the orange B?ro thhw. 1 ??! Ii '?? : il ill i.iri! iy\y iMimi Ti ) i > 1' S \ ? I >f?< 'l'l pi?oii. One Cojnj one Vc?r.?! 00 " Six. Monil-s. 75 Hides of Advcrtis?ig! (hr So ti are Ysl Insertion..fl 00 Jineh Subsequent " . SO N?'ticvs inserted in T,?cal Cotumn at 20c per J?ne. All Subscriptions and Transient Advertise' mcnls tu be paid for in Advance. SSf" We are in n<> way responsible lor the views or opinions of our Correspond Hits. FriTjJr?Y, .lAMAHY In, IS-It. The National Oullook. The year Tl.SSO, which is frauglil with political events which inuslhnvt a decided influcn c upon tin- destine of cui country, is upon us. 'J he two great contending ) oliticul armies tire marshaling (heir forces and preparing for the struggle. 'I he preliminary skirmishes have been lough', and so far as Ohio and New York are con cerned, they have gone against the Democracy. But Lhey do nol ncccs saiily fore-shadow defeat in the main struggle. On the skirmish line there was cause lor the disaster, rind it was XVithin our own party. There was dis o itiou in our ranks. Jn Ohio the ill-fated financial question, a< well a ii lack of union on the part ol our leaders, brought defeat. In Now York the traitor Ivel Icy and the cor rttpt Tammany ring, unable to elect themselves, look revenge in prevent ing the pure Democracy from grasp ing the victory which was within its reach. These reverses in the beginning should hot, therefore, bo causes of permanent discouragement. I he phases of politics are continual!) changing. At one moment the sky is bright, and at the next il U cloudy. Time works wonders. Wo'don't know what a low month.-- will bring forth. The aspect to-daj is not what iL was a few months ago. The temporary disasters wc have experienced will have two good effects. They will show us that we must be united, and that we cannot nfllrd to jar among ourselves. And they will also teach us that the South makes a fatal blunder when il forces itself into national politic* and press es the claims of its favorites. We must keep aloof from national poli tics, and leave everything to the Northern Democracy. We have grave doubts if Bayard can be elected llcing classed as a Southern man, his nomination would solidify the North against us. The Democracy must nominate n man whe can divide the North, ul lea?t to such un extent ns to carry a few Noi l hern I* lutes. Wr. would say that Saym >ur of New Yoik would be the man, but his association with Blair and his revo lution talk in '08 we fear will hurt him. We therefore prefer to let the matter rest entirely with the Northum Democracy, and we will be more sure of success. If our little skirmishes I ring us to this conclusion we think the events of tho past will prove for our good. The breaking of the solid North should be the aim of our Stilt, smci, and this will never be accomplisho:! by clamoring for the, elevation of favorites, which, while it may benefit individuals, will do no go i.l to ' tY.i in apses. The Farm. Farm life is certainly the happiest and fitfcisi ol nil cnliings,and how in the beginning of the new year it may bo well?in fact, it i.- the cb ty of each farmer to mate his calculations and prepare well in order to make a good start for the year. The January work on the farm is very important. The first step is to taue an inventory ol the tools, and supply whatever is needed. Again the farmer should prepare his books an I k :e,> a correct credit and debil nccotint will) all l.i b isim ss in order thai he may know a' the end of 1880 whether ins oper ations have hecii profitable or not, an I he iutiy gain experience from the ex hibit. Next he mttsl nub a vor, by every means possible, to keep clear of ; course il is. often impossible u> farm in ihe begin ning without borrowing, but tho sooner wc get ouL ol it the better for us Alm?in -Vom tin-1 rc?-i nt. pace of iM ?: . . . may lit; io -t \ <>> .*e im uri-u in 'Iii ? ; 'v i., j'tft ,,V^U-.l ,.f pr.)- 1 vi i' ii i r??p. We im not diso ?d tu , . .1 ..?.ii into ;Im ut ihc_extremists, win, would ttbim Ion eotlun culture in the cot tun growing bvlt. Wo lliink tbia woubl bo hud policy. Hui wo woubi advise the planting of an of provisions for home eri;i?'h'mj>fif)n, even in llie event of un favorable seasons. We don't think it pays in tho cotton be't to plant pro visions fur a soiling crop. Again, if we have neglected plant ing oals in the fall, let such take the first g'bod opportunity when tho soil suit.-, to put in a crop. Tho Southern h'ti'ttTjirifie. advise* the ye'low nisi proof variety. Next, let th? farmer look well o w n January to his bine.-. Planting under doubtful fenced is always a poor business. Nothing gives the air of a lli i il ly farmer more suve'y to the passer by than a good substantial fence. Last, but not, least, tools n/tcr f?r comjnh-.t -heap*. Herein consists, to a gieut extent, the secret, of sueec s in farming. Make ymir own manures as far as you can They pay bette: in the end than all others in building up your farm. Keep the lot well supplied with straw from the forest, and then bring up your cattle every night, and if you have not separate stalls for each niie under she-tor, which is Inst, nt any rate never omit tu have every animal eveiy night in the lot. ll will liot only save your cattle, but it will make you richer. The State Campaign. A great deal is already being said and written on tho subject ol the coming election for Governor. Gen. Uary and Gen. (Iagoo 1 seem to b. the candidates tm st spoken of. We must confess that we doii'l think either of these men altogether lil! the bill. Tho former is too extreme, and the later lacks the magnetism an I I opularity necessary for a leader. Wl.ile v.c have not sufficiently can vassed the (Jehl yet to suggest a mm, I we feel no hesitation in mentioning the qualifications that the < nudidatc I ol the Democracy should ;>;s. He should in the first place Ivj n man identified wit't the liberal cle ment of the parly. 11i-> I) m-ieracy should be based upon the.priu ?< of political eiptality; and he should never be taken from lue list ol ihit '-iinpraclicablcs," who delight to ok press views to tickl ! tin fancy of their hearers- and increase their pop i - la.-ity, which they either kn iw t > be u rong, or imprtictie.ibla id' ex icutiou. It will soon be our duty to make the choice of the man to lead us to victory, and it is lime for us to be preparing to aelcct with wisdom. We don't ivunt candidates, but we want lo select the i omitig man ourselves. The Frecdinen'6 Savittss. It is said that Congressman O'Con nor is receiving petitions from the colored people everywhere to press his I ill for their relief in refunding to them the nioney stolen from them in the Freeman'n Hank swindle. It will be renn nibered that just alier the war, the freed men were en ticed by .-b e;; and greasy Uepublican officials to put their saxings iu this bank, and thtiH save w hat they could from the re desire la what they preach the ".*5 al Wssr s" will i lo me in \\ ilh I hi I Irniu ei.ii-, and vow thai they always iu tended to i Cstoiv the 11 ? edma n's money, although t!i needed; but wbon we udl uulute that it will cost nearly as muen to got the Legislature together as the extra tax-, wo think the remedy is as Lad na the disease, nnd we had bel ter kt it alono. Especially is this I he case when we remember that tho money expended on calling together the Legislature would he lost mo but the extra tax, if properly re eerved, will only make our next tax lighter. Go\\ Simpson refers the question as to the validity of the Supply Bill to the Supreme Court which is uow in tcssion, ?(> wo suppose the matter will si ?ni he decided; and if it is de cided to be invalid we suppose, the extra bessioti is inevitable. A Eual Reign in Mai o. Since our last issue things are gel ling still nmre squally in Main-. L'h c Kcpuh ie.ins have taken possession of the Slate House, organized a L -gis laturc, and declared Lanison Gov ernor. I he I* usiouisls still nold on, and the result is a du d government, in which Gen. Chamberlain, tho Commander in Chi? f of ihe militia, refuses to recognize Lam-on Things arc certainty more complicated an I dangerous. Mr. Fo'rWrs School. Tho formal occupation of the Unt ied Mates Arsenal and grounds by Mr. Loiter'-: I nrochia I School took place lust week, with impressive ceremonies. Interesting addresses weio made by Mr. Loiter and Bishop Howe. Mr. Let ter is a man 01 indomitable courage, an t has made his school n c i lupletc success in the face ol dilli I ettlti es under which most uicu would ITavo qu a;le i. Bureau ot Asricullura. The Botiril of Commissioners of this Bureau, consisting of (in-. Simpson, lion B. L. Cray ton, i 1 -**fi J. N, Lipscomb, lion. W. D. John son and I Ion. A. S. J. L'crry, met on Monday night in the Stale lioUi? to arrange the details of tae on min ' "1 the Bureau of Agriculture. Senator has been stricken with paialy.-is at Jackson, M i.t.sis?ippi, hut his physician, wc tue glad to re port, docs Mot regard his condition as dangerous, although it is serious. A meeting has been hold in NcW berry passing resolutions nominating Grant ami Bayard let' President and N ice Brcsidcn l, under the Kcilt idea. The convulsion in .Maine has thrown Blaine into a lit. Not i???? < > I' I ? is^iiiisnioii. 'Ihe unilvrsignetl hereby given notice tii it In- will li e his fund account (tiiardian Henry v>. Itozard, with Iiis , Honor : '1 lie Probate Judge of this County j on the llitli ihty of Feburary next, and a-k lor his Letters ol DiMuisdon .1. i.. ISOZAltD. .tan. Kitli 1SS0. pin 10 et (a i.LKTT GIN WOK KM, Aldis LA, OA. LA ST KIIS who wish lo have their old (i ins of any Make It KI'A I It Kl) bv lost-class wurknieii, .-lend write n- at mice, ami have ihe work done in early Spring, wli.n we are nut crowded with work. I erins eas>, [U'ices innderale. < > 1 N S.VWjJ and lil'SHKS UKl"AI U?U in Hut best man ner. Addicts (). M. ST< >N K >\i ( i ?., Augusta i ia., Agents for the Hullen Hins, Plantation Logons, Separators, Saw Milts ?\c jan 10 *.Jui noetic is OFl'ICK <>i- ? <>. < O.Nl.l/lSSIONBIt'S, ( UlAXOKIICltd I .U N rv, Orangeburg, S. C, January, l'ith, ISS?. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of ! an order id Ihe t nurt, ilated, January tub j I t>SU, I be properly belonging lo the County, ' known a> "? tnli House," situate in Lyons I Township, in the ? uniity and Si n- afore I said, will he sold, at the Court i Inn in tbe town of tlrangel urg. on the lirst .Monday j in Kchtirary IXiO, neing the second na\ ol -aid month, to tie- highest bidder, l?r cash, purchaser or purcha?crH to pa\ fur papeis I and iccording i Ity < Inter of I lie Hoard. h. ii. v, an.n \maki:k. <". I*. ' .(.Of, 1 jan M OI'EICE nrd. L. il. VVANSAMAKKIt, inn 2t C, U. C. C. O. C, EherifTs Sales. By virtue of an Kxccutions to mo di rected. I will Roll on the lirst Monday in Keliniary, I88U, ni Court Mouse, in Orungchiirg, :;i the ii-ual hours of Kale, to ? lie hi?hed bidder for csudi, ail that certain trnet uf himl in Oritugchiirg County, con taining one hundred and sixteen acres. . or le??1, and hound l>y lands of Martini Williams, .1 K Knoin*, .1. \. Wolfe and others. Levied on as property of II. I>. i ool.e, at 11io suit of ?'. a. ( ,.'<:.?>. .). Ii. I.l\ IM.STON. Jail lo -;ins :m<1 Gb ?rn by M KAKlilt K it's lo your adv. ntage, and you ran ual a look at the ScsmI before buy ing. ALMANACS, with valuable informa tion, fret to customer.;. i now selling oil' my 1 "A I.I. stock of At bOW KATKS. Also will order King*, .K-wtlry, Mlv.i aid Phi led Ware below Ki-tail I'riee-i, and attend lo Let airing of all kinds in my iiiie. \Y. I '. I Io 1 linson. A ?11 T 5 O ? K K c T. C. 1IUI5MI.L V. I I.I. ATTI.Nh t< ) TIIK H \ I KS of lhal K-;tate. Personal 1'iopcrty,' ?fcc , 1 *iil> lie or Private, business entrusted to him will he proiii plly atteiidiil io. tlian; obiirg, Sii. < a., Hce. bit i >7'.?. hoy 9.H 1.S7*.). KxoiuiUirs Administrators, Ouardinnti and Trmtee-s' are hereby notilied to in ike their Arnual Itetums t-, iIuk otliee, during ih?- month of January next, otherwise they \> il! he pioeeedeil against as the law directs; C I?, til.ON KU, Judge of I'ibliale. Ormgehiirg Cou?*v, Hee. 12, LS7?. dee ii2 4t i*H a im:s. ' The uu der i-??ii ollers'o the ptildiegen ernllyON K Tl'IOU.*? A N I? | It A I'l-.A IN K"?, j a Iai_'..- nuiiiber ??!' ckoioj iitiil trees, and a Cl.oice lot of llow?'i: of every variety. I Also, will liiako up :in;t| arrange .'lower tiardutiri. All of Hie above warranted lb give fittisfaetiou, or ho j?-y required, jnu if V.. J' >t't; :>.*. X. Tliii iindersigiietl has opi-ncd at the o'd bland, opposite Mr. .1. P. 11. fley, where lie i.i prepared t ,i ..i. kii.l.s cj' work in tin; 7lie 'JJl?cJ, sni li Ii L i11 ? Sueli as Horse ?lincing. making plows anil Uepaiiing Buggies and Wagons. All ivt in waiianttd to give -a'isa thai, ian 'j :?ii WM. II? U KI.K. < ) LTM (: i< ? F COUNTY < OMMISSIOX! RS, OKA NO Kitt'lit ! COUNTY. OuAxoKiiruis, s. C, ,J anuary 15, I SSO. Sealed bids will I e received at this <>ili<-e in til t- o'clock M. on the sixteenth (Hith) ipri , for a competent physician to furnisli inedieiue nhd ihedieal at'i'iiilauee to the iiiiiiali s ill* the Coiihiy I'our House ami jail for oiie yeai*. A hhftcl.with good surety In the 'on,unit of the lud will he required. The lowest responsible bidder \iiil he awarded the ratne. The ri>;lit lo r.jt-. t any and all hi.Is is reserved. L. II. VVAN NAM A K Kit, C. It. c. v., O. I ?. S. <"? jan 9 -Jl NEW STORK! Having recently moved into my New Store. I 'otibl b?'g leave lo in form my tild friends and the pu o??1 generally that 1 have and will cm linue to keep on hind the I'urest Drugs, Rest Paints and t )ils. Lamps nod bixtui i h, Fi tu si Cigars and Tobaccos, l'laiti and Fancy (JuiiAies, And in fact, everything usually kept in a lii.-t class DRUG Si ORE! i also occupy, with my family, the rooms over the store, and therefore will bi> able to put up prescriptions at any ami all hours during the night, ee bell Oll ii on t door. A. C. DDK KS, M. 1>. oct :tl 1871? ly A LIIANC i?K 1HJSINKSS The undersigned would respectful ly inform tlx- citizens of this ami adjoining Counties , that helms given up merchandizing in onh r i<> giv? his w i (>'e nttention lo fok LS A I i [vET Will arrive the coming week a huge lot of line Harness nml Saddle IIORSKS w! ich will be oil", red at very reasonab'c puice.s. Having tnaiij yinrs experience in the above business I leid coiiiideut of liivni}! lull mlishulion lo every oiie who favors me with their patronage, W. M. SAIN, At ibo Old Stand. Farming Implements! Ci nd-ting of PLOW STO< KS, PLOWS, HOES, SItOVELS, SPADES, &o. And a complete Stock of TT \ f> IY\lk7" A T>T? GUNS. PISTOLS, CUTLERY, FOWLER JtLyrx i v J ) VY /Il IV1% shot, caps, CARrtiiDttESj &c. p@y All of the ab?ve OOODS will lie cold at OLD PRICKS notwithstanding tho recent AwVANOE on all article in the above doc. ALSO The Light Running Remington SeWig Machine The REST and the CHEAPEST Sewing Machine manufactured. 1J V; Lo i l 'i 11 LT of all kirn'; in my line done at the tdiortest possible notiVSfn jan 1.0; is80. V. G. CANNON, of GEO. H. CORNELSON Tbc UNDERSRiNED would respectfully infornl tlie P?RLlC that he is everr day rbceiying WjA ISO90 AE)l)ITiO\S To his already LABOE STO< K. in a'l the di lie rent HKAXCHKS. and that the same will bedi.-posed of at his old ".MOTH >," "I.AliOK SA LF.S and SMALL PROFITS." I nut also receiving now nt-tl have in Store, the following popular BRANDS cf Manures : ETI WAN CUANO, ATLANTIC FERTILISER, ATLANTIC ACID, KAM IT or POTASH H A LT Which will be sold at L )\VBif 1*14!< KS. I h.ivr -'m been appointed .IOKNT for ii 1\ A very's & Sens, Louisville, Ky. (The I.AUOEST PLOW ! W LGOX >2 * xwa CTOKY ?n World) nnd have received a lol of dor ON! . T ? : i r- |ven. OKO. St* .\KJiSO.\. SRIGGXffANN'S RESTAURANT TWO POORS KA^TMi' i> I: SMOAK & O? Constantly on hand rhu I'm est Brands of 'LIQUORS AND CIGARS Re?ta rant w li.iways supplied with JFresIi Oys ters Fi-.-vt 3 Of Ham and 12 g *:S 2?o & iii.ti .i! Ihcl e-vciy thing Lvse the Market a (Pohls, and served up in the very he*st Stylo o i the -It iruitl ii ?tic.?, A. M. BRIGGrMANN, 1S70 ly o< t WHIT TUEV QAV MAI [Ml Mi TEi AT f*iA*-ti ^ie*?' gM ?Baa : L, '1IEA DQCARTKRH 1? b291 Fancy and Staple Dry Goods! [laving greatly increased W. ? usually Stock, rill the Novelties id dhl.SS ooods, a Laruc Variety of'Black ami Colored Otlsh nil resj Lii-tr and Suitings. STRONG POINTS Tint ! i n ?!?] MM'i !: Iiit is a] nwed, and iiny Ollilcl cnn trade withal n.uch Contidcnco ns an experienced Shopper. Our Line of CLOAKS ami holm A US to whi eh we invite the \uspcctioii of the Ladies. A WORD TO THE WISE ! in -cartdi of good Shoos or Boots, just take a look at my Stock ot Philadelphia Hand-mnde. i he Selection ol' this Stock was made with the view of ti11u" < very Demand, the various Tastes, and prices from 23 cents a Lair up. BULLDOZING WONT WIN! AH we nsk Voting Man i.< lor you to look til our Suits of CLOTHING, Medium and Line. OurSIUnil Won! ('assaniere Suits is the ??1JSS? Alsoa Large Assortment of Chil dren and Boys School and Dress HENRY KOHN Agem for BiriTKRICK'S. RKRFFXT PATTERNS. White Shuttle Sewing Machine Runs Lighter. Wears Longer, Runs Faster, Sews Detter, Ncrer Fails, nl1 ways Beady, Bosl Made, Besl Material, nil working parts being Case* Hardened, an 1 a Written tJunran'eo under the Seal oi tho Company given lor 5 Years with ev< ry Machine. DON'T YOU FORGET IT! We I < in estoii 1 to inj'.* Fulvous and I'lieu la a Cordial Invitation td I I EN BY KOHN DRY (iOODS BAZAAR, 4o Head Horses Jl'ST AI! IVKI? V I E. P. Slater's StaMos Tho above Stock :i< FIN:?? ever brought into tiiis State, and will 1)0 mM at vi i v reasonable prie*s. The public in respect fully invited to call and examine the same. 15. Fi SLATER. I Knowltoii & Lathrop, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS A T I j A W i 015 A \(i KBI! RG? S. C nov 'Ml tf 1 t< >A I ? J >. Mm. ?1 Oakman, having occupied tho commodious residence of Capt. r. II. W Urigginann on Amelia street, ; will accom modate a few Boarder?, ltatc* rc?s?n&bli and satisfaction fjunrnntoed?