo con gratulate the community of Lyons' Township on the acquisition of his services as teacher. The Trustees of this Academy have made a worthy etiort, having built a new ami com modious school house to which refe rence has already been made in our columns, and secured a good teacher, aud we wish them abundant success* We see uutbing to prevent every community from taking the same .??tops in the cause of education. We think it much better, other things being equal, to bring the schools to the children, instead of sending the children off to tho schools, for the potent reason that they are kept within the pale of home influence. We arc glad of this step in tho right direct ion , and ns the era of prosperity is dawning upon us we hope to see continued efforts to build up our schools at home. The Orange Light In'an try held a very enthusiastic and encouraging meeting oil Tuesday night. The members seem to manifest great in terest iu the organization, and are using means by w hich they will soon possess themselves ol a handsome tiui form. Young men from the town and country are solicited to come forward and unite themselves with the organi zation. We feel assured that the citizons, both far and near, will not hesitate to aid in the cause. We are pleased to see the wholesome nnd friendly rivalry which exists between this corps aod the Bdisto Ri?es, and I learn with much gratification that tho latter company will do all they can to aid the new company, remem bering tho generous liberality by which the) have been successfully equipped by the ladies and other citizens. The ladies, too, will respond cheerfully, and whatever they under take is sure to succeed. May they smile upon this young corps and glvo the tri a hearty send-off. Hj request, Mr. M. I. Browning nd .dfeistpl tho corps at their meeting ^trnf fris glowing words have done much to .( the military spirited out' citizen s ddiery and to excite an r'p'rif'flt'cor})* which is so essential to success'.'" ?I ?T? On Sa'.urday morning an outrage .j ous assault was made en Mrs. Bvrd j ?uhou'i.-slk miles from Georges ^lay.oo | tiy.a,; pife mined negro of desperate j character*. IFrnni the description hc.j is heiicved to be the same po!t>oii.| who committed a brutal assault uthi j another Mrs. Bvrd -near -Biniich vi II el about a( mouth ugo< an account of which has already appeared in our paper. His outrages made him a j terror to innocent women in the whole Community. On .Saturday a regular hunt was organized and ho was finally found about 1 o'clock Suuday morning. He was then taken to Mrs. Byrd.and being identified by her, confessed hi> crime. Some seventy men were pre sent, and a vote was taken to decide what disposition should he taken of the prisoner. It being decided to let the law take its course, he was carried to Georges Station and lodged in the guard house. An unsuccessful attempt was male on Sunday night to take him out of jail, the parly being repulsed. On Monday he was taken out of jail to be sent to Walterhoro'. When ! eboul one and a half miles from Georges a parly of seven or eight men took him from the officers, and carrying him to a Secluded spot where a man was hung some fifty years ago, in (he darkness of the night by the I Ii fehl of camp fires, a noosu was fasten j cd around the desperadoc's li ck, and the rope fastened t>i a convenient i limb. At the word two men pu lied i the buggy away on which the prison er was standing, and ins neck was immediately broken. A few pistol shots were then fnvd thru igh his body, und after a few minutes ih<: the crowd, consisting of ab >ui 100 persons who had gradually gathered at the spot, quietly dispersed. At the last moment he conles-cd not only th') assault upon Mrs Bvrd, but many other crimes he h id committed, hut |^'pr7V-'eJ(TL''a" luTpe that lie'InuF:n;ui.e: his peacct' hi< ma'.;er. Themv a[->.'-?I h')iiso in town for tobaccos is Kortjohn's. I Assist fli!" ch'ild. in lime. Do not wait until an army ol worms have been recruited und the health of the child destroyed. A few dosei of Shriuer's. 1 id?'arV sViM inifn1'-', the. in 4 ? I * . 'f.dible ritiK'dy, never laiia to do the \ti rk well, if used according to itie directions. The Georgia Baby Bonds will buy nein a ly i nc. Nciiin'ginc will -cur? neuralgia and headache. Neuralgia and headache lead to disense?disease to death. .Moral : Go lo your drug gist and get a bottle of neornlgitie and he relieved. Hunt, Kaukin & Lutuar, wholesale agents, Atlanta. For sale by Drs. A C Dukes and J G Wann imaker. mar ? Im Do you want health ? W by will ye die? Death, or what is worse, is the incvit able result of continued sus pension of the menstrual How. It is a condition which should not be trilled with. Immediate relief is the only safeguard against constuutional ruin. In all cases of suppression, suspension or other irregularity of the "courses," Brad field's female regula tor is the only sure remedy- Its nets by giving tone to the nervous centres, improving the blood and determining directly to the organs of menstrua tion It is a legitimate prescription, and the most, intelligent physicians use it. Prepared by Dr. .J. brad field, Atlanta, Ga. $150 per bollle Sold by Drs. A C Dukes and .1 G Wannnmakcr. Notabuloa, Ai.a., duly 7, 1877. bradlieid's Female Regulator been thoroughly tested by nie in a great variety of cases, and I am fully convinced that it is unrivaled for all that class of diseases which iL claims to cure. J C iluss, M D. mar 5 lm 20 barrels nick uacks cheaper thau Charleston, at Kortjohu's. Marlon dhiclisoii Res pect fully returns bis thanks to his many customers for their past patronage, and hopes to merit the same iu the future by keeping con stantly on hand fresh meats of every kind at his old stand, iu rear of the Postoffice, during the present year. KbHjohn" is jM'rnt for: 'town talk, halting powd. r lo'iy tin re and get it frWB 'and go ..I. yi*rl ui law ???n .?.?(du indoi '-.n ( J N^'Vne'dienV has 0\S-WfcVn discov ered to .prevent,.doaLh., Tlnfd?vst that can tie done j/> , to a^i-jp,!....nature ui heeping the fyn> lions, of<\ bod) ; jn^ al.uaitby condition duijlt-j ji^.'. I l'ho Gcnnan \ hatiiouiile,, Tqaiu is just the tiling for all ^isutjdei .s of the ?\'.i ver. l or rale only by Dr. J-.G. \Vai)tliVi ma ker. Pnittcs who have I en waiting Inr glass sets, a ud goblets, will find them, lit Koi tjohn '*. 1) E Snioak & Co, who now occupy Ihc first rank among the merchants of Orangeburg, have, added fertilizers to their general merchandize. They arc constantly receiving fresh lots of ammoniatco bone fertilizers for our farmers and deal only iu such ma nures as improve th i land. Thej have also a fresh supply of spring goods. Call and examine. t_ i Large lot ladies, gen!a and children shoes at lc?s than Phihulelidii t cost to close up back consignments. If yoii want shoes conio at once or you will lose them. Shots at half price don't stand no ihc counters long at Kort johu's. Clue Cutlery? A largo assortment of fine cutlery just in and for sale low down at I)r .J. G. NVannamakcr's. 'Market Reports. Corroded every week by Mes*nt. Hull .?ic Scovn.t.. Fnimv, March 5, IS80. COTTON Middling*.l-Jp'ri, Low Mh'el .ngs. I'.V/V. t h-dinary. 11011 j ritovisb ?NS Torn.7 "?''7, SO Ni vt l'oru . iVii-i. 7.? !? odder, p. r I0U lbs. 1 (?<) Itougli liicc.$ I ?5 is wear out ' Vit 1'rJltS i-i (?\-*'aI trt'itco- n :? v^irn p-M (li^^cUnnwIi- v'-il Sea iiilit i-ilfwr tltf' Wnrlfl. MWSleid Pi-Ti." tinii.W.n.l.-tf it IKif.ibili 1 ' ft julit R>?i.nSM?- CuSt". ?|"frt'??f*iliy indj> it A i |irtrt Kss- i4 Ii eh. ?'nlnt',(.,hi#Vrfrn? ^tj>>' nWklhiT. tBBBHflh ,'.*ra m St8Sj***i i WB XIJUJWJTgTOOJfjpCMi C l.itkurliu \-S .us I .i?c ii: ..dvninf.l tlirtr ini- c? F?lj i .yv Irtiiri s?."i Ii? ?SO on VM; i?ur? j rl?.t>.-. I'rr"?eiil iytr> k" ?r.u.U-eil mi'.y to'Ajinl i. lil'DDKN k HAT KS, Savannah, (ill. W hot. Afc'tiuta tut Oa.,Hi ,S: C..N. C AU mar ?"? B at private sai^ST1 A m at Dwelling with 4 Rooms, Fire I'Imcc*, sind Kitehvn attached, with a Lot 2 Here; In h heallhy loclitioA. Terms, umdd easy. A'ppy lo 'J'. ('. IIi neKi.i., Anotionccr. a tr c t b o is b k k i n a, T. c. HUBHEUj W ILL ATTKNI) TO 'I'll 10 S V I,KS of Kcal l'>tMtt\ 1'crsonal I*i operty, , Pub lic or Private. Itusiness entrusted to him will In- prom ptly attended to. Oranqeburg, So. Ca., Dec. Im LST*.). nov 'JS 1870. V . ? >?'???.:?* (?.! Jl fell I' v.- Xoich Ito d. ?? ? ? ?- ?? M .1 II Keiniek-yr ?.i I V e> i? I,' . dl I! i- ioM > c, ) , m. i.' n'-'i i! ie a ?. .^i .i.i i i -i a growing o Ii? T??Vit. !! i.r.'-imU a ilc-jr.tble ?mi - v ' o.- :i?ie pa. v wishing to divide it ii o La ill L- a new ?v peet having i ( ni .'ii veyed, cohm're big a' uvc mcn 'fi" d v . et'ts. A pp ?' "'> fe'u -7 .1 AS. II. I'OWLKS. N'< >TICI3, Initial Divideinl to Depositer.1 o' Hitizcns I sa iuvs llailk?A fin?l Dividend of three and four-tenlIis per cent having been deolari said Hank are here by notified thai this Dividend will be paid j in them at the Olfieo of Kirk Hobinson l>e tween Kebrnary the -7th instant and lite Ii1 day of Mav next. LOT IS I.kCONTK, Trusice. fob 27 . .?t Ordiunnec Against Firing (?hum, Pistols, elf. From and afttr tlio publicntioii <-f this Ordinance, any person convicied upon auf fiel cm proof of Hring w ithin these Corpo rate Limits any Oun, Pistol, or other Fire arms, shall bo Fined a sum noi less dmn or upon failure to pay the fine, he sub ject to imprisonment for not lc?t than twa davK, at the option of the Mayor. (Signed.) J. S. ALBERUOTTI. Acting 3/avor. C- R. JONES, Llork. BOARD. Mrs..). Oakman, having occupied tho commodious residence of (.'apt. F. If. W. Uri?gmaiin on Amelia street, will accom modate u few Boarder*. Hates reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. 1 HE STATE OF SOUTH CA KOLINA. O RANG KBIT It O COUHTT. BY C B. OLOYF.U, ESQUIRE, PROB ATS JUDGE. Whereas, Kirk Itobinaon hath inado suit to me, to Kranl him Letters of Administra tion of the Estate and effects of Murray llobinson, late of Orangeburg County, de ceased. f'besearc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said .Murray BoWnson; late of Urangcburg (.'ounty, ckcoaxed, that they bo an>t appear, before inc. in tho Court Of-Probate, t6' be held at ?rK?freb?rg, C. II., on Oih March 5ne.\t, nRuerf a publication hereof, ?t 11 o'clock . in the forenoon, to show cHnve. if nnv thevj'have, why the said .VdmiiiMiation.sfioiief iiot bo granted. tiiven under my Hand. thLi.f-'?d, day of Tcbrn'irv, Anno DeVrtlili'1830. [I.H. JI. C. B. UhOVKIt, judge of Probate, '.?raugcbnrjj Count v. ? ? '? ' t ' "^t |: ' ^LAG-Q-^ TjlYIPR0VE0 PATENT LIVER,PAD I ? W'r.vra TIavi>. Can u> A 5 v STUKKft'fJl paMiMb. I*\it nnbk As l?ojra. ?icjis:i Carti TiUwsl C.-^grtac tha E;slc3. Liver Complaint, j *** ? Kervotuorss, Khearoalisra, Costifncss, Female Ve^kneii, Sick 4 Serous Headache. T|i?k Parti Circ r.>! Discaies l?y A Sorption. No NoxlolU l'itl*,01U,Or l' ? ? .(?.:; ?.:< <,: ...-..?? mt Into the Stomftcb. Tl e VaiU t. r ru f On lllorxl: ? ' l.lwr. j -. .; ina f eUli ral.ciiuiniaiinv tl-.? J !??rs?: -I Kiilnrya to he.-*!:! *? netten, n: l ??- njrth-nlon t. ? Stoiimclitotr<>ort. I'r.ic" ??- V\V\ *t ,\ni>f j r \'. ii. SoLD bt am. XlaCOvti : . ? r *..Iit I, Ail ?>r ll\pr.~ &l.*uitifnt-lani1 at ~j 41 N?>::tii Sr., Hal; IMnlo:. Mt<. ICQ A "ICQft naa\p JLoov I a n b? b 5 ? i hi VALENTINES! VALENTINES! Just us usual at rni Em pprji u m a A large and well se'ected lot o" Comprising tho "latest"' in So ttimeu tal and Comic Styles. Now is the time to_get Bargains iu (.'losing out the, snmd, ItKs lc,ftj you will never get them as cheap as now. WOOLEN GOODS are o>htinu?lly on the 'rise. Day in'your supj lius now if you want toBAYK. money. DAILY arrivals of GOODS com prising a'd the Novelties of the f Sea ,PM*i - ' i *tu-\, ? DRESS SHIRTS. . Odlars and Culls have advanced 25 per cent, hut having a go?d Stock on hau 1 will sell at old prices as long as iho Stock huts. Don't neglect ihe opportunity. TIIK light e?snIkg DOMESTIC Sewing Machine Still holds it-? position o( Siiprem icy. In fact if its sales continue to in crease, as they have done during the past few months, it is very evident that they will soon he equal lo tho sales ol all the other Machines put together. Valuable [inproveni ints have been made on it from time to time. Tho latest improvement" on tho Domestic is the NEW TREADLE which runs on scnlo pivots, and the Pitman con nects with a balance wheel and a h?ll joint thus securing Lightness in run ning and absolute stillness. NEEDLES lor all the various Machines. Attachments, Shuttles, Oils, Ac. always on hand and for sale at Lowest Trices. THEODORE K0HN\3 Fashionable Dry Goods Enporiura Agent I'm MM 10 DE MORESTS PATTERNS 40 Head Horses just akkivkh at E. P. Slater's Stables 'Ilm above Stock is as FINE an ever brought into this State, and will bo sold at very reasonable priced. The public is respect .fully invited to call ami examine tho same. E. F, SLATER,