Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg Court House [S.C.]) 1877-1881, February 20, 1880, Image 1

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Oarnaga Factory a The nude.-.?ig nod res poet fully i:i feiws. the public that be is prepared to do all Krad of Worls ita the aboya lino on the- shortest no tice and at. , living? Prices. IIOK&EJ^HOWING done in the boat possible manner. I al?o have in lull operation my PLANING AND MOULDING; MACHINES, Aud GRIST MILL. All work in this line done without d&lay aud ou reasonable terms. A share ol the public patronage is sol ioi ted. ' july 25 IL RIG OS. OAXit CALX, A V Til R PIT OPT t\ \ tfTPV'V Established in 1871 by the Pi;nprb olor. who i.-stili ready aud willing to Jill orders in BUEAD, ROJ h. , PIES d A K lj S" Of all descriptions. nv th? iiark'*:l or *.\!.u> I I > For (.'am p* Meeting? or any other kihtl Meeting*. Jusi received A/??'. .\ --ssM Which will he --'?i1! ,i; any llistt Lc bought in Oratigci u: :. Tluu.klhl for the ps?U"on cjfu of friend* and !.. public I hdi soii?:it :t i linuauce nl tin ir i u ?? n. T. \V. A 11 ??pt II, UTS'?l./^Mr. A. P. liastey. I GLu AtiD RELIABLE. 2 ?Dk. Saxford's Liv::it E:;viaohATon3 a Standard F inii'.y l"i?:nt<dy for ??di??as?iof tho Livi r,':: uaaeh r/-/l<>->-,55 ?vial Bowels.?It is Ihiivlv <N-^" -ii fcL,^ JIT r^;v ?>y ">? p?biie,g ^HJ?"% unp'.-i '?<dented results.^ G t? f J D F O n C I R C L! L A P. ,g ?S. T. W. SAUF0RD; M.D., V :kv voHI'? ? any inn i.ui-r wn 1 11 : i.vni i rs lu.i I i \ no*. ?, nop! 19 ly 'PIANOS & ORGANS FROM FACTORY TO PURCHASER. EVERY jg?^ HIS OWN AGENT *~^\,Rd4e"ii"e ?i:i'?"?o<' Urnnd In I I'oUiM't Ion Sa 1? continued until Nov. i, 18S0. Oiilj Sulo o< Ot? kind ?:vnr ?uccr*i fully carricil out in AnuTlra. ?^OtVOnipvrbltietnimeitlAiit fhetory i ?ii--<l .r huA Ariv?rtl*em<tfit. New ^tnn of to'nitiw: 1"5 ! Ko CtnT.UilJSSl !-:ru BO'-ta oilrrpjd tlro? h:j fittoty :e puttcisets, ll'.?llo Mo'epreBttsivel. Aj'.cl'ir&tesUW. Cilvij-::u-.t'.h fotrJieoolhlsphK. Sr'lANOK, 7 o? l. *u?, 7l oct. V'JJi 'm?'1'* iinno?, ' ?II ?; a \ S, q-t, ?)>-, F.}?i ij sto|>s .??711 13 ?li ;.-.. Minor Top Cusc, -. Now, bandtninr, duo.t 1?-. ft y.MrK cu iranti.-c. I ? .": /\ . loat trial. ror< ii ??< rs efinii u f um /rn inf uutl-cr? tr:i(l 'i'JO (tijl'trtrit ?tutfS. Join Uli? ift amit!<"? c 1 ti I? of p in Ii im i - .iixl v i'ii. ?7i ln?1rum*fil m wHoletiiiIn eitle?, .-jn-. i.ii ??riir< lo ,Vii.??'<7 TtaehtTK, Churches, nur! l'i ttori .'. .I : ? i? ? - for i nlri.i', net ion Sa I <??.!. i> . i . LUDDHN Sc RATES, Savaunith, <.'.?.. dto 19 'Jl h < > i r s? i .i :? A hoiiFe and lot opposite Wiu. tViUcaek'r on th? BoHsvillu Itoiuh Tl(? 11ou?0 i;; in coin pUlooxIwr with crery convenience. I'or particulars n:>plv to A M SALLEY AT THE CORNER OF Ilussd Street and Railroad Avcnuo DY MOSELEY, A foil sfbefc of . A GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Which will life mh.I ( ) \ \ \r \ \ > f t- Q z\ gj ] |\ All my Ohl Friends, and as inniiy^Ncw [Ones aa will favor me jwith a call is respectfully ihvitutl I" examine my Go >ds ami Prices. pin 21?ly LIGHT tbs new viiitm q mil paling ?9 BSWIH6 BA8HHE fr- wonderful in Itc conception, un precedented for ir.g n largo range of cowing in tor.tiirt fabrics and leather. Its motions oro continuous, admitting of an extraordinary into of epeed, either by steam er fjcc power? Every mctien of the troac'.:o maUoQ six stitches, thuo produce Ing ^bout one-third more work ir. n doy" lha.'i o:hcr Sowing Machines. St lias no stop motions, and tip.htcnstho stitch with the needle out of the fabric, fS i:sos the woll-known Wilson Compound reed *n ?iot?i sides of vi:?" noodle, it has two-thirds loss parts than any ether first-class Ga; ? (Machine, Its arm Is fully oight and one-half inches long and flvo cne-half inches high, and tho whole lYIachmo is very compactly and scien tifically constructed in proportions, elegance, design and appear* nnco. its slmplo, powerful and perfect mochnnism places ;t as far In advance cf allothor Scvvnq i>v <.;.???? I m ph< no Is superior to tho tin spoaking tube. The WILSON r.;.ATTACKWEKT. for repairing all kinds cf toxtiio f&hrics WITKttUT PATCHIMG, ;'at nishod FREE with a!i WILSON GEWIKO tYlAGKufe'&lS, together with a Tuckor, Rufflcr, Corder, Sot cf Morn mors, Binder, etc, Theodore koiin od 2-1 Af?ENT FOR ORANC.EI11TR0 COUNTY W Ti^WAR^ P. tri INhl.i: ^s'icitcls nn<J Comtlrj'incn af UmkI ! 37') "-'i w at: until i< Ii spend f'v' i i ??<-tir in nlaiii'.oiloni;, \?-.!..t |>i:M.\!hS votir ,0r?eer here'! V-k liitii lor hi- II W:< -> idee. IJiiitiiinp :.t ilie I o\Y|.;<T I'Rh'K ! ?vino out iry Id- I'loiir so line, (*hee?e, and A ihiinr- in Ids |ih?>! \ I tiv'e: i*oui<? 11 ("I" T l'Ii ?ein around - Kvery jhaii sli?iil?) have :i poipul ! \ nil i:' \ f n'd leel we I mimI aide, Put his'M VCKKKKI, oii your l aid,- ! (aood an: all things in hi- Store, \{t n eaninil a-l; i'r more! {] id> iry lih? hlt'jl "i;s ian. - ( nil'I hccipuillcd iijiy where! lOverj man who knoivs l'i Jl Al!-, Itudics lor Iii- i!<n)il Sesjar.-?! I n hi- Sample lionm they lly, . verj linielhal llijty sir?s dry ! V me .Iihij; tolls llic'tii II Iv'-S th j m ui ! \ od lie always It* ?>!? the van ! \cvcr yel did lie I'i'Ircnt, ? IJpiu't yiiii i.iniv. In*can't !u. heal? f.ook within Iii-; Store -?? irriind, { n hi- ?near .1' llan I: ({lie-linn him and Von w'dl see tJNpl' KS'ULU UV f \NX?M' UK! '. wait inn tili vim are wi- -r, j?i .enli pi.ii.I- 1.1 .\!'. I. I - 1*21 vi Si Niiin laiicy l?iii U t<> all - l vti Ii .in 111 mi 1 ii' ral rail, {?. -t :i. -in? il, t>i;.\I.U'S sells cheap, ,\ml the liii?-t en.,ih will keep, \iiver 11::.-? tu hl?Ps \niir shir.-?? t >i.w 11 with a'd eset pi De MA HS. Tl I :: CLO( K, WATCHM<. Ii Kit AN II "Time and tick," hotli wanted are. For Walch und C-It*ek sttnl people here, 11 l ii l, you in i d. or tin.e tu fiel, ??u-t Haunter round lot hivi tie. I'm- twenty yea im mid two. lie's spent In learning how hi* arH to know, Ity spechil I'iMvide'i ii lie's Kent 'I'd t Jruhgebiii'tg dial art to idiow. I I'iit W 'iilch will keeji no time, .\nd if 11 ('lock w ill '.'\ve no lie';, "I i- jiifl heeaiife you've missed Ihn Iii. *, Which tells ol yoiitl work, (rue au?! quick. 11'your VYuuh will keep no lime, < in to T.'lM hivi. it 11'your Chick will^ivo no tick. , Co to I' lit'! hivietie. "Tick and time" nru needed her.: I ?V lammis, l'(ti;or<. l.aWyei n\\, II thin he ttne, il.i 11 lal i good Care l)ii T. I). ('hiviettcto call'. 1 N'nrit !-: -Ml \Valch'* :?? 'cdniie wiih liie for repaji.?.'on the I t Nov., IW7S will lie fold :it a 110!ion if not railed for ho foio the lir.*l Monday in I Veeioher next. T. DbCIIIVIETTE. July 1 tf UPKKAT1YE AM? Ml'CilANlCAIi I'.Y Dr. i- 8. WOr.KE. Oflioe over >. I.oni.-' Htotc; Satisfaction guaranteed :t :dl operations; I Tce'Ji oxi noted without pain,by liu lisu of Nitrons Oxide fbis. !. TV If. Dukos", Jr., M AI;K F.T sTaKlOT, Respectfully informs the public ??? nerallyj tlial Iiis? Stuhles ate c omp e t. d anil tilled with KIN 1) liOliSKS AM) MI LKS Which lie i- o Oering ui very EjOW prkti^. Thosn in want of good -"lock arts re >pcetfully invited to give me a call. J. \V. I!. DUK KS, Jit. 1? O XT T1 12 33 HO net! AND C/.TTLL POWDERS %_ -ki:-*. ? am V. Ui <? i; ??> or ?'< vcr.! IVneir.^. Vo i!<t!is? v.iil ulti oi cm.iu lio'i? or Kh ?> ?'. 11 l -oit -"s |'iiw<it*r< lira iiM*d.tniliiM>. f ? lU'rt I'ou !cr..u ill?*ur<' :?:nl jr<?.~:it llod Ciioi.Jtn* t'tiicz'S I'oiviler* w T.I [>r.-v? :.l I'.a.'i s i:: I'oWl.H. Kollt.Cn l>Wil<'rt) \v;!l 111 o l|U'.t)ll|y <.f lilllk nn : cr< nititweuty |.-.-r<. .;t.. unit multo tho ItUtter firm u' ?w?ut. I diu/N i'nirSi'n w i'l ??nr.- or |.r. v. m nlmost rvicKY Pii >: to ?Viani ii .1?.. im I < aiife tire hill !i.:. }"ovr :'h I'qwniuia w ii.I, oivit SxTlnKAOl(OK. Soli. n ir.. ?? ? . DAVIO j :\ Pror riotor, nAi.TiilOUE, tid. 1 , r rah l v I r. .1. i.. \\ A N NAMAK Kl! and Dr. A. ? DtiK FS- iiovPJ ly r^ S^VV: HttrTtl! Having recently innvcd into tiiy New Stiire, I would beg leave to in foriri thy oi l friends und the |>ublio generally thai I have and will con iiiltie In keep on h iud the P..ri -i Drugs, l'.i'-t faints :md t )il-, I .amps a ml !?' i x i nr. -, I'im si (!iga rs nod Tobaccos, 1'iain aii ! I'liney I 'aiiJies, Aiid in latd, everything usiialty kept in a Iii--1 id a >s 1)11 UG S i ORE! 1 also occupy, with my family, tli? rooms over the store, ami therefore will bo able to pul up prescriptions at any and all hours during tin' night. Heo boll mi iron; door, A. C*. HifKFOfc, M. I>. d t :;i IST? ly :;. II. "t. DOXAM? ."? CO., 1 >t ??:!! ? ten. Kfiis.i Siri Kroncl90o, Cnttfoniiii, und > '>i. ol WnisliHiptoii niiil IHinrliou Sta.. N. V. hot? by ull i)i uyylst? uuil Jii.Ho:., Our Fir?uiiiaiirH aioster. [ Viy request, we publish the folio w itig which was read at the last Anni versary of the Elliott iloolc ami I .adder (lotnnimy:] <'ii this proud Klliott*? natal night i \Ve intel in joyous festive plight '}'<> in snugs mid speech Tlui iiicuiorie? thai gush t? each As aiiud reverts to pcenes goiio iiy A ail mui.e?asllio mnmouts fly. To-night, an we've ivont ufyore, Our gm in tire with us hy lite score; And to c ?mpicle our pleasure* (pule Tlio. I? r> ih mingled with the White, Not like the ro'e 61" England's shore Which fork and lierco Lancaster wore As vaihlenis of the crinisnh tide Which *. et-the sword in Knglaud's pride, But Ked and White of Orange llowcrs, V? it la pqaco enthroned in happy bowers. .Anil mi v bravo boy?, *>i'ir mil we'll call, The bh.iotts lirst, then lie 1 Shirts all j And to ?mim ic e or undertake her, V?o'll name our foreman Wamiaiiinkcr, i\exl gomea friend Sistrunk. monstrous talker, On|\ ei'pmllcd hy A.'it. Walker. Hut no V to go' thf thing in tun? i' e h:lf>iclo mention Ed. Melvewn, Wim at a liii- rolls hp his sleeves, Ai d out works all hilt Shed A. Reeves; And if ;t tires we gel to frowning, We*:-- inad to laugh by M. I. Ib-owaing, Whoei-aekshi- inke* he il diy or damp, ??i. JoHn Melvewn or Mcllichamp, And when a! lircs wa want cigari U e.?< ; To n beaux to Frank IhjM irs; < 'i ii vya want for so'itethihg in ire, i'ricud la-liir goes lor Griilhi's attire; \\ hera Willie UuVson gets hisbjer A d lg ii * it is in nisi r >:i i fai r; lud then with bryant. Mischer. Hull. Ity Aijuivc.i'a'ry we get chock full ? Of sj '.tit- -ye?. why to hi-sure I'ri ':. ;;u hing hearts, and nothing inure; And of ibis fact to make it stirer A-'. Charley Ihitisd tie and Ali. I. Moorer. i 'A la- yes?wo ail respond in happy mood j I i? iibl ai Maee'iUs' shrir.c we broad, /Ait ? ith our guests with on ? a?cnrd, Th,sf\\Mii:e and liedblend round tjie Hoard, j Andi*cek to make each Other's joy W'i:'^?ul one stain or dark all ?y. V. dlitlthlt't rjr>J| luw now an en i - So \- ouiig Aiiicrieii-! hart; ! ntfciAl. " And feo commence, with ne'er a parley j We'll nanic your veteran Jose Ii llarley; I And tli. ii to guard iVoni every ipiibble I We'll mention all frohi Kuhn to Dili k\ I Am! mark before bur song iii ill rough j We'll pitch riglit into Sorentrue; j And if ill t'..i* we get in trouble. We'll call i ir help ir on foreman liiibbc 1; I Ami i f lie do.^ not heed bur call, I We'll go rigid oll'and gel your Manic, [lon'l thin!; by this we're at lighting heat ? If that's yoiir mind we'll go for Street, 1 ^ here free from oycry cumbering car* i V\ i.'ii lake to mir lieVls and thus beware, j bin. t,i . oin pi etc the lir 1 Shirt c irps, I Tin.;'' .- Dibble's live, and lirtimnn's four. \ Ami in your rank- there's hot a li/.zler l*i*oiii W. II. Joins to lien. 1/lar. I 'fhe musico the town's your own - I i i- given free by lleniy Kuhn I'oiir liamjsoiiie looks gain woman's smiles, So freely given tles| ile your Wiles At !ir< in ins tri. !.- you h ive no hirner M. prompt and ttue than friend A Uni'liCf; ?lohn It il'it'.-on, 1 >.ia:..'er, Cuiiiaiihjjsand . Sehacie At slippers his tree are mighty rack?ly; l?tt then io i.eep iheh v- froiii swcrviii' Voii haye frieii I Schillloy and J.d. Irvin. Vnd if at neat- your Htouiauh rebukes, You get your pills froiii l'r. Dukci ? Ihn .u' ad the strange boys we ever have heard. There's men- to heat your bachelor bird Who's roosted o'er I'ike'.s.full many a year W ith lion,' 10 caress, or banish dark care Hut (hanks t<? hi- sense, he ends these day \nd has lldwn ;<> the niounlatiis to mend Iiis way <. Wh n In returns to his home, whoe'er be hi- funds, Mav his joy- he many, and his cares little ones; And now happy guests w e'd olid our soiig, for which We beg pardon tor being so long. Oar welcome, thrice welcoitio wu extend to Voii ail, Who've honored oar hoard in response lo out call The h.-.l Shirt-, the Ivlistos, we welcome Voll here. And all other guests accept of our cheer, And now, in conclusion, let- rein ember (he toast: Wnm in ! fair w oman '? mir pri lc and our boast' J As ttrcnicii gathered in nierriment here, Wh;ite' r oiir foibles, let s he irtic (n the lair. Mr. Ivayaor was married to Mi-s Uioodwoi'th, ot Ciriliiii, last Sunday. '1 iii- may he regarded as a barbcroua proceeding.?Tel. A' Mead Wait till she attempts to strap him; then, il'ho'a got Bloodworth a cent, hu'll Raysor . jp??I> it Jar Corruption. Wo invite, attention to n thought \il article from the New Vork Star, nidi-bed elsewhere; ami which .trike.-J us with much force. 'J he |io| uhtr (lehntichment it seems to us is the whole trouble. It i.-; use less to blame party organization* no I politicians for that which springs from llie very Icin.j of the people themselves. This is an age of dema gogues, political hounds und mana ging politicians, simply for l!?a rein in that popiilur opinion is itself un sound. To our mind the election by either of the two great parlies of some great civilian to the Presidency, animated by a iosj ect for law and a reverence for the Constitution and the institu tions of the country, would be the greatest of all blessings to the people o! the whole country. With it would come a recurrence of slate policies and plate craft i:i it-< true sense in conttadisUutinn to bitter personal i^sue-. out of which there is no escape for '.In! man who honestly differs from his fellow-citizens. Is the country capable of leinaugurating the rule of reason ? He doubt i!. We dotib'. it for the North, we don t)t for the South, I for the Fast and West alike The whole hop'- of the cottnlrv is in a riuall minority ol both parties who wish the country well, bear it an hone?t love, ami who do not seek re ward for their true allegiance to the land of their birth; who have no oflice to a>k and arc content with the proud | position (,:' citizens and of good and j true men Tin y ate a.s light set l'p 'i! a hill. 11' men heed and follow lhe?r example v/e are saved. If not, wo bend the knee to Baal and givo up the i;t i *?' of our lathers,and with L the grea test country Jever dreamed ot !>v man. From papers hitherto withheld the dory of Andrew .Jackson's marriage i-i now told correctly in the Cincin nati {'oHimeh'iul for tlie first time. Uuchel Douelsoiij his wife, grew up| among ;hc stirring scenes ot frontier life, und when yet in her teens mar lied ( apt. Louis Uobards. Unbards treated her so wretchedly that Peyton Short a Virginia lawyer, wrote to Mrs. Robards advising her to get a i divorce. As was intended, the letter l? ii into the husband's hands, the i>lea being to provoke a duel. Instead of lighting the craven husband tried to blackmail Short for money. Mrs. Kobards was taken by her husband to Kentucky, where .she was placed al a boarding house. Andrew Jack son wa- a hoarder there, lie fell in love with Mrs. Kobards, and having learned that the Virginia legislature had gr iiitcd her a divorce, married her Two years alter the marriage he heard to his horror, that his wife had been divore? d at all. He sei to work, however, got tin-divorce, | and in 17'.'I he \va? remarried. (.lovernbr Simpson shows in his reei w message that the taxable pro pony, real and personal, in South Carolina, is, all told, 81*2 1,501,021, not quite one hundred and twenty one millions. Commodore Vandcrbilt willed to hiseldest sob S05,O??,?0?, (ninety five millions). The Governor hIiows, ills that the entire debt of the State U less than 80,000.000 (six millions) W II. Vandcrbilt paid out ?15,000 000 (fifteen millions) for railroad stock hist \vc< k. ? Now, do tell US, are noble South Carolinians going to harp on forever about State rights, State Sovereignty, "Free ami Co-ordinate Republics," and allow one man at the North, to wield more moneyed power than "glorious old South Carolina':" ? State HuiUkr. A courtship scene?(Jeorgo?Oh; Fannie! Id d ot my being! Star of my soul's existence! Dil! Ah! * V ! Fannie -Oh, dearest! ! Ah ! * oh ! ! How nice! just one j more ! r?-. (Old man enters sud* I denly)-! !-? fi?r-! ? [Kx. IV Ii at ES? jVM .Should BJe. First: Hu true?be genuine. No. education is worth anything that docs not include this. A man had bettor not know how to rend?he had better never leurn'a^letter of the al phabet, nnd l)e true and genuine in intention-and action, rather than be big learned in nil'sciences andjhingu nges, to beat the'sam c time fal'se^iu' heart and counterfeit in life. Above nil things, h'lhc 1 oys^thal truth is moic than riches, more than cul ture, inore^thnn', earthly\ power or position. Second : He pure in thought, language?pure in mind ..and body. An impure man, young'or old, poison ing the society whore he moves with smutty "stori >s 'and impure examples is a moral ulcer, a plague spot, a leper who ought to he treated as were the lepers ol old, who wore^to cry, '?Un clean !" as a warning to s.ivj others from the pestilence. Third : He unselfish. To "care for the feelings and comfort of other's. To be 'polite. To be just in allhl ?til ings wiih others. To lie generous, noble,and manly. This-will incltt le'a genuine revcreuco for the aged and thi?gs s tcred. Fitirtli: lift self-reliant and self helpful even from early childhood. To be industrious always , and self supporting nt. the earliest proper^age. Teach them that all honest work is honorable, and that an idle, useless life of dependence on otheri is disgraceful. When a boy has learned these four things, when he has made these ideas a part ofjiis-bcing,?however youug be tuny be, howevbr;poor, or however rich,?he has learned some of the ino^t iinpurtant things he ought to knowawhen he becomes a man. With these four properly mastered, it will be easy to find all the rest.? Home Arts. The True Gentleman. Christianity is Olid of the most gent" i man)}' things in"\he woild. It will make a lady or gentleman of one who knows but I ittle ol the forms nf politeness. The Iliblo does not pre tend to leach manners in dcttiil/nor does it profess to be a manual of politeness, but nevertheless it/n tho book best suited to produce-iiijany community true gentility. Wejhavo in thing in ihe Testament, Old or New, thai leaches how low to bow.on enter ing a roam, or .how we are to deport our lives in the ball room, or any such thing; but we have what is far better. We are taught tobe kind to all, to love all, to respect age, to be merci ful, courteous; "n ?t to behave our selves unseemly,'' ''not to think ofour selvi" more highly than we ought," and to esteem others better than our selves. With these things properly engraved on the heart, Christiana will intuitiv jly be the most agr eeable, polite pe pie in the world. ISecKIeKsiiesH of IAfe. The evidence adduced in the great majority of the trials, and the circum stances of tho homicide.-' as told by correspondents, show that they aro attributable in great measure to tho reprehensible and inexcusable, habit ot carrying concealed wcopbns. We had almost despaired of inducing our Legislature to put a stop to this evil practice; but the press cannot escape the responsibility of bringing it. us far as lies in its power, mi lor the ban ot public opinion, and we hope (bat our contemporaries will not bo discouraged because their first,sec ond or third efforts in the direction of this important popular reform may have been fruitless. The Slate Sen ate, we are glad to see. is at last, moving in the mattor. This is well. Let the newspapers keep up tho agita tion, and in the. en I they are ?uro to obtain the desired ro operation ol the law making body ? Nswsaii</ Quarter. -m*~- . mi - A fire occurred hi Barn well, our bister town, mi Monday, destroyiug the store und of Mr. Cronhciin.